
联系人:张先生&联系方式QQ: &联系人:张先生
代码书写规范 结构清晰 文档较为完整 系统包含android/ios版本 以及web管理系统 &
大体功能: 注册 验证码 注册协议 上传或拍摄头像 昵称定义 性别 地区 个性签名 添加好友 发送请求 请求内容 添加手机通讯录联系人 自动识别对方是否安装本app
好友搜索 新的朋友 添加提示 聊天支持表情 拍照 发送文件 地理位置共享 语音对讲 添加另一个人进入聊天 我的收藏 点击对方头像出现权限设置: 新消息提醒置顶聊天 查找聊天记录 清空聊天记录 增加另一个人进入聊天 支持群聊 操作 功能完全按照微信开发 创建群聊 选择联系人 添加进入用户 确定进入群组聊天 查找群功能 发起群聊 添加朋友 扫一扫 拍照分享 我的相册 我的收藏 设置 意见反馈
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Are you a digital retailer who travels light? Does your trade involve more time out on the field than inside your office? Then it's time to pocket your inventory and take control of your warehouse with the Zoho Inventory app on your fingertips. Configure items with a swipe of your fingers, generate sales orders & invoices with a swing of your wrist. Get paid and proceed for order fulfilment with packages & shipments while riding through the mist. Grab every opportunity that comes your way, even if you are miles & miles away, Do what you do best, make today your day, Key Features: - Get real-time updates on sales orders and items that require immediate attention.- Get instant updates on orders and items that are packed, shipped and delivered.- Continuous sync between the web app and the mobile app.
大小:15.34 MB 版本:1.1.1
- Altn gün iinde ok dümütü, keke alsaydm- Dolar bugün ok yükseldi, u fiyattan satmalydm. - Sürekli dviz sitelerini, altn forumlarn takip etmekten skldm. Zoka bu dertlerden sizi kurtarr ünkü Zoka faydal bir kur habercisidir. Gün iindeki fiyat dalgalanmalarndan annda haberiniz olur. Takip ettiiniz kurlar belirlediiniz deerin üzerine kar veya altna inerse annda bilgilendirme gelir. Ayrca gün iindeki otomatik bilgilendirmelerle dviz, altn ve bitcoin fiyatlarn yakndan takip etmi olursunuz. Zoka, fiyat güncellemelerini ok sk aralklarla 7/24 yapmaktadr.
大小:4.36 MB 版本:1.1.1
A Zoli Team mobil applikáció segít a hálózatod felépítésében, stabilizálásában.Konkrét tapasztalatokat, kipróbált eszkzket ad a leend networkerek kezébe.Segítségével minden információ a kezedben lesz a szükséges pillanatban.
大小:9.31 MB 版本:1.0
*** Teilmodul aus dem hochgelobten*** und kostengünstigen *** Finanzrechner &flexfinanz&, *** ebenfalls im AppStore erhltlich ***Der ZINSRECHNER --------------------------------------------------------------Vergleichen Sie mit unserem Zinsrechner Festgeldanlagen oder Sparplne. Zinseszins sowie Abgeltungsteuer sindintegriert. Als Vorgaben dienen eine monatl. Sparrate und/oder ein Anfangskapital. Es wird zudem bei Vorgabe eines gewünschten Zielkapitals die hierfür notwendige Sparrate ermittelt.--------------------------------------------------------------Module unseres Apps &flexfinanz&:--------------------------------------------------------------Folgende Finanztools erhalten Sie über dasApp &flexfinanz& : - Miete oder Eigentum - Zinsrechner - Tilgungsrechner* - Gehaltsrechner - Einkommensteuerrechner - Inflationsrechner - Barwertrechner - Kreditrechner - Entnahmerechner** - Tageszinsrechner - Tatschliche Rendite p.a.* auch geeignet für Baufinanzierungsberechnung** mit Kapitalverzehr/-erhaltsberechnung(Die jeweiligen Rechentools enthalten bereits die aktuellen gesetzl. Steuervorschriften)--------------------------------------------------------------Alle Module sind im AppStore auch als Einzelmodule erhltlich.--------------------------------------------------------------Das sagen unsere Anwender über unser Finanztool &flexfinanz&:- Weltklasse !!!- Spitzenklasse- Endlich !- Weiter so !
