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Kim Landers
The Federal Opposition is still pushing for an investigation into who leaked a photo of the female diplomat whose complaint led to the resignation of cities minister Jamie Briggs.
The Prime Minister has ruled out an investigation into the leak, although he has publicly rebuked Mr Briggs for sending the photo to some of his colleagues.
Meanwhile Labor is also questioning why the Government is taking so long to appoint a new Sex Discrimination Commissioner after Elizabeth Broderick's term expired in September.
Annie Guest
Domestic violence workers are reporting an unprecedented rise in calls for help from desperate women. The demands on one Queensland service have tripled compared to the same period last year. Elsewhere, women are being warned - where possible - not to flag their intention to leave a relationship before they have safe refuge.
Stephanie Corsetti
A world-first study into arson reporting has found a rise in anonymous tipoffs about fire attacks in vulnerable parts of Victoria.
AM has obtained exclusive access to the preliminary findings of the report into community attitudes about arson and reporting behaviour of the crime.
Victoria Police charged a child with fire offences this week and another man is accused of lighting a Christmas Day blaze north of Melbourne.
Michael Vincent
President Barack Obama has begun his final year in office by delivering another passionate speech about gun control in America. He's lambasted the gun lobby for its 'lies' and for holding Congress 'hostage'. President Obama has again cried about the children killed in the Sandy Hook massacre and he's proposed some simple measures to reduce gun violence. But all the Republican candidates vying to be the next president have already rejected the ideas.
James Bennett
The Indian government is facing accusations it has neglected victims of deadly floods in the restive northern state of Kashmir. The Prime Minister recently visited the disputed region, announcing billions in aid, but locals say much of that had been promised to them already. Frustrated Kashmiris are warning that without decent prospects, people will again embrace separatists' calls for independence.
Matthew Karstunen
A new smartphone application has been developed by SSI and Beyond Blue to help newly arrived asylum seekers and refugees adjust to live in Australia. Called 'New Roots', the app provides
key information including guides for seeking work and even renting property.
Simon Lauder
Carbon tax money collected by the landfill industry is being put to good use to help Australia meet its international greenhouse gas emission targets. The Environment Department has confirmed that it's using internationally generated greenhouse gas emission permits to meet its 2020 Kyoto Protocol targets. The permits were purchased under a scheme designed to settle uncertainty over the axing of the former Labor Government's carbon tax.
Meredith Griffiths
New research has found that being lonely is as harmful to teenagers health as not getting enough exercise.
