
Dear students, our way of life is always sunny, blue skies, which in the end the most dazzling ray of sunlight? It was said to be excellent academic performance, it was said to be given to help others ... ... and I think that our way of life of the most brilliant sunshine should be reported to belong to the Temple map, help us to grow thanks to everyone. Yes, the Institute of Thanksgiving is a feeling, the Institute of Thanksgiving, but also a character.
Two years ago, I had a serious illness, my parents carrying around everywhere to see a doctor, from their anxious faces, they take good care from, I deeply appreciate the parents told me the same sense of爱. One day, my father used to go to the hospital my bike back, I found my father riding a car slowly. A few months, Dad was too tired, I am sick of his mental and physical exhaustion. I stumbled upon some of the white-haired father. Ah, my father changed, the old. I saw him in the months and years of vicissitudes, to see the hard life, but also to see the father * for workers at the scene. Ah, my father has not changed, mountain-like father has not changed. I still feel his warmth, his love. That's my hospital during the day in the evening, very cold day outside under the snow made it big. Dad came to me after work to bring food, but I want to eat dumplings. He apart from anything else, to lay down their hands to do a good job in the family meals, despite the cold wind, the feathers flying all over the sky, braving heavy snow and I go out to buy dumplings. The dark, the wind Gengmeng, the more snow. At this time, take the side of the Snowman like his father while also said: "The hungry!" Kind-hearted father looked at the faces, feeling the cold father red Hands, I was moved to tears. "Daddy, Daddy ... ..." over and over in my mind to talk about again and again, "You're my good father!." Winter is cold, and my father has done, but if the sun, the wa Yousi warm current, int father's love, I put up a fight against the disease conviction, after More than a month of treatment, I recovered and been discharged.
I will never forget the love of my parents, my care and attention. I can do for them? I often ask myself. Even Chuijian down for them, washing dishes, giving them Quer aria, to accompany them to shop, walk, I will feel comfort in mind. Thanksgiving Society, the Institute of return, as if all of a sudden I grow up: I study hard, let I rushing picking vegetables and washing dishes so that they
I Hengheng ditty, so full of family ... Laughter ... I do what I can give parents the most memorable stay in the good times and let them happy, so proud of them,
I love my parents, the S & P are the world's children love their parents. Let's parents say: "We love you!" Let us act together, the Temple map has been reported that the Society for Thanksgiving. No longer in the winter cold, Will no longer be a long night, the moment of happiness on my side to accompany you.亲爱的同学们,我们的人生之路总是阳光明媚,晴空万里,到底哪一缕阳光最耀眼?有人说是优异的学习成绩,有人说是给予别人帮助……而我认为在我们的人生路上最灿烂的阳光应该属于知恩图报,感谢帮助我们成长的每一个人.是的,学会感恩,是一种情怀,学会感恩,更是一种情操.
Dear Tony,
How are you? Thank you for your letter.
My classmate Wang Fei and I are going to learn English. We'll listen to English on the radio. We will go to the English Corner in the park near our school on Saturday morning. We will speak English there. I will go to Shanghai next month. Would you like to go with me?
Yours ever
My school life is a lot of fun. I like studying in the classroom with my lovely classmates. We get on well with each other. We play sports and sing together. I often miss my classmates and teachers if I don&t see them for a long time. But sometimes our teachers give us too much homework. Parents and teachers often put great pressure on us.
I wish a happy life in a big city in the future. I will live in a big house with a garden, and drive to work. I will travel a lot in my spare time.
I&ll work hard so that I can go to a good university. Then I can get a good job in the future and my dream will come true.
When I was dreaming just now, my robot woke me up. Oh, it was nine o' clock. Now I get up. It' s time to get up! This morning I will study science lesson on the computer. I needn' t go to school. There are fewer schools now. It is a sunny day today. My parents work in the other city. They often ask me about my lessons through the television. But I always want to play with my friends. Now the robot is helping me clean my house and the garden. After that it will stay with me till I go to bed. It will work out the problems of the computer and cook meals for me.
4.某个星期天,你是家里的主人,有来客造访。用英语写写你怎样招待Uncle John和Aunt Mary的。词数80以上,文体不限。
Today is Sunday. I didn' t go to school. When the door bell rang, I was watching TV in the morning. I opened the door. Oh, my god! They' re my uncle and aunt! They are from Australia. I let them in and sit down on the sofa. Then I brought some Chinese green tea for them. They both said the tea was wonderful. Uncle John is a computer program-mer. Aunt Mary is a actor. They didn' t come to my house for a long time. I talked with them, and showed them my photo album. At noon, we went out to have our lunch in a restaurant. I paid for the meal. In the afternoon my parents came back home. We went shopping together. I knew my uncle and aunt were interested in our city.
