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What Are Shadow PeopleUpdated on June 22, 2015
Have You Ever Seen Shadow People?
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Have you ever seen shadow people? If so, please post a comment below.
Shadow people are said to move quickly and often vanish when you look at them. Many times, you only catch their movement out of the corner of your eye. Some people say shadow people wear clothing while others say they see only a black shape without details. Some claim to see shadow people wearing hats, and others have even claimed to see fiery red eyes.
One public place where shadow people are often seen is Boothill Cemetery in Tombstone, Arizona. Several photos and even a video of shadow people have been taken there. It is interesting to note that in some locations, shadow people have been seen by many different people for a hundred years or more. This vast history makes it clear that these people have to be seeing something.
Trauma seems to play an important part in the shadow people's visibility. In almost every case where shadow people are seen, it can be proved that a person died in the area, usually in a violent manner.
So have you ever seen a shadow person? What do you think about shadow people? Post your thoughts below.
What Are Shadow People? A Video.
Shadow PeopleShadow people have been seen all over the world by many different people. You see them discussed on the TV ghost shows. They appear to be ghosts but are different from residual or intelligent hauntings.
I have witnessed shadow people on many different occasions over the years. In my mother's house, there was and is a shadow person or entity that has been there for quite a few years now. It appears to dwell in her bedroom, and many different visitors have seen it. It looks like the shadow of a man, and you usually see him walking back and forth in front of the dresser in the bedroom. Sometimes, you can clearly hear the sound of walking while at other times, you will only see the shadow man.
The shadow man in Mom's bedroom appears to be about 6 feet tall, and wearing clothes and a hat. Several people (including myself) have tried to talk to him, but he has never spoken or made any sound other than the sound of him walking.
Some people think that shadow people are the spirits of a deceased people trapped here on earth and unable to move on. If you are bothered by one, encourage it to look for and move into the light. However, I tried that with the shadow man in my mom's bedroom and he's still there. It is interesting to note that on the hilltop across from my mom's house is an American Indian graveyard.
Other strange things also happen in Mom's house: Items will move on their own, the lights in the bedroom will turn on and off, and you hear a loud motor running that is not there. Sometimes you will feel as if something or someone has brushed past you.
Where information was available, it has often been found that the shadow person died a violent death. Maybe they were killed so fast that they don't realize they are dead. They are quite often seen where lots of people were killed—like on the
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Graves of Billy Clanton, Frank McLaury, and Tom McLaury in Boothill Graveyard, Tombstone, Arizona.
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Shadow people: Not a picture of one, but this is how most people describe them.
Is Your House Haunted?
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Notice the shadow people circled in the photo above.
Shadow PeopleIn my friend's yard and house, you can often catch a glimpse of a shadow person. You can only see a dark shape, but it is clearly a female. I see her all the time darting from one tree to another like she is trying to hide from someone.
This is the most active shadow person I have ever seen, and it acts differently from any other shadow person I have ever seen. I have tried to talk to it, but as soon as it sees me, it runs away and vanishes.
I have tried several times to get a photo of it, but so far, I have had no luck. I will keep trying.
What Are Shadow People?
Shadow People are dark humanoid shadow-like beings that have been seen way back in history, but they are now being seen by more and more people. What they are exactly is open to debate. They are often seen moving about with jerky movements, and when you notice them, they quickly vanish into the ceiling or a wall. Some people think they are all evil, but I have my doubts. I have seen some that appeared to be anything but evil (though I have seen some with bright glowing red eyes that did seem menacing).
It's interesting to note that shadow people have been seen in America all the way back to the early times of the Cherokee Indian Native Americans. There are rocky outcroppings in the North Carolina mountains where they have been seen for hundreds, if not thousands, of years.
Shadow Man In Location Where I Just MovedI moved into a new location back on August 17th, 2010, and since then, I've seen a shadow person I'm sure is a male, several times in the house and a few times in the yard.
My Friendly Female Ghost
There is also a female ghost here in the house but she is a regular ghost and not a shadow person. I hear her at times operating an old-time pedal sewing machine although there is no pedal sewing machine in the house.
About eleven years ago, a lady who drank beer all the time fell dead outside the back door with a heart attack. While alive, the woman had sewn for people, and she did have an old-time pedal sewing machine. She died quickly and for some reason I think she may not even realize she is dead. In the middle of the night and almost until dawn, you can hear her sewing.
The Story of the Shadow Man in the Home I Just Moved In
The man I see moves about very quickly though I have seen him several times standing perfectly still. One evening, just before dark when the stars were just visible above, I saw him walk across my backyard, up the back steps, and right through the backdoor. I came into the house almost at once, but I did not see him inside that day. Though I have seen him in the house several times including just a couple of minutes ago. When I saw him just a few minutes ago, he was standing in the hallway near the bathroom door, perfectly still. When he noticed me watching, he left almost at once.
What The Shadow Man Looks Like
He's about 6 feet, 6 inches tall, and you can tell he is wearing clothes and shoes. He is not wearing a hat. He has regular eyes. He appears not to want you to stare at him, and if you do, he quickly vanishes.
I have seen him travel quickly from the living room area over into the kitchen area. When he moves, it's like he's just a blur. It is, however, very easy to see him when he stops. As of October 1, 2012, I've not been able to take a photo of him. If he sees me reach for the camera, he vanishes.
I am interested in shadow people, and I've done extensive research over the years trying to discover what they are. I think they are some form of ghosts while others think they are something else.
Do You Have A Story?
If you or someone you know has a shadow person story, I would like to hear from you. Please send me an email to
with "Shadow People" in the subject line.
Want More Great Shadow People Stories?Read more .
Do you have a shadow person story? How would you like to be interviewed on our radio show? Your story may be included in our new movie about shadow people. If you're interested, send a brief story and your contact information to thomasbyers
with "shadow people" in the subject line and we will be in touch with you soon.
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I am fron Greenville NC. I have never seen a ghost or anythng until about 3yrs ago. My family is very opened minded when it comes to things of this nature.My grandmother is a christian women however I remember growing up hearing stories of the house she lived in being haunted. About three years ago i moved into a very nice condo alone. I had only been there for a few weeks, so i was still in the process of unpacking. I went to bed one night and I left the closet light on with the door cracked open a little. This caused the light to reflect off of my bedroom wall. I was lying there with my cat Iris lying on my stomach when i caught a glimpse of something going through the light. This caused me to look up at the ceiling and what i saw terrified me, it was like a black mass no shape flying almost swooping around my head. I then looked at Iris to see her reaction and her head was going round and round with her eyes following. I quickly grabbed my cat not even putting my shoes on and bolted out the door. Needless to say i moved out a week later. I see in these comments and the articles you speak of shadow people as being harmless. However what I saw was almost like coming after me and I did'nt get a positive feeling. It took me seeing something on television to be able to explain myself because i}


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