Eric!____ it now. 下划线中应填doing还是what does she doing?

15岁那一年,初三课本上有一课,题目是I have a dream。然后老师就让我们上台去讲自己的梦想。想也没想,上台开口就说,想当一名翻译。然后呢,就是大学念的英文系,所有做过的事情都和翻译有关,回头看都是人生散落的珍珠,硕士同传,回来做了自由职业。一路特别顺利,贵人相助,在一个答案中写过,把兴趣当职业的人,感觉是什么样子——“特别幸福,弥足珍贵,偶有困难,但痛并快乐,千金不换。“每个字都是内心所想。在浮华的大城市里打拼,难免有觉得快要坚持不下去的时候,觉得不被人理解的时候,也有连续出差到累到哭出来的时候,这些时候肯定没法想“这是我的梦想,一定要坚持下去”,因为太不接地气啦,但是真的从来没有想过放弃。付出的其他的代价,也不会后悔,即使要继续付出这样的代价,也心甘情愿愿赌服输。&br&
要问最快乐的时候是什么,是自己的能力可以给你带来自信的时候,可以给你带来尊重,让你感觉到自己是有价值的时候。比如说,大四在一家NGO实习,翻译中外小朋友的书信往来,都很简单。翻着翻着,忽然一张字条滑落出来,上面是稚嫩的笔迹,写着“亲爱的翻译姐姐,谢谢你的辛勤劳动,让我可以和英国的小朋友说话, 以后我一定要好好学习英语。”那种真实的感动,让你觉得,原来我的技能真的对别人来说是有意义的呢。&br&
工作了之后,毕竟参与的是商业世界,带来的make a difference不如公益慈善那样直接,翻译服务作为商品的一种,既然有利可图,就总是会有人际和利益往来。从单纯的“我不擅长人际关系,只想单纯做技术”,到今天“我愿意增长各种能力,把我的服务推广出去,服务更多的客户”心态的转变,都是职场一步一步有意义的探索。但是除去很多表面的喧扰和混乱,很多时候,把翻译做好这件事情,成了自己对自己的一种承诺,和一种“不忘初心”的情怀。我很清楚,能够找到自己真正热爱的事情,并每天活在其中,是多么幸运的一件事情,这是老天赋予的财富,一定不可以浪费。所以对未来,从来没有过任何奢望,就觉得按照今天的轨迹慢慢走下去,任何结果,无论好坏,我都可以接受。&br&
这一篇文章写出来,其实也算自己给自己提醒,需要stay focused,stay hungry。世界上有很多事情,需要一些简单,一些单纯,才可以看得到结果。其实上路的时候不该带着功利的结果之心,而是相信自己的热情和calling,单纯地去努力。这是曾经的我,希望也可以是以后的我。结尾想借用Elizabeth Gilbert的一句话,无论成功失败,我们丧失了内心的宁静,认为被人生的浪潮推来推去的时候,一定要学着going home——something you love more than you love yourself, something you do for the sheer devotion of it.就这样继续走下去,用安静的努力和勇敢的坚持,dance through it all, so that you can be safe from the random hurricanes of the outcome.
我是一名自由职业同声传译,在各种类型的大会、论坛上提供中英口译服务。这是我从小的梦想。 对于这个职业,大众往往有很多不切实际的误解和高看,但是还是想说那一句,这是一个技术工种而已,市场有需求,但并不太大,不应该受到过分关注,涌入太多的从业…
边读边摘抄,边写读后感,写完了以后,就贴在这里吧。下划线是原著,后面是随手写的一些感想,并不成体系。只希望能够给没有看过原文的读者,一点点味道,原文之有趣和隽永。&br&&br&&p&&u&“She smiled as she spoke, but it was the Chinese smile that served as a mask against deeper feelings. Those smiles could hide many emotions - embarrassment, anger, sadness. When the people smiled like that, it was as if all of the emotion was wound t sometimes you caught a glimpse of it in the eyes, or at the corner of a mouth, or perhaps in a single wrinkle stretching sadly across a forehead.”&/u&&/p&&br&&p&It’s something that you do either by choice, or by no choice. I find it hard to respond to certain situations, so I wear my Chinese smile, or maybe it’s not a Chinese smile, it’s universal smile, when people don’t bother to explain or clarify or share or argue. Sometimes, it’s just for the best. I certainly find that a lot from people around me, and now somehow I find myself doing it as well. Maybe just because I’m tired, maybe I genuinely don’t know what to answer, maybe I just want to avoid the blankness after hearing someone said something, or maybe I’m just so used to staying in my own world. &/p&&br&&p&&u&The construction of the Dam will erase the culture relics and museums along the river. But Wei Tingcheng, the 70-year-old chief engineer who had spent virtually his entire professional life developing the project, scoffed at the palaces that archaeologist were proposing. “To fell you the truth,” he said, in a 1996 interview with the New York Time, “the common people of China have such a low education level that they will not be able to enjoy these cultural relics, and only some of these experts will go to theses museums.”&/u&&/p&&br&&p&&u&A country like China is accustomed to making difficult choices that Americans might not dream of considering. I thought of this every time I visited the White Crane Ridge, where I was always amazed to see the conduction of the ancient carvings, and the timeless river. Nowhere else had I felt so strongly that three are two types of the history, nature’s and man’s, and that one is a creature of cycles while the other, with mixed results, aims always at straightness -
progress, development, control. But this was a poetic turn of thought, and most people in Fuling couldn’t afford it. They didn’t have the time or interest to visit the White Crane Ridge, and they didn’t worry much about the relationship between man and nature. Often there were no other tourists on the ridge, other than me. Even educated people often weren’t interested. It wasn’t like America, where an empty and featureless late-Qing Dynasty battlefield might receive millions of dollars in funding, simply because some soldiers had fought and died there during a civil war. There was a great deal of history in China nd if you protected all the ancient sites, the people would have nowhere to grow their crops. &/u&&/p&&br&&p&I wouldn’t even realize the issue, should it not for Peter to write about it in his book. I used to have a very purposeful and clear ruler to evaluate everything I do - does it serve my purpose? Can this make me more successful? Will this look good on my CV? Will it help me make more money? will this make me look better in front of other people? And I would only do things that serve a particular short-term purpose, or maybe sometimes long term as well. And from this perspective, all the things I do, including the politically correct things, like reading, learning and volunteering, becomes very short-sighted. The reason I’m writing about my own mentality, is because somehow I found this to be traced back to the generalities set by the country. Art and history are of no use, relics and museums cannot create economic values, or “straightness” so we can abandon them. Their inspirational values mean nothing. Is it the low education degree that makes it hard for the general public to appreciate them, or is it