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泰兴市第四高级中学高三一周通报 日——1月10日泰兴市第一高级中学学年度第二学期期末模拟考试9科9门有答案 72_泰兴市第一高级中学-牛bb文章网
泰兴市第一高级中学学年度第二学期期末模拟考试9科9门有答案 72_泰兴市第一高级中学
泰兴市第一高级中学2014―学年度第二学期期末模拟考试(一)高一语文试卷卷面总分:160分 考试时间:150分钟一、语言文字运用(21分)1.在下面一段话空缺处依次填入词语,最恰当的一组是(3分)现在有种观点认为,英语与汉语的学习彼此是 ▲ 的,要想学好汉语,就得弱化英语。这一观点虽说十分流行,但实际上却相当荒谬。看看钱钟书看看林语堂看看胡适,他们都是 ▲ 的文化大师,他们的国学功底异常深厚,他们的英语水准堪称世界一流,他们的出现,正是对这一观点的有力驳斥。可想而知,随着高考英语分数的下降,学校对英语的教学将会弱化,学生的英语水平将会降低。这一切,完全与时代的发展 ▲ ,是不折不扣的倒退。这种倒退,令人担忧。A.针锋相对 学富五车 南辕北辙 B.针锋相对 学贯中西 背道而驰 C.势不两立 学贯中西 背道而驰 D.势不两立 学富五车 南辕北辙 2.下列各句中,没有语病的一项是(3分)A.只有当促进艺术电影繁荣成为社会共识,从源头的创作方到受众方的各环节都得到强有力的支持,艺术电影才能真正实现飞跃。B.据说当年徽州男人大多外出经商,家中皆是妇孺及孩童,为了安全,徽州的古村落老宅子大多为高墙深院、重门窄窗的建筑。C.工作之余,大家闲谈脱不开子女教育、住房大小、职务升迁,也照样脱不开为饭菜咸淡、暖气冷热、物价高低吐槽发声。D.我国重新修订《食品安全法》,目的是用更严格的监管、更严厉的处罚、更严肃的问责,切实保障“舌尖上的安全”,被称为“最严食品安全法”。 3.下列诗句与“秋草独寻人去后”对仗工整的一项是(3 分)A. 海燕双栖玳瑁梁 B. 长堤春水绿悠悠 C. 寒林空见日斜时 D. 孤城遥望玉门关 4. 下列交际用语使用不得体的一项是(3 分)A.欢迎光临阳光小区,这是我公司近年来鼎力打造的又一绿色生态小区!B.本人才疏学浅,刚才一些想法仅是一孔之见,接下来还请在座大方之家批评指正! C.在这特殊的日子里,我向母校致以最诚挚的祝福,愿母校永远年轻,永葆生机! D.值此良辰吉日,正是犬子金榜题名时,感谢各位亲朋亲临祝贺,不胜感激! 5. 在下面一段文字横线处填入语句,衔接最恰当的一项是(3 分)我到过的江南小镇很多,闭眼就能想见, ▲ ,几位老人满脸宁静地坐在那里,看着过往船只。比之于沈从文笔下的湘西河边由吊脚楼组成的小镇,江南小镇少了那种浑朴奇险,多了一点畅达平稳。①傍河而筑的民居,民居楼板底下就是水②而离他们只有几尺远的乌蓬船上正升起一缕白白的炊烟③石阶的埠头从楼板下一级级伸出来,女人正在埠头上浣洗 ④穿镇而过的狭窄河道,一座座雕刻精致的石桥⑤炊烟穿过桥洞飘到对岸,对岸河边有又低又宽的石栏,可坐可躺 A. ①③②④⑤ B. ①④⑤②③ C. ④①③②⑤ D. ④⑤②①③ 6. 阅读右边这幅漫画,对它的寓意理解不正确的一项是(3分)A.有人把它作前进的路标,结合自身实际,灵活运用 B.有人亦步亦趋,只知道生搬硬套,不顾自身的实际 C.生活中不同的人对待成功者的经验态度也不尽相同 D.将成功者足迹视为路标实际上是犯了经验主义错误成功者的足迹7.葛朗台的妻子生病,治病需要花钱,这简直就是?____________?。但他想到花几个看病钱会保住更大一笔财产――这交易划得来。他请来索漠最有名医生为太太诊治,战战兢兢地探问:?要不要花很多钱?要不要吃药呢??最终咬着牙说出:?请你救救她,即使要我一二百法郎也行。?画线部分,填写下面哪一句话最符合人物身份?A.让我非常伤心的事 B. 抹自己的脖子 C.我残缺的人生 D.比天大的事情 二、文言文阅读(19分)阅读下面的文言文,完成8~12题。武王问太公曰:?立将之道奈何??太公曰:?凡国有难,君避正殿。召将而诏之曰:‘社稷安危,一在将军。今某国不臣,愿将军帅师应之也。’?将既受命乃命太史卜斋三日之太庙钻灵龟卜吉日以授斧钺。君入庙门,西面而立;将入庙门,北面而立。君亲操钺持首,授将其柄,曰:‘从此上至天者,将军制之。’复操斧持柄,授将其刃,曰:‘从此下至渊者,将军制之。’见其虚则进,见其实则止。勿以三.军为众而轻敌,勿以受命为重而必死,勿以身贵而贱人,勿以独见而违众,勿以辩说为必然。 ?将以受命,拜而报君曰:‘臣闻国不可从外治,军不可从中御;二心不可以事君,疑志不可以应敌。臣既受命专釜钺之威,臣不敢生还,愿君亦垂一言之命于臣。君不许臣,.臣不敢将。’君许之,乃辞而去。军中之事,不闻君命,皆由将出,临敌决战,无有二心。是故智者为之谋,勇者为之斗,气厉青云,疾若驰骛,兵不接刃而敌降服。战胜于外,功立.于内,吏迁士赏,百姓欢悦,将无咎殃。是故风雨时节,五谷丰熟,社稷安宁。?武王曰:?善哉!?武王问太公曰:?吾欲令三军之众,攻城争先登,野战争先赴,为之奈何??太公曰:?将有三礼? 武王曰:?敢问其目?? .太公曰:?将冬不服裘,夏不操扇,雨不张盖,名曰礼将。将不身服礼,无以知士卒之.寒暑。出隘塞,犯泥涂,将必先下步,名曰力将;将不身服力,无以知士卒之劳苦。军皆定次,将乃就舍。炊者皆熟,将乃就食。军不举火,将亦不举,名曰止欲将;将不身服止欲,.无以知士卒之饥饱。将与士卒共寒暑、劳苦、饥饱,故三军之众,闻鼓声则喜,闻金声则怒。高城深池,矢石繁下,士争先登;白刃始合,士争先赴。士非好死而乐伤也,为其将知寒暑.饥饱之审,而见劳苦之明也。?8.对下列句子中的加点词的解释,不正确的是(3分)A.臣既受命专斧钺之威 专:独掌 .B.敢问其目 目:条目 .C.军皆定次,将乃就舍 次,次序 ..D.白刃始合 合:交锋 .9.下列各组句子中,加点词的意义和用法相同的一项是(3分) A见其虚则进 B.之谋 ..置杯焉则胶 之虏矣 ..C无以知士卒之寒暑 D.就食 .. 蚓无爪牙之利 夜驰之沛公军 ..10.下列对文中画波浪线部分的断句,正确的一项是(3分)A.将既受命/乃令太史卜斋/三日之太庙/钻灵龟/卜吉日/以授斧钺 B.将既受命/乃令太/史卜斋三日/之太庙/钻灵龟/卜吉日/以授斧钺 C.将既受命/乃令太史卜/斋三日/之太庙/钻灵龟/卜吉日/以授斧钺 D.将既受命/乃令太史卜斋三日/之太庙/钻灵龟/卜吉/日以授斧钺 11.下列对原文有关内容的理解与分析表述不正确的一项是(3分)A.君王任命将军时,应该在太庙执象征兵权的钺和斧,郑重地授给将军,赋予他处理一切军务的权力。B.将军接受任命后,将再次请求君王给予充分信任,并表明战胜敌人还需要智者出谋划策、勇士英勇战斗。C.如果将军能做到“三礼”,那么无论攻城时还是野战时,士兵们都会奋勇争先,只想冲锋,不愿后退。D.本文通过君王与太公问答,阐明了君王的立将之过和将军的领军之策,充分体现了太公高超的军事智慧。12.把下面的句子翻译成现代汉语。(7分)(1)社稷安危,一在将军。今某国不臣,愿将军帅师应之也。(3分) 译: 译:▲ ▲(2)安能屈豪杰之流,扼腕墓道,发其志士之悲哉?《五人墓碑记》(4分) 三、古诗词鉴赏(10分)13.阅读下面这首词,然后回答问题。好事近 黄之隽(清)高卧小船梢,仰看插江峰色。都被绿痕皴断,是丛篁幽石。 天开十折画屏风,遮住半江黑。仔细乱篙撑处,怕悬崖崩坼。(1)开头两句表现了作者怎样的心情?“插”字有何表达效果?(4分) 答:▲(2)末尾两句中的“悬崖”“崩坼”分别指什么?作者为何说“乱篙撑处”“怕悬崖崩坼”? (6分) 答:▲四、名篇名句默写(8分)14.补写出下列名句名篇中的空缺部分。⑴怨不在大,______________ ;_____________,所宜深慎。(魏征《谏太宗十思疏》) ⑵三岁为妇, 。 ,靡有朝矣。(《氓》)⑶嗟尔远道之人胡为乎来哉? ,一夫当关,万夫莫开。所守或匪亲, 。(李白《蜀道难》)⑷陛下亦宜自谋, , ,深追先帝遗诏。(《出师表》) 五、现代文阅读:文学类文本(20分) 阅读下面的文章,完成15~18题。阳 关 月 扬之水从敦煌城里坐了开往南湖的最后一班车,到阳关下车,已是薄暮时分。汽车在阳关并没有站点,招呼了司机,才在这停了下来。看着汽车呼啸而去,消失在伸向天边的公路上,好像一下子被孤零零抛在旷野中――大漠黄昏,好有几分凄凉。缘着沙滩,有路没路地往前走。滩上遍生着罗布麻和骆驼草。可爱的是一泓清水流泻其间。四野无人,只觉得那斜斜的残阳,比我脚步更快,一点点遑急地退下去。此处阳关故址是1974年才确定的,于是有了一块标明身份的碑,成为一个已无阳关的阳关――不过是墩墩山,一个汉代的烽燧。在墩墩山周围绕行,烽燧下面的坡地,猛踏一脚下去,空空有声,里面正不知埋藏了何等的秘密。山前的茫茫砂碛,被称作古董滩。据说阳关故址的确定,便是依据滩上发现的大量历史遗物。如今这里仍有不少陶片之类的古物遗存。距这里95公里,是党水之源的雪山――阿尔金山。在阳关故址碑前极目四望,方圆百里旷无人迹,天地间除几只苍蝇嗡嗡飞着,再听不到别的声音。无名氏的《瓜沙道中》诗这样写道:“阳关古道接大荒,官杨零落不成行。阴沉日色连云白,暗淡风沙入寒黄。鸿觅稻粱衔矢石,人拼骨肉战冰霜。唐蕃汉垒今何在,秦月依依照古疆。”回味诗句,立在空旷中,仍能体味那萧萧的悲凉。暮色四合,视野中只有墩墩山的烽燧兀立在高阜上,守候着一片静寂,天边的最后一抹绛紫,渐渐转作深蓝,一点一点地,黑定了。想起一个红柳娃的故事:茫茫大漠的红柳树间,有一尺来高的小人叫红柳娃。捉到他,会哀哀叩头求告,放他走,则跑出一段路又折回身,仍是遥遥地叩首。屡奔屡止,直至追不及。这很像是幻觉,而人在极度寂寞中,是会产生幻觉的。不过,上溯两千年,这里何尝寂寞呢。阳关以南是玉门,那时车辚辚马萧萧,使者、商人,冠盖相望,不绝于道。金戈铁马,汉军挥师西向,更是屡屡打破旷野中的寂寞,那正是汉武帝的辉煌业绩之一。在汉武帝当政的半个多世纪中,中央集权的“大一统”巩固了;朝纲制度模式化了;儒术正式纳入政治轨道了;疆域的开辟也达于空前。他雄才大略,号令天下,统率一切,举全国之力不容Z疑地建立他所要的非常之功。但后世对汉武帝的评价并不一致。蓬莱银阙、露溥金掌的求仙生涯不必说,就是开西域击匈奴,也有好大喜功、穷兵黩武之讥。只是,仍然要说他是伟大的。