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Slick city: will our urban lives be dominated by jet cars and personal helicopters, or bikes and trams? &
The way we live
Mary Portas, retail adviser and television presenter, on the future of shopping
Over the past 50 years, we have sacrificed community for convenience. In the future, retail will move from recklessne mindless consumption to more shops to better shops. While online will continue to deliver convenience, bricks-and-mortar, offline retail will deliver an enhanced experience. Copy-and-paste high streets will be replaced by made-to-measure “experience zones” with the shopper at its heart. Where today’s stores are populated by generalists, tomorrow’s will belong to passionate experts. The community will reclaim their high streets, creating shops for the people, by the people. Serving will be the new selling.
Kevin McCloud, presenter of 'Grand Designs’, on the future of the home
We’ve become used to the idea of “owning” our own homes, of the perimeter for our homes being the perimeter of our personal lives. In the future, ownership will be shared. Get used to the idea of “sharing” public ground, not completely owning a home, of owning the street outside with your neighbours. Personal and public space will become fused. The holy grail is the off-grid, carbon-positive house that uses zero energy, is completely recyclable and that is beautiful. There will be more recycling of metal – a lot of aluminium is still not recyclable. And the creation of zero-carbon concrete. These will be the big gains, together with the application of technology.
Bunny Guinness gardening writer, on the future of the garden
In 50 years’ time, the garden will be the place to be. We will spend more time there, and those of us who can will have burgeoning patches of vegetables, herbs, flowers for cutting, and fruit. These will be highly productive, so we will be able to count food metres, not miles. Vegetables will nearly always be prize specimens, grown in deep, raised beds that are automatically monitored for water and nutrients and protected from adverse elements.
When we tend to our plants, we won’t worry so much about the weather: developments in glass and plastics will mean light covers will collect the sun’s energy and deter many detrimental insects. The garden itself will be more hi-tech, harbouring geothermal pumps to heat the house and greenhouse. The old compost heap will be replaced by super-efficient composters that turn a much higher percentage of garden and household waste into high-quality compost without the graft and the smell.
The familiar purr of lawnmowers on Sunday afternoon will be solar-powered mowers will cruise around, cutting the grass on demand. There will be no need to collect water as it will be harvested and stored automatically.
The only thing that won’t have changed is me. I will be trotting around as usual, luxuriating in being able to do something physical among all the automation. I will look not a day older, having had my daily bowl of F1 hybrid youth leaves, which I will have plucked from my patch that morning.
Michel Roux Jr, chef, on the future of food and cooking
With people no longer willing to wait for a great meal, slaving over a hot stove for hours will become a thing of the past. As a result, the quality of ready meals will significantly improve, allowing people to enjoy a fine-dining experience at home.
Good food will soon become a precious commodity. If we continue as we are, in the next 50 years we could completely run out of anything to eat. If this is to be avoided, we are going to have to become dramatically less wasteful and start respecting the land again. I think there will be a return to traditional farming methods. Rotating land so that we get as much from it as possible, and the rise of biodynamic farms may offer the solution.
Nick Candy, property developer, on the future of luxury real estate
In 50 years, not only will you be able to buy land space, but airspace, floating pods in the sky will become commonplace. The impact on the property infrastructure of land cars that double up as helicopters and small aircraft, or even boats, will be huge. The provision of helicopter pads in homes will become part of the normal specification and requirements in a property.
The most expensive land values in the world will still be found in Monaco, New York, London, Hong Kong and Shanghai, and Doha will be the financial centre of the Middle East. In terms of house prices, there will be three real epicentres in Europe: London, Moscowand Istanbul.
Health and Wellbeing
Baroness Greenfield, scientist and writer, on the future of fertility
Advances in reproductive science could blur our sense of identity across the generational divide. It’s likely that freezing and then thawing eggs will become unremarkable, so that women are not dependent on their natural reproductive lifespan. Women will no longer have to choose between career success and having a family.
The technology of the mid-21st century will be presenting us with unprecedented problems, yet at the same time the opportunities to develop and celebrate the human individual mind as never before. We could be using genetic material from any cell in the body to reproduce without sexual reproduction, so that anyone of any age, and any sexual orientation, could have a child with anyone else. In theory, a child could have a child with a pensioner (although pensions will have been abolished completely by then).
