what do you seeyousee什么thepicturebobby

Creative Storytelling Project
There are 2 doggies.
The one with the red scarf is called Lucy.
That’s my wife Lucy.
The big dog is another girl dog – Luciana.
They are talking to each other – talking, talking, talking.
She is a lovely girl, a beautiful girl at the beach.
She is jumping on the beach doing gymnastics.
Her name is Luciana Anita and she is doing gymnastics and football and basketball.
Pablo wants ...
Somebody is dancing, her name is Alicia. She is dancing because of the music behind her and because she likes to dance. Obviously she likes to dance otherwise she wouldn’t be dancing. It’s lovely t...
Look at him he’s a very happy little boy. Look at his face, he knows what to do, he’d be dancing or pretending to be on a boat. He would jump out and have a swim. Let’s hope he can swim. If he’s go...
There are two dogs in two cars waiting at the red light.
The dog with the red scarf is called “Ready, Willing and Able”. “Not Mabel” said Mabel.
The other dog is a big boss dog, he is a male and ...
What are they called? Penguins. There’s only two the same, don’t know what their names are but they are doing alright holding hands. They are in Antarctica. The one on the left’s name is Peter, 'Pe...
I see a mother and daughter at a gambling table. She’s rolled a dice and won and she’s over the moon. All the pieces at the bottom, I have no idea, they are so excited, they seem excited and with ...
By Betty, Jean, Dot, Ken, Anne and Peggy
This lady is showing the cat how to exercise.
&This is how you do it, paws up, paws down.
This is how you relax. Let's just lie here, hold your paws up a...
by Brenda, Joe, roma and Valerie.
There’s a boy, he is flying his kite. I’ve seen that done many times before. It looks like he is flying his kite inside. I don’t think its inside. It’s outside w...
By Brenda, Joe, Roma and Valerie
In the mountains somewhere, I don’t think I would like to be there, it doesn’t give out much interest, it’s lacking in interest. This fellow is going to take a dog ...
It looks like the dog wants to go out but it's snowing.He is in the hallway that’s got a little doggie door, it lets him in and out. His name is Skippy. Skippy is feeling cold and miserable . It’...
This story takes place at a fair in Rome, many years ago.
You can tell by the clothing and how they walk.
It’s once upon a time and far away. They’ll come back tomorrow morning to see the man. ...
These boys are ready for a bang up, look at them.
They are not having a bit of a fight, they have their hands up. I wouldn’t like to see them have a fight at all.
They are nice little boys, just ...
It’s taking place out in the bush somewhere. Looks like it, yeah and they’ve got a great big dog with them, the dog looks like he is waiting for a game.
He is firing something. It is difficult gro...
It looks like a theatre, it’s a stage, it looks like 10 one legged ladies. There are odd shoes, there are no pairs. I was taken in by the curtain but the odd shoes it’s a bit... The lights on the b...
It’s a funny looking cricket match,it looks like they’re going to have a fight. They’re eyeing each other up to see what they are gong to do.
It’s a day at the beach, “Come on - I’ll take you on” ...
It’s a duck. No, it’s swimmers. It’s a kid jumping into the water. It’s probably a woman or a girl. It’s a duck called Ducky Daddles. That’s a person diving into the water called Mary. It doesn’t ...
She’s a grandmother. Her name is Granny, Granny Smith. The little girl is Margret. Well, it’s a little boy, I think it is. He is saying to granny about the things he puts in the ground. He ...
This looks like a cheeky dog.
That dog is looking at me. He looks unhappy and scared.
I had a dog that looked scared when I was going to bathe him and he would run away.
I would hide the chain ...
The greatest gift.
I’ve been given a license for a roast dinner. Oh well, I gave it to the rest of the family, they enjoyed it when the grandkids, when they were all around, they liked it, I just let them have it.Th...
He’s just looking in front of him at whatever is there, someone's over there. He is looking at his parents I suppose, where they are I don’t know.
His name is Paul. They are not arguing but they ar...
This story takes place on a farm in the country.
It’s early in the morning.
The young girl’s apron has some eggs in it and she’s let out the ducks.
T he’s either her father ...
There is quite a lot of people there. Someone is helping him with his shoes and he gets his shoes stretched and one is getting a pipe. You never see anyone getting their shoes cleaned now when you ...
Looks like he is a bit hot up around his neck with his shirt undone. He’s been in a hotel drinking and he is hurrying home and it’s got too hot. He’s come in from work.
He has had a busy week and ...
Feeling truly at home.
I felt truly at home when his parents were extremely busy and went shopping to get something because they had visitors. He had everything there because I don’t know what he is going to feed the do...
It’s a great picture. It’s a kid. Half his face is covered and his dog looks at him. The dog is saying “where is my share”. His face is all dirty and he is eating something, looks like he is eating...
This story takes place where they can fish.
These two are on the river by Bundeena, down around the National Park. The chap could be her uncle or father. It looks like she is saying “My muscles...
The fellow on the ground is a shoe cleaner. It is winter and the people have coats on, it looks like it’s in London and looks very cold. It is cold! This man is happy he is having his shoes clean...
It looks like a dog is moving around in a shoe shop. It looks like a wired-haired terrier. The dog is trying to wear high heels. It’s a ladies shoe shop. The dog is looking at herself in the mirror...
Lovely cake making there. Looks nice, it certainly does. It looks nice with all the cake. The person on the side is looking at the cakes and wants to put his finger it and lick it.
It looks like a ...
He’s up in the air and a horse is down there waiting. It’s out in the country and he is trying out a new horse. He gets so excited he jumps in the air and he starts playing his guitar. That gives t...
They are dancing, old time dancing.
There’s two young boys having a good look at something. They’re looking at the man and lady dancing. They’re having a good time anyway. I’d like to change.
That’s me celebrating a birthday. Susan would be there and we would be on a ship going to heaven where we would join hands and celebrate.
They would all sing Happy Birthday and they would give me ...
She is trying to fly a plane or it could be an old fashioned farming instrument for collecting heather but it doesn't show where to put the wheat. She is one of the first women learning to fly. You...
My God, what’s it all about? What is she driving? What is she supposed to be doing? She’s got real hard looking boots on her. She’s all do-dahed up from her knees to her shoes and has a funny hat o...
Oh Lordy Lord! He’s taking a risk on that. It’s not every day you would walk on bricks. Perhaps he is going home. He must have some reason to be crossing there, to go home, yes to go home to have h...
It's taking place up the road, there's a busted water main and they're having a free shower. There's a bloke in the middle with a loaf of bread, it's a woman. It's in a park ,they have been through...
The plane is coming, it's been crop dusting, ready to land near the sea. On board is the pilot and the helper, the cook and the navigator. There's a kitchen on the plane, a small one, to us it look...
It’s an aeroplane. It’s hard to tell if the plane is coming or going because it’s in the middle. It’s landing because its wheels are down. There is an airplace just outside Windsor, planes come fro...
