
跪求英语大神帮翻译两小段话 急用 不要用翻译器 在线等等等!如下两段话 是文章的摘要1.本文通过对就业性别歧视问题的现状的了解,分析出这个现象存在的原因并提出了自己在如何解决这_百度作业帮
跪求英语大神帮翻译两小段话 急用 不要用翻译器 在线等等等!如下两段话 是文章的摘要1.本文通过对就业性别歧视问题的现状的了解,分析出这个现象存在的原因并提出了自己在如何解决这
跪求英语大神帮翻译两小段话 急用 不要用翻译器 在线等等等!如下两段话 是文章的摘要1.本文通过对就业性别歧视问题的现状的了解,分析出这个现象存在的原因并提出了自己在如何解决这个问题上的对策与看法,继而由点及面思考社会公平这个大的问题,在社会分层的普遍状态之下得出生活的启示.2.本文从目前美国总统大选看开来,通过对目前情况的分析引出经济危机下大国政治经济问题的话题,继而进行不同时期、不同国家的纵向、横向比较,由点及面看经济危机下政治经济问题以及二者的关系,并分析我国在这方面的现状及应对方式,再回归到大背景下,思考世界今后在政治经济上的走向,逐渐探索建立一个更稳定的格局.
就是这两段话 真的很急 求大神帮忙 不要用翻译器!
1.本文通过对就业性别歧视问题的现状的了解,分析出这个现象存在的原因并提出了自己在如何解决这个问题上的对策与看法,继而由点及面思考社会公平这个大的问题,在社会分层的普遍状态之下得出生活的启示.The author in this paper analyzed the causes of sex discrimination in employment through the understanding of the current status of the problem,and put forward his own countermeasures and views on how to solve this problem.and then extended to the big issues of social equity to obtain the revelation of life come under the general state of the social stratification.2.本文从目前美国总统大选看开来,通过对目前情况的分析引出经济危机下大国政治经济问题的话题,继而进行不同时期、不同国家的纵向、横向比较,由点及面看经济危机下政治经济问题以及二者的关系,并分析我国在这方面的现状及应对方式,再回归到大背景下,思考世界今后在政治经济上的走向,逐渐探索建立一个更稳定的格局.The author in this paper started from the current American presidential general election,raised the topic about political and economic issues of big countries during the economic crisis through the analysis of the current situation,carried out the vertical and horizontal comparisons in different periods and of different countries,studied by large the economic crisis and political/economy issues and the relationship between the two,analysed the current situation in this regard and coping style of our country,and finally,returned to the context of thinking about the world's future political and economic trend,and how to explore the establishment of a more stable mode gradually.不用翻译器?无需这么傻,关键是不能直接用它的结果.
1.Through exploring the discrimination in employment, this article analyzes why this problem came into existance and gives its own undertanding and solution towards it. Thus the author takes what he g...
1. According to the present situation of employment discrimination of the understanding, analysis the reasons of the existence of the this phenomenon and put forward its own on how to solve the proble...
1.本文通过对就业性别歧视问题的现状的了解,分析出这个现象存在的原因并提出了自己在如何解决这个问题上的对策与看法,继而由点及面思考社会公平这个大的问题,在社会分层的普遍状态之下得出生活的启示。1. According to the present situation of employment discrimination of the understanding, analysis t...求大神帮忙翻译!在线等 急 重谢The PROVIDER will indemnify, defend and hold harmless the RECIPIENT and its AFFILIATES their trustees, officers, agents, and employees from and against any and all liability, loss, expense (including legal _百度作业帮
求大神帮忙翻译!在线等 急 重谢The PROVIDER will indemnify, defend and hold harmless the RECIPIENT and its AFFILIATES their trustees, officers, agents, and employees from and against any and all liability, loss, expense (including legal
求大神帮忙翻译!在线等 急 重谢The PROVIDER will indemnify, defend and hold harmless the RECIPIENT and its AFFILIATES their trustees, officers, agents, and employees from and against any and all liability, loss, expense (including legal expenses), or claims for injury or direct damages arising out of the performance of this Agreement, but only in proportion to and to the extent such liability, loss, expenses, or claims for injury or damages are solely attributable to the gross negligence or willful misconduct of the PROVIDER, its directors, officers, agents or employees. ARTICLE 10 – TERM AND TERMINATION 10.1 This Agreement shall become effective on the EFFECTIVE DATE and will terminate on the earliest of the following dates: (i) on completion of the STUDY pursuant to ARTICLE - 4 or (ii) on thirty (30) days upon written notice by either Party to the other. ARTICLE - 3, ARTICLE - 6, ARTICLE - 7, ARTICLE 8 and ARTICLE 9 shall survive ten (10) years after termination of this Agreement.
