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1.?You _______ write him a letter to say you are sorry for it.
?I ’m not good at writing letters.I want to talk about it _______ the phone.
2. It ________ her four hours_________ the work yesterday.
A. takes, finish
B. take, finishingC. took, to finish
3. ?I’m sorry I broke my neighbor’s window. What should I do
?I’m afraid you have to ________ it
A. look for B. pay for
C. cut up4. Don’t ________ it. Let’s have a try again
A. argue with
B. cut out
5. ? _______________
? My car doesn’t work
A. Why are you here B. How do you do C. What’s wrong
6. ? We can use QQ to talk with each other on the Internet.
? Really? Will you please show me _________?A. what to use B. how to use it C. how can I use it
7.The boy is because he argued with his best friend just now.
B. upset C. tired
8. ? I had a fight with my brother this morning
? _________
A. That’s nothing.?B. Great!You are rightC. You should say sorry to him
9. She looked _________ when she heard the _________ news??A. surprised
B. surprised ?C. surprising
10. Little Tom is an orphan. He now feels__________ without his only friend the dog, Lucky
A. even more lonely
B. very more lonely C. still more alone
11.You shouldn’t ________ your hope. Everything will be betterA. give up B. fix up C. cheer up
12.A lot of meeting were______ because of the dangerous disease A. turned offB. set offC. put off
13.Don’t _______ the people in trouble. Try to help them A. hear from
B. go over
C. laugh at14.?Tom, it’s cold outside. ______ your coat when you go out
--OK, Mom A. Take off
B. Take away
15.During the past three years,several earthquakes ______ in different places of the world.
B.happenedC.took place
16.What ______ you ______ when the telephone rang just now?
知识运用(共26 分)
四、单项填空(共12 分,每小题1 分)
从下面各题所给的A, B, C, D 四个选项中,选择可以填人空白处的最佳选项。
21. I'm going skating. Would you like to go with ______?
A. I B. me C. my D. mine
22. Nina is my classmate. She came to Beijing with her
A. on B. at C. in D. for
23. Carol is good at drawing and she wants to be a( n)______in the
A. worker B. driver C. pilot D. artist
24. -Where can I buy some new clothes?
-You can go to Jeans Corner. It has ______clothes in town.
A. the worst B. the best C. worse D. better
25. The children had fun ______ to the mountains on their last day
A. go B. goes C. to go D. going
26. I'd like to go to your party, ______ I'm too busy today.
A. but B. and C. so D. or
27. It was cold yesterday, so I ______at home and listened to
A. stay B. stays C. stayed D. am staying
28. - ______did you study in London?
-For about three years.
A. How far B. How long C. How much D. How often
29. Paris is a good place to go sightseeing. Mike ______a vacation
there next
A. is taking B. takes C. took D. lake
30. Laura, you ______ eat too much junk food. It's bad for your
A. can B. may C. needn't D. shouldn’t
31. My best friend Tony is outgoing and he makes me ______every
A. laugh B. laughs C. laughing D. to laugh
32. I asked two students about their hobbies ______of them like
A. All B. One C. Both D. Each
五、完形填空(共14 分,每小题I 分)
阅读下列短文,掌握其大意,然后从短文后各题所给的A, B,C、D 四个选项中,
Class 9 had a great time on the school trip. They went to Blue
Aquarium for the day. ______(33)they visited the Visitors' Center
and watched
a movie about sharks. Then they watched a dolphin show. After that,
to the Outdoor Pool and saw a big______(34). After lunch, they went
to the Gift
shop and ______(35) lots of gifts. Finally, tired but happy, they
took the bus
back to school. At the end of the day, the science teacher
very______(36)because the class monitor cleaned the bus after the
33. A. First B. Next C. Third D. Finally
34. A. panda B. octopus C. giraffe D. elephant
35. A. ate B. put C. lost D. bought
36. A. calm B. angry C. happy D. serious
I always think of my father. I can describe him as if he were
sitting next to
me. I remember his smile, his eyes, and his blonde curly hair. I
also ______(37)
my father taking his medicine and following the doctor’s ______(38)
day I asked him, “Why do you take the medicine and why are there so
things you can’t eat, Daddy?” He looked into my eyes and said,
“______(39) to
worry about, dear.” Not long after that my father passed
I was nine years old then, so my mother didn’t tell me
father had died. I always wanted to know why he had left me. He had
medicine! He was young and ______(41)! Years later, I knew that he
heart disease(疾病. And I always thought about doing something to
people like my father. I even ______(42) that I would do everything
to cure(治
愈)the disease. That is what I want to do most in my life.
