samsung 三星galaxy note3价格 n900t 为什么与samsung gear s 的 S

三星 Galaxy Note 4 + Gear S 双周体验
的后,身处台湾的小编也找到机会体验了 Samsung 今年度的招牌旗舰机 Galaxy Note 4,而且还一起借了最佳拍档 Gear S,想试试看这样组合在生活上的表现。而既然我们已经有了,所以这次所著重的体验方向,是 iPhone 使用者(也就是小弟我)完全转去使用这部 Note 系列最新作的感想 -- 算是趁着 iPhone 6 / 6 Plus 才刚还没多久还有印象啊。
话说在前头,小编真的是没有长时间使用过 Galaxy Note 系列产品的人,但因为看过不少同行都使用 Note 3 或 Note 2 相当久的时间,另一方面之前评测过 Tab S 平板,也对于新世代的 Samsung 移动设备渐渐抛弃了之前的既有印象,所以对这部手机的期待度可说是相当地高,希望能藉此机会试试 S Pen 到底有何魅力,到底对生产力的帮助有多大,能让许多网友都给此产品"真 & 旗舰"的封号,继续阅读这一阵子来的体验心得。
先从拿到手机的第一印象讲起吧!虽然几次台湾上市的记者会都有拿过,但真的长时间使用却好像又是另外一回事。坦白讲刚拿到手的时候,真的并不是很喜欢它背壳的质感,会觉得要是可以在这样仿皮革外观之下,依然拥有 Tab S 那样的柔软手感该有多好。这点只能说好险这次 Samsung 准备了不少取代原厂背盖的皮套配件,所以对于原厂背盖手感不满意的朋友,也许可以通过配件来找到更适合自己的手感。
之后,Samsung 新世代的金属边框设计也延续到了 Note 4 之上。个人很喜欢这个金属框的手感,它的上下起伏相当就手,边框上的按钮虽然有点细长,但实际使用起来相当好找也很好按。机身下巴的部分还是有着很 Samsung 的实体按钮配置 -- 这有点算是该厂的坚持了吧。白色版 Note 4 机身配上了纯白色漆面包覆的金属边框好看是好看,但长时间使用会觉得应该满难避免刮伤或是染上脏污的,还有银色的金属斜边也像 iPhone 5 一样满容易刮伤的,保养起来真是会有点伤脑筋呢 -- 这部分真的需要找一个好的保护壳 / 皮套装上去才会比较安心了,也算是保护机背那颗突出的相机镜头啰。
皮套配件的选择方面,Samsung 在 Note 4 推出初期就已经奉上了不少购买选择了,但小编自己是偏好没有摺线完整的平面质感啦。而在这样的考量之下,显然 Mont Blanc 专用皮套会是最佳选择,但毕竟这个配件的价位好像并不亲民,所以自己是满期待据说将会在 12 月初推出的 LED 皮套的 -- 基本上外型满像 Mont Blanc 的,但在外盖上多了 LED 显示还有可以收纳票卡的功能。
在 Note 4 评测中被我们名片狠心对待的边框缝隙,轮到小编这次体验的机器上倒是不太明显,也许是后期官方有改善做工了吧?Note 4 也与 iPhone 6 一样搭载了 2.5D 屏幕玻璃,但因为边缘有被金属边框所保护而提早收进边缘之中,所以直接将屏幕向下放置也比较不用担心会刮伤屏幕;反过来说,应该就是这个 2.5D 玻璃所带来的柔顺触控手感也就没那么明显了 -- 滑到边缘就会碰到屏幕护框。
Note 4 屏幕的分辨率表现真的很细致,而且在其 5.7 寸的屏幕尺寸下,整体机身的大小竟然可以跟 5.5 寸的 iPhone 6 Plus 差不多大小,也是满令人印象深刻的。色彩表现上,虽然国外的屏幕评测网站对于 Note 4 赞誉有佳,但实际看到这块 Super AMOLED,总觉得都还是有明显偏绿的感觉。只能说,Tab S 10.5 的 Stripe 技术面板已经宠坏了小编的眼睛了,所以会期待接下来采用 AMOLED 的高端机种都能承袭 Tab S 的显示表现啊。对了,如果觉得原厂对于屏幕颜色调的有点过艳想调整的朋友,这次 Samsung 将最佳化屏幕功能,放在设定中的"显示屏幕与桌布 & 背景效果"内,而非像 Tab S 那样将其直接归类在快捷按钮列上。
其实个人觉得 Note 4 最厉害的之处,是在 Samsung 即便为其放上了 2,560 x 1,440 的高分辨率屏幕,但它的省电表现却摆脱了很耗电的印象,而有平均以上的表现。一般而言真的很重度使用一整天下来,回家都还是可以有 20% 以上的电力;轻度使用的话,常常回家都还是可以保持在 50% 以上呢。放着不太使用的话电量消耗也很低,有时候回家还有 20% 以上的话,小编会直接这样放整晚,早上起床也还有个 10% 左右,此时再接上它的快速充电器,基本上两个小时左右,就能在在出门前帮你充饱饱的,再度开始一整天的滑手机之旅。
图、标示着快速充电功能的 Note 4 原厂充电器
不得不说个人真的是在 Note 4 上才体验到这样的使用方式,因为才以往使用 iPhone 时,因为怕充电太慢,所以基本上都得要在睡前插着电才比较安心,但通过这个快充功能以及不错的续航表现,真的让行动电源的使用率大幅下降 -- 虽然短期内还没遇到,但如果担心快充会影响电池寿命的朋友,原厂的菜单中也有提供一般充电速度的选项,但说真的,体验了快充功能的方便性,加上电池也不是固定式的设计,会觉得不用真的是有点可惜啊。
