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Part III Vocabulary and Structure语法与词汇
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当前位置: > > > >Vocabulary and Structure:2011年来源/作者:卫凯点击次数:434
第1页:Vocabulary and Structure
第2页:Reading Comprehension
  II.Vocabulary and Structure   Directions : There are 40 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C, D. Choose the one answer that best completes the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.(1-10 PRACTICE TEST 5,6;11-15 QUIZ 5,6;16-40 课外)   1. His wife’s death ___ him deeply.   A. affected B. effected   C. offended D. infected   2. He had a clear ___ of what needs to be done.   A. knowing B. understanding   C. learning D. meaning   3. The paper parcel ___ a clean shirt, socks and a handkerchief.   A. composed B. contained   C. constituted D. was made up of   4. The research scientists often meet with problems ___ new type of instruments for their solution.   A. require B. to require   C. required D. requiring   5. I shall ___ you by telephone on Friday.   A. contend B. contact   C. constitute D. conflict   6. It was then that I ___ a change come over her face.   A. watched B. fixed   C. noted D. located   7. With such poor ___ he really needs glasses.   A. vision B. view   C. sense D. scene   8. I’ll never ___ to her marrying that man.   A. promise B. content   C. consent D. allow   9. It is only by ___ that you see me here. I ought to be in the office.   A. surprise B. incident   C. mistake D. accident   10. It is desired that he ___ his plan right away.   A. carries out B. had carried out   C. would carry out D. carry out   11. The major read the order and then passed it ___ to the commander.   A. away B. off   C. along D. apart   12. I caught my shirt on a nail and nearly had it torn ___ .   A. off B. up   C. away D. down   13. My wool sweater ___ when I washed it.   A. decreased B. withdrew   C. shrank D. flooded   14. I caught a ___of the bus before it disappeared around the corner.   A. vision B. glimpse   C. look D. view   15. He is ___ to getting up early and doing morning exercise in the nearby park everyday.   A. intended B. accustomed   C. probable D. easy   16. The event will be televised ___.   A. alive B. live C. lively D. living   17. Bill ___ a job in a factory, but he refused to take it.   A. was offered B. offered C. was offering D. had offered   18. If the earth suddenly ___ spinning, we would all fly off it.   A. had stopped B. stopped C. has stopped D. would stopped   19. Soldiers are all eager to ___ special skills, which are useful when they are on duty and after they are discharged.   A. acquire B. conquer C. obtain D. achieve   20. The new comer had found it impossible to ___to the climate sufficiently to make permanent homes in the new country.   A. adept B. adopt C. adapt D. admit   21. ___ coal, the most important natural fuels are the gas and oil.   A. Except for B. Except C. Beside D. Apart from   22. For years, students were ___ that with a college degree in hand they could acquire a good job.   A. supposed B. promised C. assumed D. assured   23. Many difficulties have ___ as a result of the change over to a new type of fuel.   A. risen B. arisen C. raised D. arrived   24. No fault is attached ___ the bus driver for the terrible accident at the railway crossing.   A. for B. with C. in D. to   25. Our troops have little difficulty in breaking ___the enemy’s line.   A. out B. down C. off D. through   26. There was only one of my friends ___ lending me so much money.   A. able to B. capable to C. can be D. capable of   27. This hotel ___ $60 for a single room with bath.   A. claims B. demands C. prices D. charges   28. After years of hard work, these researchers have at last discovered a new ___ to cancer treatment.   A. channel B. road C. route D. approach   29. In your first days at the school, you’ll be given a test to help the teacher to ___you to a class at your level.   A. locate B. assign C. deliver D. place   30. Jim always ___ his classmates in a debate.   A. backs up B. backs away C. backs down D. backs out   31. Much ___ I have traveled, I have never seen anyone to equal her in efficiency.   A. although B. as C. while D. if   32. On our vacation in Texas, our car broke___ in the middle of a desert.   A. off B. down C. through D. up   33. ___ all of us who are here tonight, I would like thank Mr.Brown for his talk.   A. On behalf of B. On account of   C. In honor of D. In terms of   34. After lunch I felt ___ enough to ask my boss for a rise.   A. strong B. bold C. encouraged D. fearless   35. Although they plant trees in this area every year, the tops of some hills are still ___.   A. blank B. hollow C. vacant D. bare   36.Her life was devoted to caring ___the sick and needy.   A. of B. with C. about D. for   37. Children are ___ to have some accidents as they grow up.   A. obvious B. indispensable C. bound D. doubtless   38. The major ___ of working with the company was the opportunity to travel.   A. gift B. problem C. benefit D. result   39 . The production of raw materials ___ a considerable proportion of the national economy.   A. accounts on B. accounts to C. accounts for D. ends up   40. While most people approve ___ this system, there are some problems with it.   A. in B. of C. for D. on   
  更多模拟试题推荐:  日英语三级模拟试题汇总  2011年12月英语三级全真模拟试卷汇总
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