选出发音不同的一项 1.A.people B pencil C hear 2.A happytogethe050310

Adverbial Clause 0f concession
九年级Unit 5&
124 praise 赞扬、称赞
125 view 看、观看
126 script 广播(或讲话等)稿
127 director 导演
128 make- up 化妆
129 artist 艺术家
130 studio 演播室
131 contestant 比赛者
132 upon 在...上
133 among 在...中
134 onto 向、朝
135 forward 向前
136 second 秒(时间单位)
137 relaxed 放松的、冷静的
138 ahead of 领先
139 beat 赢、打败(某人)
140 still 平静的、安静的
141 single 仅有一个的、单个的
142 victory 胜利、成功
143 England 英格兰
144 lucky 幸运的、运气好的
145 news 新闻报道
146 survey 民意调查
147 floor plan 楼层平面图
148 talent show 达人秀
149 pass out 昏迷、失去知觉
150 keep still 保持静止、保持不动的状态
151 emergency 紧急出口
152 on weekdays 在工作日(周一至周五)
minutes to go" ,shouted the director& . "Is
everyong ready? "
I'm glad that I'm not
one of the &contestants !Denise
said. "I am not that brave."
1. 考点提炼:one of the
&1)This is one of the most interesting
books that I have ever
&2)This&is one
of the most wonderful school sports games that I have ever
&3)This is&one
of the most fantastic movies that I have ever
Oh, I would love
to be a contestant ,&
love to do sth.
&&would like to
& feel like doing
& prefer to do sth.
& prefer doing sth.
&enjoy doing sth.
&want to do sth.
&be fond of doing
&be interested in doing
&&& The three
contestants were sitting at their desks on the stage and waiting . The hot lights were
shining down upon them . Suddenly ,
one of them passed out and
fell& across her desk .
&&suddenly= all of a
passed out&晕倒
pass away去世
&3. 考点提炼:
fall fell fallen摔倒
feel felt felt 感觉
fall& across
A cameraman helped the woman off the stage .
The director hurried down from
the control room above.& "We need another contestant," he shouted ." Who among you
wants to be on TV ?
Angela raised her hand .
"You're on!" The director shouted. He led her onto
the stage, and a& make-up artist rushed
forward.& She quickly&put make-up
on &Angela’s face and brushed her hair
raised her hand
your head/eyes
suddenly.&Raise your books.
raised& raised&
rising&提高,升高 vi
onto ....领上、到
lead sb into
lead .....
to& 导致,通向
lead to Rome. 条条大路通罗马。
Hard work/diligence
leads to success.
"Ten seconds ," shouted the director& . "It’s time
for Travel Quiz ,and here’s your host , Lester& Li
!" said a loud voice. &Lester Li ran
onto& the stage .The quiz show began .
&& Although
Angela was& not prepared ,
she&seemed relaxed and did really well. She
answered the questions&with no
problems&and was soon ahead of the other two
contestants .
Angela was& not
prepared ,
she&seemed relaxed and really
did a good job.
be prepared for
=be ready for
&& ?===get ready
&seemed (to be )relaxed
seemed&to do
seemed&to be doing
have done sth&
not prepared
考点提炼:answered the
questions&with no
考点提炼: was soon ahead
minutes later , Angela had to answer six more questions
to beat the
other contestant and to win the
big prize .
&& to==in order to== so
&== in order that==so that
注意区别: so
.... that....结果状语从句
had to answer six more
questions to beat the other
To beat the other
contestant, Angela had
to answer six more
&②Angela had to answer six
more questions in order to beat the
other contestant&&&&==
In order to beat the other contestant,
Angela had to answer six
more questions.
③Angela had to answer
six more questions
to beat the other contestant .( so as to目的状语不可置于句首)
④Angela had to answer
six more questions&in order that she
could&beat the other
⑤Angela had to answer
six more questions
so that she
could& beat
Twenty&five minutes later , Angela
had to answer six more
questions to beat the other contestant and to win the big prize .
&win the big
war, prize
beat& beat beaten2. win
的宾语的是比赛、战争、奖品、金钱等名词,即 race,match,game,
They won the match this
He won the first prize in the&
3. beat的宾语的则是比赛、竞争的对手,即指人或球队的名词或代词。
We played very well, and we beat
We beat the strongest team in the football match this
Debbie was so excited that she could hardly keep still ! Though the
questions were getting more and more difficult, Angela kept getting
them right . Soon there was just a single question between Angela
and Victory&.