the other way around, that the narrow-mind pursuit of gains and success has left not time for even pondering the possibility of those things to exist? At least for me, it’s the latter. I’ve been taught, to focus on the orthodox studies, to achieve higher, because that makes you admirable and successful. If one day I do end up learning art, it is not because I myself genuinely have developed an interest into it, but because it makes me look good, once other people know I’m knowledgeable about it, or it adds on my charm. To make things worse, if one day you do have the “poetic” thoughts about something other than the mundane criteria of success, most likely you will be ridiculed, anti-mainstreamed, and get critiqued about been too naive, innocent, young, and idealist, of not setting your feet on earth to grab something solid. And to be honest, it will be very hard, and most of the times in vain, to try to fight against that perception. Most people, would give in, and follow the earth-ed way. But I cannot help thinking, what will the whole society end up look like, if everyone is so straight-forward, and explicit in pursuit materialistic gains? Sure we do have may galleries, museums, and artistic places, but do they exist to let people pay tribute for the genius minds, or do they exist just to suit the crave for what seems to be a more “sophisticated” image of success? A certain sense of loss will always exist, if external approval is what we seek for. People, and personal will, the freedom to choose shall persist. Of course, we build museums, and galleries, not for everyone to enter and appreciate the masterpieces, but at least, we let them be there, so that people who have the ability and interests, can have that choice to being nurtured, and educated inside. &/p&&br&&br&&p&&u&Chinese teaching styles are also significantly different from western methods. In China, a teacher is absolutely respected without question, and the teacher-student relationship tends to be formal. The teacher teaches and is right, and the student studies and is wrong. But this isn’t our tradition in America, as my own students noticed. I encouraged informality in our classes, and if a student was wrong I pointed out what she had done right and praised her for making a good effort. To them, this praise was meaningless. What was the point of that? I fa student was wrong, she needed to be corrected without and quibbling or softening - that was the Chinese way. Success was expected and failures criticized and promptly corrected You were wight or you were budui, there was no
middle ground. I grew to hate budui: its sound mocked me. There w the bu was a rising tone and the duo dropped abruptly, building like my confidence and then collapsing all at once. And it bothered me all the more because I knew that Teacher Liao was only telling the truth: virtually everything I did with the language was budui. I was an adult and as an adult I should be able to accept critics where it was needed. But that wasn’t the American way I was accustomed to h I wanted to be praised for my effort. I didn’t mind criticism as long as it was candy-coated. &/u&&/p&&br&&p&One thing I noticed when I spent my exchange year in the States, was how frequently I was appreciated for my efforts, and oddly they made it sound so easy that I didn’t even sense even a slight hint of hypocrisy or faking. All I feel is genuinely and sincerity. I still remember the first time I was on public speaking class, giving a room of American students a speech about blood donation. Of course I was nervous. Confidence and capability is another matter here, but after the class there were students coming to my desk, saying to my face, Jing you did a good job! And, that, meant a lot to me. For the past 19 years, back then, I was living in a Budui environment. I have to work very very hard to be dui, to gain approval from my teachers and parents. If the result doesn’t turn out to be good, like the score was not above 60, or I failed to become one of the top 5 students in class, then the efforts I’ve made all along the way, doesn’t mean anything. This might be trivial, compared to the impact on a kid’s passion to learn. The lack of attention to the whole journey, and the evaluation criterial associated with it, will very likely make the kid to ignore how much they have gained during the journey. No good result comes out of it, OK, then I’m worthless. They are in such a desperate craze for a good result, if not, that destroys everything. But luckily I found my way out of it. Experience matters, results, just go with it. &/p&&p&Emotionally speaking, this is hard to take as well. Feelings are not important, egos are not tendered. In the long run, that instills you a sense of self-doubt, and a strangely combined sense of stubborn. You said I was budui, but I will prove to you that one day I can make it dui. So you work harder, but again for a result and people’s approval, which actually, is very risky. We never learn to value our own true gains and the gradual changes that happen to us along the way. You’ll be lucky if the second time you get the ideal result, but doomed if you don’t, and that will be a vicious cycle. &/p&&br&&br&&p&He had a quarrel with a shoeshine man and lost his temper:&/p&&p&&u&I was ashamed of what i had done. I was glad that