不仅在于他有能力成就他的功业,也同样在于他有能力破坏自己的功业。因为他的伟大永远与权力联系在一起,晚年他发布了“轮台罪己之诏”,纠正了方针大政上的失误,但连这种自我批评,也只能用权力的形式表现出来。伟人的时代,常常是伟人一个人的时代。辉煌的、悲壮的、惨惨戚戚的历史,都融化在古董滩上,又被日精月华铸为荒寂的、苍凉的一片。这一片辽远的寂静,没有虫声鸟语,此刻连苍蝇的嗡嗡声也早消逝了。“知古不知今,谓之陆沉;知今不知古,谓之盲瞽。”这是王充的求实精神。但所谓知今,也只能知一己目之所及的今;知古,也只能知一己目之所及的古――这“所及”要受多少限制!天黑很久,渐渐的,才有星星露出来。从坐着的方向看去,北斗星的勺正对着墩墩山的烽燧。只是,怎么不见“秦月依依”呢?那独与大漠、云天相往来的冷寂的月!“满天星的,没有月亮喽。”守关的老吴说道。不觉憬然而悟。是不是满天星斗的夜空,就一定见不到月亮?那么明月高悬的时候,还能见到星光灿烂吗?夜宿小屋。从窗帘遮不到的地方,仍能见到一小片天,一小片缀满了星星的天。 阳关今夜,没有月。(选自《现代散文名家名作选》,有删改)15. 文中今日阳关和古代阳关各有什么特点?采用古今对比的写法有何作用?(6分) 答: 答: 答: 答:▲ ▲ ▲ ▲16. 第四段文字在表达上很有特色,请简要赏析。(4分)17. 分析文中“伟人的时代,常常是伟人一个人的时代”这句话的含义。(4分) 18. 结合全文内容,探究作者以“阳关月”为题的意图。(6分) 六、现代文阅读:实用类文本(12分)阅读下面的文章,完成19~20题。朱东润自传1896年我出生在江苏泰兴一个失业店员的家庭,早年生活艰苦,所受的教育也存在着一定的波折。21岁我到梧州担任广西第二中学的外语教师,23岁调任南通师范学校教师。1929年4月间,我到武汉大学担任外语讲师,从此我就成为大学教师。那时武汉大学的文学院长是闻一多教授,他看到中文系的教师实在太复杂,总想来一些变动。用近年的说法,这叫作掺沙子。我的命运是作为沙子而到中文系开课的。大约是1939年吧,一所内迁的大学的中文系在学年开始,出现了传记研究这一个课,其下注明本年开韩柳文。传记文学也好,韩柳文学也不妨,但是怎么会在传记研究这个总题下面开韩柳文呢?在当时的大学里,出现的柽事不少,可是这一项多少和我的兴趣有关,这就决定了我对于传记文学献身的意图。《四库全书总目》有传记类,指出《晏子春秋》为传之祖,《孔子三朝记》为记之祖,这是三百年前的看法,现在用不上了。有人说《史记》《汉书》为传记之祖,这个也用不上。《史》《汉》有互见法,对于一个人的评价,常常需要通读全书多卷,才能得其大略。可是在传记文学里,一个传主只有一农书,必须在这本书里把对他的评价全部交代。是不是古人所作的传、行状、神道碑这一类的作品对于近代传记文学的写作有什么帮助呢?也不尽然。古代文人的这类作品,主要是对于死者的歌颂,对于近代传记文学是没有什么用处的。这些作品,毕竟不是传记文学。泰兴市第一高级中学学年度第二学期期末模拟考试9科9门有答案 72_泰兴市第一高级中学除了史家和文人的作品以外,是不是还有值得提出的呢?有的,这便是所谓别传。别传的名称,可能不是作者的自称而是后人认为有别于正史,因此称为?别传?。有些简单一些,也可称为传叙。这类作品写得都很生动,没有那些阿谀奉承之辞,而且是信笔直书,对于传主的错误和缺陷,都是全部奉陈。是不是可以从国外吸收传记文学的写作方法呢?当然可以,而且有此必要。但是不能没有一个抉择,罗马时代的勃路塔克是最好的了,但是他的时代和我们相去太远,而且他的那部大作,所着重的是相互比较而很少对于传主的刻画,因此我们只能看到一个大略而看不到入情入理的细致的分析。英国的《约翰逊博士传》是传记文学中的不朽名作,英国人把它推重到极高的地位。这部书的细致是到了一个登峰造极的地位,但是的确也难免有些琐碎。而且由于约翰逊并不处子当时的政治中心,其人也并不能代表英国的一般人物,所以这部作品不是我们必须模仿的范本。是不是我国已经翻译过来的《维多利亚女王传》可以作为范本呢?应当说是可以,由于作者着墨无多,处处显得?颊上三毫?的风神,可是中国文人相传的做法,正是走的一样的道路,所以无论近代人怎么推崇这部作品,总会不免令人有?穿新鞋走老路?的戒心。国内外的作品读过一些,也读过法国评论家莫洛亚的传记文学理论,是不是对于传记文学就算有些认识呢?不算,在自己没有动手创作之前,就不能算是认识。这时是1940年左右,中国正在艰苦抗战,我只身独处,住在四川乐山的郊区,每周得进城到学校上课,生活也很艰苦。家乡已经陷落了,妻室儿女,一家八口,正在死亡线上挣扎。我决心把研读的各种传记作为范本,自己也写出一本来。我写谁呢?我考虑了好久,最后决定写明代的张居正。第一,因为他能把一个充满内忧外患的国家拯救出来,为垂亡的明王朝延长了七十年的寿命。第二,因为他不顾个人的安危和世人的唾骂,终于完成历史赋予他的使命。他不是没有缺点的,但是无论他有多大的缺点,他是唯一能够拯救那个时代的人物。 (有删改)相关链接①自传和传人,本是性质类似的著述,除了因为作者立场的不同,因而有必要的区别以外,原来没有很大的差异。但是在西洋文学里,常会发生分类的麻烦。我们t传叙二字连用指明同类的文学。同时因为古代的用法,传人曰传,自叙曰叙,这种分别的观念,是一种原有的观念,所以传叙文学,包括叙、传在内,丝毫不感觉牵强。(朱东润《关丁传叙文学的几个名词》)②朱先生确是有儒家风度的学者,一身正气,因此他所选择的传主对象,差不多都是关心国计民生的有为之士。他强调关切现实,拯救危亡,尊崇气节与品格。这都是可以理解的。(傅璇琮《理性的思索和情感的倾注――读朱东润先生史传文学随想》)19.朱东润的传记文学观是如何形成的?请结合材料简要分析。(6分)答:答: ▲ ▲ 20.作为带有学术性质的自传,本文有什么特点?请简要回答。(6分)七、作文(70分)21. 从一个人的成长来看,先要学会走,然后才会跑,任谁都跑过――无论身体上还是心灵上的,但跑的体验是不尽相同的。你或许有难忘的经历,或许有深切的感受,或许有独到的认识,请结合自身生活实际,以“跑的体验”为话题,自选角度,自定立意,自拟标题,写一篇不少于800字的记叙文。高一语文期末模拟考试(一)参考答案1.B(“针锋相对”,比喻双方在策略、论点及行动方式等方面尖锐对立;而“势不两立”, 指敌对的双方不能同时存在,比喻矛盾不可调和。语境是“学好汉语就得弱化英语”,这不是敌对的双方,也不是“不能同时存在”,而是人们对这两者的学习方面存在严重分歧,故选“针锋相对”较好。 “学富五车”,形容读书多,知识丰富;而“学贯中西”, 形容学问贯通了中国和西方的种种知识。而语段中所举的“钱钟书、林语堂和胡适”的事例都是说明“他们的国学功底异常深厚,他们英语水准堪称世界一流”,而非单纯指他们的学问大,故选“学贯中西”更合适。D.“南辕北辙”,比喻行动和目的正好相反,指自身的行动与自己的目标相反;而“背道而驰”, 比喻彼此的方向和目的完全相反,是指某人的做法方向和应遵循的大众化的目标相反。而语境是“与时代的发展”相反,据此应该是“背道而驰”。)2.A(B词意重复,“家中皆是妇孺及孩童”,其中,“妇孺”包括“孩童”。C句式杂糅,“也照样脱不开为饭菜咸淡、暖气冷热、物价高低吐槽发声”。应改为“也照样脱不开为饭菜咸淡、暖气冷热、物价高低”,或改为“为饭菜咸淡、暖气冷热、物价高低吐槽”。另外,还有词意重复,“吐槽发声”重复。D句子成分残缺,“被称为最严食品安全法”缺少主语。)3.C(这是唐代诗人刘长卿《长沙过贾谊宅》中的诗句,“秋草”对“寒林”,“人去”对“日斜”,渲染出故宅一片萧条冷落的景色,而在这样的氛围中,诗人还要去“独寻”,结果是“空见”,一种景仰向慕、寂寞兴叹的心情,油然而生。其他句都不对仗,故选C。)4.A(“鼎力”,全力的意思,但一般是对人有所请托,表示感谢的敬词,不能用于自己这一方面。)5.C(整个语段是以穿镇而过的河作为参照系来描写的,所以第④句放在开头较好,故在“C、D”两项中选择,②和⑤,很明显应该是先有炊烟,接着再写炊烟穿过桥洞飘到对岸,因此选“C”。)6.D(漫画中两个人,一个是沿着足迹的方向在边上快跑,一个是弯腰低头循着足迹,亦步亦趋,据此漫画的理解ABC是合理的,D项中“犯了经验主义错误”不对。)7.B8.C(次:驻扎,指驻扎的处所。)9.A(A都是“就”的意思;B替/被; C 的/定语后置的标志 ; D才/于是。)10.C(主将接受命令后,国君就令太史占卜,斋戒三天,前往太庙,钻炙龟甲,选择吉日向将帅颁授斧钺。注意陈述对象的变化,事件的切分。)11.B(将军再次请求君王给予充分信任时,没有表明战胜敌人还需要智者出谋划策、勇士英勇战斗,这是出征之后提到的事)12.(1)国家安危,全在于将军。现在某国家不肯臣服,希望将军率领军队去讨伐它。(2)怎么能够使英雄豪杰们拜倒哭泣,在他们的墓道上紧握手腕,抒发他们作为有志之士的悲慨呢?【参考译文】武王问太公说:?任命主将的方式如何??太公说:?凡国家遇有危难,国君就避开正殿,在偏殿召见主将命令他说:‘国家安危,全在于将军。现在某国家不肯臣服,希望将军率领军队去讨伐它。’?主将接受了任命,国君就命太史占卜,斋戒三天,前往太庙,钴龟甲,择吉日,授给斧钺。(到了吉日)国君进入太庙门,面向西站着;主将进太庙门,面向北站着。国君亲自拿着钺的头部,把钺柄交给主将,说:‘从此,军中上至于天的一切事情全由将军管理。’又亲自拿起斧柄,把斧的刃部交给主将,说:‘从此军中下至于渊的一切事情全由将军管理。?见敌虚弱就前进,见敌坚强就停止,不要以为我军众多就轻敌,不要以为任务重大就拚命,不要以为身居高位就轻视别人,不要固执己见而违背众意,不要把诡辩游说当成真理。’?主将接受任命后,再拜并回答说:‘据我所知,国事不应受外部的干预,作战不能由君主在朝廷内遥控指挥。臣怀二心就不能忠心耿耿地侍奉君主,疑虑重重就不能专心专意地去对付敌人。我既已奉命掌握军事大权,(不获胜利)不敢生还。请你允许我照上面的话去做!你不允许,我就不敢担任主将。’国君允许了他,主将就辞别君主率军出征。从此军中一切事务,不听命于国君而听命于主将,临敌决战,意志统一。这样,就能使有知谋的人都为他策划,有勇力的人都为他战斗,士气昂扬直冲霄汉,行动迅速如快马奔腾,兵未交锋而敌已降服。战争取胜于国外,功名显扬于国内,官吏都得到晋升,士卒都得到奖赏,百姓欢欣鼓舞,将帅没有罪过。