虽然有不少厂商都有开发电容式触控笔,但 Note 系列产品则是直接给你一支 Wacom 触控笔,让使用者可以得到更接近书写的使用体验。软件方面配合提供了可以自动辨识书写或是截图 / 拍照内容的功能,也能通过 S Note 与全能贴 App 整理笔记与备忘。虽然在几周的体验中,因为还不是很习惯这项工具的关系,所以用到 S Pen 的机率还不是很高,但使用起来都能很确实地感受到,这个 Samsung 招牌功能的成熟度真的相当高,这可不是其他厂商能轻易追上的呢。
你还可以设定每次抽出 S Pen 是要直接跳出快捷 Memo 或者是上图这个快捷环 -- 后者的功能包括前者,但快捷 Memo 是可以直接在锁定画面中跳出的,可以在不用解锁之下提供方便迅速的笔记功能。是说,S Pen 最让我感到惊艳的,其实是它在侦测到触控笔前端悬浮时,会主动停用手指触控的这种特性,个人会因为这点而更想使用 S Pen 来记录事物 -- 很讨厌用因为手掌靠到屏幕而影响触控书写的差劲体验。
在相机的画质与使用体验方面,从 iPhone 换到 Note 4 后会觉得,它的自动曝光判断是比较偏向压低感度保持画质的路线。而为了不要手震,它所搭载的防抖规格真的是帮了不少忙;可惜的是,假若拍的是比较会乱动的人物的话,就会很容易拍到模糊的照片了 -- 因为防不了被摄物动啊!像上图这张就是拜托喵星人不要乱动才拍到的夜拍照片,画质是真的还不错啦,但说真的拍照的技术要求是稍高了一点点。
到了白天,Note 4 主镜头的画质真的相当不错(也不太需要担心快门速度了)。功能上它提供了可以保留大多细节的 HDR 模式,还有全景拍摄功能。而要说有什么缺点的话,大概是 Samsung 的自适应显示模式,会很容易在大白天拍摄照片的时候,有点让人不太好判断曝光状况啊,好在它的自动曝光还 OK,所以即便不太能掌握曝光状况,但拍出来的照片也还都不太会令人失望啰。
不过不知道这算不算是 Android 系统的一个 Bug,个人在使用手机的过程中,偶尔会遇到无法启动相机功能的状况,虽说只要重新开机过后就能解决(还可以顺便释放一下 RAM),不过哪天要是遇到稍纵即逝的画面,却因为这样而错失了就真的是有点可惜了啊。希望未来官方后续的系统更新能修正这样的问题。
最后来谈谈 Note 4 的好拍档
的使用体验吧!个人觉得它相较时下智慧表比较特别的功能,应该就是紫外线侦测了吧,用起来还满有意思的。此外很可惜的,自己最期待的 Here 导航功能,也许因为安全考量,所以仅提供了步行及大众运输的功能而已。外观上 Gear S 就像是变成两倍宽的 Gear Fit,外观有不错的时尚感。操作的主要逻辑还满一致的,基本上都是从上往下刷时是回到上一步、左右切换功能页这样,习惯后会觉得操作起来还满顺手的。
身为智慧表产品,Gear S 当然也可以选择自己喜欢的表面,亦能扩展支持更多 Gear 的相关应用,心跳侦测与计步器等的 S Health 健康功能也是必备功能之一。而相较于 Gear Fit 还可以直接在手表上面接听手机电话,也能插入 SIM 卡变成独立的电话使用 -- 不过个人还是建议以蓝牙耳机接听啦,出门在外感觉比较不会奇怪。
Gear S 看起来真的是满美的,虽然重了点但应该算是比较能吸引女性的款式,它的表带是防滑的橡胶的材质,但跟 Note 4 的边框一样,感觉会比较容易脏,所以可能要时常注意保护它的外观干净了。它的待机时间撑到一两天是 OK 的(晚上有关机的话),而若担心电力不太够用,原厂充电座还内建了提供应急用的行动电源功能。通话功能笔者也不免俗地使用了几次,结论也跟前面一样,最终会觉得应该还是搭配蓝牙耳机比较好。至于在这颗 2 寸曲面屏幕上的键盘输入体验... 建议也是拿出自己的手机可能会比较有效率些。
从 iPhone 来到 Note 4 是否有阵痛期?个人觉得是有的。毕竟 Apple 在金属机身外壳的用料上最近算是完全不手软,所以跳到 Note 4 上会觉得,尽管 Samsung 已经在金属边框上尝试勾勒出相对前代更好的质感了(实际是有成效啦),但整部手机刚拿到手上时还是免不了有一点质感上的落差。后来发现,没了金属背盖倒是换来了很轻巧的手感 -- 这在单手使用的时候感受更是明显。至于它的最大特色与优势 S Pen ,相信对会需要用到的朋友,这项规格可说是完全显示出了 Note 4 的优势。在实际体验之后,也觉得难怪身边不少用过 Note 系列产品的朋友,似乎就都很难脱离这系列的产品一代代用下去了。