the people on Gansuntang liked me enough to come to my defense, but I knew that I had been needlessly cruel and petty. The incident I had been educated at Princeton and Oxford, and yet for some reason I felt the need to face off with a Sichuanese shoeshine man until the locals said he had no culture. I knew that his harassment had nothing to do with me personally, and I knew that I should have sympathy for him, because his bitterness was the result of other pressures. But after a year and a half in Fuling I couldn’t push away the wave of hatred that I felt. I could remind myself who I was, and I could think about the advantages that I had re but out on the street all of that slipped away. The strangeness and the pressures of life in a place like that were bound to change you, and something in side of me had stiffened long ago. In deed, I wasn’t certain that the man perhaps the people in Fuling didn’t need this kind of waiguoren. but to some extent they had helped create him, and for better or worse we were struck together. &/u&&/p&&br&&p&I used to believe in one line, from the Great Gatsby, that says, you should always try your best to understand and sympathize the people who dissatisfy or unpleased you, because not everyone is as privileged as you to receive such good education. 如果别人让你感到不满或真快,或者他们的行为不如意,你需要理解,不是每个人都像你这样,受到了良好的教育。I think it goes beyond education, it’s about experience. Not everyone is as lucky as you, able to see more of the world, to explore different dimensions, so you can develop into a mature, and understanding well-being. Plus you being able to do that is not solely because of your own efforts, but with a series of co-incidents and God proposed arrangements. If you think about it this way, the sense of superiority would easily fade away, because should it for the other person to live your life trait, maybe they would be the same kind of high-achievers, or even outperform you. It is your experience that defines who you are, and the people around you, the circumstances that has made you into a package of being. In no way would I be entitled to land on a position to judge people, based on their behaviors, and appearance, because I had no idea of what kind of pressure they are facing, or what kind of incidents and circumstances, which in most cases are uncontrollable, that have made them the people they are today. From this perspective, it’s of no use to compare yourself to others, because there is very little commonality to ensure a level playing ground. If you only focus on your own personal growth path, life would be much easier. But anyway that’s another self-help chicken soup that I wouldn’t touch upon right now.&/p&&p&You are made by the experience, and people around you. If you become a better person year on year, thank them. Cherish each little thing that happen to me, each little encounter that come in your way, because more or less, they shape who you are. The old say is, who are you? You invented her. But maybe a more grateful statement is, people around you, and all the encounters help you, for better or for worse, to create the person you want to be. Give yourself credit, but remember it’s never only you.&/p&&br&&p&&u&This same instinct led to the mobs that gathered around accident victims, staring passively but doing nothing to help. Crowds often formed in Fuling, but I rawly saw them act as a group motivated by any sort of moral sense. I had witnessed that far more often in individualistic America, where people wanted a community that served the individual, and as a result they sometimes looked at a victim and thought: I can image what that feels like, ands I will help. Certainly there is rubbernecking in America as well, but it was nothing compared to what I saw in Fuling, where the average citizen seemed to react to a person in trouble by thinking That is not my brother, or my friend, or anybody I know, and it is interesting to watch him suffer. When there were serious car accidents, people would rush over, shouting eagerly as they ran, “Sile meiyou? Silemeiyou?” - Is anybody dead? Is anybody dead? In the end, the divide between crowd and mob was extremely fragile in Fuling. &/u&&/p&&br&&p&&u&The vast majority of the people would not be directly affected by the coming changes, and so they weren’t concerned. Despite having large sections of the city scheduled to be flooded within the next decade, it wasn’t really a community issue, because there wasn’t a community as one would generally define it. There were lots of small groups, and there was a great deal of patriotism, but like most patriotism anywhere in the world, this was spurred as much by fear and ignorance as by andy true sense of a connection to the Motherland. The dam was an issue for the people who were unfortunate enough t olive along the banks, but even they weren’t likely to cause trouble. Like most Chinese, they and been toughened by their history.