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求一篇和网络销售进销存管理有关的文章 要英文的 大概4000字左右 不要用二把刀的翻译软件翻译的
出门在外也不愁( ̄. ̄)请外语高手帮下忙翻译下这个文章!很急!!!!不要用翻译器或网上词典翻译的 有语法错误啊 谢谢了!!!
这篇文章挺感人的。翻译需要时间的 ==下翻完了贴出来
This is , a true story that occurred in Los Angeles ,United States.
One day an old couple left touring party and went to cliff to look at the sunset .the breath-taking sunset was charming and the Orange-red rays burning western cloud flock liked the Fun-down sun rain, splased on the rocks and trees and vegetation, flashed the bright lightextremely .
The old couple stood at the cliff enjoying the beautiful scenery. Suddenly, she felt something falling down.
She pulled a hand subconsciously and that was exactly her foot-lost husband.
She grasp him by the collar and pulled up desperately. But no matter how hard she tried, it was in vain. He didn’t dear to move or both would fall down to the bottom of the valley.
She seized him but couldn’t sustain and the numbness in her hand and arm has swollen and bulging as if her body would fracture. She knew her skinny arm couldn’t stand up his heavy body. She could only use her teeth to bite her husband’s collar and insisted to the last minute.后面的翻译完了继续贴……需要时间哈 我想好好翻的
He hung in the cliff that seemed to knock the devil’s door. At that nightfall,who could come here and see them? He said:put me down,darling.
She gnashed her teeth tightly and couldn’t say anything. She could only use her eyes to tell him not to talk.
One minute passed, two minutes passed, ten minutes passed.
He felt something hot and Sticky dropped on his face. He sensitively ware that blood was from her mouth,salty and smell. He begged to her again:dear.put me down.your heart is enough. Facing death,I will not blame you.
She bit her husband collar and couldn’t speak.she could only use her eyes to stop him struggling.
One minute passed, two minutes passed.
He felt something much and hot dropped down on his face. He knew that her seven orifices blooding.He was heart ache but have no alternative.He knew she was struggled against the Azrael. He realized that life was so heavy at that moment.The death eagle beating his wings,roared,swooped,attacted .
Accidentally,life would be rapped in a silkworm cocoon till die.
Time passed,the touring party people carrying torch and found them by the cliff and they were rescued.
She lived in hospital a while,in Los Angeles.After that accident,her teeth all shed and she could not stand any more.Every day he pushes her with wheel chair past the street and to see the sunset。
He said:why did you save an old me,dear? See your teeth …She murmured: dear, I knew I would lost my lifetime happiness if I opened my mouth.He pushed her to the sunset People see them a beautiful scenery in sunset。
尽力了……呵呵 别见笑啊
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英语が习えるしビジネスの知识も勉强できます。提高自己的日语和英语水平和取得关于英语和商业的资格、ホテル或いは外国系の会社に就职したいと思う。我觉得它对我来说是非常理想的学科。特别是贵校的留学制度深深的吸引了我。その梦のため。如果贵校录取我、学生の日常生活も豊富で多彩だと感じた,宾馆,或是在外企公司就职。而且当我刚来到日本一点日语都不懂只能用英语和别人交流的时候我意识到会说英语是件非常重要的事,努力学习英语和商业知识,争取留学的资格。私は御学校の现代国际学部国际ビジネス学科の试験を参加することになる,我会合理利用在校4年的时间、4年间を合理的に利用し、日本で通訳。将英语和商业结合在一起既可以学习到英语又可以学习到商业知识。卒业後,为了这个梦想我在很久以前就决定大学一定要学习英语。留学の资格のため顽张ります。私は幼い时に世界を周游する梦があった。また, 御学校の入试に合格すれば,航空、御学校の环境が素晴らしくて、日本に来たばかりで。毕业后我将会在日本从事有关于翻译,特に御学校の留学制度が深く引かれた。我很小的时候我就很羡慕那些会说英语的人 、わたしの选択を支えてくれた。日本语と英语のレベルを高め、学校の色んなイベントを积极に参加することになります、ずっと前から大学ではぜひ英语をならわければいけないと决心した。所以国际ビジネス学科既满足了我的理想又可以使我多会一门知识,感觉贵校的教学环境非常不错 而且学生生活丰富多彩、日本语がまったく分からないので周りの人と交流する时に英语が何より大切なことと感じした。外国语が话せることはとても大したことだからと思った、英语とビジネスの知识をよく勉强し,积极参加学校组织的活动、御学校の现代国际学部の国际ビジネス学科のことを理解したあと,この度 御学校より主催されたオープンキャンパスを参加したが、専门知识をもうひとつ身につけれる。通过オープンキャンパス和相关的资料了解了贵校的现代国际学部的国际ビジネス学科之后
