Myadf clientlistenerr是哪个jar包

xUtils 包含了很多实用的android工具。
xUitls最低兼容android 2.2 (api level 8)
android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" /&
android:name="android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE" /&
不要混淆xUtils中的注解类型,添加混淆配置:-keep class * extends
java.lang.annotation.Annotation { *; }
DbUtils db = DbUtils.create(this); User user = new User(); //这里需要注意的是User对象必须有id属性,或者有通过@ID注解的属性 user.setEmail(""); user.setName("wyouflf");; // 使用saveBindingId保存实体时会为实体的id赋值 ... // 查找 Parent entity = db.findById(Parent.class, parent.getId()); Parent entity = db.findFirst(entity);//通过entity的属性查找 List&&/SPAN&Parent& list = db.findAll(entity);//通过entity的属性查找 Parent Parent = db.findFirst(Selector.from(Parent.class).where("name","=","test")); List&&/SPAN&Parent& list = db.findAll(Selector.from(Parent.class) .where("id","&",54) .and("age","&",30) .or("age","&",20) .orderBy("id") .limit(10) .offset(0)); DbModel dbModel = db.findDbModelAll(Selector.from(Parent.class).select("name"));//select("name")只取出name列 List&&/SPAN&DbModel& dbModels = db.findDbModelAll(Selector.from(Parent.class).groupBy("name").select("name", "count(name)")); ...
HttpUtils http = new HttpUtils(); http.send(HttpRequest.HttpMethod.GET, "", new RequestCallBack&&/SPAN&String&(){ @Override public void onLoading(long total, long current) { testTextView.setText(current + "/" + total); } @Override public void onSuccess(String result) { textView.setText(result); } @Override public void onStart() { } @Override public void onFailure((HttpException error, String msg) { } });
使用HttpUtils上传文件 或者 提交数据 到服务器(post方法)
RequestParams params = new RequestParams(); params.addHeader("name", "value"); params.addQueryStringParameter("name", "value"); // 只包含字符串参数时默认使用BodyParamsEntity, // 类似于UrlEncodedFormEntity("application/x-www-form-urlencoded")。 params.addBodyParameter("name", "value"); // 加入文件参数后默认使用MultipartEntity("multipart/form-data"), // 如需"multipart/related",xUtils中提供的MultipartEntity支持设置subType为"related"。 // 使用params.setBodyEntity(httpEntity)可设置更多类型的HttpEntity(如: // MultipartEntity,BodyParamsEntity,FileUploadEntity,InputStreamUploadEntity,StringEntity)。 params.addBodyParameter("file", new File("path")); ... HttpUtils http = new HttpUtils(); http.send(HttpRequest.HttpMethod.POST, "uploadUrl....", params, new RequestCallBack&&/SPAN&String&() { @Override public void onStart() { testTextView.setText("conn..."); } @Override public void onLoading(long total, long current) { testTextView.setText(current + "/" + total); } @Override public void onSuccess(String result) { testTextView.setText("upload response:" + result.getPath()); } @Override public void onFailure(HttpException error, String msg) { testTextView.setText(error.getExceptionCode() + ":" + msg); } });
HttpUtils http = new HttpUtils(); HttpHandler handler ="/httpcomponents/httpclient/source/", "/sdcard/", true, // 如果目标文件存在,接着未完成的部分继续下载。 true, // 如果从请求返回信息中获取到文件名,下载完成后自动重命名。 new RequestCallBack&&/SPAN&File&() { @Override public void onStart() { testTextView.setText("conn..."); } @Override public void onLoading(long total, long current) { testTextView.setText(current + "/" + total); } @Override public void onSuccess(File result) { testTextView.setText("downloaded:" + result.getPath()); } @Override public void onFailure(HttpException error, String msg) { testTextView.setText(msg); } }); ... //调用stop()方法停止下载 handler.stop(); ...