Oh look at them all. It’s been raining or it still is. I’m watching the fellow out there cutting up those pansies. On the bottom there is 'photo by George Eastman House.'
Where is his house?
It's a lady and her name in Penelope, she is fed up with life and is committing suicide by diving in the water, she's making a big splash. This is in Brighton, some time ago last week. She feels co...
He is a lovely boy his name is Gerry Paul Robert.
I hope he likes it.
He is a bit of a character his eyes are well and truly open.
He is staring at something.
He has a paper aeroplane and h...
Beautiful! Oh! For goodness sake. Oh God! She is where there are a lot of men, they have got those things they play with their mouths. It’s not in Sydney I hope. Oh! She is having a dance and thei...
Oh! Isn’t he lovely? It’s a little boy. He’s flying a little kite there. His name is John- Paul. Well, I think he is nice and young. Somebody has given him the kite. Someone gave me a kite and it n...
His name is Harry.Braces! He's going to America and up to the the pub to cool down with a beer and a main meal of a Sargent's pie and a Resches's beer. I met him last night. He feels like a Toothey...
This car belongs to Maria, her son is driving it at the moment. There is a blue sky and he's out driving He's going up to the mountains to see the Three Sisters. There must be others with him,his g...
It's sleeping time and the little baby is on his bed. There is a dog in the same room and the light is near the dog. The boy's name is Sonny. There is nobody there. He doesn't have a family, oh, he...
I know that face. I can remember that face from up at Auburn. It’s a grandma and her granddaughter. Her name is Margaret and the granddaughter’s name is Ann. Margaret and Ann, ohh….They seem to be ...
Who is that? I don’t know who that is out in the rain. Well, she is walking silly in the water. That’s all I can say about her.
Her name is Kerry. What did you call her, Sherry? Jerry? No, Kerry! ...
Goodness gracious. It's very dark and she's on a horse and her name is Shelia. It's dark black. She might be on a horse and going for a ride. You can go anywhere on a horse, of course you can. The ...
Oh, look at him. Is that a father and a little boy, a father and son singing. Dad's a big fat man. The little boy looks nice showing his new teeth. Don't you believe me? I don't think you do! The o...
Itlooks like a party, a music story. The young man is dancing with an elderly lady: which is lovely, and children are watching. It looks like a wedding. It is a very happy atmosphere. You can hear ...
The Messy Party
The boy’s a mess. It is a chocolate, he’s got a biscuit. His name is Messy Boy. The dog is looking at the boy, he has got his tongue out, watching the boy and waiting for the boy t...
He’s late for his wedding, he shouldn’t have stayed out all night.
He’s running away from the church. It looks like he is at a function centre or a hospital.
He’s running to get the doctor his w...
There’s a white rooster going up the steps.
This guy is walking into the yard with his mobile phone.
His phone is playing music. The chooks are following him.
What’s his name?
The big fellow hi...
They look like all legs or shoes and they're women too. No men. What are they trying to do there with the shoes. It might be someone down further, this chap is pointing the stick at the fourth foot...
It's taking place in an open area, when he feels like it. He's lining up to shoot something, some game, some ducks or geese because he is a hunter.
His name is Alex and he's all by himself. He's a ...
That is a bedroom. It looks as though it is in the middle of the nighttime and noone is around. He is not frightened but a little disturbed. He is by himself because all the others are out there wi...
Oh my God! Look at it. Has she got a gun, it looks like she's got a gun. He's got one too. They are having a little fight. They were happy with everything. They both look like they have guns. There...
Oh, isn't that lovely. I don't know what the chooks are interested in. The chickens, the hens, and the little baby chickens-it's hard to say, it's nothing really angry. There's a little white chick...
This story takes place by the sea, down by the beach for the jelly blubbers.
It’s daylight, perhaps early morning.
The sun is in the sky. “God help us, give me rain!” This man is a very athletic ...
She is jumping around in the water at the beach. The beach is behind and it's a cloudy day, a bit cloudy. She didn't jump in the air though, she just walked in. She looks as if she feels she is goi...
It's someone having a cup of tea. Is he having it on a chair? I was just going to say he's only got a hand there sitting on a high back chair. He must be somebody who does'nt want to be photographe...
He'd be in trouble with my mother. Poor dog. The boy is eating biscuits and dipping them in the tea. I thought it was a biscuit, a plumb or honey. The dog is most anxious to share it with him. He's...
Oh dear. They're screwy. They are sisters, these girls. Their names are Gertrude and Maude. I love their hats. It must be very cold because their ears are covered. They are really rugged up. They a...
What's he eating I wonder? He's got a dog there and something going in his mouth. He's got a glass of wine there. I wonder what he has got in the pot? The dog looks like he wants some of it too.
Where is that boat? It doesn't tell you a thing where they are. It's on the sea. It could be on Sydney Harbour and it's coming into Sydney Harbour. That would be on Sydney Harbour. It's been around...
They are so different in so many ways. Some didn’t like it on the beach.
They’re Japanese. They may have a touc...
His name is Cyril and he’s sick watching T.V. in bed. He has no brothers or sisters. His dog is like a brother to him. He has a mum who is obviously interested in cottage crafts. The mum and the do...
Its on a beach, a promenade at Brighton Beach, Brighton Pier, in one of those European countries. She has a dress on that you would have in a skiing resort. It looks like snow there. Her name is Mi...
His name is R he looks a bit like a Reginald. Oh! That was my brother’s name. He is playing and trying to put his aeroplane up on the roof, up on the ceiling, because he is a little boy wit...
She is chasing a ball. It’s a silly way of doing it. She jumps up, no she doesn’t jump up. She is with her friends - two boys and a girl at the beach. She’s going for a swim and it’s a cold day. It...
She is out swimming. Her name is Carmelita Jessy. She lives around Lidcombe Swimming Center. She is jumping in the water and she is excited.
She is there because something happened at home. She did...
Lord, I have hurt my neck. He would be silly to crack his neck. He was sun baking and he hurt his neck playing tennis in the sun. His name is Paul. He is going away to rub his neck to make it a bit...
He is shooting up in the air, might be up at the ceiling and he is out in the bush somewhere. It’s about a month ago in the afternoon.
Someone is getting something to eat and he is shooting at a bi...
They are dancing and the old lady is having a good time. One, two kids are having a good time and the 2 men are all talking and being happy.
They are dancing at night, at a Dance. The 2 kids shoul...
It is a house, a motor car. It’s a bit wide and a farmer drives this car. The farmer has gone to a hotel to buy some plonk and beer. He would go on a long trip to Brisbane. The picture is at a stro...
It looks like a dog. It's in Long Bay Jail holding bay in the morning. Where are they going? Lord only knows where they are going. Something good has happened. Perhaps they are going on a trip. The...
His name is Robert. That fellow would have to mind his balance because he could slip easily. I think he is going to get something for Fella for being a good boy. He's happy and smiling because he i...
He is jumping and trying to get on the horse out in the desert.
