I am waitinggo across the streett.这个句子对吗

关于定语 宾补 状语的习题 划分句子成分 1.l am waiting for the sound of the other shoe_百度知道
关于定语 宾补 状语的习题 划分句子成分 1.l am waiting for the sound of the other shoe
they call me Lilly sometimes
宾补3.every night he heard the noise upstairs 状语7.l saw Mr只要把句子后指出的成分找出就OK
若说些技巧好的还给加分1.she likes the children to read newspapers and books in the reading room
宾补6.l am waiting for the sound of the other shoe
定语2.Wang get on the bus
宾补4.there was a big smile onher face
若有疑问,可以追问~~~祝你学习进步,更上一层楼1.l (主语)am waiting for (谓语)the sound (宾语)of the other shoe(介词短语作后置定语) 【希望帮助到你
抱歉前面 没打完
1.l am waiting for the sound of the other shoe
定语of the other shoe
2.they call me Lilly sometimes
宾补Lilly3.l saw Mr.Wang get on the bus
宾补get on the bus
4.there was a big smile on her face
状语on her face
5.she likes the children to read newspapers and books in the reading room
宾补 to read newspapers and books in the reading room 6.every night he heard the noise upstairs 状语every night 7.the man on the motorbike was traveling too fast 状语 too fast
第五句的正确说法是:she【would like】the children to read newspapers and books in the reading room
因为,like一般不单独接复合宾语 【希望帮助到你,若有疑问,可以追问~~~祝你学习进步,更上一层楼!(*^__^*)】
抱歉前面 没打完 现在真打完了
没看到我早完成7个了吗? 做完了! 等你加分呢。 注意我说的第五句,原句有问题。
sb on &#47.l saw Mr.they call me Lilly sometimes
call sb sth
3.Wang get on the bus
get on the bus
do sth 4.there was a big smile on her face
on her face
there be sth /in sp 51.l am waiting for the sound of the other shoe
of the other shoe
出门在外也不愁请问这个句子完整吗?I am sorry to make you wait.
结构上是完整的,用了I'm sorry to do sth.和 make sb.do sth.两个结构,但是从意思上来说不如I'm sorry to keep you waiting.更好一些.
I'm sorry to keep you waiting
扫描下载二维码I am the same age as ...句子对吗?谢谢I am the same age as you
, / yours I am of the same age as you
/ yours.I have the same age as you / yours1
以上三个个句子,那个才是对的呢? 我觉得前两句正确,第三句不确定 I am ( of ) the same age,of
是否是不能省略的? 后面用的是 you ,还是 yours ?2
I have the same book as you / as yours
看到网上争论的比较多,有说是, 用 as you ,
as you have ...)
I am the same weight as you . / as yours
I have the same weight as you / as yours第三问,和前面两句问题差不多,用 I am
, I have .那个才对?咨询就是 the same weight 前面的动词,用 am 还是 用 have ?后面用
as you ,还是 as yours
合适听听大家的建议.谢谢啦.呵呵, 简明扼要回答即可.
I am of the same age as you.和 I have the same age as yours正确. I am of the same age as you中of不可省略.of the same age表示”有相同年龄的“,起到形容词的作用.如We are of the same weight(我们体重一样).这个句子中as为定语从句引导词,you后省略了are,即这个句子也可以写成I am of the same age as you are. I have the same age as yours中the same age作have的宾语,as是介词,后面的yours指your age. 还有一种说法也正确:I have the same age as you do.此时as为定语从句引导词.
嗯。谢谢同意您的观点。 I am of the same age as you (are) 我也查到这里理解的。呵呵。
I have the same age as you ( do.) 这个我也认同,
I have the same age as yours 类似这类表达 我看到网上有争论的。。比如这个例句
I have the same pen as you / as yours
( 有说用you ,
My pen is the same as yours 才用了 yours )呵呵。
这个例子 说 as you , as yours 都有的。
应该是都可以的,只不过两个地方的as词性不一样,as you中as是连词,you为从句中的主语,后面省略了动词;as yours中as是介词,后面的名词性物主代词yours作宾语。
扫描下载二维码I am going to get some water in the cap.这个句子对吗_百度知道
I am going to get some water in the cap.这个句子对吗
这句话的意思应该是我要用这个盖子取点水。正确的句子:I am going to get some water with the cap.
