
)4.求所位数字同质数(11<img class="word-replace" src="/api/getdecpic?picenc=0ad)(
1.质数 2 .17
2.质数 2. 11 .17
1.两个质数的和是19,这两个质数的积是( 34 )2.三个均小于20的质数,他们的和是30,他们的乘积是( 374 )3.54450乘以一个自然数a,乘积是一个整数的平方,那么A最小是(2)4.求出所有个位数字不同的最小质数(如11,3)的和(47 )5.一个质数,加六或减六,所得的数仍然是质数,这样的最小质数是( 11 )6.775*765*756*( 20 )。要使这个连乘的最后四个数字都是0,在括号里填上一个合适的数字7.已知自然数111555是两个连续单数的乘积,那么这两个单数的和是( 668 )
1.两个质数的和是19,这两个质数的积是( 34 )2.三个均小于20的质数,他们的和是30,他们的乘积是( 374 )3.54450乘以一个自然数a,乘积是一个整数的平方,那么A最小是(2)4.求出所有个位数字不同的最小质数(如11,3)的和(47 )5.一个质数,加六或减六,所得的数仍然是质数,这样的最小质数是( 11 )6.775*765*756*( 20 )。要使这个连乘的最后四个数字都是0,在括号里填上一个合适的数字7.已知自然数111555是两个连续单数的乘积,那么这两个单数的和是( 668 )
作者:佚名 资料来源:网络 点击数: &&&
文 章来源莲山 课件 w w w.5Y
一. 按字母表中的顺序写出24个小写字母.&&& a___________________________________z
二. 按顺序写出所缺的大小写字母。&&& f____ h&&& o____ q&&& k____ M&&& V____ X
三. 判断下列单词划线部分的发音是否相同,相同的用“T”,不同的用“F”,表示在括号内。(&&& )1. bike&&&mine(&&& )2. nose&&&long(&&& )3. much&&&museum(&&& )4. left&&&desk(&&& )5. hand&&&make
四. 下面每组单词中划线字母的读音有一个与其他二个不同,请将这单词的标号填入题前括号内。(&&& )1. A. day&&B. bad&&C. have(&&& )2. A. fish&&B. find&&C. give(&&& )3. A. me&&B. see&&C. red(&&& )4. A. glue&&&&&&&&&&&& B. run&&C. us(&&& )5. A. phone&&&&&&&&&&& B. plant&&C. four
五. 用直线连接下列英文单词和对应的中文意思。library&&电影院&&watch TV&&&牙疼station&&图书馆&&wait for&&&&头疼cinema&&博物馆&&play chess&&&看电视museum&公园&&&&&&&&&&& headache&&&等候park&&车站&&&&&&&&&&& toothache&&&下棋
六. 将下列划横线的部分译成英文或中文。& 1. The girl is my sister. 中文:__________& 2. Don’t smoke. 中文:____________& 3. Here is the money. 中文:_________& 4. I 学习English in a school. 英文:________& 5. My bag is 黑色的。 英文:_______
七. 选择单词或词组(每个只能用一次),将其标号填在横线上。&&& &1&under&&&2&white&&&3&play cards&&&4&in bed&&&5&speak to& 1. The book is _______ the bed. & 2. Could I _______ Mike , please? & 3. Don’t read _______ . It’s bad for your eyes. & 4. It is a _______ pencil. & 5. I will ______ with Mike this week
八. 根据情景选择句子,将答案的标号填入括号内。(&&& )1. 当你想知道橡皮放在哪儿时,问:&&& A. Where is the eraser?&&& B. Where is the pen? &&& C. Where is it from? (&&& )2. 当你提醒小明不要在房间玩球时,说:&&& A. Don’t read in bed, Xiao Ming!&&& B. Don’t be late for school, Xiao Ming!&&& C. Don’t play ball in the room, Xiao Ming!(&&& )3. 当你想知道别人能看见几辆汽车时,问:&&& A. How much is the car?&&& B. How many cars can you see? &&& C. I can see five cars. (&&& )4. 当你想知道别人是否喜欢那辆绿色汽车时,问:&&& A. Do you like the green car? &&& B. What is the car like? &&& C. I’m looking for a green car. (&&& )5. 当你想知道别人会不会骑马时,问:&&& A. Can you make a bike? &&& B. Can you ride a bike?&&& C. Can you ride a horse? (&&& )6. 当你想要一杯茶时,说:&&& A. I’d like a cup of tea. &&& B. Would you like a glass of tea? &&& C. May I have a bottle of tea? (&&& )7. 当你想知道新电视机的颜色时,问:&&& A. Where is the new TV?&&& B. What’s a TV?&&& C. What colour is the new TV? (&&& )8. 当你想知道别人是否有钢琴时,问:&&& A. Have you got a dictionary? &&& B. Have you got a piano? &&& C. May I use your piano? (&&& )9. 当你要了解别人是否喜欢游泳时,问:&&& A. Do you like swimming? &&& B. Do you like running? &&& C. Do you like pingpong? (&&& )10. 当你想知道这些物品是谁的时,问:&&& A. Whose are these? &&& B. Whose are those? &&& C. Who are they?