We could even see two donors creating one child, another providing the womb, and two more involved in bringing up the child. The issues are explosive, and some people may find them distasteful, but that doesn’t mean they will just go away. We must start thinking now about where we actually want to go.
Professor Karol Sikora, oncologist, on the future of cancer treatment
The alarm rings. Jo makes her usual early morning coffee. Her home computer is bleeping. That night, the continuous analysis of her urine by the gadget in her bathroom lavatory has picked up a strange DNA sequence. She’s requested to pop in to the test centre at her local health hotel on her way to the gym. A cheerful nurse takes this confirms breast cancer. By 10am, she is in a comfortable armchair in the cancer centre where robotic imaging and destruction is carried o the specialist advises a follow-up vaccine. By noon she’s back at work, her cancer treated in hours, not the months it took 50 years ago.
Cancer will become incidental to day-to-day living. It will not always be eradicated, but will not cause people the anxiety it does now. They will have far greater control over their medical destinies. Robotic surgery carried out using tiny nanotechnology motors will leave no scars and yet destroy cancer tissue much more effectively. Radiotherapy will eradicate rogue cells with pinpoint accuracy using sophisticated 3D reconstructions. And personalised drug combinations tailored to the exact molecular abnormalities that caused the cancer to develop in the first place will be given with remarkable efficacy to prevent it from spreading.
The ability of technology to improve our health is assured. The future of medi the economics will be a nightmare.
David Blunkett MP on the future of ageing
At the age of 113, I have joined a growing number of centenarians whose quality of life could never have been maintained 50 years ago. My voice-activated wheelchair fits easily into the hydrogen-powered road-and-rail vehicle, which in turn can easily be attached to the electromagnetic overhead rapid transit network. In any case, my vehicle is automatically guided using the latest aerospace technology, which must come as a great relief to everyone else in this overcrowded “public realm”.
I’m one of the lucky ones. Longevity, the complete privatisation of all pension provision and the divide between the “oldies” with property assets, and the “youngsters” under 50 with little or no capital, is leading to considerable discontent, most demonstrably through cyber-blocking. Old-fashioned demonstrations and civil disobedience have been replaced by anti-social online behaviour, which leads to a breakdown of government communications and, recently, the suspension of energy supplies by renegade cyber-experts seeking to bring the country to a standstill. The Government has promised new, draconian legislation, with those found guilty threatened with suspended animation – a new form of control order where they are held without the need for supervision or surveillance.
On the journey, I communicate (we don’t talk to anyone any more), via a pre-prepared computer database of messages, with my 80-year-old oldest son Alastair. He is grumbling back, as usual, about having to be at work. So nothing’s changed there!
Liz Earle, skincare entrepreneur, on the future of beauty
In 50 years, the focus will be on a return to the beauty basics that actually work, with an emphasis on the simple time-tested mantra of cleanse, tone and moisturise. I also think there will be a focus on products with double-duty properties, performing more than one job or offering multiple benefits. Sustainability of ingredients will also rise to the fore with non-renewable petroleum-based ingredients increasingly being replaced with more effective and ecologically sound botanicals.
Hugo Vickers, broadcaster and royal biographer, on the future of the monarchy
It is in the nature of prediction that people invariably choose to anticipate the worst. This has certainly been the case with the monarchy, with generation after generation predicting that their sovereign will be the last. I take a more positive line, and it is an easier task than backing the wrong designer for Miss Middleton’s wedding dress!
The year is 2061. King William and Queen Catherine have announced that they will celebrate their 80th birthdays jointly the following summer and combine these with celebrations for the Silver Jubilee of the reign. A popular feature of the reign is King William’s weekly visual podcast, which is followed by 90 per cent of his subjects. Their elder daughter, Princess Diana, heir to the throne as the result of the new Act of Settlement of 2012, is happily married and has in turn produced an elder daughter, so Britain looks forward to a succession of Queens Regnant.
The King – or William, as he prefers to be addressed – lives at Windsor Castle and, like his father, uses Hampton Court for official London-based celebrations. Buckingham Palace has been renamed the People’s Palace and is a popular state-run hotel for those who can afford its exorbitant prices.
Prince Harry and his family are the only other active members of the Royal family in the new slimmed-down monarchy. Having thrown off what were considered his youthful indiscretions, he is wildly popular. His gallant army service and subsequent role as a travelling ambassador for Britain have earned him considerable respect. His support for his brother has fended off mischievous attempts in the ever-powerful media to cast him as a latter-day Rupert of Hentzau.
