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  “作家和译者是亲人,翻译甚至可以说是(作家的)再生父母,因为我们的作品翻译过去,从某种意义上说,就是看翻译水平的高低。” 蜚声在外的麦家也如此说。
  从人名开始说:比如有的译本却将“鸳鸯”译成"Faithful Goose"(忠实的鹅);宝钗被译为"Precious Virtue",也就是“宝贵的美德”,无疑是一种“善意”的意译。
  到现在为止,最受认同的《红楼梦》英文译本是霍克斯以及杨宪益、戴乃迭夫妇合译的两个版本。而在霍克思翻译的《红楼梦》中,多愁善感的黛玉住的 “潇湘馆”被译为Naiad's house,意指希腊神话中水泉女神的住所。虽然用了西方人所熟悉的意象,但是也恰恰丧失了中国文化所特别的所指――潇湘妃子的传说和竹子的品节。
  道家思想在整个《红楼梦》中意义非凡,译者应怎样将道教思想和道教用语介绍给西方读者呢。例如在《红楼梦》第六十三回提到贾敬痴迷于道教的炼丹术而死,家人说:“老爷天天修炼,定是功成圆满,升仙去了。” “修炼”是道教术语,霍译是"looking for the secret of immortality",这样西方读者更容易理解它的意思。“升仙去了”,霍译为"went off to heaven"(去天堂了),也是便于西方人理解的西化翻译,只是显得有些混杂的诡异。。。
  而关于《西游记》这个书名的翻译,也是各种各样,不过可以大概分为两类,一类则为直译,比如Journey to the West;另一类则聚焦在“大师兄”,比如韦理的Monkey(《猴》),以及其它译本有The Monkey King(《猴王》)等。
  《三国演义》后来美国汉学家摩斯•罗伯斯的英文全译本起名为Romance of the Three Kingdoms,这位作者未免也太罗曼蒂克了。 不过罗贯中是在《三国志》的基础上“演义”出《三国演义》的,也许译者的用意是说小说《三国演义》是信史《三国志》的浪漫化。。。
  清代蒲松龄的小说集 《聊斋志异》其中一版翻译为Strange Tales of a Lonely Studio,studio来翻译斋已在多个版本中可见,但是这个lonely是哪儿来的?……
  明代冯梦龙《警世通言》中的《杜十娘怒沉百宝箱》,豪厄尔版的英文译名叫The Courtesan(《名妓》)。译名虽然和内容沾边,但是与作品原意并不相通,之后戴乃迭和杨宪益的译本The Courtesans Jewlery Box,又丰富了一些。
  《春秋》译为Spring and Autumn Annals,直译没有错,但是完全失去了那种历史意味,究竟选择哪种翻译方式也是纠结。。。
  鹿鼎记被翻译为The Deer & the Cauldron(直译为"鹿和鼎"),让人摸不到头脑;天龙八部被译为The semi Gods and semi Devils(直译为"半神半魔") ;书剑恩仇录被直接译为The Book and The Sword(直译为"书和剑" ),拜托,要不要这么直白。。。
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简明英汉词典or[C:,E]conj.或, 或者, 还是abbr.[军] Operational Requirement, 作战需求abbr.[军] Operations Research, 运筹学研究基本词义OR=Operating Room 手术室美国传统词典[双解]oror 1AHD:[?r] […r ] 非重读时 D.J.[%8r][* ]非重读时 K.K.[%r][+ ]非重读时 conj.(连接词)(1)Used to indicate an alternative, usually only before the last term of a series:或:用以表示一种选择,常用在一系列可选事物中最后一个的前面: this, that, or the other.热或冷;这个、那个或其它(2)Used to indicate the second of two alternatives, the first being preceded by either or whether : 不是…就是,非…即:用在二个可选事物中的第二个前面,第一个前面有either 或者 whether : Your answer is either ingenious or wrong. She didn't know whether to laugh or cry.你的回答不是独树一帜就是错了。她不知道是该哭还是该笑(3)Archaic Used to indicate the first of two alternatives, with the force of either or whether. 【古语】 两者之一:用于指出两个可选事物的第一个的前面,连用的有either 或者 whether. (4)Used to indicate a synonymous or equivalent expression:用来表示一个同义词或等同的表示:acrophobia, or fear of great heights.恐高症或对高处的恐惧(5)Used to indicate uncertainty or indefiniteness:用来表示不太确定或不太确切:two or three.二或三语源(1)Middle English 中古英语 (2)from other [or] from Old English other from oththe 源自 other [或者] 源自 古英语 other 源自 oththe (3)and from outher from Old English 33ther} * see either 并源自 outher 源自 古英语 33ther} *参见 either用法(1)When all the elements in a series connected by or are singular, the verb they govern is singular: 当一系列事物中由or 来连接的各项均为单数时, 其后动词也用单数形成:Tom or Jack is coming. 汤姆或杰克要来。Beer, ale, or wine is included in the charge. 啤酒或葡萄酒均已包括在帐单上。 (2)When all the elements are plural, the verb is plural. When the elements do not agree in number, some grammarians have suggested that the verb be governed by the element to which it is nearer: 当所有各项均为复数形式时,动词亦采用复数形式。当事物数量不统一时,有些语法学家主张动词形式由离它最近项(的单复数形式)决定:Tom or his sisters are coming. 汤姆或其姐妹要来。The girls or their brother is coming. 