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ANCHOR The Vatican is letting the public in on part of its history that s been closed off for centuries. Visitors can now walk in the footsteps of Popes who were forced to make hasty getaways long ago. Susana Gargelo has more.CORRESPONDENT If only these walls could speak. This is one of the Vatican s longest held secrets: a nearly one kilometer long passageway snaking its way above Rome from the heart of the Roman Catholic Church to the medieval castle of castel St. Angelo. Closed for centuries to anyone but those privileged to move within the walls of one of the world s most powerful religious institutions, the ancient route has now been opened to visitors who are lining up to take a historic walk along what they fondly call the paseto or small corridor.UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE This monument is part of us. I m really curious to see it.UNIDENTIFIFED FEMALE It s a really moving experience being able to walk where popes did to reach the castle from the Vatican.CORRESPONDENT Since its construction in the 13th century, several popes have escaped charging enemies by fleeing along the fortified passageway and hiding in the castle.UNIDENTIFIED MALE The paseto was used by Clement the Seventh to escape the Vatican to hide in castel St. Angelo. The history books say that the cardinals and the popes helpers covered the pope with a large cape in the most exposed sections of the passage-way so that the rioting hordes down below couldn t see him.CORRESPONDENT The structure was also useful for papal guards to eye suspicious activity below. Today visitors can walk almost the entire length of the wall. The tour ends where the world s smallest city-state begins.UNIDENTIFIED MALE This gate marks the border, this part is Italian property. After the gate it becomes the Vatican: it s a different country.CORRESPONDENT What lies beyond that point remains a mystery. Susana Gargelo, CNN.来自:VOA英语网 文章地址: /html/94.html????[新华汽车 爱驾]北汽威旺,作为主打轻型商用车起家的品牌,如今也开始进军乘用车领域了,而且是目前市场上最火爆的SUV领域。北汽威望首款SUV威旺S50并未正式上市,预售价格7.98万起。从目前透露出来的价格其实不难看出,这款车主打的是性价比。究竟如何我们一起来看看。????北汽威旺S50定位紧凑型SUV市场,车身长宽高分别为80毫米,轴距达到了2670毫米。为了迎合消费者喜好,新车分为乐动版和欢动版两款车型。两款车细节的不同主要体现在前格栅,一个是三幅横条式,一个是直瀑式。并且两款车都采用了银色镀铬进行装饰。????此次体验的是乐动版车型,前发动机盖上的线条给整车带来了SUV特有的厚重感。搭配上镀铬装饰格栅又突出了一丝动感。银色护底板将SUV的气质再次升华。????威旺S50的前大灯设计的棱角分明,及氙气大灯、LED日间行车灯、透镜与一身。据了解,高版本车型还提供大灯清洗功能。这一功能在同级别车型中并不常见。????车身侧面,腰线从前轮眉贯穿整个车身,使车身显得修长灵动。威旺S50采用双股五幅铝合金轮毂,轮胎规格为225/60/R17,采用韩泰optimo系列。????尾部通过多重线条的勾勒显得饱满有力,银色后护板和双边两出的排气造型十分动感,车顶行李架的配备则增强了车辆的实用性。 1 2 3 下一页 1 2 3 下一页


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