nashville tennessee waltz怎么读

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nashville, tennessee是什么意思
中文翻译纳什维尔 (田纳西州)纳西维尔纳许维尔:&&&&n. 〔美国〕田纳西州。 the Tennessee V ...
例句与用法1.Nashville , tennessee , usa originally in spanish美国加州旧金山阳光师兄原文为英文2.In 1849 , james polk , the eleventh president of the united states , died in nashville , tennessee1849年,美国第11任总统詹姆斯?波尔克在田纳西州的纳什维尔逝世。 3.Dr rene marois , one of the neuroscientists who carried out the experiment at vanderbilt university in nashville , tennessee , said : ‘ our research offers neurological evidence that the brain cannot effectively do two things at once参与此次研究的科学家、美国田纳西州纳什维尔范德比尔特的马里斯博士说: “我们的研究提供了神经学证据? ?大脑不能有效地同时做两件事。 ” 4.When jerry jarrett and jeff jarrett launched a nwa promotion ( total nonstop action , otherwise known as nwa : tna . ) in nashville , tennessee in the summer of 2002 , they scouted the country for inexpensive talent to fill out their weekly pay per view shows当杰瑞加内特和杰夫加内特2002年夏在田纳西的纳什维尔发展了nwa ,他们在整个国家范围内寻找廉价的天才来填满他们每周的付费演出。 5.The task was deliberately designed to enlist the use of different senses and motor responses . dr rene marois , one of the neuroscientists who carried out the experiment at vanderbilt university in nashville , tennessee , said : our research offers neurological evidence that the brain cannot effectively do two things at once参与此次研究的科学家美国田纳西州纳什维尔范德比尔特的马里斯博士说: “我们的研究提供了神经学证据大脑不能有效地同时做两件事。 ”


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