英语翻译 关于恶性循环 翻译的表达

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第一部分 病人身份[Identification]& [Name] 姓名& [Sex] 性别& [Age] 年龄& [Occupation] 职业& [Date of birth] 出生日期& [Marriage (Marital status)] 婚姻& [Race] 民族& [Place of birth (Birth place)] 籍贯& [Identification No.(code of ID card No.)] 身份证号码& [Department of work and TEL. No. (Unit and Business phone No.)] 工作单位及电话& [Home address and phone No.] 家庭住址及电话& [Post code] 邮政编码& [Person to notify (Correspondent) and phone No.] 联系人及电话& [Source (Cprovider) of history] 病史陈术者& [Reliability of history] 病史可靠程试& [Medical security (Type of payment)] 医疗费用& [Type of admission (Patient condition)] 住院类别(入院时病情)& [Medical record No.] 病历号& [Clinic diagnosis] 门诊诊断& [Date of admission (admission date)] 入院日期 [Date of record] 记录日期1、年龄的表示方法(以36岁为例)&36 years old (y/o)&Age 36&36 year-old&The age of 36&36 years of age2、性别的表示方法& [Male,♂] 男性& [Female,♀] 女性3、职业的表示方法&工人[Worker] &退休工作[Retired worker]&农民[Farmer (peasant)] &干部[Leader (cadre)]&行政人员[administrative personnel (staff)]&职员[staff member] &商人[Trader (Businessman)]&教师[Teacher] &学生[Student] &医生[Doctor]&药剂师[Pharmacist]&护士[Nurse] &军人[Soldier] &警察[Policeman]&工程师[Engineer] &技术员[Technician] &家政人员[Housekeeper]&家庭主妇[Housewife] &营业员[Assistant] &服务员[Attendant]&售票员[Conductor] 4、民族的表示方法 &汉[Han] &回[Hui] &蒙[Meng] &藏[Tibetan]&朝鲜[Korean]&美国人[American] &日本人[Japanese] &英国人[Britisher]5、医疗费用的表示方法& [Self pay (Individual medical care)] 自费& [Government insruance (Public medical care)] 公费& [Insurance] 保险& [Local insurance] 本地医保& [Non-local in surance] 外地医保& [Labor protestion care] 劳保6、婚姻状况的表示方法& [Married] 已婚 & [Single (Unmarried)] 未婚 & [Diverced] 离婚& [Widow] 寡妇 & [Widower] 鳏夫7、病史可靠程度的表示方法& [Reliable] 可靠 & [Unreliable] 不可靠& [Not entirely] 不完全可靠 & [Unobtainable] 无法获得8、住址的表示方法&[NO.3,Qing Chun Road East,Hangzhou, Zhejiang] 浙江省杭州市庆春东路3号&[XinDong Cun, Cheng Guan Town, Zhu Ji municipality, zhejiang province.] 浙江省诸暨市(县)城关镇新东村9、病史陈述者的表示方法& [Patient himself (herself)] 患者本人& [Her husband] 患者的丈夫& [His wife] 患者的妻子& [Patient`s colleague] 患者的同事& [Patient`s neighbor] 患者的邻居& [Patient`s Kin (M SSister)] 患者的亲属(父亲、母亲、儿子、女儿、兄弟、姐妹)& [Taximan] 出租车司机& [Traffic police] 交通警察10、日期的表示方法&日[10-1-/2002; Oct.1,2002; Oct.lst,2002)](美国)&日[1-10-/2002; 1 Oct.,2002; 1st of Oct.,2002)] (英国)11、住院类别的表示方法& [Emergent (Emergency call)] 急诊& [Urgent] 危重& [Elective (General)] 一般(普通)12、入院时病情的表示方法& [Stable] 稳定 & [Unstable] 不稳定& [Relative stable] 相对稳定& [Critical (Imminent)] 危重& [Fair (General)] 一般
第二部分 主诉[Chief Complaint]1、主诉的表示方法:症状+时间(Symptom+Time)&症状+for+时间如: [Chest pain for 2 hours] 胸痛2小时&症状+of+时间如: [Nausea and vomiting of three days` duration] 恶心呕吐3天&症状+时间+in duration如: [Headache 1 month in duration] 头痛1月&时间+of+症状如: [Two-day history of fever] 发热2天2、常见症状& [Fever] 发热& [Pain] 疼痛& [Edema] 水肿& [Mucocutaneous hemorrhage (bleeding)] 皮肤粘膜出血& [Dyspnea (DiReshort of breath)] 呼吸困难& [Cough and expectoration (Sputumhlegm)] 咳嗽和咯痰& [Hemoptysis] 咯血& [Cyanosis] 紫绀& [Palpitation] 心悸& [Chest discomfort] 胸闷& [Nausea (RDry Vomiting)and Vomiting] 恶心和呕吐& [Hematemesis (Vomiting of blood)] 呕血& [Hematochezia (Hemafecia)] 便血& [Diarrhea] 腹泻& [Constipation (Obstipation)] 便秘& [Vertigo (G Dizziness)] 眩晕& [Jaundice (Icterus)] 黄疸& [Convulsion] 惊厥& [Disturbance of consciousness] 意识障碍& [Hematuria] 血尿& [Frequent micturition,urgent micturition and dysuria] 尿频,尿急和尿痛& [Incontinence of urine] 尿失禁& [Retention