
1. The lovesick St. British excel themselves each Valentine's Day.
2. When she wakes up, she becomes lovesick and pines for her love.
当她醒来后, 心害相思,日渐憔悴.
3. And I would rise , lovesick at heart.
4. Lovesick? You Might Really Be Sick!
害相思 吗 ?你可能真的病了!
5. King Triton's headstrong, lovesick girl would make a charming addition to my little garden.
单相思的;苦恋的 If you describe someone as lovesick, you mean that they are so in love with someone who does not love them, that they are behaving in a strange and foolish way.&
【搭配模式】:usu ADJ n
...a lovesick boy consumed with self-pity.
1. languis
"strong men behaving like lovesick boys"
...但是却无法说服孩子的家人送他到医院接受治疗,随后男孩因摔下楼梯导致严重脑伤,线索则显示是被他人所害… …
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2. 相思是解不开的愁
相思是解不开的愁[英语电影]《相思是解不开的愁》(Lovesick) [英语电影]《爱再来一次》(If Only)1CD&-
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3. 恋爱症状
10.I don’t care ! 我不在乎!11.Lovesick 恋爱症状12.Feeling 情绪
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1. 相思河畔
施坦威名琴世... ... 04.情人的眼泪 Love's Tear 05.相思河畔 Lovesickness River Ban 06.痴痴的等 Unreasoning Passion Waiting.
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1. 恋爱恐慌症
2011年华语电影列表... ... 28 燃烧吧!欧吉桑 War Game 229 16 恋爱恐慌症 Lovesick Rocky Jo 、 26 武林外传 Wu Lin Wai Zhuan.
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1. 相思布鲁斯
...出唱片,他推出了一系列冲击流行音乐市场的歌曲,如《相思布鲁斯》(Lovesick Blues)、《今晚不要流泪》(There will be no te…
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1. 自恋刑警
-... ... 美丽慌邻 My Beautiful Neighbor 自恋刑警 Detective Lovesick 跳舞医生 The Dancing GM Doctor.
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09-05-11 &匿名提问 发布
【Introduction】词牌 Purple-red lip-point, this tune by Liang Jiang Yan's &Little Wing Spring& poem &Maung qiong condensate snow, purple-red lip pearl points& and named sentence. 41 words. Terms of the four, three from the second sentence of the use of仄韵; under the terms of five, and four from the second sentence of仄韵use. &The word law,& the view that the second sentence of the poem去声the first to use the word &ping is not adjusted for.& However, some respondents from Zuoping. And &Cherry Point&, &Shannon 18& &Nampo on& &Shatou rain& to &find an瑶草& &years Spring& synonyms. [Edit this paragraph] to】 【词牌source Yang Shen-ming, &the word升庵goods&: && purple-red lip-point &check Liang Jiang Yan's poetry 'snow qiong condensate Maung, Pearl Point Veteran lip' that name.&冯延巳Nantang seen before &Spring Collection.& [Edit this paragraph]词牌cell body 【】 Up and down two full-term, a total of nine of 41 words. Loading the second, third and four,下片II, III, IV, 5 rhyme, rhyme were remanded in oblique tones. Loading the second sentence of the first word that all the words in third sentence of the first to use the去声;下片the fourth sentence should be matched with the first word去声.下片third sentence of three words, use the following syntax II. Commonly used cell precursors as follows: Level and Oblique Tones flat, flat flat Level and Oblique Tones Level and Oblique Tones (Music). Che-Ping Level and Oblique Tones (Music), Level and Oblique Tones ping Level and Oblique Tones (Music).仄仄flat, Level and Oblique Tones ping Level and Oblique Tones (Music). Ping Level and Oblique Tones (rhyme), Che-Ping Level and Oblique Tones (Music), Level and Oblique Tones Level and Oblique Tones Ping (Yun). Dongfeng night, worry about how many disperse Pillow? The number of voice啼鸟, Xiao dream to screen. To the spring to the spring of the old. Changting Road, Grass general, only when a good return. - Has allowed million [Edit this paragraph] Famous appreciation 【】 Veteran point lip [Song] Jiang Kui 丁未winter for over Woosung. 燕雁lack of Taihu Lake with the clouds to Sipan. The number of peak live, to a little evening rain. The fourth bridge, to be living with a total of days. Who is this? Old lean on a railing, mixed residue Liu dance. 【Notes】 Yan (yan1) Yan: the land of the North Yanzhao wild. Fourth Bridge: Suzhou Ganquan bridge, next to the spring water has been rated as the world fourth-chuen. To be living with a total of days: days with晚唐诗人No.陆龟蒙son, living in Songjiang, near Suzhou. Yang Wanli, who was to use land and natural temperament, to rescue the瘦硬Jiangxi wind School. Although Whitehead, Jiangxi, and Poetry is the陆龟蒙receive services.陆龟蒙do not envy the rich and the powerful, arena恬淡character, is also very competent spleen Whitehead. Whitehead had赋诗, &is scheduled to land days Sansheng with, also a stranger to the Woosung. ------------------------------------------- Veteran point lip 【Song】 Li Qingzhao Be achieved overnight stop swing, with careless hands纤纤whole. Lu spent concentrated thin, thin light clothing thoroughly Khan. Income to see visitors, nobile刬socks away, and shame away. 倚门back, but olfactory Qingmei. 【Notes】: Quick fixes: tread means. Be achieved overnight stop swing: swing after swing means. Careless: lazy, sleepy Italian. Careless whole, too lazy to clean up. 