尽管 Super AMOLED 的屏幕特性、指纹解锁使用起来还不够直觉、没有立体声喇叭还有相机的 Bug 都让这部手机还是有些缺憾,但 Note 4 的快充省电体验、更好分辨率、屏占比的屏幕,还有性能表现等,都使其具备相当不错的升级吸引力,也成为了堪称目前最成熟的 Note 系列产品。不过考量到目前台币两万以上的价位,虽然个人会觉得还算是物有所值,但说到要让前代使用者升级,可能就还要再等价位再低一些吧。至于用了 Note 4 两周之后的感想,说真的在 S Pen 越用越顺手之下(还能跟 Evernote 同步!),会觉得除非未来 iPhone 6 Plus 能够有,不然这次看来"回不去"的,反而可能是 iPhone 那边了呢(毕竟 iPhone 价位也不便宜啊...)-- 对比刚拿到 Note 4 的第一印象,这倒是测试之初完全没料想到的最终感想呢。
之前都不知道刚去X宝一搜,mont blanc的编织皮套真的很漂亮哎=3= 没有回复精选是Sanji休假了还是因为有老罗的新闻所以现在还没选完呢XD 觉得NOTE系列最成功的就是S PEN,搭配起来感觉是用过的大屏幕手机中最好的体验,不过滑动指纹解锁实在是无法从Touch ID的手感里适应过来啊......小编桑起床后有将近两个小时的准备时间好羡慕啊......(来自学生党的恶意) 本文最大的亮点私以为就是瓜子脸的可爱喵 居然有按钮!~手表像缩小的手机!!! 那个相机无法启动要重启的BUG冒似是三星专属的,我以前的note1,S3,S4都有这个问题,现在的ZU就没有。 S3电信版重来没遇到过。 虽说带虚拟键的安卓没有长时间用过,但那仨实体键我还是很喜欢。Manufacturers
Phone tools
Tablet tools
Samsung Galaxy Note 3
Samsung Galaxy Note 3
Market status
Release date
Sep 25, 2013
US carrier availability
Available: , Discontinued: , ,
Big display (5.7 inches)
High-resolution display (1080 x 1920 pixels)
High pixel density screen (386 ppi)
High screen-to-body ratio (74.78 %)
Lots of RAM (3072 MB RAM)
Fast mobile data support (4G)
HDMI connector for TV-out (via microUSB)
The Samsung Galaxy Note 3 is the first device ever to feature 3GB of RAM. With it, Samsung makes the jump to 1080p full HD displays on phablets and it adopts a new textured back. The Note 3 features a larger than before 5.7” 1080p Super AMOLED display, but it retains a more compact profile. There is a 13-megapixel camera with improved flash, and of course an all new S Pen with improved functionality.
Do you ...?
DesignDevice type:Smart phone
OS:Android (5.0, 4.4.4, 4.4, 4.3)
Dimensions:5.95 x 3.12 x 0.33 inches
(151.2 x 79.2 x 8.3 mm)
Weight:5.93 oz
(168 g)the
is 5.1 oz (146 g)
Display Physical size:5.7 inches
Resolution:1080 x
1920 pixels
Pixel density:
Pixel density - The pixel density of a display represents the number of pixels over an area of one inch. It’s measured in “pixels per inch”, or ppi. The higher the number, the more detailed and good-looking the display is.386 ppi
Technology - There are two main screen technologies currently used in phones and tablets: LCD and AMOLED. The former usually features a light source and liquid crystals, while the latter is based on organic light-emitting diodes.
