如何评价像 talk jokes me这样的 iPhone 应用,觉得它未来前景如何? ...

上周权力榜评选结果公布:马云以55%的支持率位列榜首!马云:55%;任正非:20%;王健林:8%;罗永浩:6%;孙宏斌:5%;马化腾:3%;贾跃亭:1%;张一鸣:1%;李彦宏:1%;程维:0%本周权力榜马云:飞天·进化——从电商阿里到科技阿里的蝶变已走过7年的云栖大会,如今已成为深入了解阿里云的最佳窗口。今年云栖大会的主题是“飞天进化”,涵盖了从电商、人工智能、游戏、多媒体、互联网+到政务、国际、大数据、生命科学、物联网、VR、金融、YunOS等共计20个方向和领域超600场的主题演讲和展示。大会还将有不少创新科技发布,杭州市政府公布了一项“疯狂”的计划:为这座城市安装一个人工智能中枢——杭州城市数据大脑。城市大脑计算平台采用由阿里云自主研发的飞天操作系统。唐洪(现阿里云首席架构师)表示:未来,飞天还会向着集群规模更大发展,还会变成阿里数据智能的基础。据官方介绍,飞天的设计目标是:通过构建一套综合性的软硬件系统,使用户(或者应用系统)可以像使用一台计算机一样调用数亿千计的服务器存储和计算资源。可以说,飞天操作系统是阿里云技术创新的精华和结晶,如今它更进化成为互联网规模的操作系统,通过彻底打通物理层、内核层、云服务层,接入层、云市场之间的边界,飞天让数据中心的管理在规模、性能以及效率方面发挥到了最大化。包含着三个层面的进化:首先,飞天进化第一部曲,是指飞天系统本身,它从数据中心的操作系统如今演变成为互联网规模的操作系统,这是中国完全具备自主创新的技术,意义十分重大。其次,飞天进化第二部曲,是指阿里云本身,它从一家云计算公司起步,让计算和数据成为一种新的生产资料和基础设施,再通过计算和数据能力延伸出了人工智能的新能力,最新发布的城市大脑就是阿里云人工智能落地的绝佳注脚。最后,飞天进化第三部曲,是指阿里巴巴本身,它让阿里巴巴从电商的基因中走出来,实现了阿里巴巴的全新蝶变。当天大会开场,马云很快抛出——明年阿里巴巴将不再提“电子商务”,而公司明年的主题是5大“新”,即新零售、新制造、新金融、新技术、新资源。而驱动这一切的核心之一就是阿里云的操作系统,飞天。也许这正是飞天进化的第三层意义,它把阿里巴巴从电商的基因中解放出来,并蝶变成为了一家全球数一数二的科技公司。无疑,科技阿里赋予了阿里巴巴更大、更多的想象空间。以阿里云为例,在2017财年第一季度财报中,其营收达12.43亿元,同比增长156%,再次成为全球云计算增长的标杆,这也是阿里云领跑全球云计算增速的第五个季度。王健林:万达开启第四次转型,拆分金融业务成立网络科技集团万达集团产业结构再次调整,全面转型现代服务业。10月13日,万达网络科技集团在上海宣布成立,由原来的商业、文化、金融三大板块,调整为商业、文化、网络、金融四大产业集团。新成立的万达网络科技集团从万达金融集团独立分拆出来,专注线上线下融合,打造新一代物联网模式。旗下包括飞凡信息公司、快钱支付公司、征信公司、网络数据中心、海鼎公司、网络信贷公司等。万达金融集团发力传统金融业务,包括银行、保险、证券、投资等。万达网络科技集团总裁由原万达金融集团总裁曲德君担任。万达金融集团董事长兼总裁由广发银行原董事长董建岳担任。万达集团董事长王健林表示,这次企业内部结构调整是万达深化第四次转型、加速转型现代服务业的重大举措,符合中国经济转型、消费升级的大趋势。万达的转型谋求已久,层层推进:2012年5月,万达进军电商领域,发布万人招聘计划,重点引进O2O电商领域的人才;2013年,万达成立万汇网,主打线上线下融为一体的电商模式;2014年,万达、腾讯、百度联手成立万达电商,俗称“腾百万”。在此期间,万达斥资3.15亿美元收购快钱68.7%的股权,为电子商务生态系统完成支付闭环;2015年,万达金融集团成立;2016年,在第十届万达商业年会上,包括飞凡、快钱、万达网络信贷、万达财富、万达征信、百年人寿等业务在内的万达金融集团高调亮相。随着布局的推进,王健林从2015年后就多个场合谈论万达的“第四次转型”,即从房地产为主向服务业为主,形成商业、文化、金融、网络四个支柱产业,并且到2020年要有至少20%的收入来自海外。为何称为第四次转型?根据王健林2013年的演讲,万达首次转型始于1993年,从一个区域的品牌变成全国性的品牌;第二次转型,则是从住宅房地产装向商业地产,始于2000年;第三次转型则从2006年,万达向文化旅游转型,那时王健林表示第三次转型还在进行中;第四次转型,是我们向跨国企业转型,2011年并购美国电影院线就有这方面考虑。雷军:小米为何负面那么多,因为我们的模式是拉仇恨的近两年,随着华为、OPPO、vivo的强势兴起,小米手机的营业收入下滑成为了公众关注的焦点,外界对小米的模式议论纷纷。“为什么(围绕小米)有那么多负面声音?因为我们的商业模式就是拉仇恨的。”雷军说,“人家本来赚钱赚得舒舒服服,你进去一搅和,就搞得人家这个行业天翻地覆,人家能不骂你吗?”在10月13日举行的2016中国电子商务发展峰会现场,雷军在解读小米生态和商业模式时,回应了外界对小米的一些质疑声。实际上,小米系介入一些行业,挤压行业原来老牌企业的利润,也令小米树敌不少。对于“拉仇恨”,雷军有一套自己的认识。他称,拉仇恨不是根本目的,目的在于带动行业的整体效率。雷军表示,外界对于小米存在很多误解,首当其冲的便是“小米号称专注却不仅卖手机还卖电扇、电视等20多种其他产品”。据了解,在手机取得成功后,小米开始把这套模式复制在其他品类上,布局了多个领域,且在部分行业成为了领军者。雷军并不认为应把小米单纯归类为“手机公司”,小米是专卖店或品牌电商,基于此小米才有了品类扩张。“现在小米的充电宝世界第一,手环世界第二,平衡车世界第一,空气净化器中国第一,我现在这样数,世界第一或中国第一的品类里,小米里有10多个。”雷军认为,小米模式具有鲶鱼效应,它带动了小米所在行业的产品质量整体提升,但他认为今天他所干的更牛的事是进入了线下零售。雷军表示,按照其规划,未来将开设1000家小米之家线下店,小米也会成为一个零售集团。丁磊:亏百万、上天台......一元购维权者们聚集网易门前10月8日起,网易北京办公楼下聚集了一批前来维权的人,他们手持“网易一元购,专业规避法律20年”横幅,希望多少拿回一部分本金继续生活。其中也不乏“害我家破人亡”等激烈字样。一元购,简单来说,就是网站上所有商品都拆分成一元一份。一个号码可以购买多份,最后再由系统公布中奖号码。从正常逻辑上讲,一次性购买份数越多,抽中商品的几率就越大。钱一旦投出概不退还,用户会产生一种1块钱就能抢到iPhone 7、单反相机、金条等价值数千元商品的错觉。下注金额从小到大。收回本金的欲望越强烈,就越难以抽身,最终靠四处借债继续投注。这些维权者认为,网易一元购中,使用了机器人参与、指定中奖人、无第三方监督等问题,信息并没有公开透明,已经具有欺诈性质。值得注意的是,这种有博彩性质的电商模式在今年9月份已经被央视曝光,但有关部门并未责令网易一元购整改,或做出处罚。截至界面发稿时,网站依然可以正常登陆、下注。更糟糕的是,被曝光后,先前一波维权者能拿到的20%的“封口费”,现在已经拿不到了。李彦宏:成立百度资本,发布“医疗大脑”,推出语音输入法, 升级云计算品牌......就在成立百度风投一个月之后,李彦宏又发大招了。10月12日,百度宣布成立百度资本。百度风投一期投入2亿美元,专注于人工智能、AR、VR等科技创新领域,聚焦早期初创项目。而百度资本一期规模为200亿元,主要投资泛互联网领域中后期项目,李彦宏将兼任百度资本董事长及投资委员会主席。10月11日,百度对标Google和IBM的同类产品,推出医疗大脑,正式将人工智能技术应用到医疗健康行业。将通过海量医疗数据、专业文献的采集与分析进行人工智能化的产品设计,模拟医生问诊流程,与用户多轮交流,给出最终建议。百度首席科学家吴恩达称:“希望百度的人工智能技术可以帮助医院、医生和每一位患者,协助医疗开启人工智能时代。”有意思的是,当天下午,前丁香园CTO冯大辉宣布创业,做面向医疗和健康领域的垂直搜索引擎,提供高质量的内容和数据。冯大辉表示,“做个搜索,跟百度医疗搜索干一架”。此外,当天,百度宣布对旗下百度云计算品牌进行升级,通过此次品牌升级,百度将整合旗下云计算产品架构和服务能力,面向个人的云服务回归“百度网盘”的产品名称;原面向企业的“百度开放云”则正式启用“百度云”品牌,面向企业商务服务。未来,百度网盘除了为用户提供存储及分发服务之外,还将基于用户喜好推荐感兴趣的新闻等内容。百度近日推出的语音输入法TalkType也值得关注,TalkType最大特点是将语音输入的优先级提升到键盘输入之上,这也意味着将与谷歌Gboard、微软Word Flow输入法,以及国内的讯飞输入法和搜狗输入法等展开竞争。不过,与上述输入法“二选一”不同,TalkType输入法专门为语音优先模式研发和设计的,主打voice first而非voice also。曹国伟:新浪微博股价上涨近两倍,市值快速逼近Twitter(126亿美元)微博一直被用户戏称为中国版Twitter,两家公司的确有许多共同点,如大部分营收来自于广告业务,将140字符消息长度的限制放宽,甚至都面临着收购传闻,但在今年股价走势上,两家公司却有天壤之别。在Twitter股价今年累计下跌20%以上的同时,微博股价却因在中国市场无可匹敌的统治优势支撑着其营收前景,推动公司股价上涨了近两倍。微博当前的市值约为110亿美元,正快速逼近Twitter 126亿美元的市值。“微博是中国唯一的社交媒体平台,且不用面对Twitter、Instagram和YouTube等非本土对手的竞争压力,”晨星驻香港分析师玛丽·孙表示。“因为海外社交媒体平台未进入中国市场,微博抓住了发展的机遇。”作为中国最流行的社交网络应用,腾讯旗下的微信拥有超过8.06亿月活跃用户,但该平台与微博有着截然不同的功能。微信是一款多用途私人消息超级应用,相当于Facebook、Uber、Paypal、Tinder及其它许多应用的结合体,微博则扮演着在公众账号上查找和分享信息的第一平台。与微博不同,去年时市值曾一度达到340亿美元的Twitter,当前正面临着来自Snapchat、Instagram和Facebook等诸多竞争对手越来越大的竞争压力。微博当前股价为未来12个月收益预期的51倍,超过全球同行36倍的平均动态市盈率,高于Twitter。今年6月,微博日活跃用户数量达到2.82亿,较上年同期增长了33%,同样远高于Twitter。相比之下,在微博股价周一创出自2014年首次公开招股以来新高的同时,因为营收增幅放缓及用户增长乏力,Twitter股价早已跌至2013年首次公开招股时26美元的发行价之下。分析师当预计,Twitter明年的营收将为28.5亿美元,不及此前预计的43亿美元。Twitter上一季度月活跃用户同比仅增长了3%。任正非:华为否认涉足造车领域,发布nova抵御vivo、OPPO竞争日前有消息爆出,华为正密谋涉足“造车”领域。华为这一次并不甘心只扮演核心供应商的角色,而是打算借助代工厂的力量,推出华为品牌的汽车产品。业内人士表示,华为极有可能求助于加拿大汽车零部件制造商和整车代工商麦格纳。麦格纳服务的品牌包括宝马、捷豹路虎、戴勒姆等,目前在全球拥有294家工厂、87个工程研发和销售中心,未来两年还会在欧洲和北美各建一座新厂。对此消息,华为发声明表示,公司没有进入汽车制造业的计划,也没有推出华为品牌汽车的计划。华为在声明中称,华为专注于ICT领域,主张与汽车制造企业广泛合作,为车辆平台提供连接、互通的解决方案。据了解,上月底德国三大高档车企业宝马、戴姆勒和奥迪宣布将携手欧美等半导体和通信设备企业,在采用新一代高速通信第5代(5G)技术的服务开发方面展开合作,这其中就有华为。目前,在中国智能市场,华为以18.6%位居第一,OPPO和vivo紧随其后,分别占据12.7%和10.6%。二者市场份额相加甚至超过华为,华为正在面临全新的竞争态势,vivo、OPPO已被列为华为手机的头号对手。10月13日晚间,华为终端全新系列nova在中国发布,这款被定义为聚焦年轻用户、设计上主打精品路线的手机,实则是为了抵御来自vivo、OPPO的竞争压力。在Mate系列、P系列站稳市场的同时,华为已意识到来自OPPO和vivo在3000元以下市场的竞争压力。根据华为终端的战略,nova是华为丰富自身产品谱系、巩固线下市场的策略之一。除了发布nova之外,华为终端产品线总裁何刚会上还宣布,华为终端2016年第一亿台产品正式下线。这意味着华为终端距离实现2016年全年1.4亿部的出货量目标又近一步。杨元庆:PC龙头地位岌岌可危,联想拟收购富士通PC业务7月份才收购完日本NEC电脑业务,联想又被曝拟收购另一家日本IT企业富士通的电脑业务。近日,日本媒体报道,日本富士通因业绩不佳而决定将个人电脑业务并入联想,双方正在成立合资公司。对此,联想方面称并不知情,但对这一并购不置可否;富士通中国则不予置评。业内人士认为,在PC需求整体放缓的大背景下,联想频频发起海外并购,是希望通过扩大规模效应保持领先优势。近日,在云栖大会上,王坚炮轰联想,“有一家公司大家很熟悉,叫联想,它就在中关村,看起来,我们的物理的距离很近,但实际上它们的距离比这个硅谷还要远, 我想它们之间的差异就是联想缺乏科技创新的动力。”有意思的是王坚给联想的还是“两连击”,在随后宣布与夏普、海尔等品牌的战略合作,推出基于YunOS的互联网电视时,王坚还指出 “海尔和联想的距离,只差一个YunOS”。王坚很少如此直白的抨击一家厂商,他这么说一方面是敦促联想加入YunOS生态一起玩,另一方面也是有理有据。从事实结果来看过去几年联想除了艰难维系PC老大的位置以外,包括在智能手机、智能硬件、VR等新兴领域的进展并不顺利,几乎各种新业务的尝试目前来看不是慢人一拍就是难觅亮点,缺乏创新动力的确是重要原因。赖梅松:中通快递赴美IPO拟融资15亿美元,净利率高达18%10月10日,中通快递一位不愿具名的高管证实,该公司已于9月30日正式向美国纳斯达克交易所提交IPO资料。该公司拟在美国融资15亿美元,用以进一步扩大规模,包括建设和购买新的运转中心、卡车、设备,增强信息系统以及做潜在战略收购。而中通的招股说明书也第一次披露了家底,中通快递2015年营收为6.39亿美元(约合42亿元人民币),净利润却达1.15亿美元(7.7亿人民币),净利率高达18%,而该公司自己披露的营业毛利率更是高达25.1%。相比较早先上市的圆通、顺丰等快递公司所披露的净利率仅在3%-6%之间,中通快递的利润率之高实在令人惊叹。在快递行业,中通与申通、圆通、韵达被称为“三通一达”。去年底,申通开启了快递企业上市之路后,快递企业迎来了上市潮。今年3月23日,圆通速递借壳大杨创世上市,整体作价为175亿元。民营“快递一哥”顺丰速运,也在5月份开启借壳,作价433亿元借壳鼎泰新材实现A股上市。今年7月初,韵达公布重组预案,新海股份拟以全部资产和负债与韵达全体股东持有的韵达100%股权的等值部分进行置换。而早在今年2月19日,中通快递就被媒体曝出将在美国上市,当时预计可能在今年晚些时候或2017年初进行IPO,融资规模在10亿至20亿美元。胡玮炜:腾讯、王兴参投摩拜单车,共享单车之争或将复制当年的打车大战在消费升级、体育产业兴起和城市出行多元化的浪潮下,在大半年前的春天,各个品牌的智能自行车一股脑地推向市场。从8月至今,短短两个月内,摩拜单车和ofo两个共享单车项目均令人咋舌地接连公布4轮融资,成为当下资本寒冬最逆市而上的现象。继9月底1亿美元C轮融资消息之后,共享单车平台摩拜单车确认于近日完成新一轮融资。据了解,本轮融资投资方包括高瓴、华平、腾讯、红杉、启明创投、贝塔斯曼、愉悦资本、熊猫资本、祥峰投资和创新工场等多家机构,同时得到了美团创始人CEO王兴的个人投资。10月10日,ofo共享单车宣布完成1.3亿美元C轮融资。投资机构包括滴滴出行、美国对冲基金Coatue、顺为资本、小米、中信产业基金、元璟资本、YuriMilner、经纬中国、金沙江创投等等。ofo方面表示,在未来ofo将与小米展开战略合作。早前滴滴出行方面表示,滴滴出行与ofo将进一步为人们“城市出行共享”展开战略合作,用户在滴滴平台上有望直接体验到ofo的服务。一个值得关注的现象是,仅摩拜单车和ofo共享单车背后的投资方几乎涵盖了所有一线主流基金。未来,单车出行领域的竞争或许将复制当年的打车大战。君,已阅读到文档的结尾了呢~~
