
do well in the subject. I mean, as I often score well in finals,
I’m highly valued by my teacher. So I’m very enthusiastic about the
My teacher
is very amusing. I mean, he is very humorous with funny facial
expressions. His words are full of lively wit. He skillfully
intersperses jokes and anecdotes among the class. Because of this,
his class is well received by students.
My teacher
is well-read. He must have read a wealth of books. In the class he
often quotes the classics and talks about interesting things I have
never heard of before.
convenient location. There are plenty of shops and restaurants
nearby. And it is very handy for subway. It is about five minute
walk distance. So it is very easy to travel around in the
favorite part is the garden where it is filled with flowers and
trees. In spring, flowers bloom fully and trees grow vibrantly. The
garden is unbelievably beautiful.
surroundings are tranquil and serene. I cannot hear the noise from
outside. The only sound I can hear is birds’ chirp, which gives me
closeness to nature.
his sixties with grey hair and wrinkles on his face. Despite his
old age, he’s still hale and hearty. He is easygoing and
good-tempered. His face always wears sweet smiles, making him very
approachable. And to my memory, I’ve never seen him losing his
temper. After supper we generally take a walk for relaxation in the
community but sometimes play badminton for pleasure
enjoy popularity amongst audience. They are very entertaining.
People are often convulsed with laughter when watching his
talented actor and director as well. He ushers in a new comic trend
that emphasizes exaggeration in acting skills and funny
born into a poor family. When he was young he had to drop out of
school and work outside for his family. Afterwards, he entered the
film circle. He began to play unimportant roles in films, but his
fame rose when he starred in the film called X. Now he has become a
big shot in the entertainment world.
The air is
fresh. The skies are blue and cloudless. The beach is golden in the
sunshine. The sea is vast and endless. The seawater at seaside is
crystal clear. The streets are lined with coconut trees. When I
walk along the beach, I can listen to seagulls’ chirp and waves’
sounds. When the sun is setting, the gleams look spectacular.
Everything is beautiful, peaceful and comfortable.
supermarket provides a wide selection of everyday commodities, from
food and drinks to things used in home. The meat and vegetables are
fresh and reasonably-priced because all the food is transported
directly from the company’s own farming production base. The
supermarket often organizes promotional activities. Many daily
necessities offer preferential policies for customers, especially
those that are near the expiry date.
is Chinese style, characterized by dark red colors and carved
floral patterns. The lanterns hanging from the ceiling before the
main gate are very Chinese. The food here is very savory. The
restaurant features Sichuan cuisine which is hot, spicy and numb.
Because of this, the business here is booming. The restaurant is
spacious. It seats more than five hundred people for dinning. So it
is a good venue for holding a banquet or reception.
teachers were very helpful and patient. They not only imparted
academic knowledge to students, but also educated them on how to
become good citizens. They always answered students’ questions
patiently, making an impression on students that they tried to
communicate with students with heart and soul. It’s worth
mentioning that the extra curriculum was rich and varied. Students
were offered choices to participate in various kinds of after-class
activities, from basketball to football, from music society to
chess club.
The mobile
phone was solid and resistant to falling. So it was very durable
and could be used for a long time. The phone was user-friendly. It
was quick to type in words and log onto the website on the phone.
Besides, the cell phone was multi-functional. Not only was it used
for making phone calls, but also for texting messages. Not only was
it used for listening to music, but also for playing
the law was published last year and began to take effect on the
first of January. It is regarded as the most stringent traffic law
in history. The rules consist of many new provisions. For example,
the same penalties for running yellow and red lights are
administered, as stipulated in the law. People who counterfeit
motor license plate or place it improperly face severe punishment
by being deducted some points from their total score. The 12-limit
score system is a approach of managing drivers’ conduct in my
country. And those who commit drunk driving are detained for 15
days with their driver’s license revoked for lifetime.
jasmine is a type of small flowers in white and yellow with sweet
scent. Many family have pots of jasmine in their balcony. The
jasmine blooms from May to August. It has special meanings. I mean,
it represents freshness, pureness and chastity. Because of such
features, jasmine is a popular topic of Chinese
Checkers is a game played by two to six players on a star-shaped
board. The winner is the first player who moves all his balls from
one corner to the opposite one.