【Appreciation: A情窦初开and ceremony is being affected by the feudal law bound the complexity of teenage emotions, very clearly and tactfully, real and natural, delicate and vivid display in front of the reader. Analysis 【】 Spring, early morning garden. Luk Yeung Sun backdrop of swing plane, the shelves are still long rope to shake ying. Young poetess swing just finished plaster hands feebly,懒懒to sag. At her side, slim flowers in the dew hung J in her, Lee Lee香汗permeated with thin罗衣. Flowers contrast with the people, especially the charming. Suddenly, the visitor entered. Her surprise, exit will be on the road, even nobile also fall down. Off people? Words are not a positive description, but the word can be the reaction of people know that he is a juvenile风度翩翩. People walked in front of the word, but also strong in my heart by the emotional偷觑Looking back guests who丰姿. In order to cover up their own loss, she嗅着green plum, while watching olfactory,娇羞怯怯. ------------------------------------------- Veteran point lip Author: Wang sp Juanjuan Crescent, Hill夜寒Jiangjing title fight.搔首up,梅影thin horizontal window. Good霜天, idle hands are Chuan Cup. Jun know about this? Paradoxornis chaos after the song, go to the liquor兴浓. Wang Yucheng Jiang lip points Depression hate the rain cloud and Jiangnan beauty still said. Village fish market, small孤烟ray. 征鸿the horizon, such as distance to identify line up. Life, and at this time凝睇, who will lean on a railing Italy! Wang Yucheng word for appreciation The term is one of the Northern Song Dynasty小令the earliest, is also the author of the only handed down for. The whole word to Qingli touch, and高旷gloomy tone, that is a matter that is, eyes, put the situation in the King, through the southern rain portrayed King, the author寄寓actively with the world, eager to do something political ideals and sees their talents wasted feelings of depression. &Bamboo Chronicle,& the commentary goes, this word: &Love Li lovely name is not only good at poetry.& Chapeau a &hate the rain clouds depression&, by King Lyric by写景situation. Clouds, rain does not anger, but people think that the word, and that southern rain, not continuous, clearly难消 the gray clouds, layers of accumulation, is obviously a pent-up sorry. Even if this filled with hate and worry about the Cloud, the southern landscape, is still beautiful. Southern Qi Xie Tiao poet &Qu Korea& wrote: &Jiangnan beauty, the emperor jinling state.& Wang Yucheng with &still& the word that they are only for old said, revealing a mood of helplessness. Loading film is about evil: the雨幕misty, the fishing villages dotted lake City水畔; ray of light smoke, rising from the villages over the M linked to the distant days of water, his geese, both linked to sections while flying. However, such a beauty of the scenery, but did not make people happy pleasant word, because &the sky征鸿, remote identification, such as line up.& The eyes of the ancients, the feelings aroused by the Feihong there are many. &Feihong means a show of hands, the predictions are difficult in a theory& (Li &Pei sent to the Songshan Tunan 18&). Here, the word of people disappearing into遥见Dayan, triggered by the &life issues& of Lenovo, I was thinking about the cause of the man's life. Wang Yucheng in Jinshi, there will only be as a county magistrate on Cheung Chau. This small芝麻官can not achieve his ambition in mind, and he hated without a bosom friend, worry no wings, not as &征鸿& fly the same. Finally, Wang word to &do life& seeks to &征鸿horizon& as the look, and it is implicit deep, but not made. 这首词changed art style and elegant grace小令early Song, Sophie can not name the pattern, showing that the unique features. Compare the use of words in the turn of the way and set off approach, layers of depth, do not open with spit, language fresh and clean, do not recall, is refreshing to read. From the ideological content of view, the term for the change in the early years of the Northern Song Dynasty Ci popular &multi-pen艳冶Law& and played an important role in culture, in order to open up throughout the term a certain contribution. Jiang Lin lip points flee Geumgok mid, mainly chaotic Health Spring Who? More than the flowers, the Montreal and misty rain. Is from the song, a poem Changting evening. To Sun. Luxuriant numerous east-west road north and south. Lin owe for the appreciation of the word This is excellent work Yongwu speech. Full term of the dense brush to clean, see objects in the situation, meaning寄寓by离愁别绪Writing春草chant. Yongwu melt the entire first word and lyric in a furnace,凄迷mellow melancholy of the images in寄寓feeling伤春, rendering a continuous离愁endless. Valley, Valley Park that is that the Western Jin Dynasty, Luoyang石崇Regal built a luxury villa.石崇&Geumgok poem sequence,& said the General征西harmony back to祭酒Wang Chang'an, he had their饯行Stream Valley. Therefore, later, Southern Jiang Yan's &Do not give& in there &Geumgok see a visitor out&, which became the story. &Mid-Valley, mainly chaotic Health Spring who?& People not only to non-park owners, vegetation ruthless, still, year after year, born in Spring. Fairview Park was once a thriving Lai Yuen,杂树横空now, over the蔓草. Spring was the &chaos of Health,& the word can be seen like a barren rock, which means that, with the Dumu &Valley Park& poem's &relentless grass since the spring of water& is similar to. &Who& and the Q, with the exception of specifically nullius desolate park also contains the author vicissitudes of the world, rich and prosperous as the lament过眼烟云. &Spend more than& a few words, write the main荒园no rain in the Spring withered, gorgeous flowers have been falling one after another, even more than the sparse branches of flowers, also left with drizzle. &Montreal and the Rain,& and the wider realm of sad mood, though the rain falling from the着笔, but contains thin