BitmapUtils 使用方法
BitmapUtils.create(this).display(testImageView, "/static/image/common/logo.png"); //BitmapUtils.create(this).display(testImageView, "/sdcard/test.jpg"); //支持加载本地图片 // 使用ListView等容器展示图片时可通过PauseOnScrollListener控制滑动和快速滑动过程中时候暂停加载图片 listView.setOnScrollListener(new PauseOnScrollListener(bitmapUtils, false, true)); listView.setOnScrollListener(new PauseOnScrollListener(bitmapUtils, false, true), customListener);
输出日志 LogUtils
// 自动添加TAG,格式: className[methodName, lineNumber] // 可设置全局的allowD,allowE...,控制是否输出log。 LogUtils.d("wyouflf");
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请您点击按钮解除封锁&Marshaller (Java Platform SE 7 )
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Interface Marshaller
All Known Implementing Classes:
public interface Marshaller
The Marshaller class is responsible for governing the process
of serializing Java content trees back into XML data.
It provides the basic
marshalling methods:
Assume the following setup code for all following code fragments:
JAXBContext jc = JAXBContext.newInstance( "" );
Unmarshaller u = jc.createUnmarshaller();
Object element = u.unmarshal( new File( "foo.xml" ) );
Marshaller m = jc.createMarshaller();
Marshalling to a File:
OutputStream os = new FileOutputStream( "nosferatu.xml" );
m.marshal( element, os );
Marshalling to a SAX ContentHandler:
// assume MyContentHandler instanceof ContentHandler
m.marshal( element, new MyContentHandler() );
Marshalling to a DOM Node:
DocumentBuilderFactory dbf = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
DocumentBuilder db = dbf.newDocumentBuilder();
Document doc = db.newDocument();
m.marshal( element, doc );
Marshalling to a
m.marshal( element, System.out );
Marshalling to a
m.marshal( element, new PrintWriter( System.out ) );
Marshalling to a javax.xml.transform.SAXResult:
// assume MyContentHandler instanceof ContentHandler
SAXResult result = new SAXResult( new MyContentHandler() );
m.marshal( element, result );
Marshalling to a javax.xml.transform.DOMResult:
DOMResult result = new DOMResult();
m.marshal( element, result );
Marshalling to a javax.xml.transform.StreamResult:
StreamResult result = new StreamResult( System.out );
m.marshal( element, result );
Marshalling to a
XMLStreamWriter xmlStreamWriter =
XMLOutputFactory.newInstance().createXMLStreamWriter( ... );
m.marshal( element, xmlStreamWriter );
Marshalling to a
XMLEventWriter xmlEventWriter =
XMLOutputFactory.newInstance().createXMLEventWriter( ... );
m.marshal( element, xmlEventWriter );
Marshalling content tree rooted by a JAXB element
The first parameter of the overloaded
Marshaller.marshal(java.lang.Object, ...) methods must be a
JAXB element as computed by
otherwise, a Marshaller.marshal method must throw a
. There exist two mechanisms
to enable marshalling an instance that is not a JAXB element.
One method is to wrap the instance as a value of a ,
and pass the wrapper element as the first parameter to
a Marshaller.marshal method. For java to schema binding, it
is also possible to simply annotate the instance's class with
By default, the Marshaller will use UTF-8 encoding when generating XML data
to a, or a
API to change the output
encoding used during these marshal operations.
Client applications are
expected to supply a valid character encoding name as defined in the
and supported by your
Validation and Well-Formedness
Client applications are not required to validate the Java content tree prior
to calling any of the marshal API's.
Furthermore, there is no requirement
that the Java content tree be valid with respect to its original schema in
order to marshal it back into XML data.
Different JAXB Providers will
support marshalling invalid Java content trees at varying levels, however
all JAXB Providers must be able to marshal a valid content tree back to
A JAXB Provider must throw a MarshalException when it
is unable to complete the marshal operation due to invalid content.
JAXB Providers will fully allow marshalling invalid content, others will fail
on the first validation error.
Even when schema validation is not explictly enabled for the marshal operation,
it is possible that certain types of validation events will be detected
during the operation.
Validation events will be reported to the registered
event handler.
If the client application has not registered an event handler
prior to invoking one of the marshal API's, then events will be delivered to
a default event handler which will terminate the marshal operation after
encountering the first error or fatal error. Note that for JAXB 2.0 and
later versions,
no longer used.
