
n. 潜意识adj. 潜意识的
Making your subconscious work for you is only the first for many steps.
The memory of it all was locked deep in my subconscious.
These are defensive behaviour patterns which derive from our subconscious fears.
He caught her arm in a subconscious attempt to detain her.
1.just below the level of consciousness
1.psychic activity just below the level of awareness
1.Through the subconscious mind, vibrations of thought are broadcast.
2.Tucked away in our subconscious is an idyllic vision.
3.The memory of it all was locked deep in my subconscious.
4.These are defensive behaviour patterns which derive from our subconscious fears.
5.Making your subconscious work for you is only the first for many steps.
好文推荐:to反攻 Merriam-Webster''s Vocabulary Builder
  Precept: A command or principle that is a general rule of action or conduct. 规诫,戒律,箴言  例句:Our writing teacher never tires of reminding us of that fundamental precept of creative writing: Write about what you know.   Precept includes the root capere, the Latin verb meaning “to take.” Thus, a precept is a rule or principle that one takes in before doing something. A precept is usually advice that is broadly worded and intended to serve as a guide for individual conduct(个体行为). Ever since Hippocrates(希波克拉底), physicians have tried to follow the precept laid down by the Father of Medicine himself: “First, do no harm.” The precept known as the Golden Rules states “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” The precept “If you can’t say anything nice about someone, then say nothing at all’ is one that almost everyone remembers—and disregards(忽视).   这个词很典型,因为就是两个词根组成的,pre-就是“之前”的意思, -cept在拉丁语里的词根就是“采取,采纳”的意思,就是说这个词可以理解为“在做某事之前采纳的”,就能得出precept就是规诫,箴言的意思。作者先用古希腊医药之父希波克拉底誓言给大家举例子;然后又举了一个箴言例子“已所不欲,勿施于人”;还说了一个几乎所有人都知道,但是往往忽视的箴言:不说他人坏话。  筒子们,你们现在知道什么叫precept了么?  
  下一个词根  sub  词根解释:means “under”, as in subway(地下铁), submarine(潜水艇), and substandard(标准之下的). A subject(国民,臣民) is a person who is under the authority of another. The word subscribe(题词)once meant to write one’ name underneath, and subscription(签名) was the act of signing at the end of a document or agreement. sub-,在…下,是一个很常见的词根。  
  subconscious: Existing in the mind just below the level of awareness. 潜意识的  例句:After dropping three dishes in a week, I began to think that there might be some kind of subconscious urge to destroy behind my case of butterfingers.  我一周之内都打了三个盘子了,在我黄油手的背后,会存在某种潜意识中的破坏倾向么?  
  解释:We are generally not aware, or at least not fully aware, of our subconscious mental activity. But subconscious thought does not affect our feelings and behavior and is often revealed in dreams, slips of the tongue, and artistic expression. The subconscious mind can be a hiding place for anxiety, a source of great creativity, and often the reason behind our own mysterious behavior, especially when subconscious motives are at work.  现代心理学之父弗洛伊德的认为人的意识是由意识,前意识,潜意识构成的,而潜意识就是冰山在水下面那一层(sub-)。我们人通常是意识不到我们潜意识的思维活动的,但是它往往通过我们的梦境,及其他小动作表现出来, 比如有人在说谎的时候总会不自觉的摸摸鼻子。弗洛伊德认为艺术家的创作会透露创造者的潜意识,所以有佛洛依德以及其学术后人的作品分析法的诞生。再者,人在受到伤痛,尤其是心理上的伤痛,经常会失忆,这是人体自身的一种强大的自卫功能,但这段记忆并不是就消失掉了,它往往存在在我们潜意识的某个角落,所以大家在电影里会看到心理医生使用催眠让患者回忆起一些患者并不愿意回忆(已经忘记的内容)。弗洛伊德的精神分析法就建立在这个理论的基础上,他认为比如某个人恐水啊,或者有某种偏执的,怪异的行为,往往就来自于年幼时别人无意识的伤害,但是当事人已经忘了受过伤,这段记忆就会在他的行为上打下烙印,比如说,如果一个小孩小时候经常挨打,长大后,谁要是不小心碰他一下,他会下意识的躲开。  
