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iOS 8 review
iOS 8 review
iOS 8.1.3 unapologetically rounds out Apple's previous flat design
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Our Verdict
iOS 8 isn't a facelift like last year's update, but new messaging features and third-party extensions for keyboards and Touch ID make iPhone and iPad easier to use than ever. The best has yet to come, with Mac OS X Yosemite promising even better integration next month.
Share location in Messages
AirDrop between iOS and Mac
Manual camera controls
New keyboards
Third-party extensions
Best features await OS X Yosemite
Hey Siri requires plugging-in
No multitask close all button
No Control Center customizations
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Introduction, design and messages
Ratings in depthUpdate: iOS 8.1.3 is available to download. Our iOS 8 review reflects the bug fixes that solve many of the launch problems.There's a lot more to
than meets the iPhone. Sure, it doesn't usher in a dramatic new look like last year's mobile operating system makeover from Apple. Instead, it rounds out that flat
redesign with less obvious, but equally important extra features.These new features are more bug-free now that iOS 8.1.3 has launched. It's a worthwhile 247MB download that fixes some of the
problems a users have experienced. iOS 8.1.3 isn't alone. Since iOS 8.1, Apple's operating system update has coupled with the debut of
and cross-compatible
features.It's free to download and install iOS 8.1.3, whether or not you're upgrading to
for their larger displays. Apple has made the update compatible with
and later,
and later, both
and . In fact, the iOS 8 compatibility list only severs ties with the now-four-year-old .Broad legacy device support is complemented by this year's overarching theme of "convergence." In addition to iOS 8 bringing tighter Mac integration, it welcomes third-party extensions into the fold, even going as far as loosening its grip on allowing developers to use the Touch ID fingerprint sensor.Apple's roadmap continues to tie everything together among its iPhone, iPad and Macs devices now that iOS 8.1 and OS X Yosemite have launched. It's better than the cross-platform ideas Google has so far envisioned for its
update that launched alongside the
and .Works with everything you see hereUpdatesThe latest version of the iPhone and iPad software, but it's hardly the first bug-fixing patch that Apple has attempted in the last six months, and that has to be noted in this review. On its face, iOS 8.0.1 integrated data from third-party fitness-focused apps into Apple's Heath app. But it was far from smooth, and iOS 8.0.2 only partially fixed the problems.Touch ID, cellular, SIM card, Wi-Fi and battery drain issues sent downloaders downgrading to iOS 7 and all of the negative attention actually . iOS 8.1.3, the latest update, does the internal storage issues, though there are still lingering Wi-Fi and Bluetooth connectivity issues that people will never stop complaining about.The good news is that iOS 8 is a worthy upgrade beyond its initial rough edges.DesigniOS 8 looks and feels the same on its surface, as Apple didn't change the way the homescreen functions. However, almost every menu within has design tweaks that make your iPhone and iPad snappier to use.Double tapping the home button, for example, sends multitasking into overdrive. In addition to its usual swiping through open apps, the top of the screen now features circular profile photos of your most recent contacts.Your closest contacts appear at the top of the multitasking screenSwiping to the left lists your favorites in the same setup. This is great for quickly making calls, sending texts and starting FaceTime chats with the most important people in your life. No more digging through the contacts or phone menu anymore.Spotlight serves a better purpose in iOS 8. It now considers broader sources of data including Wikipedia, the news, movie showtimes and suggested websites. It understands your context and location when doing this, which means Apple is taking one aspect of Google Now. Calling or navigating to the local pizza shop is as easy as typing in its name.More time-savers come in the form of interactive notifications at the top of the screen. Swiping down on an incoming message gave me the chance to respond without leaving my current app. This applied to SMS, emails, Facebook and Twitter messages. Even quicker is the way to reply to calendar invites via simple accept or decline buttons. Checking off or snoozing reminders, retweeting or favoriting tweets and trashing or marking as read emails received the same treatment. MessagesBy actually opening up that Messages app, you'll find more more ways to communicate than before. The messages text box is now flanked by a camera and a microphone icon. The camera icon on the left we've seen before - it previously attached photos to messages. It still does that, but it also does some new tricks. Holding the icon down reveals a menu overlay that enables quick selfies via the front camera and take video. It's faster to send photos and videos than Snapchat, and though it doesn't have the goofy photo editing perks, it's all integrated into the conversation.Video, audio and location sharing comes to Messages The new microphone icon on the right isn't for dictation. That's still cramping the spacebar in the bottom left corner of the keyboard. Instead, it opens up a similar menu overlay in which you can record audio messages. Again, it's fast to send and the person doesn't have to load a separate app or player in order to listen. It all happens in-line with the new Messages.You can also share your real-time location in the middle of a Message conversation. This has to be my favorite new addition to iOS 8. I put this to use over the weekend when I arrived at an amphitheater for a comedy tour overrun by 15,000 attendees. I beamed a snapshot of my location to friends without having to randomly describe my surroundings. The map pinpointed where I was at, all from the Messages app.Your can also share your roaming location for a set period of time: one hour, until the end of the day and indefinitely. It's easier to use than the similar Find My Friends app because there's no setup or separate login screen required. Apple is one step closer to eliminating the pointless "Where are you at? Wait, which street corner?" and I couldn't be happier.Rounding out the iOS 8 changes to Messages, the new "details" button in the top right corner of conversations replaces "contact" and it's littered with new options. You can set individual and group conversations to "Do Not Disturb" and rifle through attachments including every last photo you've sent someone and they've sent you. Just make sure to delete inappropriate pics before showing off this cool, new feature to mom and dad.
