hepatitis b vaccine是什么意思,b型肝炎是什么疫苗翻译

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許多乙型肝炎慢性携帶者即使體內有病毒,仍然感覺健康體壯。他們可能已長期遭受感染,但仍不知情。正因爲此, 乙型肝炎被稱爲“無聲的傳染病”。如發生慢性感染,病毒長期停留在您的肝臟中幷侵害您的肝臟。等到您感到自己病情嚴重,需要接受醫生治療時,您可能已經患上了嚴重的肝病。因此,請您務必在有生病的感覺之前即接受化驗。
Intron A (alpha干扰素)
Pegasys (pegylated interferon:聚乙二醇化干扰素) 是一种注射药物,每周注射一次,通常要连续注射六个月到1年。这种药可能会有副作用,如流感症状、抑郁症和其它心理健康问题。此药于2005年5月获得批准,并仅供成人使用。
Epivir-HBV 或 Zeffix (lamivudine) 是一种口服药片,一天服用一次,几乎没有副作用﹐服用至少一年或一年以上。主要问题是治疗时和治疗后可能会发生乙型肝炎病毒变异。于1998 年批准,可用于儿童和成人。
Hepsera (adefovir dipivoxil) 是一种口服药片,一天服用一次,副作用很少,服用至少一年或一年以上。主要问题是服用此药可能会发生肾脏问题。于2002 年9月批准,仅可用于成人。儿科临床试验正在进行中。
Baraclude (entecavir:恩替卡韦)
Tyzeka (telbivudine)
Viread (Tenofovir) 是一种每日服用的片剂,可连续服用一年而几乎没有任何副作用。研究显示该药能迅速有效地抑制乙肝病毒。于2008年8月批准用于成人。
不是每一個慢性乙型肝炎患者都需要用藥﹐瞭解這一點很重要。一些患者只需要由其醫生定期監測 (至少一年一次)。有肝病活動症狀的患者最有可能從治療中獲益。請務必和您的醫生談一談您是否可以從治療中獲益幷討論一下治療方案。此外﹐在臨床實驗和研究渠道中都有令人鼓舞的新藥。
1.務必尋找一名深刻瞭解乙型肝炎的醫生。“肝臟學家”是治療肝病的專科醫生。他們通常擁有有關 乙型肝炎化驗和治療的最新信息。但是家庭醫生可能也同樣能够勝任。
2. 由您的肝臟學家或家庭醫生定期進行體檢。提出許多問題!爲了避免今後的問題,您需要現有的最佳信息和醫療。
Living with Hepatitis B
What does it mean if my doctor tells me I'm a &chronic
carrier& of hepatitis B?
Adults infected with hepatitis B for the first time
are usually able to get rid of the virus after six months. If
the virus remains in your blood after six months, then you can
be diagnosed as a &chronic carrier& of hepatitis B.
This means you can pass the virus on to others. You are also
at greater risk for developing serious liver disease later in
life. If you are a pregnant woman, you can also pass the virus
on to your newborn baby. But this can be prevented. Please check
for more information.
If I don't feel sick, can I still be a &chronic
Many chronic carriers of hepatitis B feel healthy and
strong even though the virus is in their bodies. They can be
infected for a long time and not even know it. That is why hepatitis
B is called a &silent infection&. With a chronic infection,
the virus stays in your liver and continues to attack and injure
your liver for a long period of time. By the time you feel sick
enough to see a doctor, you could already have serious liver
disease. So make sure you get tested before you feel sick.
Should I get the vaccine if I am a chronic carrier?
Unfortunately, the hepatitis B vaccine is too late for
chronic carriers. It will not help you since you already have
hepatitis B. But the vaccine can protect your loved ones. Make
sure those who live in close contact with you, including babies
and children are vaccinated.
If I am a &chronic carrier&, does it mean
that I won't live a long life?
People with chronic hepatitis B can live a long healthy
life. Many chronic carriers can live with hepatitis B for years,
even decades, without any symptoms. However every carrier lives
with a greater risk of developing more serious liver disease.
Chronic hepatitis B can injure your liver, whether you feel sick
or not. This is why it is important to find a good doctor, get
regular check-ups, and take good care of your liver. There are
treatments that can help chronic hepatitis B carriers. You can
also make simple lifestyle choices to protect the health of your
liver as well.
What serious liver diseases can result from chronic
hepatitis B?
