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有没有用iPad做音乐的? &(&8&)
15-10-3 11:49
iPad mini 的屏幕大小对于音乐应用(logic remote garageband)来说是不是够用,现在纠结要买iPad air2 还是iPad mini。有没有实际使用的经验?
15-10-3 11:50
15-10-3 11:55
15-10-3 12:26
非要用ipad的话就等ipad pro吧
15-10-3 12:49
13寸的ipad pro用cubase行
不过还是没有surface pro 4上用sonar牛逼
15-10-3 13:26
不知道用平板现场用cubase或者别的音序器放音乐 可否行的通
15-10-3 13:38
iPad Pro 那个价格已经不叫效率工具了,但是花那个价钱买来又不能当做一个主力设备,13寸也不是特别大到头来还是一个大号的midi控制器。
15-10-3 13:43
13寸的ipad pro用cubase行
不过还是没有surface pro 4上用sonar牛逼
iOS 的应用也就做辅助工具很适合,如果iOS能有Windows那么有效率买个iPad Pro还是很划算的。
15-10-3 16:14
有,简单的项目用 GarageBand for iOS,但是具体的细致操作在 iOS 等小屏幕设备上运行还是不太合适。
1. 性能需求:不少影音编辑处理,要求足够高性能的硬件,足够大的内存,足够大的显示屏(老迈深有体会:无论是否用惯了 17 英寸的,以键鼠触控板操作的 15.4 英寸显示屏都感觉不够大)。
2. 精准要求:再纤细的手指都比光标大了许多,精准操作在无论多大的显示屏都不易确保。
3. 舒适要求:无论多大的显示屏,呈一定角度竖/斜立或是平放,手在触控屏上操作,屏幕越大手部动作越多及移动行程越大,容易疲累(尤其触控屏竖/斜立时)。
&&&&&& &&&&& &&&&&&
&&&&&& &&& &&&
主题数: 323202, 帖子数: 3115774,
最后是问答时间。问:Cubasis for iPad如何下下载?多钱?答:,美国区价格49.99美元,中国区价格329人民币。问:我如何扩展Cubasis for iPad来使用更多的插件?答:这货不支持VST插件,虽然目前已经有一个iPad上的Auria号称支持VST效果器,但其实也是经过修改后的VST,而且只有跟他们合作的厂商才会通过“应用内购买”的方式让你得到更多的VST效果器,也不是说你自己手里的VST就可以用。当然不排除Steinberg未来针对iPad开发插件格式,或直接由VST转换而来,但现在至少还不现实。你能用的就是内置的70个来自HALion Sonic的70多个音色,当然loop你可以自己导入进来用。问:我如何导入素材来用?答:方法有三:
通过WiFi Server,用电脑无线上传素材到iPad里
通过iTunes File Sharing,将iPad无线或有线连接到电脑上的iTunes,导入素材到iPad里
先打开另外一个支持AudioCopy的应用,将其中的一个声音素材复制一下,然后打开Cubasis for iPad,利用AudioPaste将声音素材粘帖到素材库里问:我如何导出做好的素材或工程?答:方法有六:
通过WiFi Server,用电脑无线下载iPad里的素材到电脑里
通过iTunes File Sharing,将iPad无线或有线连接到电脑上的iTunes,导出素材到电脑
通过AudioCopy,将应用内的声音素材复制,然后打开另外一个支持AudioPaste的应用,即可将这个声音素材剪切过去使用问:导出的工程文件可以继续在Cubase上编辑吗?答:没错!这是Cubasis for iPad最大的卖点!导出的文件是cbp和cbt格式,需要Cubase 7/6.5, Cubase Artist 7/6.5, Cubase LE AI Elements 6以上版本才可读取。问:Cubase的工程可以被Cubasis for iPad读取吗?答:太异想天开了……问:可以外接MIDI键盘或音频接口吗?答:通过dock转USB的转接器,即可连接MIDI键盘或音频接口来使用,获得MIDI输入/输出和更好的回放音质与录音音质。需要注意的是MIDI键盘、MIDI接口或音频接口都必须是支持Core MIDI或Core Audio在Mac OS X系统上即插即用不需要装驱动的,另外一些大型设备需要供电才能被iPad识别。问:背景音频都能干嘛?答:打开背景音频之后,让Cubasis for iPad继续在后台运行播放着的同时打开另外一个支持背景音频的iPad应用,你可以边让Cubasis for iPad回放,一边在另外一个应用里继续演奏。或反之,让另外一个应用播放的同时,回到Cubasis for iPad里继续演奏。问:网络MIDI和虚拟MIDI是啥(如下图)?
