
One day,a teacher took his pupils to a chicken farm to pay a visit.When they came near the incubator,chick just got out of its egg shell."It's wonderful to see a little thing come out from the egg shell,isn't it?" the teacher said."Yes,sir." said one of the boys," but it would be more wonderful if we knew how a chick gets in to its eggs hell before hand." 一天,老师带学生到养鸡场参观,当他们走近孵化器时,刚好一只小鸡破壳而出.“看见一个小生命从蛋壳里出来,岂不是很奇妙的吗?”老师说.“是的,老师.”一个男学生说,“可是,如果我们知道它是怎样事先钻进蛋壳里的那就更奇妙了.” .Some big companies to hire a car driver high,after each and after the exam,only three of the most excellent competitors.The examiners asked them,"cliff is gold,you open a car to take,can feel how close distance and unapt cliff drops?" "Two meters." The first said."Half meters." The second is safely said."I'll try,the more far away from the cliff.The third said.Results the company hired a third.Tips:don't be fighting temptation and,yue yuanyue is good.远离诱惑 某大公司准备以高薪雇用一名小车司机,经过层层筛选和考试之后,只剩下三名技术最优良的竞争者.主考者问他们:“悬崖边有块金子,你们开着车去拿,觉得能距离悬崖多近而又不至于掉落呢?” “二公尺.”第一位说.“半公尺.”第二位很有把握地说.“我会尽量远离悬崖,愈远愈好.”第三位说.结果这家公司录取了第三位.秘诀:不要和诱惑较劲,而应离得越远越好.Five years of Hank and mom and dad brother go to work,the forest sudden rain,but they have only a piece of YuPi.Dad YuPi will give mom,mom gave brother,brother gave Hank.Hank asked:"why dad gave mom,mom gave brother,brother gave me?" The father replied,"because dad than mom,mom is strong and powerful,brother,brother,stronger than you.We will protect weaker person.Hank looked around,and ran to YuPi will open in a wind fluttering delicate floret above.True strength,or is not much more money than others,but he has to help.Responsibility can let us do will complete,love can let us do things.强者 五岁的汉克和爸爸妈妈哥哥一起到森林干活,突然间下起雨来,可是他们只带了一块雨披.爸爸将雨披给了妈妈,妈妈给了哥哥,哥哥又给了汉克.汉克问道:“为什么爸爸给了妈妈,妈妈给了哥哥,哥哥又给了我呢?”爸爸回答道:“因为爸爸比妈妈强大,妈妈比哥哥强大,哥哥又比你强大呀.我们都会保护比较弱小的人.汉克左右看了看,跑过去将雨披撑开来挡在了一朵风雨中飘摇的娇弱小花上面.真正的强者不一定是多有力,或者多有钱,而是他对别人多有帮助.责任可以让我们将事做完整,爱可以让我们将事情做好.
<img width="1" height="1" src="/irt?_iwt_t=i&_iwt_id=&_iwt_UA=UA-sogou-000002&r=" />谁有一些英文小故事短一些,最好带一些中文翻译
/english/c13/鳄鱼与猴子 A monkey and a crocodile One day a monkey was playing in a tall tree by the river. A mother crocodile and a baby crocodile were swimming in the river. They swam slowly. Suddenly the mother crocodile saw the monkey “Oh, a monkey! How nice if I have it for my dinner(05月30日,1090) [查看全文]
有人爱用雨伞打我的头 单词: temple /`templ/ n.太阳穴
sultry /`s7ltri/ adj.闷热的
whack /(h)w2k/ vt.重打;击败
unperturbed /`7np9`t8bd/ adj.泰然自若的
moan /m9un/ n.呻吟
remorse /ri`m5s/ n.懊悔;自责
bludgeon /`bl7dE9n/ vt.用大头棒打
h(05月23日,631) [查看全文]
夏夜惊魂 The fact that Henry Armstrong was buried did not seem to him to prove that he was dead: he had always been a hard man to convince. That he really was buried, the testimony of his sens(05月23日,476) [查看全文]
大奖来自白马城 He arrived in New York City at John F. Kennedy airport. He was a very old man, but fit, and having come a long way--from eighty miles outside of White Horse, Canada. He made his home in as desolate a place as exists anywhere in the world, but he h(05月23日,309) [查看全文]
亚西亚遗失的心 The following passage is an extract from The Lost Heart of Asia by British travel writer Colin Thubron. In this book, Thubron travels through the countries of Central Asia shortly after the collapse of the Soviet Union. In this extract, Thubron de(05月23日,150) [查看全文]
黑莓酱的故事 ".and the weekend promises sunshine and southerly breezes. Make the most of it!" “……周末预计会阳光明媚,并刮起徐徐的南风.尽情享受吧.” The weatherman's cheery voice came from the TV, precariously perched on a pile of books, the only way she'd yet found(05月23日,425) [查看全文]
皮匠和银行家 The Cobbler and the Banker A cobbler passed his time in singing fro it was wonderful to see, w he was more contented in shoes, than was any of the seven sages. his neighbor, on the contrary, who was rolling in wealth, sung but littl(05月23日,346) [查看全文]
源自欧洲寓言名著的英文典故 1.a dog in the manger占着茅坑不拉屎的人出自《伊索寓言》(Aesop's Fables),有一篇狗站马槽的故事,说的是一头狗躺在堆满稻草的马槽里,狗是不吃草的动物,而当马或牛一走进稻草时,这头狗却朝着马,牛狂哮,不准食草动物享用.因此,“狗站马槽”就成了一个家喻户晓的成语而进入英语中,常用来比喻a person who prevents others from enjoying sth that i a churlish(05月21日,236) [查看全文]
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When Adam and Eve were driven from paradise, they were forced to build a house for themselves on barren ground, and eat their bread by the sweat of their brow. Adam hoed the field, a(05月14日,539) [查看全文]
A Handful of Clay 一撮黏土 英汉对照 Henry van Dyke There was a handful of clay in the bank of a river. It was only common clay, but it had high thoughts of its own value, and wonderful dreams of the great place which it was to fill in the worl(05月10日,271) [查看全文]
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东施的这副模样,使村里(05月07日,642) [查看全文]
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A man of the state of Zheng wanted to buy a pair of shoes. He measured his foot and put the measurement on a chair. When he set out for the market he forgot to bring it along. It was after he had found the pair he wanted that th(05月07日,656) [查看全文]
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Yi Qiu was known as the most famous expert at chess throughout the land. Once he gave lessons on chess to two men. One of them was completely absorbed in his teaching, listening attentively to Yi Qiu while the ot(05月07日,438) [查看全文]


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