grass Sheng meaning people. Seeing &the spring and returning in haste,& who revealed the word of the melancholy feeling of helplessness. Direct write-off film from the situation. Changting, also known as Changting Wangsimni. Ancient for their loved ones to see them off, often hosted饯别Changting, chant to stay free. Not intended at this time continuous,难舍难分until the sun Xixia. &Is from the song, a poem Changting morning,& a poet is deeply grieved to seize the moment, taken a picture of this Changting farewell. Finally, &Sun& 3, use of &Songs of the South Italy, is the keynote speech. &Sun& this is the son of the ancient title of nobility, and later poetry, it is very likely that the door on behalf of the people traveling. Staring at a family drifting further and further away and slowly disappeared, but see Maunsell春草of the road leading to the Quartet, the vast knows no boundaries. As Li Yu &清平乐& the words said: &春草As离恨, far more firms also at all times.& Han Qi Jiang lip points 恹恹disease from painting flowers to thank Tim Hall haggard. Gone with the Wind乱红block, drop胭脂泪do. Melancholy before the spring, who worry about the flowers? Boundless sorrow. Wuling to see people far from empty Chui wave. Han Qi Ci Appreciation Song Wu Department thick &Green Box Notes& contained卷八: &Korea Town Weigong state old age, disease on the 1st year, as& purple-red lip points of &small words.& It can be seen that the term is the author, such as the North when the town name, from disease and for viewing. The word the author had a more病体early, lingering incense trails,春残Flowers悼惜, the passage of years desolate pathos and sad despair. &Disease since& sentence, the more outspoken early病体author,精神不振. &Drawing together& words, not only point out the characteristics of late-designate of the festival, but also a lot of people, flowers and people write: &haggard&, both written wither flowers, but also to w people &sick from恹恹&and feel t and flowers wither and die an increase of more mental patients&恹恹. & &乱红& two, tight for &drawing together& sentence, and further depicting images, rendering the atmosphere. There are &painting Xie Tong Hua&, that is, the &Gone with the Wind乱红block.& &Block& should &draw together&, &乱红& shall &spend Xie,& a series of related, is the author of the pen carefully. &胭脂泪do drop,& the情浓intended to cut, rendering the best of himself. &胭脂泪&, vividly depicts &乱红& the飘坠to give the flower to the human sorrow, and also with the author's own sadness. Loading word, scene mingled凄婉resign.下片people read far into the Huai. &Melancholy& of two people who made the previous spring, and no one to spend a total drunk before, only &melancholy& only. &Melancholy& matter to turn to &worry& worry and &boundless&, shows its deep HUAI people. The last two sentences, but also outstanding in the pen, to express this situation. &Wuling to see&, that is, &Back to the Air Wuling& look back, and hope that the twinkling of an eye. &Wuling& sentence by the end of the &wave of air Chui& See, should refer to &remember the Peach Blossom Spring& in the Wuling River. Authors may be from the front of the &Gone with the Wind乱红block& and associate it with &Fun luoying& the Wuling River, where spring is in a good place for Tibetans. However, it is referring to here is not, but rather to refer to the memory of those who linger on the land. However, people from afar, though凝睇looking, and not the end of the trips, just look in there just Chui wave. &Empty& words and vivid, very kind to the performance of the author怅惘, feelings of emptiness. 伤春from falling and from伤春while pregnant, and the dark background of current events to send money, all the words free T-wan wonderful, quiet affection rhyme, if not from the victory. This sentiment and the political arena Gangyi Ying-Wei,喜怒Han Qi does not appear in color in no way similar.盖因the beginning of the word, it is the lyric, &flowers&, it is the traditional form Subtle, Han Qi life of that era, the word has not yet break with this tradition. Ms. Wei-point purple-red lips Wave on the breeze, people go after画船moon. Fading remnant of wine, lean on a railing a long time alone. Separation hurry,此恨every year. Re-back,淡烟Shu Liu, eliminating the city seems to leak. Appreciation of Ms. Wei Ci The term to express the离愁别绪is the view of the impermanence of life and for separation. Moonlight was to bid farewell to the word, focus Worrying home, do not look after the Spring River and the queue凝想. Word of the heroine's self-image more than written descriptions, intake breeze, bright moon,淡烟, Shu Liu, faintly Qingli秀逸such as drum leakage to contrast against the background of the scene, creating a beautiful mood. Loading picture first bird: the wind blowing through the surface breeze, bright moon Silverlit diarrhea, micro-wave鳞鳞flashing a light, quiet moonlight night, bringing, beautiful. At this moment, a small plaster decoration of China and the United States away from the river toward the distant confusion, a woman with the first floor, according to the bannister, by the dim moonlight, attentively watched it gradually disappear in the night sky Adventure leaf. Jiang Bo, breeze, bright moon,画船, which features a number of rich imagery simultaneously Qingli constitute a pure, fresh, the mood. &Waves on the breeze,& &moon画船& under, but suddenly gained access to &go after people& It's the words, intended to turn the pulse steep, and the atmosphere was sudden, suddenly brought寥落infinite and a sense of emptiness. &People go after the& huge含蕴words, we clearly pointed out by passers-by, who also hinted that sent left unattended, so stay below the description of the home. &Residual fading wine& turned into one, write Prior to departure,置酒饯别, attached between the two sides bound in a league banquet exhort, Yiyi难舍love, together with the cover. &Lean on a railing a long time& for tight &fading residual liquor,& &alone& should be to &go after people.