大小:720.61 KB 版本:2.43
Insbesondere bei langfristigen Darlehen hat der Kreditnehmer ohne Tilgungsplan selten einen berblick über die künftig zu leistenden Rate bzw. der künftigen Entwicklung der Restschulden.
Mit dieser App verschaffen Sie sich einen berblick!
Sie erhalten einen detaillierten Zins- und Tilgungsplan und verschaffen sich vollstndige Transparenz.
Der Zins- und Tilgungsplan wird tabellarisch, aber auch graphisch dargestellt. Welche Eingaben sind ntig? Lediglich Darlehensbetrag, Sollzins und die Tilgung (in Prozent oder in Euro) sind anzugeben. Fertig! Den Rest übernimmt der Zinsrechner für Sie. Weitere Funktionen werden sukzessive entwickelt und kostenlos über Updates zur Verfügung gestellt.########## Feedback erwünscht:Gefllt Ihnen der Zinsrechner? Dann hinterlassen Sie bitte eine positive Bewertung hier im AppStore!Strt Sie etwas? Kann man etwas besser machen? Fehlt Ihnen eine Funktion?&
大小:30.47 MB 版本:1.10
This app gives Zion Oil & Gas Inc. (NASDAQ: ZN) investors mobile access to the latest stock data, news, SEC Filings from Zion Oil & Gas Inc. as well as proprietary company content including presentations, conference calls, videos, sales and marketing collateral, fact sheets, annual reports and other qualitative company information. Investors are able to receive push notifications when new content is added to theIR add events to their calendars, share content as well as download it for offline viewing.
大小:25.43 MB 版本:7.2
ZIP Expensing is an application to assist you generate your Expense Report in a streamline manner. With its offline first architecture you can easily add a Bill details on the go to your application. Generating Reports and receiving Notifications of status is at your fingertip. ZIP expensing - upgrade to simplify
大小:3.21 MB 版本:5.0.0
This app allows you to calculate precise sales and use tax rates data using a US 5 digit Zip Code or Canadian Province abbreviation. Simply enter a valid 5 digit US zip code and get the current sales and use tax information returned to you. The county city information is based on the USPS preferred city name for that zip code.The app is FREE to download and FREE to use for limited lookup.We track the tax rates of tax jurisdictions throughout the country to provide you most accurate data.The data returned will include the following information:Zip CodeState AbbreviationCounty NameCity NameTotal Sales Tax RateTotal Use Tax RateCounty NameState Sales Tax RateState Use Tax RateCounty Sales Tax Rate County Use Tax RateCity Sales Tax RateCity Use Tax Rate Tax Shipping Alone?Tax Shipping and Handling Together?
大小:3.01 MB 版本:1.9
这是非常方便和易于使用的计算器。当你要计算你可以快速计算出。还有一个方便的功能,如消费税和折扣计算。主要功能1. 它可以是,保持并重新使用表达式是可见2. 的计算3. 折扣计算(%)***1. 它可以是,保持并重新使用表达式是可见输入你会看到公式。并以相同的次序作为数学,而不是与输入的顺序进行计算。1 + 2 × 3 = 7每次计算时间,表达和答案将留在历史上。坚决你可以看到从后计算的内容。表达和答案可重复使用。为了重复利用的答案,按历史。再利用的表情,对历史的左侧的长按显示菜单或没有解除手指跟踪。***2. 的计算并显示划分的计算结果。100 + 7.5(7.5%Tax)= 107.5 (With Tax)***3. 折扣计算(%)折扣和计算的百分比是如下。1000优惠30%?1000 - 30% = 7001000增加20%?1000 + 20% = 1200100070%?1000 × 70% = 7001000的20%呢?1000 ÷ 20% = 5000***iPhone和iPad都对应两者都在此应用程序一身的iPhone和iPad支持。 iPad的版本将按钮很容易使用和更越来越大成为历史的展示次数。***有一个付费版本和免费版本。***URL Scheme
大小:7.39 MB 版本:5.3.0
这是非常方便和易于使用的计算器。当你要计算你可以快速计算出。还有一个方便的功能,如消费税和折扣计算。主要功能1. 它可以是,保持并重新使用表达式是可见2. 的计算3. 折扣计算(%)***1. 它可以是,保持并重新使用表达式是可见输入你会看到公式。并以相同的次序作为数学,而不是与输入的顺序进行计算。1 + 2 × 3 = 7每次计算时间,表达和答案将留在历史上。坚决你可以看到从后计算的内容。表达和答案可重复使用。为了重复利用的答案,按历史。再利用的表情,对历史的左侧的长按显示菜单或没有解除手指跟踪。***2. 的计算并显示划分的计算结果。100 + 7.5(7.5%Tax)= 107.5 (With Tax)***3. 折扣计算(%)折扣和计算的百分比是如下。1000优惠30%?1000 - 30% = 7001000增加20%?1000 + 20% = 1200100070%?1000 × 70% = 7001000的20%呢?1000 ÷ 20% = 5000***iPhone和iPad都对应两者都在此应用程序一身的iPhone和iPad支持。 iPad的版本将按钮很容易使用和更越来越大成为历史的展示次数。***有一个付费版本和免费版本。