供应商应赔偿,捍卫和维护受援国及其附属公司的受托人,管理人员,代理和员工免受任何及所有责任,损失,费用(包括法律费用),或受伤,或因直接损害索赔本协议的履行,但只有在比例和程度等责任,损失,费用或损害或损失是完全归属于重大过失或提供者,其董事,高级人员,代理人或雇员的故意不当行为索赔。第10条 - 期限和终止10.1本协议应成为生效之日起生效,并终止最早的日期如下:关于根据第研究完成(I) - 4...求大神翻译,在线等,跪谢!《雾都孤儿》这本书是本世界的名著,它讲述的是发生在19世纪的一个动人的故事。  在作者狄更斯笔下写出的主人公名叫:奥利费·退斯特。他是一个孤儿,_百度作业帮
求大神翻译,在线等,跪谢!《雾都孤儿》这本书是本世界的名著,它讲述的是发生在19世纪的一个动人的故事。  在作者狄更斯笔下写出的主人公名叫:奥利费·退斯特。他是一个孤儿,
求大神翻译,在线等,跪谢!《雾都孤儿》这本书是本世界的名著,它讲述的是发生在19世纪的一个动人的故事。  在作者狄更斯笔下写出的主人公名叫:奥利费·退斯特。他是一个孤儿,出生济贫院,他的妈妈在生下他了以后便去世了。奥利费在孤儿院呆了9年,他既吃不饱、穿不暖,又要干很多很多的活,还要被送到棺材店老板那儿当学徒。在棺材店老板那里,不光要睡在棺材中间,还依旧吃不饱、穿不暖,还要被人侮辱。在难以忍受的饥饿、贫困和侮辱下,迫使他逃到了伦敦,又被迫无奈当了扒手。他从贼窝里逃出来,被富有的布朗罗先生收留了,不幸让小扒手发现又被带回了贼窝。善良的女扒手南希为了营救奥利费,不顾贼窝头目的监视和威胁,向布朗罗先生报信,说奥利费就是他寻找已久的孙子。后来,南希被贼窝头目给杀害了,警察随即围剿了贼窝。奥利费终于与亲人团聚了。  在读了《雾都孤儿》以后,使我受益匪浅。这本书中最让我敬佩的是奥利费,虽然他总受侮辱、吃不饱,还被近去做小偷,但是,他的心却始终是善良的,从来都没有改变过。最后,在经历了重重困难之后,终于与家人幸福快乐的生活在了一起。而那些撒谎、欺诈、偷盗的小偷,也并不都是非常可恶的,虽然他们都是小偷,但是他们的本性却不坏,善良是每一个的本性。我们要做一个善良的人。英文,高中水平,又快质量又高话加财富
"Oliver" this book is the world famous, it tells the story of a moving story in nineteenth Century.Author Dickens to write the characters named: Olive Twist. He is an orphan, was born in theworkh...求大神翻译图上的日语什么意思!在线等,挺急的!_百度知道
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黑子亲~~~, 哈哈哈
黑子的篮球呗, 口语昵称chin
况是这样的,跪谢了 问题补充,;我是zengxiaoguang,英语(很难沟通啊),。 …… (老板您好,现在证件还有钱交上去了几个月一直没办下来。谢谢了 ) 大概是这样 语气要尊敬点的意思,因为我好提前准备一些东西,想发短信问下她什么个情况,懂英文的帮帮忙.我想知道我的劳工证件有没有在办,我大概什么时候可以过去工作,我在澳门找了份工作。老板是韩国的懂韩语
the earth is home,抱成一团,中国, every Chinese can go with head high and chest out,而是去接触了解生活常识以及国家大事, the people all over the world no matter what colour or what nationality are as close as friends!我有一个梦想!One day, the United States!One day。I have a dream,有一天能够每一个辛苦了一辈子的中国人,是地球, one day to every middle school students are no longer living in the books, no matter whether he isrich or civilian officials beggars, &quot!Now, Japan no longer dare to challenge in a flagran and write down your feelings, civil rights has become hot,是家,怀柔济世, one day can be a hard life of the Chinese people!I have a dream, there is no longer filled with jealousy and selfish nature and between thepeople, but create a true sense of your.对于身处于21世纪的我们来说!我有一个梦想;地球,家.我有一个梦想。This paper is modeled after the Martin Ruud Kim,我就小小的来说说我的看法,为了大家园的和谐安宁而努力,美国,全世界人民无论是何种肤色还是何种国籍都能亲密如友, one day to every child will not because can not afford to raise the cost ofbeing abandoned, is the earth!I have a dream,而是互助和分享, can no longer be colored eye pressure was injured all over the body, peacefulhome and work。For the US in twenty-first Century, China, Huairou people,而是真正意义上的塑造自己, I have little say in my opinion, can stand on the top of the world! More importantly,民权问题已经显得炙手可热!I have a dream,能站在世界之巅!我有一个梦想,有一天能够每一个中学生都不再是活在课本里,都能不再被有色眼睛压得体无完肤,有一天人与人之间不再是充满着猜忌和自私!更重要的是!有那么一天,他们的生活不再束缚于高考、日本不再敢明目张胆地挑衅我们的国家,but to understand common sense of life and national affairs.有那么一天, their lives are not bound to the college entrance examination,我有一个梦想, I have a dream.今天,无论他是高官富人还是民工乞丐, but the cooperation and sharing, in order to hold together to form a clique,有一天能够每一个刚出生的孩子都不会因为承受不起抚养的费用而被遗弃, family本文是仿照马丁路德金《我有一个梦想》而写下地自己的感想,每一个中国人都能昂首挺胸;I have a dream&quot


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