Chronic hepatitis B can sometimes lead to &cirrhosis& or &liver
cancer&. These diseases occur due to liver damage from the
hepatitis B virus and can be life-shortening. In &cirrhosis&,
the liver becomes hardened from fighting the virus. As the liver
tries to repair itself from constant attacks by the virus, scar
tissue is created. This scar tissue makes the liver hard which
makes it unable to work normally. A healthy liver is soft and
flexible. Liver cancer is less common but is more immediately
life-threatening. Both cirrhosis and liver cancer require expert
medical attention. Early diagnosis of both diseases is very important.
Treatment options for these serious liver diseases can include
medications and sometimes even a liver transplant to help extend
one's life.
Is there a cure for chronic hepatitis B?
The good news is that there are promising new treatment for
people living&with chronic hepatitis B.&Today, there&are&several
approved drugs in the United States that can slow down liver
damage caused by the virus.
The new drugs can help slow the progression of liver disease
in chronically infected people by slowing down the virus. If
there is less hepatitis B virus being produced, then there is
less damage being done to the liver. Sometimes these drugs can
even get rid of the virus. With all of the new exciting research,
there is great hope that a complete cure will be found for chronic
hepatitis B in the near future.
What treatments are available for chronic hepatitis
Currently, there are&seven approved drugs in the United
States for people who have chronic hepatitis B infections. These
drugs are also available in China:
(Intron A) is given by injection several times a week for six months to a year,
or sometimes longer. The drug can cause side effects such as flu-like symptoms,
depression, and headaches. Approved 1991 and available for
both children and adults.
(Pegasys) is given by injection once a week usually for six
months to a year. The drug can cause side effects such as flu-like symptoms and
depression. Approved May 2005 and available only for adults.
(Epivir-HBV, Zeffix, or Heptodin) is a pill that is taken once a day, with few
side effects, for at least one year or longer. Approved 1998 and available for
both children and adults.
(Hepsera) is a pill taken once a day, with few side effects, for
at least one year or longer. Approved September 2002 for adults. Pediatric
clinical trials are in progress.
(Baraclude) is a pill taken once a day, with few side effects, for at least one
year or longer. Approved April 2005 for adults. Pediatric clinical trials are
in progress.
(Tyzeka, Sebivo) is a pill taken once a day, with few side effects, for at
least one year or longer. Approved October 2006 for adults.
(Viread) is a pill taken once a day, with few
side effects, for at least one year or longer. Approved August 2008 for adults.
It is important to know, not every chronic hepatitis B patient
needs to be on medication. Some patients only need to be monitored
by their doctor on a regular basis (at least once a year, or
more). Other patients with active signs of liver disease may
benefit the most from treatment. Be sure to talk to your doctor
about whether you could benefit from treatment and discuss the
treatment options. In addition, there are promising new drugs
in clinical trials and in the research pipeline.
However, it is vital that all people with chronic hepatitis
B visit their doctor on a regular basis, whether they receive
treatment or not!
What other things can I do to keep myself healthy?
One of the most important things you can do is to help
protect your liver. Even if you don't feel sick, the virus can
still damage your liver. So take good care of your liver. We
have included a short list of simple things you can do right
now. But there are many other things you can do, so be sure to
talk to your doctor about other ways you can help keep your liver
healthy and strong!
Make sure you find a good doctor who is knowledgeable about
hepatitis B. A &liver specialist& is a doctor who
specializes in liver disease. They usually have the most current
information about hepatitis B testing and treatments. But a
family doctor may be just as good.
Get regular medical check-ups with your liver specialist
or family doctor. Ask a lot of questions! You need the best
information and medical care possible to avoid future problems.
Avoid alcohol or strictly limit the amount of alcohol you
drink. Medical studies show that alcohol is very damaging to
the liver. Avoid smoking or Stop smoking because this is also
very harmful to the liver.
If you are a pregnant woman, tell your doctor that you have
chronic hepatitis B. Make sure your doctor orders the hepatitis
B vaccine in advance. Make sure your newborn baby is vaccinated
in the delivery room. This is very important because your baby
must get the first dose of hepatitis B vaccine within the first
12 hours of life to prevent a chronic infection.
Although there is no specific diet for chronic hepatitis
B, try to eat lots of fresh fruits and vegetables, limit fat
and junk foods, and drink plenty of water.
Be very careful about trying herbs, vitamins, or fad diets.
Some herbs may be helpful, but some herbs or fad diets can
hurt your liver. Sometimes they can even interfere with your
medical treatments. Be sure to talk to your doctor about what
herbs you want to try or what you are already taking to avoid
any potential problems.
