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来源:优游网 发布:Anora
热门推荐◆Welcome to TinyURL!&
Are you sick of posting URLs in emails only to have it break when sent causing the recipient to have to cut and paste it back together? Then you've come to the right place. By entering in a URL in the text field below, we will create a tiny URL that will not break in email postings and never expires.
Enter a long URL to make tiny:
Custom alias (optional):
May contain letters, numbers, and dashes.
An example
Turn this URL:
into this TinyURL:
Which one would you rather cut and paste into your browser? That's the power of TinyURL!
Add TinyURL to your browser's toolbar
Click and drag the following link to your links toolbar.
Once this is on your toolbar, you'll be able to make a TinyURL at the click of a button. By clicking on the toolbar button, a TinyURL will be created for the page you are currently at.
This is compatible with most web browsers and platforms as long as your bookmarks or favorites allow javascript. The links toolbar may not be visible in all setups and in most browsers, you can enable it in the View->Toolbars menu of your web browser. You can also put it in your bookmarks instead of the links toolbar.
Can't drag and drop? For some users, such as some recent IE 6 installations, the clicking and dragging of links that contain javascript is no longer supported.
To add this to your IE
links toolbar,
click the link with your
right mouse button and select "Add to Favorites..." from the menu. Click OK if a security warning alert pops-up (this shows up since the link contains javscript). If a list of folders is not shown, click the "Create&in&>>>" button (see image at right). Now select the folder called "Links" and then click OK. You should now see the TinyURL on your links toolbar, if not, see the last paragraph above.
Redirection to any page in your site!
With TinyURL, you can also make a smaller URL that will work for any page on your site. Let's say that you have a website with the homepage that is at: http://www.my-/~myusername
Entering that URL into TinyURL will create a URL like /3
With this you can then redirect someone to anywhere within your site by appending a slash and the pages filename to it. So if you have a page at http://www.my-/~myusername/my-links-page.html, you can use the URL /3/my-links-page.html and going to this URL will forward the visitor to the page in your website.
Hide your affiliate URLs
Are you posting something that you don't want people to know what the URL is because it might give
away that it's an affiliate link? Then you can enter a URL into TinyURL, and your affiliate link will be hidden from the visitor, only
address and the ending address will be visible to your visitors.
Link to us!
Please link to us! Just make a link to
or use the following code to make a URL input box:
&form action=&/create.php& method=&post& target=&_blank&&
&table align=&center& cellpadding=&5& bgcolor=&#E7E7F7&&&tr&&td&
&b&Enter a long URL to make &a href=&&&tiny&/a&:&/b&&br /&
&input type=&text& name=&url& size=&30&&&input type=&submit& name=&submit& value=&Make TinyURL!&&
Terms of use
TinyURL was created as a free service to make posting long URLs easier, and may only be used for actual URLs. Using it for spamming or illegal
purposes is forbidden and any such use will result in the TinyURL being disabled and you may be reported to all ISPs involved and to the proper
governmental agencies. This service is provided without warranty of any kind.武汉楼市一周卖房6662套 长江日报报业集团_长江网_长江日报_武汉晚报_武汉晨报_电子报_数字报
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东湖开发区销量第一 专家预测有望火到年底
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& 健康 & 正文
女人最不该问男人的十句话(资料图)  八、悔不当初。  “要不是你死缠烂打,我才不会嫁你”、“我最后悔的事就是嫁给你”、“当初那么多人,我怎么偏偏选了你”……  这些话是最有“杀伤力”的,很多离婚也是由这样的话引发。就算你们是为了鸡毛蒜皮的小事争吵,说出这样的话也会令双方无法收场。即便是和好如初了,理智的男人也会说服自己减少对你的爱,因为它不够有保障。  九、追问他的私房钱。  “你是不是自己存私房钱了”、“你的钱都花到哪去了”……  男人不仅需要私房钱来消费烟酒,更需要足够的活动经费来满足日常的应酬。北京回龙观医院心理科、婚姻危机干预中心主任邸晓兰说,如果妻子对于丈夫的财务状况反复盘问,不仅是不信任的表现,也会让他们觉得“这点小事都不能自己做主”。聪明的妻子应该做到“嘴上不说、心中有数”,并会时常提醒丈夫“出门应酬要带够钱”,让男人觉得既有“财务自由”又有面子。
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