  下一个词根  crac/crat   词源:comes from the Greek word meaning “power.” Attached to another root, it indicates which group holds the power. With demos, the Greek word for “people,” it forms democracy, a form of government in which the people rule. In a meritocracy, people earn power by their own merit. A theocracy, from the Greek theos, “god,” is government based on divine guidance.   Crac/crat来自希腊语,意思是权力,当合其他词根组合时,表示某一团体拥有权力,比如我们把它和表示人民的demos组合到一起,我们就得到democracy(民主,民主制)。 把它和merit(优点,长处)组合到一起,我们得到meritcracy(英才管理,英才管理的国家),我们可以说,It America a meritocracy? 又比如,我们把它和theo(希腊语表示神),我们可以得到theocracy(神权政治的国家)这个词。  
  楼主辛苦了, 求书名啊
  词一  Aristocrat:(1)member of the hereditary nobility or of a government by a small privileged class 贵族   
(2) one thought to be superior(地位高的,优越的) of its kind.  Aristos means “best” in Greek. Aristocrats hold power or position because they are thought somehow to be the “best people,” usually because of their birth. The French Revolution was aimed at taking power from the aristocracy(贵族统治) whose lives of privilege contrasted so greatly with the lives of ordinary citizens. In the course of the revolution, many French were sent to the guillotine, including King Louis XVI and his wife, Marie Antoinette. In the United States there is no formal aristocracy—no noble titles or hereditary right to rule---but certain people and families have achieved an almost aristocratic status because of their wealth or political influence. Aristos的意思是最好的,aristocrat(贵族)之所以能拥有权力和地位是因为他们的出身,因为他们被认为是最高等的人群。法国大革命就是要推翻贵族统治的一场革命,在这场革命中,很多人被送上了断头台,包括路易16和他的妻子安托瓦尼特。在美国没有贵族,但是因为很多人因为财富或政治影响力,他们的社会地位类似于“贵族”。  
  默默学知识~  楼主加油~!!
  以前天涯有过类似的一贴  那叫一个长
  Autocratic: (1) Having to do with a form of government in which a person rules. 独裁的,专制的  
(2) Resembling(像,类似于) the ruler of such a government.   Autos in Greek means “same” “self.” In an autocratic government—an autocracy—one person holds all the power. A dictatorship(独裁,专制) is an autocratic form of government. True autocrats are relatively rare, but teachers, parents, and football coachers can all be autocratic in their own way.  Autos在希腊语里是“自己”的意思,比如automobile(美:汽车),auto是自己的意思,mobile是移动的意思,所以automobile就是汽车的意思;autos是“自己”的意思,crat是权力的意思,autocratic就是独裁的意思。作者说,独裁不光指政府,也可以说老师,家长,教练很专制。   
  恩 有人看我就会加油的
  下一个词根  Mono  Mono is Greek for ‘one’ or ‘only.’ So a monorail is a railroad that has only one rail, a monotonous voice seems to have only one tone, and a monopoly puts all ownership in the hands of a single company, eliminating(消除) any competition. Mono-,大家就记住是“一”的意思就行了,比如monorail就是单轨铁路,monotonous就是单调乏味的,monopoly就是垄断的意思。  
  词一  monogamous: being married to one person or having one mate at a time 一夫一妻制  American marriage
people are permitted to have only one spouse(配偶) at a time. There are cultures with laws that permit marriage to more than one person at a time, or polygamy(一夫多妻制,一妻多夫制). Some Islamic countries permit polygamy, as do some African tribes. In this country the Mormons were polygamous until 1890, when they are forced to practice monogamy by the unsympathetic federal government. 作者说在有些伊斯兰国家和一些非洲部落,还是实行的是一夫多妻制,poly的意思是“many”的意思;在美国,摩门教直到1890年被迫才取消了一夫多妻制。       
  马克马克马克马克马克  老子要学好英文
