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Varnish cache server完形填空_高考英语_高考英语网
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  初二英语完形填空 (一)
  Jack lost(丢失)his Job last week. It was difficult for him to find
  1 . 2 told him that it was possible to get a new one in a town two hundred
kilometers 3 .He decided to get there 4 .So he went to the railway station and
got 5 a train. He was the only one in the car(车厢). The train started. Suddenly a
man came in 6 a gun and said to him,&Your money 7 your life!&Jack sat there
without 8 up.
  &I 9 any money,&Jack answered.
  &Then why are you so afraid of me?&the man asked angrily.
  &Because I 10 you were the conductor, and I didn&t buy a ticket,&answered
  1、A.work B.jobs C.ones D.one
  2、A.Nobody B.Somebody C.Anybody D.No one
  3、A.from B.farther C.away D.off
  4、A.by bike B.on foot C.by train D.by bus
  5、A.off B.on C.up D.to
  6、A.with B.has C.have D.there was
  7、A.but B.and C.so D.or
  8、A.stands B.standing C.stood D.stand
  9、A.don&t have B.have no C.didn&t have D.had
  10、A.know B.didn&t know C.think D.thought
  1.D 2.B 3.C 4.C 5.B 6.A 7.D 8.B 9.A 10.A
  初二英语完形填空 (二)
  Nearly everybody enjoys chicken, and the most famous name in chicken is
Kentucky Fried Chicken. Mr Sanders, the man who started this ___1___ was not
always very rich. At one time, he ___2___ a small gas station next to a highway
(公路). Many truck drivers ___3___ there to get gas and take a rest. Mr Sanders
realized they were often ___4___, so he began serving sandwiches and coffee.
___5___ the sandwiches he made tasted good, and didn&t ___6___ too much, more
and more ___7___ came to eat at his place. ___8___ Mr Sanders began to serve
fried chicken. People ___9___ it very much, and his new business grew rapidly.
Not long after, however, another highway was ___10___, and many drivers no
longer went ___11___ Mr Sanders& restaurant. So he had to ___12___ it. Then he
traveled around the country ___13___ to sell his idea of opening fried chicken
restaurants. He ___14___. By 1967, there were almost 5000 Kentucky Fried Chicken
restaurants. And now, ___15___ you go in the United States, you will see one. If
you like chicken, I&m sure, you&ll enjoy eating Kentucky Fried Chicken.
  1. A. business B. shop C. life D. search .
  2. A. found B. worked C. saw D. owned
  3. A. passed B. got to C. stopped D. left
  4. A. late B. hungry C. tired D. sick
  5. A. Although B. If C. As D. Once
  6. A. need B. pay C. spend D. cost
  7. A. passengers B. drivers C. students D. doctors
  8. A. Then B. So C. But D. For
  9. A. ate B. liked C. tried D. drank
  10. A. appeared B. found C. built D. broken
  11. A. out B. to C. over D. on
  12. A. close B. run C. return D. take
  13. A. trying B. believing C. thinking D. suggesting
  14. A. failed B. fails C. succeeds D. succeeded
  15. A. whenever B. wherever C. where D. when
  答案1&5 ADCBC 6&10 DBABC 11&15 BAADB
Copyright (C)&
One evening I was resting in a cafe. I& 36 a pair of newly bought white leather shoes, which were rather expensive. Then a boy came to me.
He was in a(n) 37 shirt, looking pale and about eleven. No sooner had I begun to speak than he opened the 38 i n his hand and took out the tools of shoe-polishing. He 39 down, took off my leather shoes, and began to shine them. 教学资源网
He was busy doing his work 40 heavy rain began to pour down. People rushed to the caf& for 41 from the rain. More and more people crowded 42 and gradually separated the boy from me.
Hours passed, and it turned 43 . I had no shoes on my feet and 44 where the boy had been. I thought he would not 45 my shoes, and I would have to go home on my bare feet.
When it was near midnight the 46 ended, and there were fewer and fewer people in the caf&. The caf& was to be 47 . I had to move to the door, head 48 . just as I went to the gate, I 49 found that a boy of about eleven, looking very familiar, was sleeping at the 50 with his head leaning against a box and his upper body being 51 . he held a package made of his shirt tightly in his arms.I shook him slightly and woke him up. He 52 up and rubbed his eyes for a while before he recognized me. Then he opened the package 53 , gave me my leather shoes, and apologized to me shyly. I 54 him and wrapped him with his unfit shirt, which had wrapped my leather shoes. On my way home, the 55 of the boy stayed in my mind.
