
Congratulation, you receice nice scores in this test, please continue.
Congratulated you, you have made the very good progress in this test, please continue to try hard
Congratulations on your success in this exam,keep it up!
congratulations! you've got a pretty score in this exam. Continue Efforts, please!
Congratulation!You have done a good job in this examnation ,keep it up !
Congratulations!You've done pretty well in this exam.Keep on working!
congratulations to you.you've done a great job in this exam. carry on~
Congratulations, you made this a very good test results, please continue to work hard! "
Congratulation on your wonderful result in the exam! Keep Trying!
Congratulated you, you have made the very good progress in this test, please continue to try hard请各位大人帮我把下面这句话翻译成英文的好么?谢谢了! T.T如果我有来生,我还是会一个人孤单一辈子,因为我爱的人不爱我.把这句话翻译成英文太感谢叻~~~!_百度作业帮
请各位大人帮我把下面这句话翻译成英文的好么?谢谢了! T.T如果我有来生,我还是会一个人孤单一辈子,因为我爱的人不爱我.把这句话翻译成英文太感谢叻~~~!
请各位大人帮我把下面这句话翻译成英文的好么?谢谢了! T.T如果我有来生,我还是会一个人孤单一辈子,因为我爱的人不爱我.把这句话翻译成英文太感谢叻~~~!
if i have a second life,i will remain to be alone,beacause the one i love doesn't love me.
If I have an after-life,I will always be alone, 'cause the one I love doesn't love me...
If my life came again, I still choose to be lone for whole life. Cause the one I love doesn't love me.可以帮我翻译下面的英文吗?翻译得通俗易懂一些。谢谢啦,O(∩_∩)OVolum ReportPIN ConverterPIN TrackerBuying EP Selling EPEP HistorySwallet ReportRefund SwalletNode General InformationOwner Screen Name Sponsor Screen NameSpo_百度作业帮
可以帮我翻译下面的英文吗?翻译得通俗易懂一些。谢谢啦,O(∩_∩)OVolum ReportPIN ConverterPIN TrackerBuying EP Selling EPEP HistorySwallet ReportRefund SwalletNode General InformationOwner Screen Name Sponsor Screen NameSpo
可以帮我翻译下面的英文吗?翻译得通俗易懂一些。谢谢啦,O(∩_∩)OVolum ReportPIN ConverterPIN TrackerBuying EP Selling EPEP HistorySwallet ReportRefund SwalletNode General InformationOwner Screen Name Sponsor Screen NameSponsor Node IDNode createdNode Credit Balance(eWallet)Node Shopping Wallet Balance(swallet)Node TypeNode Profit Sharing PointMaximum Lot Matching Per WeekMaximum Lot Per Side In Eeach Lavel Of MatchingNode sToken Wallet BalanceNode sToken Available Token BalanceNode sToken Tokens Offered To sellNode&eGames Wallet Balance Node Next System Fees Due Date Node Next System Fees Refund Date Node System FeesNode Weekly Lot SummaryAccumulated LotBrought Forward LotNew Lot Not Entitled New LotLot MatchedLot Matched LimitCarry Foward LotRemarks Upoon weekly lot matched limit reached carry forward (CF) lots will be flush to zero.
令人难以置信ReportPIN ConverterPIN TrackerBuying EP销售EPEP HistorySwallet ReportRefund SwalletNode一般InformationOwner屏幕名称赞助商屏幕NameSponsor节点IDNode createdNode贷方余额(电子钱包领衔)节点购物的钱包平衡(地下水)节点TypeNode利润分享PointMaximu...谁的英文比较不错 能帮我翻译一下吗?谢谢大家了,认识个外国朋友真的很麻烦,最好能告诉我怎么回答,Hello DearestHow are you today? I am more than happy in your reply.How was your night? Mine, well I thank God for ke_百度作业帮
谁的英文比较不错 能帮我翻译一下吗?谢谢大家了,认识个外国朋友真的很麻烦,最好能告诉我怎么回答,Hello DearestHow are you today? I am more than happy in your reply.How was your night? Mine, well I thank God for ke
谁的英文比较不错 能帮我翻译一下吗?谢谢大家了,认识个外国朋友真的很麻烦,最好能告诉我怎么回答,Hello DearestHow are you today? I am more than happy in your reply.How was your night? Mine, well I thank God for keeping me till this moment here in Dakar Senegal. My name is Mirian Coly
i am (24) years old, single and never married, 5ft 10 inches Tall, 55kg weight, black hair and brown eyes.i am from Rwanda in Africa and presently i am residing in the refugee camp here in Dakar as a result of the civil war going on in my country, please don't be discouraged for hearing this.My late father Dr Fedrick Coly was the personal advice to the former head of state of My country before the rebels attacked our house one early morning and killed my mother and my father.It's only me that is alive now and we managed to make our way to a near by country Senegal where we are leaving now.I would like to know more about you.Your likes and dislikes,your hobbies and what you are doing presently.I will tell you more about myself in my next mail. Attached here is my picture for you.though I am not all that photogenic,I hope you wouldn't mind. I will also like to see yours,Hoping to hear from you soonest.
楼主啊,我中午时间不多,可能写不完,这个人就是像你介绍了他自己和他父亲母亲的情况,他也想多了解你一些.并且在附件里他给你发了自己的照片,他说自己不上相,希望你不要介意,然后说也想看看你的照片.如果不着急的话下午回来我好好给你翻译一下好不? 你好.收到你的回信我特别高兴.你昨晚过得怎么样?我现在在塞内加尔的达喀尔.(第一段主要是寒暄一下)我叫Mirian Coly,今年24岁,单身,无婚史.我身高5英尺10英寸(1米78),55公斤,黑色头发,棕色眼睛.我来自非洲的卢旺达,由于我们国家内战的缘故,目前我住在达喀尔的难民营中.希望你听到这个消息不要太沮丧.我已故的父亲Fedrick Coly是我国前国家元首的私人医生,有一天早晨,武装分子袭击了我们家房子,杀害了我的父母亲.现在我们家只剩我一个人了.我设法来到了附近的国家塞内加尔——就是我现在住的地方.我想多了解你一些.你的喜好,你的习惯,以及你现在在做什么.以后我会告诉你更多关于我的事情.附件是我寄给你的照片,不过我不太上相,希望你别介意.我也想看看你的照片.希望你能尽快回复我.(另外,楼主啊,你怎么认识这个人的啊?这个邮件内容有点吓人啊,我是女孩儿,有点害怕的感觉哟……)
分太少了 而且都是简单句 自己让机器翻译一下就行了
你个白痴 没救了
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