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Screaming at the Ump
Audrey Vernick
This book is available for download with iBooks on your Mac or iOS device, and with iTunes on your computer. Books can be read with iBooks on your Mac or iOS device.
Twelve-year-old Casey Snowden knows everything about being an umpire. His dad and grandfather run a New Jersey umpire school, Behind the Plate, and Casey lives and breathes baseball. Casey’s dream, however, is to be a reporter—objective, impartial, and fair, just like an ump. But when he stumbles upon a sensational story involving a former major league player in exile, he finds that the ethics of publishing it are cloudy at best. This emotionally charged coming-of-age novel about baseball, divorce, friendship, love, and compassion challenges its readers to consider all the angles before calling that strike.
Publishers Weekly Review
Casey Snowden, 12, loves life at Behind the Plate, the third best (out of three) U.S. academy devoted to training baseball umpires. He lives there with his father, grandfather, and (often) best friend Zeke, whose absent parents have a busy dental practice. Also absent is Casey's mother, who hated living on the retooled grounds of a former reform school, and left with Bob the Baker, the bread delivery guy. As sixth grade starts, another session of umpiring school begins, and this one includes a student who goes by one name but bears an uncanny resemblance to a former major league pitcher who disappeared following a steroids scandal. Could they be one and same, and can Casey make a splash in the school newspaper if he uncovers the truth? Multiple threads come together in a well-crafted way when Casey realizes the same skills an umpire needs???being objective and fair, knowing the rules, and being in the right spot to make the call???also apply to becoming a good journalist and healing his broken relationship with his mother. Ages 10???14.
$1.99Level: Grades 5-9Available on iPhone, iPad, iPod touch, and Mac.Category: Published: Mar 04, 2014Publisher: Houghton Mifflin HarcourtSeller: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing CompanyPrint Length: 320 PagesLanguage: EnglishRequirements: To view this book, you must have an iOS device with iBooks 1.5 or later and iOS 4.3.3 or later, or a Mac with iBooks 1.0 or later and OS X 10.9 or later.
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Screaming at the Ump is available for download from iBooks.
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Pomegranate books spring 2015From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The The Rally–UMP (: Le Rassemblement–UMP; until 2002 Rally for Caledonia in the Republic, : Rassemblement pour une Calédonie dans la République) is a conservative
in , strongly supportive of the
it is affiliated with the French .
In 1977, which saw the start of an outright nationalist movement on the left, anti-nationalist (loyalist)
founded the Rally for Caledonia (RPC) which became the Rally for Caledonia in the Republic (RPCR) in 1978 following its affiliation with the
(RPR) in . The RPCR was originally a big tent for a large majority of loyalists, whether they were liberals or close supporters of
(such as Lafleur). However, the first cracks in the RPCR appeared in 1995, when Lafleur broke his historical friendship with Chirac to endorse
in the . , the strongman of the local managerial trade union and a close supporter of Jacques Chirac, left the RPCR to found a party named A New Caledonia for All. However, the RPCR remained, by far, the largest loyalist party in the 1994 and 1999 elections. It became the Rassemblement-UMP after the creation of the
in 2002, but kept the RPCR acronym.
However, the RPCR started massively cracking ahead of the . In 2004, a group of RPCR dissidents who opposed Lafleur’s authoritarian leadership formed the
party. The new party included , who had left the RPCR in 2001 an , Lafleur’s dauphin but excluded in 2003 for running a di and , a friend of Martin.
In the , the RPCR obtained its worst result to date, obtaining 24.43% and only 16 Congressmen. Future Together won 22.69% and 16 seats, but it won more votes than the RPCR in the loyalist stronghold of . Gomès became Provincial President, and
In 2005, Lafleur announced his intentions to step down in favour of , who represented
and was a close supporter of the President of the UMP in France, soon-to-be-President . Frogier was seen as Lafleur's chosen successor. However, he came back on this decision and ran against Frogier for the RPCR leadership at the party congress. Frogier defeated Lafleur by a large margin, and Lafleur left the RPCR to form the
Despite its decline, the RPCR held both of New Caledonia's seats in the
in the . In the , representing the capital city of ,
defeated a Kanak nationalist but most notably the incumbent, Jacques Lafleur, who had won the seat since 1986.
In the , the RPCR obtained a lower result than in 2004, despite the division in . The RPCR obtained only 20.3% and a mere 13 Congressmen. However, the RPCR became the largest party in the New Caledonia and regained first place in the . Therefore, the party will probably be able to impose
as President of the Government.
: Hidden categories:UMP - France 24
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