It is midnight.
He may have been out in the afternoon, now it is midnight.
He looks like he is jumping in the air and the horse is...
Oh My God.
Eight people in the picture.
They are in a garden with chairs and a girl is walking through.
Its in the morning because of all the fog just before a storm.
There are two people with ...
Somebody's in trouble.
This boy is not in trouble, his best friend is a dog. This boy is a larikin. He climbs trees and his dog goes around him barking and protecting him and he shares his biscuit...
The dog is trying on boots and shoes. The dog has one shoe on and one shoe near his head, there is a black shoe as well. He is using a thong as a skateboard. He is a nice looking dog and he has a w...
They look like sisters and they are friendly sisters.
The older ones name is Aunty Mary.
The young ones name is Roma.
Roma is laughing at her and asking how long have you been on the earth?
It's outside the Heads of Melbourne around Christmas time during the time of the Sydney to Hobart Yacht Race.
&I may have been there.&
They boat is coming from Sydney because it is the start of t...
They have him a bag. He is laughing and his name is John and he comes from Auburn.
He is happy and a bit silly.
He is naked and sleepy all the time.
Good on him, he can't get into trouble.
They are dancing and it is stupidity.
They are fencing and they are silly.
Why would you have your back so no one can see what they are doing?
It is not very nice.
There seems to be a fire brew...
It could be a fight. They are not fighting in the other one but could be fighting in this one. They don't look very cross, they're just playing. He wouldn't have his hands in that position, doesn't...
It is a peculiar thing.
He looks like he is trying to pull a gun.
It could be a vase. He has a smirky look on his face and he has discovered something.
He has discovered he has a shoe on and he ...
They are playing fight and the others are watching.
They are at the beach in the summertime, maybe at midday.
The boy with the shirt on is Ian Paul and the boy without the shirt Tony.
They are p...
Its a dog and a woman.
Its a kitten. The picture of the dog is what it is.
They are all having a rest after a fight.
The dog is called Jimmy and the woman is called Jean.
They get along for abo...
Its a man and he is looking at everything in the distance and looking at a baby.
He is standing on the rail of a boat looking in the distance, looking for some place to hide.
It wouldn't be good ...
It is on a beach somewhere.
Why would you take chickens to the beach?
He is going to take all his chooks home.
They have to go across the road to have something to eat and to lay an egg for brea...
He is eating something, he is eating Marmite.
He is stuffing it into his face.
Wait till he mother gets home, she might give him a good clout.
He has his eyes closed.
He is not sure if he is on...
I think she is a young girl jumping up in the air like that, she has a frisby or something. Her name is Frizzy Ratbag.
People do silly things these days.
There are no silly things, she is up ther...
It is at the river and it is low tide.
He has something under his arm.
He has a camera under his arm and he is going to take photos.
He is going up to Windsor to take some photos.
He may feel l...
It is in the harbour and it is a sailing ship.
He has gone into a place where he has not been before.
It is in Sydney Harbour.
It is late afternoon, it could be.
It has come from Potts Point to...
He might be thinking he is sick.
He is having a lie down during the day.
There is a couple of dogs, one of them seems to be standing there.
There is a lamp shade.
The dogs name is Fluffy and th...
They are carrying parts of trees that they have cut down. The colors may be from the roof.
They are all not good trees. They are all going to Wagga. They are falling up the hill. What color is the...
They look like 2 sisters.
One has a face shorter than the other, one is fat and one is thin.
She looks like an old witch.
Her name is Miss Witch and the other one is called Jeannie.
They are al...
Oh what a beautiful morning at the beach, early in the morning in the spring.
It is a little cloudy and he thanks God for the beautiful time he is having at the beach.
Its blowing a fresh souther...
They’re going for a jump and a paddle in the water because they’re happy, that’s their life and
also because they are hungry.
You can hear a galararing sound.
In Scotland they‘d be saying
They look like they are going to have a go at one another.
Goodness knows what they all are doing.
The one with the red scarf is called Spiteful and the one with the red coat is smaller than th...
Ballerina, its a chorus line getting ready to start, they are on stage at the theatre, at the Tivoli.
It would be a while ago in the evening.
It would have to be in the evening.
They are tap dan...
It is not finished whatever it is.
They are not really walking, they have black and white shoes, they have black, white and red shoes with buttons.
They press it and water comes out and they will...
It is in a chook house like a stable somewhere in the country.
It is in my hands.
It is midday coming into summer.
It is a school morning and it could be winter.
She is a nice little girl.
It's outdoors, in a park. It's a bit like a country fete. It could be a country get together. It could be people who have submitted a cake. It's a cake stall! The cakes are all similar. Perhaps lik...
The plane is coming, that's for sure, its flaps are down on a descent course. You can tell by the sky and the profile of the land. You can see the aerodrome. You need to ask the pilot where the pla...
It's sweet. They're not going to the bathroom they are going to the ocean. They are enjoying the view. It's a natural habitat. They are a pair holding flippers. They are penguins. They're like pets...
It was a show, a type of dance show! It was taking place in a theatre and it was very old. They are young women! See their shoes and their legs. They are having a shower. Too many people are at the...
There is a farmer, a big farm, at the same time it looks like a house. The farmer's name is Thomas Tony. He is feeding the chickens. His wife is at the end. She feeds the chickens too. Thomas Tony ...
This story is taking place on a stage, in the street. It's on the pavement in Sydney. It's summertime in Darling Harbour. Flossy is dancing and people are throwing money on the floor. She does LA B...
Portia is playing the guitar and singing! No one is listening. She is serenading herself and the birds. She is in a park in Mount Wilson. There are a lot of trees and leaves. Its autumn. She is sin...
The little kid is laughing at the old lady and it is his grandmother.
The grandmother’s name is Mavis and the little girl is called Auntie.
They would be talking to people of the same size and th...
The 2 kids are going to have a fight.
It is quite empty, they are at the doctors.
They are in a school yard.
It is in the morning.
The boy behind has an umbrella.
They are having a fight.
Ah God help us!
What I see is a wall with a flap, it looks like a bread oven.
Where you put fire, a pizza oven in the snow.
It looks like a lift where you shove things in, like a safe you have i...
This is taking place in Mexico 1890.
Olay! It's a lady, its a young lady.
She's a cow girl. She's looking round cause she's looking for her horse.
Her name is Julie.
Her horses name is Black Be...
It is at the water.
That is where you would expect it to be.
It is down around Manly and it is in the afternoon.
It is very cloudy.
The water would be a bit rough. It would be sailing around Sy...
They look like they are talking and laughing.
The are agreeing with the decision they have made. They are having a bit of fun in someones house.
They are telling each other stories.
They loo...
His is going up a pole, I want him to come down, he looks dangerous.
He isn’t an ape.
He is going up a pole playing with some men and he didn’t like it so he went up the pole.
They were wait...
Look at her trousers.
They look like they are all knitted.
She has no name, seems like it is about time she gets a name.