of urine] 尿潴留(1)发热的表示方法& [Infective (Septic)fever] 感染性发热& [Non-infective (Aseptic)fever] 非感染性发热& [Dehydration (Inanition)fever] 脱水热& [Drug fever] 药物热& [Functional hypothermia] 功能性低热& [Absorption fever] 吸收热& [Central fever] 中枢性发热& [Fever type] 热型& [Continuous fever] 稽留热& [Remittent fever] 驰张热& [Intermittent fever] 间歇热& [Undulant fever] 波状热& [Recurrent fever] 回归热& [Periodic fever] 周期热& [Irregular fever] 不规则热& [Ephemeral fever] 短暂热& [Double peaked fever] 双峰热& [Fever of undetermined(unknown) origin, FUO] 不明原因发热& [Rigor (ague)] 寒战& [Chilly Sensation (Fcoldness)] 畏寒& [Ultra-hyperpyrexia] 超高热& [Hyperthermia (Aardent fever)] 高热& [Moderate fever] 中度发热& [Hypothermia (Low-subfebrile temperature)] 低热& [Become feverish (Have a temperature)] 发热& [Crisis] 骤降& [Lysis] 渐降& [Typhoid fever] 伤寒热& [Rheumatic fever] 风湿热& [Cancerous fever] 癌性发热& [Fervescence period] 升热期& [Defervescence period] 退热期& [Persistent febrile period] 持续发热期(2)疼痛的表示方法& [Backache (Back pain)] 背痛& [Lumbago] 腰痛& [Headache] 头痛& [Vasomotor headache] 血管舒缩性头痛&[Post-traumatic headache] 创伤后头痛&[Migraine headache] 偏头痛& [Cluster headache] 丛集性头痛& [Chest pain] 胸痛& [Precardial pain] 心前区痛& [Retrosternal pain] 胸骨后痛& [Abdominal pain (Stomachache)] 腹痛& [Acrodynia (pain in limbs)] 肢体痛& [Arthrodynia (Arthralgia)] 关节痛& [Dull pain] 钝痛& [Sharp pain] 锐痛& [Twinge pain] 刺痛& [Knife-like pain (Piercing pain)] 刀割(刺)样痛& [Aching pain] 酸痛& [Burning pain] 烧灼痛& [Colicky (Gcramp) pain] 绞痛& [Colic] 绞痛& [Bursting pain] 胀痛(撕裂痛)& [Hunger pain] 饥饿痛& [Tic pain] 抽搐痛& [Bearing-down pain] 坠痛& [Shock-like pain] 电击样痛& [Jumping pain] 反跳痛& [Tenderness pain] 触痛(压痛)& [Girdle-like pain] 束带样痛& [Wandering pain] 游走性痛& [Throbbing pain] 搏动性痛& [Radiating pain] 放射性痛& [Cramping pain] 痉挛性痛& [Boring pain] 钻痛& [Intense pain] 剧痛& [Writhing pain] 痛得打滚& [Dragging pain] 牵引痛& [Labor pain] 阵痛& [Cancerous pain] 癌性疼痛& [Referred pain] 牵涉痛& [Persistent pain (Unremitting pain)] 持续性痛& [Constant pain] 经常性痛& [Intermittent pain] 间歇性痛(3)水肿的表示方法& [Mucous edema (Myxedema)] 粘液性水肿& [Cardiac (Cardiogenic) edema] 心源性水肿& [Nephrotic (renal) edema] 肾源性水肿& [Hepatic edema] 肝源性水肿& [Alimentary (Nutritional) edema] 营养不良性水肿& [Angioneurotic edema] 血管神经性水肿& [Pitting] 凹陷性& [Nonpitting] 非凹陷性& [Localized (Local) edema] 局限性水肿& [Generalized edema (Anasarca)] 全身性水肿& [Hydrops] 积水& [Elephantiasic crus] 橡皮肿& [Cerebral(Brain) edema] 脑水肿& [Pulmonary edema (Hydropneumonia0] 肺水肿& [Hydrocephalus] 脑积水& [Edema of endoscrinopathy] 内分泌病性水肿& [Invisible (Recessive) edema] 隐性水肿& [Frank edema] 显性水肿& [Inflammatory edema] 炎性水肿& [Idiopathic edema] 特发性水肿& [Cyclical edema] 周期性水肿& [Ascites (Ahydroperiotoneum)] 腹水& [Pleural effusion (Hydrothorax)] 胸水& [Pericardial effusion (Hydropericardium)] 心包积液& [Bronchoedema] 支气管水肿& [Slight (Mild)] 轻度& [Moderate] 中度& [Serious] 重度& [Transudate] 漏出液& [Exudate] 渗出液(4)呼吸困难的表示方法& [Cardiac dyspnea] 心原性呼吸困难& [Inspiratory] 吸气性& [Expiratory] 呼气性& [Mixed] 混合性& [Obstructive] 梗阻性& [Dyspnea at rest] 静息时呼吸困难& [Dyspnea on exertion] 活动时呼吸困难& [Dyspnea on lying down] 躺下时呼吸困难& [Paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea,PND] 夜间阵发性呼吸困难& [Orthopnea] 端坐呼吸& [Asthma] 哮喘& [Cardiac asthma] 心源性哮喘& [Bronchial asthma] 支气管性哮喘& [Hyperpnea] 呼吸深快& [Periodic breathing] 周期性呼吸& [Tachypnea (Rapashort of breath)]气促& [Bradypnea (Slow breathing)] 呼吸缓慢& [Irregular breathing] 不规则呼吸(5)皮肤粘膜出血的表示方法& [Bleeding spots in the skin] 