the game because I excelled in it and always became the first one
who finished my task. In the evening or at the weekend, my parents
often played the checkers with me. We usually had a great time and
truly enjoyed the game in the process. So I think playing Chinese
checkers was a good chance for my family to enhance the
culture always fascinates me. France boasts a lot of tourist
destinations. In Paris, it provides a variety of historical
cultural heritages, from Eiffel Tower to Louver Museum, from
Triumph Arch to Champs Elysees Street. And it’s interesting to
visit castles, cathedrals, manors, and wineries that scatter across
the country. But the place I’m dying to visit is Provence, where it
is filled with lavender. The scenery must be nothing short of
“Part One”1. House or flat 住所周边环境,最喜欢的房间,未来理想的居所2. Work or study 工作或学习上学:专业,上大学第一天的记忆,未来想做什么上班:工作内容,参加过培训吗,未来换工作吗,觉得同事重要还是工作本身重要3. Name全名中文名字含义,喜欢这个名字吗,未来换吗,这个名字流行吗4. Hometown 家乡家乡特别之处,适合小孩子或年轻人成长吗,近年来的变化5. Weather 天气喜欢晴天还是雨天,分别做什么,晴天有什么不好吗,你觉得天气影响心情吗?1. Fruit and vegetable水果和蔬菜喜欢吃水果吗,现在每天吃水果吗,容易买到吗,光吃蔬菜健康吗,买到新鲜的果蔬对你来说容易吗,吃水果蔬菜对小孩有什么好处?认为水果蔬菜重要吗?2. Photograph 照片(旧题回库)喜欢拍照不,你什么情况会照相呢,你觉得学习拍照有没有意义,有喜欢的照片吗,中国人爱不爱拍照,有没有拍过全家福,喜不喜欢自拍3. Color 颜色(旧题回库)喜欢什么颜色,小时候颜色对你来说重要吗,家里不会用到什么颜色4. Swimming 游泳(旧题回库)会不会游泳,游泳有什么好处,喜欢在泳池还是海里游泳,孩子怎么学游泳最好,喜欢游泳吗,中国人喜欢游泳吗,你什么时候学会游泳的,5. History 历史(旧题回库)喜欢历史吗,最近一次读到有关历史的杂志或书,拍电影是不是要尊重事实,喜不喜欢看历史书6. Handwriting(旧题回库)喜欢手写还是敲字,手写的优点,未来会被取代吗7. Teamwork 团队合作(9月新题
二变一)团队合作还是自己工作,团队合作的优点与缺点,团队合作最重要的是什么,以后想做领导吗8. Snacks 小吃(9月新题)喜欢什么零食,为什么,现在喜欢的零食跟小时候喜欢的有什么不同,喜欢在什么时间吃什么零食9. Teachers老师(旧题回库)最喜欢的老师是谁,你想当老师吗,老师跟你的学习成绩有关吗,你觉得好的老师是什么样的10. Being in a hurry 匆忙做事(9月新题)做事做的快有什么坏处,有哪些事情从来不会很快去做,最近做事很着急的一次经历11. Staying up 熬夜(9月新题)晚睡的时候干嘛,经常熬夜吗,熬夜完了早上起床是什么感觉,为什么现在年轻人喜欢熬夜,你小的时候熬夜吗12. Social network 社交网络(9月新题)你用什么社交网站,你觉得中国人经常使用社交网站吗,你从哪里知道这个社交网站的,你将来会更多使用通讯软件吗,为什么13. Books会把书作为礼物送给孩子们吗,喜欢读书还是看杂志,最近一次读的什么书,小时候读的书,多长时间读一次英文书14. Countryside(旧题回库)喜欢城区还是乡下,想住在乡村吗,住在农村有哪些好处15. Housework 家务活(旧题回库)平时做家务吗,什么家务,小孩子应该学习做家务吗,为什么,你喜欢家务活的哪个部分16. Stay alone 独处你喜欢独处吗,独处的时候干什么,你想要更多的独处时间吗17. Help帮助(旧题回库)你乐于助人吗,为什么,做了什么事帮助了别人,你上一次接受别人帮助是什么时候,家长鼓励你帮助他人吗1. Math数学什么时候开始学的数学, 感觉数学好学吗, 喜欢用计算器吗, 觉得数学重要吗2. Museum 博物馆喜欢去博物馆吗,学校应该组织学生去博物馆吗,有去过博物馆的有趣经历吗,博物馆该免费吗3. Music音乐喜欢音乐吗,喜欢什么类型音乐,喜欢什么音乐家吗,是谁。喜欢唱歌吗4. Public transport公共交通家乡交通特点,公共交通和私人交通的优缺点,未来怎样改善5. Film电影经常去电影院吗,最喜欢看什么样的电影,最新换的电影明星6. Clothing 衣服喜欢什么衣服,颜色会影响买衣服吗,居住地的衣服贵吗,过去和现在衣服的对比,以后会不会尝试不同风格和颜色的衣服7. Newspaper 报纸喜欢看报纸吗,一般看什么类型的报纸,最关注什么新闻8. Friends 朋友你大概每天与朋友在一起多久,你喜欢跟个别几个朋友一起玩还是一群朋友,喜欢跟朋友在一起做什么,会邀请朋友来家里玩吗,喜欢几个好朋友还是更多普通朋友9. Time management 时间管理会不会规划时间,怎样管理时间,有没有专门读过规划时间的书9. Message or call短信或电话用手机多吗,喜欢打电话还是发短信,未来电话会被取代吗10. Memorizing记忆记忆力好吗,怎么提高记忆力,什么东西可以帮人的记忆,你曾经忘记过重要的事情吗11. Sport 运动喜欢运动吗,喜欢什么样的运动,你认为小孩子运动的好处是什么12.Public holidays 假期你们国家的公共假期多吗,你最喜欢的公共假期是什么,你在假期喜欢做什么,你觉得公共假期应该再多些吗?13. Leisure time/ Relaxation 休闲时间你喜欢怎样休闲、放松,周末喜欢干什么,你上个周末干什么了,你怎样安排时间,经常做计划吗,计划重要吗14.Travel 旅游喜欢旅游吗,多久旅游一次,旅游的好处是什么15. TV program 电视节目喜欢看电视吗,每天花多少时间看电视,小孩子看电视好吗,你最喜欢的电视节目