36. A. took B. wore C. mended D. owned
37. A. old B. unfit C. small D. dirty
38. A. bag B. package C. box D. suitcase
39. A. seated B. bent C. put D. looked
40. A. when B. after C. because D. since
41. A. protection B. rest C. hide D. preparation
42. A. out B. away C. in D. off
43. A. dark B. light C. dim D. bright
44. A. thought B. wondered C. guessed D. imagined
45. A. shine B. keep C. return D. carry
46. A. rain B. coffee C. time D. work
47. A. opened B. locked C. stopped D. closed
48. A. lowered B. dropped C. raised D. held
49. A. shortly B. surprisedly C. sadly D. immediately
50. A. table B. door C. bed D. cafe
51. A. wet B. bare C. pale D. cold
52. A. stayed B. sa C. jumped D. got
53. A. finally B. suddenly C. unfriendly D. hurriedly
54. A. recognized B. forgave C. paid D. inspired
55. A. feature B. shirt C. image D. form
36-40 BBCBA 41-45 ACABC 46-50 ADABB 51-55 BCDCC
I could have easily gone through life without getting to know one of the most romantic feelings---love for a dog..
For at least ten years my 36 had been suggesting that we get a dog. There were several reasons why the idea 37 . We had noticed that, on our block, couples with no children as a rule 38 one large or two small dogs. So we got one puppy 39 we too had no children.
He flew into the house with the 40 of a Formula 1 (一级方程式赛车). In several minutes he ran over all the house, 41 from my shoulder onto the bed, and ended up in the 42 , where my wife washed him with motherly 43 . From that day on, the invisible(看不见的) _44 for the love of the new member of our household began at my home.
He seemed to 45 that at once. Most of the meals that my wife had 46 for him with greater care than those for me---he didn&t 47 look at.
Every evening I went out walking with him. I could not know who was walking whom 48_ one evening, when, tired from work, I 49 the walk. The dog was very angry and dragged me out.
Last night our dog pulled me by the ear with his teeth, 50 me up in my dream, and dragged me into the kitchen to make me turn off the 51 which had disturbed(干扰) his sleep. I meekly(乖乖地) 52 that I had forgotten to switch off the light, but that was not 53 . He looked at me like a teacher at a pupil who repeatedly makes 54 .
Now we finally know who&s the 55 at home, and for twenty years we had seriously argued whether it was my wife or I.
36. A. wife B. son C. husband D. daughter
37. A. came up with B. came out C. came up D. came on
38. A. kept B. rose C. carried D. invited
39. A. if B. unless C. since D. before
40. A. speed B. shape C. cost D. race
41. A. climbed B. jumped C. covered D. stopped
42. A. yard B. street C. bathroom D. kitchen
43. A. worry B. care C. identity D. power
44. A. signal B. work C. war D. truth
45. A. doubt B. understand C. wonder D. dislike
46. A. reached B. searched C. looked D. prepared
47. A. even B. still C. ever D. yet
48. A. while B. because C. until D. as
49. A. gave in B. gave up C. gave away D. gave out
50. A. broke B. woke C. picked D. packed
51. A. water B. heater C. cooker D. light
52. A. hoped B. considered C. admitted D. decided
53. A. enough B. good C. bad D. true
54. A. plans B. mistakes C. decisions D. faces
55. A. boss B. member C. adult D. child
36-40 ACACA 41-45 BCBCB 46-50 DACBB 51-55 DCABA
Professor Green, known to the world as a scientist, is not only absent-minded but short-sighted as well. His mind is always busy 41 scientific problems and seldom notices what is going on 42 him.
One fine day recently, he went 43 a walk in the countryside, but as 44 he has a book in his hand. When he went out , he began to read his book . He hadn&t gone far 45 he run into a big cow and fell down. In the fall, he had lost his glasses, without which he couldn&t see anything. He thought he had hit his head 46 a fat lady. &I&m sorry, Madam.& He said politely 47 searching for his glasses. As soon as he had 48 , he realized his mistake.