&&& "And finally
,where is Big Ben?" asked Lester&
考点提炼: so...that
考点提炼:keep still
14.考点提炼:the questions were getting
more and more
"In England," replied Angela& .
&&& "Correct!"
shouted Lester
,"You&are tonight’s lucky winner. You have won
tonight's prize——a trip for two to the lovely city of
More practice
We love th efilm park!&
Reporter: What was the best part of your visit,
Julia and Roddy?
Julia and Roddy: The tour of the Film
Surprises at the studio
Grammar: Adverbial
clauses of concess with although and though
More practice : We
love the Film Park
Chapter 5 surprises
at the studio
1.&a television studio电视摄影棚
2.&a TV quiz show电视智力竞赛节目
3.&would love/like to do…愿意做……
4.&sit at the desk坐在桌边
5.&on the stage在舞台上
6.&fall forward 向前摔倒
7.&be fainted/faint晕到
8.&help sb. off the stage扶某人下台
9.&control room& 控制室 
10.&raise one’s hand =put up one’s hand 举手
11.&make-up artist 化妆师 
12.&powder one’s face 给某人的脸搽粉
13.&comb one’s hair 梳头
14.&be unprepared没准备
15.&ahead of&
领先于,& 在……前面
16.&six more questions=another six questions
17.&win the big prize赢得大奖
18.&keep still保持平静
19.&keep doing sth一直做某事
20.&be made of由…制成(看得出原材料)
be made from由……制成(看不出原材料)
21.&go straight to sp直接去某地
22.&a series of 一系列
23.&take steps to do =take action to do
1.host& n.东道主, 主人; 主办人(地方,
e.g. Who will be the host for tonight's program? 谁是今晚的节目主持人?
hostess& n.女主人; 空中小姐
e.g. Air hostesses all smile when they serve the passengers.
2. calm& adj.(水面)平静的, (天气)无风的; 镇定的, 沉着的; 宁静的,
e.g. The sea is now calm.海现在平静了。
vt. & vi. (使)平静; (使)镇定
e.g. Presently he calmed a little. 他很快就平静一些了。
习惯用语: keep calm! 安静! 保持镇静!& calm down 使平息,
e.g. She is terribly excited.We must try to calm her down.
3. surprise& vt.使惊奇, 使诧异;
e.g. He may surprise us all yet. 他总有一天会让我们大家惊奇。
n. 惊奇, 惊讶; 令人吃惊的事物
e.g.He gave me a big surprise on my
&& 习惯用语: in surprise
惊奇地& to one's great surprise 使某人非常惊奇的是
e.g. We looked at the man in silent surprise.&
&& To my surprise, the task was
finished in only one week. 这任务竟然在一周内就完成了。
&& I surprised everyone by
wearing a terrible mask.我带了一副可怕的面具, 使大家受惊了。
4. recording& n.(音像的)录制; 录音; 唱片; 录了音的磁带
&& e.g. Do you remember how to
operate this recording machine? 你记得怎样使用这个录音机吗?
& record& vt. & vi. 记录; 录音,
拍摄& n.记录, 记载
e.g. His voice does not record well. 他的声音录下来不好听。
He broke a record in running. 他打破了一项赛跑的纪录。
break the [a] record 保持/打破记录& keep the record
保持记录&& set (up) a new record
5. nervous& adj. 神经紧张的; 神经过敏的
&& e.g. She felt very nervous
with so many people looking at her. 这么多人瞧着她, 她感到非常紧张。
&& 习惯用语: feel nervous about 不寒而栗,
担心, 害怕
6. faint& vi.晕倒,
昏倒&& n.昏倒
e.g. The young soldier fainted in the hot sun.
He recovered from a faint. 他从昏厥中苏醒过来。
&& 习惯用语: fall into a dead faint
=fall in a dead faint 昏倒,
6. raise& vt.提起; 举起; 抚养; 饲养; 增加; 提升
e.g. When he saw the principal, he raised his hand in salutation.