“Part Two” 1.
A person who likes traveling by plane喜欢乘飞机旅游的人(9月新题)2.
A person whose job is useful to the society一个从事有益于社会工作的人(旧题改编)3.
A famous person you knew from the news 一个你从新闻里得知的名人(9月新题)4.
A child making you laugh by doing something 一个让你乐的小孩5.
A person you know who is good at a foreign language一个外语学得好的人6.
A person you know who dresses well一个穿戴时尚的人7. A family member who spent the most time with you跟你待时间最长的家人1.
A restaurant餐厅2.
A historical building 古建筑3. A place where you can read or write (not your home) 一个你读书写字的地方(家里除外)4.
A country that you have never been to but you want to go 一个没去过但想去的国家(旧题回库)5.
A place (not home) that makes you relaxed 让你放松的地方6.
A café 咖啡馆(旧题回库)7.
A street that you know你熟知的一条街(9月新题)8.
A house or apartment you would like to live 你想住的房子(旧题回库)9.
A park that you can relax 可以休息的公园1.
An electronic equipment (not computer) you bought for your home 电子设备2.
A small successful company 一个成功的小型公司3.
A gift you recently received (or a gift that takes u long time to choose)最近收到的礼物或者花长时间挑选的礼物4.
A photograph一张照片5. Something you borrowed that was useful你借过的有用的东西(旧题改编)6.
An art or a craft you made at school 在学校做过的手工 (9月新题)1. An article you read from magazine or Internet about healthy life从杂志或网站上看到的关于健康的文章(9月新题)2. An occasion when someone or something made noise遇到噪音的情景 (9月新题)3. A long journey you traveled by car 一次长途汽车旅行(9月新题)4. A long walk you enjoyed 远足的经历(9月新题)5. A new skill you want to learn想学习的新技能(旧题改编)6. A law that can help your country to protect the environment一项可以保护环境的法律 (9月新题)8. A success in your life一次成功的经历(旧题回库)9. Something important you once forgot to do一件曾经忘记去做的重要事情(旧题改编)10. A time that you were looking at the sky 一次观看天空的经历 (9月新题)11. A traditional festival一个中国传统节日 (旧题回库)12. A situation waiting for somebody or something 一次等某人或某事的经历(旧题改编)13. Your plan if you have one-day holiday 如果有一天的假期你会做什么(旧题改编)14. A team you have been part of
曾经加入的团队(旧题回库)15. An important conversation you had 一次重要的谈话(旧题回库)16. An activity that keeps you fit让你保持健康的运动(旧题回库)17. An indoor game (not about sport) you liked to play when you were a child 小时候做的室内游戏18. A paid work you or someone enjoyed doing有偿工作19. A time when you got up early早起的经历20. A time when you had disagreement with your friend 与朋友有分歧的经历21. A time when you felt surprised to meet someone见到某人的兴奋时刻22. An educational trip you took 教育旅行23. A special journey you want to take in the future 未来想开展的一次特殊旅行24. Something you want to learn more 想继续学习的东西25. A change that will improve your local area对你所在的地方有所提高的改变26. An important stage in your life重要的人生阶段1.