从此风调雨顺,五谷丰登,国家安宁。?武王说:?好啊!?武王问太公说:?我想使全军将士,攻城时争先登城,野战时争先冲击,怎么才能做到这样呢??太公答道:?将帅有三个克敌致胜的要领。?武王说:?请您谈谈具体内容好吗??太公说:?身为将帅,能冬天不穿皮衣,夏天不用扇子,雨天不张伞篷,这样的将帅叫礼将;将帅不能以身作则,就无从体会士卒的冷暖。翻越险阻关隘,通过泥泞道路,将帅必先下车马步行,这样的将帅叫力将;将帅不身体力行,就无从体会士卒的劳苦;军队宿营就绪,将帅才进入自己的宿舍,军队的饭菜做好,将帅才开始就餐。军队没有举火照明,将帅也不举火照明,这样的将帅叫止欲将;将帅不能克制自己,就不能体会士卒的饥饱。将帅能同士卒同寒暑,共劳苦,同饥饱,那么全军官兵听到前进的号令就欢喜,听到停止的号令就愤怒。攻打高城深池时,即使面临箭石如雨的危境,士卒也会争先恐后奋勇登城;进行野战对,双方刚一交锋,士卒就会前仆后继勇往直前。士卒并不是天性喜欢死亡、乐于伤残,而是由于将帅关心自己的冷暖和饥饱,体恤自己的劳苦,因此深受感动而甘心尽力报效。?13.(1)表现了作者乘船观看山水时悠闲自得的心情。(2分)用一“插”字,把江边山峰的尖峭、挺拔形象地表现出来。(2分)(2)“悬崖”指倒映江中的陡峭山崖。(2分)“崩坼”本指倒塌断裂,此指江中的山影破碎散乱。(2分)作者担心竹篙一撑,江面激起水波,把江中的山影漾乱,美景被破坏。(2分)14.略15. 今日阳关:四野无人,唯存烽燧,寂静荒凉。(2分)古代阳关:车马喧嚣,人来人往,非常热闹。(2分)作用:突出阳关沧桑变化,引发联想,为下文议论抒情做铺垫。(2分)16. 引用古诗,叙写阳关景色,突出其地理气候特点。衬托,以苍蝇嗡嗡声反衬阳关的寂静。拟人,烽燧守候着静寂,生动形象,充满情趣。(或,视听结合)(每点2分,手法1分,分析1分。任答两点即可)17. 伟人号令天下,掌控整个时代;建非常之功,使国家强盛;但伟人也会破坏自己的功业;甚至利用权力纠正失误。(每点1分)18. ① 突出文章主体内容,深化主旨。② 以之为线索,将所见所闻所思串联起来,使全文形成有机整体。③ “阳关月”是古老意象,内涵丰富,便于熔古今于一炉,增加诗意氛围。④ “阳关月”照古照今,便于引发对历史的思考,表达自己的看法。(每点2分,答出三点即可)19.①受古代经典传记作品的启发;②吸取别传作品写作方法中的精华;③从国外吸收传记文学的写作方法。20.①以学术观点为主,思想深刻分析透彻;②按照顺序介绍自己学术思想观点的发展。泰兴市第一高级中学学年度第二学期期末模拟考试(一)高一数学试卷卷面总分:160分 考试时间:120分钟一、填空题:本大题共14小题,每小题5分,共70分。不需要写出解答过程,请把答案直接填空在答题卡相应位置上 ........1. 已知直线l:mx?y?4若直线l与直线x?m(m?1)y?2垂直,则m的值为______.2.若等比数列{an}的前n项和为Sn,且a1?1,a4?8,则S5.3. 已知圆C:x?y?r与直线3x?4y?10?0相切,则圆C的半径r?4.若x>y,a>b,则在①a-x>b-y,②a+x>b+y,③ax>by,④x-b>y-a五个式子中,恒成立的所有不等式的序号是________.5.在等差数列{an}中,已知a3?a8?10,则3a5?a76.过圆x?y?4上一点P1,?3的切线方程为___________________. 22222abyx???x?y?2?0,y?7.设实数x,y满足?x?2y?4?0,则的最大值为___________ x?2y?3?0,?8. 设直线x-my-1=0与圆(x-1)+(y-2)=4相交于A、B两点,且弦AB的长为23,则实数m的值是________.9. 设l,m是两条不同的直线,则下列命题为真命题的序号是____. ?,?是两个不同的平面,(1).若m//l,m//?,则l//?;(2).若m??,l?m,则l//?;(3).若?//?,l??,m//?,则l?m;(4).若m??,m//?,l??,l//?,则?//?10. 已知正四棱锥的底面边长是6,则该正四棱锥的侧面积为 .11.己知a,b为正数,且直线 22ax?by?6?0与直线2x?(b?3)y?5?0互相平行,则2a+3b的最小值为12.如果关于x的不等式(1?m2)x2?(1?m)x?1?0的解集是R,则实数m的取值范围泰兴市第一高级中学学年度第二学期期末模拟考试9科9门有答案 72_泰兴市第一高级中学是 .13.已知圆O:x2?y2?1,点P(x0,y0)是直线l:3x?2y?4?0上的动点,若在圆O上总存在不同的两点A,B使得OA?OB?OP,则x0的取值范围为________.x2?y2?2x?2y?214.已知x,y?R,满足2?y?4?x,x?1,则的最大值为_______.xy?x?y?1二、解答题:本大题共6小题,共计90分.请在答题卡指定区域内作答,解答时应写出文.......字说明、证明过程或演算步骤.15. (本题满分14分)已知△ABC的顶点A?3,2?,B?1,0?,C??1,4?,求: (1)AB边上的高所在直线的方程; (2)AC边上的中线所在直线的方程; (3)△ABC外接圆方程. 16、(本题满分14分)2等比数列?an?的各项均为正数,且4a1?a2?3, a5?9a2a6.(1)求数列?an?的通项公式;(2)设bn?log3an,求数列?an?bn?的前n项和Sn.17. (本题满分14分)如图所示,矩形ABCD中,AD?平面ABE,AE?EB?BC?2,F为CE上的点,且BF?平面ACE D C (1) 求证:AE?平面BCE;(2) 求证:AE//平面BFD;(3) 求三棱锥C?BGF的体积.A18.(本题满分16分)某加工厂需定期购买原材料,已知每千克原材料的价格为1.5元,每次购买原材料需支付运费600元,每千克原材料每天的保管费用为0.03元,该厂每天需要消耗原材料400千克,每次购买的原材料当天即开始使用(即有400千克不需要保管).(1)设该厂每x天购买一次原材料,试写出每次购买的原材料在x天内总的保管费用y1关于x的函数关系式;(2)求该厂多少天购买一次原材料才能使平均每天支付的总费用y最小,并求出这个最小值. 19.(本题满分16分)EB?2?已知以点C?t,?(t∈R,t≠0)为圆心的圆与x轴交于点O,A,与y轴交于点O,B,其中O?t?为原点.(1)求证:△AOB的面积为定值;(2)设直线2x+y-4=0与圆C交于点M,N,若OM?ON,求圆C的方程; (3)在(2)的条件下,设P,Q分别是直线l:x+y+2=0和圆C上的动点,求PB?PQ的最小值及此时点P的坐标.20.(本题满分16分)已知 Sn是数列{an}的前n项和,且Sn?n2?4n?4(1)求数列?an?的通项公式;(2)设各项均不为零的数列?cn?中,所有满足ck?ck?1?0的正整数k的个数称为这个数列?cn? 的变号数,令cn?1?(3)记数列{4(n为正整数),求数列?cn?的变号数; anm1的前n的和为Tn,若T2n+1?Tn?对n?N?恒成立,求正整数m的最小值。15an高一数学期末模拟(一)参考答案1、0或2;2、31;3、2;4、②、④; 5、20;6、x?3y?4?038、57、 9、③; 10、48;11、25;12、m?或m??1 2;3;?24?10?0,? 13、?13?;14、315:解:?1?l:x?y?3?0????4分9分22?2?x?1.2??7?50x??y??.?3??????3??3?9?16、解:(1)an?3n????4分14分n(n?1)1n?13??3? 14分. 22217、 (1)证明:∵AD?平面ABE,AD//BC,∴BC?平面ABE,则AE?BC(2)bn?n,9分;Sn?又BF?平面ACE,则AE?BF?AE?平面BCED(2)由题意可得G是AC的中点,连接FGBF?平面ACE,则CE?BF?FC,而BC?BE,是EC中点,在?AEC中,FG//AE,?AE//平面BFDAE//平面BFD,?AE//FG,(3)AEB而?AE?平面BCE,?FG?平面BCF1G是AC中点,F是CE中点,?FG//AE且FG?AE?1,2BF?平面ACE,?BF?CE,?Rt?BCE中,BF?1CE?CF?2,?S?CFB?11?1?VC?BGF?VG?BCF??S?CFB?FG? 3318、解:(I)每次购买原材料后,当天用掉的400公斤原材料不需要保管费用,第二天用掉的400公斤原材料需保管1天,第三天用掉的400公斤原材料需保管2天,第四天用掉的400公斤原材料需保管3天,??,第x天(也就是下次购买原材料的前一天)用掉最后的400公斤原材料需保管x-1天. 每次购买的原材料在x天内总的保管费用y1=400×O.03[1+2+3+…+(x-1)]=6x2-6x(元). ????7分 (Ⅱ)由上问可知,购买一次原材料的总的费用为6x-6x+600+1.5×400x元,2∴ 购买一次原材料平均每天支付的总费用∴. 当且仅当,即x=10时,取等号. ????15分∴该厂10天购买一次原材料可以使平均每天支付的总费用y最少,为714元.????16分 19:(1)证明:244y-2=t2+x2-2tx+y2-y=0, 由题设知,圆C的方程为(x-t)2+??ttt当y=0时,x=0或2t,则A(2t,0); 440,?, 当x=0时,y=0B??t?t11?4∴S△AOB=OA|?|OB|=|2t|?=4为定值. ????5分22?t(2)解:∵|OM|=|ON|,则原点O在MN的中垂线上,设MN的中点为H,则CH⊥MN,2t21∴C,H,O三点共线,则直线OC的斜率k=,∴t=2或t=-2.tt2∴圆心为C(2,1)或(-2,-1),∴圆C的方程为(x-2)2+(y-1)2=5或(x+2)2+(y+1)2=5,由于当圆方程为(x+2)2+(y+1)2=5时,直线2x+y-4=0到圆心的距离d&r,此时不满足直线与圆相交,故舍去,∴圆C的方程为(x-2)2+(y-1)2=5. ????10分 (3)解:点B(0,2)关于直线x+y+2=0的对称点为B′(-4,-2),则|PB|+|PQ|=|PB′|+|PQ|≥|B′Q|,又B′到圆上点Q的最短距离为|B′C|-r=-+--5=355=5. 