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······综合教程 1Unit 5 Digital Age Unit 5Digital Age Unit 5Digital AgePart ALead in Text ExercisePart BLead in Text ExercisePart CPhonetics Grammar Writing Functions and Notions Workshop Part ALead inTask 1Task 2Task 3 Part ALead inTask 1 Study the pictures and discuss the questions below in small groups. Use the words given below if necessary.1. 2. 3.How much do you know about the product in the first picture?Cues: iPhone, cellphone, AppleDo you read stories or play games on a digital reading device?Cues: iPad, convenient, traditionalDo you know any other digital reading devices? Give some examples.Cues: Amazon Kindle, Sony Reader Part ALead inTask 1 Study the pictures and discuss the questions below in small groups. Use the words given below if necessary.1.How much do you know about the product in the first picture?a. It’s an iPhone. It’s a fashionable cellphone. b. I don’t know anything about it.2.Do you read stories or play games on a digital reading device?a. Yes, I like to read stories every day on a digital reading device, such as an iPad. It’s very convenient. b. No, I prefer traditional books.3.Do you know any other digital reading devices? Give some examples.Amazon Kindle, Sony Reader, WeFound, etc. Part ALead inTask 2 Listen to the following short dialogues and fill in the blanks. Dialogue 1 A: Sandy, you have an iPad, right? B: Yeah. considering A: May I have a look? I’m ____________ buying one. No problem B: ______________. Here it is. A: Wow…beautiful. I like this color. B: It is my __________ color. favorite A: What can you do with it? B: I can read books, watch movies, listen to music, play games, and surf ________ the Internet. Part ALead inTask 2 Listen to the following short dialogues and fill in the blanks. Dialogue 2 A: You’ve been sitting before the computer for hours. What are you doing? preparing B: I’m _____________ for tomorrow’s presentation in class. A: Oh. Is it done? headache B: Not yet. It’s a huge ____________ for me. A: What’s the matter? slides B: I want to make the _________ look better but I don’t know how. what A: Well, __________ you present and how you present it are more important. B: Maybe you are right. Part ALead inTask 3 Discuss the following questions.1. Which one do you prefer, traditional textbooks or e-books?Cues: convenient, information, media platform, understanding2. What do you think of the future of digital learning technology?Cues: useful and helpful for study, price Part ALead inTask 3 Discuss the following questions. 1. Which one do you prefer, traditional textbooks or e-books?a. I prefer e-books, because they are convenient and can provide much more instant information for students. b. I prefer traditional textbooks, because I will not feel so easily tired when reading them. Besides, I can understand better the knowledge contained.2. What do you think of the future of digital learning technology?a. I think its prospect is great, because it’s really useful and helpful for student learning. b. I don’t think it’ll be popular because some e-readers are still too expensive for most students. Part ATextCan College Students Learn as Well on iPads?Compared with traditional textbooks, the iPad and other digital reading devices are likely to save on textbook costs in the long term, to provide students with more and better information faster, and ― no small matter ― to lighten the college student’s backpack. Part ATextThere’s a lot to like about digital learning. Santa Clara University student Christopher Paschal, 19, forexample, appreciated the search function in hiseconomics e-textbook, and said the included video clips offered “a new method of learning,” and got rid of “themonotony of endless pages of reading.”… Part AText… But finally, “I feel that I understand materials better inregular textbooks,” Paschal says. Why? For collegestudents, it’s more difficult to look at a computer screen when you’re tired, he says, and harder to concentratewhen Facebook, YouTube and e-mail are just a clickaway. Part ATextThough many of those problems are being or have been solved, some students aren’t quite ready to use the devices for academic purposes. And some educational experts suggest the choices offered by the new technology may be making it harder to learn rather than easier. Part ATextIt may simply be that the technology is still unfamiliar. While e-readers have taken off in the leisurereading market, publishers have been slower to jump into the education market. Reasons are different but one challenge for publishers is that reading for the purpose of gaining knowledge is more complex than reading for pleasure.