In 2006, I took part in a health program as a ______(43) to achieve
dream. I spent four weeks taking classes at a medical school. Every
______(44) how doctors treated(治疗)diseases. I went to a hospital
week, talking to the patients and comforting them. This was the
most wonderful
part because I saw the other side of medicine: the______(45)from
From then on, every time I met people who were fighting against
diseases, I
would soon ______(46). I learned how some diseases can be stopped
they start.
I hope I can become a doctor and find a cure for the heart disease,
then another child will not go through the heartbreak of losing a
family member.
37. A. see B. keep C. forget D. remember
38.A. strict B. healthy C. common D. balanced
39.A.Everything B. Something C. Anything D. Nothing
40. A. how B. why C. when D. where
41. A. strong B. friendly C. outgoing D. outstanding
42. A. guessed B. decided C. agreed D. found
43. A. key B. way C. note D. secret
44. A. heard B. taught C. showed D. watched
45. A. worry B. stress C. care D. gift
46.A.beat B. save C. join D. tell
阅读理解(共34 分)
六、阅读下列短文.根据短文内容,从短文后各题所给的A, B, C, D 四个选项中,
选择最佳选项。(共22 分,每小题2 分)
We have some great recipes just for girls and boys. Are you ready
make some yummy food?
47. Children must ask for help when they______.
A. add honey to the kiwi B. cut off the top of the kiwi
C. freeze the fresh fruit D. put the fruit in the blender
48. How many ingredients do we need to make ice blocks
A. 2. B. 3. C. 4. D. 5.
49. We need ______ to make the cold drink.
A. honey B. yogurt C. fresh fruit D. orange sherbet
It was the first day of Grade Two.
In the back of the classroom was a face that was not familiar.
There sat a
boy with dark hair and glasses. Sam had never seen him
Mr. Dave called the students by their names. The students put up
hands when their names were called. "Li Ming?" said Mr. Dave. The
the back raised his hand.
Li Ming was from China. His family had moved to the United States
the summer. He seemed quiet and shy.
Sam tried to talk to Li Ming, but he did not answer. He only
Finally, Sam understood why. Both the country and the language were
That night Sam asked his mother for help. Together they looked up
Chinese words on the lnternet. Mom helped Sam pronounce the words
and again so that he could learn to say them correctly.
The next morning, Sam went to talk to Li Ming. Then he stopped. He
afraid he would sound foolish. "This must be how Li Ming feels," he
"Hello," he said, using the Chinese words he had learned. "I am
Li Ming looked surprised. He answered Sam in Chinese. Sam had no
what Li Ming was saying.
"My English is not too good yet," explained Li Ming.
"Neither is my Chinese," said Sam.
"I will teach you," offered Li Ming.
"And I will teach you," said Sam.
Sam pulled a ball out of his backpack. "Want to play catch" he
‘ Li Ming smiled. Sometimes words are not even necessary.
50. Which picture shows the beginning of this story?
A. Picture 1. B. Picture 2. C. Picture 3. D. Picture 4
51. Li Ming smiled when Sam talked to him for the first lime
because ______.
A. he didn't know anyone B. he didn’t understand Sam well
C. he was a kind boy D. he wasn’t listening to Sam
52. Sam asked his mother for help to ______.
A. talk to Li Ming B. know about Li Ming
C. travel in China D. Learn about China
53. What will most likely happen to Sam and Li Ming at the end of
this story?
A. They will talk to each other in Chinese
B. They will help other students in class.
C. They will play a ball game together.
D. They will study English together.
From preschool to high school we have been told to “ be yourself"
who you are". But what do those sayings even mean? Does it mean to
exactly what you are thinking, not to learn from someone else?
