
Somebody asks:"Why we study English in China , too?" Because
it is one of the most
important languages in the world . English is used to business in different countries, and there are 3/4 newspapers and books are written in English . If you know English ,you will enjoy much more books . English is the bridge to knowledge.So we must do much more practise about listen,speak,read and write. If you spend much time in studying English ,you will learn English well关于中国人口过多的社会问题,写一篇文章,是英语作文-中国学网-中国IT综合门户网站
> 关于中国人口过多的社会问题,写一篇文章,是英语作文
转载 编辑:李强
为了帮助网友解决“关于中国人口过多的社会问题,写一篇文章,”相关的问题,中国学网通过互联网对“关于中国人口过多的社会问题,写一篇文章,”相关的解决方案进行了整理,用户详细问题包括:初中的水平就好是英语作文哦(拜托大家了,能源紧缺反映相关问题,交通拥挤等,工作难找,污染严重:人类是生活空间减少,(并提出你的建议)不用很高水平、很紧急啊,具体解决方案如下:解决方案1:Too many people gather in cities and thes the unemployment.Too many people live in the countryside and we don&#39.Some graduates can&#39.There are too many cars on tt find a job though they have left school for years,000,000. The situation of the countryside is not goodAs is known to us.Such a large population causes somt have enough farm land for them. Fortunately.In addition,China has the biggest population in the world,that&#39.Moreover,traffic jam is another problem resulting from the big population,which is more than 1,300,the one-child policy has helped a lot.The government is trying its best to create more jobs and improve traffic systems,our government has realized the problems and has attached great importance to them解决方案2:thank you!!!通过对数据库的索引,我们还为您准备了:As is known to us,China has the biggest population in the world,which is more than 1,300,000,000.Such a large population causes some problems in cities,that's the unemployme...===========================================&With the development of society, the population problem has become Chinese society faces one of the most serious problems. Excessive population brings a series of soc...===========================================。 文森特·帕里罗在《当代社会问题》一书中指 出,公认的社会问题一般具备四个要... 个要素来论述当前我国城市贫困人口问题。 一、转型期与城市贫困人口 新中国成立...=========================================== 土地无法膨胀、教育资源无法膨胀、就业机会无法膨胀..... 带来了没饭吃、上不起学、失业 现在国家有钱了,娃也不多,所以义务制教育在很多地区,已经涵盖了三餐免费、...=========================================== 世界人口的迅猛增长引起了许多问题。特别是一些经济不发达国家的人口过度增长,影响了整个国家的经济发展、社会安定和人民生活水平的提高,给人类生活带来许多问题。...===========================================记得在前些年的人口普查中,相当部分的居民不是很配合,可是经过这几年的社区管理者... 我提高了社会适应能力和运用知识解决实际问题的能力,增强了社会责任感和使命感,也...===========================================失业人口过多,会导致消费水平降低,供过于求,经济萧条,会造成企业再次裁员,增加失业。这是一个恶性循环。失业者无以为生,由此会引发社会治安混乱等问题。因此失业过多是...===========================================长期发展会导致劳动力不足,老龄人口增加,老龄人口在全国人口比重增大,养老和医疗负担加重,不利于已过经济和社会的发展。(具体分析也可以和上面的人口过多过快增长一样...===========================================人口过多,社会需求量就要大。例如非农业用地的需要,粮食的需要。这是最其本的人口过多的需求。其他方面暂不先讨论。因为非农业用地的增多,土地可求资源减少。而粮食用...===========================================环境容纳量会变小,由于人口增多导致用地紧张,粮食资源减少,迫使人们开发荒地,砍伐林地,从而会引发水土流失的自然灾害的发生;资源会严重减少;人口增多会导致社会治安混乱...===========================================
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可能有帮助帮忙写一篇高三的英语作文,快,按下面内容,写100词的文章: 哥本哈根会议在丹麦首都召开了;会议上各国代表讨论了气候变化问题,建议发达国家提供资金帮助发展中国家;温总理说_百度作业帮
帮忙写一篇高三的英语作文,快,按下面内容,写100词的文章: 哥本哈根会议在丹麦首都召开了;会议上各国代表讨论了气候变化问题,建议发达国家提供资金帮助发展中国家;温总理说
帮忙写一篇高三的英语作文,快,按下面内容,写100词的文章: 哥本哈根会议在丹麦首都召开了;会议上各国代表讨论了气候变化问题,建议发达国家提供资金帮助发展中国家;温总理说中国会尽最大努力;你的态度是希望各国领导制定计划,采取措施.珍惜能源,渴望蓝天…
Convention has convened Copenhagen in D Problem representing the change having discussed the climate on convention in every country,suggest that the developed country bankroll to help th Premier the temperature said China may do self' Your attitude is to hope that every country leads measure to make a plan ,adopts.Cherish the sources of energy ,long for blue sky.帮忙写篇英语作文 100词左右假设你是李华,是世界经济论坛(The world economic forum)的组织者之一.写信邀请dr,huffman参加本次论坛,请他做一小时的演讲并回答问题,希望其尽快回复.会议地点:北_百度作业帮
帮忙写篇英语作文 100词左右假设你是李华,是世界经济论坛(The world economic forum)的组织者之一.写信邀请dr,huffman参加本次论坛,请他做一小时的演讲并回答问题,希望其尽快回复.会议地点:北
帮忙写篇英语作文 100词左右假设你是李华,是世界经济论坛(The world economic forum)的组织者之一.写信邀请dr,huffman参加本次论坛,请他做一小时的演讲并回答问题,希望其尽快回复.会议地点:北京国家科技园(the national science park,beijing)会议时间:日至12日.词数应为100左右
Dear huffman,I am Li Hua, was one of the organizers of the world economic forum, it was founded in January 1, 1995, headquartered in Geneva. Its purpose is : to promote economic and trade development, to raise the standard of living, to ensure full employment, protection of real income and eff according to the goal of sustainable development and reasonable use of world resource, expand the production o to achieve mutually beneficial agreements, a substantial reduction and elimination of tariffs and other trade barriers and the elimination of international trade the discrimination treatment in. It meets every two years and I want to invite you to participate in this forum, please you do one hour speech and answered the question, in place of Beijing National Science and Technology Park, time is between April 10, 2013 and 12, hope you find time in his busy schedule as soon as possible}


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