九. 选择,将答案的标号填入括号内。(&&& )1. I’v got a toothache. I’m going to the __________. &&& A. park&&B. dentist&&C. teacher(&&& )2. ――May I _______ your bike? &&& ――Sorry.&&& A. ride&&B. reading&&C. read(&&& )3. ――Whose ruler is it? &&& ――Maybe it’s _______. &&& A. Peter&&B. Peters&&C. Mary’s(&&& )4. I want to find a good book. I’m going to the _______. &&& A. cinema&&B. library&&C. museum(&&& )5. ――_____ will you do? &&& ――I’ll play football. &&& A. What&&B. When&&C. Where
十. 从B栏中找出适合A栏的答语,将其标号填入括号内。&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& A&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& B(&&& )1. What does he do? &&A. She is going to the cinema. (&&& )2. What does she do?&&B. He is old and fat. (&&& )3. What is it like?&&&C. She is a dentist. (&&& )4. What is he like? &&&D. He is a doctor. (&&& )5. Where is she going?&&E. It’s long and black.
十一. 每小题A、B、C三个单词中,有一个与图意相符,选出来将其标号填入括号内。(&&& )1. A. bag&&B. bed&&C. book(&&& )2. A. cap&&B. cat&&C. car(&&& )3. A. radio&B. fan&&C. fridge(&&& )4. A. nose&&B. mouth&&C. hand(&&& )5. A. dentist&&B. worker&&C. teacher
十二. 每小题A、B、C三个句中,有一个与图义相符,把这个句子的标号填入括号内。(&&& )1. A. No smoking&&B. No spiting&&C. No parking(&&& )2. A. He is swimming&&B. He is dancing&&C. He is riding a horse. (&&& )3. A. She is drawing&&B. She is reading&&C. She is singing.(&&& )4. A. I’m closing the window. &&B. I’m cleaning the door. &&& C. I’m opening the door. (&&& )5. A. I’m from Africa.&&B. I’m from England. &&C. I’m from China.
十三. 看图完成对话(数词用英文表示)。& 1. ――How many dogs can you see? &&& ――I can see _____________. & 2. ――Do you like swimming? &&& ――_________, __________. & 3. ――What time is it? &&& ――It’s __________. & 4. ――What does he do? &&& ――He is a ________. & 5. ――Where is the pencil? &&& ――It’s _______ the book.
十四. 根据图中汤姆所在的位置,请你告诉他如何找到想去的地方。&&& turn right, turn left, on the left, on the right, the first crossing, the second crossing &&& A: How can I get to the station?&&& B:_____________________&&& ______________________&&& A: Thank you.