This term I should study harder. I am good at math, physics and science lessons. My English is not good. I think I should learn from my friend Nari. His English is good. Perhaps he would like to help me. Teacher said, my compo-sitions were not good. So I should read more useful books after class. I believe I will do well in English. On the other way, I should do more exercise, this will make me strong. I like playing ball games. After class I should make more friends, because the more we are together, the happier we are.
Dear Jean,
I am sorry to argue with you several days ago. We haven' t talked with each other these days. You are my best friend, aren' t you?
Few days ago when I heard you lost my lovely book, I was really mad, so I argued with you, and said that I could not be your friend from then on. Later, I didn' t sleep well those days. I always remembered a lot of fun we had. So I decided to write a letter to say sorry to you. I also think you should be careful and take good care of your things. Let' s be best friends again, OK?
Yours ever,
8.以&My Beautiful Dream&为题用英语写一篇短文,词数在60左右。
My Beautiful Dream
Last night I had a beautiful dream. I had turned into an alien. I flew my UFO in the sky. Suddenly I saw some people playing in a park. They were very happy. I wanted to join them. So I landed in the park and got out of the UFO. When the people saw me, they were scared. I said hello to them. But they didn' t understa-nd me. After a while, only a kid came to me and asked, &Who are you?& &I am your friend. &The boy got happy. He moved to my UFO. &May I play with you?& &Sure. You can play in the UFO with me. &When we got into the UFO, it started to fly into the sky. Suddenly it fell to the ground. I was scared and jumped up from the bed. Oh! It was a dream!
My father is a businessman. He sells computers. He is a kind man. He isn' t good at talking. He is very busy.
Last week he flew to London. I told him to bring some interesting things to me. But when he came back home, he brought nothing. I was mad. But he said he had bought some snacks and some books for me. When he flew back to this city, in the street, he met a poor girl. She didn' t have enough money to go to school. She was begging in the street. My father gave her the snacks and books and some money. So I had nothing. But I was also happy. I am proud of my father.
13.你有集邮(collect stamps)的爱好吗?请谈谈你集邮的历史。如果没有,也可以谈谈你别的爱好,以此为内容写一篇60词左右的短文。
I like to collect many things, such as nice stones, names of movies, books, toys, photos of famous people. But I like collecting stamps best. I have been collecting stamps for five years. When I was very young, my uncle sent me a stamp from Australia. I loved it at once. Since then I tried to collect stamps and fell in love with it. I have more than one hundred stamps. Some were sent by my friends, some were some were from foreign countries, some were Chinese. I like them. Often, I take them out and show them to my friends.
I am a friendly boy. I like to make friends. But I like to eat, too. My mother gives me some money every day. I always go to buy something to eat. I eat in the class, after school and while playing.
One day I went to school with 10 yuan. Suddenly I saw a little boy sitting at the gate of a shop. He was asking people for money. I was surprised. A boy, younger than me! He should go to school like me! I walked to him, asked, &What' s wrong, little brother?& &My parents were dead. So I had nothing. &He was sad. I touched my money. I really wanted to buy some delicious snacks to eat. At last, I gave him my money! He was very happy, so was I.
I like little animals. I want to get a cat long ago. But my mother doesn&t like them. Last month my friend gave me a white cat. I was so glad that I often played with it after school. My mother was annoyed by the cat' s voice. She said it always broke the things and the sofa ,and its hair could be seen here and there. So last Friday when I came back home and wanted to play with my pet, it didn&t appear. I asked my mother, she told me she had sent the cat to the zoo. I was mad at her. I shouted and cried, and didn&t listen to her. When my father came home, I told him the event. He also said it wasn&t an important thing. Later, I said sorry to my mother and so did she.
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e for a few days.Then ,they become softer and begin to take on the shape of our feet.After a while,putting our feet into them is like shaking hands with two old friends.Several expressions in English are about our shoes and how they might feel to strange feet.
One such expression is &the shoe is on the other foot&.It means that the situation is completely turned around.It is as if you have changed shoes with someone else.The
expression isoften used when two people seem to exchange situation with each other.
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其中有个语句这样说"the shoe is on the other foot"它的意思是


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