The media have been irritated not to have had more fun with the York princesses. When they both took the veil and founded a nursing sisterhood, there was considerable disappointment in media circles, but the press was forced to recognise the scope of their achievements. So, too, with Zara Tindall, former Olympic gold medalist, who broke ranks and stood for parliament, rising to be Minister of Sport in a succession of Coalition governments. She now makes spirited contributions to debates in the Senate (which replaced the House of Lords in 2020). Stranger things have happened.
Peter York on the future of high society
In 1960, the expectation really was that things could only get better. Inequality of all kinds would reduce, overall standards of living would rise and we would become a 'flatter’ society along 'Scandy’ lines. And, to some extent it actually happened over the next 20 years. 'High Society’ was, by today’s standards, conservative and rather careful and in decline. We had many fewer rich people than today and London was the centre of a declining Empire rather than the home of the global rich.
In the 1980s, inequalities started to open up again as New Money was generated in the City, advertising and a number of new businesses and started to push the Old Money groups off the stage. The old rituals of High Society and the Social Calendar were taken over and 'corporatised’ by new people. Income and asset inequality continued to grow under New Labour during a period when central London was bought up by the global rich. Over the last 50 years we went from an under-stated High Society whose members all knew each other to a global bling society organised by PRs.
In the future High Society will divide increasingly sharply between people who wish that this country could be just like Norway (where a gusher of oil money has been intelligently and fairly distributed for the good of all) and people who, as in modern China, see the world in 'get rich first’ terms. The fault lines may very well be between London and the rest with socially smart environmentalism turning over the years into something more rounded amongst rural smarties while High Society London becomes even more a playground for the rootless rich.
Oliver James, clinical psychologist, on the future of the family
Men and women will still form families and be parents – but I am unsure what proportion of men will take on the main domestic burdens, including responsibility for children. I believe that about a quarter of women are – and will be – ill-suited to caring for small children. In the future, maybe a slightly higher proportion of such women will get together with men who like doing it, swapping the traditional roles. I also expect more sharing of the domestic burden between the genders. Men will continue to be more likely to share care of the children and to do basic domestic tasks, like shopping for food, cooking and washing up. But I am beginning to suspect that there will always be more men working full-time and obsessed with getting to the top. As for women, young ones say they are considerably more willing than their mothers to consider being at home to care for small children.
Baroness Grey-Thompson, Paralympian, on the future for people with disabilities
The changes have been amazing over the last half-century. I would like the next 50 years to bring true equality to disabled people: all buildings to be accessible, not just new ones. Disabled people being able to get on trains without having to book 24 hours in advance, being able to catch a flight without any problems at the airport, with their chairs being smashed up mid-flight – or not returned when they land at their destination.
Dr Rowan Williams, the Archbishop of Canterbury, on the future of faith
It’s pointless to try and look into a crystal ball to see the future of the Church, or “organised religion”, in the UK in 50 years. What matters is what choices we make now to preserve what we now believe to be true and worthwhile in our faith, in the confidence that if the Church is God’s purpose, it will not disappear.
What might some of those choices be? To help people get acclimatised to silence and patience in worship, so that the chatter of the ego falls away. To step back from self-importance and shrillness, so that what comes through is the fearful and astonishing mystery of God’s love, not the agenda of institutions and institutional people. To go on telling the stories of the Bible in whatever way our culture makes possible, because they are stories of how lives are opened up to grace and change. To go on trying to understand why and how we say what we do as Christians about Jesus as the presence of God in human history.
Whatever the next 50 years may bring, these things are just worth doing. Whatever changes there will be in half a century, my hope – and confidence, actually – is that these will not be forgotten. So what matters is what I can do to show that hope and confidence today.
Adam Henson, farmer and presenter of Adam’s Farm on 'Countryfile’, on the future of farming
Agriculture will still be hard work, but mainstream farming will benefit from a wealth of new technologies. Already we are seeing satellite navigation in tractors and precision farming equipment. The use of robots to milk cows and spot-spraying of weeds in horticul it won’t be too long before tractors on large arable units will operate without the use of drivers, controlled by a central tower.
The agricultural footprint is a fairly hefty one, but farmers will look for increasingly innovative ways to produce food in a sustainable manner. Vertical farming – whereby plant and animal life are cultivated within self-sustaining skyscrapers – has already arrived in Saudi Arabia and the United States. In the future, each floor will produce different foods – salads, fish, poultry, etc – with a farm shop at ground level.