试题答案一. 按字母表中的顺序写出24个小写字母.&&& a& b& c& d& e& f& g& h& i& j& k& l& m& n &&& o& p& q& r& s& t& u& v& w& x& y& z二. 按顺序写出所缺的大小写字母。&&& f& g&& h&&& o& p&& q&&& k& L& M&&& V& w&& X三. 判断下列单词划线部分的发音是否相同,相同的用“T”,不同的用“F”,表示在括号内。(T)1. bike&&&mine(F)2. nose&&&long(F)3. much&&&museum(T)4. left&&&desk(F)5. hand&&&make四. 下面每组单词中划线字母的读音有一个与其他二个不同,请将这单词的标号填入题前括号内。(A)1. A. day&&B. bad&&C. have(B)2. A. fish&&B. find&&C. give(C)3. A. me&&B. see&&C. red(A)4. A. glue&&B. run&&C. us(B)5. A. phone&B. plant&&C. four五. 略六. 将下列划横线的部分译成英文或中文。& 1. The girl is my sister. 中文:姐妹& 2. Don’t smoke. 中文:吸烟& 3. Here is the money. 中文:钱& 4. I 学习English in a school. 英文:study& 5. My bag is 黑色的。英文:black七. 选择单词或词组(每个只能用一次),将其标号填在横线上。&&& &1&under&&&2&white&&&3&play cards&&&4&in bed&&&5&speak to& 1. The book is &1& the bed. & 2. Could I &5& Mike , please? & 3. Don’t read &4& . It’s bad for your eyes. & 4. It is a &2& pencil. & 5. I will &3& with Mike this week
八. 根据情景选择句子,将答案的标号填入括号内。(A)1. 当你想知道橡皮放在哪儿时,问:&&& A. Where is the eraser?&&& B. Where is the pen? &&& C. Where is it from? (C)2. 当你提醒小明不要在房间玩球时,说:&&& A. Don’t read in bed, Xiao Ming!&&& B. Don’t be late for school, Xiao Ming!&&& C. Don’t play ball in the room, Xiao Ming!(B)3. 当你想知道别人能看见几辆汽车时,问:&&& A. How much is the car?&&& B. How many cars can you see? &&& C. I can see five cars. (A)4. 当你想知道别人是否喜欢那辆绿色汽车时,问:&&& A. Do you like the green car? &&& B. What is the car like? &&& C. I’m looking for a green car. (C)5. 当你想知道别人会不会骑马时,问:&&& A. Can you make a bike? &&& B. Can you ride a bike?&&& C. Can you ride a horse? (A)6. 当你想要一杯茶时,说:&&& A. I’d like a cup of tea. &&& B. Would you like a glass of tea? &&& C. May I have a bottle of tea? (C)7. 当你想知道新电视机的颜色时,问:&&& A. Where is the new TV?&&& B. What’s a TV?&&& C. What colour is the new TV? (B)8. 当你想知道别人是否有钢琴时,问:&&& A. Have you got a dictionary? &&& B. Have you got a piano? &&& C. May I use your piano? (A)9. 当你要了解别人是否喜欢游泳时,问:&&& A. Do you like swimming? &&& B. Do you like running? &&& C. Do you like pingpong? (A)10. 当你想知道这些物品是谁的时,问:&&& A. Whose are these? &&& B. Whose are those? &&& C. Who are they? 九. 选择,将答案的标号填入括号内。(B)1. I’v got a toothache. I’m going to the __________. &&& A. park&&B. dentist&&C. teacher(A)2. ――May I _______ your bike? &&& ――Sorry.&&& A. ride&&B. reading&&C. read(C)3. ――Whose ruler is it? &&& ――Maybe it’s _______. &&& A. Peter&&B. Peters&&C. Mary’s(B)4. I want to find a good book. I’m going to the _______. &&& A. cinema&&B. library&&C. museum(A)5. ――_____ will you do? &&& ――I’ll play football. &&& A. What&&B. When&&C. Where
十. 从B栏中找出适合A栏的答语,将其标号填入括号内。&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& A&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& B(D)1. What does he do? &&A. She is going to the cinema. (C)2. What does she do?&&B. He is old and fat. (E)3. What is it like?&&&C. She is a dentist. (B)4. What is he like? &&&D. He is a doctor. (A)5. Where is she going?&&E. It’s long and black.
十一. 每小题A、B、C三个单词中,有一个与图意相符,选出来将其标号填入括号内。(B)1. A. bag&&B. bed&&C. book(B)2. A. cap&&B. cat&&C. car(A)3. A. radio&B. fan&&C. fridge(C)4. A. nose&&B. mouth&&C. hand(C)5. A. dentist&&B. worker&&C. teacher
十二. 每小题A、B、C三个句中,有一个与图义相符,把这个句子的标号填入括号内。(A)1. A. No smoking&&B. No spiting&&C. No parking(B)2. A. He is swimming&&B. He is dancing&&C. He is riding a horse. (B)3. A. She is drawing&&B. She is reading&&C. She is singing.(C)4. A. I’m closing the window. &&B. I’m cleaning the door. &&& C. I’m opening the door. (C)5. A. I’m from Africa.&&B. I’m from England. &&C. I’m from China.
