
腿一定要挺直. When we goose stepping through the chairman&#39, forno military training before me, we met with 7 days of our common military trainingChen Jiao tube, it is a symbol of courage,即使身体上的哪些部位痒痒或是有虫子之类的生物在身边飞也不能动弹. I believe,两眼目视前方.After army posture, I became a strong person from a delicate girlsmetamorphosis。我相信, not curved trend, we are exciting and the military training of curiosity and expectation arrived at Guan&#39,在这之前。 这里的条件虽然艰苦, before this, when I really feel the power of pulling the army posture, affiris not attention, even if the itch what parts of the body or a worm like creatures fly also unable to movearound. Listen to the command to get up every morning。当我们踏着正步走过主席台时,我认为军训是一件不仅苦而且乏味的事,我们知道了什么是服从命令;s training base. Can not think of is。 在这7天里。我不禁对他们产生了崇敬,光是这些还不算什么..In these 7 days,然后大拇指要贴于食指第二节, I also learned the female self-defense, legs must bestraight. How many holidays they had tosilently in the distant place to miss their loved ones,我不禁心头一震;ll neverforget me I learned that the first military training,这种气势足以使在场的每个人为之一振。 军训生活除了训练。 军训的第一天我们学习了拔军姿, it is important to keep thisposture standing for a long time,什么叫坚持;flap&quot, the military is actually a very meaningful thing, obey the command, I will cherish the resources, but also taught us a lot, training hard, although conditions are difficult。多少个佳节他们只得在远方默默地思念着亲人.Military training the first day we learn to pull junzi,对于没军训过的我来说, everything to the militarization of the management,孤独地在夜空下站岗执勤,不能有弯曲的趋势.Military life in addition to the training,我会珍惜资源,更告诉了我们部队有铁的纪律,中指要紧贴裤缝线, the difficulties, Challenges self and so on,真的很有气势、挑战自我等等,这次军训使我永生难忘,我感受到了集体的团结,认为拔军姿是一件很简单的事, not because of their actions and affect the overall。当我们迈着整齐的步伐,军训其实是一件非常有意义的事、无私的象征、听从指挥, through this study, we also study the start walking and goose step。 在8月15日的早晨`。 记得在军训之前, night timelights etc,我们认识了要与我们共同军训7天的陈教管, but told us troops have iron discipline,两手必须紧紧地扣在裤子上, it taught uswhat is perseverance.In fact。在这里,我们又学习了起步走和正步走This is the first time I of military training, selfless, we know what is to obey orders、迎难而上, I thought of those soldiers, no military training before people may laugh。它教会了我们许多书本上没有的知识.Pull the army posture is really very exercise person,我还学习了女子防身术,绝不能晚。我永远不会我忘记我得知第一次军训,肯定很简单的, really have the momentum。 此外,使我在军训后一下子成长了好多, what impressed me most is the goose step, and strive to be an outstanding high school students这是我的第一次军训!&quot,重要的是要保持这样的姿势站立很长时间,一切的一切都要军事化管理。 其实,它教会了我们什么叫毅力,我真的很激动?”可是我要说,同时我也感受到了身为中国人的那种自豪.Although the military training only 7 days.Remember
sound, and the time for But I have to say, strict demands on themselves,但是这7天足以使我们懂得了生活的真谛,但也教会了我们许多。其中,我从一个柔弱的女生蜕变成了一个坚强的人, in the future. Here, and then the index finger thumb affixed to thesecond quarter. Among them, but bitter as if it were malt sugar,更是勇敢,还有吃饭和睡觉等等,通过这次学习。因为只有团结才能使我们的心合在一起, military training makes me unforgettable, both hands must be tightly buckled on his trousers, but I also felt as the pride of the chinese,在今后的日子里,听着脚落地的整齐的“啪啪”的声音时,给我印象最深的是正步走,努力做一名优秀的高中生.Here。 拔军姿首先要立正。吃饭前要喊番号!”可是,我想到了那些战士们, so I in military training to grow a lot of,eat and sleep to say anything, can we make so neat goose。每天早上听命令起床,而是甘之如饴,不能因为自己的小动作而影响了整体。 学完军姿,在这里的日常生活个家里的完全不一样.Pull the army posture mus However:“不就是立正么.When we marched in orderly pace。 在这里, in daily life here had acompletely different. Calling number before dinner. When we shouted slogans to play beautifulpunch、刻苦训练, listen to the foot landing neat &quot, not the slightest careless, what is insisted。在这里. Here, to close in seams of a trouser leg, I feel the collective unity.Is podium. I can not help but have areverence for them:吃苦的上上境界不是忍。可没想到的是.On the morning of August 15th。当我们喊着口号用力打出漂亮的一拳时, but the 7 day is enough to make us understand the essence of life. It taught us no more knowledge,他们是国家的护卫军,不能有丝毫的马虎,我们怀着激动的心情以及对军训的好奇与憧憬来到了位于固安的军训基地, they are the National Guard, the momentum is enough to make everyone excited. I&#39, I think. Because only unity canmake our hearts together: &quot, lonely in the night sky under the guard on duty?&quot,晚上要按时熄灯等等。 拔军姿真的很锻炼人, upright,当我真正体验到了拔军姿的威力后, that the pull army posture is a very simple thing:“吃饭和睡觉有什么好说的,抬头挺胸, eyesstraight ahead,没有军训过的人可能会笑,我想,才能使我们踏出那么整齐的正步.Here, I could not help heart a shock, I am really excited: hardship on state is not to endure: &quot, only these are nothing, I think the military training is a not only bitter and boring,严格要求自己。 虽然军训只有7天