皮肤出血点& [Petechia] 瘀点& [Eccymosis] 瘀斑& [Purpura] 紫癜& [Splinter hemorrhage] 片状出血& [Oozing of the blood (Errhysis)] 渗血& [Blood blister (Hemophysallis)] 血疱& [Hemorrhinia (Nasal bleeding)] 鼻衄& [Ecchymoma] 皮下血肿(6)咳嗽与咯痰的表示方法& [Dry cough (Nhacking cough)] 干咳& [Sharp cough] 剧咳& [Wet cough (Moist cough)] 湿咳& [Productive cough (Loose cough)] 排痰性咳& [Chronic cough] 慢性咳嗽& [Irritable cough] 刺激性咳嗽& [Paroxysmal cough] 发作性(阵发性)咳嗽& [Cough continually] 持续性咳嗽& [Spasmodic cough] 痉挛性咳嗽& [Whooping cough] 百日咳& [Winter cough] 冬季咳& [Wheezing cough] 喘咳& [Short cough] 短咳& [Distressed cough] 难咳& [Shallow cough] 浅咳& [Droplet] 飞沫& [Frothy sputum] 泡沫样痰& [Bloody sputum] 血痰& [Mucous (Mucoid) sputum] 粘液样痰& [Purulent sputum] 脓痰& [Mucopurulent sputum] 粘液脓性痰& [White (Yellow,green) sputum] 白(黄,绿)痰& [Fetid (Foul) sputum] 恶臭痰& [Iron-rust (Rusty) sputum] 铁锈色痰& [Chocolate coloured sputum] 巧克力色痰& [Thick sputum] 浓痰& [Thin sputum] 淡痰& [Viscous sputum] 粘痰& [Transparent sputum] 透明痰& [Much (Large amounts of) sputum] 大量痰& [Moderate amounts of sputum] 中等量痰& [Not much (Small amounts of ) sputum] 少量痰(7)内脏出血的表示方法& [Goldstein&s hemoptysis]戈耳斯坦氏咯血& [Massive hematemesis]大量呕血& [Epistasis (NN Hrhinorrhagia)]鼻衄& [Hematuria] 血尿& [Initial hematuria] 初血尿& [Idiopathic hematuria] 特发性血尿& [Painless hematuria] 无痛性血尿& [Terminal hematuria] 终末性血尿& [Gross (Macroscopic) hematuria] 肉眼血尿& [Microscopic hematuria] 镜下血尿& [Hematuria in the whole process of urination] 全程血尿& [Gingival bleeding (Ugum bleeding)] 牙龈出血& [Hematochezia] 便血& [Bloody stool] 血便& [Black stool (Melena)] 黑便& [Tarry stool] 柏油样便& [Bleeding following trauma] 外伤后出血& [Spontaneous bleeding] 自发性出血& [Bleeding Continuously] 持续出血& [Occult blood,OB] 隐血& [Hematobilia] 胆道出血& [Hemathorax] 血胸& [Hemarthrosis] 关节积血& [Hematocoelia] 腹腔积血& [Hematoma] 血肿& [Hemopericardium] 心包积血& [Cerebral hemorrhage] 脑出血& [Subarachnoid hemorrhage(SAH)] 蛛网膜下腔出血& [Excessive (Heavy) menstrual flow with passage of clots] 月经量多伴血块& [Mild (Moderate) menses] 月经量少(中等)& [Painless Vaginal bleeding] 无痛性阴道出血& [Postcoital bleeding] 性交后出血& [Pulsating bleeding] 搏动性出血& [Post-operation wound hemorrhage] 术后伤口出血& [Excessive bleeding after denal extraction] 拔牙后出血过多(8)紫绀的表示方法& [Congenital cyanosis] 先天性紫绀& [Enterogenous] 肠源性& [Central] 中枢性& [Peripheral] 周围性& [Mixed] 混合性& [Acrocyanosis] 指端紫绀(9)恶心与呕吐的表示方法& [Vomiturition (Retching)] 干呕& [Feel nauseated] 恶心感& [Postprandial nausea] 饭后恶心& [Hiccup] 呃逆& [Sour regurgitation] 返酸& [Fecal (Stercoraceous) vomiting] 吐粪& [undigested food Vomiting] 吐不消化食物& [Bilious Vomiting] 吐胆汁(10)腹泻与便秘的表示方法& [Moning diarrhea] 晨泻& [Watery (Liquid)diarrhea] 水泻& [Mucous diarrhea] 粘液泻& [Fatty diarrhea] 脂肪泻& [Chronic (Acute)] 慢性(急性)& [Mild diarrhea] 轻度腹泻& [Intractable (Uncontrolled)diarrhea] 难治性腹泻& [Protracted diarrhea] 迁延性腹泻& [Bloody stool] 血梗& [Frothy stool] 泡沫样便& [Formless (Formed)stool] 不成形(成形)便& [Loose (Hard) stool] 稀(硬)便& [Rice-water stool] 米泔样便& [Undigested stool] 不消化便& [Dysenteric diarrhea] 痢疾样腹泻& [Inflammatory diarrhea] 炎症性腹泻& [Osmotic] 渗透性& [Secretory] 分泌性& [Malabsorption] 吸收不良性& [Lienteric] 消化不良性& [Pancreatic diarrhea] 胰性腹泻& [Tenesmus] 里急后重& [Pass a stool (H open or relax the bowel)] 解大便& [Have a call of nature] 便意& [Fecal incontinence (Copracrasia)] 大便失禁& [Functional constipation] 功能性便秘& [Organic constipation] 器质性便秘& [Habitual constipation] 习惯性便秘& [Have a tendency to be constipated] 便秘倾向(11)黄疸的表示方法& [Latent (occult) jaundice] 隐性黄疸& [Clinical jaundice] 显性黄疸& [Nuclear icterus] 核黄疸& [Physiologic icterus] 生理性黄疸& [Icterus simplex] 传染性黄疸& [Toxemic icterus] 中毒性黄疸& [Hemolytic] 溶血性& [Hepatocellular] 肝细胞性& [Obstructive] 阻塞性& [Congenital] 先天性& [Familial] 家族性& [Cholestatic] 胆汁淤积性& [Hematogenous] 血源性& [Malignant] 恶性& [Painless] 无痛性(12)意识障碍的表示方法& [Somnolence] 嗜睡& [Confusion] 意识模糊& [Stupor] 昏睡& [Coma] 昏迷& [Delirium] 谵妄& [Syncope ( faint)] 晕厥& [Drowsiness] 倦睡(13)排尿的表示方法& [Enuresis (Bed-wetting)] 遗尿& [Anuria] 无尿& [Emiction interruption] 排尿中断& [Interruption of urinary stream] 尿线中断& [Nocturia] 夜尿& [Oliguria] 少尿& [Polyuria] 多尿& [Pass water (M micturition)] 排尿& [Frequent micturition (Freq Pollakiuria)] 尿频& [Urgent micturition (Urgency of urination or micturition)] 尿急& [Urodynia (P micturition pain)] 尿痛& [Dysuria (Diffi disturbance of micturition)] 排尿困难& [Small urinary stream] 尿线细小& [Void with a good stream] 排尿通畅& [Guttate emiction (Dribblingterminal dribbling)] 滴尿& [Bifurcation of urination] 尿流分叉& [Residual urine] 残余尿& [Extravasation of urine] 尿外渗& [Stress incontinence] 压力性尿失禁& [Overflow incontinence] 溢出性尿失禁& [Paradoxical in continence] 反常性尿失禁3.少见症状& [Weekness( D debilitating)] 虚弱(无力)& [Fatigue (T lassitude)] 疲乏& [Discomfort (I malaise)] 不适& [Wasting ( lean)] 消瘦& [Night sweating] 盗汗& [Sweat (Perspiration)] 出汗& [Cold sweat] 冷汗& [Pruritus (Iching)] 搔痒& [Asthma] 气喘& [Squeezing (T pressing) sensation of the chest] 胸部紧缩(压榨)感& [Intermittent claudication] 间歇性跛行& [Difficulty in swallowing( D
acataposis)] 吞咽困难& [Epigastric (Upper abdominal) discomfort] 上腹部不适& [Anorexia (Sitophobia)] 厌食& [Poor appetite (Loss of appetite)] 纳差& [Heart-burn( Pyrosis)] 胃灼热& [Stomachache( Pain in stomach)] 胃部痛& [Periumbilial pain] 脐周痛& [Belching (Eructation)] 嗳气& [Sour regurgitation] 返酸& [Abdominal distention(bloating)] 腹胀& [Pass gas( Break wink)] 肛门排气& [Small(Large) stool] 大便少(多)& [Expel(Pass) worms] 排虫& [Pain over the liver] 肝区痛& [Lumbago] 腰痛& [Pica(P allotriophagy)] 异食癖& [Dysmenorrhea] 痛经& [Menoxenia (Irregular menstruation)] 月经不调& [Polymenorrhea (Epimenorrhea)] 月经过频& [Oligomenorrhea] 月经过少& [Excessive menstruation (M hypermenorrhea)] 经量过多& [Hypomenorrhea (Scantymenstruation)] 经量过少& [Menopause (M menostasis)] 绝经& [Amenorrhea (Menoschesis)] 闭经& [Leukorrhagia] 白带过多& [Asexuality (lack of libido)] 无性欲& [Hyposexuality] 性欲低下& [Hypersexuality] 性欲亢进& [Prospermia (Ejaculatio praecox)] 早泄& [Impotency (impotence)] 阳萎& [Nocturnal emission (Spermatorrhea)] 遗精& [Lack of potency] 无性交能力& [Hair loss] 脱发& [Joint pain (A arthrodynia)] 关节痛& [Polydipsia (Excessive thirst)] 多饮(烦渴)& [Polyphagia (E bulimia)] 多食& [Cold (Heat) intolerance] 怕冷(热)& [Dwarfism (Excessive height)] 身材矮小(高大)& [Excessive sweating] 多汗& [Hands tremble] 手抖& [Obesity (Fatty)] 肥胖& [Agitation (Anervous irritability)] 焦虑(忧虑)& [Mania] 躁狂& [Hallucination] 幻觉& [Aphasia (Logopathy)] 失语& [Amnesia (Pmemory deterioration)] 记忆力下降& [Hemianesthesia] 偏身麻木& [Formication] 蚁走感& [Tingling] 麻刺感& [Hyperpathia] 痛觉过敏& [Hypalgesia] 痛觉减退& [Illusion] 错觉& [Hemiplegia] 半身不遂& [Insomnia (Psleeplessness)] 失眠& [Nightmare] 多梦& [Numbness] 麻木& [Pain in limbs (Acrodynia)] 肢体痛& [Limitation of motion] 活动受限& [Tetany] 手足抽搐& [Discharge of pus] 流脓& [Blurred vision(H dimness of vision)]视物模糊& [Burning (Dry) sensation] 烧灼(干燥)感& [Tearing (DLacrimation)] 流泪& [Double vision (Diplopia)] 复视& [Strabismus] 斜视& [Hemianopia] 