Have your loves ones tested for hepatitis B. Make sure they
get vaccinated.
Avoid spreading your blood to others. Don't share sharp objects
like razors, earrings, or toothbrushes. Use condoms and follow
safe sex practices. Avoid illegal street drugs.
What does my future look like if I have chronic hepatitis
Fortunately, hepatitis B is a slow-growing virus. If
problems arise, it can be later in life. This is good news because
with better education, early testing, regular medical attention,
and new treatment options, there is so much more to offer. Many
chronic carriers can now expect to live long and healthy lives.
In addition, researchers are making progress in finding a cure
-- for the 400 million chronic carriers worldwide, the future
looks very bright!(修订版本间差异)
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&seo title=&重组(CHO细胞)乙型肝炎疫苗_重组(CHO细胞)乙型肝炎疫苗说明书_重组(CHO细胞)乙型肝炎疫苗的作用_重组(CHO细胞)乙型肝炎疫苗副作用_重组(CHO细胞)乙型肝炎疫苗是什么_A+医学百科& metak=&重组(CHO细胞)乙型肝炎疫苗,重组(CHO细胞)乙型肝炎疫苗说明书,重组(CHO细胞)乙型肝炎疫苗作用,重组(CHO细胞)乙型肝炎疫苗副作用,重组(CHO细胞)乙型肝炎疫苗主治,药品,肝炎& metad=&A+医学百科重组(CHO细胞)乙型肝炎疫苗条目介绍重组(CHO细胞)乙型肝炎疫苗的功效作用,重组(CHO细胞)乙型肝炎疫苗的副作用和服用方法等。重组(CHO细胞)乙型肝炎疫苗(Hepatitis...& /& &seo title=&重组(CHO细胞)乙型肝炎疫苗_重组(CHO细胞)乙型肝炎疫苗说明书_重组(CHO细胞)乙型肝炎疫苗的作用_重组(CHO细胞)乙型肝炎疫苗副作用_重组(CHO细胞)乙型肝炎疫苗是什么_A+医学百科& metak=&重组(CHO细胞)乙型肝炎疫苗,重组(CHO细胞)乙型肝炎疫苗说明书,重组(CHO细胞)乙型肝炎疫苗作用,重组(CHO细胞)乙型肝炎疫苗副作用,重组(CHO细胞)乙型肝炎疫苗主治,药品,肝炎& metad=&A+医学百科重组(CHO细胞)乙型肝炎疫苗条目介绍重组(CHO细胞)乙型肝炎疫苗的功效作用,重组(CHO细胞)乙型肝炎疫苗的副作用和服用方法等。重组(CHO细胞)乙型肝炎疫苗(Hepatitis...& /&
在日 (二) 14:29的最新修订版本
重组(CHO细胞)乙型肝炎疫苗(Hepatitis B Vaccine Madeby Recombinant DNA Techniquesin CHO Cell),本后,可刺激机体产生抗乙型肝炎的免疫力,用于预防。
1  凡及患有急性或慢性严重者禁止使用。
2  有者禁用。
1  用前摇匀。
2  破裂、有摇不散的块状物时不得使用。
3  应备有,以防偶有发生时使用。
1  本时要充分摇匀。
2  注射部位为内。
3  一般使用10μg/支,第1针注射1个月及6个月后注射第2、3针,3次。亦可使用20μg/支,第1针在出生24小时内注射。
出自A+医学百科 “重组(CHO细胞)乙型肝炎疫苗”条目
目前暂无留言重組B型肝炎疫苗(酵母)(Hepatitis B Vaccine Made by Recombinant DNA Techniques in Yeast),用於預防。
包裝規格:每支1.0ml.每1次人用劑量1.0 ml,含60ug。
出自A+醫學百科 「重組B型肝炎疫苗(酵母)」條目
目前暫無留言宾州州立大学 出国疫苗列表_百度知道
宾州州立大学 出国疫苗列表
学校需要一个immunization form,求要打的疫苗名单列一下谢谢
Bacille Calmette-Guerin vaccine
Tetanus and diphtheria toxoid childrens' dose
Diphtheria and tetanus toxoid with acellular pertussis vaccine
Diphtheria and tetanus toxoid with whole cell pertussis vaccine
A 型肝炎疫苗
Hepatitis A vaccine
B 型肝炎疫苗
Hepatitis B vaccine
b 型嗜血杆菌疫苗
Haemophilus influenzae type b vaccine


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