
初一上册英语作文要带翻译翻译的,40词左右. 作文最少6篇哦!-中国学网-中国IT综合门户网站
> 初一上册英语作文要带翻译翻译的,40词左右. 作文最少6篇哦!
初一上册英语作文要带翻译翻译的,40词左右. 作文最少6篇哦!
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为了帮助网友解决“初一上册英语作文要带翻译翻译的,40词左”相关的问题,中国学网通过互联网对“初一上册英语作文要带翻译翻译的,40词左”相关的解决方案进行了整理,用户详细问题包括:RT,我想知道:初一上册英语作文要带翻译翻译的,40词左右. 作文最少6篇哦!,具体解决方案如下:解决方案1:写的好的话再加悬赏分。解决方案2:。,机会难得。4篇不扫了。 日13:25追加悬赏。:14 时间有限。。解决方案3:看故事书. 今天天气晴朗比较热. In the afternoon I went swimming in the nearest swimming pool with my friends. It was really cool to swim in such a hot day。 下午我和朋友去我家最近的游泳池游泳. I really had a busy and happy day. I surfed the internet and read a storybook in the evening. Then I washed the dishes and cleaned the room,帮父母做早饭。 晚上我上网。然后我洗碗打扫屋子。 我起得很早。 在如此炎热的夏天游泳的确很棒。我今天很忙过得很快乐A happy DayIt was sunny and very hot today。休息一会后我上午做作业. After a short rest I did my homework in the morning. I got up early and helped my parents cook breakfast解决方案4:抠了吧,估计只有看的。6篇作文就20分,除了我没有理你的?呵呵解决方案5:那扫点 你写几篇解决方案6:恩呢你你你你您你你你你你你你你你你你你你你你你你你你你你你你你你你你你你你你你你你你你。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。好 好好哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈 不说了 白白 我不会告诉你的 你是一个帅哥通过对数据库的索引,我们还为您准备了:答:you===========================================答:oday and friends of foreign travel, outside air is very good, people feel very comfortable. We all appreciate the fine girls bicycles. We enjoyed the beautiful nature brought. We happily spent a happy day. 今天和朋友一起出外郊...===========================================问:写的好的话再加悬赏分。答:A happy Day It was sunny and very hot today. I got up early and helped my parents cook breakfast. Then I washed the dishes and cleaned the room. After a short rest I did my homework in the morning. In the afternoon I went swimm...===========================================问:写的好的话再加悬赏分。答:你都没说作文是写什么,再说了,作文要多练、多写才会有进步。别人写的终究不是自己的东西。===========================================问:写的好的话再加悬赏分。答:On the latern festival it could be said as the last day of celebrating Chinese New Year. Followed by a lot of culture, it has been a festival in China. Firstly, gathering around with the family is an important event. They would...===========================================问:我是中国人 我来自中国 他们是中国人 我们在12班 我早上6点40上学 在课...答:翻译 I am Chinese I come from China They are Chinese We are in Class 12 I go to school at 6:40 in the morning After class, we have a rest He goes to sleep at 10 at night I don't go to the playground I drink milk as breakfast We...===========================================问:急,今天自内!!!!!!!!!!!一篇关于《我的朋友》的英语作文,4...答:i have a good friend .his name is tom ,tom is a hansome boy,he has blond hair and big eys. he likes computer very much ,so do i .we often play computer together after class.我有个好朋友叫汤姆,他很帅,有着大眼睛,金头发,他喜欢...===========================================问:急,今天自内!!!!!!!!!!!一篇关于《我的朋友》的英语作文,4...答:Today is my grandpa's birthday. Our family went back to my grandpa's home in the morning. We got together to have a big family dinner to celebrate his birthady. We bought a big birthday cake and gave some presents to my grandpa...===========================================问:天呐,我主要是想不出题材来..暑假都呆在家里当宅女...不知道要写什么诶...答:Today(May the seventh,Wednesday,sunny)is my birthday.My parents took me to the park.There were many people.Some of them walked by the lake,others talked under the tree,still others boated on the lake.Threr were many flowers in ...=========================================== 听老师说是从某个单元里选个题材=========================================== 介绍自己 和介绍东西……=========================================== 雨天 & 今天天气很舒适,虽然天气预报说今天是阴天,可是下了点小雨,很凉爽。 & 天气预报说今天是阴天,本来都和朋友们约好要去打篮球的,可是很遗憾,在下雨没法...=========================================== My Day Today is Saturday.I can stay in bed late.Usually I get up at eight.Then I wash the clothes,take a shower and brush my teeth.At 8:30,I have breakfast.I eat bread and eggs...===========================================老师、同学或父母的目光、背影、手等等都是你所熟悉的)请根据提示补全题目,写一篇文章,文体不限。 要求:①请在以上两个题目中任选一题作文。 ②文章不要少于600字。...===========================================和语文差不多 只是让你用英文说出来 不过比语文简单的多=========================================== My family has nine members. They are my father who is a doctor, my mother who is a teacher, my elder brother who is a undergraduate, my elder sister who is a tailor, my younge...===========================================English teacher Miss Song.I like her very much.Do you like her? 这是我自己打的,看在辛苦份上选我吧!希望你满意!!! 声明:我是初一的学生 (*^__^*) 嘻嘻 你所说的这些作文完...===========================================minute counts. 分秒必争。 37、Each coin has two sides. 38、Fact speak louder than words. 事实胜于雄辩。 39、Failure is the mother of success. 失败是成功之母。 40、...===========================================如:介绍自己,介绍家人,介绍你和家人最喜欢的运动,写广告,写招聘启示,写一天的作息时间(重点是写作文要条理清晰,不要走题,字数不要太多,也不要太少,看清第几人称,写信要有...===========================================
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可能有帮助小学一年级英语作文 我的家庭
> 小学一年级英语作文 我的家庭
小学一年级英语作文 我的家庭
  Home is a warm words, a warm place. I believe that every classmate have a warm home. My home also is such, is the serious cautious father alive, tender and beautiful mom and I together.
