have done 和have had donee 怎么用 最好有讲解有题

有关英语语法have donehave been done has done had done这些属于什么?has/have/had 后面只能加 done 他们都什么时候用?怎么用?been又是干什么的?_百度作业帮
有关英语语法have donehave been done has done had done这些属于什么?has/have/had 后面只能加 done 他们都什么时候用?怎么用?been又是干什么的?
have donehave been done has done had done这些属于什么?has/have/had 后面只能加 done 他们都什么时候用?怎么用?been又是干什么的?
have done 完成时,主语是 I,We,they has done 完成时 主语是 He,Ithad done 过去完成时,任何主语都可以have been done 被动式完成时 done 可以用其他动词代替,但是要换成完成时.
都是完成时和过去完成时(had done)后面可以加别的动词 但动词必须是完成时时态翻译出来就是 已经做了什么过去完成时是 已经做过什么been是be的完成时 有been就是被动 就是什么已经被怎么样了
您可能关注的推广had been done 与have been done 的区别讲重点还有 举几个比较经典的区别的例子_百度作业帮
had been done 与have been done 的区别讲重点还有 举几个比较经典的区别的例子
讲重点还有 举几个比较经典的区别的例子
had been done 过去完成时过去某个时间之前就已经完成例如,All of my execises have been done when you asked me yesterday.昨天你问我的时候,我的作业已经做完了.have been done现在完成时到现在为止已经完成例如,All of my execises have been done now.我现在已经把所有作业做完了.
EG1( 例子)中的have是 had吧?
前者是过去完成时被动语态,过去某个时间前完成的动作~后者是现在完成时被动语态,现在某个时间前完成的动作其实一般前者会有过去时间提示的~many patients have been treated in the hospital.many patients had been treated in the hospital sice the hospital improved its facilit...
had been done 过去完成时的被动语态 句中有具体的 过去时间单词 如yesterday have been done 现在完成时的被动语态 表示动作已经完成对现在的影响the homework had been finishde yesterday i have been to china .happy new year ! 祝你好运 !have/has done和had done的区别它们有什么区别,什么时候用哪个?总是搞不清楚-_-!_百度作业帮
have/has done和had done的区别它们有什么区别,什么时候用哪个?总是搞不清楚-_-!
has/have done是现在完成时的形式,has done用于第三人称单数,其余的用have donehave done是过去完成时的形式,只有这一种形式.
have/has done现在完成时,即到目前为止完成了had done过去完成时,过去的某一天前已经完成了have sb./sth.do、have sb./sth.doing和have sb./sth.done有什么区别,用法怎样?
have sb./sth.do、have sb./sth.doing和have sb./sth.done有什么区别,用法怎样?
09-04-19 & 发布
〔透视〕①have sb./sth.do sth.与have sb./sth.doing sth.两者都是宾语发出的主动动作。前者指 “使某人/物做某事(指一次性的具体的动作)”;后者指“使某人/物一直处于某种状态”,常接一段时间作状语。②have sth.done这一结构中的宾语与宾补动词是被动关系。③have sth. to do这一结构中的have意为“有”,即“有某事要做”。解题时要注意这四个结构的形式变化,如对宾语提问、被动结构等。 〔精练〕用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空。 6. a computer does only what thinking people have it ____(do). 7. who did you have____(paint) the wall yesterday? 8. i'm sorry i can't help you because i have a lot of letters_____(answer). 9. the villagers are going to have a new bridge _____(build) over the river. 10.who had the candle______(burn) throughout the whole night? 11.what have they had______(do) to stop the pollution from the chemical works?
〔透视〕①have sb./sth.do sth.与have sb./sth.doing sth.两者都是宾语发出的主动动作。前者指 “使某人/物做某事(指一次性的具体的动作)”;后者指“使某人/物一直处于某种状态”,常接一段时间作状语。②have sth.done这一结构中的宾语与宾补动词是被动关系。③have sth. to do这一结构中的have意为“有”,即“有某事要做”。解题时要注意这四个结构的形式变化,如对宾语提问、被动结构等。 〔精练〕用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空。 6. a computer does only what thinking people have it ____(do). 7. who did you have____(paint) the wall yesterday? 8. i'm sorry i can't help you because i have a lot of letters_____(answer). 9. the villagers are going to have a new bridge _____(build) over the river. 10.who had the candle______(burn) throughout the whole night? 11.what have they had______(do) to stop the pollution from the chemical works?
〔透视〕①have sb./sth.do sth.与have sb./sth.doing sth.两者都是宾语发出的主动动作。前者指 “使某人/物做某事(指一次性的具体的动作)”;后者指“使某人/物一直处于某种状态”,常接一段时间作状语。②have sth.done这一结构中的宾语与宾补动词是被动关系。③have sth. to do这一结构中的have意为“有”,即“有某事要做”。解题时要注意这四个结构的形式变化,如对宾语提问、被动结构等。
〔透视〕①have sb./sth.do sth.与have sb./sth.doing sth.两者都是宾语发出的主动动作。前者指 “使某人/物做某事(指一次性的具体的动作)”;后者指“使某人/物一直处于某种状态”,常接一段时间作状语。②have sth.done这一结构中的宾语与宾补动词是被动关系。③have sth. to do这一结构中的have意为“有”,即“有某事要做”。解题时要注意这四个结构的形式变化,如对宾语提问、被动结构等。 〔精练〕用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空。 6. a computer does only what thinking people have it ____(do). 7. who did you have____(paint) the wall yesterday? 8. i'm sorry i can't help you because i have a lot of letters_____(answer). 9. the villagers are going to have a new bridge _____(build) over the river. 10.who had the candle______(burn) throughout the whole night? 11.what have they had______(do) to stop the pollution from the chemical works?
第一个是还没有开始做这件事。 第二个是正在进行时,正在做。 第三个师已经完成了做的事情。 就是时态的问题!
have sb./sth.do sth.与have sb./sth.doing sth.两者都是宾语发出的主动动作。前者指 “使某人/物做某事(指一次性的具体的动作)”;后者指“使某人/物一直处于某种状态”,常接一段时间作状语。have sth.done这一结构中的宾语与宾补动词是被动关系。即使某事被做。
〔透视〕①have sb./sth.do sth.与have sb./sth.doing sth.两者都是宾语发出的主动动作。前者指 “使某人/物做某事(指一次性的具体的动作)”;后者指“使某人/物一直处于某种状态”,常接一段时间作状语。②have sth.done这一结构中的宾语与宾补动词是被动关系。③have sth. to do这一结构中的have意为“有”,即“有某事要做”。解题时要注意这四个结构的形式变化,如对宾语提问、被动结构等。


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