&/u&&/p&&br&&p&Sometimes when we cannot explain something, or more accurately, when we can explain a problem but fail to find a proper solution, we’ll just say, it’s of Chinese characteristic. And the lack of community sense is definitely one of those “complicated ones”. Again this is another issue I wouldn’t notice, or dig deep of reasons had it not for Peter to disclose. A lack of empathy leads to a lack of community sense, leading to a loss of belongings. We seem to be detaching ourselves somewhere in the middle. It’s that feeling of, it’s none of my business, so I should think of myself first, doing some calculation, am I gaining something out of it? If not, then no I won’t act. But what perhaps needs to be understood is that, sometimes you do something, not to exchange the return, but simply to enjoy the pleasure of giving, giving back to the people you love, giving back to the community, and that giving will make you a complete person. &/p&&p&You might say this is too much for a simple excerpt of the discussion about the Dam, but it applies for basically everything. Sometimes I ask myself, in an environment where people are all focusing on short term gains and losses, what can you do to hold that beacon, and not to compromise your characters just to get what we see as “surface gains”? And what is the balance, between having faith in your own belief, and admiring others’ achievements and mimic them? Deep down I know everyone is different, there is no point of comparing yourself to others. As long as you keep working on your skills and knowledge, time will give what you want eventually. You do something, not for other people’s approval, but to satisfy your own passion, and crave. You will develop a whole system of moralities and value criteria in my mind, and it is your responsibility to safeguard them, not compromising just because others say it’s too naive and fragile. You nurture yourself, by surrounding yourself with the people who share the same sheer passion of the love of their lives, and shield yourself against the negative feedbacks. &br&
I believe in the power of community. When working in Plan China, the advocacy for community-based child development now makes more sense to me than before. Take initiatives to form a community, nurture it, and let it grow. Maybe somehow it still should gear back to education. Teach them to be long-term oriented, learn to care, and learn to empathize, learn to nurture themselves. But at this point, still no starting point yet. &/p&&br&&p&&u&The longer I lived in Fuling, the more I was truck by the view of the individual - in my opinion, this was the biggest difference between what I had known in the West and what I saw in Sichuan. The sense of self see you are identified by the way that others viewed you. that had always been the goal of Confucianism, which defined the individual’s place strictly in relation to the people around her: a mother, a daughter, a wife. This was an excellent way to preserve social harmony, but once that harmony was broken the lack of self-identity made it difficult to put things back together again. Often it seemed that in China there was no internal compass that was able to withstand these events. There wasn’t a tradition of anchoring one’s identity to a fixed set of values regardless of what others thought, and in terrain periods this had contributed to the country’s disasters. &/u&&/p&&p&&u&Being different wasn’t liberating, as it sometimes is in America, and this was especially true for women from a peasant background. The result that that they became outsiders not so much by choice as by helpless inclination, which naturally made them feel that they were the ones at fault. &/u&&/p&&p&&u&Women could e this was a way of becoming independent, but a career could also result in the frustration of sexism and the criticism of people who felt that a woman shouldn’t strive in this way. &/u&&/p&&br&&p&This was very liberating thought, from my perspective, because as a modern lady, I find ourselves constantly in negotiation with the external voice. Deep down I’m still that traditional girl who wants to be the common and happily-ever-after way, but all those years of oversea study experience and self-educating has made it impossible to turn back. I enjoy the independence, and am very proud, as well as grateful for the whole journey. But inevitably, the pressure of trying to please everyone, especially the beloved ones, is always there. I believe this is no exception for a lot of young ladies. But it all depends on your own interpretations. Maybe there is no external forces, maybe the only ridicule that you feel comes from the crucified cross you have hanged over your head by yourself. If you have the courage to remove that, then you will be truly liberated, and see a bigger world. Self-identity is something to be cherished, not to be blamed. Find that anchoring value of yourself, something that you can constantly come back to, to build yourself upon, and something that will make you a better person as the fundamentals. &/p&&br&&p&&u&I thought of the old man in Fengdu with his stack of envelopes. So often my experiences in Sichuan were like that - I brushed against people just long enough to gain the slightest sense of the dizzying past that had made them what they were today. It was impossible to grasp all of the varied forces that had affected his life and would continue to affect him in the future - the war, the taiwan split, the cultural revolution, the dammed river and the new city, his pretty daughter in Xiamen withe her cell phone and driving lessons. How could one person experience all of that, helpless from start to finish, and remain sane? &/u&&/p&&br&&p&I remember one of the comments