偏盲& [Tired eyes (Eyestrain)] 眼疲劳& [Foreign body sensation] 异物感& [Lose the sight (Lose of vision)] 失明& [Diminution of vision] 视力减退& [Nictition] 眨眼& [Ophthalmodynia (Eye-ocular pain)] 眼痛& [Photophobia] 畏光& [Spots before the eyes] 眼前黑点& [Deafness(Anacusia)] 耳聋& [Auditory dysesthesia] 听力减退& [Otalgia (Oear-ache)] 耳痛& [Stuffy feeling in the ear] 耳闭气& [Tinnitus] 耳鸣& [Outophony] 自声过强& [Nasal obstruction (blockage)] 鼻塞& [Dryness of the nose] 鼻干燥& [Rhinorrhea (SNasal discharge)] 流鼻涕& [Sneezing] 打喷嚏& [Snoring] 打鼾& [Hyposmia (Reduction of the sense of smell)] 嗅觉减退& [Anosmia (Complete loss of sense of smell)] 嗅觉丧失& [Dysphonia] 发音困难& [Hoarseness] 声嘶& [Pain on swallowing] 吞咽痛& [Saliva dribblies from the mouth] 流涎& [Troaty voice] 声音沙哑& [Stridor] 喘鸣& [Red and swollen] 红肿& [Scurf] 头皮屑& [Show] 见红& [Amniotic fluid escaped] 破水& [Uterine contraction] 宫缩& [Acalculia] 计算不能& [Apathy] 情感淡漠& [Delusion] 妄想
第三部分 现病史[History of present illness (HPI/PI)]现病史书写的重点包括:一、主诉中症状的详细描述;二、疾病的发展过程;三、诊疗经过;四、目前的一般情况。1、诱因&无诱因下[With no inducing factors]&无明显诱因下[Under no obvious predisposing causes]&感冒一周后[After getting (catching) common cold for 1 week]2、症状出现的叙述&有&&症状&suffer from& have an attack of& have(fell) & begin to fell& a feeling (sensation) of&&& complain (of)& &&sensation (feeling) in (of) &&& [发热]have a temperature (become feverish)&在&&情况下发生& 活动时呼吸困难[dyspnea on exertion]& 躺下后即出现咳嗽[Cough occurs soon after lying]&与&&有(无)关& 与&&有关[be associated with]& 与&&有关[have (make) relation to]& 与&&无关[have (make)no relation to]&在&&情况下加重(减轻)& 餐后加重[become worse after taking meals]& 站立后缓解[be relieved by standing up]& 随呼吸和咳嗽而加重[become more severe with breathing and cough]&伴有&&& be accompanied by
3、起病方式&急性腹痛[acute abdominal pain]&慢性低热[chronic lower fever]&暴发性发病[the onset was fulminating]&骤起胸痛[an explosive onset of chest pain]&突然起病伴高热[the onset was sudden with high fever]&突发突止[attacks began and ended abruptly]&因&&而突然起病[the attack is precipitated by&&]&很快发生晕厥[syncope occured rapidly]&逐渐出现咳嗽咳痰[gradual onset of cough and sputum]&偶而[occasionally (sporadically, accidentally)]&反复胸闷心悸[recurrent (bouts of) chest discomfort and palpitation]&一过性发作[transitory attack]&连续胸痛[chest pain continually]&时重时轻[waned and waxed]&时好时坏[hang in the balance]&不停地咳嗽[have a fit of cough]&发作性呼吸困难[paroxysmal short of breath]&频繁咳嗽[cough frequently (very often)]&持续性(间歇性)[persistent (intermittent)]&频发胸痛[frequent episodes of chest pain]&持续不变[be steady]4、病情变化描述&[症状好转] &fell better than before&take a favorable turn&take a turn for the better&improve&make favorable progress&turn for the better&change for the better&be better&[症状减轻] &alleviate&reduce&palliate&diminish&ease(lighten)&mitigate&[症状消失] &disappear&subside&regress&clear up&vanish&dissolve&die (fade) away&relieve&[症状加重] &be (make,become,get) worse&worsen&become more severe&take a turn for the worse&be aggravated&increase in severity&take a bad turn&make (become) more serious&make (become) heavier&[无变化] &remain the same as&&&continue without change&be identical&be alike&be similar&resemble&[时好时坏] &wane and wax&hang in the balance&[体温/血压升降]& 升至[rise (go up) to ]& 已升至[have risen (gone up) to ]& 从&&升至&&[go up from && to&&]& 升至[be elevated to]& 迅速下降[fall (decline, abate) abruptly]& 骤降(升)[sudden drop (elevation)]& 渐降(升)[fall (elevate) gradually]& 缓慢下降[slow crisis (lysis) of ]& 一天天下降[be (become) lower day by day]& 