Meanwhile, the countryside will continue to be used as an amenity for the public to enjoy. As custodians of the landscape, I hope that we will continue to receive support to care for conservation and the environment.
Peter Kellner, president of YouGov, on the future of British politics
Britain’s second woman Prime Minister today persuaded MPs to support her Referendums (Abolition) Bill. Throughout the first half of the century, the habit of holding referendums had got out of hand, culminating in simultaneous votes last year to reduce taxation and increase public spending. In the crisis election that followed, Labour swept back to power, defeating the Conservatives for only the third time in half a century and promising to restore representative democracy.
Their victory was aided by the demise of the Liberal Democrats. They secured electoral reform, in the shape of the Alternative Vote, in 2017 at the second attempt. But far from benefiting from it, as they expected, AV led to their demise. Not only did they lose 10 Westminster MPs when Scotland became independent in 2026, many of their supporters used the new system to switch their first preference vote to minor parties such as the Greens and the Wessex National Party.
The new Bill now goes to the House of Lords. Many people are thankful that this remains an island of stability, and that all attempts to “modernise” it in the past 50 years have come to nothing.
Dominic Sandbrook, historian, on the future of voting
Historians are notoriously bad at predicting the future, but here goes. In 2061, British politics will look very different indeed. Thanks partly to electoral reform, we’ll have four major national parties (the Liberal Democrats having split), while more devolution means Scotland and Wales will feel far more like autonomous countries. Rising costs having eaten away at the welfare state, perhaps the biggest issue will be paying for the pensions and health care of an ageing population. We’ll vote electronically, using our mobile phones – or their future equivalents. International Releations
John Simpson on the future of the superpower
The future is pre who in 1914 would have thought that France and Germany would be close partners fifty years later? But simply extending the graph from 1961 to now would suggest the following: America’s fifty-year decline will continue apace. Europe will muddle along, perhaps wiser, prosperous, pretty much neutered. China, if it hasn’t collapsed in chaos -- the nightmare of its leaders, who know the dangers of switching from autocracy to democracy --, may copy Japan’s 50-year trajectory: growth, wealth, stultification. If not, I suspect it will play by the rules. Ever since 1961 people have seen India and Brazil as the coming economic superpowers – together with the Arab countries, the Soviet bloc and the Pacific Rim (remember that?).
The past fifty years have seen an unprecedented decline in wars and dictatorships. The world is more peaceable, more integrated ethnically, better educated, healthier, more law-abiding. (Then there’s Russia, of course). I don’t want to sound ludicrously optimistic, like Norman Angell whose book 'The Great Illusion’, argued in 1910 that Europe’s economies were too closely integrated for war to be possible. But maybe he was just before his time. It’s not unthinkable that we’re entering a new paradigm.
Antony Beevor, war historian, on the future of conflict
History never repeats itself, and is therefore no prescription for the future. Its only use – an important one, however – is to help leaders avoid similar mistakes and warn them against misleading historical parallels. One can only guess at certain trends, such as the decline of the West, especially a sclerotic Europe, and the rise of China, in particular, to become a world superpower. But even that must be surrounded with certain caveats. The looming ecological disaster, with water-shortages, the possible implosion of China, with a reversion to a new form of warlordism, and other instabilities might disrupt the country’s ferocious competitiveness.
Elsewhere in Asia, in Africa and in the Middle East, water wars, mass migration as a result of ecological catastrophe, and resentment over food colonialism and the competition for mineral resources, all bode ill for world peace. And tensions will mount dramatically as globalisation and the focus of mass communications accelerate the polarisation between success and failure, whether those of individuals, communities, companies and nations.
In the past, capitalism could justify its inherent inequalities by pointing to the fact that at least the standard of living of the poor was improving. This is no longer the case. We are likely to see widespread social unrest and perhaps even the failure of parliamentary democracy. I sincerely hope I will be proved wrong on all counts.
Frank Gardner, BBC security correspondent, on the future of warfare
By 2061, one of two things will most likely have happened. Either the nuclear weapons club will have expanded dramatically to include one or all of Iran, Syria, Saudi Arabia and Egypt, setting off a costly and dangerous arms race in the Middle East – or a nuclear device will have been detonated in anger for the first time since 1945.
