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Lucas Cranach the Elder在其1521年的画作《敌基督》中将教皇描绘成,指教皇是敵基督。
25.6. 教会除了主耶稣基督以外没有别的元首:nor can 罗马教皇 in any s but is that 敌基督, that man of sin and son of perdition, that exalts himself in the Church against Christ, and all that is called God.
二十世紀的,由於信仰天主教的激進政黨和激進武裝組織(Irish Republican Army, IRA)為了脫離英國並與統一,遂與英國當局爭鬥許久,最後IRA于1998年簽署停火協議。
标准新教的论战是由美国作家代表牧师约翰·道林,在他最畅销的書中,他指责罗马天主教会是“基督的全真教会的恶毒的敌人 - 她拥有无人认领被称为基督教堂 - 但是,随着长期腐败,邪恶的人也看穿她的三冠王,她是的。
背弃天主教的神父Charles Chiniquy著有50 Years In The Church of Rome和The Priest, the Woman and the Confessional(1885年),也将罗马天主教描绘成异教。
在他的畅销书(2006年)断言,一个天主教教养促进内疚人(167页)的“半永久状态病态内疚由罗马天主教遭受具备正常的人性弱点和不智力正常的。讨论文书的性虐待在爱尔兰的后果,他还建议,“可怕的性虐待毫无疑问是,损害是可以说是比把孩子送進天主教会,在第一时间造成长期的心理伤害少”(317頁) 。
2000年,莱斯Balsiger在多个城市进行反天主教运动 。
在一方面,电影和电视制作者似乎发现天主教是不可抵御的。这有许多原因:第一,天主教超过其它任何基督教宗派,天主教堂在视觉图像上是最棒的,因此吸引了制片人和导演。圣衣、圣体匣、雕像、苦像 - 更不用说圣餐的象征,是一切事物的更“字为本”的基督教教派。因此天主教借自己完美的电影和电视的视觉媒体為自己提供好處。电影即将或撒旦或恶魔附身,或者就此而言,任何类型的超然化日常生活的,会选择天主教作为场地和題才。
第二,天主教在现代文化中仍然被视为“他者”, 因此继续是一个有魅力的对象。正如已经指出的,这是古代的一种文化庆祝,自称在后现代文化,看起来持怀疑态度上的任何索赔真理的真理,并以理性,启蒙的世界中的神秘面纱。因此,它是编剧寻找任何故事所需要的“冲突”的完美背景。
2006年10月,明尼苏达州的天主教上层领袖呼吁明尼苏达大学校长罗伯特·Bruininks重新考虑大学容許一部反天主教的爭議舞台劇上映,他们被视为反天主教争议发挥了难得的一步。 “教皇和女巫”,讽刺教皇的偏执,药物腐坏的白痴和梵蒂冈的腐败,引起了愤怒,秋天全国天主教团体和一些当地的教會、圣保罗和明尼阿波利斯总教区大主教哈里·弗林,以及来自克鲁克斯顿主教薇诺娜,写信给州的160万天主教徒。他们敦促Bruininks重新思考應否播出有關戏剧。丹尼斯·麦格拉思,圣保罗和明尼阿波利斯总教区的发言人,说他不记得国家的主教曾提出这样的要求。该大学表示,它没有计划停止舞台劇播放。
以色列的反天主教起源于1948年这个犹太人国家成立之时。当时有几个天主教徒占多数的村庄,例如Kafr Bir'im和Iqrit,都被以色列国防军用强制手段减少人口。1948年以后,天主教神父被驱逐出这个国家,许多教堂被占用、关闭或强迫出售。最近以色列拒绝并试图阻止任命天主教會任命巴勒斯坦人為主教。 以色列政府1998努力阻止圣座任命加利利总主教被梵蒂冈和其他国家的谴责。以色列怀疑和敌视天主教神职人员,导致事故,如2002年10月的拘留和骚扰希臘大主教埃利亚斯Chacour和大主教布特罗斯Mouallem,防止他离开耶路撒冷,以防止他参加在伦敦的宗教会议。 近年以色列政府與教廷關系改善。
1701 Act of Settlement
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Franchot, Jenny. . . Berkeley, California (USA): The University of California Press. 1994. .
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[HTTP://www.cermusa.francis埃杜/ CSD/ Pilot.htm 不,你不会,波普先生!”:简史反天主教在美国]中,在距离项目提供的圣弗朗西斯大学天主教研究由三个部分组成系列交付宗教研究系助理教授亚瑟Remillard。圣弗朗西斯大学CERMUSA网站,2007年5月
赫伯格,威尔。 “宗教的世俗化的社会:美国的三大宗教的多元化若干问题”,第一卷的宗教研究的回顾。1962年,页37
[HTTP://www.sentinel .ORG/文章/0.html俄勒冈运行在复活节反天主教广告]
. "All that Remains: The Palestinian Villages Occupied and Depopulated by Israel in 1948.". IPS. 1992. .