The trousers look like they are make of paper.
I don’t agree with ev...
This is taking place on a beach in England in the olden days.
Her name is Anita.
Anita is feeling hot and out of place in that rigout.
Everyone else is in costumes.
She looks like she is going...
Good grief!
The biggest beetles I have every seen!
This is outside St. George Public Hospital.
It looks like three lady birds.
This is happening when there has been a nuclear explosion and the ...
Oh, he is lovely, his name is Eric Jimmy Paul.
Half his head is on the counter pane.
He could be sick, he has measles.
He doesn’t look sick.
He does have a family.
He is in his bed at home.
This is going to be a very hard one.
I don’t like it.
Picking the things.
Somebody’s hat at somebody’s football field.
I can’t see anyone only those caps.
They belong to somebody watching th...
They look like dark people.
He is a man looking up to the heavens, there is a woman there and two other men.
They are doing exercises.
It is near the water, perhaps at one of the beaches.
I have seen her.
I don’t know her name.
Her name is Monica.
There are two Monica’s.
She would be right.
There is a lovely place there.
I don’t know any place around here.
How long has she ...
Look at all the bananas in the bowl and look to at his eyes, he is waiting for somebody and someone and he is going to have a good feed of bananas and biscuits.
His name maybe bananas or biscuits ...
Look at all the lovely cakes and it is at a picnic.
The picnic is in Katoomba Street.
It is lunch time.
It is summer time.
It is silly to take all those lovely cakes out in the heat.
They are ...
It’s a baby.
It’s a nice little boy.
He’s caught.
He’s been caught eating a lolly and doing what he wants to do.
The dog’s name is Spot.
The boy is called Johnny.
The dog is very happy and ...
She’s in the bush, at the beach.
She’s saying, “Ahh, I’m lonely!” but slowly, slowly she’s coming better.
It’s summer.
It’s midday.
Her name is Princess.
Maybe she can’t swim.
She is feel...
This is on a farm in Australia.It might be cold because she has leggings on.
It’s the morning.
The best time to look for hens and eggs.
The sun is shining because she has her eyes down.
This is a picture of 10 one-legged ladies!
They are on a stage somewhere, on a honky-tonk stage, in downtown New Orleans.
It’s summer because they have nice shoes and stockings on their leg.
The dog’s had his day.
He’s been let loose in a shoe shop.
Shoes only come in pairs, so we don’t know where he’ll find two pairs.
This could be in England or on the Continent.
It’s a hard subje...
Here’s a bit more of that pavement.
It looks as though it’s raining.
It looks like its indoors.
He’s in a dry spot or he wouldn’t be sitting there.
It could be early afternoon.
The two men a...
It is a little girl for a start.
Her name is Betty.
It is out the back of Berry.
It looks nice.
The fellow who owns the place would be around, the little girl’s father would be there, also her ...
It is a leg show, ten lovely ladies and they all look nice on top of the hill.
They are inside the house belonging to the people.
Somewhere near the roof.
It is happening in the afternoon.They a...
This is at a beach.
I don’t know where.
It’s Bondi.
It’s in Sydney, 3 months ago.
It’s before lunch and it’s nice and warm.
They are all happy and smiling.
He is a total showoff.
His name ...
His name is Sam, Sam is on a train or a bus.
He’s going to a hotel.
He’s very hot, he’s mopping himself.
He’s not going very far on the bus.
He needs to see a doctor.
He’s going to the Rocks...
Oh boy oh boy.
Just jump in the water down here at Narooma down the South Coast.
It is also at Duck Creek.
It is just after Christmas.
It is mid afternoon, the weather is good but a bit cloud...
He looks as if he is hot.
Who is he?
His name is Harold.
He is coming here to pick me up.
I am not going anywhere with him.
I want to go home to bed.
I am not worrying about him.
He is a b...
The poor little kid has something in his hand,a lamp on the side and a dog, might be a little dog. THe little fella’s in bed and looks like he’s not too good. He’s tired. That’s about it. Little ...
It is a big place with water and land around it.
It's at one of the beaches.
Lots of ratbags there, the way they’re carrying on.
They’re standing in the street, only got their trousers on.
This is at a party.
It’s some turn-out.
It’s at someone’s house, anywhere in the world.
The days of all the trumpets.
It’s around midday.
It’s out in the open, in somebody’s backyard.
The plane is coming into land, not from a long way away,from the next city, up north.
They land them on tin cans now.
It could be in Australia in the outback.
There’s no flaps down.
We can on...
Look at all the fowls, little ones and big ones and he is a big tall bloke.
His name is Francis and he is in his back yard feeding the chicks.
He is in the house, well in the house to feed the ...
It is Manly.
It is going to a very good place and will land on the shore.
We jumped on it all in the water.
They get drowned, all of them.
The boat sinks.
If they got anyone out.
They jump ...
It’s a female.
Veronica Lake.
It’s a long time ago.
This is on a beach, in a foreign country.
It looks like Italy or Spain or the Greek Islands, by the costumes,
or it’s a backyard beach i...
Oh he’s beautiful!
He’s a super dog.
He’s looking and thinking “hurry up and take this off-me.
I’m so embarrassed.” He’s thinking he might get stuck in a bath.
This is interesting! It’s the Hot Shoe Shuffle and they’re getting ready for Act One. Curtain rising. Don’t look at the shoes, look at the legs. It’s taking place in the Roaring Twenties. They ar...
It’s Mario. He’s dancing, he’s running and he is late for his wedding. He is in a parking garage or an airport. This is sometime in autumn, in the afternoon, I’d say.
Maybe he is thinking, “whe...
Oh my goodness! This is going to be a funny, funny one. He has the longest leap and the poor horse has to wait for him to come down. It is at the beach somewhere near a paddock. He is going to po...
This pair are going for a walk. They’re all holding hands and they look like they are all going for a fish fry. They don’t know where they are going. The weather is good and they are good. Jackso...
He is nice looking. It must be hot. His name is Lazarus. He is wiping his neck , he is hot and perspiring and sweating. It is a very hot day and he has been out. He has been outside kicking and
Who is this person. Maybe the boy got married and that is his wife.
His name is some silly dilly. He is silly laying there with the cat. The cat’s name is Ginger Pussy. They are feeling pretty t...
Gosh, one person up there. They’re talking to each other. It’s good weather. He was tired of people. He is a captain. He was looking at the water. The boat is tied to something. The ship’s name i...
These penguins are going to the South Pole, not to bed, because they thought it would be warmer. Their names are Percy the penguin and Gertrude. They know each other. We’ve been watch...
There is a wedding.
He is not dressed for a wedding. That is his mother, she doesn’t look dressed for a wedding.
It is not a wedding, they are all practising dancing.
There are two ladies, they ...
It is a dad and his son.
On my God look at this fat fellow and the little boy.
There is nothing there to interest us.
Dad is having a chocolate coated ice cream, the boy is singing him a song....