大小:7.44 MB 版本:5.2.0
Use Ziptip’s Tipper App to pay tips directly and instantly to service providers, artists, gurus or whomever. Use the Share button to share Ziptip with anyone you think will benefit from getting instant tips. Ziptip opens up tipping opportunities and allows you to discreetly and quickly pay instant tips directly to a tip recipient’s PayPal account. No longer be frustrated by lack of cash, time or tipping opportunities.Tippers set up their accounts using Ziptip’s Tipper App. When setting up your account, enter the email address you use for PayPal so your tip payments will disburse from your PayPal account.Tip recipients open their accounts at ziptip.net. While a user can be both a tipper and tip recipient, tipper and tip recipient accounts are different and were designed that way for users’ tip recipients can only receive funds.Tippers are charged 1% of each transaction by Ziptip. Tip recipients pay the nominal PayPal fee.How does it work?Using Ziptip’s Tipper App, tippers can transact a tip in one of three ways: (1) scan the unique image (qr code) a tip recipient displays most commonl or (2) enter the service provider’s ID number (also displayed as part of their unique image); or (3) enter the email address of the tip recipient. You can pay a tip to anyone using only an email address if they have a PayPal account!Input the tip amount, enter your PayPal password (at the PayPal login screen) andyour tip is instantly transacted. Set up preset tip amounts and tip even faster. Want to take your time tipping? Accept a business card from the tip recipient and tip whenever you feel like it or have the time. View recent tips paid on your phone or log into ziptip.net to see all your tipping history.All users link their Ziptip accounts to PayPal, so you know the transaction is safe. In addition, unlike big banks and credit card companies, PayPal transactions are instant. You’ll know you have paid a Tippee directly and instantly into their PayPal account (not their employer’s) and no one is in the middle of your transaction getting float from your hard earned money.Never fumble for cash again. Business travelers finally can track tips paid forexpense reports. Tip recipients receive their tips directly and instantly unlike with credit card payments. Completely confidential, just like cash. No hardware of any kind required. Simply load the free Ziptip for Tippers app and start tipping today.
大小:7.17 MB 版本:1.3.3
Ziraat Mobil ile istediiniz zaman, istediiniz yerden hzl ve güvenli ilem!Bankaclk ilemlerinizi cebinizden, bilgisayarnzn rahatlnda yapabilmeniz iin tasarladmz yeni mobil bankaclk uygulamamzla hizmetinizdeyiz. Kullanc dostu ara yüzleri ve basit ilem admlaryla kolay ve hzl ilem
piyasadaki güvenlik standartlarn bir üst seviyeye tayacak olan “Ziraat Onay Teknolojisi” ile hem internet hem de mobil bankaclk uygulamanz üzerinden ilemlerinizi daha güvenle yapabilirsiniz. Yeni nesil mobil bankaclk uygulamamzda sizi birok yenilik bekliyor. Gelitirilmi lem SetiGelitirilmi ilem seti ile birok Bankaclk ihtiyacnz, internet bankacl detaynda karlayabilme imkn.Ziraat’ten Bir lk: ifresiz lem OnayZiraat Onay teknolojisi sayesinde güvenlik standartlarnn tas yükseliyor. Hem internet bankaclnda hem de Ziraat Mobil’de kullanabileceiniz Ziraat Onay teknolojisi sayesinde ilemlerinizi herhangi bir ifre girmeye gerek kalmadan güvenli bir