&& The old man likes raising
rabbits, chickens, dogs and horses.这个老人喜欢养兔子、鸡、狗和马。
&& They raised their output by
more than half in less than three years. 不到三年, 他们把产量提高了一半还多。
区别易混词:raise 和 rise
raise (raise-raised-raised) v.& 举起,
提高;提出& raise + sth 可接宾语 通常发出此动作的是人
raise questions 提问 raise one’s hand举手
rise (rise-rose-risen)v. 上升; 升起&
不能接宾语或不能直接接宾语,要有介词才能接宾语 可指日月星辰自然的升起The sun rises in the east and
sets in the west.& 太阳从东方升起,在西方落下。
7. clap& vt. & vi.拍手, 鼓掌&
n.鼓掌; 掌声 (clap-clapped-clapped 现在分词:clapping)
e.g. The people liked the singer and gave him a clap.
& clap one's hands& v.拍手
8. prepare& vt.准备
&& e.g. We must prepare a room
for our guest. 我们必须为客人准备一间房。
&& 习惯用语: be prepared for [to do]
准备着&&& prepare
for 为...作准备
e.g. We are not prepared to send the goods. 我们不准备发送此货。
反义词:unprepared& adj. 无准备的,即席的,尚未准备好的 be unprepared
prepared& adj. 事先准备好的
e.g. We must be prepared for twists and turns. 我们要准备好经受曲折。
&& You ought to be prepared for
some unpleasantness. 你要做好思想准备,可能发生一些不愉快的情况。
9. make-up& n.化妆(品), 化妆用品; e.g. She never wears
10. opposite& prep.(表示位置)在…的对面; 在旁边, 接着;
与…在一排.&& adj.对面的, 相反的, 对立的
&& e.g. The post office is
opposite (to) the station. 邮局在车站的对面。
I think the picture would look better on the opposite
in opposition to&
反对&& in opposition to sb. on a
11. lobby& n. 前厅, 厅堂 e.g. Mary is in the lobby of
Asian Hotel. 玛丽现在在亚洲旅馆大厅。
&& 同义词:entrance&
n.入口, 大门口& hall& n. 门厅, 礼堂, 会堂;
大厅, 走廊
e.g. The hall was crowded to the door.门厅里挤满了人, 直挤到门口。
The car waited at the front entrance. 汽车在前门口等候。
12. goat& n.山羊 e.g. We keep a few fowls and some
同义词:sheep& n.羊, 绵羊
习惯用语 a black sheep 害群之马; 拒绝参加罢工的工人 a lost
sheep&& 迷途羔羊, 迷失正道的人
13. ahead of& 在…之前& adv.在前; 提前,
向前, 今后
e.g. She left one day ahead of him. 她是在他离开的前一天离开的。
&&& ahead of
time& 提前& =in
advance& 在前头, 预先, 事先& in advance
of 在...前面; 比...进步; 超过
in front& 在前面, 在前方
e.g. You can check in two hours in advance. 你可以提前两个小时检查登记。
&& Galileo's ideas were in
advance of the age in which he lived. 伽利略的思想超越了他生活的时代。
The old woman walked slowly, and the children ran on in front.
那位老妇人慢慢地走, 小孩子们跑在前面。
14. take steps& 采取措施
e.g. They took steps to prevent the spread of influenza.
&& step n.脚步,
步,& 楼梯, 台阶, 步骤, 措施,
&& step by step 一步步地, 逐步地,
&& e.g. He learnt the rules of
the game step by step.他逐步学会了游戏的规则。
& 15. in the public place
in public公开地, 当众
16. be pleased with 对…喜欢,满意于 = be not angry at 对…发怒
&& e.g. I am quite pleased with
your success, your mother will be more pleased.
&& be pleased to do
sth.& 高兴/乐于做某事 e.g. We are pleased to do this.
17. as a result 结果, 因此 e.g.As a result, he had to leave.
18. except& prep.除…外(不包含被除掉的)
&We go to school every day except Saturday and
&I have many friends besides you.除了你我还有很多朋友。
except for 除...之外,
Your essay is good except for some spelling mistakes.
except that 除了, 只是(后接句子)
&He said nothing except that he is all right.
19. used to&
e.g. We used to grow vegetables.我们过去是种蔬菜的。
be used to doing& 习惯于做某事
e.g. That is because women can continue to do something they are
used to doing. 那是因为妇女能继续做她们所一直习惯做的事情。
20. put sb into prison& 把某人关进监狱 = be sent to
21. two and a half hours& 两个半小时
&& one and a half hours / an hour
and a half& 一个半小时
22. decide on / upon就…做出决定, 决定要
&& e.g. We felt that we must
decide on something. 我们感到必须做出某种决定。
6.&another six
9.&a television
10.&win the big
1.&When we meet dangerous things, we should keep
2.&If you have any questions , please
r______________ your hands first.