十三. 看图完成对话(数词用英文表示)。& 1. ――How many dogs can you see? &&& ――I can see one dog& 2. ――Do you like swimming? &&& ――Yes, I do. & 3. ――What time is it? &&& ――It’s seven& 4. ――What does he do? &&& ――He is a doctor& 5. ――Where is the pencil? &&& ――It’s under the book.
十四. 根据图中汤姆所在的位置,请你告诉他如何找到想去的地方。&&& turn right, turn left, on the left, on the right, the first crossing, the second crossing &&& A: How can I get to the station?&&& B: Tum right at the first crossing &&& The station is on the right &&& A: Thank you. &&& 写出tum right at the first crossing 即可。
试卷分析一. 按字母写出24个字母大小写&&& 目的:考查26个字母背诵情况及正确书写要求&&& 一线当作三线使&&& 例: j&& k&&& 错误: j&&& K
二. 按顺序写出所缺的大小写字母&&& 错例:f& g& h&&& k& l& m&&& 改正:f& g& h&& k& L& m&&& 原因:1. 不认真读题。&&2. 书写格式不正确
三. 判断下列单词划线部分读音是否相同?相同“T”,不同“F”&&& 错例:left&&& desk(F)&&& 改正:left&&& desk(T)&&& 原因:Aa、Ee、Ii、Oo、Uu五个元音字母在单词中的发音掌握不扎实。&&& left&&& [e]&&& desk&&& [e]
四. 下面每组单词中划线部分的读音有一个与其它二个不同&&& 错例:(C)A. day&&B. bad&&C. have&&& 改正(A)&&& 原因:have 属“a”的特殊发音&&& [ ]&&& ay&&& 字母组合&&& [ei]&&& bad&&& a在闭音节中&&& [ ]
五. 用直线将对应的中、英文联线&&& 错例:library~电影院&&cinema~图书馆&&& 改正:library~图书馆&&cinema~电影院&&& 原因:单词掌握不扎实,中英文对号入座有见缺。
六. 将下列划横线的部分译成英文或中文&&& 错例:The girl is my sister&&&& 姐姐&&& 改正:姐妹&&& 原因词意掌握不够透彻。
七. 选择单词或词组。&&& 错别:1. The book is play cards the bed. &&& 改正:The book is under the bed.&&& 以题目的在于询问书的位置,因此应选under
八. 根据情景选择句子,将填空填在括号内。&&& 错例:(B)6. 当你想要一杯茶时,说:&&& A. I’d like a cup of tea. &&& B. Would you like a glass of tea? &&& C. May I have a bottle of tea? &&& 改正(A)&&& B选项意在询问你是否想要一杯茶水,但并不是肯定的说你要一杯茶。
九. 选择填空,将答案的标号填入括号内。&&& 错别:(B)I’ve got a toothache . I’m going to the ______ .&&& A. park&&B. dentist&&C. teacher&&& 原因:“toothache”词义理解不清。& 例2. (B)――Whose ruler is it ?&&& ――Maybe it’s _________ .&& A. peter&&B. peters&&C. Mary’s&&& 当表示……的&& 人名’s
十. 从B栏中选出适合A栏的答语。&&& 例:What does he do ~ she is a dentist&&& 原因:读题不认真,he she不清。&&& he 他&&she 她&&& 人称不一致,因此正确答案应是&&& What does he do ? He is a doctor .
十一. 每小题有一个与图意相符。&&& 错例:(C)A. cap&&B. cat&&C. car&&& 图意为“猫”cat,cap帽子,car小汽车,词形容易混淆。
十二. 每小题三个句中,有一个与图义相符。(&&& )1. A. no smoking&&B. No spitting文 章来源莲山 课件 w w w.5Y
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(时间:60分钟& 总分:100分)
I. 听辨单词、短语 (Words and Phrases)& (共10 小题, 计10分)
&&& A) 听音, 选出你所听到的单词。每个单词只读一遍。(答案涂在答题纸上)
1. A. light&&&&&&&&& B. fight&&&&&&& C. bright&&&& D. right
2. A. dare&&&&&&&&&& B. hare&&&&&&&& C. care&&&&&& D. bear
3. A. mine&&&&&&&&&& B. nine&&&&&&&& C. line&&&&&& D. fine
4. A. volleyball&&&& B. basketball&&&C. baseball&&&D. football
5. A. fishing&&&& && B. finishing&&& C. washing&&& D. shipping
&&& B) 听音,选择正确的一项,补全句子。每个句子读两遍。(答案涂在答题纸上)
