
  I would certainly oppose changing the system [+ ing form of verb]
  She‘s opposed to religious education in schools.--be opposed to sth to disae -with a principle or plan:---
  Are you for or against my proposal
  He objects to the label ’magician‘ which he is often given.
  Her objection to/against the plan is based on incorrect fs
  Have they assented to (= agreed to) the terms of the contract?--『Formal』
  She advocates taking a more long-term view.[+ ing form of verb]
  He advocates the return of capital punishment.
  I think you were quite justified in complaining『having a good reason for something』
  I generally favour travelling by night, when the roads are quiet.
  But the federal Training Minister disputes crisis calls from employers,
  One of the disquieting facts stemming from this is that plastic bags can become serial killers
  This has resulted in a ban on plastic bags being imposed there early in 2002.
  an increasingly crowded curriculum, maths is being sidelined.
  township hospitals are running at a loss or are on the verge of collapse.
  The world’s tropical forests continue to disappear with disheartening speed
  from September through to December airborne pollen from olive blossoms is contributing to asthma and hay fever problems
  But recently a new trend has been evident - one person living in a house
  the rise and rise of the single person household.
  This could be due to the fact that HDPE bags can not be put out for collection with other household recyclables
  The problem arises partly because charities have outposts in areas of conflict:
  Another cause for concern,the use of (DU), may also be less of a problem than many fear
  Another current concern about China is that 。。。。。。
  The PCAU has found that even though bombs, troop movements and landmines caused awful problems in Afghanistan, the most serious long-term consequences have resulted from the uncontrolled use of resources, particularly the cutting of
  t says the drain is symptomatic of a maths crisis that has its origins in the classroom.
  But that had more to do with the collapse of investment in America than with the rise in China
  The pact of 2000 owed more to Nelson Mandela‘s patient mediation than to the Burundian elite’s own desire for peace
  the world woke up to the issue
  Different countries have adopted a range of approaches to discourage the use of plastic bags in an attempt to cut down on the number of bags finding their way into the environment
  the government has implemented new regulations that will see only thicker, more durable plastic bags produced.
  Recycling your plastic shopping bags is one of the most obvious courses of action
  Given the costs and inconvenience associated with recycling, and the fact that reuse only delays the plastic entering the environment, the most sensible option is to cut down on the number of plastic bags that you use, or stop using them altogether.
  There are a range of alternatives to plastic bags
  The seriousness of any of these problems will depend largely on the length and severity of the war, and on how quickly aid agencies can get in afterwards.
  Rather than fight through the courts park by park, reserve by reserve, theGovernment has opted to negotiate with them.
  Faced with those perennial challenges renewables like solar
  power are becoming more viable options, particularly in smaller, more remote communties.
  A rise in interest rates would severely retard economic growth.(延缓)
  High winds have hindered firefighters in their efforts to put out the blaze(阻)
  irreversible destruction of rainforests
  Storms hampered the American-led advance on the city, bringing some convoys to a standstill(to prevent someone doing something easily)
  They were warned of the ecological catastrophe to come( sudden event that causes very great trouble or destruction)
  The emigration of scientists is a catastrophe for the country(a bad situation)
  The approaching cyclone could exact a huge toll(c cause many deaths:)
  Flash floods cause havoc in Thai capital
  The last few months have seen the progressive meltdown of the country‘s political system.( complete failure, especially in financial matters)
  Fighting and shortages have brought normal life to a virtual standstill in the city(a condition in which all movement or activity has stopped)
  spell a diseaster
  cheating generates numerous unfavorable results
  What concerns many people is that the long term effects of consuming such foods cannot be predicted
  Once let loose into the environment, plastic bags can cause considerable harm, blocking drains and suffocating wildlife mistaking the bag for food.
  Plastic shopping bags have a surprisingly significant environmental impact for something so seemingly innocuous
  As well as being an eyesore (next time you are outside, have a look around - you’ll be amazed at the number of plastic bags littering our streets and waterways),plastic shopping bags kill large numbers of wildlife each year.『句型 as well as +ing ,』
  China‘s success at building bikes has undermined production of two-wheeled vehicles everywhere
  But away from the orderly plantings and the managed olive groves, there’s apotentially disastrous downside. In the foothills, some are calling it and environmental calamity.
  The fire caused considerable damage to the church.
  She‘s been a tremendous (= very great) help to me over the last few months
  The radiation leak has had a disastrous effect on/upon the environment.
  near historically unprecedented levels
  a large number of
  overwelming number of
  a fraction of ...a small part of
  enormous proportion of
  the majority ..the minority.
  Widows make up the bulk of the group but their proportion is declining,
  There’s a flourishing trade in second-hand video machines.
  His business thrived in the years before the war
  a thriving economy
  The leisure industry is booming (= is very successful) .
  Newspaper stands is growing briskly
  its phenomenally fast growth can be sustained only at the expense of other economies, both developed and developing。
  labour-intensive textile and clothing sector
  Shoes, semiconductors and televisions are expected to follow
  Inevitably, as China grows, some countries will find their competitive position altered
  Moreover, the raw numbers exaggerate the picture
  By contrast, when it comes to computers, cars or semiconductors-capital-intensive goods, in other
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留点口水(可选):谁能帮我写一篇英语作文 150单词 题目:Is Money Everything? 最好有大概的中文意思!-中国学网-中国IT综合门户网站
> 谁能帮我写一篇英语作文 150单词 题目:Is Money Everything? 最好有大概的中文意思!