开始降低[begin to remit]& 降至正常[drop (was reduced) to normal]& 已降至[have gone down (dropped) to]& 回复到正常[return (revert) to normal]& 由&&降(升)至&&[fall (elevate) from&&to&&]& 维持在&&水平[maintain at a level of&&]& 稳定在&&[stabilize at&&]& 热退了[fever disappeared]& 不超过[do not go up over (exceed)&&]& 在&&和&&之间波动[fluctuate (vary) between&&and&&]& 在&&至&&范围内[range from&&to&&]& 平均38.5℃[an average temperature of 38.5℃]& 有39.2℃的体温[have fever (a temperature) of 39.2℃]5、症状的时间表示&持续 &lasted for 2 days&have gone on for 1 month&have continued for 10 hours&lasted on the average 3-5 hours&lasted a variable time from 5 minutes to several hours&lasted about half an hour&超过(不到)[move than (less than)]&&&以前[two years ago]&多在&&时发生[usually between 3 and 5 PM]&未发作过[be free of onsets (attacks) for 2 weeks]6、症状的严重程度&轻度[mild (slight)]&中度[moderate]&重度[severe (serious)]7、症状的其他描述方法&[部位] &be located (situated) in (over)[位于]&There is localized pain in&&[疼痛位于]&near&&[在&&附近]&be localized to (in, over)[局限于]&be limited (confined) to[局限于]&[表示部位的介词]&心尖部,表示小的部位或点[at the apex]&上腹部,表示大的部位[in the upper abdomen]&在左下肢,表示皮肤表面上(下)的病变[on (beneath) the left lower limb]&在右肺,表示正上方的相应体表部位[over the right lung]&嘴上(下)方,表示高低或上下的位置关系[above (below) the mouth]&左乳皮下[under the skin of the left breast]&[转移/放射]&转移到&&[shift (migrate) to&&]&放射到&&[radiate (travel,go,refer)to&&]&从&&放射到&&[radiate from&&to&&]&[耳鼻咽喉及口腔症状]&耳痛[otalgia (pain of ears)]&耳鸣[tinnitus (ears ring)]&耳鸣[a buzzing (ringing,singing) in the ears]&左耳有耳鸣感[a buzzing sensation in the left ear]&耳聋[deafness (loss in hearing)]&左耳聋[be deaf of the left ear]&耳流脓[otorrhea (otopyorrhea)]&耳出血[otorrhagia]&耳垢[cerumen (earwax)]&耳血肿[othematoma]&鼻塞[nasal obstruction]&不能用鼻呼吸[be unable to breathe through (by) the nose (nasal dyspnea)]&打喷涕和流涕[sneezing and nasal discharge]&水样鼻涕[watery rhinorrhea]&鼻出血[nosebleed]&咽喉痛[sore throat]&口吃[stuttering]&口臭[ozostomia (saburra,halitosis)]&张口困难[difficult (inability) to open the mouth]&张口(吞咽、嚼)困难[difficult in opening the mouth(swallowing,masticating)]&咽下困难[dysphagia]&流涎多[have excessive salvation]&[眼科及牙科症状]&眼睑浮肿[eyelid edema]&眼痛[pain in the eyes]&视边模糊[blurring of vision (blurred vision)]&过度流泪[excessive tearing (watering)]&视疲劳[asthenopia (visional tired)]&视力减退[hypopsia (diminution of vision)]&视力衰弱[ophthalmocopia]&远(近)视力模糊[indistinct distant (near) vision]&失明[loss of vision]&搏动性牙痛[throbbing pain of tooth (odontalgia)]&牙龈出血[gingival bleeding]&牙龈萎缩(增生)[gingival atrophy(hypertrophy)]&牙周溢脓[peripyema]&[妇产科症状]&月经过多[excessive menstrual flow (menorrhagia)]&月经多并伴血块[experience menorrhagia with passage of clots]&经量少(中等、多)[mild (moderate,heavy) menses]&月经过少[hypomenorrhea]&阴道出血[vaginal bleeding(colporrhagia)] &阴道大出血[massive (profuse) vaginal bleeding]&无痛性(性交后)阴道出血[painless(postcoital) vaginal bleeding]&阴道干燥[colpoxerosis]&月经规则(不规则)[rugular (irregular) menstrual cycle]&月经周期26天,持续4天[menstrual periods of 26 days and lasted 4 days]&白带增多[leukorrhagia (profuse leukorrhea or whites)]&外阴搔痒[pruritus of vulva]&外阴湿疹(白斑)[eczema (leukoplakia) of vulva]&绝经[amenorrhea]&停经[menopause]&停经3年[3 years post menopausal]&50岁停经[Passed menopause at age 50]&经前(期)痛[pain before (during) the flow]&预产期[expected date of confinement]&见红和破水[show and amniotic fluid escaped (rupture ofmembranes)]&羊水过多(少)[polyhydramnios (oligohydramnios)]&月经期水肿[menstrual edema]&月经失调[menstrual disorder]&性欲正常(减退)[normal(decreased) libido]&无性欲[loss