Supported Properties
All JAXB Providers are required to support the following set of properties.
Some providers may support additional properties.
jaxb.encoding - value must be a java.lang.String
The output encoding to use when marshalling the XML data.
Marshaller will use "UTF-8" by default if this property is not
jaxb.formatted.output - value must be a java.lang.Boolean
This property controls whether or not the Marshaller will format
the resulting XML data with line breaks and indentation.
true value for this property indicates human readable indented
xml data, while a false value indicates unformatted xml data.
The Marshaller will default to false (unformatted) if this
property is not specified.
jaxb.schemaLocation - value must be a java.lang.String
This property allows the client application to specify an
xsi:schemaLocation attribute in the generated XML data.
The format of
the schemaLocation attribute value is discussed in an easy to
understand, non-normative form in
and specified in
jaxb.noNamespaceSchemaLocation - value must be a java.lang.String
This property allows the client application to specify an
xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation attribute in the generated XML
The format of the schemaLocation attribute value is discussed in
an easy to understand, non-normative form in
and specified in
jaxb.fragment - value must be a java.lang.Boolean
This property determines whether or not document level events will be
generated by the Marshaller.
If the property is not specified, the
default is false. This property has different implications depending
on which marshal api you are using - when this property is set to true:
- the Marshaller won't
- the property has no effect on this
- the Marshaller won't
generate an xml declaration.
- the Marshaller won't
generate an xml declaration.
- depends on the kind of
Result object, see semantics for Node, ContentHandler, and Stream APIs
Marshaller will not generate
Marshaller will not generate
Marshal Event Callbacks
provides two styles of callback mechanisms
that allow application specific processing during key points in the
unmarshalling process.
In 'class defined' event callbacks, application
specific code placed in JAXB mapped classes is triggered during
'External listeners' allow for centralized processing
of marshal events in one callback method rather than by type event callbacks.
Class defined event callback methods allow any JAXB mapped class to specify
its own specific callback methods by defining methods with the following method signatures:
// Invoked by Marshaller after it has created an instance of this object.
boolean beforeMarshal(Marshaller);
// Invoked by Marshaller after it has marshalled all properties of this object.
void afterMmarshal(Marshaller);
The class defined event callback methods should be used when the callback method requires
access to non-public methods and/or fields of the class.
The external listener callback mechanism enables the registration of a
instance with a . The external listener receives all callback events,
allowing for more centralized processing than per class defined callback methods.
The 'class defined' and external listener event callback methods are independent of each other,
both can be called for one event. The invocation ordering when both listener callback methods exist is
defined in
An event callback method throwing an exception terminates the current marshal process.
See Also:,
Nested Class Summary
Nested Classes&
Modifier and Type
Interface and Description
static class&
Register an instance of an implementation of this class with a
to externally listen
for marshal events.
Field Summary
Modifier and Type
Field and Description
The name of the property used to specify the output encoding in
the marshalled XML data.
The name of the property used to specify whether or not the marshalled
XML data is formatted with linefeeds and indentation.
The name of the property used to specify whether or not the marshaller
will generate document level events (ie calling startDocument or endDocument).
The name of the property used to specify the
xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation attribute value to place in the marshalled
XML output.
The name of the property used to specify the xsi:schemaLocation
attribute value to place in the marshalled XML output.
Method Summary
Modifier and Type
Method and Description
&A extends &&A
Gets the adapter associated with the specified type.
Return the current event handler or the default event handler if one
hasn't been set.
registered with this .
Get a DOM tree view of the content tree(Optional).
Get the particular property in the underlying implementation of
Get the JAXP 1.3
being used to perform marshal-time validation.
Marshal the content tree rooted at jaxbElement into SAX2 events.
Marshal the content tree rooted at jaxbElement into a file.
Marshal the content tree rooted at jaxbElement into a DOM tree.
Marshal the content tree rooted at jaxbElement into an output stream.
Marshal the content tree rooted at jaxbElement into the specified
Marshal the content tree rooted at jaxbElement into a Writer.