& These words written by the girl is兀自one night stands in the lean on a railing, could not bear to leave, her boundless love for pedestrians, with her thoughts, self-evident. Write-off films, &lean on a railing alone& thoughts. For lovers of short-term separation has been sufficient to ecstasy, not to mention every year, respectively,岁岁离恨, and this time again with this difficult归期! These two lines, like the heroine's inner monologue, her departure from the current back to the past how many times the &separation rush&, which contains numerous hardships and worries, look forward to working with disturbed to accommodate the number of real life! She concentrated meditation, thoughts somersault, and the time of the flowing water, such as Ben passed away quietly from her passing. Suddenly, far from eliminating the city seems more drums, the original deep夜已, Looking back to when津渡a quiet, only the setting moon mapping of two lines of Shu Liu,几缕淡烟, faintly discernible . Wuhu City, Yangzhou another name. Southern Song Festival for Liu Jingling Wang chaotic cities waste, thus eliminating the city said. Bao Zhao wrote the famous &city of Fu-wu&, then, eliminating the city is often used to send money. 3 brains beat in order to end King situation, and intended to endless ending. The &back& remote access &to the following people&, &Wuhu City leakage& coincide &lean on a railing a long time,& seamless entire, endless wonderful together. Ms. Zeng Jiangwei Zhu Xi and Li Qingzhao and mentioned that &to the text of the woman who North Korea, but Ms. Wei and Li Yi-an more than two.& Billy Chan亦云Qing Dynasty: &Ms. Wei Chao Mai is quite the word pen, the enemy is not an easy, not easy to be also.& From the evaluation, the term the author shows high artistic ability. This view is reflected by the term child care to romance, a deep-wan of the United States to flow to show the art of the author playing out of the ordinary. Jiang Su Shi lip points 红杏fragrance, light trailers柳含烟Malachium Chui. Zhu waterfront households. To do Volume evening rain. Candle wind shadow roll, a pillow伤春thread. Do not go. Where凤楼. Grass fans return. Su Shi's Ci Appreciation This is a love for pregnant people, written in a deep feeling, moving, shows Haofang Dongpo out, do not have some feelings. &红杏fragrance, light trailers柳含烟Malachium Tsui,& Spring in picturesque起笔点染. Full of spring, a few红杏, Liu smoke the most characteristic, the speech known as &spring红杏downtown branches,& &River柳如烟& is famous. This was intended to红杏foot has not yet been finalized, but also to write its fragrance, with a &Gone with the Wind,& the word reflects the feelings of Xin Ci Yi. Write翠柳, shaped by含烟, followed by dragging light strand, can write the state of its light cigarettes, but also to write its position of垂丝拂拂. Here to imply that Iraq is a beautiful Spring. Below 2, then by the King and people. &Zhu waterside family& was in Iraq to point out. Chinese households, Water, disclosed a letter of Su to suggest that the beauty of Iraq. &To make the evening rain volumes,& This pen is finally to write the word Iraq, and at the same time has been gently opened dang. Rolling Iraq, and its the only film seen it the evening rain. &Evening Rain,& Yu said a looming worry about words. I do the word crown, Utah is always made, it has been out as long as Iraqi people love, feeling helpless. &Candle wind shadow roll, a pillow伤春thread.& Candle for the dark shadow from above at dusk, shaking wind, open windows can be seen, also Zhu coincide households before the shutter. Lovesick伤春thread that is, a pillow, the words will always worry about lying, noted the thread with, say Acacia into disease. Loading sentence with all the rain the evening of volume mapping. Rolling wrote unhappy Iraqis hope the rain at dusk, this to write their own love of the wind into a prone diseases candle遂以virtual copy and realistic, resulting in a total time of Wonderland. &Go go&, the phrase Road to make of this situation can not be satisfactorily恨事. &Where凤楼. Fangcao return fans.