  Merriam-Webster's Vocabulary Builder
  下一个词根  Homo  词源:comes from homos, the Greek word for “same.” In an English word it can mean“one and the same” or “similar” or “alike.” A homophone(同音异义词)is one of the two or more words pronounced alike but different in meaning or derivation or spelling. A homosexual is a person who exhibits sexual desire toward others of the same sex.   Homo来源于希腊语,是“相同”的意思。homophone, 是语法范畴的概念,比如wood和would就是同音异义词。Homosexual, 同性恋的意思,比如我们说某个人是个“homo” 就是说他是个同性恋。  
  下一个词根  Prim  Comes from primus, the Latin word for “first.” Something that is primary is first in time, development, rank, or importance. A primer(入门书籍) is a book of first instructions on a subject. A primate(主教,大主教;灵长类动物) is a bishop or archbishop of the first rank—but also a monkey or ape. Something primitive(原始的) is in its first stage of development. Something primeval(远古的)had its origin in the first period of world or human history.  Prim就是第一的意思。君主立宪制的国家,像英国,日本啊,我们说首相(就是内阁的首脑)就是prime minister, 其他内阁的成员比如财政大臣/部长我们就说Minister of Finance,所以,这个prime的意思就是第一,是内阁其他的minister的首领。  作者举了几个派生词,primary, 比如primary school(英),就是指小学;a primer 就是某话题的入门书籍;a primate可以是主教,大主教(从rank上来讲)也可以是猿(从time, development上来讲), 大主教archbishop的arch-也是一个前缀,意思是最大的,首要的,第一的;primeval就是远古的,medieval就是中古的,中世纪的。   
  词一  Primogeniture:an exclusive(独一无二的,排他的) right of inheritance(遗产)belonging to the eldest son of a single set of parents. 长子继承权  例句:Many of the world’s monarchies descend by the principle of primogeniture.许多君主制度的国家都是长子继承王位。  Primogeniture arose in England following the Norman Conquest of 1066. The practice began as a means of ensuring that estates would not be broken up among the sons of a vassal estate(封地属国)was written into law. Primogeniture was one of the English practices that Americans were eager to abolish once independence had been attained, leading the campaign against it was Thomas Jefferson.   作者说长子继承权是由法国封建主在1066年对英国在诺曼征服之后在英国实行的。这个惯例的实行是为了保证领土完整而实行的。长子继承权是美国独立后想要废除的一项英国惯例,废除活动是又Thomas Jefferson领导的。  
  楼主背疼啊 出去转一圈
破英语 确实学得痛苦
  sub  词根解释:means “under”, as in subway(地下铁), submarine(潜水艇), and substandard(标准之下的). A subject(国民,臣民) is a person who is under the authority of another. The word subscribe(题词)once meant to write one’ name underneath, and subscription(签名) was the act of signing at the end of a document or agreement. sub-,在…下,是一个很常见的词根。  -----------------------------------------------------------------  subway 地铁  subsoil 心土、底土  submarine 潜水艇  subcommittee 小组委员会  subtitle 副标题  subcontinent 次大陆  subdivide 把……细分  subheading 小标题  sublet 转租、分租  subordinate 下级的  substandard 低于法定标准的
  Autos in Greek means “same” “self.” In an autocratic government—an autocracy—one person holds all the power. A dictatorship(独裁,专制) is an autocratic form of government. True autocrats are relatively rare, but teachers, parents, and football coachers can all be autocratic in their own way.  Autos在希腊语里是“自己”的意思,比如automobile(美:汽车),auto是自己的意思,mobile是移动的意思,所以automobile就是汽车的意思;autos是“自己”的意思,crat是权力的意思,autocratic就是独裁的意思。作者说,独裁不光指政府,也可以说老师,家长,教练很专制。   -------------------------------------------------------------------  automobile 汽车  automatic 自动  autonomy 自治