舒适的寝却没有了往日的激情与冲动抛弃了曾经的梦想心渐渐被麻木填满现在的生活如同一杯白开水单纯有益却淡而无味千篇一律的早晨 步行几百米 然后等着乘上满满的共车然而
在这样的清晨我却发现了一丝清洌的空气让我麻木的头脑暂时地醒来那是一个女孩在那个微雨的清晨站在马路对面的公车站没有撑伞 任凭雨丝轻柔地洒落在她的发丝她一直底着头只有当公车驶来时抬头看看 然后又低下头去看着远处的女孩 我不禁痴了直到被身后的人推推搡搡地上了公车之后的每个早晨我都会站在公车站向马路对面眺望希望能够看到那个美丽的身影每天她都会在那个公车站等待着和我相反方向的公车而我?也许等待她能察觉我的存在也许等待她在远方的一个微笑也许,也渐渐养成了习惯要等到看着她上车才会自己上车离开每天清晨的那一点时光几乎成为了我一天中最快乐而放松的时候就算是休息日我也会习惯性地走向公车站等候她的来到 目送她上车 然后回寝有一天 我怎么也没有等到她的出现一个小时 两个小时我傻傻地站在路边等待车一辆辆地开过终于 我拖着沉重的双腿回寝瘫到在沙发上 全身无力我发现 自己对那个女孩竟然有了深深的牵挂第二天的早晨一如往常 她又出现在对面的车站远远望着她的脸和被风吹乱的丝丝秀发冲过去问她 昨天为什么没有来她的脸色似乎有一点不好
理智和情感久久地争执直到发现她的身影早已不见整整的一天 我的脑子里浮现的全是那沉静而伤感的影子我想走近她 然而我时终没有勇气我无法找到一个理由 闯入她的世界在晴天替她遮挡阳光
雨天送她一把伞两条相反的平行线要如何才能找到一个交点让我能告诉她我的牵挂于是我选择了继续在远处默默地为她祝福期待着某天奇迹的 出现然而她在这条马路的对面不过短短几米的距离隔开的却是两个相反的世界相反的循环我所能做的 只有等待等待什么…………
00 a not very difficult way to get sick? 也许等待她能察觉我的存在 也许等待她在远方的一个微笑 也许来到这个城市 已经一年了 经历了大大小小的波折 终于有了稳定的学院 舒适的寝 却没有了往日的激情与冲动 抛弃了曾经的梦想 心渐渐被麻木填满 现在的生活如同一杯白开水 单纯有益却淡而无味 千篇一律的早晨 步行几百米 然后等着乘上满满的共车 然而 在这样的清晨 我却发现了一丝清洌的空气 让我麻木的头脑暂时地醒来 那是一个女孩 在那个微雨的清晨 站在马路对面的公车站 没有撑伞 任凭雨丝轻柔地洒落在她的发丝 她一直底着头 只有当公车驶来时 抬头看看 然后又低下头去 看着远处的女孩 我不禁痴了 直到被身后的人推推搡搡地上了公车 之后的每个早晨 我都会站在公车站向马路对面眺望 希望能够看到那个美丽的身影 每天她都会在那个公车站 等待着和我相反方向的公车 而我;t wait until her emergenceIs two hours for an hourI foolishly stand on the wayside to wait forCar a the ground once opennedFinally I trail heavy legs to return to tombThe Tan goes to in last whole body in the sofa to have no dintI discover oneself to that girlUnexpectedly had to deeply concern aboutThe morning in the second dayJust as usually she appears just across the street station againFar and far hope her faceWith is blow by the breeze disorderly in fine threads show to deliverBlunt in the past ask her why came yesterdayDid her facial expression apparently include at 1? My legs don't find out a reason to intrude into her worldCover sunlight rainy day to send her an umbrella for her at a clear skyTwo contrary parallel linesesHow find out 1 to hand over a pointLet me be able to tell her my concern aboutHence I chose to continue in the distance silently is her wishAppear of the in hopes of a certain miracleHowever she is in this street of oppositeHowever several short rices be apart fromPartition of but is two contrary contrary circulation in the worldsWhat I can make only waits forWait for what…………?Perhaps wait for the existence that she can realize meA smile perhaps waited for her afarPerhaps,我只是在等待奇迹Arrive at this city already a yearExperienced various unexpected obstaclesesFinally had a stable college comfortable tombBut the intense emotion and impulse had no in the pastThe dream abandonned everThe heart is gradually fill with by the numbnessThe life in nowadays like one cup waterPure beneficial but thin and tastelessMonotonous morningWalk several 100 meters then wait for to multiply by up the very full and total carHowever at thus of morningI but discovered one silk clear and cool airLet my benumbed brains for the moment wake upThat be a girlIn the morning of that drizzleStand on the street opposite bus stopDO not support umbrella just as you please? 