  My dad, the top of the square face, a head of black shiny hair, thick eyebrows below with a pair of eyes, high bridge of the nose more foil out of his culture. My father as my tutor, all assignments to please him, sometimes I met wisdom surfing math very hard, my mother and I don't use the standard equation solutions, one to ask dad, a few simple formula has solved the problem easily. My father was a geek, home in the evening every day the first thing to do is open a computer. But he's learning with a computer, don't like someone turned on the computer is pure to play games.
  My mother, long brown hair perms beside the oval face, big eyes are so bright, I would have been she found all the little affectations. My mother not only looks affable, also special bright and broad minded, every time I quarrel with my sister, she will tell me the importance of friendship, let me and her sister and good, maybe I touched my sister, whenever the two of us quarrel, she will learn to me let us be friends.
  This is my home, a warm home, a warm home, a family full of happiness. This is a story of a love knitting, reading the rest of my life, forever aftertaste, touched a lifetime.
小学一年级英语作文 我的家庭相关推荐无忧考网英文写作翻译频道为您提供my family英语作文,英语作文我的家庭,my family英语作文大全最新信息,欢迎广大考生访问无忧考网英文写作翻译网,获取更多关于英文写作翻译的信息。四年级上册我们的家庭有4个人 的作文怎么写 英语字母_百度作业帮
四年级上册我们的家庭有4个人 的作文怎么写 英语字母
四年级上册我们的家庭有4个人 的作文怎么写 英语字母
I have a happy family. There are five people in my family. My grandparents, my parents and I . My grandparents are retired. They go for a walk every day. My father is a doctor. Sometimes he works in the day, sometimes at night. My mother is a teacher. She teaches math. She loves her students very much. I am a student. My favorite subjects at school are English and art.不知道对你有没有用,希望有用~初一上册英语小作文带翻译写家庭的-中国学网-中国IT综合门户网站
> 初一上册英语小作文带翻译写家庭的
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为了帮助网友解决“初一上册英语小作文带翻译写家庭的”相关的问题,中国学网通过互联网对“初一上册英语小作文带翻译写家庭的”相关的解决方案进行了整理,用户详细问题包括:RT,我想知道:初一上册英语小作文带翻译写家庭的,具体解决方案如下:解决方案1:There are four people in my family,my parents,my bother and I.My family is pretty good. I’m really happy.
My brother is shy and funny. He is good at sports and does well in volleyball.But he hates studying and his grades are bad. He like telling jokes. He always plays jokes on his friends and my family, and always makes us laugh.
My father is a doctor. He works in a hospital of Sanya. He doesn’t like watching TV, but he likes reading newspaper and read it every night.
My mother is a waitress. She works in a restaurant. She has good habits. She likes eating vegetables and drinking milk every day. But I don’t like milk. It is awful. She likes watching Beijing Opera at free time. She says it’s good for her to keep young and it can make her relaxed.
My families are always doing what is best for me.They are always on my side.
I love each person in my family. I love my sweet warm home.