  Mono  Mono is Greek for ‘one’ or ‘only.’ So a monorail is a railroad that has only one rail, a monotonous voice seems to have only one tone, and a monopoly puts all ownership in the hands of a single company, eliminating(消除) any competition. Mono-,大家就记住是“一”的意思就行了,比如monorail就是单轨铁路,monotonous就是单调乏味的,monopoly就是垄断的意思。  ----------------------------------------------------------------  monologue独白  monosyllable 单音节  monocycle 独轮车  monogamy 一夫一妻制
  Anti/ant  词源: is opposite to or opposes something else. An antiseptic(防腐剂,杀菌剂) or an antibiotic(抗生素,抗菌素) fights germs(细菌); an anticlimax(写作中的突降法) is the opposite of a climax(作品的高潮部分); an antidote(解药) is given against a poison(毒药); and an antacid(防酸剂) fights acid in the stomach.   ------------------------------------------------------------------  anti-aircraft guns高射炮  antibiotics 抗生素  antidote 解毒剂  anticlimax 虎头蛇尾  anti-war 反战  anti-communist 反共
马克    英语好教材
  Pre  词源:comes from the Latin prae, meaning “before” or “in front of.” A television program precedes another by coming on the air earlier. You make a prediction by saying something will happen before it occurs. A person who presumes to know makes an assumption before he or she has all facts. Someone with a prejudice against a class of people has formed an opinion of individuals before having met them.   ==================================================================  prewar战前  preview 预览  predetermine 预先决定  prehistoric 史前  precondition 前提  predict 预测  prelude 序幕
  didn't expect so much feedback...
  谢谢 beatdownguo 的回复
  谢谢 beatdownguo 的回复----------------------------------------------------------------  You're welcome!
  下一个词根  mal  词根:as a combining form means ‘bad.’ Malpractice(玩忽职守,渎职) is bad medical practice. A malady(制度/机构的弊端;疾病) is a bad condition—a disease or illness—of the body or the mind. Malodorous(难闻的) things smell bad. And a malefactor(犯罪分子) is someone guilty of bad deeds(行为).  下一个词根是mal, 是“坏”的意思,作者举了几个例子,malpractice, 比如我们可以说The doctor was sued for malpractice. 那个医生因为渎职被起诉; malady, 比如我们可以说Violent crime is one of the maladies afflicting modern society. 暴力犯罪是危害现代社会的弊病之一;malefactor, 就是criminal比较书面的表达,比如我们可以说Malefactors will be punished.  
  Malevolent: Having or showing intense ill will or hatred. 恶毒的,恶意的,怀恨的  例句:Captain Ahab sees Moby Dick(白鲸)not simply as a whale but as a malevolent, evil foe.  Malevolence runs deep. Malevolent enemies have bitter and lasting(持久的)of ill will. Malevolent racism(种族主义) and bigotry(偏执) can erupt in acts of violence against innocent people. Malevolence can also show itself in hurtful words, and sometimes it can be seen in something as small as an angry look or gesture.    Malicious: Desiring to cause pain, injury, or distress to another. 恶意的,蓄意的  The boys didn’t take the apples with
they were just hungry and didn’t know any better. 那些男孩子只是饿了,他们并不是故意拿走那些苹果的。  Malicious and malevolent are closely related. Both refer to ill will that shows itself in a desire to see someone else suffer. While malevolent suggests deep and lasting dislike, however, malicious usually means petty(狭隘,小气) and spiteful(恶意的,居心不良的). Malicious gossipers(说人闲话的人)may be simply envious of their neighbor’s good fortune. Vandals(破坏文物,他人财物者) take malicious pleasure in destroying and defacing property.  作者举了两个词,malevolent和malicious, 两个词都表示某人主观上想让他人受苦的意思,但程度上有不同,malevolent表示一种很深的,且持续时间长的恶意。比如我们可以说白雪公主里面的皇后是a malevolent person.   
