cheetah mobile是什么sim有什么装备

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酷安点评:猎豹模拟器的介绍里有一点写的不太对,这个游戏因为没有数据包,所有的游戏内容都压在了这个比较小的体积的安装包里,所以画面即便是在远处看,那个贴图都是有点惨的。不过这个模拟器的游戏内容确实是非常充实,实在是太棒了。 点评来自 @zesty
软件名称:猎豹模拟器:Cheetah Sim
软件大小:43.04 M
开发者:Gluten Free Games
android.permission.INTERNET访问网络 访问网络连接,可能产生GPRS流量
+ 真实模拟 - 如果你要在这个充满敌意的非洲热带草原活下去的话,你需要保证你的生命值、饥饿值、口渴值以及能量值!
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+ 哺育幼子 - 寻找你的伴侣并养育你自己的小猎豹!等到你的小豹子逐渐成长并变得更有力,它们就可以和你一起猎杀你的敌人!
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+ 大型三维环境 - 你的猎豹将可以自由的在大型开放环境里奔驰,面积大小甚至有之前的模拟器的两倍那么大!
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喜欢这个游戏的还喜欢Cheetah | African Wildlife Foundation
What We Do&&Cheetah
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Conservation Status:
Population has decreased
over the last 18 years
adults remain in the wild
of cubs die within months
Quick Facts
Scientific name
Acinonyx jubatus
110 to 140 lb.
30 in. at the shoulder
10 to 20 years
Open plains
90 to 95 days
Eagles, humans, hyenas, lions
The cheetah's habitat has been reduced by 76%, and they occur widely but sparsely in the regions they still inhabit. Southern and Eastern Africa are strongholds for cheetah populations.
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Physical Characteristics
Cheetahs have long, slim, a small, rounded hea special pads on i and a long tail for balance. It is also the only cat that cannot retract its claws, an adaptation to help maintain traction like a soccer player’s cleats. It also bears distinctive black "tear tracks" running from the inside corner of each eye to the mouth, which may serve as an anti-glare mechanism for daytime hunting.
Behavior & Diet
Cheetahs usually prey on small antelopes such as Thomson's gazelles and impalas, but they also hunt small mammals and birds. The cheetah gets as close to the prey as possible, then in a burst of speed, it tries to outrun its quarry. Once the cheetah closes in, it knocks the prey to the ground with its paw and suffocates the animal with a bite to the neck. Once a cheetah has made a kill, it eats quickly and keeps an eye out for scavengers—lions, leopards, hyenas, vultures, and jackals will steal from this timid predator.
The cheetah is basically a solitary animal. At times, a male will accompany a female for a short while after mating, but most often, the female is alone or with her cubs. Cheetah mothers spend a long time teaching their young how to hunt. Small, live antelopes are brought back to the cubs so they can learn to chase and catch them.
Cheetahs tend to encounter conflict with farmers when loss of their natural prey leads them to attack livestock, and farmers kill them, as pests, in retaliation.
As human populations grow and expand, agriculture, roads, and settlements destroy the open grasslands that cheetahs favor.
We engage communities living near cheetahs to create sustainable solutions for agricultural and settlement growth by providing incentives and training on best practices. This allows for both cheetahs and farmers to have space in which to live without encroaching on one another.
African Wildlife Foundation provides both proactive and reactive strategies to prevent human-wildlife conflict. We work with local communities to construct bomas&enclosures for livestock that protect them from cheetahs. We also provide consolation funding to farmers who have lost livestock to cheetah predation. This allows farmers to replace lost livestock, with the assurance that they will not retaliate against cheetahs.
With your help, AWF can work on critical projects like sustainable agriculture solutions and boma construction that benefit both communities and vulnerable species. Donate for a cause that will help with wildlife conservation and ensure the cheetah does not become an endangered species.
Connecting two invaluable ecosystems
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Community-wide protection of Zambia’s wildlife
Historically, wildlife roamed freely around the Sekute Chiefdom in southern Zambia. But, in recent...
A tourist destination that benefits animals and people.
A need to protect Africa’s largest elephant population.
The Kazungula District of Zambia, the location of the Sekute Chiefdom,
Creating common ground for communities and carnivores
A critical location for Africa’s top predators.
Across the continent, Africa’s large carnivores are facing an uncertain future. Lions, cheetahs and African wild dogs have all...
Reason #53 to get involved
With loss of habitat and prey, carnivores&like cheetahs and wild dogs&are hunting community livestock. As a result, farmers are forced to kill these species. African Wildlife Foundation needs support training scouts and funding bomas to protect livestock as well as negotiating buffer zones for wildlife.
On 30 April, the Kenyan government, with sponsorship from the African Wildlife Foundation, will destroy 105 tons of ivory and 1 ton of...
Did you know?
The name cheetah comes from an Indian word meaning &spotted one.&
Get Involved
Join African Wildlife Foundation as a member for just $25. Your partnership is vital to our mission to protect Africa’s most precious - and imperiled - creatures.
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Our 16-month calendar with stunning photos of African wildlife
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The pride that you are making a difference for Africa’s wildlife, wild lands and community.}


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