3.&Zhang yimou is a famous d__________________ in
the film industry.
4.&What do you want to o______________, beef or
meat, sir?
5.&It is a p______________ that he missed the
oportunity to join the army.
6.&He was very n__________________ when he first
talked with foreigners.
7.&R________ your voice so as to make everyone can
heard you.
8.&You’d better c______when the singers finishes
9.&Go _________________ (径直) along this road , and
you will find a big bookstore.
10.&he ____________________ (账单) of electricity
this month is 320 yuan.
11.&When we meet ________________ (突然事件), we
should keep calm.
12.&A ________________ (摄影师) took a photo for a
foreigner yesterday afternoon.
13.&The boy was frightened and it seemed that he
was ______________________ (没准备好)
14.&Lucy and Linda study in a famous
_______________ (私人的) school.
15.&You mustn't smoke in a
1.&Angela immediately ________________ (raise) her
hand and answered the questions correctly.
2.&The audience started _____________ (clap) when
they heard the director said that the quiz show began.
3.&To our _________(surprise), Mr John was
terribly _________(surprise) at what had happened to us.
4.&I ________________ (order) a cup of tea and
some bread for breakfast yesterday morning.
5.&The _____________ (direct) said the quiz show
bread for breakfast yesterday morning.
6.&We are going to have an exam next week, but I
am still ______________ (prepare), so I am very nervous.
7.&Before you use a new machine, you should read
the ________________ (introduce ) first.
8.&He decided to take some ________(step) to help
9.&My father kept _______(tell) others about my
excellent exam results proudly.
10.&When they were& waiting in
the room,a voice _______(boom).
be made of , because of , at once , cost of living, keep still,
swith on, instead of , in order to ,
sound good, agree with, fall forward, ahead of , raise one’s hand ,
have trouble with , in one’s opinion.
1.&Although Angela was unprepared, she was soon
_____________ the other two contestants.
2.&We did our homework ________________ going to
the cinema yesterday afternoon.
3.&The students didn’t go to school
____________________________ the heavy storm last Friday.
4.&I don’t ___________________________________
you, because, I think we should spend much time in learning English
instead of playing computer games.
5.&In many western countries, college students do
part-time jobs to earn ___________________. They don’t depend on
their parents any more.
6.&Debbie was so excited that she could hardly
_________________________ during the travel quiz show.
7.&The little boy tried to walk alone, but
suddently he _______________________ and hurt himself.
8.&If you have any questions , please
_______________________________ first in class.
9.&After hearing the good news, Brown called his
mother _______________________ and told her sbout it.
10.&It was very dark outside, so Peter
________________________ the light after he came into the
11.&Jack studies very hard _________________ catch
up with other students in his class.
12.&What he said ____________________________ to
all of us, because we needn’t do homework today.
13.&This kind of table _________________________
wjood and it looks very beautiful.
14.&Tom _______________________ his back because
he hurt himself in an assicdent yesterday.
15.&_____________________, we should finish our
homework first and thn go swimming.
1.&The government has ________________ (采取措施) to
stop pollution in the area.
2.&The direntor hurried down from the
___________________ (控制室) when he saw a contestant fell forward
across the desk.
3.&I am so sleepy, and I want to drink a cup of
coffee to __________________ (使我保持清醒).
4.&My brother is fatter and fatter, so he has to
_________________________ (减肥)
5.&Don’t eat too much fast food or junk food , or
you will ________________ (增加体重).
(& )1. — Good news. I won ____ biggest prize of
this year and won ____trip to Paris.& —
Congratulations .
D. the, the
(& )2. — If you are happy about something, you
feel _____ about
it.&&& — Of
course .You’re quite right .
D. disappointed
(& )3. — What happened on the stage
— One of ________was fainted.
D. the contests
(& )4. — There is so much noise here .Would you
_____ your voice a
— Sorry, I will.
(& )5. —Why did the audience start
clapping?& —Because it’s time ________Travel Quiz
(& )6. — Are you ready _________act in the
— I’m afraid not.