1所以|PB|+|PQ|的最小值为25,直线B′C的方程为y=,2泰兴市第一高级中学学年度第二学期期末模拟考试9科9门有答案 72_泰兴市第一高级中学42-,-. ????16分则直线B′C与直线x+y+2=0的交点P的坐标为?3?3(2) ??3,n?1n?1??3??由题设cn?? ??2n?9 ????7分 41?n?2,n?2???2n?52n?5?当n?2时,令cn?cn?1?0得2n?92n?7??0 2n?52n?33579即?n?或?n?2222 ??????????9分解得n?2或n?4又?c1??3,c2?5?n?1时也有c1?c2?0综上得数列?cn?共有3个变号数,即变号数为3 ????11分(3)令g(n)?S2n?1?Sn,g(n?1)?g(n)?S2n?3?Sn?1?(S2n?1?Sn)?(S2n?3?S2n?1)?(Sn?1?Sn)?1a2n?3?1a2n?2?11?24n?11=1 ????13分 ???4n?14n?12n?3(4n?1)(4n?1)(2n?3)an?11123 ??1?5315当n?2时,g(n?1)?g(n) 所以g(n)单调递减;因而g(n)的最大值为g(2)?S5?S2?当n?1时,g(2)?g(1)?0,所以g(2)?g(1) ????15分 所以:m23,即m?23,又m为正整数;所以m的最小值为23.?????16分 ?1515泰兴市第一高级中学学年度第二学期期末模拟考试(一)高一英语试卷卷面总分:120分 考试时间:120分钟第一部分:听力(共15小题;每题1分, 满分15分)第一节:听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有l0秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。( )1. What does the man usually do on Sunday afternoon?A. Work in the garden. B. Go to church. C. Do some reading.( )2. Which book is the most expensive?A. The blue one. B. The green one. C. The red one. ( )3. What is the man going to do?A. Ask the woman to join him. B. Found his own company. C. Find a new job. ( )4. What does the woman mean?A. It is unfair that the man's wife should stay at home.B. it is impossible to repair the pipes again.C. It is not the first time that the pipes leaked.( )5. What does the man mean?A. The price for rent is beyond their reach.B. The neighborhood is too far away.C. They don't need a new apartment.第二节听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听下面一段对话,回答第6和第7题。( )6. What is the woman's problem?A. She isn't qualified for government housing this year.B. The price of the house she rented goes up.C. She doesn't have enough money to buy the house.( )7. What is the man's suggestion to the woman?A. To sell her old house. B. To get a loan from the bank.C. To borrow money from friends.听下面一段对话,回答第8和第9题。( )8. Where will the man go?A. To London. B. To Tokyo. C. To New York. ( )9. What can we learn from the conversation?A. The woman will be married.B. The man will attend the wedding.C. The man is going on a trip.听下面一段对话,回答第10至第12题。( )10. What's the probable relationship between the speakers?A. Boss and secretary. B. Husband and wife. C. Friends.( )11. When will the result of the interview be told?A. In a couple of days. B. In the very evening. C. Just after the interview. ( )12. What can we learn about the man?A. He doesn't have a job.B. He is going to an interview.C. He is worried about the woman.听下面一段对话,回答第13至第15题。( )13. How does the man spend his free time?A. Helping in the school library. B. Chatting with friends. C. Reading. ( )14. How does the woman spend her free time?A. Doing homework. B. Reading in the library. C. Chatting with friends. ( )15. What are the man's favorites?A. The books with lots of mystery and action in them.B. The books with lots of joy in them.C. The books with lots of stories in them.第二部分:单项选择 (共15小题,每题1分, 满分15分)16. The number of smokers, ______ is reported, has dropped by 17 percent in the past one year.A. it B. which C. that D. as17. C Jim, can you work this Sunday?--_____? I’ve been working for two weeks on end.A. Why me B. Why not C. What if D. So what18. The reason why prices ______ and still are too high is complex, and no short discussion cansatisfactorily explain this problem.A. were B. will be C. have been D. had been19. I think it is a top priority for the government to furnish the children with ________ to theinformation superhighway.A. access B. allowance C. means D. procedure20. While by school rules high school students _________ use cell phones in the school, they canuse public phones to keep in touch with friends and family.A. mustn’t B. shan’t C. wouldn’t D. mightn’t21. ――Isn’t it time you went to bed, Mike ?――I ________ painting all afternoon, so I have to finish my homework now.A. was practicing B. have practiced C. have been practicing D. had practiced22.------ _________ this afternoon?