& Zhu凤楼households did not return. Can only look forward to live forever in the heart of it. &Where& in the questions asked were sad. Look forward to the end of the non-reality, the reality is that between the two men, each cross-section of the insurmountable distance. Fangcao luxuriant word people like the metaphor of the old Code. Although this is a return path, against凤楼Zhu households, but it can not be crossed. With a &fan& of a heavy and profound feelings, loss of sense of loss, of hate long way away,跃然纸上. Sentence on the apricot from smoke Liu Xiang of passion, with the end of the sentence Fangcao lost without returning, the opposite each other, fascinating,凄迷mood. Wonderful attainments of the term, but also in the dense mood. Liu红杏smoke, which is in the realm of love, and Spring in picturesque宛然. Fangcao return, like denial of human metaphor, but also with a sense of beauty. Ontological implication of this word, it's deep feeling for the word. Veteran point lip Qin Guan Yang Adventure drunk, took the letter into the depths of flow. Bonds of this world of wrong, no room for dollars spent. Smoke water loss, thousands of miles the morning sun. Hill numerous乱红like rain, when the road is not credited. Qin Guan's word for appreciation Qin Guan's term as the way to the disgrace of the resettlement. By Yi-Qing Liu word &recorded幽明& contained Liu,阮肇into the roof-top stories, yearning for Hidden Wonderland and the End of the World put the plight of a blind alley. The first two of the self &in mind for the Peach Blossom Spring,& the opening: &Drunken Adventure Yang, letters flow into the depths of flowers&, to take people to a beautiful state, here a few seems to be the entrance of Taoyuan.醉乡people, and the flow and the line is the letter, which flowers in full bloom in front of a world is a coincidence when found. A pleasant feeling of it in such plain language, and at the same time there is a deep regret: &bonds of this world of wrong, no room for dollars to spend.& &Bonds of this world,& of course, a relative of Hope in terms of habitat and at the same time, However links to the author's rough background, we can see there is any other place there is a world. Here only that &bonds of this world of wrong,& the specific content of bonds of this world fade, will feel dense implies by, the word love drag of Health position. &Smoke water loss, the morning sun a thousand miles& is a piece of hook Le &setting sun, the Jackdaws million, the water around孤村& ( &满庭芳&) the general picture of the evening. &Trinidad&, &vast& in particular the End of the World gives a sense of drift. Immediately before the words &mountain countless&, and &the vast smoke water& echoes, constitutes a &mountain heavy water complex have no doubt,& the state, which with the loading &of misuse of bonds of this world& with the two contact-chip intended to pulse up and down continuously. On the occasion of a loss when the wind suddenly drop from Mang, see &乱红like rain.& 1 1 King, won the next, rapid syllable, just like the risk of human suffering. Together, these few lines are also caused by a complex mountain heavy water, the wind from the flowers,春归酒醒, far end of the muddy path into the mood complete. Although there is no tomorrow to return to write the word, meaning those who go everywhere. Sentence node surprising but may not turn out to return to the Italian: &I do not remember when the road.& Only to say &no mind&, but people feel that their situation Yun deep, because the author reflects the twists and turns and not being depressed the heavy-hearted self. 起笔put the word on the film Love in the King, Qingli realm, and then sometimes turning point, passionate grief, for the first下片depth, no trace of muddy, bleak landscape, following the King and the words fade out, the situation凄楚speech. The whole word to the beginning of the gentle and beautiful style to King's writing language language situation article collection, write to put the situation in King, Yun-Yi of deep feelings, perverting the subtle and intriguing. He cast lip purple-red spots A cream raw silk, coal smoked deer Tony Two silk thread pattern. Wordless cover makeup, Office of the Consumer condensate. Radial twilight blue, Ping Yang spent the next bank. Wind retain. Luk Yeung return, swallows fly to the West. He cast for the appreciation of the word Term performance of a couple's grief and other思恋after the other. Word on the film from the woman that is also home to write, write, Valentine'下片unless that is the man to write, write after the other both. The use of full-term potential of gas within the switch to law, the evolution of the level of conversion from the picture shown, done by the letter implicit, and not knowing what the beginning of time, obscure但觉repeatedly chant, the self-meaning, do not have fun . Such a deep hidden secret秾artistic style, just like the taste of olive, and Coombe苦尽, delicious in the back. Loading the first two, &cream raw silk& means素绢here refers to a handkerchief. Write the word in a handkerchief, used &Ropa&, &raw silk shark,& a class literal, where the &cream raw silk&, highlighting its如霜white, as well as the meaning of a symbol of purity. Handkerchiefs and the quantifiers are often referred to as the &party& here is to use &a& to highlight its great. &Crocidura coal& is smoked by burning furnace spices.曲笔with more than two grades, it is implied that the reader Subtle: That woman with the Valentine's sad farewell and crying, a lot of tears flow, a large handkerchief is soaked in, it should be put on the baking furnace smoked. Made &smoked shellfish Two silk thread pattern&, it clearly did not泪雨eyes, just dry and wet handkerchief, I wonder if the repeated number of smoked baked so the smell of丝帕saturated and the concentration was pungent. &Wordless makeup to cover,& and clearly pointed out by the hostess from the front cover your face common handkerchief, &pharyngeal语凝find that there is no& simple sentence凝炼language, creating a &sound silence at this time,& the conception, writing a new and vivid. The last sentence in revealing to simply &Mo sad sad parting Health Come& will. &Is& still made, &it is.