Newer LCD variations like IPS-LCD and Super-LCD allow for very accurate color reproduction and very wide viewing angles, where no significant image quality loss is observed.
Current AMOLED screens differ in such a way that they can exhibit much more saturated colors (sometimes too much) and incredibly high contrast levels, which is due to black color being completely black in AMOLED displays.Super AMOLED
Screen-to-body ratio:74.78 %
Colors:16 777 216
Features:Light sensor, Proximity sensor, Scratch-resistant glass (Corning Gorilla Glass 3)
Camera Camera:
13 megapixels
Aperture size:
Aperture size - The aperture of a camera is the opening through which light travels before it reaches the camera sensor. The smaller the number is, the bigger this opening is, allowing for more light to pass.F2.2
Focal length (35mm equivalent):31 mm
Camera sensor size:1/3.06"
Pixel size:1.12 μm
Features:Back-illuminated sensor (BSI), CMOS image sensor, Digital image stabilization, Face detection, Smile detection, Digital zoom, Geo tagging, Autofocus, Touch to focus, Self-timer
Settings:Exposure compensation, ISO control, White balance presets
Shooting Modes:Burst mode, High Dynamic Range mode (HDR), Panorama, Scenes, Effects
(4K) (30 fps),
(1080p HD) (60 fps), 0p HD) (120 fps)
Features:Digital image stabilization, Continuous autofocus, Video light, Video calling
Front-facing camera:
2 megapixels
Hardware System chip:
System chip - Most modern handsets use an advanced chip that includes many of the device’s hardware modules like the processor, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth and sometimes even the wireless radio. This field shows what particular system chip (or System-on-a-Chip) is used in the phone.Qualcomm Snapdragon 800 MSM8974
Processor - The processor is the main computing component of a phone and is a major factor when it comes to the overall speed of the device. Some more powerful smartphones use dual-core and quad-core processors designed to deliver greater performance.Quad-core, 2300 MHz, Krait 400
Graphics processor:
Adreno 330
System memory:
System memory - System memory, or RAM memory is the type of memory that the device uses to temporarily store data from the OS or currently-running apps. The more RAM available to the device, the better the performance will be when multiple or heavier programs are running.3072 MB RAM
Built-in storage:64 GB
Storage expansion:microSD, microSDHC up to 64 GB
Battery Talk time:25.00 hoursthe
is 13 h (801 min)
Stand-by time:22.0 days (528 hours)the
is 17 days (404 h)
Talk time (3G):21.00 hoursthe
is 15 h (906 min)
Stand-by time (3G):17.5 days (420 hours)the
is 24 days (579 h)
Stand-by time (4G):15.8 days (380 hours)the
is 22 days (528 h)
Music playback:84.00 hours
Video playback:13.00 hours
Capacity:3200 mAh
Wireless charging:Optional
Multimedia Music player:
Filter by:Album, Artist, Playlists
Features:Album art cover, Background playback, Preset equalizer
Speakers:Earpiece, Loudspeaker
YouTube player:Yes
Internet browsingBuilt-in online services support:YouTube (upload), Picasa/Google+
TechnologyGSM:850, 900,
UMTS:850, 900,
FDD LTE:700 (band 17), 800 (band 18), 850 (band 5), 900 (band 8),
(band 4), 1800 (band 3), 1900 (band 2) MHz
Data:LTE Cat 4 (150/50 Mbit/s), HSDPA+ (4G) 42.2 Mbit/s, HSUPA 5.76 Mbit/s, UMTS, EDGE, GPRS
Micro SIM:Yes
Positioning - This field shows the positioning systems supported by the device. There are three main types: GPS, A-GPS and GLONASS.
GPS - This is one of the most widespread global positioning technologies, developed and maintained by the U.S. government. It uses satellites in order to detect your location. Works best in clear weather.
A-GPS - A-GPS stands for Assisted GPS and is the industry standard for positioning and navigation. “Assisted” means that it can use local wireless networks, in addition to satellites, for quicker and more precise localization.