答:在MIDI音轨的设置里,MIDI输入和输出端口都可选择网络MIDI和虚拟MIDI,虚拟MIDI是让Cubasis for iPad将MIDI信息通过Core MIDI发送给同一台iPad里支持Core MIDI的虚拟MIDI的应用里(或反向接收),网络MIDI是让Cubasis for iPad将MIDI信息通过无线网络发送到局域网的其它电脑里(或反向接收)。OS X系统本身就支持无线网络MIDI,在“音频和MIDI设置”里即可找到。Windows系统。问:不支持Audiobus吗还?答:暂时还不支持,但估计未来会支持吧,谁知道。问:这玩意多大?答:需要下载的内容有197MB,相对不算特别大。问:是否支持iPod touch或iPhone?答:只支持iPad,而且不支持第一代iPad。问:音轨数有限制吗?都有哪种音轨类型?答:只有MIDI和音频音轨,数量是无限的!(但要注意复音数有限制)问:支持多台iOS设备同步的WIST技术吗?答:还不支持。问:我需要随时保存文件吗?答:其实不需要,当然保险点可以这么做,但iPad的一大优势就是“现场还原”──你退出应用的时候是啥样,下次你打开的时候还是啥样,“保存”这个上世纪的操作其实已经不再重要,因为应用在按home键退出的时候会自动保存的,下次打开时则自动打开上次保存的内容。问:操作是否流畅?会不会卡顿?答:让我非常惊讶的就是Cubasis for iPad的流畅性,各种操作和缩放都非常流畅,没任何卡顿,要知道我用的可是第二代的iPad,如果你用第四代iPad,那速度估计跟飞似的。Steinberg Makes iPhone, iPad a Powerful Remote Control for Cubase - cdm createdigitalmusic
Steinberg Makes iPhone, iPad a Powerful Remote Control for Cubase
Give Steinberg some credit. The company has been in the music production software game since the 80s, and they’ve managed to be arguably the first production tool to provide a complete picture of how mobile integration can work.
And mobile could make a big difference. Traditional computers have done more or less the same stuff that they have for years – sure, they’re quicker and more reliable, but the way of working with them remains the same. With an iPhone or iPad, you can add an easy-to-use touch interface, or load entire sessions in a format that can be easily taken on a bus or plane or reclining on a couch for a different view of your music.
Steinberg now has answers for its Cubase users for each of these roles.
With Cubasis, they’ve got a Cubase-compatible DAW that runs on the iPad. For some musicians, it’ll likely be an all-in-one solution for simple recording and arrangement. But, as we , it may also be a way to have a more mobile version of what you’re doing on your traditional Cubase setup. I can easily imagine times in a creative process when that’d be useful. Sometimes, starting a track means getting away from the computer to un-stick your creative juices. Sometimes, it’s in the middle of a project that you want to get away. And sometimes, you have to get away. (Bus from New York to Boston, you definitely aren’t unfolding your MacBook Pro. And that’s before we get to battery life problems.)
But there’s no reason the iPhone and iPad have to go to waste when your computer is on. (Bet there’s a solid chance you have one charging by your laptop or desktop right now.) There are already some nice iOS apps that unlock keyboard shortcuts. In the case of Cubase iC Pro, you get customizable shortcuts that you can set to your favorites – no memorization or fancy custom keyboards required.
There are three basic modes:
1. The Project page, which gives an overview of your session for navigation.
2. A Mixer, which you can set to up to 4 independent cue mixes
3. Customizable key commands and macros
The Project page does more than you think it might. You get transport, marker settings, metronome settings, and also tap to tempo, but you can also zoom in and out with pinch to zoom (useful if you don’t use a trackpad or multitouch mouse).
Because the Mixer sets up to four independent cue mixes for people on headphones, it’s a perfect solution for taking an iPhone into a recording and letting musicians set levels independently. It integrates with Cubase’s Control Room environment for handling all the talkback and cue settings that in other DAWs might require a lot of setup or special hardware.
And, of course, you can set up quick triggers for commands and macros. 100 presets are provide you can choose the ones you want and set custom colors. It means some extra setup time, but could be a boon to perfectionist productivity nuts.
The simplified approach also means all of this fits comfortably on the iPhone, not just the iPad. On the other hand, it’s not an entirely-complete control solution for the iPad, so some may find other controller apps to be preferable. Given the plentiful Mackie Control-based apps out there, though (Android even has options), it seems this minimal, Cubase-integrated approach is a good start for Steinberg.
EUR 14.99 / US$16.99 in the App Store.
And yes, this is in addition to a free iC control app. It seems well worth the extra cash, though, for C iC had only transport controls and marker shortcuts in an arrange view. (Oh, and it was rather ugly. Let’s just move on.)
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