6. My father_________(A. drives to&&&&& B. arrives at) his office at eight o'clock every day.
7. Don't _________(A. pick&&&& B. stick) flowers in the park.
8. _________(A. When&&&& B. Where) will Uncle John have his holiday?
9. Bobby is a dog. _________(A. His hair&&&& B. His tail) is long.
10. The pupils are reading _________(A. quickly&&&& B. quietly) in the library.&
II. 句子理解 (Sentences) (共10小题, 计10分)
&&& A) 听音,选出与所听到的句子意思相符的图片。每个句子只读一遍。(答案涂在答题纸上)
&&& B) 听句子,选出每个句子的最佳应答句。每个句子读两遍。(答案涂在答题纸上)
16. A. Be careful.&&&&&&&&&&&&& B. Welcome.&&&
&&&&C. Thank you, darling.&&&&& D. Not at all.
17. A. No, I won't.&&&&&&&&&&&& B. Yes, I do.&&
&&&&C. Yes, I went to London last week.&&&& D. No, I'm going there next month.
18. A. He is a postman.&&&&&&&& B. He is thirty-five.&&
&&&&C. He is not very well today.&&&&&& D. He goes to work every morning.
19. A. Two weeks.&&& & B. Once a week.& &&& C. Two miles.&&&&&&& D. Four days.
20. A. The policeman over there.&&&&&&&&&&&&B. The panda at the zoo.
&&&&C. It's near my school.&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&D. Turn left at the second crossing.
III. 对话理解 (Dialogues) (共10小题,共10分)
&&& A)&听对话,判断下列图片是(Y)否(N)与对话内容相符。每组对话读两遍。(答案涂在答题纸上)
&&& B) 听对话,根据其内容选择最佳选项完成下面的邀请卡。对话读两遍。(答案涂在答题纸上)
26. A. 10 a.m.&&&&& B. 11 a.m.&&&& C. 9 p.m.&&&&D. 9:50 a.m.
27. A. In a hotel&&&& &&&&&&&&& B. In Andy's school
&&&&C. In Andy's home&&&&&&&&&& D. In Room No. 6
28. A. Amy, Susan, Johnson&&&&& B. Tony, Susan, Johnson
&&&&C. Susan, Tony, Tom&&&&&&&& D. Jimmy, Johnson, Tony
29. A. hams&&&&&&B. noodles&&&& C. hamburgers&&&&&&&& D. hot dogs
30. A. Tea&&&&&& B. Coca-Cola&&&C. Strawberry juice&& D. Coffee
IV. 短文理解 (Passages) (共10小题,计10分)
&&& A) 听短文,根据其内容选择最佳选项补全表格。短文读两遍。(答案涂在答题纸上)&&
32. A. Call Mr Chen.& && B. Call Mrs Chen.&&& C. Go to the cinema.& D. Visit Mrs Chen.
33. A. wash the clothes& B. wash the dishes&& C. water the flowers&&D. clean the windows
34. A. 9:00 p.m.&&& B.& 6:00 p.m.&&&& C.& 6:30 p.m.&&&D.& 3:06 p.m.
35. A. Let Peter do his homework.&&&& B. Bring Peter home.
&&&&C. Send Peter to bed.&&&&&&&&&&&& D. Time for watching TV.
&&& B) 听短文,填写单词(首字母已给出),补全短文。短文读两遍。(答案写在答题纸上)
Yesterday was a holiday. The weather was f____36_____. The sun was shining brightly and the wind was blowing. My parents and I went to the beach.
&&& T____37_____ were a group of young people on the beach. They& m_____38____lots of noise. My father asked them to be quiet, b____39_____they were angry and threw some sand at us.