女孩子们或其兄弟要来。Cold symptoms or headache is the usual first sign. 感冒症状或发烧头痛通常是第一信号。 (3)Other grammarians, however, have argued that such constructions must be avoided and that substitutes be found in which the problem of agreement does not arise: 但是,另有些语法学家却主张避免使用这种结构而使用不发生主谓不一致问题的替代结构:Either Tom is coming or his sisters are. 不是汤姆就是她的姐妹们要来。The usual first sign may be either cold symptoms or a headache. See Usage Note at and/or, either, neither, nor 1通常第一信号不是感冒症状便是发烧头痛 参见 and/or, either, neither, nor1基本词义oror 2AHD:[?r] 【古语】 D.J.[%8r]K.K.[%r]conj.(连接词)Before. Followed by ever or ere : 在…之前:在…之前,后接ever 或者 ere : “I doubt he will be dead or ere I come”(Shakespeare)“我担心我来之前他会死去”(莎士比亚)prep.(介词)Before.在…之前语源(1)Middle English 中古英语 (2)variant of er er的变体 (3)from Old English ?r [soon, early] 源自 古英语 ?r [不久,早] (4)and from Old Norse 3r * see ayer- 并源自 古斯堪的纳维亚语 3r *参见 ayer- 基本词义oror 3AHD:[?r] D.J.[%8r]K.K.[%r]n.Heraldry (名词)【纹章学】 Gold, represented in heraldic engraving by a white field sprinkled with small dots.纹金:在纹章雕刻中用小圆点点缀的白色区域表示的金语源(1)Middle English 中古英语 (2)from Old French 源自 古法语 (3)from Latin aurum 源自 拉丁语 aurum 基本词义ORORabbr.(略语)(1)Or O.R. Operating room. 或 O.R. Operating room.(2)Operations research. Operations research.(3)Oregon. Oregon.(4)Owner's risk.货主负责现代英汉词典or[E(r), C:(r)]conj.(1)也不He never smokes or drinks.他从不吸烟,也不喝酒。(2)或,或者; 还是Will you have tea or coffee?你喝茶还是喝咖啡?I'd like it to be black, (or) white, or grey.我希望它是黑色的,(或)白色的,或灰色的。I don't know where I left my book -- either at school or on the bus.我不知道把书丢在哪儿了。不是落在学校,就是丢到公共汽车上了。"She wants to live in Madrid or London or Rome.; She wants to live in Madrid, London, or Rome."她希望住在马德里、伦敦或者罗马。(3)(要)不然;否则Put on your overcoat, or you will catch cold.穿上你的大衣,不然你会着凉。He must pay the debt or else go to prison."他必须还债,否则就得去坐牢。""Go quick, or else you'll miss the bus.""快走,否则你要赶不上公共汽车了。"(4)就是;或者说This medicine, or rather drug, has a violent effect.这种药品,或者说麻醉剂,有强烈的效果。现代英汉综合大辞典or[C:]conj.(1)[表示选择][主语的人称、数不一致时, 动词随着接近的主语而变化]或, 或者; 还是John or you are in Class Two.约翰或者你在二班。(2)[表示不明确, 发弱音“E”(汉语不译出)]大约, 或许two or three miles两三里(距离)(3)[引导同义词或说明语]或者说, 即late last night or rather early this morning昨晚深夜, 或者更确切地说, 今天一早(4)[常和else连用]否则, 要不然Make haste, or (else) you'll be late.快点, 要不然就来不及了。(5)[在否定结构中否定前后二者] 也不...也不He cannot read or write.他既不会读也不会写。(6)[古][用于句首表示转折]可是, 再说Or what man of you, if his son asks him for a loaf, will give him a stone?再说, 你们中间谁的儿子要个面包, 能给他一块石头吗?(7)[表示让步]不管...还是; ...也好...也好Rain or shine, I'll go.不管下雨还是晴天, 我都要去。词性变化or[C:]prep.[古]在...以前习惯用语either ... or或, 不是...就是...whether ... or是...还是...or else否则, 不然or ... or[诗](=either or)or so上下, 左右, 大约, 或许基本词义OR(1)=Operating Room 手术室;(2)Operational Research 运筹学;(3)Operation Record 操作[运行]记录;(4)Operations Requirement 操作[运行]要求;(5)Order Register 指令寄存器;(6)Out of Range 在射程之外;(7)Output Register 输出寄存器;(8)Outside Radius 外半径;(9)Overload Relay 过载继电器;(10)Owner's Risk 损失由货主承担(海运业用语)英文相关词典ornor&&&&[七国语言]英汉公共大词典or或者;否则[七国语言]英汉信息大词典or或英汉双解计算机词典OR“或”;运筹学1. A logic operator having the property that if P is a statement, Q is a statement, R is a statement, … then the OR of P,Q,R,…,is true if at least one statement is true, false if all statements are false. P OR Q is often represented by P+Q, P∨Q.