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Introduction, design and messagesStack Overflow is a community of 4.7 million programmers, just like you, helping each other. J it only takes a minute:
I have an application that I am
debugging on iPad.
2 days ago I wanted to debug a same updated application but I am
having this error.
The identity used to sign the executable is no longer valid.
Please verify that your device’s clock is properly set, and that your
signing certificate is not expired.
I don't have iPhone Developer certificate yet, but I have debugged this game once.
Try restarting XCode. It worked for me.
Neither restarting Xcode nor restarting my Mac helped.
Solution within Xcode:
In Xcode, go to Preferences --> Accounts --> View Details
Press the + symbol and select iOS Development
Press the refresh button in the lower left corner (called Download all in Xcode 7)
Sometimes it may also help to delete invalid provisioning profiles: right-click -> move to trash
I saw this error exactly one year after signing up as an Apple developer.
This may happen when your certificate expire in your Key Chain.
Just go to the new provisioning portal :
Login with your developer account.
Go to Certificates and click the Plus button.
Then select iOS Apps Development and click Continue.
Follow the whole process and download the newly generated certificate.
Download it and put it in your keychain.
Update your profiles from XCode Organizer devices window
Select the right profile in Code Signing Identity (iPhone Developer)
If all the above fail after renewing your certificate, as they did for me, browse to th
~/Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning Profiles
...and delete your provisioning profiles.
Then download your provisionin
If you are using jailcoder, make sure you jailbreak your iphone successfully. Don't forget install AppSync for IOS in Cydia.
In the latest update from xcode this problem usually occurs when your certificate has expired and xcode continues to use the old one until it has expired.
Closing xcode and opening it again will fire off an automatic process of downloading your new certificate and getting your app working.
Just close xcode right down (Cmd + Q) then open it back up again, load your project and hit play .. it will ask you if you'd like assistance to auto fix the certificate problem then you just follow the onscreen instructions and it does all the hard work for you :)
I had this problem with XCode 6.3 Below is the steps that worked for me.
Go to XCode & Preferences & Accounts Select your developer account then click View Details... Click on the refresh button on the left bottom of the window. It should notify you that you're missing few certificates. Click Request. XCode automatically should download missing certificates. Click Done and it should work.
you debug it on simulator only if you don't have iPhone Developer certificate. check on left corner in
xcode you select simulator not device.
This does also happen if your developer certificate is expired. Time to pay apple and renew it :P
First: go to build settings and check, if your valid Code Signing Identity is chosen.
If that doesn't help, try the more complicated stuff
In my case, this dialog message worked
The identity used to sign the executable is no longer valid.
Please verify that your device’s clock is properly set, and that your
signing certificate is not expired.
My certificate in Keychain Access was given status to be not valid yet in red color with expiry about one year and an hour in future. I set my time to be one hour ahead and status of the certificate became valid in green color. So, anyone out here who thinks the solution to be the xcode restart is not correct but it would be cause of time elapsed of the xcode restart to make the certificate valid. As, by clicking the Fix Issue button revokes and creates new certificate with exactly one year ahead (plus some minutes depending upon locales to raise this issue).
This may be somewhat of an empirical approach but is worthwhile in the face of many commentators noting either "this worked for me" or "this didn't work for me". Firstly, the problem can lie in a number of locations, either your certificates (code signing identities) or your provisioning profiles. Identifying where the problem lies first before doing anything will save a lot of wasted effort. You will need to check in three places:
Keychain Access
The Developer Portal (Developer Members Centre)
OK, in XCode click on the Project (Above the Targets Heading), select Build Settings and scroll to 'Code Signing'. Expand the 'CODE_SIGNING_IDENTITY' heading and you will see a bunch of identities (Debug, Release etc.) Each one of these will match up with a certificate in Keychain Access. Find the match and check the expiry date...if it has expired you will need to update it in the Developer Portal and download it. Check EVERY identity, not just the first one you find that has expired. Also, if it has expired you will need to regenerate any provisioning profile that used the expired certificate.