… Part AText… “Usually in a novel you’re going through it from start to finish. In a textbook you’re constantly flipping back andforth. You’re all over the book a lot more often,” saysMatt Lilek, 22, a computer science major at Joliet Junior College in Illinois. Part ATextEven so, expectations remain high for e-reader technology on campuses. Some universities plan to giveiPads to freshmen. At a recent ceremony, each member ofthe UC Irvine School of Medicine’s incoming class received not only the traditional white coat, but also anew iPad, pre-loaded with everything necessary for thefirst year of course work. Part ATextScores of others, including Reed College and North Carolina State University, plan to offer opportunities forstudents to test-drive iPads. And two-thirds of campustechnology chiefs predicted last fall that e-books will become an “important platform for instructional resources” within five years, according to the Campus Computing Project. Part ATextPublishers, meanwhile, have big ideas for student learning. “That’s the great promise,” says Don Kilburn, president of Pearson Learning Solutions, a publisher of education materials. Part ATextMorefaultsare perhaps inevitable. “representBut verythe realtechnologicaldevelopmentsopportunity to remake education for the better,” says Kaplan’s Olson. “The possibility for the textbook to come alive with interactivity will make the next several years of e-book innovation interesting to watch.” (450 words) Part ATextTranslation大学生使用苹果平板电脑、电子书能学好吗?与传统的教材相比,苹果平板电脑(iPad)及其他数码 阅读器从长远来看可能会节约教材成本,为学生提供更多 更好更快捷的信息,还可以减轻学生的背包重量――这点也是不小的功劳。 Part ATextTranslation数字化学习有很多令人喜爱之处。 比如,圣塔克拉 拉大学的一位19岁大学生克里斯多夫?帕斯夏就很欣赏他的经济学电子课本的搜索功能,他还说里面的视频剪辑提供了?一种新的学习方法?,而且避免了?逐页文字阅读的 单调性?。 ...... Part ATextTranslation......但最后他又说:?我觉得读传统教材会理解得更好.”为什 么呢? 对于大学生来说,疲惫的时候看电脑屏幕是困难 的,而且,看脸谱网(Facebook)、视频网(YouTube)和电 子邮件只是弹指一键的事,因此也很难专注。 Part APart A TextTexttranslationTranslation尽管很多问题正在或已经解决,一些学生还没完全准备好将这些设备用于学习。有些教育专家认为这种新技术带来的选择也许会使学习变得更难而非更易。 Part ATextTranslation原因可能就是人们对这技术不熟悉,尚未普及。电子 阅读器在休闲阅读市场已经流行起来,而出版商进入教育 市场的脚步却还很慢。原因各种各样,但出版商面临的一 个挑战就是,学习型阅读比娱乐型阅读要难。 ...... Part ATextTranslation......?通常,读小说可以一口气从头读到尾。看教材则要不断地翻前翻后,而且要翻很多次。? 22岁的马特?利雷特说 道.他是位于伊利诺斯州的乔利埃特初级学院的一名计算 机科学专业生。 Part ATextTranslation即便如此,人们对于电子阅览技术应用于大学的期望 仍然很高。有些大学打算给大一新生发放iPad。加州大学 欧文分校医学院的新生在近期的开学典礼上,不但领了传 统的白色衣袍,还领了iPad,里面已预先载入了第一年课 程学习所需的资料。 Part APart A TextTexttranslationTranslation包括里德学院和北卡罗来纳州大学在内的其他几十所 大学也计划让学生体验一下iPad。根据信息化校园计划, 三分之二的大学里的技术主管去年秋季预言说,电子读物 在5年之内会成为?一个重要的教学资源平台?。 Part APart A TextTexttranslationTranslation出版商们对于学生的学习也动了大念头呢。 ?那个 发展前景很好。? 教育资料出版社――皮尔森学习方案 集团的董事长唐?桥本说。 Part ATexttranslationTranslationPart A Text也许不可避免地会出现更多缺陷,但是技术发展?提 供了一次真正改善教育的机会?,卡普兰?奥尔森说,?未 来几年,电子教科书可能会变得活灵活现,且具备互动性,非常值得关注。? Part ATextLanguage Pointsdevice n. a piece of equipment that has been designed to do a particular jobe.g. My father has fitted a device to his car which opens the garage door automatically. 父亲在车上装了一个能自动开启车库门的装置。 My friend invented a device that automatically closes windows when it rains. 我朋友发明一种装置,可以使窗户在下雨时自动关闭。 Part ATextLanguage Pointsin the long term over a long period of time e.g. In the short term we expected to lose money on this book, but in the long term we hope to make profits. 短期来说,我们在这本书上可能要赔钱,但长远来说我们有 希望赚大钱。 We should cut our expense in the long term. 我们必须长期削减开支。 Part ATextLanguage Pointslighten v. to reduce the amount of work, debt, worry, etc. to become or make something become brightere.g. I took some of the parcels from her to lighten her load.我从她那儿拿过来几包东西以减轻她的负担。The measures will lighten the tax burden on small businesses.这些措施将减轻小型企业的纳税负担。 Part ATextclipLanguage Pointsn.a short part of a film/movie that is shown separatelye.g. They showed a clip from her new film on TV last night.昨晚他们在电视上播放了她新片子的片段。The clip was recorded on a digital video camera.这段影像被录制在一个数码相机上。 Part ATextLanguage Pointsmonotony n. lack of varietye.g. They broke the monotony of the weary journey with songs and jokes. 他们唱歌或说笑话使这个令人疲惫的旅程不至于单调乏味。 She watches television to relieve the monotony of everyday life. 她天天靠看电视来解闷儿。 Part ATextLanguage Pointsconcentrate v. to give all your attention to something without thinking about anything elsee.g. I can’t concentrate with all that noise going on. 吵闹声不绝于耳,我无法集中精神。 This year the company has concentrated on improving its efficiency. 这家公司今年已经把力量集中在提高效率方面。 Part ATextLanguage Pointstake off (of an idea, a product, etc.) to begin to become popular, successful, or well-knowne.g. The design first took off in American colleges.这种式样首先在美国大学里流行起来。It was at this point that her acting career really took off.正是从这个时候起,她的表演事业真正开始走红了。 Part ATextLanguage Pointsjump into to enter eagerly into an activity e.g. We jumped into the discussion right away. 我们立即积极参加讨论。 We want to encourage students to jump into the running of the college. 我们想鼓励学生参与学院的管理工作。 Part ATextLanguage Pointscomplex a. difficult to understand, explain, or deal withe.g. What he said was too complex for me to understand.他说的太复杂了,我不理解。 Can you solve the complex problem? 你能解决这个复杂的问题吗? Part ATextflipLanguage Pointsv.to turn over into a different position with a sudden quick movemente.g. The phone book is indexed alphabetically, so you may flip instantly to any number you wish. 由于电话号码簿按字母顺序作了索引,你可以立即翻到你所要的 号码。She flipped through the magazine looking for the letters page.她浏览杂志寻找读者来信页。 Part ATextLanguage Pointsback and forth from one place to another and back again repeatedly e.g. He paced back and forth in his room. 他在房间里来回踱步。 They discussed it back and forth, without getting very far. 他们反复地讨论,没有很大进展。 Part ATextLanguage PointsYou’re all over the book a lot more often You spend a lot more time reading the book. Part ATextLanguage Pointstest-drive v. to use something for a time to see if it is useful, if one likes it, etc.; to drive a vehicle that you are thinking of buying so that you can see how well it works and if you like ite.g. Tom could hardly wait to test-drive his new computer. 汤姆等不急要马上试试他的新电脑。 Why not test-drive the new BMW? 为什么不试驾一下这辆新宝马? Part ATextLanguage Pointspredict v. to say that something will happen in the futuree.g. The fortune-teller predicted that I would marry a doctor. 算命先生预言我会同一位医生结婚。 It is impossible to predict what will happen. 预知未来的事情是不可能的。 Part ATextLanguage Pointsplatform n. an opportunity or a place for somebody to express their opinions or make progress in a particular areae.g. She used the newspaper column as a platform for her feminist view. 她以报纸专栏为平台,宣传她的女权主义观点。Television should provide a platform for the customer’s viewpoint.电视应当为顾客提供发表意见的机会。 Part ATextLanguage Pointssolution n. a way of solving a problem or dealing with a difficult situatione.g. The solutions to the questions are at the back of the book. 