------It depends. I am afraid I will be called in by my manager.A. Is it suitable B. Will you be convenientC. Is it accurate D. Will you be available23. Saying that is just like ______ fuel ______ the fire.A. to add, to B. being added, to C. to be added, to D. adding, to24. Though Betty doesn’t like her present job, she wants to ______ it until she gets another one.A. hang up to B. hang off to C. hang on to D. hang back to25.The position Yang applied for_______ suitable for him, _______ he was looked up to as amodel who lived his dream by his own efforts.A. as a result B. as a result of whichC. as a result of which D. as a result of that26. In my opinion, work provides us much ________ ju it also helps usrealize our dreams and makes us feel confident.A. rather than B. other than C. better than D. more than27.Though _____ of the existence of aliens and of his seeing one with his own eyes, most peoplestill felt that the more he explained, the less _____ he looked.A. convincing B. convincedC. convincing D. convinced28. --- I’m worried about the sports meet. Do you think it will be postponed?--- If it ________rain tomorrow, but actually the weather forecast has removed our worry.A. might B. should C. could D. would29. Mary ________ my letter, otherwise she would have replied before now.A. should have received B. has receivedC. couldn’t have received D. ought to have received30. _______ you continue your efforts and achieve new and greater success!A. Would B. Will C. May D. Should第三部分:完型填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)请认真阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。Several weeks ago I got a call from a good friend whose husband had just been diagnosed with cancer. D Do we tell the kids?‖ she asked. D___31___.‖ I answered D The boys deserve to know the___32___ ,however heartbreaking it is,‖ I continued.Adults always insist that children be honest, ___33___how many of us are honest with our kids, particularly about the ___34___stuff: death, disease,, corruption , our own failings?I believe in telling children the truth. I believe this is vital for their understanding of the world , their confidence, and the ___35___of their morals and values. This doesn’t mean kids need to be unnecessarily frightened or told more than they can___36___ .Many people think they’re protecting children when they spare them the truth. I ___37___. I believe children ___38___an enviable ability to cope with and___39___ what even a they can accept the unacceptable in a way that___40___ me. Kids also have an unusual sense when something is___41___ . They know a fake smile when they see one, they realize when we’re uneasy, and they can ___42___when we’re lying.One night I was in the car with our two oldest daughters. It was dark and cozy--- the ___43___time for a heart-to Cheart conversation. One of our girls said, DMom, have you ever smoked cigarettes?‖ I stalled(故意拖延) a little, but the girls ___44___. They had me and they knew it . ___45___I told them the truth. What happened next was an honest and direct___46___ about the lure and danger of cigarettes, well worth any discomfort. I believe my honesty was much more ___47___than warnings or platitudes(老生常谈).Time marches on, and so do ___48___. While I’ve made mistakes as a parent, I do have clear and ___49___relationships with each of our children. I believe my being truthful with our children has ___50___, because I’m pretty sure that now they are honest with me.31. A. Quickly B. Especially C. Finally D. Absolutely泰兴市第一高级中学学年度第二学期期末模拟考试9科9门有答案 72_泰兴市第一高级中学32. A. truth B. answer C. way D. cause33. A. and B. but C. or D. for34. A. new B. dangerous C. tough D. original35. A. arrangement B. development C. commitment D. assessment36. A. prevent B. enjoy C. handle D. skip37. A. survive B. hesitate C. admit D. disagree38. A. possess B. seek C. balance D. skip39. A. make notes of B. make use of C. make sense of D. make mention of40. A. scares B. astonishes C. discourages D. embarrasses41. A. over B. important C. wrong D. impossible42. A. tell B. pretend C. monitor D. interrupt43. A. local B. perfect C. long D. last44. A. quarreled B. laughed C. insisted D. sighed45. A. Again B. Instead C. Otherwise D. Therefore46. A. concern B. discussion C. defense D. complaint47. A. effective B. careful C. emotional D. gentle48. A. parents B. dreams C. grades D. children49. A. special B. proper C. open D. personal50. A. fell off B. went off C. set off D. paid off第四部分:阅读理解(共11小题,每题2分,满分22分)请认真阅读下列短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D中,选出最佳选项。