If it’s the latter, then this will trigger a global crackdown on all nuclear sites on the basis of “never again”. China will have become a global strategic power in the Indian and Pacific Oceans, with bases as far away as the African mainland. “Al-Qaeda”, “neo-cons” and the so-called “War on Terror” will be phrases taught to schoolchildren in history books. Tony Blair will have passed away peacefully, convinced to the end he was right to invade Iraq.
Lord Rees, cosmologist and astrophysicist, on the future of population
Scientists have a poor forecasting record. The great nuclear physicist Lord Rutherford said in the 1930s that nuclear energy was “moonshine”; a previous Astronomer Royal thought space travel was “utter bilge”.
But some longer-term trends can be forecast with confidence. There will, by midcentury, be far more people on the Earth than there are today. World population, now almost seven billion, is projected to reach between 8.5 and 10 billion by 2050.
The world couldn’t sustain anywhere near its present population if everyone in the developing world lived like present-day Americans, profligate of energy and resources. On the other hand, more than 10 billion people could live sustainably, with a high quality of life if they travelled little, interacted via super-internet and ate food produced by intensive agricultural practices.
Will richer countries recognise that it’s in their interest for the developing world to prosper? Can nations sustain effective but non-repressive governance in the face of threats from small groups with hi-tech expertise? And – above all – can our political institutions prioritise projects that are long-term and global?
John Sentamu, the Archbishop of York, on the future of global poverty
There is a real desire to do something about global poverty. We must not lose that pain nurtured within us by events like Live Aid and campaigns such as Make Poverty History, that each and every one of us can make a difference in tackling the injustice of poverty. Every single person has the potential to be the individual that delivers lasting historic transformation – but if we stand together with others in solidarity, that makes that transformation easier to achieve. I would say to all readers of the Sunday Telegraph today, go out and 'be the change you want to see.’ Our future together is too important to leave to other people to sort out!
Alan Yentob, broadcasting executive and presenter, on the future of television
Remember when TV arrived and they said it would be the end of radio and the cinema? And when the internet arrived, they said it would mean the end of everything and the beginning of something else? We are still gathering around the television on Saturday nights, with Strictly Come Dancing and Doctor Who and The X Factor for company. Fifty years on, we will be watching the Morecambe and Wise Show at Christmas – I’m pretty sure of that – and Simon Cowell will still be raring to go at the tender age of 102.
Gwyneth Williams, BBC Radio 4 controller, on the future of radio
Big changes and developments in last 50 years and how the world might look and have changed by 2061. In 2061, just as in 1961 we will want to live civilized and worthwhile lives that, to quote Matthew Arnold, seek out “the best that is known and thought in the world.“
More than ever as the interconnected world develops with its technology and as the speed of response and the bombardment of our senses with choice and 24 hour news, activity and noise continues, we will develop the art of listening and reach for quality and understanding. We will still want intimacy, insight, laughter and surprise. Our public and private lives will be increasingly intertwined. We will still seek to make sense of the world and our lives through analysis, context and culture.
So the idea of Radio 4, for instance, will remain at the heart of British civil society and still keep us company each day - and night - as we will have found a way to make us more productive through reducing the hours we sleep. We will tune in
we will be able to listen to anything,
we will link the written word, numbers, we might even be able to join the whole with a technologically-enhanced connector that helps develop intuition and inspiration.
Oh and don’t forget The Archers, who will by then have made Ambridge a global village with devoted fans all over the world.
Julia Peyton-Jones, director of the Serpentine Gallery, on the future of art
The art world has changed radically over the past 50 years, with the role of artists, architects, designers and modes of expression stretched to lengths unimaginable in 1961. In the future, technology will play a defining role. The cross-disciplinary nature of artworks will make redundant classifications such as painter, sculptor and photographer. There is everything to play for. By 2061, fund-raising should be such a highly developed skill that support for the arts will be a matter of certainty rather than debate.
Stephen Woolley, veteran producer, on the future of cinema
Is cinema a twentieth century phenomenon? The last few years has seen ground breaking and reforming changes in the way movies are both created, projected and viewed. Digital cameras, lighter and more efficient are replacing more static and t box office hits like Avatar are produced primarily on computers and lower budget movies can’t afford the more archaic process of 35mm chemical baths. Digital projection is now at a standard that almost betters the original film quality.