& To &get rid of condensate&, as &ecstasy condensate soul& of the reduction language, that感怀La Tortura. &Department&, this form of time, with such as &when.& Sentence with &makeup to cover& work closely with the sentence, so that the image of the opening two sentences of the letter, translated into uncertainty. Off-chip &twilight& 2, Syria解缆unless left in the evening. A &Yang& was even a good word Lian, see that this trip is a last resort, it must urgently fan refused to paddle faster, but to drift with the tide. Inadvertently, they drift to the船儿full of white flowers in the water of small Ping Chau. Ancient customs, the girls each have, Cold Food, Qingming Festival and other spring waterfront country travel, collecting white flower pin to their Valentine's gift. Hero speech should also enjoy such a happiness. Now, suddenly to see that the condensation of a love flowers丛丛How can anyone not brought back sweet memories of the past warm? How can we help trigger heart of love can not stop? This tease out below. &Keep the wind&, the words into a sentence alone. Is obviously can not bear to visit, so little wind that met kodomari Houzhu Ping, Xi Iraqis have beautiful flowers in the land of unlimited Yiyi, Miao not broken, but with anthropomorphic approach, the wind is very very complex. Shoot junction with Tong Yan Gu 2 status &短歌行& &XAC Ziyan欲寄book& sentence after the break. Message with the statement in many ways, such as &nine ileum&: &depends on a new nest carved beams and try to find the five hills mad. Xiaohua笺pay flew West, Dai Dance double depression, over and over again to the word Population nine ileum. && Feng &:& Aya small paper calendar, send steal Chebi West. &&菱花resentment &:& Ziyan by XAC will be more about treatment of imported yellow. && Magnolia &:& XAC swallows will come when a good seal to pay a small paper with tears. &can be with this for the Senate. 2 made the main character of this journey has just set foot on the Swallows could not wait to care for捎信sweetheart, Expressing the urgency of the deep love and affection. Qu rolling at the word of life from the most concentrated expression of emotional couple of typical inter-specific material, the main character's passion for men and women have婉曲touching Writing, received a very good artistic effect. Jiang Kui Jiang lip points 燕雁lack of Taihu Lake with the clouds to Sipan. The number of peak live, to a little evening rain. The fourth bridge, to be living with a total of days. Who is this?凭阑tone, varied dance residual Liu. Jiang Kui word for appreciation Whitehead, four Su-Poetry: weather, decent, blood, Yun degrees. The requirements of the four and a &meteorological For its simple and honest,& &For its grand dignity,& &For the blood through,& &For its elegant rhyme degrees.& Although the language of poetry, the shift in word, but also very appropriate. Reading the words, know what is true.丁未years淳熙Southern Song Dynasty (1187) of winter and the Whitehead between from Huzhou, Suzhou, after Woosung (Wujiang County, Jiangsu Province today), the word for this is. Woosung and why it has taken for this term? Whitehead usually because the most favorite in the late Tang Dynasty poet陆龟蒙Seclusion, seclusion of turtles kept alive, it is Woosung. Loading of the habitat, which is the word of people throughout the world pitch. &燕雁inadvertent.& Yan Nian-level tone (y ān smoke), the North also. North燕雁to the wild. As the winter season is the雁南飞Yan. North Wing-Yan陆龟蒙a lot of poetry, such as &The Lone Wild Goose&: &I was born between heaven and earth, alone for wild南宾.& &In the wild&: &North follow signs south Cao I, earth-wing delivery to remote workers.& &Jingkou &:& wild thistle North-frequency speech. && Nanjing Road &:& North goose straight direction. && wild &:& North-South Road, Chang Ho. &Pak Shek Wing Yan release poetry, poems such as& wild plans, && In addition to the night &Words such as&浣溪沙&and the word. May be related to his many years of no fixed abode, traces the political arena and the feelings of the great Mongolian favorite turtle-related.燕雁into the air the very start, it is implied drift of life. That is, no inorganic heart, still made of pure natural term. Point out燕雁fly with the seasons and the unintentional, the metaphor also show that they are pure of any natural temperament. Of turtles also use Mongolian poetry. Mongolia turtle &because of the autumn period are endowed with袭美send (Pi)&: &cloud may no free water appears.& &And the new autumn袭美that matter&: &The heart may孤云office, the dust of the World more Who knows. &inadvertent immediately write the following sentence:& of Taihu Lake with the clouds to Sipan. &燕雁lightly with white clouds, and flew along the Taihu Lake Sipan long. The燕雁go a long way implied a sense of their own Jianghu rover. With the clouds and no, the show that they are pure metaphor means any natural. Song Chen Yu, &then possession of a delicious& goes: Whitehead &lapel洒落period, such as between the people晋宋. The phrase is intended to work together for the unexpected since Gaoyuan.