of libido]&性功能障碍[sexual disorder]&性变态[paraphilia]&性要求高(低)[be oversexed(undersexed)]&性感不快[dypareunia]&性欲亢进(减退)[hypersexuality (hyposexuality)]&产程[stage of labor]&产程延长[prolonged labor]&产道裂伤(损伤)[laceration (injury) of birth canal]&产后腹痛(出血,尿潴留,子痫)[postpartum tormina(hemorrhage,retention of urine, eclampsia)]&产前出血[antepartum hemorrhage]&产前子痫[prenatal eclampsia]&产前检查[prenatal examination]&产褥热[puerperal fever]&产褥期护理[pureperal care]&妊娠呕吐[vomiting of pregnancy (hyperemesis gravidarum)]&妊娠反应[pregnancy reaction]&妊娠高血压(水肿)[gestation hypertension (edema)]&[病程中的一般情况]&一般情况尚可(一般、差)[general condition is fair (ordinary, bad)]&胃纳佳(差)[have a good (poor) appetite]&过度进食[eat too much (overeat, eat heavily)]&过少进食[eat poorly (take little food)]&无食欲[have no appetite]&食欲减退[appetite decreases]&口渴[feel thirsty]&大量饮水[drink water generously]&体重增加[gain in weight]&体重增加8公斤[a 8 kilograms weight gain (gain 8 kilograms)]&体重减轻[loss of weight (weight loss)]&体重稳定不变[body weight is stable (unchanged, maintained)]&睡眠障碍[somnipathy]&睡眠不足[lack (want) of sleep]&不易入睡[have trouble getting to sleep]&容易入睡[fall into a sleep very easily]&睡眠过度[hypersomnia]&睡行症[sleep walking]&嗜(贪)睡[somnolence (be fond of sleep)]&夜晚因&&而易醒[easily wakened at night because of&&]&失眠[have insomnia]&睡眠差(好)[sleep is poor (good)]&消化不良[dyspepsia (have bad digestion)]&大(小)便通畅[stool (urination) is easy and smooth(unobstructed, clear)]&每日2次大便[have two stools daily]&含粘液的水样便[watery stools coutaining mucus]&便秘(腹泻)[constipation (diarrhea)]&排尿困难[difficulty in micturition]&尿频(急)[frequency(urgency) of micturition]&尿痛[micturition pain]&少尿(无尿、多尿)[oliguria (anuria, polyuria)]&大便失禁[fecal incontinence]&小便失禁[incontinence of urine]&精神不振[lassitude]&精神紧张(抑郁)[mental stress (depression)]&精神混乱[confusion]&精神失常[amentia (mental state is bad)]&精神状态正常[orthophrenia (mental state is good)]&体力旺盛(不足,正常)[hypersthenia (hyposthenia, euthesia)]
第四部分 过去史、系统回顾和个人史(Past history, systems review and personal history)1、过去史[past history]&无药物(食物)过敏史[no past history of allergy to drugs (food )]&有青霉素过敏史[have allergic history of pencillin]&有肺结核接触史[there was contact histoy of lung tuberculosis]&2000年6月因急性阑尾切除术[Appendectomy was done in June, 2000 due to acute appendicitis]&健康状况佳(差)[health state was good (bad)]&既往体健[be well (healthy) before]&否认既往心、肺疾病史[deny any history of prior heart and lung disease]&10岁时(20年前)曾患过&&[suffered from&& at age 10(20 years ago)]&易患&&[be liable (subjuct, apt) to&&]&不详[not in detail (not quite clear)]&外伤史[rtauma history]&预防接种史[history of preventive inoculation]2、系统回顾[system review]&呼吸系统:咳嗽、咳痰、呼吸困难、胸痛、盗汗、发热[respiratory system: cough, sputum, short of breath, chest pain, night sweeting, fever.]&循环系统:心悸、胸痛、气促、咳嗽和咯血、水肿、晕厥、头晕[Circulatory system: palpitation, chest pain, short of breath, cough and hemoptysis, edema, syncope, dizziness.]&消化系统:嗳气、返酸、腹胀、腹痛、腹泻、恶心和呕吐[alimentary system: belching, sour regurgitation, abdominal distension, abd. pain, diarrhea, nausea and vomiting.]&泌尿系统:排尿困难、尿频和尿急、尿痛、腹痛、水肿[urinary system: difficulty in micturition, frequency and rugency of micturition, painful micturition, abdominal pain, edema.]&造血系统:乏力、头晕、心悸、出血[hematopoietic system:fatigue, dizziness, palpitation, bleeding.]&内分泌系统:心悸、怕热、多汗、烦渴、水肿、手抖、消瘦和肥胖[endocrine system: palpitation, heat intolerance, excessive sweeting, polydipsia, edema, hand tremble, wasting and obesity.]