At a BFI screening of Zulu that I hosted recently the digital version was gloriously rich, which was a relief as there is no longer a 35mm print viewable of Zulu in the UK. While home cinemas, 3D screens and advanced sound systems become de rigueur for those that can afford them, most people download their entertainment on their computers with scant concern about picture and sound quality. Do these revolutionary changes matter? For most people not at all.
For a minority we will mourn the death of celluloid, as digital screens proliferate worldwide the sheer size, bulk and cost of a film print almost prohibits their existence today. The quality of digital is amazing but is it better than film? No, it’s just different.
In fifty years, boring old film buffs will be paying over the odds to get their last view of 35mm film, like those sad sacks buying vinyl records in Soho.
Michael Attenborough, artistic director of the Almeida Theatre, on the future of the stage
It is neither desirable nor possible to view cultural developments apart from society at large. Inevitably therefore, political and economic issues have and always will impinge on the world of the theatre, in which I have been working for the last 40 years.
I have seen governments of both red and blue persuasions come and go. Broadly speaking, Labour has been much more sympathetic to the arts, in particular the most recent administration. Crystal ball gazing is a perilous pastime, but there is little doubt that the immediate future looks somewhat grim. No one is under any illusion that the country’s finances are in desperate straits, but it is at key moments like these that society has to express its priorities.
The clear and current danger is that we are now in the hands of those who “know the price of everything and the value of nothing.” We urgently need politicians who are prepared to stand up and be counted in their defence of those resources that nurture and enrich our insides as well as our outsides. Or, in the not too distant future, we shall reap the social consequences. A government that is forcing the closure of libraries and the drastic shrinkage of cultural provision, while cutting back severely on young people’s ability to educate themselves, even worse, deliberately targeting university courses in the arts and the humanities, is clearly prepared to sacrifice the long-term health of this country on the altar of short-term financial expediency.
Theatre, however, has a remarkable ability to reinvent itself, so in spite of this philistine attack, I remain optimistic that the one art form that depends entirely on a communal, social event will survive. For the sake of my children and my grand-children, I certainly hope so.
Hilary Mantel, Booker Prize-winning novelist, on the future of reading
You know how they say “everyone has a book in him?” In 50 years, they will all be out of him. The activity formerly known as reading will have given way to personalised multimedia projects of pseudo-living, each citizen enraptured by his autobiography and unfolding in real time his pitiful career through the creation of giant interlinked playlists and audio-visual reruns of his favourite bits. There will be no life, only constantly reworked and slightly inaccurate stories about lives. Each person will have a story and no one will be interested in sharing it. History will have eaten itself.
Amanda Foreman, biographer, on the future of writing
It is my sincere hope that I will be reading The Sunday Telegraph in 50 years’ time. The problem with hopes and predictions, however, is that they are based on past experience. In some eras, this was not such a stumbling block, but it is today. For people born before 1979, their formative experiences have framed them in a way that is incomprehensible to their own children, let alone future generations. They can watch a Second World War film and identify with the entertainment on offer, the materials worn, the phones used, the cameras held, and, not least, the primacy of the written word in the lives of the characters. None of this matters except for the last.
The current assault on the written word is as powerful and as destructive as the forces which brought about the Dark Ages. Not only may there be hardly anything left in 50 years, but there will be hardly anyone who cares.
Anthony Horowitz, author and screenwriter, on the future of storytelling
The most depressing thing about the world 50 years from now is that I won’t be in it. My mind spins at all the great things I’m going to miss. In my lifetime, the advance of the internet, computers and mobile communications has been so fast-paced – I’m old enough to have received messages on ticker- my first TV was black and white and had one channel… (and I’m not even really that old) that we seem to be hurtling into a technological utopia.
There will probably be no newspapers or books, you may be able to download straight into your brain, but whatever happens, publishers and bookshops will be obsolete. Writers will self-publish direct to e-books. People will still worry that children aren’t reading, but storytelling will never die: it’s too important to the human condition. If by chance someone invents cloning, cryogenics or some scientific form of reincarnation, do please take note. I’d very much like to come back.
Sir Alex Ferguson, manager of Manchester United, on the future of football
The standard of football will get better and players will get better because there’s more and more concern about how you develop young players, and that will become a major issue at every club. Football can’t get much quicker, but there will be a higher degree of skill.