ekilde gerekletirebilirsiniz.Al EkranEn Yakn Ziraat uygulamas sayesinde tüm ube ve ATM’lerimizin lokasyonlarna kolaylkla ulaabilir, ihtiya halinde yol tarifi alabilirsiniz.Finansal Veriler alanndan Bankamz ve Piyasa verilerine anlk olarak ulaabilirsiniz.Gelitirilmi Hesaplama aralar ile ister almay düündüünüz kredinin plann, isterseniz mevduatnzn ne kadar getireceini hesaplayabilirsiniz.Kampanyalar ksmndan Bankamzn sunduu kampanyalar hakknda bilgi alabilirsiniz. Kiiselletirilebilir Ana SayfaKiiselletirilebilir aralar ksm ile varlklarnz, demeleriniz veya kredi kart durumunuz gibi bilgilerinize hzl bir ekilde ulaabilirsiniz. htiyacnza gre düzenleyebileceiniz ksa yollarm alan sayesinde, istediiniz ilemleri rahata ulaabileceiniz ekilde konumlandrabilirsiniz. Akll arama motoru ile aradnz ileme zaman kaybetmeden ulaabilirsiniz. Akordeon lem EkranlarAkordeon yap sayesinde ilemlerinizi sayfalar arasnda dolamadan, tek bir ekran üzerinden yapabilirsiniz. Sadece ü admda tamamlanan, basitletirilmi ilem admlar sayesinde hzl ve kolay ilem yapabilirsiniz.Uygulama arka planda alrken kullanlan lokasyon servisi cihaz arjnzn daha hzl tükenmesine sebep olabilir.
大小:30.58 MB 版本:1.1.6
Ziraat Tablet ile istediiniz zaman, istediiniz yerden hzl ve güvenli ilem!Bankaclk ilemlerinizi tabletinizden, bilgisayarnzn rahatlnda yapabilmeniz iin tasarladmz yeni mobil bankaclk uygulamamzla hizmetinizdeyiz. Kullanc dostu ara yüzleri ve basit ilem admlaryla kolay ve hzl ilem yapabilirsiniz. Gelitirilmi lem SetiGelitirilmi ilem seti ile birok Bankaclk ihtiyacnz karlayabilme imkn.Al Ekran En Yakn Ziraat uygulamas sayesinde tüm ube ve ATM’lerimizin lokasyonlarna kolaylkla ulaabilir, ihtiya halinde yol tarifi alabilirsiniz. Finansal Veriler alanndan Bankamz ve Piyasa verilerine anlk olarak ulaabilirsiniz. Gelitirilmi Hesaplama aralar ile ister almay düündüünüz kredinin plann, isterseniz mevduatnzn ne kadar getireceini hesaplayabilirsiniz. Kampanyalar ksmndan Bankamzn sunduu kampanyalar hakknda bilgi alabilirsiniz. Kiiselletirilebilir Ana Sayfa Aralar ksm ile varlklarnz, demeleriniz veya kredi kart durumunuz gibi bilgilerinize hzl bir ekilde ulaabilirsiniz.
htiyacnza gre düzenleyebileceiniz ksa yollarm alan sayesinde, istediiniz ilemleri rahata ulaabileceiniz ekilde konumlandrabilirsiniz.
Akll arama motoru ile aradnz ileme zaman kaybetmeden ulaabilirsiniz. Akordeon lem Ekranlar Akordeon yap sayesinde ilemlerinizi sayfalar arasnda dolamadan, tek bir ekran üzerinden yapabilirsiniz.
Sadece ü admda tamamlanan, basitletirilmi ilem admlar sayesinde hzl ve kolay ilem yapabilirsiniz.
大小:32.44 MB 版本:1.0.2
Ziraat Trader, nternet eriimi olan her yerden anlk piyasa verilerini inceleyerek, yurtii piyasalarda hzl ilem yapmanza ve portfyünüz ile ilgili her türlü bilgiye ulamanza olanak salayan elektronik bir uygulamadr. ****************************** Ziraat Trader, which is an online application, provides facilities to get all information about your portfolio and to trade faster in domestic markets, by searching market data from everywhere having an internet connection.
大小:5.66 MB 版本:1.4.2
Ziraat Trader, nternet eriimi olan her yerden anlk piyasa verilerini inceleyerek, yurtii piyasalarda hzl ilem yapmanza ve portfyünüz ile ilgili her türlü bilgiye ulamanza olanak salayan elektronik bir uygulamadr.******************************Ziraat Trader, which is an online application, provides facilities to get all information about your portfolio and to trade faster in domestic markets, by searching market data from everywhere having an internet connection.