(& )7. — How was your trip to
Shanghai?&&& —
______ it is very tiring , ________I enjoyed it very much.
A. Although,
B. Though,
C. Though,
D. Though, /
(& )8. — Angela had the most points
.& — Great. She just had to answer _________ to
win the big prize .
A. six more questions&& B.
another questions six& C. questions six
more& D. another six question
(& )9. — How well Angela behaved
!& — Yes. She was ____calm _____ she kept getting
the questions right .
D. such, that
(& )10. — I am sorry to keep you _________ for so
— It doesn’t matter
D.&& waited
(& )11. — Would you love _______the quiz show with
me ?— I’d love to, but I must finish my homework first .
(& )12. — I’m sorry that I can’t hear you clearly.
— I told you ______I would attend the meeting the next day.
(& )13. —What did our science teacher say just
now?& — She said that the sun _______in the east
every day.
(& )14. — Mr. Green saw the empty seat and
A. where has John gone&& B. where
did John go& C. where John has
been&& D. where John had
(& )15. — Could you tell me ______________
—In Beijing.
A. where is the Palace Museum
B. where the Palace Museum is?
C. where was the Palace Museum
D. where the Palace Museum was?
七.根据汉语提示完成句子, 使句子完整通顺。
1.&你介意我在这里抽烟吗?Would you _________ __________
_______________ here?
Eating more vegetables and healthy food is _________ ________
________ ____________.
Don’t ___________ ________ ________ ___________ computer games, it
is bad for your eyes.
Our English teacher _____________ us ___________ read English read
English at least one hour every day.
It ___________ him two years ____________ build a beautiful
Don’t _________ _________ close the window when you leave the
People are not _____________ _____________ take pets into the
Last week we ____________ ______________ the problem of health
There are many animals in the forest,________ ___________ , tigers
and so on.
He was _______________ careless _______________ he didn’t pass the
math exam.
ADJ An apt student is intelligent and able to understand things
easily. 聪慧的 [ADJ n]
She had taught him French and he had been an apt student.
sensitive , correct , quick , prone , liable
It was an apt
comment. 这是一个恰当的评论。
If he be not apt to beat over matters, and to call up one thing to
prove and illustrate another, let him study the lawyer's
cases.如果某人不善于详细查看事物, 仅限于用一事物去和另一事物对比、解释的话, 就让他去见识见识律师怎么办案子。
Though Anna Jarvis never married and never had kids, she is also
known as the Mother of Mothers Day, an apt title for the lady who
worked hard to bestow honor on all mothers.
Marks:  &&&&
一. 单项选择 (共10小题,计10分)
&(&& )1. — Is
the ring made of      silver?
&— Yes. It is made of      best silver in our
(&& )2. — I don’t believe the toy
is made      hand. The patterns (图案) are really fine.
— I don’t believe it, either. But no machine is used during the
whole process.
(&& )3. — Are the visitors all
from     ?
&— No, there are only 5      in the group.
&A. G Germany&
Germans&& &D.
(&& )4. — The wall of our
building is made of     .
— That’s good. So the room will be bright.
&C. wood&&D.
(&& )5. — Our English teacher
always keeps his lessons     .
— That’s why he is so popular among his students.
&B. happily& &C.
freely&&D. friendly
(&& )6. I’ll finish the job,     
how long it takes.
&A. until&&B.
unless&& &C. no
matter&D. even though
(&& )7. — Are Jiangsu and
Zhejiang famous for silk?
— I think so.      I know, more than half of the silk in China is
produced in Jiangsu and Zhejiang.
&& &A. As long
&B. As far as&
&C. As many as D. As little as
(&& )8. — Kate’s allowed to chat
on WeChat with her friends at home,      she?
— Yes. Her parents think she is old enough.
&A. doesn’t&&
&C. does&&D.
(&& )9. — Mom, is it OK for me to
watch TV for a while?
— Sorry. Why not watch TV after your homework     ?
completes&& &B.
completed&& &C.
has completed& &D. is
(&& )10. — An iPad is really a
great thing.
— I agree. However,     . Using iPads too much has a bad influence
&& &A. every dog
&B. the grass is always greener on the other
&& &C. no pains,
&D. every coin has two sides
二. 完形填空 (共10小题,计10分)
An ant is walking by the river. He looks at the river and says to
himself, “&&
11&&& nice and
cool this water looks! I must drink some of it.” But when he is
drinking, he&&&
12&&& into the
“Oh. Help! Help!” the ant cries.