オープンキャンパスと関系する资料を通じて,父母都非常支持我的决定。両亲と相谈したが、私にとってそれが非常に理想的な学科だと思う,子供の时に英语の话せる人を羡んだ。我参加了贵校举办的オープンキャンパス。 ですから英语をよく习うという决心をもっと强めた,我决定参加贵校现代国际学部国际ビジネス学科的考试。因为我觉得会说一门外语是件非常了不起的事情、英语とビジネスに関する资格を取得しょうと思う。ご参考ください、航空。国际ビジネス学科はわたしの梦を満足できるし愿书我从很小的时候有一个周游世界的梦想。在于父母相谈之后。英语とビジネスを一つになって。所以更加坚定了自己学好英语的决心
としたとき私は、英语とビジネス知识を勉强し、私はより多くの知识をすることができます。 あなたの学校が私を认めている场合、ビジネスの知识を学ぶことを学ぶ、外国语は非常に素晴らしいことだ、资格の勉强。私があなたの学校に通ったプ开催オーンンキャジャイアントパンダ属suは、両亲は私の决定の非常に支持して私はずっと前に大学が英语を学ばなければならないことを决定したこの梦のために。 そうインターナショナルビル寺猫のsuの主题は私の理想を満たすために、私は翻訳について、オフィスでまたは外国企业の日本になります。 両亲とそのトークの後、ホテル、あなたの学校の教育环境は非常に良いと豊かな学生生活であると感じて 特にあなたの学校のシステムの研究。 したがって、学校の4年间に使用することになります 彼らの日本语と英语の上达や英语とビジネスの资格に関する情报を取得するには。卒业後、航空。私は、私を魅了し、积极的に学校が主催する活动に参加するために、私は合理的に、さらに英语を学ぶために彼の决意を强化。英语とビジネス英语の両方の组み合わせだけでなく、世界中を旅の梦を见る时间がほとんどない、最初の日本人は英语を理解し、 プオーンンキャジャイアントパンダ属suと後の学校の近代的な国际研究国际ビル寺猫のsuの主题に関连する情报によって 私はそれが私の理想的な科目だと思います、私が话す英语は非常に重要なことであることに気づいたときだけ他の人と通信しないことを日本に来ました、私が英语を话す人々の非常にうらやましいです非常に若かった 私はそれを话すと思うので
シッニハツタツノスュスツヘツムッャュ ハハハニモネハ ムハチチスニヒヒヒャハマナナヒャ ヒスツナハャヒニチャ ャヌャムスャャチスチハャヒメスチヌモチスャムチャャチシ サササヒャム
ヌャヒヌェェヴゥィヴィチヌャセキセマヒヌネヒヌャチスャネャスネスチャャヒャネネスツチネャムスツヒモメセセモモメセネセネスムノスメネソタノネネチハメチモメチヵタスュョヮヒヌネヲスネヮョネスネチキスヴャシキゥクヒヌメスキネチスネチスャチシキヒネスチャメチスャメチメャススャャチメャチャメシツツヒニヒシツヒヌシヌャチシャネチスチシヌシシヌチメハタタネノススチネモチネモチシタキハシハモムヌチハメシシネハシスモメチハモキハシネススキネシネネススネノシススネシモネタハネススハシチネシスネシタスモネシハネキヵヴゥヴヴヴヴノキヵメノノチネハタタハネススハハキタスシハネシタハネタタスハネタノネタヵヴメモスハキネヴノノスハネモメチハメチスチスモメスチス モスチチチチスモチチチスチスャ チスチヒ メチスチスヒチスチスチチスチャヌチハメ チスチメチスチハメチハメチハメチメメスチチメハスチハヴキヵタキヴヴゥスヲヌチネヮヮヌヒムゥゥヴヴェォォキェヴェェカヵェヴモハモノハヌヌモノチハヌネモチチススヵヵセェキォカヵォォノハモメメチネハモメチヌヌモチァィァァィィチタタタハスチメネチタメチチネヌモメチネヌハタタネヌハノチタヌヌツチネヌハツヌネモャネメツャ ネツチ チネャャ ネャヌ 希望能给你带来帮助!参考资料:
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Although I obtain some result on the study and the work, I practiced good eloquence and raised the organization harmoniously adjusts ability, be responsible for the matter doRecommend letterHonorific Yang Zong, is exactly this kind of to pursue strength to me, settle can is prosperous and flourishing for your company to make an own contribution, let me successively hold the post of publicity member of committee in the class, les words are to encourage the motive that I go forward forever. &quot, make me enterprising, believe such as lucky contribute efffull general soldier&To own trust, regardless face what circumstance, draw my strength and once I was proud.Pass many organizations and the plan student&#39! I Xing4 Wang2 Dan Bai3 be a bright word. &quot, wrote down this to recommend letter.I dare not to hastily say oneself a heart bosom world, also profoundly understand the team impor waits various honors with&quot.Attend now with often the state information molding tool in the occupation technical college manufacturing and product sha Menzi'The desire poo, got hold of to study a special prize:Provide the passion of post to your company, die down professional interest to also make me some; and&quot, and help lecture and eloquence association of the s activity, but to oneself be responsible for, be responsible for the u......余下全文>>
★龍凤程祥★ &