Soon he was fixing his mind on his book 49 and paid no attention to anything else. He had scarcely been walking for five minutes when he fell over again, _50 both his book and his glasses. This time he got very angry, seizing his umbrella, he gave the &cow& a wild blow. Then, after finding his glasses, he realized with horror that he made a second mistake. A large fat woman was fleeing from him in a horror.
41. A. to think B. thinking C. thinking about D. to think of
42. A. with B. around C. for D. at
43 .A. for B. to C. towards D. over
44. A. also B. often C. ever D. usual
45. A. when B. while C. just then D. at that time
46. A. to B. against C. about D. onto
47. A. after B. in C. before D. during
48. A .put it on B. taken them off C. put them on D. taken them out
49. A. always B. again C. usually D. very much
50. A. holding B. getting C. finding D. losing
明星学员辅导科目:物理辅导前:63.0分 辅导后:84.0分 辅导科目:物理辅导前:64.0分 辅导后:88.0分 辅导科目:语文辅导前:78.0分 辅导后:89.0分
为什么选择学大教育 关于学大教育 客服中心英语完型填空3篇..① The stars we see at night are really huge suns like our sun,but they are much f 1 away in space.Some of them have planets like our earth traveling a 2 them.The stars are so hot that they give off great light and h 3 ---- more than the hottest,brightest_百度作业帮
英语完型填空3篇..① The stars we see at night are really huge suns like our sun,but they are much f 1 away in space.Some of them have planets like our earth traveling a 2 them.The stars are so hot that they give off great light and h 3 ---- more than the hottest,brightest
① The stars we see at night are really huge suns like our sun,but they are much f 1 away in space.Some of them have planets like our earth traveling a 2 them.The stars are so hot that they give off great light and h 3 ---- more than the hottest,brightest fire you can imagine.As we all know,light travels at 300000 kilometres per s 4 .But the stars are so far away that their lights s 5 takes years to reach us.The light we see coming from some far—off stars started more than a hundred years ago.The moon is a ball of cold rock.It is smaller than the earth.It circles round the earth as the earth circles round the sun.The whole j 6 of the moon round the earth takes twenty-eight days.We see it c 7 from new moon to h 8 to full and back to new moon every twenty-eight days.Our word “m 9 ”comes from the word “moon”.② Maybe you know that English is the most w 1 used language in the world and Chinese has the largest number of s 2 .But there is a 3 common language in the world.All people,men and women,old and young,use it.It’s everybody’s second language.It is the language w 4 words.You can’t hear it but it is easy to understand.When you are waving to a friend,you are using the language.When you smile at somebody,you mean to be f 5 to him.When you put up your hands in class,your teacher will c 6 understand that you want to say something or ask a question.When you put your finger in you mean keeping q 7 ,please.That’s the s 8 language.③ Joe and Jeff had known each other since childhood.One day,Jeff told his friend that he’d fallen in love and planned to get married the n 1 month.He asked Joe to lend him $1000 for the wedding party,and promised to pay him back a month later when he started his new job.Joe knew that Jeff wasn’t very good with money,but he s 2 agreed.As they were old friends,they didn’t put anything in writing.A month later,Joe hadn’t heard from Jeff or r 3 any money,so he phoned him.Jeff was very apologetic and said he would surely pay him back within a month.Six weeks later,Joe tried to phone Jeff and f 4 he had moved and left no link address.B 5 this time,he was angry.Then one month later,to his surprise,Joe got a check for $900 from Jeff and a letter giving his new address.He e 6 that he’d been having money problems,and wouldn’t be able to pay back the remaining $900 for some time.Joe wrote back t 7 Jeff to forget the r 8 of the money and never to reach him again by message or telephone.随便做几篇也没关系 = = 全部做完追加到200 .鞠躬个位数字 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 的部分是要填的,首字母已给 ``` ■文章里有数字的地方 是要填的 个位数字 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 的部分是要填的,首字母已给 ``` 个位数字 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 的部分是要填的,首字母已给 ``` 个位数字 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 的部分是要填的,首字母已给 ``` 个位数字 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 的部分是要填的,首字母已给 ```


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