isome like it hot歌词rainy are some of the reasons.这

Adobe started moving everyone to the cloud months ago and we’ve covered it extensively on Photofocus. From the very beginning, there’s been weeping and gnashing of teeth that has bordered on hysteria. In fact, in some cases, it’s mostly faux outrage based on greed, silliness, stupidity, disinformation, mob mentality, entitlement issues and misinformation.
Let’s set some ground rules. Adobe is in business to make money. How they choose to do it is up to them. If you don’t like their business model, move on. Nobody is holding a shotgun to your head making you buy their products. There are lots of alternatives. If you’re unhappy switch. But don’t cry like a 13-year old girl claiming you’ve been wronged. You haven’t. You have free choice. But for people like me, the switch to the Creative Cloud has been a Godsend. I personally couldn’t be happier about the plan. I get more frequent updates. Switching computer platforms is now easier than ever because Adobe’s license doesn’t say I have to use a certain computer. I can authorize or reauthorize as I need to. I can get updates automatically, etc.
And just to get some of the stupid stuff out of the way – Adobe has never been and is not now my sponsor. I happen to like their products. They’ve made me a lot of money. Do I wish they were cheaper? Absolutely. I also wish a Ferrari 458 was cheaper than a Kia Soul but you get what you pay for. So with that all out of the way, here are the 10 reasons I think the haters are mad about Creative Cloud.
1. The haters simply don’t understand it. The mob is mad – well so they are mad. The comments I’m seeing on the Internet are full of misinformation, disinformation and outright lies. My Grandfather Bourne used to say, “Any fool can get a mob to tear down a barn. But it takes talent and skill to get folks to help build one.” This is a predictable reaction from the mob to which I reply “Yawn.”
2. The haters think that their boxed software is now somehow worthless. Nothing could be further from the truth. Adobe promised to do bug fixes on CS6 and has even added some new features. Nobody was owed those new features. Adobe just gave them away. So if you have purchased CS6 then you have a working piece of software that will run as long as you have a computer. And you can still buy CS6 today. Nobody is stopping you. Also, if you buy Lightroom in a box, you’re entitled to ACR updates for LR4 which will work in CS6.
3. The haters say Adobe is greedy. Apparently they didn’t see that Adobe just made CS2 free of charge (edit). How greedy of them. Here’s the link — /downloads/cs2_downloads/.
4. The haters think that the only subscription Adobe is offering is $50 a month. As I stated above (and I state below) that’s not true. But for $50 a month you get EVERYTHING and it ends up being a better deal than ever before in my opinion.
5. The haters think that there is no upgrade path from CS6 to the Creative Cloud. Bullpucky. Adobe offers upgrades all the way back to CS3 at a discounted rate. Adobe didn’t have to do that but they did and I think it was generous of them.
6. The haters think Adobe shouldn’t ever raise prices. At the same time, the haters all expect their bosses to give THEM raises. They buy cars, food, clothes, gasoline and all sorts of things that cost more than they used to without claiming an international conspiracy – yet when/if Adobe raises prices the sky is falling.
7. The haters think that if they create PSD files and then stop subscribing they will never be able to open those files again. This is just plain stupid and just plain wrong. I know of about 10 different software programs that not only open but manipulate PSD files. You also always have the option of saving TIFF files, etc.
8. The haters think that Adobe will somehow slow down improvements once they have people on the subscription model. Nothing could be further from the truth. Do you think that once you’re married you never have to brush your teeth again? They have more incentive than ever to improve the program. If they don’t keep it current, then you cancel your subscription and switch to something else. They will also have more development money since they won’t spend so much time fighting piracy. (See #10 below.)
9. The haters say you can’t get Lightroom unless you subscribe. That’s an outright lie. Are you people listening? Lightroom is available IN A BOX for about $100. It gives you ACR and that ACR works in several Adobe products including your boxed copy of CS6. You can ALSO get Lightroom as part of Creative Cloud but it’s not required.
10. (This is the REAL reason for 90% of the noise!) The haters are mad because they realize they can no longer pirate copies of Photoshop.
Several people have written me email saying they will “Never do business with Adobe again.” I kept those and I’m betting a good portion will give up their faux outrage and return to the fold soon. And when I catch them I’m going to out them :)
On a serious note. I know change is hard. This post was written tongue-in-cheek but there’s truth to every line. Some very small portion of you legitimately can’t afford the few extra dollars this will cost. I do feel that pain, but I also know there are lots of other low-cost or even free options. If you truly can’t afford Creative Cloud then you should avail yourself of those options. But if you can find the money for constant camera/lens upgrades, for photo books, workshops, conferences and photo magazine subscriptions and then you want to cry poverty, you’re only fooling yourself.
Change is hard. Prices go up. The planet still spins on its proper axis. Give it time. I’m sure there will be something else in the photo world to get all worked up about soon enough.
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[…] 10 Reasons The Haters Are Mad About Adobe Creative Cloud (Photofocus) […]
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