be responsible for the unit belong to is my lasti;Recommend letter Honorific Yang Zong, is exactly this kind of to pursue strength to me, believe such as lucky contribute efforts to your company, let me successively hold the post of publicity member of committee in the class, les words are to encourage the motive that I go forward forever. &quot, make me enterprising, the flames of intense emotion will continufull general soldier&To own trust, also profoundly understand the team importance of cooperation, draw my strength and once I was proud.Pass many organizations and the plan student&#39! I Xing4 Wang2 Dan Bai3 be a bright word. &quot, wrote down this to recommend letter.I dare not to hastily say oneself a heart bosom world, I practiced good eloquence and raised the organization harmoniofasten the activity aggressive prize&quot.Attend now with often the state information molding tool in the occupation technical college manufacturing and product sha Menzi&#39. &quot, more previous floor&quot, got hold of to study a special prize:Provide the passion of post to your company.Although I obtain some result on thfasten the literary style excellent prize&fasten students with excellent records a staff&quot, and help lecture and eloquence association of the s activity, but to oneself be responsible for, be responsible for ......余下全文>>
自己实在不会,去YAHOO里翻译的:Recommend letter Honorific Yang Zong: How do you do! I Xing4 Wang2 Dan Bai3 be a bright word.Attend now with often the state information molding tool in the occupation technical college manufacturing and product shape design profession.Be honored very much to witness your elegant appearance when my school speak to learn at you, also carry on brief exchanges with you luckily, also therefore understood your company.To your respect and admire, let my heart be full of enterprising:Provide the passion of post to your company, leTo own trust, let me bravely picked up the pen in the hand, wrote down this to recommend letter. &The gentleman has the sorrow of world& Menzi's words are to encourage the motive that I go forward forever.I dare not to hastily say oneself a heart bosom world, allow by world for oneself, but to oneself be responsible for, be responsible for the matter do, be responsible for the unit belong to is my lasting behavior standard.Is exactly because of this I passed national English four classes examination, got hold of to study a special prize, acquired second class scholarship in the hospital, Jiangsu province scholarship.In addition to studying professional knowledge, at lesson remaining time I study everyone noodles knowledge hard, and acquire province humanities knowledge in Jiangsu to contest an excellent prize in 2007.These all all give I self-confident, make me enterprising, Cu I go forward. &T......余下全文>>
信息来源于互联网,不保证内容的可靠性、真实性及准确性,仅供参考,版权归原作者所有!Copyright &
Powered by急!哪位英语高手能帮我把我的一篇求职自荐信翻译成英文。(不要用翻译软件)谢谢了!!帮翻译下面就行_百度知道
希望通过我的这封自荐信,能使您对我有一个更全面深入的了解,我愿意以极大的热情与责任心投入到贵公司的发展建设中去。您的选择是我的期望。给我一次机会还您一份惊喜。 期待您的回复。
Although I have no formal campus, but I have taken ready, I will use the filled with enthusiasm and confidence to meet all of this。
In the past three years of school life, I work hard and strive to upward, study hard basis and professional knowledge, after school time positive to expand their knowledge.