It is interesting, it is an aircraft, its a girl and a monkey together.
It is a sight seeing tour in Africa.
It is before 1930 and they are going on safari.
It could be something from a circus n...
Ginger and Gloria are resting and relaxing, certainly the cat is.
They are bosom buddies, very close.
They live together.
It’s a pet friend.
Gloria is talking to Ginger “Meow”.
It’s in America!
It’s in Dallas, Texas, out in the country. It’s in the early 1900’s and it’s near midday.
He is checking his sights, but he doesn’t have the gun in the right position....
That looks like a cockroach.
It is at the beach.
It is at Caberita or Manly beach.
The time is early morning, he has just had a swim,and has run up and jumped up.
His name is James Peter.
The old boy is getting his shoes cleaned.
You can’t go to work dirty.
It is in Sydney near the Bay of Bengal.
It is in spring time.
They might know each other,one is having a rest, one is sitti...
I am going to play with the kids.
Clouds are forming so there is going to be rain.
We will all have to get home, we don’t want to get wet.
One of the girls owns the car.
There is no driver.
What is this, a helicopter, a flying machine? She’s trying for outer space, attempting to fly a very early model airplane. That’s it. She could be having lessons.
She needs them because of t...
Nice, Nice!
The dog is having a wonderful time choosing his shoes.
He’s riding a skateboard.
The dog will likely pick the most expensive pair.
His name is Jed-Toto.
It’s in someone else’s ...
He’s like my husband, always picking the little ones!
It’s in San Souci, one street away from the water, on the beach.
He’s crossing a river.
He’ll have to be careful.
It’s very slippery....
One boy is angry and the other one has something special. The other boy is scared too.
It’s on a beach in Cronulla. The boys are worried.
They were worried they didn’t get everything in their pre...
This person is called Fred. He is posting special parcels for poor people.
He feels very happy because he is going to the poor people. He’s around the corner, he came off at the s...
The big one wants to have a bit of an argument with the little one.
The big dog is called Jimmy and the little one is called Rex.
I don’t think they know each other well.
I think they may kn...
He is singing and dancing.
He is ancient, oh good heavens! I wouldn’t know. It is on someone’s verandah and that is the window.
He feels pretty good and he is singing on the verandah.You can ...
He’s having a cup of coffee!
It’s Santa Claus and he is exhausted after delivering presents.
Time for a nice coffee and a relax.
He was taking presents to good children, hopping on and off hi...
His name is Fred!
He’s hoping it is his parcel he’s holding.
He’s a postman.
He looks very happy.
He’s happy someone else is getting something that looks good.
It’s at somebody’s front doo...
That is a woman, that is hard to do.
Her name is Monica Mary.
She is only a child and is chasing after a man and they never stop running.
She has seen enough of them, she is well into her 70’s...
He is a nice little boy.
He has a paper aeroplane in his hand and he is going to sit in it and go up.
It would be all right for him, there are plenty of places for him to go to.
He could go ...
I’ve been up to the place where these things are from. They live in Lake Parramatta. When they saw it they went for a swim. They have come to Cronulla too - now, they flew there. They are nice ge...
She comes from Kalamata and it starts very soon. This picture has a lot of happiness. She’s coming from Kalamata, to sing a beautiful song. I was there when she was going around. Her name is Kala...
Helen’s father had a big car like that.
Maria is driving the car and going to the capital Athens. Athens is beautiful. The weather there feels beautiful. You would hear normal type sounds. I’ve ...
They look dirty, their names are Cori and Kindred and they are dressed. They work with each other and Doreen has put things in place. She saw them that day and they get along together. They are w...
They are facing the front and there are plenty of chickens and the day before that there was
a turn up from the truck company. Maria’s son loves very much the chickens. Her mother gave her son S...
They are named Mary and Elizabeth. They go to the same church. It’s in Greece.
The church is called St. Mary.
They get along well but like most people they have a little box on and some difficu...
He is Flying a Kite
The boy’s name is Jimmy and he is playing and he is only a child.
He is flying a flying boat.
He is 3 years old.
He looks a good fellow.
He is part of a family with his m...
Oh, the poor fellow, he has a bad neck.
Poor devil, he has a grin on his face.
He is alright his tie is undone and he is like oh, oh.
His name is Jack.
He is going somewhere, going to Lidco...
She minds the chickens.
Her name is Margaret. It’s in the garage at Maria’s house.
She is feeding the chickens. She is there with her friends and it’s right where she wants to go. The chicken i...
She minds the chickens.
Her name is Margaret. It’s in the garage at Maria’s house.
She is feeding the chickens. She is there with her friends and it’s right where she wants to go. The chicken i...
Everybody is very happy and dancing, you’d hear music. The lady could wash in that gown. You’d hear music, dancing music.
It’s a dancing thing, dancing with the police.
She has very thins arms....
This is in Europe, France, in the henhouse. It could be Australia. It’s in autumn or spring. She is wearing stockings. It could be summer. It’s in the morning. She is feeding the chickens. Her na...
It’s a dance. A party. The kids are looking at the party. It’s in a hall. It could be anywhere, perhaps Petersham Town Hall. They had a band on Friday and Saturday night. There’s a family gatheri...
The kid is eating something.
He shouldn’t be eating and the dog is looking on.
He’s hiding in the corner.
The kid’s name is Butch!
His real name is Thomas, but they call him Butch.
The dog...
This is a dance hall in a local Park in Sydney.
It’s 1954.
She is like Bea Miles! (a famous Sydney eccentric from the1950’s) Her name is Rosie.
She’s dancing up a storm, she’s learnin...
The boy’s name is George Eastman.
The dog’s name is “Youngula”.
His family have gone out for the day and they’ve left George by himself with the dog.
George is in trouble because he’s left o...
I don’t know he’s on the bow waiting to buy something.
He’s the Captain of the ship.
He killed the people and ate their guts.
His name is Alexander.
The ship’s name is Alvero.
Paul is there an...
She is laying down there with a lamb and they are having a sleep.
They all are feeling quite relaxed at home in bed. She was washing up before this and she went to bed then. The lion is next t...
I like that he is enjoying it and he is going to fly onto that horse and have a fantastic good time.
He is playing a musical instrument and it is a cold there.
It looks like there are a few l...
It is in Queensland and home on the range. The season is winter.
It may be nice and cold.
They are visiting.
She is out walking with the dog.
The dog’s name is Brownie.
She must have been th...
Oh, how gorgeous!
The high buttons.
It’s Newport Beach before the 1st World War.
It’s summertime.
They feel hot.
That’s the way they are dressed in those times.
“I did too” said Kathleen!...
Oh, look at the pup!
He’s hiding under a towel saying “Come and take me on.”
He doesn’t look happy.
The dog looks like he’s just about to have a bath.
Toby Felix is his name.
He’s a Scotch T...
Oh that’s lovely.
That’s beautiful.
Don will love that, it is well done.
This poor little guy - give him something and he will be right, he will settle down.