习题解答见书后。We it was the solution to all our problems.我们又买了一辆汽车,它解决了我们所有的问题。 Part ATextLanguage Pointsinevitable a. e.g. unable to be avoided or prevented from happening D it comes to everyone. 死亡无可避免,它要降临到每个人头上。 Given the current financial situation, it was inevitable that the pound would be devalued. 鉴于当前的金融形势,英镑贬值是不可避免的。 Part ATextLanguage PointsThe possibility for the textbook to… interesting to watch.With e-book innovations, the textbook might become interactive and thus lively, so it will be interesting to watch what will happen in the next several years. Part ATextLanguage Pointscome alive to become interesting and exciting e.g. The game came alive in the second half. 比赛在下半场变得有看头了。 The man in the picture came alive as the artist worked. 画家画着画着,画中人就渐渐显得栩栩如生了。 Part ATextLanguage Pointsinnovation n. the introduction of new ideas, methods of doing somethinge.g.Necessity was the mother of innovation.需要是创新之母。 The key to innovation is the talents. 创新的关键是人才。 Part AExercisesTask 1 Task 5 Task 2 Task 6 Task 3 Task 7 Task 4 Part AExercisesTask 1 Read the text again and answer the following questions.1.In what ways are digital reading devices better than traditional textbooks?Digital reading devices can save costs, provide more and better information, and lighten students’ backpack.2.Why does Paschal understand materials better in regular textbooks?Because it’s difficult to look at a computer screen and harder to concentrate with the Internet resources being just a click away. Part AExercisesTask 1 Read the text again and answer the following questions. 3. Why have the publishers been slower to jump into the education market?Reading for the purpose of gaining knowledge is more complex than reading for pleasure.4.According to paragraph 5, what did the freshmen in UC Irvine School of Medicine receive?They received not just the traditional white coat but also a new iPad.5.What’s the possibility of e-book innovation according to Kaplan’s Olson?It is possible that the textbook will come alive with interactivity. Part AExercisesTask 2 Identify the key words or main ideas of the following paragraphsadvantages _________________ of digital reading devices concentrate It’s harder for students _________________Paragraph 1: Paragraph2: Problem 1 Paragraph 4: Problem 2inconvenient It’s ________________ for students to flip an e-textbook. expectations High ________________ for campus use of digital learning technologyParagraph 5: Part AExercisesTask 3 Fill in the puzzle spaces with the words from Text Aaccording to the explanations given below.Across 1. to reduce the amount of work, debt, worry, etc. that somebody has 4. a piece of equipment that has been designed to do a particular job 8. a way of solving a problem or dealing with a difficult situation 9. to give all your attention to something and not think about anything else 10. an opportunity or a place for somebody to express their opinions or make progress in a particular area Down 2. unable to be avoided or prevented from happening 3. to say that something will happen in the future 5. lack of variety 6. the introduction of new ideas, methods of doing something 7. difficult to understand, explain, or deal with1.lighten 2.inevitable 3.predict 4.device 5.monotony 6.plex 8.solution 9.concentrate 10. platform Part AExercisesTask 4 Complete the following sentences with the words from Task 3. Change the word forms if necessary.solution 1. It seems to be the best _________ to this problem.2. It is difficult to ________what life will be like in the future. predict 3. The __________of his voice sent me to sleep. monotony 4. This contest offers __________ a for the students to platform practice their speaking. 5. The engineer whom we met yesterday had worked out a new device automatic________. Part AExercisesTask 4 Complete the following sentences with the words from Task 3. Change the word forms if necessary. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.lighten It will _______ the basket if we take out the potatoes.I can’t ___________ on my work when I’m tired. concentratecomplex It is a _________ problem and it is not easy to find a solution.Each of us is active in technical __________. innovation Failure was __________ because they were too careless. inevitable Part AExercisesTask 5 Complete the sentences using derivatives (派生词) of the words in the box. Change the word forms if necessary.1. 2. 3.concentration I lost my _____________ and nearly drove into a bridge last night.The local government is trying to ________ the problem of waste solve disposal. She looks very _______ but I can’t remember her name. familiarprediction It’s difficult to make accurate _________ about the effects on the environment. inevitably He was, __________ , upset when his girlfriend left, but he soon got over it.4.5. Part ATask 6 Model 1:ExercisesRewrite the following sentences after the models.1.Because the girl was frightened by the noise, she didn’t dare to sleep in her room. Frightened by the noise, the girl didn’t dare to sleep in her room. When the baby was left to itself in the room, he began to cry. Left to itself in the room, the baby began to cry. If these seeds are grown in rich soil, they can grow fast. Grown in rich soil, these seeds can grow fast.2. 3. Part AExercisesTask 6 Rewrite the following sentences after the models. Model 2:1.She says, “I’ll never forget the moment.” She says that she’ll never forget the moment. He said, “I have studied English since I was a boy.” He said he had studied English since he was a boy. She said, “I read the book while I was waiting for a bus.” She said she had read the book while she was waiting for a bus.2. 3. Part AExercisesTask 7 Translate the following sentences into English, paying attention to the highlighted parts.1.这并不是什么大不了的事,但是 长远来看那是有利可图的。 (in the long term) 2.外面太吵了,我们根本无法专心 听讲。(concentrate on) 1. It is not a big deal, but you can make profit in the long term. 2. It is so noisy outside that we cannot concentrate on the lecture at all. 3. Such a computer game takes off shortly on the campus. 