A dove (鸽子) is
13&&& the tree.
She hears him and offers him a leaf,
14&&& up that
leaf,” she says, “and you will get to the bank (河岸).”
The ant climbs up onto the leaf, and the wind blows (吹) the leaf to
“Thank you, Dove. You’re
15&& . You have saved my life,
and I wish I could
16&&& for you.
Goodbye!” the ant says and runs home.
“Goodbye!” says the dove.
17&&& not to
fall into the river again.”
After a few days, the dove is building her nest (巢).
And a man is raising his gun (枪) to
The ant sees this, and
19&&& to bite
(咬) the man’s leg. “Ouch! Ouch!” The
20&&& a terrible
pain and drops his gun. The dove flies away quickly. So the man
picks up his gun and leaves.
The dove comes to the ant and says, “Thank you, my little friend.
You have saved my life.” The little ant is so glad, because he can
help the dove.
(&& )11. A.
(&& )12. A.
(&& )13. A.
(&& )14. A. Get&
(&& )15. A.
(&& )16. A.
everything&&D. something
(&& )17. A.
(&& )18. A.
(&& )19. A.
&D. upstairs
(&& )20. A.
三. 阅读理解 (共15小题,计20分)
第一节: 阅读下面一篇短文,判断下列句子是否符合短文内容,符合的用“A”表示,不符合的用“B”表示。(共5小题,计5分)
&After losing her job and home in 1984, Lynn Carr
was living with her five-year-old son. “We slept in our car for
about a week,” she said, “but then it was sold.
As she moved from one friend’s house to another, Lynn began working
toward a high-school-equivalence diploma (高中同等学历证书), listening to
self-help tapes and making cakes.
After developing some new ways to make better cakes, she offered
her cakes to a restaurant. The restaurant sold out all the cakes in
several hours.
The following year, she met a man at a church and before long, they
married. Lynn began selling the cakes out of their home. Later she
opened a cake company. As business became better and better, Lynn
didn’t forget where she came from.
All the women she hires (雇用) are mothers or high-school dropouts
(退学者). Her twelve workers make 100 to 150 cakes a week and Lynn
owes (归功于) her success to her workers. She says, “We’re going to
have a learning center and a day-care center in the company. Part
of the workday will be spent studying for high-school-equivalence
Recently, a 33-year-old woman with three children came to Lynn. She
hired her at once. “It is a real happy thing,” the woman
(&& )21. After her car was sold,
Lynn Carr moved to her friends’ houses.
(&& )22. At first, few people
bought Lynn’s cakes at the restaurant.
(&& )23. Lynn met her husband at
a restaurant for the first time.
(&& )24. Lynn is trying to help
people who have the similar background as she did.
(&& )25. Without finishing high
school, one cannot even make good cakes.
The Folk Art Show
The best chance to learn about local art and culture.
Open: October 20-25
Organizer: City Museum
Address: 110 Century Road
Scan the QR code (扫描二维码) to get more information and book
The City Flower Show
Open: October 8-17
Price: ¥50 ¥25 free under the age
of 10; 20% off for groups over 10.
Address:112 New Town Road, Moonlight City
Visit www. flowersforlife. com for more information.
Camp of Folk Art
Would you like to learn paper cutting, Huangmei opera or to make
paper flowers?
Come to Camp of Folk Art 2014 at the Youth Center!
Age: 13 to 18
Time: December 13-20
For more information, call the Youth Center at (010)
Pop Music Week
Bands from home and abroad will give performances in Sunshine Park.
Local bands and DJs from local radio station are waiting to share
music with fans. Good chance for you to make friends with similar
Time: 9:00 a.m.—9:00 p.m., December 21-27
(&& )26. By
scanning the QR code, you can get     .
&A. an e-mail from City
&B. more information about the Folk Art Show
&C. a ticket to the museum for
&D. a gift from the City Museum
(&& )27. Tommy is a 9-year-old
boy. He wants to visit the City Flower Show with his parents. How
much will they pay?
(&& )28. If Jane wants to learn
to make paper flowers, she should go to     .
&A. Century
&B. New Town
&C. the Youth
&D. Sunshine Park
(&& )29. Phillip, 20 years old,
is NOT allowed to go to     .