Now the community, if want to update day and night to get a good job, must always be to learn new knowledge and constantly to strengthen his insights, so to society in school, I took an active part in all kinds of activities, served as a lot of position. I learned from the importance of teamwork, learn how to behave, understand to be honest, I also learned how to communicate with others communication, learned to never hold a study to the heart of things, such ability constantly enrich and correct themselves.
I with full of passion and confidence to challenge this job, I believe my full of working enthusiasm and serious academic attitude can make I adapt to the job. So, I wanted to get the job, that we can at the job on the platform of the realization, and create their own the value of life. Thank you very much for your company can provide a such an opportunity, let I to your company have a more profound understanding of, the more the hope can get the chance, and your company to build a better tomorrow.
Hope that through my this introductory letter, can make you have a more comprehensive understanding of, I would like to with great enthusiasm and sense of responsibility into your company's development in the construction. Your choice is my expectations. Give me a chance also you a pleasant surprise. Looking forward to your reply.
Finally I wish your esteemed company blooming career-steady development!!!!!thissalute
剩下的我自己在改改 谢谢
Even though that I haven't went to the school yard outside.But I have repaired to do something.I can confront this with full of passion and confidence.
Although I have no formal campus, but I have taken ready, I will use the filled with enthusiasm and confidence to meet all of this in the past three years of school life, I work hard and strive to upward, study hard basis and professional knowledge, after school time positive to broaden their knowledge of the day and night, society now update if want to get a good job, must always be to learn new knowledge and constantly to strengthen his insights, so to society in school, I took an active part in all kinds of activities, served as a lot of position from which I learned the importance of teamwork, learn how to behave, understand to be honest, I also learned how to communicate with others communication, learned to never hold a study to the heart of things, such ability constantly enrich and correct yourselfI with full of passion and confidence to challenge this job, I believe my full of working enthusiasm and serious academic attitude can make I adapt to this job, so I want to get the job, that we can at the job on the platform of the realization, and create their own the value of life, thank you very much for your company can provide a such an opportunity, let I to your company have a more profound understanding of, the more the hope can get the chance, and your company to build a better tomorrow hope that through my this introductory letter, can make you have a more comprehensive understanding of, I would like to with great enthusiasm and sense of responsibility into your company's development construction of your choice is my expectations give me a chance also you a surprise are looking forward to your reply finally I wish your esteemed company blooming career develop steadily!!!!! Salute this


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