大小:3.15 MB 版本:1.5.1
Relatório de Sustentabilidade Zilor,Safras
e Verso resumida,可以帮你做出可持续发展报告,有利于你的分析跟后期发展规划。
大小:11.91 MB 版本:1.01
Zimbrew enables your business to accept secure mobile payments now.Zimbrew is an end-to-end enterprise mobile payment platform that integrates seamlessly with the CyberSource Payment Management Platform.accept secure mobile payments immediately using your CyberSource Merchant Account. If you don't have a merchant account sign up and we'll provide you one.
大小:799.2 KB 版本:1.0
Zimp, el poder de lo simple. Descargá Zimp y entrá al mundo de la innovación. Andar efectivo es cosa del pasado. Con Zimp transformás tu celular en la primera billetera digital de Costa Rica. Pagarle a tus amigos por el almuerzo o las compras del paseo a la playa es tan fácil como digitar el número de teléfono de tu amigo. Descargá Zimp y descubrí el poder de lo simple. 3 Pasos para empezar a usar Zimp:1. Descargá Zimp.2. Registrá una cuenta cliente de cualquier institución bancaria de Costa Rica y cargá tu monedero.3. Mandale dinero a tus amigos con solo su número de teléfono celular!4 Pagá en más de 500 puntos de venta!
大小:13.42 MB 版本:2.2.2
ZIMPLE PAY adalah layanan Dompet point elektronik (e-wallet) berbasis mobilephone/smartphone yang diterbitkan oleh PT. EL JOHN DIGITAL FINANCE dengan metode pembayaran menggunakan satuan rupiah atau penukaran Point dengan menggunakan Point Rewardz melalui mobilephone/smartphone namun tidak terbatas menggunakan PAY QR (Kode Unik).ZIMPLE PAY merupakan layanan dompet point elektronik yang bisa digunakan oleh iphone yang disupport iOS, ZIMPLE PAY memberikan fasilitas dan benefit yang belum pernah pengguna rasakan diaplikasi layanan Dompet elektronik lain.Fasilitas Member Reguler Beli Pulsa, Bayar tagihan dan Bayar pakai ponsel dengan QR Payment. User Premium bisa menikmati semua fasilitas yang ada dalam ZIMPLE PAY beli pulsa , bayar tagihan, ,Bayar pakai QR, Privilege promo diskon, dengan mengguanakan satuan rupiah atau dengan penukaran Point Rewardz , dan fitur fitur lainnya yang akan terus dikembangkan.Selamat menjelajahi Layanan Aplikasi ZIMPLE PAY tanpa Batas, suatu kebanggaan kami bisa memberikan kemudahan, kenyamanan dan solusi dalam satu aplikasi dompet elektronik ZIMPLE PAY.
大小:18.95 MB 版本:1.0
ZimStocks uses reported data to provide an in-depth analysis of companies on the Zimbabwe stock market. Use the ZimStocks App together with your own analysis & professional investment advice to make more informed investment decisions on the Zimbabwe Stock Exchange.The key features of ZimStocks include:- week day market commentary, - an alert to give an overview of the market & let you know the Market Report is ready- round up of the market performance at weekends- stock prices (current, historic and average), - local business news with a sentiment grade to give you a &feel& of the market, - Portfolio to help you keep track of your investment or to test out your strategy. - motivational quotes, and moreIn addition we have an investor education blog, http://stocks.co.zw/blog, to help you understand terms and help build your investment strategy.***Requires An Internet Connection, preferably a fast and stable one***-------------------------------------------DISCLAIMER: Investment in stocks carries significant financial risks. Please consult a processional financial adviser before investing real money. ZimStocks is not a financial adviser and is not representing the Zimbabwe Stock Exchange. Past performance does not guarantee future performance.