A.DIris scan (虹膜扫描) , please,‖ the bank’s computer voice tells you . You step up and the computer reads your eye , comparing it to the stored file it has of your iris. The images had better match―otherwise you won’t be able to get your money.Iris scanning and other technologies , such as fingerprint and voice scanning , have appeared in many science fiction movies in the past. Today , these advanced technologies are part of the real world. They are common at work, the bank, the airport, and your local prison. The iris scan, fingerprint scan, and voice scan are all examples of biometrics( 生物测定学) a fast developing area of automatic personal identification technology . Basically , biometrics uses various ways to a persons identity , based on the individual’s unique characteristics ,including fingerprints , voices, irises, body heat patterns, facial images, handprints , signatures and so on.Biometrics identification systems have a number of advantages over password systems. The primary advantage is that an individual has to be physically present in order to be identified. Another important advantage is that there are no passwords to remember , forget, lose or steal. The voice scan is the simplest and most affordable form of biometrics . It only requires a computer, a microphone and the correct software. The software records a subject’s voice and then compares it to a stored voice sample for identification purposes.For additional safety, fingerprint and handprint scans can also be employed . Fingerprint scans take the image of a fingerprint and compare it to a stored file of prints. Handprint scans identify the unique features of a hand.Iris scans currently give the highest level of accuracy among all the available biometrics systems. Another technology , full facial scans , is currently in use at border crossings andairports. Facial scanning equipment can actually track and identify moving faces within a crowd. The potential of biometrics is exciting and encouraging . With continued development , testing , and application , current technologies will become even more effective in the future. Soon , the days of password and car keys will be gone . Just don’t leave home without your fingerprints!51. The first paragraph serves as a(n) __________.A. example B. explanation C. comment D. conclusion52. The underlined word Dverify‖ in Paragraph 2 probably means D_____‖.A. protect B. confirm C. develop D. change53. Which is the most accurate form of biometrics?A. The voice scan B. The fingerprint scan C. The iris scan D. The facial scan54. What is the author’s attitude towards the future of biometrics?A. He is uncertain about it . B. He feels doubtful about it .C. He is worried about it . D. He feels hopeful about it .B.The Independent Project at the Monument Mountain Regional High School in Great Barrington, Massachusetts, is attracting huge interest in the education field. The program is a new concept that has developed a wide variety of students’ abilities and excited their interest in education and self-directed learning. They are a group of students that , instead of being educated through the normal school courses, have created their own subjects and project-based interactive learning.The students are almost completely independent. They choose a goal that they want to accomplish and work on for the whole year. These goals have included some impressive attempts such as writing a novel, writing a play , learning the piano and more. Along with these larger attempts , the students meet every day to ask questions about other subjects like natural sciences , social sciences, etc. Although most of them say that they don’t like math, they did eventually develop an interest in math through this independent learning technique.The education program, which has attracted a huge variety of students, allows the students to learn and develop research skills and questioning techniques and allows them to truly be interested in the subjects they are diving into . They also teach each other what they have learned , which allows them to develop different way of presenting and gathering material that they have researched.I wish that I could have participated in such a project during my high school career, like writing a novel. I am currently studying English as well as education to pursue a teaching degree. I would love to adapt independent driven projects into a classroom in the future.This project also raises some crucial questions. Do we need to rethink the structure of the some improvements , and different learning styles