about the book, saying that it is exactly because of the author’s identity as an by-passer, which makes him an inconsiderate, or detached observer of all the stories, that make all the experience and stories exotic, funny, thought-provoking and meaningful. If he were one of them, he would not have the luxury, or the good will to record everything with such a tender heart. To some extent I agree with the statement, because being in the life is what makes life boring, you will fight against it because it is YOUR OWN life, while if you are just an observer, he will not bother, in a lot of case, to struggle and fight. &/p&&br&&p&I was fortunate enough to have the cultural conflict experience when I was 19, when I spent one year in the States. Very similar experience, a nice small friendly town, where you barely see any foreigners. At first, all of the curiosities, brand new experience was so overwhelming, and enlightening, I felt each day I was learning and growing, and I have to admit that brought me a genuine happiness that nothing can compare. It’s a love story you have with a place, and it extends beyond the first encounter, you just felt like everything is unfolding gradually in front of your eyes, leading you to an amazing new wonderland. &/p&&br&&p&Then again at the age of 22 I spent 3 weeks in Sichuan, very similar to the author. And I came with two foreign students. I empathize everything the author had talked about in the book, the staring, the attention, the special treatment. The 3 weeks flied over quickly. I was a by-passer, and that identity, to some extent, gives me superiority. Whenever I saw adversed situations, I would do something for them, out of good will, but deep down in my mind I also know it’s not sustainable. So since then I have been constantly in this struggle of whether what I did, teaching and building a library in rural Sichuan, was a help, or an intervention. Maybe their life would be better without all the fuss. Certainly three weeks is a very short period of time of making an impact in local people’s lives. At most we bring with us a fresh air of the outside world, but I don’t know it that’s what is needed there. Or rather, I think we take more than we give. We have selfishly satisfied our crave for volunteer work, for being in a noble cause, but that’s hardly translated into anything concrete into the kids’ lives. Forgive me for being so blunt, but indeed intervention will always be controversial.&/p&&br&&br&&br&&p&&u&There were good days and there were bad days. To some degree this was what I liked most about Fuling: it was a human place, brightened by decency and scarred by flaws, and a place like that was always engaging. For two years I had never been bored. &/u&&/p&&br&&p&&u&And I know that I would always remember this woman’s quite pride and toughness, and the way it had gone from being infuriating to something whose consistency was admirable and even comforting. &/u&&/p&&br&&p&&u&Now I realized that the simplicity had been a mirage. That was the way so many things in Fuling turned out --- complex and uncertain. To some degree it was just the difficulties of life anywhere in the world. Death, divorce, lies, abortion, expell, etc. Those things happened everywhere. But in Fuling it had taken me longer to see that side of life, because at first as a waiguoren I was held at a distance, and in a way that distance was hardest to deal with once it was gone. It was like looking at a blank meaningless smile and suddenly recognizing a lifetime of sadness concentrated int he corner.
I hoped that the students would keep it somewhere int he back of their minds, and that they would find something steady and true in its simple beauty, this was the faith I had in literature: its truth was constant, unaffected b the struggles of daily life. Despite that, the people there would turn fine. Most of them were. They were tough, and sweet and funny and sad, and people that would always survive. It wasn’t necessarily gold, but perhaps because of that it would stay.&/u&&/p&&br&&p&Just like the pure beauty of his words here. And reading, literature has a beauty of simplicity, but life is complicated in nature as a normality. Everywhere the same. &/p&
边读边摘抄,边写读后感,写完了以后,就贴在这里吧。下划线是原著,后面是随手写的一些感想,并不成体系。只希望能够给没有看过原文的读者,一点点味道,原文之有趣和隽永。“She smiled as she spoke, but it was the Chinese smile that served as a mas…
我今年25岁,这是在上海生活的第三年。&br&&br&昨天早上打车去开会的地方,外滩十三号。拍了一张清晨的外滩,有一位最典型的上海阿姨在等公交,然后自己在instagram里注解,这是真实的上海,让我尽情地在这里新怒哀乐吧,我的青春献给你不后悔。&br&&br&&img src=&/4f93a93a4a_b.jpg& data-rawwidth=&729& data-rawheight=&543& class=&origin_image zh-lightbox-thumb& width=&729& data-original=&/4f93a93a4a_r.jpg&&&br&我的大学并不是在上海念的,硕士读完了之后,直接空降到这里,开始工作,但是对这个城市,毫无陌生感。因为她和任何国际化大都市一样,尊重规则,追求效率,推崇多样,包容差异。你来到这里,永远不会觉得自己是异类,上海可以让热闹的人们找到同类,可以让孤单的人继续任性地特立独行。&br&&br&她是一座雄心勃勃的城市。那些高耸入云的摩天大楼,还有路上精致无比的精英阶层,无时不刻提醒着你要上进,要追赶,要成长;这种对于成功的塑造,其实并非表象,因为每个人真正都是有实力的。在工作当中,我经常需要为演讲嘉宾翻译。你听着他们讲述自己手头做的事情,有的是创业家,有的是科研人员,有的是企业高管,无论具体从属什么行业,当一条条数据摆出来,一个个计划解释出来,一个个愿景描绘出来,就会觉得,他们真棒。我觉得这不仅仅是教育或者出身的问题,更涉及到执行力、自控力和机遇。并不是说一个人名校毕业,在上海就能够获得多大的成功,相反,而是一个人,有了很好的起点之后,仍然脚踏实地地奋斗,并在上海这片沃土上去抓住机遇,实践理想,那种感动,往往会让年轻的我敬佩敬仰。这也许和题目无关,是我的工作给我带来的独特的体验,但是上海提供了大背景。在我的老家,我感受不到这样的激励;在上海,我永远可以找得到令我仰视的人 ,他们在你身边,你就会觉得,大环境为你赋权了(empower),人生是充满可能性的,可能也正是因为上海对契约精神的尊重,让你觉得,这是一个相对公平的环境,只要我认真努力,天道酬勤是可以实现的。至少不会像其他地方一样,无情地被现实绝望地打击。