&A. the City Flower Show&B. Camp
of Folk Art
&C. the Folk Art Show &D. Pop
Music Week
&&& On the Loess
Plateau (黄土高原), a donkey carries boxes of shadow play tools while
five players walk with musical instruments on their backs. They
travel through mountains and villages. When it becomes dark, they
set up the light and paper screen and start their show.
This is a Daoqing shadow play (道情皮影戏). It is an art mixing Daoqing
music and shadow play. The player holds the human characters behind
the paper screen and plays a series of stories. The characters are
usually made of cow skin.
The stage of the Daoqing shadow play is simple. It’s usually a
table covered with a large piece of paper. The light was behind the
paper screen. As the shadow player moves his fingers, the
characters come to life and their looks, dress and movement can be
clearly seen from the other side of the screen. The player is also
the lead singer. All the characters are played and voiced by him.
It’s not an easy job.
Shi Chenglin is an old shadow player. He says it takes a player ten
to twenty years to be good at playing the characters well. He used
to have students, but they gave up one by one.
To protect the traditional Chinese folk art, the Museum of Daoqing
Shadow Play has been built in Gansu, and many artists are trying to
spread it to the stage of China, and of the world.
(&& )30. When is Daoqing shadow
play usually played?
&A. In the morning.&
&B. In the afternoon.&
&C. In the evening.&
&D. At any time.
(&& )31. What can we learn about
Daoqing shadow play?&
&A. It needs a big screen.&
&B. It tells a lot of
&C. It brings food to poor
&D. The characters are made of silk.
(&& )32. Which of the following
&A. The characters are easy to
&B. The characters’ looks can’t be seen from the
&C. A shadow player is also a good Daoqing
&D. Many young men have given up learning Daoqing
shadow play.
Michael Williams spent ten years building a model of Tower Bridge
out of 1.6 million matches. The model is 6 feet long and has 156
working lights.
Although the model is tiny, it took two years longer to build than
the real building, which was started in 1886. After he started
making small boats, Mr. Williams became interested in old buildings
so he began his big project. With the help of pictures and books,
he tried to create the model by hand. When asked why he chose Tower
Bridge, he explained, “I want something English and historical.
This must be one of the most famous buildings in the world.”
Mr. Williams spent three to four hours a day working on the model
until he finally finished it. He said, “I never realized I was
artistic until I started this. My teachers said I wasn’t patient
but I think they were wrong.” When he was told it took two years
shorter to build the real building, he added, “That’s amazing. But
I don’t regret (后悔) it—it’s worth the effort. I just wanted to
build something different from the buildings made of bricks
(&& )33. How long did it take Mr.
Williams to build the model of Tower Bridge?
&A. 6 years. &B. 8
years.&&C. 10 years.
&D. 12 years.
(&& )34. Tower Bridge, the real
building, was finished in the year of     .
&A. 1893&&
&C. 1896&&D.
(&& )35. Why did Mr. Williams
choose Tower Bridge?
&A. Because it’s world-famous.
&B. Because it’s very tall.
&C. Because it’s an old building.
&D. Because it’s easy to build.
四. 完成句子 (共5小题,计10分)
36. 桌子上的盘子都是银制的。&
All the plates on the table
37. 尽管爸爸感到很累, 他还是帮我学习数学。
  my father was very tired, he still helped me with my
38. 著名的五羊雕像是广州的象征。
The famous Five-Goat Statue is a
39. 接下来你应该将布丁在高温下烤10分钟。
Next you should bake the pudding
for ten minutes.
40. 无论天气多坏, 孩子们都要去公园踢足球。
  how bad the weather is, the children will play football in the
park together.
五. 短文填空 (共10小题,计10分)
way&&& ask
Last Saturday, I went out to see a film after
supper. On my (41)     to the cinema, I met an Englishman. He
looked puzzled (茫然的). So I walked up to him and said (42)     to
him. His first name was Kevin. I (43)     what I could do for him.
He told me he had (44)
     his way. So I (45)     up the opportunity to see the film and
took Kevin to his hotel. (46)     going there, I told him about the
great changes that had taken place in my hometown in the (47)    
few years and Kevin told me (48)     interesting about his country,
Though I couldn’t see the film, I felt very (49)    , for I had not
only helped John get out of (50)    , but also practiced my spoken
English. I also realized that if I had not worked hard at English,
I would not have been able to help Kevin.