我的双腿不听使唤 死死盯牢在原地 我忧郁了 理智和情感久久地争执 直到发现她的身影早已不见 整整的一天 我的脑子里浮现的全是那沉静而伤感的影子 我想走近她 然而我时终没有勇气 我无法找到一个理由 闯入她的世界 在晴天替她遮挡阳光 雨天送她一把伞 两条相反的平行线 要如何才能找到一个交点 让我能告诉她我的牵挂 于是我选择了继续在远处默默地为她祝福 期待着某天奇迹的 出现 然而她在这条马路的对面 不过短短几米的距离 隔开的却是两个相反的世界相反的循环 我所能做的 只有等待 等待什么…………,也渐渐养成了习惯 要等到看着她上车才会自己上车离开 每天清晨的那一点时光 几乎成为了我一天中最快乐而放松的时候 就算是休息日 我也会习惯性地走向公车站 等候她的来到 目送她上车 然后回寝 有一天 我怎么也没有等到她的出现 一个小时 两个小时 我傻傻地站在路边等待 车一辆辆地开过 终于 我拖着沉重的双腿回寝 瘫到在沙发上 全身无力 我发现 自己对那个女孩 竟然有了深深的牵挂 第二天的早晨 一如往常 她又出现在对面的车站 远远望着她的脸 和被风吹乱的丝丝秀发 冲过去问她 昨天为什么没有来 她的脸色似乎有一点不好 难道是生病了;t courageousI can&#39, the fine drizzle light and softly spread to fall in her hair silkShe always the bottom wear a headOnly be the bus drive come hourThe rise see then lowers the head againLooking at the girl of distance canned not help ChiUntil drive after death of the person pushed the ground of Sang Sang to ascend a busEach morning that is afterI will stand on the bus stop toward street in front to look beyondThe hope can see there of beautiful figureShe will be in that bus stop everydayWait for with me mutually the bus of opposite sideAnd I, also gradually developped a habitWanting to wait until to looking at her to get on the car oneself would get on the car to leaveThe time in everyday morningAlmost became the time that I am the most happy but loose in a dayBe regarded as an off dayI would also the habitual ground head for bus stopWait for her to arrive at to follow with eyes her to get on the car then return to tombOne day how did I also don't listen to order dead dead to stare at a prison at at firstMy melancholy rational once in a very long while argue with emotionUntil discover that her figure has already disappearPresent in a day my brain that is exactly of whole is that quiet but sad shadowI want to walk up her however I hour eventually wasn&#39
Came to this city has experienced a year of all the twists and turns finally comfortable with the stability of the College of the past did not sleep the passion and impulse had abandoned the dream of being insensitive heart gradually fill the present life as a glass of pure water Useful but short and tasteless size-fits-all morning waiting to walk several hundred meters and then multiplied by the total car full But in this morning I found a glimmer of Qinglie the air let me temporarily numb the mind and woke up it was a girl at that - The early morning rainOn the road opposite the station did not allow Yu Si Cheng San gentle manner of flesh littered in...
One year's this city life,Experience all disturbans.Finally got a comfatable school and bedroom.But I lost exciting,gave up the dream.My heart comes down,Life is liking a fresh water,helpful but no passion.Thousands of mornings,I walk hundreds' meters and merge into the crowed bus.But yet once a morning,A cooling air,wake up my dead mind.It's a girl,on the lightly raining morning.She's standing on the against stop,no umbrella, rain drop to her hairs,She surrender her head,only when the bus coming,she up-looking, but surrender again..........


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