    Malnourished: Badly or poorly nourished. 营养不良的   例句:When they were finally found the children in the locked cabin(锁住的小木屋), they ware pale(苍白的)and malnourished but unharmed.  Malnourished people can be found in all types of societies. Famine and poverty were only two causes of malnutrition. In more affluent societies, it is often the result of poor eating habits. Any diet that fails to provide the nutrients needed for health and growth can lead to malnutrition, and some of the malnourished are actually fat.   作者说饥荒和贫穷是营养不良的两大因素,比如在非洲中部,然而在像美国那样的物资丰裕的社会,不良的饮食习惯也可以导致营养不良,部分胖子因为过多的摄入淀粉类食物和肉类食物其实也是营养不良的人群。  
  作者:coco洛 回复日期: 15:28:21        mal-就介绍完了,筒子们知道maltreat是什么意思么?  ------------------------------------------  虐待?
  词一  Posthumous 1 published after the death of the author
2 following or happening after one’s death
父亲死后出生的    例句:Vincent Van Gogh’s rise to posthumous fame as one of the world’s great artists came despite the fact that he scarcely sold a single painting during his lifetime.  Posthumous fame is fame that comes a little late, since the meaning of posthumous in Latin is ‘late born.’ In fact, its original meaning in English is “born after the death of the father.” Bill Clinton is the posthumous son of a father who died in an automobile accident. The word is now mostly used of artistic works that appear the death of the artist. From the poetry of Emily Dickinson to the diary Anne Frank, posthumous works have often become legendary.   Posthumous, 最原始的意思是指小孩在父亲死后出生,比如我们可以说Jonathan Swift(the author of Gulliver’s Travels) wa he arrived before his father’s untimely death. 作者举了Bill Clinton 的例子,Bill Clinton的父亲死于车祸。现在的意思主要是说艺术家的作品在作家死后才得到出版,或名气啊什么的是当事人死后才发生的比如,某士兵战亡了,我们就给他追加一个奖励,就可以说The prize was awarded posthumously. 作者例句里举了梵高的例子,说梵高在世的时候作品无人问津,他去世之后才因为他的作品成名了。  
  这是词根,忘贴了  Post  词源:comes from a Latin word “after” or “behind.” 在…之后   A postscript(附言) is a note that comes after an otherwise letter, usually as an afterthought. Postpartum(产后的) refers to the period following childbirth and all of its related events and complications. To postdate(填上比实际晚的日期) a check(期票,所填日期前不能兑换)is to give a date after the day when it was written.    
  今晚欧冠决赛啊 楼主不淡定了
  下一个词根  Duc: from the Latin verb ducere, “to lead,” shows up constantly in English. Duke means basically “leader.” The Italian dictator Mussolini was known simply as “II Duce.” But such words as produce and reduce also contain the root, even though their meanings show it less clearly.  Duc来自拉丁语,意思是“去引导”,Duke(公爵)的意思就是领导。意大利的独裁者墨索里尼被称为II Duce(公爵二世?)。现在很多含有duc的词根已经没有“to lead”的意思了,比如produce(生产)和reduce(减少).  
  mal  词根:as a combining form means ‘bad.’ Malpractice(玩忽职守,渎职) is bad medical practice. A malady(制度/机构的弊端;疾病) is a bad condition—a disease or illness—of the body or the mind. Malodorous(难闻的) things smell bad. And a malefactor(犯罪分子) is someone guilty of bad deeds(行为).  ----------------------------------------------------------------  maladjustment 失调   malnutrition 营养不良   malfunction 故障   malpractice 弊端
  Post  词源:comes from a Latin word “after” or “behind.” 在…之后     A postscript(附言) is a note that comes after an otherwise letter, usually as an afterthought. Postpartum(产后的) refers to the period following childbirth and all of its related events and complications. To postdate(填上比实际晚的日期) a check(期票,所填日期前不能兑换)is to give a date after the day when it was written.    --------------------------------  postwar 战后  postgraduate 研究生  posterity 后人  postdoctoral 博士后  postscript 后记(也就是我们通常说的P.S.)
    例词一  Induce:1 Persuade, influence 引诱,劝导  
2 Bring about
引起,导致  例句:To induce him to make the call we had to promise we wouldn’t do it again.  