need to be addressed immediately.Individual differences in learning are huge keys to the functioning of a classroom. This project takes the idea to a whole new level. This is an extremely important event in the development of the American education system and I think everyone needs to keep an eye out for more programs like this.55. What can we learn about the Independent Project?A.There is little involvement from teachers.B. Normal school courses are also available.C. The students meet every week to discuss their courses.D. It was designed to improve the students’ interest in math.56. By saying DAre too many students --- toward their education?‖ the author seems to imply that________.A. teachers are really important for students.B. different learning styles should be encouraged.C. the project works like a conveyor belt of information.D. knowledge can be better conveyed in smaller classes57. What is the author’s attitude towards the Independent Project?A. Approving B. Cautious C. Doubtful D. Objective58. What is the passage mainly about ?A. The benefits of interactive learning B. Individual differences in learning.C. A group of independent students. D. An unusual education program.C.Working hard comes naturally to me. The medical billing company I work for hired me as a claims researcher and in one year promoted me to head of the Northeast Region Follow-Up Team.DWhen are you going to finish?‖ My husband Joe said as he climbed into bed. DIn a few minutes,‖ I replied. My track record offered Joe little reason to believe me. Finishing was always just a moment or two away. Then after I knew he was sound asleep, I’d gather my paperwork and move to the kitchen table and work for a few more hours.Somewhere along the way , I found my enthusiasm for living was replaced with hard boring work that robbed me of both peace and pleasure. As the company expanded, my responsibility grew heavier every day.Resigning would end the madness and Joe encouraged me to do so daily DJust do it, Annie. Quit . You’re heading for a break down.‖One day an email appeared on my computer screen. When I opened it the words DAdministrative assistant for senior vice president‖ caught my eye .No , I thought . They’d think I was crazy . Who in their right mind would stop back to a secretarial position from a management position?At home that evening my interest in the job persisted. I had ten years of experience as an executive secretary long before I ever arrived at the company.The next morning I told my boss I intended to apply for the job. DYou’re in for a huge salary cut, and you’ll lose your bonus,‖ he said, DYou’re a leader, Annmarie, not a follower. How is it that you think this makes any kind of sense? You’re crazy.‖DNot yet,‖ I said DBut if I stay in this position much longer , I’m pretty sure I’ll end up that way.‖Admittedly the manager of human resources was shocked too, but from a budgetary standpoint it’s hard to say no to someone who’s asking for a salary cut and a decrease in benefits. That’s pretty much a novelty(新鲜事) you don’t run into every day.I brought to the table a skill set, which included a working knowledge of every department in the operations areas of the company . Though I negotiated to a salary I felt was reasonable forwhat I was offering , the lost bonus and salary cut brought me to a twenty percent decrease in my income.I closed the door to my office that last day with very few regrets about leaving my management position. By the end of my first day in the new position I knew I had made the right decision.No office, staff, salary , or bonus check can ever replace this new feeling of waking up every morning and actually wanting to go to work. The tasks I perform aid one vice president in particular. When I leave at the end of the day, I take nothing with me but my desire to come back tomorrow knowing that I am respected and appreciated.My husband always tells me I can’t put a price on peace of mind, but divorce attorneys(律师) are plenty expensive. It looks like my path to peace turned up none too soon!59. What can we infer from Paragraph 2?A. The author used to stay up B. The author used to be a liar.C. The author liked working crazily D. The author had trouble finishing60. The author decided to change her job , mainly because she _________.A. caught a disease B. wanted to live peacefullyC. was not qualified for the job D. was afraid to break up with Joe61. To the manager of human resources , the author’s changing her job was really ____.A. often seen B. bad news C. to his taste D. against his will第五部分 任务型阅读(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)认真阅读下列短文,并根据所读内容在文章后表格中的空格里填入一个最恰当的单词。