&神经系统:头痛、晕厥、头晕和眩晕、失眠、偏瘫、失语[nervous system: headache, coma, dizziness and vertigo, insomnia, hemiplegia, aphasia.]&运动系统:关节痛、麻木、跛行、瘫痪[motor system: joint pain, numbness, claudication, paralysis.]3、个人史[personal history]&出生于(出生地)[was born in (birthplace)]&出生后一直生活[have lived in&&(there) since birth]&曾(未曾)去过北方[have (deny having) been to the north]&受教育程度(文盲、小学、中学、大学)[educational level (illiterate, primary, middle, high grade)]&业余爱好[hobby (be fond of, be keen of, interest)]&从事&&职业[be engaged in]&卫生习惯和嗜好[health habit and special addiction]&不洁性交(性行为)史[history of unclean coitus (sexual behavior)]&不吸烟[ no smoking(not a smoker)]&吸烟20年,每天2包[have smoked two packages of cigarette a day for 20 years]&戒烟[give up (stop) smoking]&戒烟[smoking abstinence (withdrawal)]&不饮酒[no alcohol use]&偶而少量饮酒[drink little liquor occasionally]&过度饮酒[drink heavily (too much)]&每天饮酒0.5公斤[drink (imbibe) about 0.5 kilogram a day]&酒精性饮料[alcoholic beverage]&偏食[food preference (particular with food)]&无偏食[no likes or dislikes in food]&偏爱&&[have partiality for (showe favoritism to, be partial to, like)]
第五部分 月经、婚姻、生育史和家族史Menstrual, marrital and childbearing history and family history]1、月经史[menstrual history]&初潮年龄[age of menarche]&月经周期[menstrual cycle]&行经期[menstrual period]&未次月经时间[last menstrual period (LMP)]&闭经年龄[age of menostasis]&白带过多[profuse leukorrhea (whites)]&月经过多[menorrhagia (hypermenorrhea, menometrorrhagia)]&月经过少[hypomenorrhea (scantymenstruation)]&月经过频[polymenorrhea]&月经稀发[oligomenorrhea]&月经不调[menoxenia (irregular menses, menstrual disorder)]&月经正常[eumenorrhea (regular menses)]&经前水肿(疼痛)[premenstrual edema (pain)]&经量少(中、大)量[mild (moderate, heavy) meustrual blood]&痛经[dysmenorrhea (pain during the flow)]&36岁就停经了[pass the menopause at age 36]2、婚姻史[marrital history]&未婚(已婚)[single (married)]&结婚年龄[age of wedding]&配偶的健康状况[health status of partner (spouse)]&性生活和谐(不和谐)[sexual life is harmonious (disorder)]&夫妻关系和睦(不和睦)[relation of husband and wife is amicable (hostile)]&近亲(非近亲)结婚[consanguineous (nonconsanguineous) marriage]3、生育史[childbearing history]&妊娠(生育)次数和年龄[times and age of pregnancy (childbearing)]&怀孕和生产次数[pregnancies and labors]&人工(自然)流产次数[times of induced (spontaneous) abortion (miscarriage)]&流产 [miscarriage(abortion)]&死胎(产)[dead fetus (birth)]&割腹产[caesarean birth (be born by caesarean section)]&子女数[number of children]&早产(儿)[premature birth (bady)]&足月产[term labor]&产褥热(感染)[puerperal fever (infection)]&计划生育[family planning (birth control)]&用避孕环(药、油膏、套、栓)避孕[contraception by intrauterine ring (contraceptives, ointment, condom, supposity)]&节育手术[contraceptive operation]&自然分娩[be delivered normally and spontaneously(spontaneous labor)]&产钳分免[forceps delivery(be delivered by forceps)&产前(后)子痫[antepartum(postpartum) eclampsia]&出生时3.5公斤重,48厘米高[3.5 kilograms and 48cm in height at birth]&母乳喂养[breast feeding (be fed at breast)]&人工喂养[artificial feeding]&发育正常[normal development]&发育异常(停顿、缺陷、畸形)[developmental anomaly(arrest,defect,deformity)]&发育迟缓(过渡)[hypoevolutism(hypergenesis)]4、家庭史[family history]&父母(兄弟,姐妹和儿女)的健康状况和疾病情况[health status and illness of parents (brothers,sisters and children)]&同样疾病[the same sickness]&遗传疾病[heredopathia (genetic disease)]&遗传特征[hereditary feature]&死因[cause of death]&健康[be healthy (be in good healthy)]&健在[be living and well]&无&&家族史[no family history of &&]&死于&&[die of&&]
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