4. He walked back and forth in the classroom, trying to define a topic for his speech. 5. When he stayed with his girlfriend, his mind seemed to come alive.3.这种电脑游戏很快就在校园里流 行起来。(take off)4.他在教室里来回踱步,试图确定 演讲题目。(back and forth) 5.每当他跟女友在一起时,他的思 维似乎就变得活跃了。 (come alive) Part BLead inTask 1Task 2 Part Bpassage.Lead inTask 1 Listen to the recording, and complete the followingBefore you (1) _________ your application to a virtual university, downloada couple of there are (2) ______________ things you should know.Unlike traditional campuses, online education programs (3)rely on _________ the Internet as the primary mode of communication. discussion Lectures are taught through downloadable materials, (4) __________ software forums, and Web-based (5) ___________ that supplement printtextbooks purchased for each class. … Part BTask 1Lead inListen to the recording, and complete the following passage.…Online universities are (6) _______ on the idea that people can get built access to the Internet anywhere at any time. While most online schoolshigher are (7) _______ institutions of (8) _______ learning, the Internet has lawfuldishonest made it easy for (9) _________ people to promote unreal schools.Therefore, you should do your research, check and double check if aspeak school is right, and ask to (10) ________ with a few students and/orteachers before enrolling. Part BLead inTask 2 Discuss the following questions with your partner about the Internet.1.What are your reasons to surf the Internet?Cues: comm interact with find useful information2.What do you think of online language learning programs?Cues: useful, interact in rconvenient, gain access to language materials Part BLead inTask 2 Discuss the following questions with your partner about the Internet. 1. What are your reasons to surf the Internet?a. I surf the Internet to communicate with my family and friends who are away from me.b. I surf the Internet to find useful information for my study and life.2.What do you think of online language learning programs?a. They are very useful since they allow us to interact in real time with people in other countries and communicate with online pen pals. b. I like these programs because I can gain access to a lot of audio or video language materials. Part BTextThe Web Way to Learn a LanguageThe young woman seated next to us at the restaurant her looks and style, we thought, made itlikely that she was not American born. But then she spoke in perfect American English, even ending her sentences in a way many young Californians do. Part BTextAs it turns out, however, she wasn’t from t she was born in Iran and spoke only Persian until her arrival here two years ago. How, we wondered,had she learned English so well? “I used Rosetta Stone,”she said. The yellow box sold at shops is an example of PC-based language learning (), but itcertainly isn’t the only one. Part BTextWith the growth of broadband networks, companieshave introduced a wide range of Internet-based language learning products, both free and fee-based, that allow students to interact in real time with teachers in other countries, gain access to their lesson plans wherever theyare in the world, and communicate with virtual pen pals. Part BTextLearning a language sometimes seems as difficult as dieting. The solution is to figure out how to stayinterested after the novelty wears off. Online languageprograms have introduced crossword puzzles, interactive videos and other games to reward users for making progress. Part BTextHow do you choose which program to use? “Sites with human contact work best,” a language professor inAustralia said. “This shows the advantage of humanscompared to computers.” Part BTextOne of RosettaStone’s main competitors, Tell Me More () believes it has an advantage because itssoftware not only teaches words and phrases, but includes videos showing students how to shape their mouths to create difficult sounds. The British Broadcasting Corporation (/languages) offers varying levels of instruction for 36 languages, with features including audio and video playback and translation. Besides, simpler version of these programs may be used on smartphones and other digital devices. Part BTextAll these represent new trends in the web way of learning languages. Make use one or more of these newprograms and you will learn languages more effectively.(341 words) Part BTextTranslation互联网在线语言学习坐在我们餐桌旁的年轻妇人具有异国风情;从其 外貌与风格看来,她很可能不是土生土长的美国人。 但她却说一口流利的美国英语,甚至她每句话结束的方式都和许多加利福尼亚年轻人一模一样。 Part BTextTranslation事实表明,她根本不是来自加利福尼亚;她出生 于伊朗,两年前来到美国,在此之前她只会讲波斯语。 但她的英语怎么说得这么好呢?我们对此很好奇。?我使用‘如师通’?,她告诉我们。?如师通?这种装在黄盒子中在商店出售的东西,是一种基于计算 机的语言学习软件,?如师通?绝不是这类软件中的 唯一。 Part BTextTranslation随着宽带互联网的发展,很多公司生产了大量互 联网在线语言学习产品,有的是免费的,有的则是收费的。通过这些产品,学生可以实时地与其他国家的老师交流。无论这些老师身在世界何处,学生都可进 入他们的课堂,并与网络上的虚拟笔友沟通。 Part BTextTranslation学习语言有时就和减肥一样困难。关键是如何在 最初的新鲜感消退后继续维持兴趣。在线语言学习软 件引入了纵横填字游戏、互动视频和其他游戏,来鼓 励学习者不断取得进步。 Part BTextTranslation那么,应该如何选择语言学习产品呢??那些可 进行人际交流的网站最有效?,一个澳大利亚的语言 教授如是说,?这些网站体现了计算机所无法具备的人类的长处?。 Part BTextTranslation?外语任我行?是?如师通?的主要竞争者。它 的优势在于,其软件不仅教授词汇与短语,它的各种 视频还能向学生展示如何通过改变口形进行正确的发音。英国广播公司(BBC)能为36门语言提供不同层次的语言学习指导,BBC制作了大量可重复播放、带 有译文的音频或视频专题节目。而且,简化版的网络 学习课程可以在智能手机或其他数码设备上应用。 Part BTextTranslation以上这些产品代表了互联网在线语言学习的新趋 势。使用以上一种或几种新产品,你便能更有效地学 习语言。 Part BTextLanguage PointsThe young woman seated next to us at the restaurant had an exotic air The young woman who was seated next to us at the restaurant seemed to be from a foreign country. Part BTextLanguage Pointsexotic a. seeming exciting and unusual because it is connected with foreign countriese.g. Hawaii is an exotic tropical island. 夏威夷是一个有异国风情的热带岛屿。 She travels to all kinds of exotic locations all over the world. 她走遍了全世界各种具有奇异风情的地方。 Part BTextLanguage Pointsair n. the particular feeling or impression that is given by sb. or sth.; the way sb. does sth.e.g. The room had an air of luxury.房间具有豪华的气派。 She looked at him with a defiant air. 她用蔑视的神情望着他。 Part BTextLanguage Pointsturn outto to prove to bee.g. It turns out that he was never there.结果表明他从未到那儿去过。