&&& My father called the police and they came quickly. Then, they drove the young people away. We swam in the sea. Soon it started to r____40_____. We all got back into the car and drove home.
I. 单词和短语 (Words and Phrases) (共5小题,计5分)&
&&& 用括号中所给单词或短语的适当形式填空,补全句子。(答案写在答题纸上)
1. Does she_________(want) to keep the monkey at home?
2. They made three_________(kite) in art class yesterday.
3. Elephants are much _________(strong) than giraffes.
4. _________ (take off) your coat, please. It's hot in the room.
5. The little girl is _________ (look for) her mother everywhere.
II. 句子 (Sentences) (共10小题,计10分)
&&& A)&从下列选项中,选择恰当的一项完成句子。(答案涂在答题纸上)
6. Judy _________ her homework now. She didn't _________ it last night.
&&& A. finish& B. finishes&&& C. finishing&& D. finish
7. He drinks _________ milk for breakfast every morning.
&&& A. a few&&&&& B. many&&&&& C. a little&&&&D. lot
8. Tom is 45 kg. Jim is 50 kg. Dave is 52 kg. Tom is _________ than Jim. Jim is _________ than Dave. Dave is the _________ of all.
&&& A. heaviest&&&&& B. heaviest&&&
&&& C. light&&&&&&&& D. heavy
9. ―_________one do you like, the big one _________ the small one?
&& ―I'm not sure.
&&& A. W and&& &&&& B. W or&&&& C. W also&&&D. W with
10. What does “Keep off the grass!” mean?
&&& A. 收割草坪!&&&& B. 勿踏草坪!&&& C. 拔苗助长!&&&D. 躺在草坪上!
&&& B) 根据句后括号中的要求,完成下列句子的相应转换。(答案写在答题纸上)
11. Jackie went to the summer camp and made new friends there. (把some放入句中合适的位置上)
12. I like playing chess with my grandpa. (用enjoy改成同义句)
13. You can park your car on the road. (改为否定句)
14. There are many apples in the box. (改为单数句)
15. Jenny gets up at half past six every morning. (改为一般疑问句)&
III. 情景会话(Dialogues) (共10小题,计10分)
&&& A) 选出符合下列情景的最佳答案。(答案涂在答题纸上)
16. ―Hello!
&&& ― ______________________
&&& ― May I speak to Mr Fox?
&&&& A. Welcome!
&&&& B. Pardon?
&&&& C. Hello!3940212.
&&&& D. Really?&
17. ―Tom didn't feel well this morning.
&&&&―He has got a cold.&
A. What's he doing at home?
B. What's wrong with him?
C. What's his name?&
D. How old is he?
18. A. Would you mind opening the window?
&&&&B. Is that a window behind you?
&&&&C. Are there any boys playing football outside now?
&&&&D. What's the weather like today?&&
19. ―Shall we go skating this afternoon?
&&&& ―______________
&&& A. It doesn't matter.&&&&&&& B. No, I'm not.
&&& C. That's a good idea.&&&&&& D. No, we don't.&
20. 如果遇到坏人,我们应该喊什么?
&&& A. How do you do?&&&& &&&&&& B. Excuse me!
&&& C. What's the time?&&&&&&&&& D. Help!&
&&& B) 从所给的选项中选择恰当的句子补全对话(有两个选项是多余的)。(答案写在答题纸上)
Polo: This park is great.
Alice: I agree.
Brandon: It's very beautiful. I like it.
Mike: Can you hear music?
Polo: Well, it's music...and look! &&&&&& &21.&&&&&& &
Brandon: Let's go and have a look.
Alice:&&&&&&&&&22.&&&&&&&& I'd like to try this dance.
Mike: Are you crazy?
Polo: Oh, come on!I want to dance, too. Shall we dance, Brandon?
Brandon: Sure. Let's go!
Mike:&&&&&&&&&23.&&&&&&&& I'll just stand here and watch. It looks boring anyway.
Polo: Great dance...I've never danced so much in my life...&&&&&&&&&24.&&&&&&&&
Alice: What are you talking about? This is just the start.
Alice: Ouch!
&&& A. Alice, slow down... you're going too fast.
&&& B. It looks interesting.
&&& C. Do as you like.
&&& D. You're welcome.
&&& E. But let's stop. I'm very tired.
&&& F. Some people are dancing.