&br&&br&她是一个国际化的都市,在这里仿佛就是在国外,你不会有任何维和感,而且这种国际化是生活方式的迁移,而不仅仅是有多少国外人口。上周和朋友去了一个天主教会办的圣诞慈善音乐会,观众有很多是外国人,带着自己的孩子过来听,当然也有国内的一家三口。音乐会组织得特别温馨,没有中国式的口号和表演,演出的人也很放松,观众们也很捧场。小剧场外面是阿嬷自己制作的cookies在卖,小朋友们提着篮子在人群里穿梭,小剧场里有志愿者善意地引导,节目演到一半,小朋友们在台上跳舞,还会有观众冲上舞台一起跳,最后还有一个圣诞老人散发礼物,这一切都像极了《真爱至上》里面那一幕幕场景。这样的时刻,你会发现我在上海这个城市的生活,就和其他地方的人生一样,有味道,有乐趣。&br&&br&这是一座安全的城市。纽约、巴黎的犯罪率居高不下,一个人走在10点的街道上,也许是因为陌生带来的未知,内心满是恐惧。但是在上海,治安是非常令人安心的,可能也会超过其他国内城市。这个不仅是我自己的感觉,很多外国女性朋友也这么觉得。硬件和服务说来,很多知友已经提到了,很多人性化便利的设置,这里略去不表。&br&&br&当然偶尔也会有无奈的时候。昨天和朋友聊天的时候,还说到,也许物质,是上海给这个城市人们施加的一座无形的大山,是一个elephant in the room。也许一开始在这里住几年,你不会感到压力,只会觉得这里多样又精彩,但是当后来双脚接触地面,开始思考现实层面的东西的时候,也许这种无奈就会压倒惊喜。有朋友在这里住了十年,说,房价依然是如此让人望洋兴叹,更不要说子女教育、医疗这些传统稀缺资源,于是自嘲地说,solitude is the best,就一个人好好过吧,人心难测,一切好像都很复杂。也许正是因为资源的稀缺,大家才会有上文提到的那样,拼命追求效率和业绩,去变现,总想去抓住一些什么。在物质的压力下,有很多忘记了本心的人和事,遇到了之后,你也不知道该责怪谁。因为你也理解,你也懂事,你也成熟,一切在绚丽如华章般的城市大幕下,就这样无声地上演着。&br&&br&在上海呆地时间其实三年不到,但是我已经离不开她。出差出久了,迫切的想回去。回老家陪父母,过的一久,就想着要回去,弄的老爸酸酸地说,你的家在这里,不在上海。虽是玩笑话,却也说出了我对她的依恋。At Shanghai, life is a beautiful struggle。以前有句话这样说,爱上一座城,可能是因为有你爱的人在这里,但是呢,其实只要有自己在这里就行了,你的故事,和所有人的故事,才是这座城市在记忆中唯一鲜活的理由。
Disclaimer:以下内容来自蒙特雷高级翻译学院招生网站,不是我本人原创。网址:&a href=&///?target=http%3A// class=& wrap external& target=&_blank& rel=&nofollow noreferrer&&10 Ways to Prepare&i class=&icon-external&&&/i&&/a&
另外,因为是招生网站上的内容,可见主要对象是学生,对在职人员并不一定适用。&br&&br&How to Prepare for Life as a Translation, Interpretation, and Localization Management Student&br&1. Read extensively, especially in your non-native language(s).&br&&ul&&li&Read high quality newspapers (e.g. the New York Times, Wall Street Journal) EVERY DAY for at least a year.&/li&&li&Read high quality news magazines (e.g. the Economist), cover to cover.&/li&&li&Read your favorite topics in your non-native language(s).&/li&&li&Read other well-written material that will help broaden your general knowledge.&/li&&/ul&2. Watch the TV news and listen to radio news and podcasts on current events in all working languages.&ul&&li&Don't just li analyze them.&/li&&li&Keep abreast of current events and issues.&/li&&li&Record news programs and interviews so you can listen to them later.&/li&&/ul&3. Strengthen your general knowledge of economics, history, the law, international politics, and scientific concepts and principles (in that order).&ul&&li&Take college-level courses, review high school texts, etc.&/li&&li&Strengthen your knowledge in a specialized field (preferably in a technical field, such as computers).&/li&&/ul&4. Live in a country where your non-native language is spoken.&ul&&li&A stay of at least six months to a year is recommended.&/li&&li&Live with and/or frequently interact with native speakers of your non-native language.&/li&&li&Take content-related courses (e.g. macroeconomics, political science) in your non-native language (not just pure language courses).&/li&&li&Work in a setting that requires high level use of your non-native language.&/li&&/ul&5. Fine-tune your writing and research skills.&ul&&li&Take challenging composition courses (not just creative writing courses, but classes in journalism, technical writing, etc.) so you can “speak” journalese, UNese, legalese, etc.&/li&&li&Copy (by hand) sections of textbooks and periodicals in your non-native language(s).&/li&&li&Make a note of unfamiliar or troublesome grammatical points and work towards mastering them.&/li&&li&Practice proofreading.&/li&&/ul&6. Improve your public speaking skills.&ul&&li&Take rigorous speech courses and/or join Toastmasters (&a href=&///?target=http%3A// class=& wrap external& target=&_blank& rel=&nofollow noreferrer&& class=&icon-external&&&/i&&/a&).&/li&&li&Practice writing and making presentations in front of other people in both your native and foreign language(s). (Have native speakers of your non-native language edit your speeches.)&/li&&/ul&7. Hone your analytical skills.&ul&&li&Practice listening to speeches and orally summarizing the main points.&/li&&li&Practice writing summaries of news articles.&/li&&li&Practice deciphering difficult texts (e.g. philosophy, law, etc.).&/li&&li&Practice explaining complicated concepts understandably.&/li&&li&Identify resources for background research (e.g. library, Internet, etc.).&/li&&/ul&8. Become computer savvy.&ul&&li&Familiarize yourself with navigation and file management under current Windows operating systems (most of the software tools used in the localization industry today are not compatible with the Apple operating system).&/li&&li&Develop an understanding of the features Windows offers for multilingual processing, such as language-specific keyboard layouts, regional settings for units of measurement.&/li&&li&Learn to use advanced functions of Word, Excel, and other Microsoft Office applications in both your native and non-native languages.&/li&&li&Become an expert in search engines and online research by using these tools on a daily basis.&/li&&/ul&9. Learn how to take care of yourself.&p&Eat sensibly, exercise regularly, and get sufficient sleep. These are all habits required of a good translator/interpreter.&/p&10. Be prepared for lifelong learning.&p&Be patient. Bringing your language skills and analytical skills up to the level required of a professional translator or interpreter is not a task that can be accomplished in a few short years. Only with a lot of sustained hard work can anyone truly succeed in these challenging and exciting fields.&/p&