GLONASS - GLONASS is a global positioning system, developed by the Russian Federation. It’s very similar to GPS, but isn’t so popular in cell phones.GPS, A-GPS, Glonass
Navigation:Turn-by-turn navigation, Voice navigation
specifications continue after the ad
802.11 a, b, g, n, n 5GHz, ac
Mobile hotspot:Yes
Features:Mass storage device, USB Host, USB charging
via microUSB
Other:NFC, DLNA, MHL, Tethering, Computer sync, OTA sync, ANT+, Infrared
Other featuresNotifications:Haptic feedback, Music ringtones (MP3), Polyphonic ringtones, Vibration, Flight mode, Silent mode, Speakerphone
Accelerometer, Gyroscope, Compass, Thermometer, Gesture, Humidity, Barometer
Hearing aid compatibility:
Voice dialing, Voice commands, Voice recording, TTY/TDD
AvailabilityOfficially announced:04 Sep 2013
This device is also known as
Galaxy Note 3 Olympic Games Edition
Alternative variants
We list only the specs that are different than the main variant
Samsung Galaxy Note 3 32GB
Differences:Built-in storage:32 GB
Samsung Galaxy Note 3 N9000 Octa
(HSPA+ only)
Differences:System chip:
System chip - Most modern handsets use an advanced chip that includes many of the device’s hardware modules like the processor, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth and sometimes even the wireless radio. This field shows what particular system chip (or System-on-a-Chip) is used in the phone.Samsung Exynos 5 Octa (1.9 GHz quad-core ARM Cortex-A15 + 1.3 GHz quad-core ARM Cortex-A7)
Processor - The processor is the main computing component of a phone and is a major factor when it comes to the overall speed of the device. Some more powerful smartphones use dual-core and quad-core processors designed to deliver greater performance.Octa-core, 1900 MHz
Graphics processor:
ARM Mali-T628 MP6 @ 600 MHz
Talk time (3G):20.00 hoursthe
is 15 h (906 min)
Stand-by time (3G):20.4 days (490 hours)the
is 24 days (579 h)
Music playback:68.00 hours
Video playback:12.00 hours
Data:HSDPA+ (4G) 42.2 Mbit/s, HSUPA 5.76 Mbit/s, UMTS, EDGE, GPRS
Samsung Galaxy Note 3 N900V
(For Verizon)
CDMA - Code Division Multiple Access. A technique of multiplexing, also called spread spectrum, in which analog signals are converted into digital form for transmission. For each communication channel, the signals are encoded in a sequence known to the transmitter and the receiver for that channel. The foremost application is digital cellular phone technology from QUALCOMM that operates in the 800MHz band and 1.9GHz PCS band. CDMA phones are noted for their excellent call quality and long battery life.800, 1900 MHz
FDD LTE:700 (band 13) MHz
Data:EV-DO Rev.A
Hearing aid compatibility:
Samsung Galaxy Note 3 N900A
(For AT&T)
Samsung Galaxy Note 3 SM-N900P
(For Sprint)
Differences:Talk time:23.00 hoursthe
is 13 h (801 min)
Samsung Galaxy Note 3 N9002
(Dual SIM)
Differences:Multiple SIM cards:
Samsung Galaxy Note 3 N900T
(For T-Mobile)
Differences:OS:Android (4.4.2)
Stand-by time (4G):17.5 days (420 hours)the
is 22 days (528 h)
Hearing aid compatibility:
Samsung Galaxy Note 3 SM-N9008V
Differences:TDD LTE:1900 (band 39), 2300 (band 40), 2600 (band 38) MHz
Positioning - This field shows the positioning systems supported by the device. There are three main types: GPS, A-GPS and GLONASS.
GPS - This is one of the most widespread global positioning technologies, developed and maintained by the U.S. government. It uses satellites in order to detect your location. Works best in clear weather.
A-GPS - A-GPS stands for Assisted GPS and is the industry standard for positioning and navigation. “Assisted” means that it can use local wireless networks, in addition to satellites, for quicker and more precise localization.
GLONASS - GLONASS is a global positioning system, developed by the Russian Federation. It’s very similar to GPS, but isn’t so popular in cell phones.BeiDou
Samsung Galaxy Note 3 SM-N900R4
(For US Cellular)
Samsung Galaxy Note 3 SM-N9006
Positioning - This field shows the positioning systems supported by the device. There are three main types: GPS, A-GPS and GLONASS.
GPS - This is one of the most widespread global positioning technologies, developed and maintained by the U.S. government. It uses satellites in order to detect your location. Works best in clear weather.
A-GPS - A-GPS stands for Assisted GPS and is the industry standard for positioning and navigation. “Assisted” means that it can use local wireless networks, in addition to satellites, for quicker and more precise localization.
GLONASS - GLONASS is a global positioning system, developed by the Russian Federation. It’s very similar to GPS, but isn’t so popular in cell phones.BeiDou
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