We couldn’t induce the old lady to travel by air.  Inducing often refers to gentle persuasion—inducing a friend to go to a concert, or inducing a child to stop crying, for instance. But an inducement may occasionally be a lit menacing(威胁的), such as the Godfather’s “Make him an offer he can’t refuse.” Induce also sometimes means “produce”; thus, doctors must at times induce labor in a pregnant woman. Induction often means the opposite of deduction, and is in fact closer to what Sherlock Holmes was actually doing.  Induce,作者说你可以induce一个朋友去音乐会,去induce一个没坐过飞机的老太太坐飞机,所以呢,经常induce可以和persuade替换;induce也有bring about的意思,比如illness induced by overwork,因劳成疾。但是在某种情况下,比如the Godfather说“Make him an offer he can’t refuse.” 然后那个him可能就会被使用非常规手段,屈服在the Godfather的威胁之下。Induce 有时就是“produce”的意思,比如医生为临盆的妇女催生,就用induce这个词,an induced labor就是催生的意思。Induction有归纳的意思,与deduction(推演)相反,作者说福尔摩斯经常用归纳法和推理法(deduction)解决谜团, 比如Dr. Watson(华生) exclaims “Brilliant deduction, my dear Holmes!”, 他其实就是说“Brilliant reasoning(推理)”。  楼主在这有点儿有点迷糊了。         
  beatdownguo又来了,欢迎欢迎啊-------------------------------------------------------------  谢谢,我的书里正好有Prefixes summarized
  果断M一个    LZ不能太监
    Seduction:1 Temptation to wrong, especially temptation to sexual intercourse. 勾引,引诱  
2 Attraction or charm. 有魅力的东西  例句:The company began its campaign of seduction of the smaller firm by inviting its top management to a series of weekends at expensive resorts.  这个例句是说,一个大公司要挖小公司的墙角,就用度假去seduce。  Seduction, with its prefix se-, “aside,” means basically “led aside or astray.” In Nathaniel Hawthorne’ novel The Scarlet Letter, Hester Prynne has to wear a scarlet A, for “adulteress,” for all to see after it is revealed that she has been seduced by the Reverend Dimmesdale. Seduction also takes less physical forms. Advertisements constantly try to seduces us (often using sex as a temptation) into buying products we hadn’t even known existed.  Seduce, 这个词是由两个词根组成的,se是“到一边”的意思,duce是“to lead”的意思,整个词就是“领到一边去了,误入歧途了”。所以seduce的意思就是勾引,而勾引的目的是什么呢?一般就是intercourse, 就是have sex, intercourse这个词,比较书面,医生可能会用这个词,但像我们普通人如果日常用语说intercourse就很奇怪,所以就提醒筒子们使用英语时不要追求长词,少见的词,因为那些词经常只在纸上或特定场合出现,说起来就感觉不伦不类的。作者最后举了个例子,霍桑的红字,女主角Hester因为被Dimmesdale牧师引诱怀了身孕,就因通奸被迫带上代表通奸的词的第一个字母的大写A。作者最后说,广告商有时候也会seduce我们去买他们的产品,看看广告里面那么多美女就知道了。  
    让楼主总结一下介绍了几个词根  1 pac/peas  2 hosp/host  3 crim  4 grav  5 lev  6 fin  7 anti/ant  8 pre  9 sub  10 crac/crat  11 mono  12 homo  13 prim  14 mal  15 post  16 duc  筒子们都了解是什么意思么?  
  马克一下!  以后想学英语了看!!!