Disclaimer:以下内容来自蒙特雷高级翻译学院招生网站,不是我本人原创。网址: 另外,因为是招生网站上的内容,可见主要对象是学生,对在职人员并不一定适用。How to Prepare for Life as a Translation, Interpretation, and Localizat…
翻译技能包括:multitasking能力,default转换能力(就是听到一个词,能在多快的时间里找到最精准的对应),短期记忆能力。下面分开来说,偏重技巧。&/p&&ol&&li&multitasking:一边听一边说。先要听得懂(能不能听得懂取决于很多因素:题材熟不熟悉,语速怎样,本身听力能力怎样,句子结构能否有效拆分等等,其实就是三大能力的融合),然后才能考虑说不说得出。怎么练呢?shadowing。任何语音材料打开,落后三到五秒跟读,他快你快,他慢你慢,中英文都练。我练过BBC,当时作为口译练习的热身,十五分钟足以。前期纯粹跟读,后期可以手中拿一支笔开始写数字,1-100,100-1,练大脑的分神能力。&/li&&li&Default转换:简言之就是对语言的敏感度。不是外语好的人就能翻译好,因为听懂了不代表就能表达出来。怎么练呢?视译。拿一篇稿子,看中文说英文,看英文说中文。这样不仅仅可以练词语的翻译,更可以锻炼对长句子的结构分析能力,知道战略上句子太长要怎么拆分。拿一本人事部翻译资格证书的教材,上面全是各种演讲,还有双语版本,比较适合练视译。自己翻一遍,对照他的标准答案,看看哪里用词可以更好,记下来。金融时报之类的,多是书面用语,真正工作中用到的少。&/li&&li&短期记忆:同传中有EVS的概念,ear-voice span,一句话从听到,到翻译出来,间隔多久。不是越长越好,也不是越短越好。但是不管怎样,这其中都涉及到你的短期记忆能不能储存的下足够多的信息,以供后面自己对输出语的组织。怎么练呢?从交替传译开始练,paraphrasing。我当时用的是参考消息。一篇报道拿在手上,先自己大声朗读课文,就当练中文了,然后合上,用自己的语言复述一遍,可以用中文,也可以用英文。这么多信息点,你能记住多少?同样的意思,你能换多少种表达方式?久而久之,你会发现,领导说八分钟的话non-stop,你听的时候就能够在心里面默默搭出框架,然后翻译的时候就能够有条不紊,娓娓道来。&/li&&/ol&&br&&p&
技术层面的东西应该就是这么多。同传是技术活儿,因此就好像其他手艺一样,譬如开车、雕刻、裁衣,要有量的积累,然后忽然一个瞬间,你就会了,之后就是不断地修行和打磨。师傅重要吗?培训班有用吗?肯定是有的,至少你不会有单打独斗的迷茫感。但是我仍然觉得,如果自己热爱,同传是可以练出来的。甚至不需要我说这些技术的东西,它是可以自己摸索出来的。口译有个传说,练完10000个tape hours,水平自然彰显,我是万分同意的。世间万物万事,无非用心二字。你自己练习的每一分钟,都不会是浪费。今天你在下班路上默默练了半小时视译,那就算你赚到,成果是别人偷不走的,不用担心方法对不对。&/p&&p&
借用回答朋友问题的机会,这次谈谈同传的训练方法。 我是英国口译硕士出来的,在多个场合都说过,口译硕士的价值,不在于技巧方面的提升,而在于平台和校友网络的构建。真正口译水平得以提升的时间,是在大三大四两年的时间里。每天两个小时雷打不动的练习…
不知道老的感觉是什么 但知道年轻的时候 是这样:&br&Every day you wake up, knowing the best days are yet to come, it's a luxury.&br&所以老了 恐怕就是对未来失去了期待、勇气和热情 这些最具有生命力的鲜活的情愫的感觉。有种甘心的绝望。
不知道老的感觉是什么 但知道年轻的时候 是这样:Every day you wake up, knowing the best days are yet to come, it's a luxury.所以老了 恐怕就是对未来失去了期待、勇气和热情 这些最具有生命力的鲜活的情愫的感觉。有种甘心的绝望。
我是女生,工作中遇到的有魅力的女人都是这样:&br&1. 很精致,从妆容、香水、手提包,到发型、服饰,不论价格,但是绝对是最适合自己的。&br&2. 气质是个很虚的词,但是在我看来,就是从容大气,收放自如,坦然自然,不会像小女生一样,过于害羞扭捏而上不了台面,也不会像欧巴桑一样太聒噪和寻求关注。&br&3. 女人最大的优点还是温柔。你可以独立自强,但是不能太咄咄逼人。有魅力的人,让人不由自主想接近,而且可以接近,因为她温柔亲切,离生活很近,不是高高在上或者棱角太过鲜明随时要扎人。&br&4. 热爱生活。这点其实还挺难量化的。但是真的有些人一眼看过去就有一股戾气,好像生活欠了她什么。但是还有一些女性,跟她们在一起,就会觉得生活是多么美好啊,人生是充满可能性的呢。&br&&br&PS:我一直觉得美貌可能会衰减,但是风情和神韵可以长久。大家都说男人要成熟,其实女人也要。有些东西,没有年龄和岁月的沉淀,怎么会有。心智成熟,经历丰富,自然会给你以回报。一直觉得三十岁的女人最美。好多男性朋友都说喜欢汤唯,她也是到了三十多岁才有那种独特的味道。女人听到男人称赞她,不用嫉妒,应该自信说一句,我到了三十岁,也会有这般魅力。
我是女生,工作中遇到的有魅力的女人都是这样:1. 很精致,从妆容、香水、手提包,到发型、服饰,不论价格,但是绝对是最适合自己的。2. 气质是个很虚的词,但是在我看来,就是从容大气,收放自如,坦然自然,不会像小女生一样,过于害羞扭捏而上不了台面,…
特别幸福 弥足珍贵 非常感恩 偶有困难 但痛并快乐 千金不换
特别幸福 弥足珍贵 非常感恩 偶有困难 但痛并快乐 千金不换
哈哈哈 这个帖子好欢乐 要不是楼主问 我还从来没想过这个问题。。。&br&跑步——听歌,同时各种念头轮换上阵:&br&1.旁边的大叔你好笨重,才跑了五分钟就开始用手撑,后面怎么坚持啊&br&2.边上的胖妹子就一直走路,你不知道走路是没法减肥的吗,跑步才不会长肌肉,你要不要看看姐的腿?&br&3.路人甲从后面经过,尼玛怎么这么矮。。。&br&4.耳机里面开始放《my happy ending》,想到某段往事,歌词特别解气,于是开始昂着头装13&br&5.此时旁边的大叔终于撑不住了,开始走。嘿嘿嘿,看姐完爆你。&br&6.偷瞄一眼拉伸区有没有人,马上要去做腹肌。哎呦好多肌肉男诶,要不然不要去了。不行,运动贵在坚持,压根就没人在看你好吗亲,别把自己想的太重要,恩,马上要酷酷的走进去。&br&7.跑完了开始快走,此时音乐必定是my songs know what you are doing&br&总之。。。跑步可以让人自信心爆表。。。然后走出健身房,运动鞋毛裤走在街上的时候,发现自己又恢复路人甲的现实。。。&br&&br&游泳——没有歌听了咩。。。我会记圈数&br&1.吐槽游泳圈大叔,起点空间有限,能不能不要往这边挤了好讨厌呦西&br&2.偷瞄人鱼线肌肉男。。。哇塞不知道他们现实中是什么样子的,我好佩服下了班还有毅力过来游泳的。。。&br&3.擦怎么会有男的穿粉红泳裤,是gay吧&br&4.大叔大妈聚在浅水区聊天,哎,其实退休了这样子组团过来游泳也蛮好的。&br&5.爸爸带着女儿,好温暖!以后我也要带儿子过来。。。&br&6.穿比基尼的镁铝,这里不是海滩好嘛。。。&br&7.呀现在在放陈奕迅的《兄妹》,那就不蛙泳了,改成抬头游吧&br&8.我去,被路人踢了一脚,好痛,嘤嘤嘤嘤&br&9.前面大妈游的好慢。。。要不要超要不要超,恩,前面没人,超!吭哧吭哧,超过了!好累。。。到头休息一下。。。大妈没有停继续游,于是又到我前面去了!&br&9.呼呼,12个来回终于结束了,回家一定不要吃零食额。。。路上会经过龙之梦,要买些什么呢。。。恩今天素颜,还是不要去逛街了。。。回家吧,乖&br&总之。。。各种吐槽,倒是没有什么自信的感觉。因为游泳真的好累啊&br&&br&除了这些欢快自恋的念头之外,不会想什么正经事。。。所以某种程度上同意最高票,也算是什么都不想,可以放空一下下,反而乐趣多多,想太多了脑子很累哒
哈哈哈 这个帖子好欢乐 要不是楼主问 我还从来没想过这个问题。。。跑步——听歌,同时各种念头轮换上阵:1.旁边的大叔你好笨重,才跑了五分钟就开始用手撑,后面怎么坚持啊2.边上的胖妹子就一直走路,你不知道走路是没法减肥的吗,跑步才不会长肌肉,你要…
1.离开父母,是离开人生中第一个comfort zone。&br&2. 更真实地了解这个世界,更深刻地认识自己。在外面吃了苦,如果在父母身边,他们的人际关系和能力,主观客观上都可以给你提供帮助。离开父母,在刚开始朋友也不多的情况下,必须自己处理,面对困难是一面,面对父母是一面,你在夹缝里,要学会自我调节和安抚,要更强大。&br&3. 更真切地看到父母的衰老和时间的流逝。在父母身边待着,可能事情过于琐碎,反而看不到这个过程,但是现在每见一次面,端详着父母的容颜,就看到了岁月的痕迹。一周一次的电话,也感受得到他们生活重心的改变。体会到自己的被需要感,更懂得家人这两个字的意义。可能会更懂得包容和体贴他们的难处,因为心怀愧疚无法陪在身边。&br&4.所以另一个方面来讲,可能更自私了。
1.离开父母,是离开人生中第一个comfort zone。2. 更真实地了解这个世界,更深刻地认识自己。在外面吃了苦,如果在父母身边,他们的人际关系和能力,主观客观上都可以给你提供帮助。离开父母,在刚开始朋友也不多的情况下,必须自己处理,面对困难是一面,…
记住一点啊,这个世界上,所有人最关心最在意的,只有TA自己。Nobody is watching you, because they are too busy watching themselves!&br&你心里面七上八下面红耳赤忐忑不安左思右想优柔寡断,其实在别人眼里一文不值。顶多顶多,成为别人嘴里的谈资,但是即使这样又怎样呢,生活过成什么样子,只有你自己清楚,他们谈谈就过了,厚脸皮能够换来的结果,比如业绩、表白、尝鲜,才是你真正获得的收益,也是最重要的。&br&当然,前提是,让你厚脸皮去做的这件事情值得。否则谁没事找抽天天被人笑啊。。。
记住一点啊,这个世界上,所有人最关心最在意的,只有TA自己。Nobody is watching you, because they are too busy watching themselves!你心里面七上八下面红耳赤忐忑不安左思右想优柔寡断,其实在别人眼里一文不值。顶多顶多,成为别人嘴里的谈资,但是即…
每年写封信给一年后的自己 设置时间是第二年1月1日零点收到 所以每年跨年的时候都有小惊喜 嘿嘿 回顾一下过去一年的轨迹 然后写写对未来的期许&br&四五年下来 看到自己非常清晰的成长轨迹 心中都是感恩 &br&当然也会有自己把自己感动了的时候 哈哈&br&&br&于是郑重推荐这个网站:&a href=&///?target=http%3A// class=& wrap external& target=&_blank& rel=&nofollow noreferrer&& letters to the future&i class=&icon-external&&&/i&&/a&&br&&br&恩。。。但是今年好像忘记写了 赶紧酝酿一下情绪去
每年写封信给一年后的自己 设置时间是第二年1月1日零点收到 所以每年跨年的时候都有小惊喜 嘿嘿 回顾一下过去一年的轨迹 然后写写对未来的期许四五年下来 看到自己非常清晰的成长轨迹 心中都是感恩 当然也会有自己把自己感动了的时候 哈哈于是郑重推荐这个…
A diamond is forever.&br&钻石恒久远,一颗永流传
A diamond is forever.钻石恒久远,一颗永流传
我想偏个题,虽然不太专业,但是每次在跑步机上会偷瞄一下身边的人,有些人明明不胖,但是老是脚步声音超重,感觉整个跑步机都在随脚步震动,咚咚咚,再加上喘气呼呼,我在旁边看的好捉急。。。要么是鞋的问题,要么是姿势的问题,反正我以前还专门去掉耳机,听听自己跑步有没有声音。。。轻盈点儿,鞋底有点弹性,心态放轻松,撑不住了就走走,循序渐进。&br&还有,就是,去跑吧,跑出来才知道自己到底适不适合,膝盖能不能承受得住,鞋子合不合适,享不享受这个过程,能不能跑出高潮感,才知道到底能坚持多久。有了切实的体验,才能有针对性的去做符合自己现状的研究和对策,有了兴趣进步也快啊。心理上老准备啥的,稍显虚。。。Go ahead and do it.