& Fan Chengda called &Langhammer character, are like the Aston晋宋. &Zhang Yu&白石道人Biography &亦曰its& physical light and hope of the people if the gods. &Whitehead and晋宋famous but it is different from the so-called晋宋is famous for single-year-old aristocratic Leisure, and the Whitehead Pouilly life and declining value of the Southern Song Dynasty, the home State of hate, real life experience depression than non-晋宋famous. Written below it when the study忧国injury. Taihu Sipan phrase, far wider mood. Wuyue包孕Taihu Lake, &Tianshui together& (turtle Mongolia &New Taihu Lake&). Conception of the word and the world is also with the large. &Live a few peaks. Are slightly rainy evening.& Slightly to the phrase, the meaning can be negotiated, and making meaning. Lake清寂number of peak sadness, sunset, a storm is brewing in Italy. Sentence of a few peak contrast of poverty and people getting killed thousands of helpless anxiety. Never to be written by Hill, fresh奇绝of this pen. Xin Jiaxuan than the &I see more charming Castle, Castle Peak material, see I should be nothing but a& ( &He groom&), but also what the different status of taste. Zhuo people on &the word integration,& the commentary says: &to a little word, wonderful birthday.& 下片of Habitat, Heritage and is the word of people throughout the pitch. &The fourth bridge, to be living with a total of days.& Fourth bridge that is &outside the city of Wujiang Ganquan Bridge& (Zhuo Zheng, &recorded绝妙好词school&), &to Stephen fourth goods& named (Qianlong &Suzhou Zhi House &). This is the home of陆龟蒙. &Re-edited by吴郡map& goes: &陆龟蒙home in the Songjiang fu-ri.& Songjiang wujiang that. With days, the days with the son, since the number of turtles kept. Day out with the phrase &in Zhuangzi宥& &God and the days action with the& spirit of the movement that is both natural随顺. Turtles have a heart to serve the Mongolian ambition, the &village two nights,& goes: &How not to Jun surgery, Yao and Shun did not up and down. How can live without power, rather homogeneous education, animal husbandry.& But he end of the world in late Tang Dynasty, give Jinshi not the first, had no choice but to Seclusion江湖. Whitehead life is not without ambition, &Xi Tour& poem goes: &around to look towards China, Shenyang sigh little hero.& &永遇乐&: &Central Plains Health poly, God the elderly in Beijing, Ku长淮Nanwang.& But he Scholars also cite not the first, life Jianghu rover. This land, ginger is also one of the two is similar. Turtle experts in Mongolia, &Spring and Autumn&, the &Mr. Fu Chuan& readme: &Ocean of wild seized without arrest, a good book read the ancient saints, who know the righteous cause of great exploration,& &Zhenyuan China, South Korea晋公taste of& General Orders, the Spring and Autumn & , engraved in the stone, && The reverse side diffuse nebula indecipherable without a pass, and probably will be a hundred years, people did not dare denounce颣defects, sir fear after suspected misuse of science, the debate is the book of Opinions. &Whitehead is good at ceremony music, Qingyuan in three years (1197) &into the& big music you &in North Korea,& Nandu has sixties and seventies, when set, Lok Code to eliminate long-dead, the Whitehead system at that time, including musical instruments music songs music speech and put forward a comprehensive criticism and the idea of achievements, &book-outs, too often pay Chao.& ( &Le-Zhi Song 6&) to Pouilly on the traditional culture has a high sense of responsibility, this is also the same as another two. It is this ethos of the identity, so that Whitehead had &days of meditation with the only son of envy, too蓑笠life Snowy River& ( &three-high temple,& poetry), and &is scheduled to land days Sansheng with& ( & In addition to the night &poem) words. The fourth bridge, to be living with a total of days, that is a manifestation of this identity. The fourth bridge, the land is still, as the son of days, the people will carry on. The middle of the next word to be a total, then the past is still with the old haunt of the ancients and their link to泯没time limits of the ancient and modern. This is to break the old and the limitations of words to find people with the spirit of the ancients sentence reading and writing to take the special. Another example is Liu had &沁园Spring& with the Dongpo, Lotte,林和靖Friendship is also a law here. Wrote more than natural, life, history, and saw video of new end-point pen to write there more times T, T unlimited power. &Who is this& the words, semantic rich in deep cover. Who is there when, where, why and how multiple meanings. Who is included in this so this is Mr HO, where Olympic As for why this and so how can I be the face of Italy. This is to include the universe, life, history, and one of great rhetorical era, full of philosophical reflection is a major rhetorical means. Which focus on one of the main characters in this. Lean on a railing tone, portrays the forces of pen force, meteorological wider. And this reflects the ancient written from top to bottom, make up, &Who is this& a major rhetorical implication of history. Here is to know the ancient Wu and Yue, the lesson of the rise and fall of Wu, which has caused the late Tang Dynasty Mongolian unlimited turtle feeling: &Shannon Trail spine do Cheung Chau Cong, Yan-yun Yu extravagance悲风only. King everything to be subjugated, not antiquata六宫win. &(& Old吴宫&) also can not but arouse the feelings of the Southern Song Whitehead's Unlimited:& beauty platform欢娱Celecoxib, Taiwan today look empty lakes. Canxue not into dead grass, had to come up with any Gusu elk. &(& In addition to the night &) is the tone of this injury. &Liu residual