Marshal the content tree rooted at jaxbElement into a
Marshal the content tree rooted at jaxbElement into a
&A extends &&void
Associates a configured instance of
with this marshaller.
Associates a configured instance of
with this marshaller.
Associate a context that enables binary data within an XML document
to be transmitted as XML-binary optimized attachment.
Allow an application to register a validation event handler.
Register marshal event callback
with this .
Set the particular property in the underlying implementation of
Specify the JAXP 1.3
object that should be used to validate subsequent marshal operations
Field Detail
static final& JAXB_ENCODING
The name of the property used to specify the output encoding in
the marshalled XML data.
The name of the property used to specify whether or not the marshalled
XML data is formatted with linefeeds and indentation.
The name of the property used to specify the xsi:schemaLocation
attribute value to place in the marshalled XML output.
The name of the property used to specify the
xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation attribute value to place in the marshalled
XML output.
static final& JAXB_FRAGMENT
The name of the property used to specify whether or not the marshaller
will generate document level events (ie calling startDocument or endDocument).
Method Detail
Marshal the content tree rooted at jaxbElement into the specified
All JAXB Providers must at least support
support other derived classes of Result as well.
Parameters:jaxbElement - The root of content tree to be marshalled.result - XML will be sent to this Result
- If any unexpected problem occurs during the marshalling.
returns false from its handleEvent method or the
Marshaller is unable to marshal obj (or any
object reachable from obj).
- If any of the method parameters are null
Marshal the content tree rooted at jaxbElement into an output stream.
Parameters:jaxbElement - The root of content tree to be marshalled.os - XML will be added to this stream.
- If any unexpected problem occurs during the marshalling.
returns false from its handleEvent method or the
Marshaller is unable to marshal obj (or any
object reachable from obj).
- If any of the method parameters are null
Marshal the content tree rooted at jaxbElement into a file.
Parameters:jaxbElement - The root of content tree to be marshalled.output - File to be written. If this file already exists, it will be overwritten.
- If any unexpected problem occurs during the marshalling.
returns false from its handleEvent method or the
Marshaller is unable to marshal obj (or any
object reachable from obj).
- If any of the method parameters are nullSince:
Marshal the content tree rooted at jaxbElement into a Writer.
Parameters:jaxbElement - The root of content tree to be marshalled.writer - XML will be sent to this writer.
- If any unexpected problem occurs during the marshalling.
returns false from its handleEvent method or the
Marshaller is unable to marshal obj (or any
object reachable from obj).
- If any of the method parameters are null
Marshal the content tree rooted at jaxbElement into SAX2 events.
Parameters:jaxbElement - The root of content tree to be marshalled.handler - XML will be sent to this handler as SAX2 events.
- If any unexpected problem occurs during the marshalling.
returns false from its handleEvent method or the
Marshaller is unable to marshal obj (or any
object reachable from obj).
- If any of the method parameters are null
Marshal the content tree rooted at jaxbElement into a DOM tree.
Parameters:jaxbElement - The content tree to be marshalled.node - DOM nodes will be added as children of this node.
This parameter must be a Node that accepts children
- If any unexpected problem occurs during the marshalling.
returns false from its handleEvent method or the
Marshaller is unable to marshal jaxbElement (or any
object reachable from jaxbElement).
- If any of the method parameters are null
Marshal the content tree rooted at jaxbElement into a
Parameters:jaxbElement - The content tree to be marshalled.writer - XML will be sent to this writer.
- If any unexpected problem occurs during the marshalling.
returns false from its handleEvent method or the
Marshaller is unable to marshal obj (or any
object reachable from obj).
- If any of the method parameters are nullSince:
Marshal the content tree rooted at jaxbElement into a
Parameters:jaxbElement - The content tree rooted at jaxbElement to be marshalled.writer - XML will be sent to this writer.
- If any unexpected problem occurs during the marshalling.
returns false from its handleEvent method or the
Marshaller is unable to marshal obj (or any
object reachable from obj).
- If any of the method parameters are nullSince:
Get a DOM tree view of the content tree(Optional).
If the returned DOM tree is updated, these changes are also
visible in the content tree.
a deep copy of the content tree to a DOM representation.