五年前在美帝,和好基友从北加州到LA和San Diego玩,省钱不坐飞机做Amtrak,就是火车和汽车联程的那种。然后从旧金山上了去LA的大巴,夜里到,因为是圣诞假期所以也没啥人,我俩华丽丽地睡过头。。。然后醒来三点,已经到了San Diego。。。我们很困惑地问了司机,他笑眯眯地让我们去售票处问问能咋办。售票处的大妈二话没说,直接签了两张从San Diego到LA的两张头等舱火车票,把我们送回去了。。。早班车上,俩穷学生混在一帮西装革履的上班族当中,大摇大摆地享受了muffin、waffle、coffee等免费早餐,还遇到了LA一个橄榄球队的大帅哥们。。。&br&&br&还有一次在波士顿,一个人穷游,大巴晚上10点到,想起坊间传闻美帝大城市晚上女孩子不要一个人上街,心有小怕,没订酒店,路上无人,那时还没有手机地图之类,偶尔见到一个迎面走来的人都会低头避免eye contact。车站离唐人街很近,说真的一看到门口那个天下为公的牌匾,真是心里落了地,那种民族归属感,比课堂上跟人讨论社会主义神马的时候要强多了。进去想找民宿因为纽约有很多,就觉得这里应该也有(后来发现没有,全是吃的!!)。进去抓住中国人就问,问到一个香港老爷爷,他不会说普通话,我不会说粤语,于是俩中国人开始用英文交流。他知道我找地方住,说这里没有民宿,只有大酒店,但是大酒店不允许接待21岁以下的小盆友。。。于是又陪我绕了一圈,期间一直聊一直聊,知道我学生穷游。后来还是没有,于是带我走到一家酒店门口,以他的名义开了一间房,当时心里还有小忐忑。。。但是他把门卡给我,说好好睡一觉,明天好好看看波士顿,然后拿出一张纸,留下自己的联系方式,说,你一个人玩,要是有任何我可以帮忙的,尽管打我电话,然后留了一个潇洒背影,走了。。。第二天发现房费第一天晚上就已经结清了,200+刀。。。&br&&br&在路上的时候,就会发现,世间还是好人多。尤其是一个人玩的时候,总能收获这些值得感恩的时刻。
五年前在美帝,和好基友从北加州到LA和San Diego玩,省钱不坐飞机做Amtrak,就是火车和汽车联程的那种。然后从旧金山上了去LA的大巴,夜里到,因为是圣诞假期所以也没啥人,我俩华丽丽地睡过头。。。然后醒来三点,已经到了San Diego。。。我们很困惑地问了…
早上必须起床很早,九点钟开始的会议,我一般八点就会到现场,因为要试设备,要和客户打个招呼让他们放心同传已经到位,还要尽快拿到更新过的ppt好做最后的准备。通常情况下是踩着高跟背着电脑包(苦寻适合搭配高跟鞋的电脑包而不得。。。),打车遇到早高峰基本放弃,搭公共交通。到了之后开电脑,吃润喉糖,打开词汇开始温习,外加ppt开始对照。&br&然后就是开会。第一天早上挑战比较高,会有无数大而长的称谓、机构名称朝你砸来,大脑对具体话题的认知也需要一个过程。但是内容反而不会太难。和搭档二十分钟换一次,不翻的人计时,轮流上手戳。&br&早上下午基本都会有茶歇,心情好了就去吃点小点心咖啡之类的,不好了就闷在箱子里继续看资料。午饭同理。好的客户会负责午饭,和代表们一起去吃自助,偶尔会有好奇的代表过来询问,偶尔会有感兴趣的公司想来挖角,但是大部分情况下是各吃各的。一般的客户提供工作餐,在休息室随便吃吃;时间充裕的话就去酒店周边搜点小吃店。&br&会议六点结束,这个时候基本上身心俱疲了,但是挤着地铁回家还是很满足的,一天的工作很充实。现在大会一般都两天,有资料的话晚上继续看资料,基本上十一点就睡了。&br&&br&PS:同传的工作并无神奇之处,只是比较小众的职业而已,技术活儿,凭经验拼努力。一般普通人好奇过来询问时,也就是笑一笑,解答一下他们的疑问。曾经有过年长的父辈过来询问,做这个要上哪所学校比较好的,孩子才中学生,就梦想以后做同传。当时我们都觉得同传被神化了。私以为世界这么大,比同传精彩有趣的还有无数。&br&&br&日新增:&br&匿名用户在&a href=&/question/& class=&internal&&为什么不常见到混血儿做同声传译?&/a&的答案中给出了更加全面的解释。经常收到知友的私信,想做同传。我能够给出的建议是,多多体验,多多尝试,不要一厢情愿地认为同传是真爱。自己喜欢的事情,才是老天给你的calling。&br&&br&&blockquote&一个人会去从事某种职业,可以出于两个原因中的任意一点:&br&1、做自己喜欢做的事;&br&2、纯粹为了收益(收入和地位)。&br&中国外语专业学生想去做同传,是因为&br&1、喜欢外语的都想去做同传;&br&2、不喜欢外语的也有很多冲着收入和地位就去做同传。&br&混血儿之所以基本不做同传,是因为&br&a)混血儿里面喜欢语言文化的会去从事研究和NGO;&br&b)不喜欢语言文化的&br&1、想做自己喜欢做的事的,会直接去做他们喜欢的事;&br&2、纯粹为了收益的,在中国做同传对他们来说,没有去美国做IT、金融、医生、律师有收益。&/blockquote&
一般会说da qi,然后再跟老外解释,magnificent, have a grand presence是口译中省时间的选词,本身就是general的词,就对应general的英文,如果真是关键词,就要联系上下文给出具体解释。也可以说opposite of mean, timid, narrow-minded... blahblahblah
一般会说da qi,然后再跟老外解释,magnificent, have a grand presence是口译中省时间的选词,本身就是general的词,就对应general的英文,如果真是关键词,就要联系上下文给出具体解释。也可以说opposite of mean, timid, narrow-minded... blahblahblah}


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