
During the 19th century, scientists found that when certain parts of the brain of a person were hurt, he would lose the power of doing certain things. And so people thought that each part of the brain does a different job. But modern research has discovered that this is not so, for it is not easy to show exactly what each part of the brain does.In the past fifty years there has been a great increase in the amount or research done on the brain. Scientists have found out that the way the brain works is not so simple as people in general may think. Chemists tell us that about 100,000 chemical changes take place in the brain every second. Some recent researches also suggest that we can remember everything that happened to us. We may not be able to think of the things we have heard and seen but it is kept there in the store-house of the human mind. Earlier scientists thought that the power of one’s brain got weaker and weaker as one grows older. But it is plenty of exercise, it keeps its power. It is now thought that is not true. As long as the brain is given plenty of exercise, it keeps its power. It has proved that an old person who has always been active in the mind has a quicker mind than a young person who has done physical work without using much of his brain.【小题1】In the last century, scientists found that a person would lose the power to do certain things _____.A.when he got weaker in health5 J! Z4 P9 V/ X5 ?1 W5 U8 c B.if certain parts of his brain were hurt% S$ f6 O; Y) J5 H C.after he did a quite different job" \0 g- J3 S9 `- e D.when he grew older* j4 Y8 d9 K) f$ h 【小题2】Scientists today are still unable to show exactly ______.A.what each part of the brain is doing5 M3 I: \- _& C2 G B.how many chemical changes take place in the brain each second
^2 E# J' A+ @) `# h C.whether each part of the brain does the same job' G1 h. V5 T+ H- B D.which part of the brain is the most important
f4 G; L2 S9 `* b! b7 E 【小题3】It has been found that one’s brain usually works ______.A.faster when he is old+ R$ Y, g- K4 C B.a little now and a little then* I6 J" H$ P! D/ e& T* X C.in a very simple way/ b& B/ h7 @! Q" ^% M D.without any rest all day long. Q- ?- e. _4 d# Y2 D1 F2 L. _+ g) c 【小题4】Which of the following is NOT true according to the text?A.Scientists are working hard at the researches on the brain.9 @- J5 g7 B. g' ]+ i7 I B.As many as six million chemical changes take place in the brain every minute.9 ^' O0 P5 X% X( ] C.A young man doing physical labor is sure to have a much slower mind.: g6 L, d0 F7 P3 M
S' ] D.Even an old man has a quick mind only if his brain is given much exercise.# b/ A9 B) `3 T
F 【小题5】The more work we give our brains,___________.A.the less result we will gain& ^+ C! D+ P
e" `" D B.the more work they are able to do5 C- ]; _" Z7 a, b7 e C.the weaker their power will get! W" h) P+ K( h1 c2 ^) N# N D.the more tired they will feel3 P; R; X1 I% B9 M: R1 ^( N1 S
解析试题分析:本文介绍了如果给我们的大脑足够的练习,人的大脑就会做更多的事情,而且这个不会随着年龄的变化而变化。【小题1】B 细节题。根据文章第一段1,2行During the 19th century, scientists found that when certain parts of the brain of a person were hurt, he would lose the power of doing certain things.说明当人的大脑的一部分损坏的时候,身体的一部分的功能也失去了。B正确。【小题2】A 细节题。根据第一段最后2行But modern research has discovered that this is not so, for it is not easy to show exactly what each part of the brain does.说明现在的科学家还没有彻底搞清楚这样的问题,故A正确。【小题3】D 推理题。根据第二段3,4行Chemists tell us that about 100,000 chemical changes take place in the brain every second.说明人的大脑每秒钟都在运行,没有休息的时间。故D正确。【小题4】C 细节题。根据文章最后3行It has proved that an old person who has always been active in the mind has a quicker mind than a young person who has done physical work without using much of his brain.说明如果不运用脑子来思考,那么一定会思维缓慢。如果用脑子思考了,就会思维迅速。故C项的说法不准确。【小题5】B 推理题。根据文章倒数3,4行As long as the brain is given plenty of exercise, it keeps its power.说明如果我们给我们的大脑足够的练习,那么我们的大脑就会做更多的事情。故B正确。考点:考查科普类短文阅读点评:本文属于科普类阅读,难度在于考生对阅读内容的不熟悉,需要考生在阅读的时候有足够的耐心。要养成在上下文串联中猜测词义的能力,根据上下文中出现的同义词,近义词,反义词,以及词义的解释来理解生词。同时要抓住文章的中心,不要受其他信息的影响。要根据题目及选项以及文章的上下文串联合理的判断推理。英语.................................................................................用句中的形容词的反义词填空1.this street is busy during the day,but()at night.2.huaxing hotel is too dirty,ang you can find a () one on this street.3.do you want to buy an old_百度作业帮
英语.................................................................................用句中的形容词的反义词填空1.this street is busy during the day,but()at night.2.huaxing hotel is too dirty,ang you can find a () one on this street.3.do you want to buy an old
用句中的形容词的反义词填空1.this street is busy during the day,but()at night.2.huaxing hotel is too dirty,ang you can find a () one on this street.3.do you want to buy an old computer or a () one?4.the garden is not big.lt's(
).5.l thank the lions are ugly,but the dolphins are(
).同义句改写:lsn't it a little scary?
lsn't it (青梅竹马的意思_拼音是什么_成语解释_造句_近义词_反义词_汉辞网
-& 在线查询青梅竹马的意思,读音、青梅竹马的拼音是什么,怎么造句:
前一篇: 后一篇:
【成语】: 青梅竹马
【拼音】: qīng
【解释】: 青梅:青的梅子;竹马:儿童以竹竿当马骑。形容小儿女天真无邪玩耍游戏的样子。现指男女幼年时亲密无间。
【出处】: 唐?李白《长干行》诗:“郎骑竹马来,绕床弄青梅。同居长干里,两小无嫌猜。”
【举例造句】: 那少年时期的,在他心灵里留下了多少难忘的记忆啊! ★魏巍《东方》第一部第九章
【拼音代码】: qmzm
【近义词】: 、
【灯谜】: 鹿清笃
【用法】: 作主语、宾语、定语;指男女亲密关系
【英文】: Males and females play innocently together during childhood.
【故事】: 古代金陵城长干里街道住着两户人家,两家均有孩子,他们从小在一起玩耍,小男孩骑着竹竿当马,欢快地跑出来,女孩见梅树上长着许多青梅就叫男孩去摘。男孩给他摘下许多。后来两个小孩长大结为夫妻,双双恩爱
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