It’s long, it’s like a person wit...
Good grief.
There is a lady and a girl. It’s on the beach on the weekend.
They are going to work to do a certain thing.
It is autumn and a sunny day.
Their names are Emily and Doreen.
Oh boy, a purple vintage space princess. Her name is Rosetta and she is playing the guitar, practising for a big show she’s going on. She’s in her garden with all the autumn leaves around, playin...
She is in an aeroplane, like a glider, a flying machine. The motor is behind her and she is posing for a photo because it’s the first time a flying machine is in that field. It looks like chooks ...
Where is his head?
He is standing there with another dog.
They are in a shoe shop.
There are two leashes and he has a skate board.
The shoe shop is in Auburn.
He is up and down the streets....
Oh my God.
They are all babies most of them.
He is eating too.
Look at all the cakes.
There are sponge cakes and pies.
Apple pies are there, some are just plain cake.
There is a crowd the...
Isn’t he lovely and he is in the bag.
He is a happy young man, he is happy because he has cash.
His name is John and he is going shopping in that bag.
You can get plenty in the bag, he has c...
That is a boat and it is a beauty.
It is in Sydney down on the water and it is going to all those places and it is Easter time.
The weather is cloudy and raining.
The boat is coming from the Q...
Oh my God, what is he carrying.
Is he carrying eggs?
Are they potatoes?
Val said they are pretty big ones, he has a pile of them and he may have a shop and take them down to the shop.
He need...
It’s in the lounge room in their backyard or mine. It’s happening on a Sunday. They are complaining too much, they’re complaining because they couldn’t make a noise. The weather is fine, it’s summe...
This is taking place in the backyard in Toronto. It’s happening when she feels like it. It’s seasonal weather. They’re eating and talking and she is showing her biceps and he got that one in. She i...
She is happy, she is a dancer and she’s the only girl there. She’s got a dress. It’s on the farm. She’s looking for sheep in the hills. The picture was taken in the morning. Its summer and it’s w...
That’s good, very good. There are too many different types of food there. There is eating, drinking, dancing and singing. It’s in the backyard in the daytime. The weather is quite good. Cold, s...
He has plenty of life.
I love the expression on the dog, he has paint on his face.
His name is Robert and the dog’s name is John.
He looks like he is in a room. It’s on the floor at home in th...
Oh boy, oh boy.
It looks like a woman going up the pole to change the light, because the light maybe out.
She is feeling a bit uncertain because she doesn’t know where she is going.
Her husban...
He is in the water and he looks like he is praying for more water to come down on him.
It is in the daytime at Bondi or Coogee.
It is a bit cold for him.
He feels embarrassed for what has been...
It’s looking good. He is thinking “what’s happened here.& He is worried.
There are lots of people around and they’ve taken off their shoes for dancing. This dogs a baby, his name is Pica Bella. ...
He’s out somewhere – it’s up in the high areas. It happened just recently.
It’s hot. You’d see what it looks like and see what you could do. This gentleman’s name is George. He comes from Maria’...
I used to do this when I was younger. This boat is at an island called Library of Congress. He was looking at anything he could see. His name was Captain Cook.
People come from everywhere and ge...
Ahhh. The two little boys … beautiful.
“You are my sunshine, my only sunshine, you make me happy when skies are grey, you’ll never know dear how much I love you, please don’t take my sunshine ...
They should have been made better, they’re dancing “The Charleston”, the boy says oo-pahr.
They’re nice animals - one’s named John and the other Burke.
They’re going to find out when they’ll ...
George is his name.
He’s going to the club.
Georgie Porgie kissed the girls and made them cry.
He’s drinking too much vino and he has got a big belly.
He’s gone to the club to play the machin...
He’s getting his feet fixed up. He is getting his feet done in Riverwood where the lady does it. It’s in the afternoon. It looks a bit wet and fine. They know each other, but Val is not sure about ...
Nobody knows what is going on here. There is heavy rain on top of the aeroplane and a heavy sky. It’s going away. The plane was out in the toilet near the petrol station. It went away to get the pe...
Oh my God!
The poor horse is waiting for him to come in.
He wants to ride the horse.
He has been a rider since the second standard. He has been a very talented rider.
It is a very small horse a...
That looks like a soldier and he is very happy with what he is doing. He is smiling.
It looks like something you sweep the floor with.
He has a box of chocolates in his hand.
I am not going ...
Who is this bloke?
He name is Patrick.
He is going to his wife or his mother.
They are down at Lidcombe.
He is married, it doesn’t matter whether he is married or not.
He is married.
They are two little boys having been blown in.
They are in the Bay of Bengal.
They are just showing off, having a boxing match.
It looks like they are having a brawl one day.
It is about mi...
Alexandra the Great
Her name is Alexandra the great. It’s happening in the bathroom. We can’t see her shoes. It’s near the Acropolis. It’s in the afternoon, the weather is fine and warm and beauti...
Dog Fighting
Look at them, aren’t they lovely.
There dogs, woof, woof.
They may be fighting and biting each other.
They are speaking with their heads out of the window.
One time, I never did...
A dear little face.
His name is Robert.
He is flying a kite and he is a happy little boy.
His mother or father may have made the kite.
His parents are good because he is happy.
It is a sec...
We have a new woman.
She is jumping.
She wants to be fit.
It is up in Queensland.
That is the boy’s mother, we will have to do something.
It is in Queensland near the beach and it is hot i...
They’ve a job to do. Very nice. It’s taking place in somebody’s backyard, not in Val’s place, somewhere else. It’s just before lunch and it’s probably summertime. They’re feeling very hungry. The...
They have funny hats on. It is taking place somewhere where they are happening. They both have bowties on.
It’s taking place on a big farm with a big house on it and a well. They have plenty to ea...
It is a little boy. He is having a sleep.
A little boy is in bed.
His name is Reginald.
He has a family and his family name is Aitken.
He is lonely by himself and it is a bit scary by himse...
It looks like a hot day in the office.
His name is Syd.
It’s been a hard day at the office.
He reminds Julia of her neighbour.
He’s off to the pub.
He’s thirsty and wants to check on the ...
She’s showing off her muscles but she doesn’t a have many.
She’s too thin!
She’s been rowing on a river.
It’s in Tasmania.
There are plenty of trees.
It’s on the Tamar River!
He wasn’t pleased to see them. It looks busy. There’s nothing going on. His name is Joshua. He is going out to find the toilet. He doesn’t do anything for a living but he’s busy.
He is sick he h...
She is going to shoot this bloke with a stick. Is she mad? They came back too, with things they were doing themselves. It’s taking place at the beach, Mahalie Stackpole. She is not big enough to ...
A lot of bricks.
He will fall over the bricks.
A shark will eat him.
His name is Gilligan.
He is walking over the bricks.
It is a man walking and he is sill and will fall over and drown.
Oh, two kids, they are going to fight.
Two naughty boys fight.
They make up and are ready for the job.