Sir Clive Woodward, former rugby union coach, on the future of rugby
Rugby will be one of the big winners of the next 50 years. It wouldn’t surprise me if the semi-finals of the 2061 World Cup were played out between China and the USA, and Russia against India, with the final a clash between Russia and China, with China emerging as champions. That has implications from a British and Irish perspective because these countries have the ability to catch up and overtake us. It will also sound alarm bells for the number-one team in the world at the moment, New Zealand, where growth is restricted by playing numbers.
In terms of technical innovation, I think that the American football-type pass will come into rugby far more. Currently, it’s completely underused. I also envisage every player, even front five forwards, having the ability to kick the ball with precision.
Michael Vaughan, former England captain, on the future of cricket
In 50 years’ time, I expect there will still be Test cricket, but it will be played at night, maybe in indoor stadiums, and perhaps even in C Pakistan may play some of their home games there. Batsmen will be able to watch replays on their watches, while the back of the bat will screen advertisements between deliveries, much like a football hoarding does now.
Geoffrey Boycott on the future of international cricket
In fifty years’ time, I don’t think there will be any Test cricket as we know it. The money men have taken over: they will kill the game off. One-day internationals – and now Twenty20 games – have done nothing to help Test cricket. The only thing that keeps it going is TV money. Because, apart from a very few iconic series, no one comes to watch it anymore. The smaller teams – West Indies, New Zealand, Pakistan and so on – are already struggling to survive.
Fifty years ago, nobody had heard of one-day cricket. It came in during the middle of the 1960s. Test matches were played to full houses for five days. Nobody travelled in the summer those days, there were no cheap flights to European destinations. Most people didn’t even have a car, and golf was a very expensive hobby available to only a few rich people. There was no football in the summer, no rugby league. So cricket was the only game in town. The Roses match at Old Trafford or Headingley was always packed out.
Test cricket hasn’t changed since then. It’s still five days, played over three sessions until six o’clock. The people who run the game have just taken the easy money from TV when it’s there. They have done nothing to save the game, and they should be ashamed of themselves. The world has evolved. But Test cricket hasn’t, and if you don’t evolve you die. I feel terribly sad about that because I love the game so much.
Dame Kelly Holmes, double gold medal-winning Olympian, on the future of sporting world records
As sports science becomes more refined, you would think that world records will continue to be broken. But things may go in the opposition direction, due to our changing lifestyles. There may not be so many improvements, as kids aren’t as healthy as they used to be, eating junk foods that could well have an adverse affect on future performances.
Lord Sebastian Coe on the future of televised sport
If I were to pick out just one important change in athletics over the last 50 years it would be the huge impact of television which, starting with the Olympic Games of the 1950s, has not only brought the sport into millions of homes around the world but gave it great commercial power. We were able to move from a purely amateur to professional era, perhaps not smoothly and quickly, but inevitably. Back in the 1950s, the four-minute mile record- breaker, Roger Bannister, was a medical student who happened to run as a hobby. Today, Usain Bolt is a millionaire, and rightfully so, thanks to his sublime gifts in athletics.
As for the next 50 years, I think the irony is that it should be about reversing the trend of the last half-century - in other words, finding ways to get people away from screens that are hand held or in living rooms, and back to being active, healthy participants. The sport of athletics can embrace the idea of “athleticism” and that running, jumping and throwing are the basis of pretty much every sport. There will always be a place for competitive track and field, simply because it is a simple and exciting spectacle and offers an event for all types of physique and personality. The variety of the sport’s disciplines – bulky throwers and skinny distance runners – is part of its attraction and diversity.
But as well as the competition aspects, which have not changed much in decades, we shouldn’t forget the healthy benefits of just going out for a run, which is what has fuelled the huge success of the road-running scene and events like the Virgin London Marathon. The ability to set a difficult but achievable goal and the sense of achievement felt by most “ordinary people” who sign up and complete a race like that is priceless. It is about getting fit and healthy and of challenging and improving yourself, rather than beating others. In short, what I hope athletics will be able to achieve in future, is to once again inspire youngsters and people of all ages, to enjoy the benefits and values of taking part in sport.”
James Dyson, industrial designer, on the future of engineering and innovation
We’ve tried to build our economy on financial services and software, and exhausted it. Now, we need to get the balance right between the cyber and the real worlds. Exportable inventions are our way towards a safer, more intelligent future. I think we should be investing more in tangible technology that draws on mechanics and material science, and offers practical solutions to the most important problems facing the world: clever energy-saving systems, effective infrastructure and ways to deal with waste. Photovoltaic technology will become so efficient that paint on roofs will generate enough energy to power an entire building. One thing that won’t change much is the power of the sun.