&&& G. May I dance with you?
IV. 阅读理解 (Reading Comprehension) (共15小题,计15分)
&&& A) 根据短文内容,判断下列句子正(T)误(F)。(答案涂在答题纸上)
Bob's little sister is five years old. She is always asking questions. She wants to know why a car& must& have& wheels (轮子),& what& is& inside& a& tree& and& even how the moon stays in the sky without falling. Bob tries to give her the correct answers. However, sometimes even his parents don't know the answers. His father gets some books from the library and reads them to find the answers. His mother says that she learnt many interesting things when her children began to ask questions.& She is very happy. But she still doesn't know the answers to some of the&& questions.&
26. Bob is always asking questions.
27. Bob tries to give his sister the correct answers.
28. His parents know all the answers to the questions.
29. His father reads books to find the answers.
30. Bob's mother is very happy to learn many interesting things.
&&& B)&看图,选择正确的一项回答下列问题。(答案涂在答题纸上)
31. Is there a fruit shop on the first floor?
&&& A. No, it's on the second floor.&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& &B. Yes, there is.
&&& C. Yes, there is a cake shop on the first floor.& &D. No, it isn't.
32. Some shoes are cheaper now, aren't they?
&&& A. No, they aren't.&& B. We don't know.&& C. Yes, they are.&&& D. They are expensive.
33. Which floor is Mr Lee on?
&&& A. He is in the lift.&&&&&&&&&&&&& B. He has a shirt.
&&&&C. He is on the second floor.&&&&& D. He is looking at something.
34. Where is the bookstore?
&&& A. It's on the second floor.&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& B. It's beside the clothes shop.
&&& C. There are many books in the bookstore.&& D. It's next to the toy shop.
35. What is Miss Xu going to buy?
&&& A. She wants to buy some apples.&&&&&&&&&&& B. She wants to buy some flowers.
&&& C. She wants to buy a teddy bear.&& &&&&&&& D. She wants to buy a piece of cake.
&&& C) 看图,根据短文内容,回答下列问题。(答案写在答题纸上)
There was once a&&and its name was Puff. It lived in a . It was very bad. Every time it visited the village, it took away and ate everyone's food and children. It also& blew (吹)& their& houses& away. Because& of&& this, all the villagers& hated& it& and& wanted to kill it, but they were afraid that it would eat them. The villagers were very sad.
&&& One day,& a young man visited the village. He was riding a black horse and carrying a& .
&&& “Why are you so unhappy?” he asked the people.
&&& “A&&ate all our food and children and we can do nothing,” they said.
&&& “I'll kill it for you,” said the man.
&&& He went to the& and he saw the&&. He took out his&&and& its head. It died.
&&& From then on, the villagers lived a happy life.
36. Was the dragon good or bad?
37. What did Puff do to the villagers?
38. Who came to the village one day?
39. Did he ride a white horse?
40. In the end, what happened to the dragon?
V. 智力测试 (IQ Test) (共5小题,计5分)
&&& 按要求完成下列各题。(答案涂或写在答题纸上)
42. Look at the symbols (符号) in the box. Each symbol represents (代表) a different number of minutes. Add up (合计) the times to see which skier finishes first?
43. In which country is the Leaning Tower of Pisa (比萨斜塔)?
&&& A. France.
&&& B. Germany.
&&& C. China.
&&& D. Italy.&
44. Rearrange (重新排列) the three pieces of the picture. A number will appear.
&& The number is_________.
45. At what temperature does water freeze (结冰)?
&&& A. 100℃&&&B. 10℃
&&& C. 0℃&&&&& D. 36.5℃&
VI. 小作文 (Composition) (计15分)
&&& 题目:Mr Wang's New House
&&& 提示:根据图片中的卖房广告提示写一篇文章描述王先生的新房子。
&&& 要求:1. 请用第三人称进行描写,图片中的内容都要写入文章,并可做适当想象和发挥;
&&&&&&&&&&&2. 条理清晰,意思明确、连贯, 句子通顺,标点正确,书写工整、规范;
&&&&&&&&&&&3. 不少于65个单词;
&&&&&&&&&&&4. 将作文写在答题纸上。
Copyright&2003 国家基础教育实验中心外语教育研究中心 版权所有}


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