It is in Papua New Guinea near the beach.
They photo is in summer time abou...
Oh, the poor little fellow.
There is a boy sleeping in the bed.
He is reading a book.
One boy is in bed.
He doesn’t look too happy, he is sick in bed and he has the measles.
His name is Jo...
One is challenging the other, saying put your fists up, let’s have a fight.
They are off to play cricket.
It is on Bronte beach.
It looks nice and warm but cloudy and downcast.
It is close...
He looks over anxious.
He’s a happy opera singer.
He looks like he is singing.
He is late for his wedding singing out “Hey wait for me.”
He could be
It’s the back door of the ope...
Oh, that is different.
It’s a Beverley Hillbilly.
He could be playing the flute.
He’s taking aim and swallowing a sword, shooting ducks or crows.
It’s in Gundagai, but there is no dog on th...
Oh doggie.
You ain’t see anybody.
They are hiding in the house.
The dog’s name is Lassie.
They are down in Lidcombe at the station or nearby. There is only one dog.
He has things across h...
May be he is shooting a bird.
It is in New Guinea, near Berala.
It is a long time ago.
He has a horse and cart and a bucket and he is by himself.
He is looking at a bird.
He may want to eat ...
That is a lovely car, a big one, “Broom, Broom.”
Where are we going to get one?
Oh, what a car!
Monica will take the car. Pat would go anytime for a ride in the car.
It is a bonza.
The numbe...
He's a different man. He is breaking hold and is jumping and trying to get on his horse.
Monica said he is not going to make it. It is in the New South Wales outback in the west. It is a summer ni...
He's a nice little baby. He is name is Jimmy, poor kid. If they shut up the bag they will take him away. His mum carries him in the bag. You can't see anyone around. His family is making him smile....
He is shooting birds. It is up the bush somewhere, It is at Mooree. That's a long way up. Monica said she is not going there. He could go up the mountain if he wanted to go, if he gets the right tr...
Oh, a teddy bear.
Oh my godfather, who made this one up?
He is in the mountains.
He is cold and he wants to light a fire and there is no one with matches.
Monica said we should have taken mat...
What the heck is she doing?
Maybe she is hiding a snake, you never know.
It is in Papua New Guinea.
She has something in her bag.
Her name is Molly.
She is hiding something in a box ...
Oh my God what is it? It is a monkey or a puppy or a dog. His name is Lassie. &I wouldn't give the dog a fancy name like that,& Monica said. Woof, Woof, Woof. You would hear the sound of a tiger an...
This is a Papua New Guinea man. This bloke is having a good dig. What is he looking for? Money or a girlfriend. Pat says &the money comes first,& so does Monica. His name is Brendan. He may have lo...
Oh God, what in the heck is that? They are all killing a pig. That is a pig and all the little pigs are under her and they a having a drink. They are in Sydney. That is a pig and it is living in th...
Where did they come from?
The two of them look the same and Monica wouldn’t be bothered with them.
They are a mother and daughter.
They are doing pretty well.
They are ladies who are well loo...
Oh, for God’s sake.
Hello little fellow, good heavens a dog.
Where did the dog come from? It was there when they got there and they decided to keep it.
It is a nice little dog and it is sittin...
It has come from the Government.
They are all around the horse and the horse is showing all his backside.
There are all these dogs, nine dogs. There is one dog that is not in with the others ...
Oh My God!
This little fellow is hiding from someone because he can nick in there, no one would find him. His name is Mango-tango. He looks like he is racing. He is a little dog. &Mango-tango come...
This bloke must being flying out. He is too low for landing it has to be higher and higher. Before, he was at home resting a while on the sun lounge. The plane is going to some exotic island. Monic...
These are lovely, lovely cakes, oh boy, oh boy.
They should be here in this room.
Maureen agrees, you could cut a little bit of each one and enjoy.
They are all at a
Parish picnic, that sou...
A little boy is sitting up in bed all the time. His name is Jack...Jack the Ripper. He has no family and he's only a little boy, a small child sitting in bed doing nothing. He's not well. He's unha...
Oh my God! What a lovely picture this is. He is looking and being mischievous. He might have someone inside and say &come with me&. Budgie is his name. I don't like him, he looks like he is saying,...
Oh my God!
Look at him, the poor kid is having a bad time and he loves chocolate and is licking the bowl.
The puppies are there.
The pups name is Lassie and the dog looks surprised and he is ...
Oh my God!
The kids are having a bit of a fight, come on boys
“put them up”.
They are twins at the beach and their hair is wet.
We are making out who is going to fight.
They are called Jim ...
Oh my God, it is chooks, small ones and big ones and the lady has them and he is happy about them.
It is Sunday and a beautiful day.He is singing and dancing.
He is singing “Love me Tender”.
Thats a little girl. That’s nice.
It is a nice picture.
She is on the farm with the chickens and the farm is facing the same building, this way.
It is a Sunday and she is working back and sh...
The cheeky thing, a lovely puppy.
The dog has had a shower and he is happy.
Monica is glad he is happy.
He is pretty mean and has a cover over him.
His name is Jimmy.
It is a nice name says ...
What is that one, it is a girl.
It is in the street somewhere.
It is at lunch time.
She is having a stretch, is she lying down?
The other lady is looking around at other people.
She would ...
Penguins!! I love penguins!
I think they are finding their eggs, they are looking for their babies, they are hiding and it is very cold.
It is in Antarctica and it is very early in the morning....
His name is Poochi Poochi.
He has just had a shower and is waiting for the sun to come up.
He’s very cold.
He should be out in the sun and that will get him in there!
He could sing “You are m...
This is a nice one!
He’s mending it.
“Is it a he?”
She could be learning to drive and she hasn’t
even got a glove on her hands. She has, says Maureen!
Her legs and arms are all loo...
Oh my God!
Look at the trousers on her.
She’s waiting for somebody.
She might be married, she’s waiting for her husband.
It’s taking place in part of the city.
She’s not an old person.
Oh! A little baby. You great big fat lump, isn't he beautiful? They have him in a bloomin' suitcase, you poor little fella. He's loving being in there. His name is Robert. Your beautiful aren't you...
We Wouldn’t Know What to Do
I love this one, it is the most gorgeous thing i’ve seen.
people lying on the floor and staying there.
It looks like a cat and it’s pretty big for a cat.
Them two things, they look a bit funny don’t they.
They look very ordinary and
they look like good friends.
They are going to like one another and they will go in the water and have a good t...
Look at those two kids having a fight.
They are throwing sand at each other.
They are some young kids at a factory.
The factory is in Chester Hill.
One is getting quite wet and the other fell...
It is night time and the little boy is in bed and he is comfortable.
There might be 2 .
His name is Armed.
He has a shoe.
He has a family and his grandmother is Bianca.
He is circumcised and...
They are dancing, the war is over, that’s why they are there.
If you were there you would hear the music, the rain and the traffic.
They would be having a good old talk.