It turned out that she was a friend of my sister.她原来是我姐姐的朋友。 Part BTextLanguage PointsRosetta Stone 罗塞塔石碑,原指一块制作于公元前196年的大理石石碑,其 上刻有埃及国王托勒密五世(Ptolemy V)的诏书。由于这块石碑 刻有希腊文字、古埃及文字和当时的通俗体文字三种不同语言的诏 书,使得近代的考古学家得以解读出已经失传千余年的埃及象形文。 本文中的RosettaStone(中译名“如师通”)指的是一款非常受 欢迎的语言学习软件,由美国Rosetta Stone语言科技公司1993年 研制。“罗塞塔石碑”也被用来比喻解决一个谜题或难题的关键线 索或工具。 Part BTextLanguage Pointsrange n. e.g. the limits between which sth. varies Most of the students are in the 17-20 age range. 大多数学生都是在17至20岁的年龄范围内。 It is difficult to find a house in our price range. 在我们的价格范围以内,很难找到房子。 Part BTextLanguage Pointsinteract v. to communicate with sb., especially while you work, play or spend time with theme.g. Teachers have a limited amount of time to interact with each child. 教师和每个孩子沟通的时间有限。 The children interacted and played together. 孩子们一起交谈玩耍。 Part BTextLanguage Pointsaccess (to) n. the opportunity or right to use sth. or to see sb. /sth.e.g. Students have free access to the library’s scientific literature. 学生有免费使用图书馆科学文献的机会。 You need a password to get access to the computer system. 使用这个计算机系统需要口令。 Part BTextLanguage Pointsvirtual a. made to appear to exist by the use of computere.g. New technology has enabled development of an online “virtual library”. 新技术已经使在线“虚拟图书馆”的发展成为可能。 Many countries have develped “virtual banks”. 很多国家发展了“虚拟银行”。 Part BTextLanguage Pointsfigure out to think about sb./sth. until you understand them/it e.g. I can’t figure out why he said that. 我弄不懂他为什么要说那句话。 I just can’ she is a mystery to me. 我简直摸不透她,她对我是个谜。 Part BTextLanguage Pointsnovelty n. the quality of being new, different and interestinge.g. After the novelty of washing dishes wore off, she did not want to do it anymore. 洗盘子工作的新奇感消失之后,她就不再想干了。 There is a certain novelty value in this approach. 这种方法有一定的新意 Part BTextLanguage Pointswear off to gradually disappear or stop e.g. The effects of the drug will soon wear off.Part B Text Language points这麻醉药品的作用将很快消失。 The novelty will wear off. 新鲜感会慢慢消失。 Part BTextLanguage Pointsinteractive a. that allows information to be passed continuously and in both directions between a computer and the person who uses ite.g. There are all kinds of interactive videos on this website.这个网站上有各种交互式视频。 The interactive help program teaches you how to use the computer by going through the steps yourself. 交互式帮助程序通过你自己完成一些步骤来教你如何使用计算机。 Part BTextLanguage Pointscontactn. e.g. the act of communicating with sb., especially regularly Have you kept in contact with any of your friends from college? 你和你大学里的朋友还保持联系吗? There is little contact between these two organizations. 这两个机构相互之间没有什么联系。 Part BTextLanguage PointsTell Me More “外语任我行”,由总部设在法国巴黎的欧佳龙公司(Auralog) 经过20多年的研究开发的一种在线语言学习解决方案,是世界上第一 款将语音识别技术应用到外语学习的产品,拥有全球最佳的语音识别 技术。该方案包括7种语言,分别为美语、英语、法语、德语、西班牙语、意大利语、荷兰语。 Part BTextLanguage PointsThe British Broadcasting Corporation英国广播公司,简称BBC,是英国一家由政府资助但独立运作的公共媒体, BBC一直垄断着英国的电视、电台。今天BBC除了是一家在全球拥有高知名度的媒体,还提供其他各种服务,包括书籍 出版、报刊、英语教学、交响乐团和互联网新闻服务。 Part BTexttrendLanguage Pointsn.a general direction in which a situation is changing or developinge.g.Can anything be done to reverse this trend?有什么办法扭转这种倾向吗? There is a growing trend towards earlier retirement. 提早退休者有增加的趋势。 Part BExercisesTask 1Task 2 Part BTask 1ExercisesChoose the best answer for each question according to Text B.1.Which of the following statements is true about the young woman seated next to us at the restaurant?A. She could speak American English as well as youngCalifornians. B. Her looks and style showed that she was a native American. C. She was actually from California. D. She could not speak Persian. Part BTask 1ExercisesChoose the best answer for each question according to Text B.2.What are RosettaStone and TellMeMore?A. They are training courses on smartphones.B. They are network companies. Corporation. D. They are Internet-based language learning products. C. They are branches of the British Broadcasting Part BTask 1ExercisesChoose the best answer for each question according to Text B.3.Which of the following is NOT true about Internet-based language learning products?A. They allow students to interact in real time with teachers all over the world.B. They are all free.C. Some of them are fee-based.D. They allow students to communicate with virtual pen pals. Part BExercisesTask 2 Decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F) according to Text B. 1. The young Iranian woman ended her sentences as many young Californians do. ( )2.3. 4. 5.RosettaStone is the only PC-based language learning product. (Sometimes it is difficult to stay interested in a language for a long time . ( ) Those online language learning programs which allow people to contact with each other work best. ( ) One advantage of TellMeMore is that its software teaches words and phrases. ( )) Part C PhoneticsStop ConsonantsStop ConsonantsTask 1 Task 2Task 3 Part C PhoneticsStop ConsonantsStop Consonants爆破音包括[p],[b]; [t],[d];[k],[g] [p] 清音双唇音。 舌位:舌身自然放平于口腔内; 唇形:双唇紧闭,这样将气流挡在口 腔内,在形成一定气流压之后猛张双 唇 , 气 流 爆发 而 出 , 形 成 [p] 音 , 声 带 不振动。 [b] 浊音双唇音; 舌位:[b]的舌位同[p]一样; 唇形同[p]一样,声带振动。 [t] 清辅音,齿龈音。 舌位:舌尖抵住上齿龈,然后放开,使 气流爆破而出,吐气较强; 唇位:微开;声带不振动。[d] 浊辅音,齿龈音,闭塞爆破音。 舌位:舌尖抵住下齿 ,然后放开,让 气流爆破而出,吐气较弱; 唇位:微开;声带振动。 [k] 清辅音,软颚,爆破音。 舌位:舌后位向上升,抵住软颚,然 后放开,使气流爆破而出,吐气较 强; 唇形:自然张开;声带不振动。 [g] 浊辅音,软颚,爆破音。 舌位同[[k],吐气较弱;声带振动。 Part C PhoneticsTask 1Stop ConsonantsListen and circle the word you hear.1. 2.A. tears A. dugB. tick B. dotC. Tom C. doD. teacher D. dull3.4. 5.A. herA. mud A. keepB. hitB. mother B. kickC. howC. more C. kingD. hideD. mate D. kind6.A. bikeB. beeC. buttonD. big Part C PhoneticsTask 2Stop ConsonantsListen and practice the sentences you hear.1.The cook is going to take six eggs and break them.2.3. 4.Their garden is full of pigs and goats!Pat, post this parcel at the Post Office opposite the pet-shop. Bob brought some bread and butter.5.6.Coffee tastes sweet.Did Doris decide, or did Dan? Part C PhoneticsTask 3 Read, listen and improve.Stop ConsonantsCloudsWhite sheep, white sheep, On a blue hill, When the wind stops You all stand still. When the wind blows You walk away slow, White sheep, white sheep Where do you go?Tongue Twisters A. Where are you going, big pig, big pig? I am going to dig in the garden. In the garden to dig! Disgraceful pig! B. Feet, take me east, Feet, Feet, take me home again To tea and let me rest. Part CGrammar介词介词Task 1Task 2 Part C介词Grammar介词一、介词简介 介词属于虚词,不能单独在句子中充当成分,只能与名词、代词、形容 词等构成复合结构来充当句子成分。