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& &SOGOU - 京ICP证050897号谁能帮我把这几句用英文翻译一下:已经处理好了.谢谢你的喜欢.我英文不好,有奇怪的地方不要介意哟_作业帮
It's all done. Thank you for liking it. Please don't mind if there's anything wrong with my english. It still needs improving.
Things have been done and thank you for your appreciation!My English is not that good,which I do hope you do not care about.手机码的,望采纳!
这个行It's all done. Thank you for liking it. Please don't mind if there's anything wrong with my english. It still needs improving.
it has already been done.I'm glad that you like it.i'm not so good at English,if there is anything you feel strange,please don't mind it.
has been done. Thanks for your
appreciation. My English is not good.
Please do not mind if something
It's been done. Thanks for your appreciation. I'm poor in English, so please don't mind if anything seems awkward.帮我做一下英语翻译吧,谢谢!考试的复习题目,希望有准确点的答案,怕自己写的不对,麻烦高人了!汉译英:1 (是我姐姐)___________who taught me to swim yesterday.2 He was considered a man who (淡泊名利)______作业帮
帮我做一下英语翻译吧,谢谢!考试的复习题目,希望有准确点的答案,怕自己写的不对,麻烦高人了!汉译英:1 (是我姐姐)___________who taught me to swim yesterday.2 He was considered a man who (淡泊名利)_____
帮我做一下英语翻译吧,谢谢!考试的复习题目,希望有准确点的答案,怕自己写的不对,麻烦高人了!汉译英:1 (是我姐姐)___________who taught me to swim yesterday.2 He was considered a man who (淡泊名利)_____________.3 The old man is (一个受人尊重的学者)_____________.4 The company faces (艰难的竞争)_____________.5.He wish is (嫁一个诚实的人)_____________.6 She is the only one (照顾孩子)______________.7 Our schoolmasters was asked(在会上讲话)____________.8 He was the only person who(在那场灾难中存活下来)_______________.9 (他们举行了一场庆祝会)___________after the conference.10 (超过半数的学生)____________agree to take a picnic next Sunday.英译汉:1 But now it seems to be another story-study becomes my own business.2 It helps me accumulate the practical experience,which is important to a collage student.3 The enemy soldiers never expected an attack on such a night.4 In 1789, leaders from all the states met to choose the first president of the United States.5 I want to show that girls can be just as important as boys.6 My parents are just there to encourage me but it is I who do the real work.7 Thanksgiving Day is the most truly Amercian of the national holidays in the United States.8 The celebration of Thanksgiving Day has been held on that date until today .9 Many people are often very busy with a variety of things at work or at home .10 If you are a little fat,you can also keep fit by walking.
汉译英1 It was my older sister 2 who didn't care much about power and money3 a respectful scholar
4 fierce competition 5 to marry to a honest man
6 who takes care of baies7 to give a speech at the conference 8 survived in that disaster9 They hold a celebration
10 More than half of the students英译汉1但是现在好像情况变了,学习成了我自己的事2 它帮我积累了很多实践经验,这对大学生来说事很重要的事.3敌军从未预想过这样的夜晚发起袭击.4在1789年, 各州的领导者碰头来决定选取美国总统.5 我想要证明,女孩是像男孩一样重要的.6 我父母总是在我身边鼓励我,但是做事的总是我自己.7 在美国,感恩节是最能体现美国这一民族的节日.8 感恩节的庆典从那天开始举行,一直到今天9 很多人不管是在工作时,还是在家中,都要忙于做各种各样的事情10


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