Parameters:contentTree - - JAXB Java representation of XML content
Returns:the DOM tree view of the contentTree
- If the JAXB provider implementation does not support a
DOM view of the content tree
- If any of the method parameters are null
- If any unexpected problem occurs
Set the particular property in the underlying implementation of
This method can only be used to set one of
the standard JAXB defined properties above or a provider specific
Attempting to set an undefined property will result in
a PropertyException being thrown.
Parameters:name - the name of the property to be set. This value can either
be specified using one of the constant fields or a user
supplied string.value - the value of the property to be set
- when there is an error processing the given
property or value
- If the name parameter is null
Get the particular property in the underlying implementation of
This method can only be used to get one of
the standard JAXB defined properties above or a provider specific
Attempting to get an undefined property will result in
a PropertyException being thrown.
Parameters:name - the name of the property to retrieve
Returns:the value of the requested property
- when there is an error retrieving the given property or value
property name
- If the name parameter is null
Allow an application to register a validation event handler.
The validation event handler will be called by the JAXB Provider if any
validation errors are encountered during calls to any of the marshal
If the client application does not register a validation event
handler before invoking one of the marshal methods, then validation
events will be handled by the default event handler which will terminate
the marshal operation after the first error or fatal error is encountered.
Calling this method with a null parameter will cause the Marshaller
to revert back to the default default event handler.
Parameters:handler - the validation event handler
- if an error was encountered while setting the
event handler
Return the current event handler or the default event handler if one
hasn't been set.
Returns:the current ValidationEventHandler or the default event handler
if it hasn't been set
- if an error was encountered while getting the
current event handler
Associates a configured instance of
with this marshaller.
This is a convenience method that invokes setAdapter(adapter.getClass(),adapter);.
- if the adapter parameter is null.
- if invoked agains a JAXB 1.0 implementation.Since:
&A extends &&void&setAdapter(&A&&type,
Associates a configured instance of
with this marshaller.
Every marshaller internally maintains a
which it uses for marshalling classes whose fields/methods are annotated
This method allows applications to use a configured instance of .
When an instance of an adapter is not given, a marshaller will create
one by invoking its default constructor.
Parameters:type - The type of the adapter. The specified instance will be used when
refers to this type.adapter - The instance of the adapter to be used. If null, it will un-register
the current adapter set for this type.
- if the type parameter is null.
- if invoked agains a JAXB 1.0 implementation.Since:
&A extends &&A&getAdapter(&A&&type)
Gets the adapter associated with the specified type.
This is the reverse operation of the
- if the type parameter is null.
- if invoked agains a JAXB 1.0 implementation.Since:
Associate a context that enables binary data within an XML document
to be transmitted as XML-binary optimized attachment.
The attachment is referenced from the XML document content model
by content-id URIs(cid) references stored within the xml document.
- if attempt to concurrently call this
method during a marshal operation.
Specify the JAXP 1.3
object that should be used to validate subsequent marshal operations
Passing null into this method will disable validation.
This method allows the caller to validate the marshalled XML as it's marshalled.
Initially this property is set to null.
Parameters:schema - Schema object to validate marshal operations against or null to disable validation
- could be thrown if this method is
invoked on an Marshaller created from a JAXBContext referencing
JAXB 1.0 mapped classesSince:
Get the JAXP 1.3
being used to perform marshal-time validation.
If there is no
Schema set on the marshaller, then this method will return null
indicating that marshal-time validation will not be performed.
Returns:the Schema object being used to perform marshal-time
validation or null if not present.
- could be thrown if this method is
invoked on an Marshaller created from a JAXBContext referencing
JAXB 1.0 mapped classesSince:
Register marshal event callback
with this .
There is only one Listener per Marshaller. Setting a Listener replaces the previous set Listener.
One can unregister current Listener by setting listener to null.
Parameters:listener - an instance of a class that implements Since:
registered with this .
or null if no Listener is registered with this Marshaller.Since:
For further API reference and developer documentation, see . That documentation contains more detailed, developer-targeted descriptions, with conceptual overviews, definitions of terms, workarounds, and working code examples.
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