英语中的介词可以分为三类:简单 介词、合成介词与成语介词。about, across, after, against, among, around, at, before, behind, below, beside, besides, between, beyond, but, by, during, except, for, from, in, like, of, off, on, over, near, since, through, till, to towards, under, until, up, with, via inside, into, onto, out of, outside, throughout, upon, within, without according to, along with, apart from, as to, because of, in front of, in spite of, instead of, in accordance with, owing to, together with, with regard to, prior to简单介词合成介词成语介词 Part CGrammar介词二、介词搭配常见错误on表示有接触的“在上面”,over与under分 别表示“在正上方”,“在正下方”,above 与 below 分 别 表 示 泛 指 “在 上方 ”, “ 在 下 方”。 He lives on. 表示时间或地点,需要根据最小的时间或地点 (on应改为at) 单位来选择介词。 It was very kind for you to help 在以it作形式主语而以形容词作表语的句子中, me repair my computer. 如该介词的宾语做主语时句子正确则用of,否 (for应改为of) 则用for.A few birds were flying on the sea. (on应改为over)as 表 示 “ 作 为 什 么 ” , 而 for 表 示 “ 因 为 什 么”。 He went to the restaurant for for可以用来表示某人的目的,但后面不能接having a drink. ing形式,而只能接名词。Yaoming is well known in for a basketball player. (for应改为as) (for having应改为to have) He was born in the morning of July 16th. (in应改为on)表示泛指在早上、下午、傍晚、晚上用介词in, 表示某一天的早上、下午等则用on,如果指今 天下午、明天早上等则不需要介词。 Part CGrammar介词二、介词搭配常见错误表示某物对某人来说熟悉后不熟悉用介词to, 表 示某人都某物熟悉或不熟悉用介词with。 Her composition is good except Except表示“除了之外…没有”, 后面接名词、 two grammar mistakes. 代词、不定式或从句,except for后面只能接名 (except应改为 except for) 词代词,当句中所指的前后两个同类成分时用 except, 否则用except for, besides则表示“除 了…还有”。 He learned all the courses well 表示“尽管”时可用in spite of 或despite。This name is familiar with me. (with应改为 to) despite of having to do part time jobs every day. (despite of应改为despite) At seeing his mother, the child couldn’t help crying. (at应改为 on)表示“一… 就,一般用介词on后面加动词的现 在分词的形式。 He is a pleasure to work. 不定式作后置定语时,如果被修饰的名词是在意 (work应改为 work with) 义上是该不定式的宾语时,如果不定式是不及物 动词,则必须在后面加介词。 Working in a Fortune 500 表示“超越,为….所不能及”时,一般用介词 company has always above his beyond。wildest dreams. (above应改为beyond) Part CGrammar介词Task 1 Choose the right answer from the four choices marked A, B, C and D. 1. The street was empty ______ some cars. A. except B. besides C. rather than D. except for 2. Our flight will arrive at Shenzhen Bao’an International Airport ______ tomorrow morning. A. at B. on C. X D. in 3. ______ realizing his mistakes, he phoned Mike to make an apology to him. A. As B. In C. At D. On 4. I am quite familiar ______ this old song. A. with B. to C. at D. upon 5. He came to the meeting ______ his illness. A. despite of B. besides C. despite D. in spite Part CGrammar介词Task 1 Choose the right answer from the four choices marked A, B, C and D. 6. It was very easy ______ him to pass the final examination. A. of B. for C. by D. on 7. They got married ______ January 1st, 2011. A. in B. by C. at D. on 8. The peak of this mountain is 3000 meters ______ sea level. A. above B. over C. on D. upon 9. All the students in this class passed the Mathematics exam ______ the exception of Jerry. A. on B. for C. with D. for 10. Life will always be ______ a large extent what we ourselves make it. A. to B. within C. by D. at Part CGrammar介词Task 2 Each sentence has four underlined words or phrases. Identify the one underlined word or phrase that must be changed in order for the sentence to be correct and try to correct it. 1. His illness may result in the heavy air pollution caused by a nearby A B C D chemical plant. result from 2. This young man is interested and capable of the work his boss has A B C asked him to do. interested in D 3. This old teacher objects against punishing a whole class for one A B C D student’s fault.to Part CGrammar介词Task 2 Each sentence has four underlined words or phrases. Identify the one underlined word or phrase that must be changed in order for the sentence to be correct and try to correct it. 4. In some cases, different approaches of the same scientific problem A B to lead to conflicting theories. C D 5. Hanson looked forward to the time when he could be financially A B C independent from his parents. Dindependent of Part CFunctions and NotionsAgreeing and DisagreeingTask 1Task 2 Part CFunctions and NotionsAgreeing and DisagreeingThe following are some common expressions for agreeing and disagreeing.Agreeing (Informal) I absolutely agree. There is no doubt about it. I couldn’t agree more. I suppose so. I think you are right there. That’s just what I was thinking. Oh, exactly. That’s very true. Agreeing (Formal) I agree entirely with your view. I don’t think anyone would disagree. I’m of exactly the same idea (as you). That’s just my own opinion. I think I’d accept your view on that. Part CFunctions and NotionsAgreeing and DisagreeingThe following are some common expressions for agreeing and disagreeing. Disagreeing (Formal) I see things rather differently. Disagreeing (Informal) myself. I can’t accept that. Well, I am not convinced. I don’t agree. I’m afraid I entirely disagree I think you are mistaken. to … I wouldn’t say that. Personally, I’d tend to agree That’s not how I see it. with... I’m afraid I can’t agree. Well, my own opinion is Are you kidding? (that)… You must be joking. I’m afraid I have a different That’s ridiculous. opinion. You can’t be serious. Part CFunctions and NotionsTask 1 Listen to the recordings and fill in the blanks with what you hear. Dialogue 1 A: Hi, Mary.excited B: Hi, Peter. You look _________. online A: I have made a girlfriend _________. serious B: Really? You can’t be ___________.A: This girl is nice and pretty.hide B: Many people dating online often ______ their true natures.A: But there are successful examples. B: Perhaps, but how many? Part CFunctions and NotionsTask 1 Listen to the recordings and fill in the blanks with what you hear. Dialogue 2 A: Hi, John. Have a look at what I have just bought on the Internet. B: They are really nice. Do you often shop online? convenient A: Yes, very