. 以色列反对梵蒂冈选择巴勒斯坦总主教. The Jewish News Weekly. .
梵蒂冈谴责以色列Over Comments On 巴勒斯坦主教. Catholic World News. .
. "Christian Leaders from Jerusalem Blocked From Attending Interfaith Meeting in London". Episcopal News Service. .
:隐藏分类:当前位置: &
例句与用法1.This is the way to stem the flow of the blood .这才是制止流血的方法。2.The liner has been refitted from stem to stern .那艘班轮已经全面整修。3.Aluminum sleeves were placed around the stems .植株树干用铝制套筒包着。4.His error stems from selfishness .他犯错误的病根在于私心太重。5.Debris have stemmed the current .破瓦片之类的东西堵住了水流。6.Crime and punishment grow out of one stem .罪与罚本是同茎生。7.Metal sleeves fastened around their stems .金属套简包着树干。8.Correct decisions stem from correct judgments .正确的决心来自于正确的判断。9.Our ship stemmed on against the current .我们的船逆水而行。10.Stem-rusts weaken branches and stems .茎锈病会使枝干衰弱。&&更多例句:&&1&&&&&&&&
相邻词汇热门词汇帮忙翻译!这句话是什么意思啊?不太理解,请各位帮忙翻译一下,谢谢!Such a world economic landscape might hane stemmed directly from the explosive growth of U.S. financial capitalism and the structural economic difficulty facing Japan and Europe._百度作业帮
帮忙翻译!这句话是什么意思啊?不太理解,请各位帮忙翻译一下,谢谢!Such a world economic landscape might hane stemmed directly from the explosive growth of U.S. financial capitalism and the structural economic difficulty facing Japan and Europe.
这样一世界经济上的风景力量hane直接源于美国财政资本主义的暴躁成长和面对日本和 欧洲.一结构上经济上的困难.
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interface?(Credit:Screenshot by Christopher MacManus/CNET)Despite
the bountiful PlayStation 4 chatter and coverage, some people still
don't have an idea what it's like to actually use the highly
anticipated gaming device. A new video produced by Sony gives a
feel for the console by showing several actors playing games,
sharing gameplay footage, and setting up downloads remotely.While
the presentation comes off a bit cheesy (I mean, really, do people
ever act like this in real life?), several interesting observations
can be gleaned from the footage.Related storiesPS4's lead
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Two-factor authentication: What you need to know (FAQ)
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two-factor authentication, joining a growing list of major Web
services that offer the more secure login method.Twitter's advice
to media after high-profile hacksTwo-factor authentication, or 2FA
as it's commonly abbreviated, adds an extra step to your basic
login procedure. Without 2FA, you enter in your username and
password, and then you're done. The password is your single factor
of authentication. The second factor makes your account more
secure, in theory.'Twitter made the decision to use SMS [to deliver
its second factor] because it makes sense from their position,'
said Jon Oberheide, a two-factor authentication expert and
co-founder and Chief Technology Officer of Duo Security, which uses
apps to prove identity. '[SMS is] universal in some respects, all
you need is a mobile phone.'But Twitter has faced some backlash, he
said, because many of the highest-p
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Visitors look at new Samsung devices during the first day of the
Mobile World Congress 2013 in Barcelona, Spain.(Credit:Getty
Images) Andy Rubin, who heads up Google's enormously successful
Android business, can read a company's business strategy as well as
anyone out there. So it's hardly a thunderbolt when we hear that
Rubin frets about the day when Samung becomes so dominant that it
becomes a threat. In a Wall Street Journal post coinciding with the
Mobile World Congress show in Barcelona this week, an unnamed
source dishes about a Google event last fall where Rubin was said
to allude to the potential for trouble with Samsung sometime in the
future. That's why Google acquired Motorola Mobility 'as a kind of
insurance policy,' or hedge, against a company like Samsung gaining
too big a footprint in the Android
community, Rubin reportedly sai
On eve of Xbox reveal, Sony teases PS4 peek for E3
(Credit:Sony)Hey, remember the PlayStation 4? Actually, we never
saw it, now, did we? Sony's new teaser trailer for the PS4,
however, released minutes ago, gives us a decent dose of blurry
silhouette and fast-cut shots of what look like details.The Sony
press conference
is on June 10 at 6 p.m. PT at E3 in Los Angeles,
which is where more details should be spilled -- as opposed to the
PS4 preview event, which was mainly
conversations and promises about features. Between this and
Tuesday's all-day Microsoft Xbox event, the next-gen console race
couldn't be any more heated.Catch CNET's live blog from Microsoft's
Xbox event, starting Tuesday at 10 a.m. PT/1 p.m. ET
On eve of Xbox reveal,
Twitter must reveal names behind anti-Semitic tweets, rules French
(Credit:Illustration by James Martin/CNET)Twitter has been ordered
by a French appeals court to produce the names of the people behind
any anti-Semitic tweets, according to Le Monde.On Wednesday, the
Paris Court of Appeal struck down an appeal by Twitter in which the
site argued that it shouldn't be required to take action against
tweets unless they're illegal in the country where the tweet was
reported. Twitter had launched its appeal after a French court
ruled in January that it must hand over the names of those who post
anti-Semitic tweets.The case stemmed from several tweets posted
last October that contained anti-Semitic words and hashtags. Just
two of the the objectionable hashtages
were '#UnBonJuif est un juif mort,' translated as
'A good Jew is a dead J' and 'est cuit thermostat 6,' which sug
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Note franchise, Samsung Electronics has shown that money talks.