mixed dance,& Liu of the delicate,那堪also disabled, so the dance is also uneven, but still about dancing. Persistent strong word, one dance, with tragic desolation in Yu, revealed tragic desolation. &Liu residues vary Dance& of the natural image, in fact, is a symbol of the Southern Song Dynasty衰世, implicitly contains dilapidated still has not resigned to the demise of the mean. Li Shangyin this &Raritan乐游原& &The setting sun is infinitely good, yet it is almost evening&, a symbol of prosperity of the Tang Dynasty are the same workers irreversible effect. And its image of itself as a natural, then they make up for &Who is this& a natural implication of the rhetorical. T junction of conception, it is for the portrayal of the Southern Song Dynasty country. Back view of the number of poverty-feng 2, and its implication for the foreshadowing at the end. In the nine years ago, Xin Jiaxuan as &摸鱼儿& node goes: &off-field risk to rely upon, setting sun is烟柳Department断肠.& Is the same mood. Whitehead used the term knot hole character dance, contains infinitely tragic desolation. Chen Tingzhuo &white rain, then the word vegetarian,& says: && purple-red spots over the winter丁未lip Woosung as &a poem, written just before the first pass the scene, to end Department cloud 'Who is this, tone lean on a railing, mixed residue Liu dance', a sense of when injured, and only mention this to sing the words who, under the Old lean on a railing only five residues Liu chant of the word, the infinite哀感are virtual offices, so that readers of this吊古injury and can not self-only, can truly tune up. & space to be good at describing, from the Virtual Office着笔, Whitehead is one of the major characteristics of the word. Background of the term will be a sense of home and country as a melting of hate, the Southern Song Dynasty is a priceless treasure of the word patriotism. Always home and country and background of natural imagery, the natural imagery in the speech dominant, will be natural, life and history (as with the tone Shangyou days), age mix, together. In particular, &Who is this& one big rhetorical question, although the emphasis on the significance of this, but it is far beyond its means, the word is the face of nature, life, history, and one of the times made by philosophical reflection. Full-term and enhance mood was philosophical As high. &Who is this& really good in the &Land of Peach Blossoms in mind& &Q MR HO this is&, &Deng Youzhou Taiwan Song&, &the former but not the ancients, the latter were not to.& Unlimited这首词feeling, all in virtual offices, is &intended to cut more and more micro-word&, such an approach is prone to self-Writing on the image and the image written by indirectly opening distance, resulting in hazy beauty. Love the sound of this word is also a very fine match. Loading燕雁first sentence of the first word rhyme for the Permian, the last sentence of the evening for three or four pairs of words sound the same下片bit digital word with the sentence for the fourth stack rhyme, for two-voice mixed. Nothing bad mood, natural heaven. Music Sound of overlapping double circle, for this magical effect is a short chapter尺幅added voice to the situation of continuous endless. Purple-red lips at a叶梦 Wei-ting飘渺, the joke went alone in Shiqianfeng. Who with the tour. Wanli Wang Lang smoke. Old feelings, I still would like to do the End of the World. Melancholy air. Haofang juvenile. Mok Weng like school failure. Ho Kin-term gas, but only Kuangfu the great cause of worry后继乏人, having recognized the significance. This is the first word almost欤Cassino? Purple-red lip-point text / cold snow on Cold Night without sleep, according to Tong own tour through the ages. The past trials and tribulations, both尽归dust. 点点滴滴, who were the flowers. Kan phase transition? Looking back suddenly, a few turn out to be fruitless earth. Veteran point lip Wang Guowei Acacia screen but recently are good to know. Can not throw, dreams of finding the end. After wake up the house, and dreams are out tomorrow.西窗white, have been cool on a lilac snow house. Asked: Acacia know is useless, so you want to give up love, but want to give up but unable to do so, or searching in the dream. After waking up, dream up the house also, if that if the destruction looming. Out the window because of the weather and the moon and bringing a bright, lilac flowers in the house was also a snow-white photos. Appreciation: This is the first &point of purple-red lips,& income &version of human B word.& King's ex-wife when a new funeral Ms. Mo, for the Memorial of the term for. &Screen is& means to give up,排遣. The first two sentences mean: forget her, forget her vast study of life and death now, and Yi怀想,. It is just another case! Looking西窗poetess, but the moonlight sleep, such as water, cloves snowy, miserable piece of Italy. &Cold months& to &have& to describe, &clove& to &Snow& metaphor, the unreasonable and妙绝. Lilac flowers open in the spring and summer, and winter why the &snow& to be concerned? This is to emphasize the similarity of the color of the season appear misplaced. However, it seems unreasonable in this description, even more profoundly because of the performance of the word and it would be difficult to miss亡妻Pathetique冷寂caring state of mind, can be wonderful. Jiang Li Qingzhao lip points


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