Could it mean
to act only according to your nature and not let anything else
influence you?
I will be honest that I don't believe in "being yourself". I
believe in becoming
a better person.
Before you make a decision to come after me, let me make it clear.
not saying that we should try to become the person like our
favorite pop star or
sports athlete. What I am saying is that we should all be trying to
better person, and there is nothing wrong with using a role model
achieve this.
I know that I am not perfect. I have my faults(过错),just like anyone
But doesn’t it make us better to try to fix them? Let me give some
If your grades are getting a little lazy, you should try to become
a little more
hard-working. Or, if you find yourself accidentally hurting
someone’s feeling
because of what you said, you might want to be a little more
careful of what
you say. No one is perfect, but it doesn’t mean we can’t strive for
I also don't see the problem with modeling some of your life after
else. I still have my role models, whom I try to learn from, and 1
wouldn’t be the
same if I didn't model a bit of my life after them. For example, I
have always
admired the ideas of Mahatma Gandhi in I I have even taken
some of his
lessons to heart such as "An eye for an eye makes the world go
In my mind, the present happens too fast for us to "be who we are".
time we have even found out who we are, that person is really only
have been. I believe that people show themselves by who they are
become, not by who they are or who they have been.
54. The writer thinks that using a role model to achieve a dream
A. difficult B. creative C. helpful D. easy
55. What does the underlined phrase Strive for mean?
A. look for B. care For C. wait for D. fight for
56. According to(根据)the passage, the writer agrees
A. we should be famous like our favorite pop star
B. we should show others who we are trying to be
C. it's necessary to make our life the same as others
D. it's important to find out more faults about ourselves
57. Which is the best title for this passage?
A. Be a Better Person B. Be Who You Are
C. Learn from others D. Live a Better Life
(共a 分,每小题I 分) 选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。
It would soon be Halloween. Mommv and Daddy wanted heir kids
have fun! Let them go to the Fall Festival with Grandma. That would
be lots of
fun” Daddy said.
"Great," Eva added. "Mommy, let us go to the Fall Festival.”
“______(58)”Micah asked.
Mommy told him that it was a place where the people from
church(教堂)would have games and prizes. She said there would be
children there. ______(59).
When Halloween came, Grandma drove over to get Eva and Micah.
festival was outside in a park. There were horse rides, a petting
zoo and Lots
of games to play. ______(60) They really enjoyed eating and
drinking. There
was so much to do that they didn't have time to do it all.
They stayed until the rides closed and then they walked back to the
the dark. "______(61)I really had fun.” Micah said. “Me too, thanks
for taking
us, Grandma.” Eva said. Grandma just smiled. She was happy
A. There were. also hot dogs, drinks and cotton candy
B. So Micah and Eva would like it very much.
C. But they didn't like the food there.
p. It was a great night, Grandma.
E. What is a Fall Festival?
八阅读短文. 根据短文内容回答问题。(共8 分,每小题2 分)
Joe is an American teenager who loves to dance. He knows all
dance steps(舞步).The minute the music starts, this thin but
nineteen-year old, dances with it at once. Nothing is special about
this except
for one little fact. Joe cannot hear a note of the music that he
dances to.
Still, when music starts, something phy he can
change of the air. It is this "something" that makes him such a
good dancer
that he will take pact in a dance competition late September, in
When Joe was a baby, he had a serious illness, which took his
When he was three, his family was so poor that he was sent to the
They believed that every child was special and always told Joe,
"You will do
everything that other kids do. Keep trying and nothing can hold you
back.” So
when Joe was a child, he began to study the
movements of dancers on TV. Until one day he
thought, "I could try this myself.” He started to dance
like Michael Jackson. After a while, he didn't need to
look at the screen. From then on, he knew he had
that "something"
Joe is happy to have this chance to show his dancing skills to
After the competition, he plans to go to college and major in
dancing because
he wants to become a professional dancer. Life is good, Joe feels.
that he can stop people from seeing him as the dancing boy who
cannot hear.