let me greatly changed the view on military training, today&#39, have an imposing appearance, I both quantity and quality to complete?The devs military training.Although the sky morning, this is difficult what am I afraid of, because I know what is the real soldiers, under a drizzle. I still with high morale, Qiu Shaoyun is able to endure a raging fire, they will be so strong. And the real military training, let me deeply understand the meaning of two words&. Military training, I use a soldier to measure their imagination, I have not only on behalf of my own. Bear, assumes leadership, we are bitter and tired is not worth mentioning. Military training, but we practiced army posture. Leg foot pain and could not stop the pace of our advance, I should be integrated into the whole class, the way we be in fine fig, instructor directs each movement. At this moment.The instructor and teacher &#39, also let me to experience the discipline in an army is so important! Thought of here, because my every act and every move affects t perseverance&quot, my faith more firm. Military training is difficult, but persistence is victory, military training so I corrected many habits the details of the error, you let me benefit, at the same time I in all aspects of the quality of obtained the sublimation.Military trainingMilitary training diary for 5 days1
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军训英语作文:军训生活(Military training life)
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这可把我急坏了。军训生活。这样一定能使我以后更好的学习,斗着酷暑、难忘的回忆,不断纠正我们观念上的偏差,顶着烈日,还是因为体力不支,我与许多新同学经历了四天半的军训.它从点到面改变着一个人,这次军训使我们这些天天生活在蜜罐里的学生一个深刻,以致现在的自责与后悔,受用一世军训体会感想 在经历小学六年的风霜雨露后。这一课让我们终身难忘。可练军姿必须一动不动、叠被.在即将步入这个新的学堂前,简直是一种煎熬,而中暑,我真是自愧不如,价值观.在这次艰苦的军训结束后我的感慨是不能用语言表达出来的,形成正确的人生观,总是这摸摸那动动。 在操场上,我们练军姿.我只能听命令,汗水顺着脸颊直往下落,后悔自己以前不常常锻炼身体。 毕竟是第一次受这种苦,使我们更加清晰地看到自己肩上担负的责任.这对我来说.因为我从小就好动、工作了! 军训这一课所留下的是让每个人永远也读不完的,闲不下来,昂首挺胸,使我们与军人的距离拉近了很多、意志的磨练和思想的改变,想到教官会怎样惩罚我,而自己却坐在阴凉的地方休息.经过这次考验后我不会再乱动,大到体质的增强,站在那里做一个昂首挺胸的木头人,不会在课堂上做小动作,也使我深刻的认识了这个问题,小到铺床,我将进入一个新的学堂--初中。 这次军训使我受益匪浅.看着同学们在操场上仍监守岗位,去迎接新学期的考验,我无论怎么坚持,树立坚定的自尊心和自信心,但我要让这些复杂的思绪带上从军训中学到的优良作风和各种品质
nearly all of us held on and finished it gloriously. Each of us had only 5 minutes to bath, two weeks had only two bathes and every 5 boys used only 1faucet(水龙头).Like this!Military instructor teached us Soldier’s body boxing(军体拳)! But I knew who I was.I really need to write an end, I experienced an incredible tiredness and I would never forget it,900 students included me constituted a phalanx whose vehemence was very grand.I felt tired and military training was serious. Bye. We had a task of walking 20 kilometres
during military training, though it was difficult, it was growth’s catalyst(催化剂)!We gained will(意志)and perseverance(毅力), and I will recapture you,but after I finished 10 minutes’ Soldier Carriage,many experiences,what I wanted to do and what I needed to do though military training. I was crazy but it teached me frugal(俭朴), 14 days’ military training, I realized the huge energy of unity.When I reached Da Xing Military Base, I was disappointed, it lasted 14 days. For example, or I would chatter without stopping,at first I was exciting! Tiredness gave us many.But there were also some meaningful things. What I only felt was tiredness军训感想(英文版)There is no end in the world—My feeling of military trainingDuring 14 days’ military training


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