often. It is very _____________, isn’t it? couldn’t agree more B: I ____________________. The Internet can help us in many ways in life. That’s true A: ___________. I love it so much. I buy most of my things on the Internet. some traps B: But sometimes we have to be careful. There could be ___________ on the Internet. what I was thinking A: That’s just _________________. I am quite careful in choosing the online shops. B: Everything has two sides. Part CFunctions and NotionsTask 2 Make a conversation according to the following situation, using expressions for agreeing and disagreeing.You and your roommates are talking about if computer games are good for middle school students.A sample has been given for your reference. Part CFunctions and NotionsTask 2 Make a conversation according to the following situation, using expressions for agreeing and disagreeing. Sample: A: What’s your opinion on computer games? B: I don’t think they are good to middle school students. A: I agree with you. Many students waste a lot of time on computer games. B: We have to do something to solve this problem. A: We should control their time on computer games. B: Mmm, I suppose so. But you can’t stop them from thinking about the games. A: Then maybe we can encourage them to develop some other hobbies. B: Exactly. Part CWritingComparison and Contrast Email Task 1 Task 2 Task 3 Part CWritingWriting for General Purposes: Developing Paragraphs by Comparison and ContrastBefore doing the exercise, read the guidelines to writing skills in the following box, as this may be of some help to you. Writing StrategyWe use comparison and contrast to set out the similarities anddifferences of two things as a basis for further discussion. When we compare one thing with another, we focus on the similariti when we contrast one thing with another, we showdifferences. There are two different ways of presenting similarities ordifferences: the subject-by-subject pattern and the point-by-point pattern. The following forms show the two patterns of presenting similarities and differences: Part CWritingWriting for General Purposes: Developing Paragraphs by Comparison and ContrastSubject-by-Subject Pattern Topic Sentence A: 1. 2. 3. B: 1. 2. 3.Point-by-Point Pattern Topic Sentence A1. B1. A2. B2. A3. B3. ; . ; .. ; .; .; ; . Part CWritingTask 1 Read Text A again and try to complete the following form.Subject-by-Subject Patternlike Topic Sentence: There is a lot to _____ about digital reading devices. Digital Reading Devices A: ________________________1. Saving on textbook ________ in the long term costs 2. Providing students with _______________ information _______ more and better fasterLightening 3. ____________ student’s backpackB: ____________________ Traditional TextbooksHigh 1. _____ cost of textbooks for each school term Monotony 2. _____________ of endless pages reading loaded 3. Student’s backpack ________ with many paper textbooks Part CWritingTask 2 Text A centers on the innovation of digital reading devices. Now write a paragraph introducing a change of technology in our daily life. Remember to use comparison and contrast to show the advantages of the new technology.A sample has been written for your reference. Part CWritingA sample has been written for your reference.Before Internet and mobile phone came out, people’s communication depended on post and public telephone which were expensive and inconvenient. People had to wait several days to receive a letter through the post. My grandparents remember having to wait in line to use the public phones. Because using a telephone was expensive and many people could not afford, they seldom called friends and family. Today, using Internet and mobile phone is cheap, fast and easy. Almost everyone has an email address and a mobile phone. We can call our friends or family anytime we want and send an email with just a click. In addition, the Internet allows friends and family to talk to and even see each other. Part CWritingWriting for Specific Purposes: EmailTask 3Julia and Jenny are talking about a birthday party for their friend Mike. Julia writes an email to inform one of Mike’s friends. Now read the conversation between Julia and Jenny and then complete the email below following the instruction. Part CFrom:WritingName of the sender Name of the recipient Name of another recipient who is also expected to receive the email Name of another recipient who is also expected to receive the email, but without being known by other recipients listed in “TO:” or “CC:”To:Cc: Bcc:Subject: Subject of the email Part CWritingSuggested Answers:From:To: Cc: Bcc:Julia Clayton && Adam Parsons && Adam Parsons &&Surprise PartySubject: Part CAdam Dear ______,Writingbirthday party I would like to invite you to a _____________ for our friend, Mike. It is a surprise birthday party so don’t let on to him any information. Forward this information to as many of Mike’s friends that you think he would like to see at the party. Just let me know how many will actually come. The information is down below. January 8th at 8 p.m. at Apartment 20, Building 5, McNaughton Road. ________________________________________________________Bring _______________ and anything else you would like to contribute a gift for Mike in the way of food and drink. See you soon.Julia ______ Part CIWorkshopKnowing About the Courses Background Search engines, online chatting tools, email systems, and online dictionaries are some of the common Internet tools in our daily life. Students more or less have experiences in using them. II Task Please make group discussions about how to effectively use these Internet tools to improve study and make a presentation to your classmates. Part CWorkshopIIIProcessStep 1: Form small teams with 5-6 people. Step 2: Discuss the following topics: a. How do you use various Internet tools to assist study? b. What difficulties have you met in using these tools? c. What is the most important benefit in using these tools? … Step 3:Make an oral presentation in class.


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