The researchers controlled for physical activity and found whether isolated teenagers exercised or not, they were still at higher risk of inflammation or abdominal obesity.
The theory is that people without strong social connections are less able to cope with stress and this manifests in their bodies.
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From the archives: Indigenous soldiers get their own parade
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发帖时间&-& 16:16:14&&
我也可以来帮楼猪的忙,不过可以先来透露一点信息! 呵呵! 洋超市操纵我国零售业?&& &12:51:33&来源:新华社&& &  & ○12月11日限制取消,外资零售巨头等来时机 ○扩张加速,咄咄逼人,布局阶段重扩张轻盈利& ○国内零售业受品牌、管理、行政诸多困扰,融资成为最大困难&   根据加入世贸组织的承诺,我国已于12月11日取消了对外商投资商业企业在地域、股权和数量等方面的限制。在有着13亿消费人口、约2400亿美元潜在市场的诱惑下,不少外资零售巨头早已虎视眈眈,其加速扩张迹象异常明显。&   外资零售巨头加速扩张迹象明显&   随着“12·11”的来临,家乐福、沃尔玛、麦德龙等外资零售巨头正以前所未有的速度大举扩张。&   据商务部统计,截至今年6月,家乐福以50家门店和77.61亿元的销售额位列外资零售企业之首,上半年其店铺增长率高达28.2%。2004年才进入北京的“冠军超市”已经开到了6家,增长速度前所未有。目前家乐福是在我国推行市场细分策略最深入的外资零售企业,除了商品种类齐全的自有大型超市以外,家乐福还以迪亚为品牌在中国经营着130多家店铺。这些店铺往往销售种类较少的食品、个人护理和清洁用品,选址通常在大厦的一楼或地下室,经营面积约为300平方米到500平方米,较容易实现迅速扩张。&   而沃尔玛总裁前段时间在公开场合承认,沃尔玛在中国的发展速度太慢了,“占位居首、盈利其次”将成为沃尔玛下一步在中国的主要发展战略。据沃尔玛高级公关经理曾强透露,沃尔玛计划2005年底前在中国新开10家-15家旗舰店,其中,经营成本低、市场空间巨大的二三线市场将成为他们关注的重点。&   并购案例增多,零售业新面孔不断显现&   2004年7月,全球第三大连锁企业、英国最大的连锁商业机构Tesco公司以2.6亿美元的价格向顶新国际集团的全资子公司———“顶超控股”收购了乐购超市50%的股份。这成为我国零售业第一起外资收购案例。而Tesco也以资本收购的方式,迈出了进军中国零售市场的第一步。&   百安居中国区总裁卫哲日前在第六届中国连锁业会议上表示,取消外商投资在地域、股权和数量等方面的限制,使并购成为可能,因此,12月11日后发生在中国零售市场上的并购案例将明显增多。&   中国商业联合会有关研究表明,到目前为止,全球零售企业200强中,已有12.5%的企业进入我国,还有12%的企业已经进入亚洲正随时准备进入中国,另外在世界200强中还有50家积极发展本土以外的市场,虽然这些巨头目前还没有进入亚洲,但不排除直接进入中国的可能性。&   目前国际上一些跨国零售企业没有进入中国,是因为它们不适合或者不了解在过渡期内如何进入,所以干脆等到全面开放后再进来。据了解,世界建材超市销售第一的美国家居货栈已经宣布2005年进入中国。有业内人士担心,目前国内不少连锁企业背后,可能早已有外资的背景,只是在等12月11日后,选择一个合适的公布时机。&   外资零售商可能会主导全国大型综合超市&   有研究表明:以大卖场为强势业态的大型外资零售企业,目前六成以上在亏损状态下运行,这种亏损主要是由于开新店所造成的。这说明外资企业在目前布局扩张阶段,盈利根本不是他们考虑的主要因素,这在国内企业看来是难以想象的。有关业内人士表示,外资零售企业发展态势咄咄逼人,一旦零售业放开,存在外商完全主导我国零售业的可能性。&   上海百联集团董事长张新生说,零售业有很多种经营业态,在大型综合性超市层面,尤其是在全国范围内,外商完全主导我国零售业的可能性非常大。目前国内不少连锁企业的知名度,仅仅停留在区域层面,跨地区发展由于受资金、管理、行政限制、品牌认可等种种因素的限制,发展难度较大。外资企业则基本上不受上述困难限制,零售业放开后,他们扩张起来可谓得心应手。&   但中华全国商业信息中心高级经济师曹立生认为,从目前世界各国零售业现状来看,外国零售企业难以掌控其他一个国家的零售业。2000年全球零售额约7万亿美元,当年全球零售业200强零售额占了30%,但200强零售企业的零售额绝大部分是在本国内实现的。他说,近几年外资零售企业在我国发展速度较快,但至2003年底,外商投资商业企业占我国社会消费品零售总额的比重只在3.5%左右,从这一层面看,外商似乎不可能主导我国零售业。&   我国零售业市场同目前美国较为成熟的市场相比,类比性并不是很强,本土零售企业要脆弱得多。目前从全世界范围来看,我国是最值得跨国零售巨头下大力气占有的市场了,这使得国内零售市场竞争尤为惨烈。今后竞争发展中内资企业面临的最大的困难是融资,如果这个问题得不到实质性的根本解决,外商零售企业主导中国零售业的可能性是存在的。 &
发帖时间&-& 18:30:26&&
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发帖时间&-& 16:00:11&&
各位前辈,我的困难在于找中国总部的信息,国外的信息还是能轻易找到,现在我手头有些零售商资料,烦请各位指教: Argo(North&East&Asia) AGZ AHS AIC-Jusco/Izumiya Akatuski ALDI/Germany Amway&Europe Argos(GUS) ASDA Auchan Baumaxx Big&w(AUS) BMR B&Q Brico&center Brico&depot Brico&international Bricomarche Bunnings-AUS Carrefour Castorama CHAPA COFAQ Conforama Conmetall/Conpac Coop Crucetas Danesco Districomex Domaxel D&S D.S.L Duval EMC(CASINO) FL&CORTE&INGLES&S.A Fairweathers Falabella Far&East&BRK Farmers FMI Fred&Meyer Garden&ridge Garrity Gemex-Praktiker Giftcraft Gigante Global&Brands Globus Gomo Great&Mills(Focus) Hagebau HBC H.E.B Hellweg HHC HHS Holland&imports Homeart-AUS ------------------
发帖时间&-& 16:20:44&&
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