An Educational TV program教育电视节目2.
A useful website 有用的网站3.
An advertisement 描述一则广告(旧题回库)4.
A song that impressed you a lot印象深刻的歌曲(旧题改编)9月雅思口语p2部分题目更新总结 包含所有〈增+留+删〉题目新增的题1Describe a family member that you have spent the most time with.长时间相处的家人You should say:Who this person is?What do you like to do together?When do you usually spend time together?And explain why do you spend so much time together2Describe a recent happy event that you had.开心的事You should say:When this happened?What the event was?Who was with you?And explain why you felt happy about it.3Describe an unforgettable advertisement (that you saw or heard or liked).广告You should say:Where you saw or heard it?What kind of advertisement it was?What the contents of the advertisement were (or, what product or service was advertised)?And explain how you felt when you saw or heard this advertisement/why you liked it.4Describe a house or apartment you want to live in.房子You should say:Where this place is?What it is like?When you want to live in there?And explain why you want to live in such a place.5Describe a street that you like to visit.街道You should say:Where it is?How often you go there?What you like to do there?And explain why you like it.6Describe an important conversation that influenced you.重要谈话You should say:When this happened?Who you were talking with?What you talked about?And how this conversation influenced you.7Describe a long car journey you went on.长途自驾游You should say:Where you went?What you did at this place?Who you went there with?And explain why you went on that journey by car.8Describe a long walk you ever had.长时间步行You should say:When this happened?Where you walked?Who you were with?And explain how you felt about the walk.9<p sty 
在雅思考试中,最常用的就是 I think了同学们自己估计也已经嫌弃这个被用滥了的表达那么有哪些高大上的短语1.indeed的确,2.surely无疑,3.however然而,4.obviously显然,5.fran考官百听不厌的32句经典雅思口语1. Come on, be reasonable. 嗨,你怎么不讲道理。21. 英国美女多吗?仅限20岁以下。2. 英国哪里可以看到帅哥?警察局和GAY吧。3. 英国有种族歧视吗?有发现很多学生准备考试、学习英语不得法,继而帮他们改善了备考习惯,提高了学习效率,因为当中的一些经验不但能让学有些问题难以解决,但是很多数字短语会有所帮助。今天,我们就来说说关于数字2的短语。数字"2"在英文中是“tw考官百听不厌的32句经典雅思口语1. Come on, be reasonable. 嗨,你怎么不讲道理。21.indeed的确,2.surely无疑,3.however然而,4.obviously显然,5.fran托福和雅思哪个好考?这个问题已经成留学备考学生中的经典问题啦!考托福和雅思的学生每年都一茬一茬过,而刚开始接下面雅思频道为大家整理了每日雅思词汇:基本数学词汇,供考生们参考,以下是详细内容。  ①整数Intege雅思口语备考的6大重点小雅哥摘自British Council的官方口语备考重点,无论是不是正Struggl如果您想知道你的雅思口语几斤几两?想得到外教最实用的烤鸭口语建议-- ?点击【阅读原文】? -- 或【给小编在IELTS听力考试方面,除了老师上课介绍的对实际应用很有帮助的心得之外(如:碰到不会写的单词往简单处想,已下面雅思频道为大家整理了每日雅思词汇:"jump"的常用搭配,供考生们参考,以下是详细内容。  a ju合理分配雅思考试时间,往往能够达到事半功倍的效果,本文小编就针对雅思考试四个单项分别为大家合理规划一些如  合理分配雅思考试时间,往往能够达到事半功倍的效果,本文小编就针对雅思考试四个单项分别为大家合理规划一些如下面雅思频道为大家整理了每日雅思词汇:国外生活不能少的商店 ,供考生们参考,以下是详细内容。  在城市中“庫鑔”一下,2015年的最后一场考试已经渐渐地远离烤鸭们了,新一年的考试已经在山那头翘首以待了。时光飞
在一些英语考试或者阅读书籍,也或者和别人交流中。一些短语可以让文章更为生动,使得表达更加简单。发现很多学生准备考试、学习英语不得法,继而帮他们改善了备考习惯,提高了学习效率,因为当中的一些经验不但能让学雅思阅读文章备考常识主要给大家分享了简介、文章来源、文章类型、文章结构四个方面,希望大家对雅思阅读文章有一个Merry Christmas[摘要]我们似乎都有这样的体验,答题时不是说的很短就是句子结构混乱。当然这和我大家在进行雅思听力考试时,最长遇到的问题的就是雅思听力考试太紧张,这些负面的情况往往导致了听力效果大大折扣,下面雅思频道为大家整理了每日雅思词汇:如何描述人的品质,供考生们参考,以下是详细内容。  conscie下面雅思频道为大家整理了每日雅思词汇:各种卡,供考生们参考,以下是详细内容。  identity car第一忌:听力考试不需要参加培训很多学生认为自己经过中国各种刁难考试的听力折磨,英文水平已经足够可以应付思维直[摘要]英语口语一直是困扰很多雅思考生的头等问题,无论是发音还是思维,结构或语法等等都成为被考官扣分的主要原总有同学困惑于雅思小作文的表达方式,由于国内的英文学习中较少出现类似雅思小作文中的图表,同学们对于趋势描Beat generation 垮掉的一代Tea-ceremony 茶道Badger game 美人计Sce雅思口语短语的作用在提高成绩方面是非常明显的,但是有些雅思口语常用短语在大家的日常生活中也经常本文将从多个角度为大家分析雅思口语题型,所谓“多角度”就是根据雅思考试侧重点的不同进行话题考试题型的详细下面雅思频道为大家整理了每日雅思词汇:下雪天能用到的词汇,供考生们参考,以下是详细内容。  snowfl雅思考试成绩单是考生英语能力的权威证明,显示考生听力、阅读、写作和口语4个分项的成绩以及总成绩。  雅思下面雅思频道为大家整理了每日雅思词汇:公司的部门组成,供考生们参考,以下是详细内容。  1)仓储部War雅思满分作文是考生们都想达到的目标,然而却非易事。考生们该如何备考呢?雅思满分作文如何实现呢?本文就为大2016年中国托福网考日期  托福中国官网:http://toefl./cn  201.abide by(= obey)忠于;遵守。
2. be absent1多做题的基础上精做题。没有时间阅读其他材料的话,直接拿阅读题来练习也能有很好的效果,但要注意方法。首先要掐下面雅思频道为大家整理了每日雅思词汇:常用英语语法术语,供考生们参考,以下是详细内容。  一致 agre1) 成绩网上查询及成绩单发放时间  考生须正常完成笔试、口试所有科目及如期参加现场照相方可以收到成绩单下面雅思频道为大家整理了雅思词汇:区分各种"图",供考生们参考,以下是详细内容。  picture 图画新生报到场景是雅思听力考试十大高频场景之一,也是听力备考必须掌握的内容。下面为大家详细介绍雅思听力新生报[摘要]这篇如何提高雅思阅读效率主要从词汇量、语法知识、阅读技巧、定位技巧四个方面分享了备考经验,大家可以参下面雅思频道为大家整理了雅思词汇:生活常见习语,供考生们参考,以下是详细内容。  couch potat2015年9月去往英国就读预科、语言课程的学生根据英国院校的不同要求须参加4月30日开考、在指定13个考重复使用简单词是5分及以下考生的典型表现之一,想要突破这一点就必须花时间记忆一些常用词汇的同义替换~  表“数字问题在雅思听力考试中经常会出现,也有很多考生在这一考点中失分。下面小编为大家总结整理了雅思听力数字全下面雅思频道为大家整理了雅思词汇:生活常见习语,供考生们参考,以下是详细内容。  couch potatieltsgoIelts雅思口语,给烤鸭们提供各种雅思口语资讯~更有丰富的雅思备考资料等着大家哦!正在为雅思英语口语犯愁的亲们果断关注,Ielts雅思口语不会让你失望的!本账号适配人群:英语口语爱好者;雅思口语练习者;雅思英语备考者。热门文章最新文章7.容祖儿确定参加踢馆PK李克勤!!150万录一集!ieltsgoIelts雅思口语,给烤鸭们提供各种雅思口语资讯~更有丰富的雅思备考资料等着大家哦!正在为雅思英语口语犯愁的亲们果断关注,Ielts雅思口语不会让你失望的!本账号适配人群:英语口语爱好者;雅思口语练习者;雅思英语备考者。}


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