六. 任务型阅读 (共5小题,计10分)
On June 25, hundreds of people came together outside the Library of
Congress in Washington D.C., and they were celebrating (庆祝) public
libraries. For more than 100 years, libraries have played an
important role in keeping Americans educated. But how are these
book-filled buildings changing with the times? You may be surprised
to find out.
Benjamin Franklin founded America’s first lending library in
Philadelphia in 1731. And the number of public libraries greatly
increased in the late 1800s. Andrew Carnegie, a businessman, gave
away millions of dollars to help build free public libraries across
the country. Between 1886 and 1919, Carnegie helped build 1,679 new
Carnegie believed that libraries could offer Americans many
opportunities. He knew that the more libraries there were, the more
people would have opportunities to read books and news. There are
more public libraries in America than McDonald’s restaurants
The United States is home to 9,225 public libraries. Today, the
number of libraries continues to grow. Seven out of ten public
libraries offer free Internet use. This can help many community
members who can’t go online at home. It can also help them to have
the opportunity to find jobs online.
Benjamin Franklin once said, “The doors of wisdom (智慧) are never
shut.” As long as the doors of public libraries are open, his
statement is most certainly true!
51. Why did hundreds of people come together outside the Library of
Congress on June 25?
&Because they          .
52.&Where is America’s first lending
&It is in          .
53. Why did Andrew Carnegie give away lots of money to help build
&Because he believed          .
54.&Are there more public libraries in America
than McDonald’s restaurants?
&                  .
55.&How many public libraries in which people can
go online for free in America?
&About          .
七. 补全对话 (共10小题,计10分)
(A) 根据对话内容,将方框内符合对话情景的句子抄写在对话空白处,使对话恢复完整。选项中有两项是多余的。
&&& Ben: Wow,
what a beautiful vase (花瓶)!
(56)  &&&&&&&&&&&
  It took me two days to make it.
(57)  &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&
Molly: Yes, I made it at home.
&&& Ben: That’s
(58)  &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&
Molly: First, I put some pieces of paper into water. Then I gently
glued (粘贴) them onto a plastic bottle. After they became dry and
hard, the bottle became a paper vase.
(59)  &&&&&&&&&&&&&
  Do you mind making one for me?
(60)  &&&&&&&&&&&
  I’ll make one for you the day after tomorrow.
&&& Ben: That’s
very nice of you.
Thank you.
Of course not.
Who made it?
Sounds fantastic.
How did you make it?
Where did you make it?
You made it by yourself?
(B) 根据下面对话中的情景,在每个空白处填入一个适当的语句,使对话恢复完整。
(61)  &&&&
B: I’m looking for a skirt for my daughter as a birthday
A: This way, please. Here are lots of skirts.
B: It’s beautiful. Oh, it feels so soft.
(63)  &&&&
A: It’s made of silk.
(64)  &&&&
 ? My daughter doesn’t like yellow.
A: White? Let me have a look. Oh, here’s one.
B: Thank you.
(65)  &&&&
A: Fifty yuan.
B: I’ll take it. Here’s the money.
Name of the artwork: kite&
History: over 2,000 years
Features (特征): different sizes, shapes, fly high
What is the most famous traditional art in your hometown?
●What’s it made of/from?
●How long is its history?
From: Li Hua
Subject: Artwork in my hometown
I’m glad to hear from you.
6-10 CBBDD&& 11-15
DABCB&& &16-20
26-30 BBCBC &31-35 BDCBA&
36. are made
&& 37. Even though
&&&38. symbol
39. at a (very) high heat &40. No matter
&&42. hello
&&45. gave
46. While&&&
&&50. trouble
51. were celebrating public libraries&
52. Philadelphia
53. libraries could offer Americans many opportunities to read
books and news
54. Yes, there are &&
56. Thank you.
57. You made it by yourself?&
58. How did you make it?&
59. Sounds fantastic.&&
60. Of course not.&&61. What can
62. What about this one&
63. What is it made of&&64. But
do you have a white one&65. How much does it
One possible version:
I’m glad to hear from you.
In your last e-mail, you said you were interested in the local
artwork in my hometown. Now I will tell you something about it. My
hometown is famous for making and flying kites. In my hometown, the
history of making kites goes back to over 2,000 years ago. Kites
are mainly made of paper, which can be made into different sizes
and shapes. People like to fly them in spring. It’s not hard to fly
kites, and flying kites is great fun. Some can fly as high as
hundreds of meters.


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