大小:9.8 MB 版本:1.3.0
Zing is brought to you by the International Commercial Bank. The Zing App allows you to manage your financial lifestyle through your mobile device, equipping you for financial success. Zing is your own personalised bank branch in your pocket so you won’t need to visit a bank branch any longer!Money can be loaded to Zing at any Pay & Go T just select the Zing Button and it is done.Zing Features Include:- Pay in Store By App.- Top up your mobile phone credit on any of the four mobile operators.- Top up your Digitalb Television Smart Card.- Purchase Car Insurance.- Purchase Travel Insurance.In addition to the above, the traditional banking services will also be included:- Check your Balance.- Check your most recent transactions.- Send money to friends, family, associates whether they are a member of Zing or not.- Pay a range of bills.- Send money to domestic and international bank accounts.- Locators Find ICB Branches or ATMs nearest to you.- Customisation Manage your application and customise a unique user experience.The application can be downloaded by anyone. In order to use the functionality on the application you need to join Zing at any Zing Kiosk or at any International Commercial Bank Branch. Prshkrimi Banka Ndrkombtare Tregtare sjell pr ju aplikacionin m t ri ‘ZING’. Aplikacioni ZING, ju mundson menaxhimin e financave tuaja nprmjet celularit smartphone pr kryerjen me sukses te t gjitha transaksioneve financiare. Tashm nuk sht e nevojshme t shkoni ne nje dege banke per te marre sherbime bankare pasi ZING sht dega bankare e personalizuar n xhepin tuaj!Fondet mund t kalojn n ZING npermjet do terminali Pay&Go! Mjafton t zgjidhni butonin ZING!ZING ju mundson shrbimet e mposhtme:1- Pages n do dyqan nprmjet aplikacionit tuaj celular.2- Rimbushje te celularit tuaj me te gjithe operatoret e telefonise celulare.3- Pages e abonimeve Digitalb.4- Pagesen e sigurimeve motorike.5- Pagesn e Sigurimit t Shndetit n UdhtimPrvec ktyre , ZING sigurisht mundson shrbimet bankare si m posht :1- Kontrollin e balancs s llogarive2- Kontrollin e transaksioneve t fundit financiare t kryera.3- Drgoni para miqve, familjareve tuaj, edhe nese ata jan ose jo antar t ZING.4- Pagesn e faturave t ndryshme mujore.5- Transferimin e fondeve midis llogarive ICB, drejt llogarive t bankave t tjera, si edhe transferta ndrkombtare.6- Gjeni vendodhjen m t afrt t ATM-ve dhe degve t banks ICB.7- Personalizimi Menaxhoni aplikacionin tuaj nprmjet nj prvoje unike.Aplikacioni ZING mund t shkarkohet nga do individ. N mnyr q t prdorni aplikacionin ZING, ju duhet t aktivizoni shrbimin ZING duke vizituar nj nga pikat tona Zing ose degt e Banks Ndrkombtare Tregtare.
大小:6.14 MB 版本:1.0.0
++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 注意 为了避免误解,我们应该指出,这个免费版本只有一个简单的复利计算器。这个免费的演示版是专为唯一目的,让你一到所有的计算机提供完整版本的运作的了解。++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++MarkMoney是只要几个步骤就可以计算出贷款或抵押贷款额,或者制定储蓄和提款方案的独一无二的工具。在计算普通的财富增长时MarkMoney还带有额外的利滚利和通货膨胀计算器。计算器概况:利滚利计算器- 贷款计算器 (演示版本)- 抵押贷款计算器 (演示版本)- 储蓄计划计算器 (演示版本)- 取款方案 (演示版本)- 通货膨胀计算器 (演示版本)Markmoney的基本结构跟普通的便携式计算器一样。其上部用于输入数据,下部则显示结果。App的一个重要特点是,几乎每个数据输入栏都可变成结果显示栏。主要特征一览表:结果显示栏可自由设置输入数据后立即显示即时结果可在A方案和B方案之间进行比较带内置微型计算器的大键盘图表显示模拟方案用HTML报告形式显示详细结果所有HTML报告可同时用电子邮件形式发出输入数据自动保险适用于各种货币振动功能可使计算器返回原处图表模式是App的另一个突出优点。一方面您的数据将以条形图表形式显示,另一方面以图表作为调节因素模拟各种场景。比如说,如果要延长期限,只要用手指在图表上从左到右轻轻一划就行了。用同样简单的方法还可以向下或向上调整利率,贷款分期偿还额,储蓄额和取款额。今天您就可受益于独一无二,并不断更新的App。MarkMoney有优秀的财务专家小组不断开发,在中期内会有更多实用的计算器问世,为您在财产管理和财产咨询方面提供有价值的服务。欢迎您提出宝贵意见,建议和改进措施。请直接用电子邮件联系:info@托马斯马克 (Thomas Mark)
大小:814.14 KB 版本:1.4.0
We master in safeguarding your future in a notable way. You can find the most sterling grouping of insurance policies in this app. Refer us to your friends too and help us serve them too. You may follow us on Facebook/Twitter/Instagram for more. For further queries, email us anytime.