注意:每个空格只填1个单词。请将答案写在答题纸相应题号的横线上。Self-improvement and self-change is not something that comes naturally to many people . There are many different reasons for people to avoid self-improvement .One of the most common things that stop our self-improvement is that we have too much pride. This is because the word self-improvement often implies that there are areas of our life that we aren’t fully satisfied or happy with . So, to some extent, self-improvement means that we have to admit that we can do better than our current situation even if this temporarily hurts our ego(自我) . You can overcome this by recognizing that no one is perfect, and everyone can improve themselves in different ways. It’s only the person that doesn’t pursue self-improvement who really has the broken ego in the end.Another problem we face when pursuing self-improvement is that we have a false belief that there will always be tomorrow. Unfortunately, if we keep following this pattern, then one day we may wake up and realize our whole life has passed by, but we never get a chance to do the things that we really want to do. The lesson is not to wait , but to act now. Don’t let time just pass by. Life is very short and tomorrow is never a guarantee. Take advantage of every day you have , and don’t wait until you’re on your deathbed to realize the life you’ve always wanted to live.We either expect big and immediate changes in our life or nothing at all. So when things don’t magically get better in a short period of time , we quickly lose our determination to make gradual positive changes. This is a common trap to fall into , because self-improvement is often small. We need to work at it for long periods of time before we can look back and see how big of a difference we’ve made. Instead of searching for magical solutions to your life , focus on small and gradual change. Try to make a bit of progress each and every day, but realize it’s a long-termdetermination.One of the most common excuses we have is that we are too busy . You want to go to the gym and exercise again, but you just can’t find the time, because you’re too busy running around at work. Sure, life can be busy , but when you find yourself Dtoo busy‖ that’s really a sign that you need to reevaluate your priorities. Those who think they have no time for healthy eating will sooner or later have to find time for illness. Ask yourself, ‖What’s really important to me?‖ Then第六部分 单词拼写(共10小题,每小题1分,共10分)1. While she z_________ her bag open, she found her wallet was gone.2. I was asked to give a short p____________(介绍) on the aims of the plan3. My teacher r______________ me some new books on this subject.4. Some people would like to do shopping on Sundays since they expect to pick up wonderful b________ in the market.5. --- I was wondering whether you could remember the name of the place.--- I’m afraid that e_______me for the moment.6. Rowing was _____________ (官方地) recognized as an Olympic sport at London in 1908.7.Anyone who w___________ the attack should call the police and report what they saw.8.This custom came into ___________(存在)at the beginning of last century.9.There is a big dog in this village, so you should take a stick for _____________ (保护).10. I believe our findings are connected with the _______(起源) of life on Earth.第七部分:用所给动词的正确形式填空(共8小题;每小题1分,满分8分)注意:每个空格词数不限。1. You had better get a doctor ______________ (pull out) your bad tooth.2. It is the first time that he ____________(meet) the singer .3. Look, on the wall __________(hang) two beautiful pictures .4. The school life he was used to _________(change) a lot since ten years ago .5. The trees were cut down and that resulted in the city ___________(bury) by sand .6. The old man urged that all the food ___________(buy) the next day .7. The signs ______________ (indicate) the directions have been put up.8. The experiment is being carried out, and it remains __________ (see) whether you are right or泰兴市第一高级中学学年度第二学期期末模拟考试9科9门有答案 72_泰兴市第一高级中学 分享: >


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