He only wants to be known as the boy who can dance.
62. Can Joe hear a note of music that he dances to?
63. Where will Joe take part in a dance competition?
64. Why does Joe plan to go to college?
65. What can we team from Joe?
书面表达(共20 分)
九、完成句子(共8 分,每小题2 分)根据中文意思完成句子。
_________________stop talking and take an action.
Jim is ______________________go to school by himself.
68 上周我的笔友寄给我一张漂亮的明信片。
My pen pal _______________a beautiful postcard last week
It _______________________get to school by bike every day.
十、文段表达(共12 分)
根据以上提示,以 "My Dream”为题,写一篇不少于60 字的文段,提示词仅供
outgoing, want to do, like doing, future, study hard, help
2013 年海淀期末答案
63. Washington
64. Because he wants to become a professional dancer.
65. Strong will and a spirit of never giving up
(Hard-working, optimistic and persistent)(接近这个答案即可)
66. Let’s
67. too young to
68. sent me
69. takes Linda half an hour to
一、 词汇测试
Ladies and gentlemen,
1、I am very happy to meet with so many scholars at this annual
astrobiology conference in
the beautiful city of San Francisco. I am also very happy that we
will be discussing some of the
big issues, like where we came from and whether we have companions
beyond Earth. Here I'd like
to share with you some of our recent discoveries.
2、As regards the origin of life on Earth, we used to believe that
when life began on Earth, the
atmosphere contained nitrogen, hydrogen and other gases but no
oxygen. Consequently, the sun's
rays prevented life from developing on land. That explained why the
first living organisms
developed only under the sea. Under the influence of
photosynthesis, the oxygen in the
atmosphere increased and life expanded. Complex living organisms
developed. As the oxygen in
the atmosphere increased, life, which depends on the equilibrium of
the atmosphere, was possible
on the surface of the Earth.
4、Recently, we have come up with a very different hypothesis. We
believe that hundreds of
millions of years ago, a meteor crashed into the then lifeless
planet. Embedded in the meteor were
carbon compounds that were to become the seeds of all life on
Earth. Our current hypothesis is
that there was a seeding from elsewhere. Let's say a meteor that
had originated in Mars landed in
the Antarctic, and it contained evidence of life.
5、We often ask why we are here, how life started, and if we are
alone in the universe. These
fundamental questions are often addressed by religion and by our
sense of aesthetics, by spiritual
feelings, feelings of values. But I think science can contribute to
the best answers to these
questions. In general, scientists are responsible to inform the
public, to find out what they want,
and to answer the questions that the public wants to know about
6、Last month, we observed the Leonid meteor showers, which occur in
every November when
Earth passes through the debris shed by the comet Tempel-Tuttle. We
were aboard two U.S. Air
Force crafts that flew at night from the United Kingdom to Israel,
then back through the Azores to
Florida. The path allowed us to observe the meteors -- some no
bigger than a grain of sand -- from
an altitude of ll-and-a-half kilometers. Images of the meteors were
fed through infrared
spectrographs instruments that can detect the unique chemical
fingerprints complex organic
molecules of the type that may have "seeded” life. Our
spectrographic instruments caught a
meteor "in the act" of disseminating organic molecules.
然后经过亚速尔群岛,飞回佛罗里达。这条航线使我们能够从11 500米的高度观察流星雨,
7、We have a list of perhaps 100 carbon-conta~ing compounds that
have been identified.
These are the building blocks of life. We use the term "prebiotic
life" to describe them. So that is a
major interest of astrobiology -- to search for the chemicals that
exist in the universe outside of
Earth that could lead to life, probably in some sort of continuous
8、We may ask ourselves if we are ready, psychologically, to accept
the possibility of life
elsewhere. We must recognize that what we're doing is simply part
of the trend that began with
Copernicus and Galileo, who first showed us that Earth is not the
center o~ the universe. That, and
later discoveries that our galaxy is one of billions -- with
countless possibilities for life & indicates
that we're part of something truly grand, in every sense of that
That's all for my presentation. Thank you for your attention.


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