大小:8.24 MB 版本:1.0
Mit dieser App haben Sie Ihre Traumwohnung in Berlin immer im Blick. Ob unterwegs oder auf der Couch Exposés, anschauliche Bilder, informative Artikel und Darstellungen der Lage sind aktuell und kostenlos verfügbar. Das bedeutet- Wohnungssuche nach Ihren Kriterien- Switchen zwischen Grundrissen, Bildern und Projektfilmen- bersicht über alle aktuellen Angebote- Berechnung Ihrer Finanzierungsrate- Einfacher Versand der Kurzexposés- Direkter Kontakt zu Ihrem persnlichen ImmobilienberaterUnd das mit einem Download.
大小:9.47 MB 版本:3.0.0
Zilberg Real Estate è specializzata nel fornire servizi di intermediazione immobiliare sul mercato svizzero e internazionale.We are real estate brokers in Switzerland and internationally, for our customers the best advices to realize a great investment.Zilberg Real Estate est spécialisée dans la fourniture de services de courtage immobilier dans le marché suisse et international.Zilberg Immobilien ist spezialisiert auf die Dienstleistungen von Immobilienmakler im Schweizer Markt und internationalen.Zilberg Real Estate специализируется на предоставлении брокерских услуг понедвижимости на швейцарском и международном рынкахScarica gratis l’App Zilberg.ch: per te la libertà di facili ricerche tra gli immobili del nostro network. Con la funzione PREFERITI potrai essere aggiornato in tempo reale sulle nuove offerte corrispondenti alla tua ricerca, anche offline!Libertà su mobileZilberg App è disponibile sia sull'AppStore che su Google Play Store, scaricala gratuitamente e potrai navigare facilmente e in libertà dal tuo dispositivo mobile per ricercare la casa dei tuoi sogni. Sarai sempre aggiornato in tempo reale sulle offerte del portale Zilberg.chRicerche dettagliate e PreferitiRicercare con immediatezza e semplicità l'immobile da acquistare o da affittare, tutto con un dito! Le offerte sono presentate con caratteristiche dettagliate (codice offerta, mq, prezzo, descrizione, locali, ecc...) e fotografie. Hai trovato il tuo immobile preferito? Puoi salvarlo nella sezione dedicata dell'App e le tue offerte preferite rimarranno consultabili anche dopo la chiusura dell'applicazioneFai lavorare la tecnologia per te!Con la nuova release di Zilberg App, una volta selezionata una ricerca con i tuoi parametri preferiti, potrai ricevere un avviso quando sul portale Zilberg.ch saranno inseriti nuovi immobili con le caratteristiche che stai ricercando
大小:3.65 MB 版本:1.0
Welcome to the ZillaHome fully automated mortgage application app! You download the app and follow carefully the instructions.It is the most efficient way to secure a mortgage, maintain all your documents under your control and not be tied to your lender when it comes to renewal.And plus, you can use the home asset management tool once the application is completed. A detailed utility that you can store and retrieve all of your important home assets! So easy to keep all documents and content inventory all in this great tool!
大小:53.13 MB 版本:1.0
Getting your dream home may be closer than you think. Use Zillow calculators to find out what you can afford and gain control of the home finance process with live, customized mortgage rates from highly-rated lenders.Key FeaturesFor home shoppers: Home affordability calculator estimates how much house you can afford. Mortgage payment calculator estimates your monthly payment and divides it into principal, interest, taxes and mortgage insurance. Mortgage rate comparisons show APR, fees, monthly payments and more from hundreds of lenders. Real-time, personalized mortgage rates based on your location help you lock in a loan on the go. Mortgage pre-approval demonstrates your credibility to real estate agents and sellers. Rate history makes it easy to come back and compare past rates with current quotes. “Call lender” function connects you to top lenders directly through the app.For homeowners: Refinance calculator estimates your breakeven point and shows money savings over time. New HARP quoting provides custom refinance rates for underwater homeowners.Why Zillow Mortgages? Top-notch lenders Mortgage calculators Transparency Easy and anonymousWe are always working to improve Zillow’s apps. Please continue to send feedback to .
大小:23.96 MB 版本:2.7.85
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