PS:如果有些地方不适合你,你可以适当的改改....解决方案2:Today I had a good time. It was my grandpa's birthday. Our family went back to his home to celebrate his birthday. My mother cooked many delicious food and we brought a big birthday cake. We got together to have a big family dinner. We gave grandpa some presents and said, &Happy birthday to you!& & In the afternoon we went boating in the park. We enjoyed ourselves, and my grandpa had a nice time on his birthday. &今天我玩得很愉快。今天是爷爷的生日,我们全家去爷爷家为他庆祝生日。妈妈做了许多好吃的,我们买了一个大蛋糕。我们举行了一个大型家庭聚会。我们送给爷爷一些礼物,并说:“祝您生日快乐。” &下午我们去公园划船。我们玩得很开心,爷爷过了一个愉快的生日。It was Christmas Day yesterday. We had a Christmas party at school. Many friends of mine came to the party. After we said&Merry Christmas&, we began to sing Christmas songs, such as Edelweiss, andso on. Then we told some Christmas stories, such as Christmas Father. Then I danced and laughted with my friends. We all had a good time. When the party came to the end,we said &Happy New Year& to each other. &昨天是圣诞节,我们在学校举办了圣诞晚会,我的许多朋友都来参加晚会。我们互道“圣诞快乐”后,开始唱圣诞歌,像“雪绒花”等。然后我们讲圣诞故事,如“圣诞老人”等,我们都玩得很开心。当晚会即将结束时,我们互祝“新年快乐”。 & It was Christmas Day yesterday. I had a good time with my friends. We had a Christmas Party at school. We sang many Christmas songs and told some Christmas stories. We knew after Christmas the New Year was coming. So we said &Happy New Year& to each other. We made up our mind that we would study hard to make great progress in the coming year. &昨天是圣诞节,我和我的朋友过得很愉快。我们在学校举办了圣诞晚会。我们唱了许多圣诞歌,讲了一些圣诞故事。我们知道圣诞节后,新年即将来临,所以我们互祝“新年快乐”。我们下决心在即将来临的一年中努力学习,以取得更大的进步。The bell rang and the class was over. The classroom became noisy. Some students went out of the classroom. I was just chatting with some of my classmates when Li Hong came to me. She smiled and said to me, &What's four minus four? Do you know?& &It's zero. That is easy.& answered I. But Li Hong shook her head and said &It's wrong. It's eight.& &Why? That's impossible!& &You will understand if you cut down four corners of a desk.& said Li Hong. &Is that a joke?& &Oh, yes.& We all laughed. During the class break, we had a good rest. We often have a pleasant break. &铃一响,下课了。教室里热闹起来,一些学生出了教室。当李红向我走来时,我正和一些同学聊天。她笑着对我说:“你知道4减4等于几吗?”我回答:“等于零,太简单了。”但李红播着头说:“不对,是8。”“为什么?不可能。”李红说:“你砍掉桌予的4个角,就明白了。”“这是笑话吗?”“唤,是的。”我们都笑-了。课间我们放松了。我们经常度过愉快的课间。 &The bell rang and the class was over. Many classmates jumped up from the seat. The classroom became noisy. Some students went out of the classroom while talking and laughing. Two girls were singing a song on their seats. Some boys were telling a joke loudly. They were laughing together. I was chatting with some classmates when Li Hong came to me. She joined us. Our class break was often full of fun and laughter. We often have a pleasant break. &铃响了,下课了。许多同学从座位上跳了起来,教室变得热闹起来。一些学生说着、笑着出了教室,两个女孩坐在座位上唱歌。几个男生正在大声讲笑话,他们一起笑着。当李红走向我时,我正和几个同学聊天,她参加了进来。我们的课间休息充满了乐趣和欢笑。我们经常度过愉快的课间休息。My Happy Times During Winter Vacation & I often go to see my grandma and grandpa during winter vacation. They are both seventy years old and live in the country happily. I can do many interesting things there. I am used to getting up early in the morning and breathing the fresh air in the countryside. After snow, I would like to skate and ski with my friends. When night comes, I am used to sitting by the fire and listening to grandma telling me many funny stories. And I tell her some new things happening in the city. When I have to go back, I am always reluctant to go. I really feel happy living in the country.寒假期间我经常去看望我的爷爷奶奶。他们都已经70岁了,住在乡下。我可以在那里做很多有趣的事情。我习惯一大清早起床呼吸乡下的新鲜空气。下雪后,我喜欢跟同伴们一起滑雪滑冰。夜幕降临时,我就坐在火炉边,听奶奶讲动听的故事。我也会给她讲一些城里的新鲜事。每次该回城时,我总是恋恋不舍。我确实喜欢乡下的生活。Yesterday was my thirteenth birthday. My parents had a birthday party for me. I invited my friends to my party. My parents bought new clothes and some books as my birthday presents. How happy I felt when I put on the new clothes! & When all my friends arrived, my mother brought delicious food and a big birthday cake. My friends sang &Happy birthday to you!& and gave me some presents. Then we began to eat. It was my happiest day. &昨天是我13岁的生日,我的父母为我举办了生日宴会,我邀请了我的朋友来参加。我的父母为我买了新衣服和书作为生日礼物。我穿着新衣服时感觉好幸福。 &我所有的朋友都到了以后,我妈妈端上了美味的饭莱并捧来了一个大蛋糕。我的朋友为我唱“祝你生日快乐”歌,并送我一些礼物。然后我们开始吃饭。这是我最快乐的一天。 & I am 13 years old now. Yesterday was my birthday. My parents had a birthday party. I invited some friends to the party. & In the morning my mother got up early and began to cook. My father helped her with cooking. They were so busy that they had no time io talk with me. & When all my friends arrived, my mother brought delicious food and a big birthday cake. My father gave me new clothes and some books as presents. I was moved to tears. My friends sang birthday songs for me and gave me some presents. I had a wonderful birthday. &我13岁了。昨天是我的生日,我的父母为我举行了生日宴会,我邀请一些朋友来参加。早晨妈妈很早就起床开始做饭,爸爸帮她。他们忙得没有时间和我说话。 &我的所有朋友都到了以后,妈妈端上荚味的饭莱,捧采一个大蛋糕。爸爸送给我新衣服和书作为生日礼物。我感动得眼泪都掉了下来。我的朋友为我唱生日歌,送我礼物。我过了一个快乐的生日通过对数据库的索引,我们还为您准备了:答:My Family【原创】 My name is ***. . There are there people in my family. They are my father, my mother and me. My father is an engineer. He works in a factory My mother is a teacher. She teaches English in a middle school. afte...===========================================答:(1) I have a happy family. My dad and mom love me so much. There are six people in my family, my mom, my dad, my grandparents, my sister and me. My dad is a boss. He is 39 years old. He’s tall and strong. He is very strict, t...===========================================答:My family My family is not very big,my mother,father,brother and me.My mother is an english teacher and my father is a doctor.My brother is clever and he wants to be a inventor some day.Because of my father, I want to be a nurs...===========================================答: ===========================================答:Look at this photo. This is a nice picture of my family. There are five people on it. I am in the middle. I’m laughing. It looks that I am very happy. There’re some pretty flowers in my hands. A man beside me is my father. He i...===========================================答:There is a computer in my house. Everyone of my family often use it. I play it on Sundays. I use it to do homework ,send e-mails, chat online and make friends.I also use it to search the websites, download musics ,watch movies ...===========================================答:My English teacher I have got an English teacher. She is very funny,and she is so nice. She has a long hair and tow big eyes. She usually wears silk shirt. But she never wears T-shirt.She likes singing English songs.Her favouri...===========================================问:作文题目是:成长的烦恼 要适合初一的= =跪求、、答:i have a happy family .there are three people in it :my father ,my mother amd i .my father is a teacher .my mother is nurse .i am a middle school student ..i love my family ! 我有一个幸福的家庭。有三个人:我爸爸,我妈妈和我。我...===========================================always doing what is best for me.They are always on my side. I love each person in my family. I love my sweet warm home. 我的家有4个人:我的父母,我的哥哥,和我.我的家庭很...===========================================likes sea and sky.Blue is of the sea and the sky.This is my English teacher.Our classmates all llke her very much.Oh!What about you? 翻译: 我的英语老师 我有一个英语老师...=========================================== My family has nine members. They are my father who is a doctor, my mother who is a teacher, my elder brother who is a undergraduate, my elder sister who is a tailor, my younge...===========================================外面的空气很好,人感觉很舒服。我们骑着自行车一路欣赏鸟语花香。享受着大自然带给... sister is four years old. She is lovely.I love my family. 我的家庭 我有一个幸福的家庭。...===========================================lights are bright,the birds were sleepd.On the street,the cars are coming and going in great number.It likes a beautiful picture. Finally,I go to bed at a quarter to ten. 感觉自己写的...===========================================我在七年级二班。我最喜欢的食物是鸡蛋。我会讲汉语,但不会讲英语。我会打篮球,但... drive a car. She can play the piano, but she can't play the guitar. 这是一张我的家庭的照...===========================================但更多的人认为水饺是最好吃的食物。一些家庭举行一个聚会他们唱歌,跳舞,玩得很开... 因为我可以玩我的朋友和我还能得到"红包"。 (都是初一水平的作文,仔细读一读)===========================================Look!This is my friend ,Nike.He is 13 years old.He is an American.He lives in Nanchong.He is a student in No.5 Middle School in Nanchong.He is good at English.He likes playing...===========================================together! 我的家庭 我爱我的家庭,因为我有一个快乐的家庭. 我的爸爸是一名英语教师,他... gate at 2pm. Don't be late. The school office March 18th, 2006 告示 今天下午七年级全体...=========================================== My bedroom I have a small bedroom. There is a bed on the right corner of the room. There is a desk and a chair beside the bed. There is a computer and a lamp on the desk. T...===========================================
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