  Sent/sens  词源:From the Latin verb sentire, meaning “to feel,” or the noun sensus, meaning “feeling” or “sense,” can signify different kinds of feelings. Sentimental has to do with emotions, whereas sensual relates relate more to physical sensations.   来自拉丁语的“sentire”, 意思是“去感觉”,拉丁语的“sensus”的意思是“感觉;感情”或“感官”,比如我们说the five senses就是sight, hearing, smell, taste和 touch。Sentimental(情绪化的,多愁善感的)这个有sent的词就和情绪有关。然而,sensual(耽于肉体享乐的;性快感的)和身体感觉有关,比如,someone who is obsessed with sensual pleasure. 某人很痴迷于性爱。  
1 exciting an intense but usually brief interest or emotional reaction. 引起轰动的;骇人听闻的
  2 extremely or unexpectedly excellent 绝妙的,极好的  例句:The sensational newspaper accounts of the marital problems of the royal couple fascinated many readers many made others a little uncomfortable.  例句说一家喜欢刊登耸人听闻的消息的报纸对一对皇室夫妇的婚姻问题进行报道,很多八卦的人很感兴趣,而其他人对此感到不舒服。  Sensational第一个意思是引起轰动的,比如我们说The news caused a great sensation.然后this piece of news就是sensational news. 再比如某人很喜欢爆料,喜欢说一些sensational的东西来吸引眼球,我们就可以说这个人很sensational: 宋祖德is a sensational columnist. 我们也可以说某家报纸很sensational, 太阳报 is a sensational newspaper. Sensational另一个意思就是wonderful, extraordinarily good, 但是一般用于口语,比如She looks sensational in that dress.   
  解释:The murder of a pregnant woman by her husband was sensational also, although in a very different sense, since it was picked up by the tabloid press and sensationalist TV journalists, who thrive on(靠…欣欣向荣) such sordid tales(肮脏下流的传闻) and sensationalize every detail. Both stories, however, can be said to have created a sensation.  丈夫杀了他有身孕的妻子,很sensational, 这儿,我们可以用一个词来表达我们听到这个消息的心情,appal (something is appalling;someone is appalled. 某事很骇人听闻;某人很震惊) 比如:谢霆锋is going to get divorced with 张柏芝? It is appalling! 让我们用appalled造个句:I am appalled by the news that 本拉登 was killed in PAKINSTAN!  The tabloid press or “the tabloids”(小报),指的是那种用很catchy 的headlines或者the page 3 Girl(三版女郎)来吸引人的小报,当然了,这种报纸一般deal in scandals and gossip about celebs and carry lots of crime, sports and sensational human interest stories(soft news,人们感兴趣的题材). 就比如,上周爆出的吉格斯外遇的事就是这种报纸爆出来的。这种报纸可以被称为 “the gutter press”---低级趣味报纸,总是rely more on opinions than fact, 违反了新闻报道的客观性原则。   作者为什么会用sensationalist journalists? 为什么不用sensationalist reporters呢?因为journalist和reporter虽然都翻译为记者,但是比起reporter, journalist更像detective(侦探),journalists 如同一个detective去到处pick up sensational news, 而reporter只是个REPORTER而已。
  Eu  Comes from the Greek word for “well”; in English words it can also mean “good” or “true.” A person delivering a eulogy(颂词;好评)is full of good words, or praise, for the honoree. Euthanasia(安乐死) is regarded as a way of providing a hopelessly sick or injured person a “good’ or easy death.  Eu来源于希腊语,是“好”的意思,eulogy, 颂词,好评的意思,比如a poem of eulogy to the princess, 献给公主的颂诗。Euthanasia, 安乐死的意思,painless death. It is illegal for doctors to practice euthanasia.
  Eugenic 优生(学)的  1 Relating to or fitted for the production of good offspring(后代) 优生的  2 relating to the science of improving the desirable traits(特征) of a race or breed through controlled breeding 优生学的  The word eugenic( like the name Eugene) was formed from the prefix eu- in combination with –genes, which in Greek means “born.” Breeders(饲养动物的人) of horses, cattle, and other animals hope that by using scientific, eugenic methods they can have better results, producing horses that run faster, for example, or cattle that provide more meat. Through eugenics, Guernsey cows(格恩西奶牛) have become one of the world’s highest producers of milk. Earlier in this century there was much discussion of human eugenics, an idea that was taken up enthusiastically by the Nazis, with terrible consequences.  Eugenic 这个词是由两个部分组成的,一个是eu-,“好”,一个是-genes, “基因”, “好的基因”,就是优生,genes在希腊语里是“born”的意思。作者说human eugenics,人类优生学,被纳粹利用,产生了可怕的后果。  


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