Samsung outspent Apple in marketing in the U.S. last year, sinking
$401 million in its promotional efforts here vs. Apple's marketing
budget of $333 million, The Wall Street Journal reported yesterday,
citing research firm Kantar Media. Related storiesMVNO carrier Ting
says it will get the Galaxy S4Samsung Galaxy S4 rumor
roundupEye-tracking tech in the Samsung Galaxy
S4? Say what?Is Samsung making a
mockery of the Galaxy S4 launch?Twitter working on a music appThe
marketing muscle has been a crucial component to Samsung's success
in surpassing Apple as the premier smartphone manufacturer and top
cell phone player in
Oops! U.K. budget leaked on Twitter
(Credit:Screenshot by CNET UK)The U.K. budget was leaked on Twitter
today, granting politically minded surfers a sneak peek at George
Osborne's number crunching ahead of time. The key aspects of the
chancellor's new measures -- including plans for the U.K.'s
Internet speeds -- emerged early when London's Evening Standard
newspaper tweeted its front page, which detailed the most crucial
aspects of the annual ploy to make the U.K. more economically
healthy. The Standard posted an apology on its site, with editor
Sarah Sands saying, 'An investigation is immediately under
way into how this front page was made public.' The person who sent
the tweet has been suspended while that investigation
happens, the newspaper boss says.Read more of 'UK
budget leaked on Twitter as gov
SpaceX's Grasshopper
scores with 100-meter sideways leap
SpaceX's Grasshopper rocket successfully completed a 100-meter
lateral divert test on Tuesday.(Credit:SpaceX)SpaceX's Grasshopper
has successfully pulled off a
divert test, the company said today.
On Tuesday, the Falcon 9 test rig flew to an altitude of 250 meters
(820.2 feet) and was able to make a 100-meter (328 feet) lateral
maneuver before flying back to the center of its launch pad. The
company said that the test proved that the Grasshopper has the
ability to 'perform more aggressive steering maneuvers than have
been attempted in previous flights.'The new test was the latest in
a series conducted by SpaceX. In March, the company -- co-founded
by PayPal and Tesla co-founder Elon Musk
NSA leaked documents reveal U.S. spied on Russian president
Whistleblower Edward Snowden leaked NSA documents to the
press.(Credit:Screengrab via The Guardian)In addition to targeting
suspected terrorists, it appears the National Security Agency also
spent time spying on foreign heads of state. A leaked document from
the explosive NSA document deluge shows that the U.S. government
was spying on former Russian President Dmitry Medvedev during the
London G20 summit in 2009, according to the Guardian. Apparently,
the NSA document shows that U.S. spies got their hands on
top-secret communications between Medvedev and his delegation and
then shared the information with government officials from the
U.K., Australia, Canada, and New Zealand. The NSA document, titled
'Russian Leadership Communications in support of President Dmitry
Medvedev at the G20 summit in London -- Intercept at Menwith Hill
station,' says that agency believes it possibly discovered 'a
change in the way Russian lead
Mozilla brands Persona as password killer
Mozilla's Web site log-in alternative known as Persona unveiled a
Beta 2 version today. Now you can sign in to any Web site
supporting Persona using a Yahoo Mail account.Persona, which is
still in development, is an open authentication system that works
on desktops and mobile devices. In addition to being able to log in
using either your Persona ID or your Yahoo credentials, today's
release introduces support for Firefox OS, which means you can
expect to use Persona to log in to any Firefox OS devices that
launch later this year. It also includes back-end changes that make
the log-in system work twice as fast as before, Mozilla says. The
company boldly claims that Persona will also be a 'password
killer.''Facebook and Twitter sign-in conflate the act of signing
into a Web site with sharing access to your social network, and
often granting the site permission to publish on your behalf.
Sometimes this is what a user wants, but far too often}


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