If no problems with the certificates, check the expiry date of all the Provisioning Profiles. Once again, if they have expired, they will need to be regenerated.
Once complete, repeat the same process for the TARGET you are trying to build for.
None of this worked? An expired certificate is lurking in one of your provisioning profiles. A sign that this might be the case is that when you click on a CODE_SIGNING_IDENTITY the identity is below Other... eg.
This is usually a sure sign that there is an expired certificate lurking about and that one of your profiles is using it.
I faced the same issue, I deleted all provisioning assets from xcode & added them back, and just relaunched Xcode.
My App was loaded on to the device and it worked.
Try setting the time on the mobile device and the Mac to "set date and time automatically" checkbox and restart xcode, that did it for me
I faced to this problem when my membership was expired and I renewed it. I use xCode6 and I solve this problem by revoking expired developer certificate from Member Center and cleaning build folder ( alt+[Product>Clean] ). xCode handle others issue itself.
See "Replacing Expired Certificates" section on this link:
In Xcode 5.1 - there is a self help area that did the job for me.
You'll find it in the General section after clicking on your project name under > Targets.
You should see a warning icon and a description of the issue in the Identity section (right where you type in your build/version numbers).
It noticed that there was no certificate currently stored and via some self-help boxes and a change of my password, I got it going.
These were the reasons I had this error:
The App ID didn't have my iOS Developer Certificate checked (I'm a member of an Enterprise program) and I had 2 provisioning profiles with the same App ID in my Mac.
I deleted one.
Hopefully this helps someone.
I tried all of the above.
I kept getting the error about the UUID not
being found.
I went to the project, opened project.pbxproj and found all instances of the UUID (2) and deleted the UUID (not the entire line).
Fixed the problem.
I fixed this issue by selecting the correct team within Xcode (I'm part of multiple teams). Also, I revoked my certificate, requested a new one, uploaded that, and then re-downloaded it.
Experienced the same issue. Was an issue with an expired certificate.
You'll need to create a new cert and corresponding prov profile.
advice for doing so.
Removed the profiles from the directory on your machine: "~/Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning Profiles". And logged to apple developer centre and edited the specific provisioning profile and selected the certificate for provisioning profile and generated the profile again. Installed the new profile and it worked for me.
Found another way this occurs today. When you edit your provisioning profile after a certificate change you can see the certificates selected says 2 of 1 certificates selected (if you just use 1 certificate). Just by unselecting and reselecting the certificate you can regenerate and install the profile and it solves the problem.
@vomako 's solution almost solved my problem but I had to take another couple of steps.
I refer to the following...
In Xcode 6.1.1, I went to Preferences --> Accounts --> View Details
After upgrading to Xcode 6.1.1, the main issue for me that the >View Details button was greyed out.
I had to delete my account, restart Xcode, then add my developer account back in.
After this step, I could yet again view details and refresh my provisioning profiles.
I selected None from Team dropdown in target general settings. Then selected the original team. Xcode shows some spinner next to it. Wait for it to complete and then everything works. Tried it in Xcode 6.2
The Problem here is that your profile was built on an expired certificated
-so you have to go inside the developer portal and renew your certificate if it was expired
-then regenerate the profile so it will be rebulit on the new certificate
i suggest to use the
iPhone configuration utility tool to manage profiles on your mac
I had this problem several times, normally it can be solved by close-reopen Xcode.
I did delete derived data from Xcode organizer. It eventually works
Today I faced this issue on my Xcode 6.3 public release.
I tried to restart Xcode several times but issue remained there.
What worked for me is
Manually create a new development profile at ""
download and install this new profile, select this new profile from xcode build and run.
Same happened to me, In my case I just needed to approve apple's ne terms of service over:
I took a bit of a hiatus from iOS to work on an Angular project and had this surprise waiting for me when I came back :-) In my case, I think it had to do with the fact that Apple is merging its developer programs, (at least from what I understand they are merging their developer programs), and I had to accept their new agreements.
Anyways, to fix this I combined a lot of the answers you'll find here and scattered throughout the web.
First, make sure to accept any pending agreements through both iTunes Connect and Apple's developer center. Make sure to accept any agreements in the "Agreements, Tax and Banking" section in iTunes Connect.
Second, via Xcode, go to Preferences -> Accounts -> View Details and at the bottom left there should be an option to refresh your profiles. When I did this Xcode installed a few new profiles.
Finally, restart Xcode.
Give some time in between each step for Apple's servers to update if these steps don't work right away.
I solve this problem using the new provision profile from apple developer account, Clean Derive-Data, And Refresh Developer Account in XCode.
Thanks your support. :)
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