It’s an excuse for a d...
The man is a farmer.
That’s not me.
He’s in the farm and he could be anywhere.
It’s at the back of the farm near the garage.
He’s down the back and he’s hiding himself out so he can shoot.
Look at all the cakes, lovely cakes.
There’s butter on the cakes and there is lots of icing.
They’ve been cooking all the cakes.
It’s in the school yard and it’s a fete.
Mum cooked all the ca...
It's down in the country past the place, on the farm, He's hunting birds to eat. That's a funny one. It's taking place about two years ago, I reckon.
His name is George and there is no one else ar...
Look at the mans' long hand. He is kissing the ground and perhaps he shot the animal. He has a long foot and he looks like he lives out in the bush. His foot must be a hundred foot long. What has h...
The lady looks like Sophia Loren.
I don’t know her.
It’s at Bondi Beach.
I won 42 thousand dollars when I was 13.
It’s summer time and the lady has a beautiful tan.
She’s happy.
She’s singi...
The man looks like Prince William.
What have we got here now.
We have a sports person snow skiing in winter.
It’s snowing and I think it is Hyde Park or up further.
He is roaming around and h...
The dog's name is Poochie.
Look at him under the rug.
He’s sitting down.
I think he is confused.
He doesn’t know what to do.
He’s wet. He is waiting
for someone and it all depends on the pe...
The little boy is named Paul, Paul the wrecker.
He has an idea of an aeroplane.
He is playing with a plane, a paper plane or kite.
He likes to be free.
He wants his cousins to come and help h...
I’d like to find out where this is.
It is just down the road from the Nursing Home in a school yard.
Maureen bought a cake there, a sponge cake.
There is a birthday on 2nd August and there is ...
This boat is in the Pacific Ocean in Sydney Harbour.
There are not many of this type of boat.
Monica wouldn’t get in, she doesn’t like these boats.
Angelita would get in the boat and go round ...
On my boat.
I’d like a big ship like that.
It’s in the Pacific Ocean.
It is beautiful water in Sydney near Bondi.
It would be a good ship then.
It’s late afternoon and it’s a beautiful liner...
Those two ladies are very famous.
They are both funny, look how they are dressed.
They are sitting there with school shoes on and funny hats and things to hold on.
They are lovely dresses.
Here is a little girl and her name is Henny Penny.
I think she’s about eight years old .
She is in her house at the garage and there are chooks.
Henny is going to save jelly beans.
It is abou...
This is in the park.
It’s raining and its winter.
They’re naked up top.
They are showing off their chests.
They are happy and free and maybe they are hot cause they’ve taken off their clothes...
This man has a business.
He is playing the violin and he has a box to put the money in.
He hasn’t any yet but he is hoping for some.
The man is sad.
We should all get together and put some ...
Happy Days
It’s a beautiful picture.
He is a gorgeous baby boy.
The poor little kid.
He looks like he’s thirsty and he wants the bottle.
It’s autumn time because there are no leaves on the t...
The Very Happy Frog
It’s a big frog sitting in a lady’s hand.
He has long legs and he is jumping for joy and his tongue is not out.
Hop out of its way.
I think it’s in the park late in the af...
Our picture is in Maldon in Victoria.
It’s a gold mining town.
It’s where Daisy’s husband was born.
They are going to the fields to pick up some bread. The man’s name is Charlie Jack and the h...
This is Sydney at the bus stop.
It’s raining and it looks cold.
It could be lunch time.
The man has a sandwich on his lap and the dog wants a bite.
The dog’s name is Blackie.
He is fat and ...
The man has got wings, hasn’t he?
He is about to fly off.
I think he looks silly.
He’s pretending he is an angel.
His name is Arch-angel.
We don’t know what he’s doing.
He is pretending to ...
They are all old and skinny.
They have swimming costumes on.
Who wants to look at these men all the time.
They are at Bondi.
It’s sunny but it doesn’t look too good.
They are all men and t...
Look at the handsome chook.
It’s not a duck.
That’s stupid.
You can have it I don’t want it.
Who’s the girl?
Monica is her name and the chook is crawling out of a hole and it’s name is Peg...
How gorgeous,
You could make a big story out of this one!
Good afternoon everyone.
We’re going to have a good story about a fight.
It looks like a fight.
It’s happening in a theatre.
It is in England and its winter.
He looks like Prince William.
He’s slipping and sliding.
He has got to have the dog with him.
Hot dog’s name is Jimmy Weasel.
It’s a Friday, and there is a l...
The dog is sitting there with a table cloth around him.
He is looking serious.
His name is Tommy.
He belongs to whoever owns the towel.
He has probably dragged it off the clothes line and he co...
He's a big dog and he's looking at the boy to see what he is eating.
The dog can't understand why he is left out.
The dog's name is Pal.
The boy is biting a lollipop.
He has a thumb in his mout...
The man is a dancer and he just missed the bus.
He's going home to Bondi.
He is very handsome.
He's alright and has evening dress on.
He might call in and Monica would say &sorry I can't stay&....
I think they're dancing and dating.
I think they know each other because they are dark.
They might be mother and son. It's at a party at a club, the Auburn RSL Club.
If we were there we would he...
The two seals are half feet and half fat.
They are going the sea to have a swim because they are cold and the water is warm.
Their names ar Jack and Jill.
They make sounds like &quack, quack, qu...
The little boy is game.
He's a gorgeous little boy and his name is Dwain and he is cuddling up to a gnome.
The gnome's name is Joseph.
Dwain is telling the gnome lies and the gnome doesn't belie...
It's rubbish.
It's carvings or candles.
It's telling a story about life.
It's a school house in the country and the candles are writing their story.
There are two little girls, their mother and...
The girl is proud of herself.
She's jumping for joy because she realises she is a free girl.
This is a Bondi Beach.
The weather looks good and she looks a nice person.
It's in the summer and sh...
The picture says a lot.
The man and wife are dancing.
There’s a discussion with the four men in the corner.
They are talking about drinking.
There’s dancing going on, Cha, Cha, Cha.
Peg coul...
The little boy is going out to fly his kite.
He wants to be a pilot.
He loves his freedom.
His name is Jeff.
Freedom is the best thing in the world.
Jeff has a family, just an ordinary famil...
Here’s a little girl and there has been a fall.
There’s a cat stretched out and the girl is stretched out too.
They are feeling with their hands.
They are happy and know each other because the...
The picture is at the hotel in Sydney in a country part.
The weather is good like our weather and it’s a bit cold.
The man has mud on his boots, two coats, is in blue and red, and a cowboy hat ...
There’s a lot of green around.
You have to use your imagination.
It’s in a park, Hyde Park.
Who is she?
Is it a she or is it a he?
Joe and Lena think its a he.
His name is John Green Boy.
What sort of a rat bag is that?
A star rat bag and his name is Ratbag.
He has wings cause he’s a bird from Birdland.
He has a family.
Someone put the wings on him and he’s going to Heaven.
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