David Rowan, editor of 'Wired’ magazine, on the future of mobile technology
There are an estimated 35 billion devices connected to the net, and we’re only at the start of the mobile internet revolution. Your iPhone or Nexus One already knows where you and your friends are, can translate spoken words into other languages, and recognises the images on the camera lens.
In the decades ahead, we will rely on these smart devices to augment our humanity – to remind us about previous encounters with people whose faces t to answer our unspoken questions by reading our brain patterns and tapping into vast artificial-intellig to use sensors tell us about our body’s immediate needs and our most efficient route across town.
Christian Wolmar, railway historian, on the future of transport
One factor will dominate the transport picture of 2061: price. Transport will no longer be cheap. Largely, though, we will be using the same ways to get around. Individual cars will have been banned or priced out of inner cities, replaced by electric buses and light rail systems. Encouraged by “Boris bike”-type hire schemes, there will be more cyclists than motorists. Cities will be more compact, and we will travel less. Cars on motorways, all of which will be tolled, will be required to log onto the automatic system which will ensure they are driven fuel efficiently and enable drivers to relax and snooze or read the paper.
The rail system, too, will have been revolutionised by new technology, with signalling systems and double-deck trains allowing far more services on existing lines. The high-speed project will have been abandoned because of the cost.
Air travel will be, once again, a luxury. Technical innovations such as maglev (trains powered by magnets) or individual helicopters will remain niche markets.
Martha Lane Fox, the government’s digital champion, on the future of the internet
Distrust anyone who tries to make technology predictions with certainty. However, I think humans will be able to connect with each other through all kinds of intelligent devices, using chips embedded in our bodies. By using data more effectively, we will be able to address some of the most complex social and structural problems. Take the enormous potential burden of an ageing population – more isolation, more illness, more cost. Advances in remote care alone will help even the most isolated lead more fulfilling lives. I am an optimist so I believe the good aspects of the internet will far outweigh the bad.
John ZarneckiI, professor and researcher in space science, on the future of extraterrestrial life
2061 will be the 100th anniversary of Yuri Gagarin performing an orbit of Earth on 12 April 1961. What will we have achieved 100 years after humanity’s first journey into space? Astronauts will have set foot on a passing comet and an asteroid – great places to explore but not to live on. Our robot explorers will have landed on Europa, a moon of Jupiter, and drilled down through the icy crust to the undergro simple life will have been found there.
Our telescopes, on the ground and orbiting in space, will have confirmed that our universe is full of planets. We have already discovered more than 500 so-called exoplanets, and in 50 years, will have detected life on a handful of these: biological activity, chemical pollution and, sadly, even the telltale signature of nuclear wars.
In a few cases, we will even have made radio contact, answering the age old question: “Are we alone?” The answer, when it comes, will be a definite “No”! But these are faraway civilisations, with each message taking 10 or more years to go in each direction. The next 100 years will find us really talking and the truly mind-boggling discoveries just beginning.
Colin Pillinger, planetary scientist, on the future of space exploration
By the Telegraph’s 100th anniversary, we’d better be on Mars because if we aren’t, I’ll bet someone from the less risk-averse emerging economies in Asia will have beaten the US and Europe to it. I hope by 2061 the West will at least have a scientific base at the Moon’s South Pole. Please let there be British astro-scientists on it.
Neil MacGregor, director of the British Museum and presenter of 'A History of the World in 100 Objects’, on the future of civilisation
Everybody loves guessing what the future will hold. The British Museum is filled with objects from every civilisation intended to foretell, and control the world as it will be – or even more, the world as we would like it to be: oracle bones from China, fortune-telling mirrors from Central America, or the elaborate equipment the ancient Egyptians prepared to take with them to the afterlife.
As far as we can tell, all the predictions proved wrong. But that’s no reason not to go on guessing, wishing and hoping. So I shall predict the world will be changed – and hugely for the better – by everyday objects such as the small solar panels that make power and light available to the billion or so people with no access to mains electricity. In 50 years, this technology will have changed countless lives, giving access to the knowledge of the world through the internet, and providing light and heat.
The world a happier, healthier, fairer place? How can we doubt it. The oldest of human tradition is that the future is going to be better.
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