一种逻辑算符,具有如下性质:如果P,Q,R各是一个命题,其中至少一个命题为真,则P,Q,R的 “或”为真;如果所有三个命题全为假,则P,Q,R的“或”为假。P“或”Q常用P+Q,P∨Q来表示。 同inclusive OR, Boolean add。 对照exclusive OR。2. Operations Research的缩写。美国传统词典oror 1AHD:[?r] […r ] when unstressed D.J.[%8r][* ]when unstressed K.K.[%r][+ ]when unstressed conj.(1)Used to indicate an alternative, usually only before the last term of a series: this, that, or the other.(2)Used to indicate the second of two alternatives, the first being preceded by either or whether : Your answer is either ingenious or wrong. She didn't know whether to laugh or cry.(3)Archaic Used to indicate the first of two alternatives, with the force of either or whether. (4)Used to indicate a synonymous or equivalent expression:acrophobia, or fear of great heights.(5)Used to indicate uncertainty or indefiniteness:two or three.语源(1)Middle English (2)from other [or] from Old English other from oththe (3)and from outher from Old English 33ther} * see either 用法(1)When all the elements in a series connected by or are singular, the verb they govern is singular: Tom or Jack is coming. Beer, ale, or wine is included in the charge. (2)When all the elements are plural, the verb is plural. When the elements do not agree in number, some grammarians have suggested that the verb be governed by the element to which it is nearer: Tom or his sisters are coming. The girls or their brother is coming. Cold symptoms or headache is the usual first sign. (3)Other grammarians, however, have argued that such constructions must be avoided and that substitutes be found in which the problem of agreement does not arise: Either Tom is coming or his sisters are. The usual first sign may be either cold symptoms or a headache. See Usage Note at and/or, either, neither, nor 1基本词义oror 2AHD:[?r] Archaic D.J.[%8r]K.K.[%r]conj.Before. Followed by ever or ere : “I doubt he will be dead or ere I come”(Shakespeare)prep.Before.语源(1)Middle English (2)variant of er (3)from Old English ?r [soon, early] (4)and from Old Norse 3r * see ayer- 基本词义oror 3AHD:[?r] D.J.[%8r]K.K.[%r]n.Heraldry Gold, represented in heraldic engraving by a white field sprinkled with small dots.语源(1)Middle English (2)from Old French (3)from Latin aurum 基本词义ORORabbr.(1)Or O.R. Operating room. (2)Operations research. (3)Oregon. (4)Owner's risk.朗文英汉综合电脑词典OR “或”;= Operational Report,运行报告; = OR circuit (logic symbol), “或”电路(逻辑符号); = OR function, “或”操作; = OR gate, “或”门; = Order Register, 指令寄存器; = Originating Register, 发端(信号)寄存器; = Over Run, 超运行,超速运转 英汉电信大词典or n."或"逻辑 英汉地质大词典or n.或;n.旋光性,旋光度 英汉纺织大词典OR n.或 英汉化学大词典or conj.或者,即,否则 英汉海运大词典OR 或 基本词义OR 或,或逻辑或门(电路) 英汉计算机大词典or conj.或者(即,否则);n.“或“门 航空英语缩写词典OROperational Requirements 操作要求基本词义OROrange 桔黄色基本词义OROrder 订货,定票,命令基本词义OROther 其他基本词义OROver-Run 安全道基本词义OROperational Requirements 操作要求,飞行要求基本词义OROperational Requirements 操作要求基本词义OROrange 桔黄色基本词义OROrder 订货,定票,命令基本词义OROther 其他基本词义OROver-Run 安全道基本词义ORAIR COMORES 科摩罗航空公司英汉水利大词典OR n.外半径 英汉医学大词典or n.观测比
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