谁能帮我写一篇英语作文 150单词 题目:Is Money Everything? 最好有大概的中文意思!
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为了帮助网友解决“谁能帮我写一篇英语作文 150单词 题”相关的问题,中国学网通过互联网对“谁能帮我写一篇英语作文 150单词 题”相关的解决方案进行了整理,用户详细问题包括:RT,我想知道:谁能帮我写一篇英语作文 150单词 题目:Is Money Everything? 最好有大概的中文意思!,具体解决方案如下:解决方案1:Is Money Everything?
Money can bring people good life and no one in the world don't like money.People always want to get a bigger house,a cooler car,a more fashion coat and even everything ,so people want more money to make their dream come true.More and more people spend all their time making money,which make them lose happiness in their daily life.
Money is not everything in our life.We can't use money to buy our health and happiness.I will prefer spending a full day playing with my family in the open to working in the office building.I would rather have a strong body than a seaside villas.I'd like to give away all I have to get back my happy childhood.
Don't put too much attention to money and happiness is the essence of life.
不要把钱看得太重了,幸福快乐才是生活的真谛。通过对数据库的索引,我们还为您准备了:问:必须用一个主语从句、一个定语从句、一个宾语从句,至少100字!多谢帮忙...答:My Dream Everyone has a lot of dreams. Some people want to be rich, dreaming of becoming millionaires overnight. Others want to be famous, dreaming of suddenly jumping to great fame. I have a lot of dreams,too. When I was a you...===========================================问:不要有生单词,六年级答:A Happy Spring Festival Spring Festival is the most important festival in China.People have a long holiday and meet their family members at home.I like Spring Festival,because I needn't go to school. I had a happy Spring Festiv...===========================================问:题目是Self-confidence Is a Key to success自信是成功的秘诀答:Self-confidence Is a Key to success Enrolled in Harvard as a genius, quit from Harvard as a crazy man, became a billionaire in his first thirty… Bill Gates showed an example of how to make success by self-confidence. As far as ...===========================================问:标题: Is It Wise to Impose Restrictions on Private Cars Directions:...答:谁能帮我写一篇英语作文,150字的。。谢谢了,急啊
12:48 燃烧殆尽的蛋蛋 | 分类:学习帮助 标题:Is It Wise to Impose Restrictions on Private ...===========================================问:标题: Is It Wise to Impose Restrictions on Private Cars Directions:...答:成功是一种选择 success is a choice we talk about success in everywhere everytime . since we are young we have been aksed what kind of person we want to be? whta kind of job you will choice .in fact that's all about how we be fa...===========================================问:假如你是李华,在丹麦访学一周里,住在Anne家里,现在即将回国。请你给...答:dear Anne , i want to express my deep gratitude to you for the care you gave me this week .now i am going back to China .i had a great time in Denmark !it's a wonderful country and students in Denmark are so creative and energe...===========================================问:假如你是李华,在丹麦访学一周里,住在Anne家里,现在即将回国。请你给...答:Once upon a time in a who don't know the forest, lived many lovely animals. At that time, the rabbit a ear is the shortest. Big rich bear woman in order to cultivate the animals elite, talent for the "forest" honor. At the surg...===========================================问:可以是《妙语短篇》里的,最好。 简单易懂一点的,没什么别的要求,只有...答:同学。。打5篇文章不需要金币。。。多乐于助人的人会写啊!===========================================问:谢谢各位了答:日,旷世瞩目的北京奥运会终于要开幕了,我老早就吃好了晚饭打开了电视,坐在沙发上等待这一激动人心的时刻的来临。晚8时,伴随着绚丽的烟花和整齐的“击缶”声,盛大的开幕式开始了。 开幕式文艺表演《美丽的奥林匹克》,分成了上篇《灿...===========================================越来越多的人花费他们所有时间去挣钱,以至于失去了很多生活中的快乐。 金钱不是我们生活的一切。我们难以用金钱买回健康和快乐。我宁愿花一整天时间和家人一起玩,也不...=========================================== i feel very happy. I like football and English very much,and i often play football with my classmates after schoo.(这段可以改成你喜欢的东西)My English teacher is ***(你英语老师的...=========================================== I have many hobbies. In my spare time, I will devote myself to them. Firstly, I will play basketball with my friends, usually in the afternoon. Sometimes I will surf the Internet in the e...=========================================== My name is.. I am ..years old. I am a student of No.1 Middle School. I am interested in sports and I am good at skating and swimming. My favorite sport is skateboarding. I do it a...===========================================My Family This is my family.There are four people in my family.Father,mother,sister and I.My father is a docter.He works in a big hospital.My mother is an English teacher.She is a...=========================================== My favorite food My favorite food is bread, because there are different ways to eat bread. For example can jam eat Fried can eat, etc. My favorite food is bread, that you? Quic...===========================================I want to be when I grow up. Thanks for reading! 希望这个能帮你啦! 我已经试着把这篇文章简写了~ 以为我在外国很久了,根本就不知道初1是什么样的英文水平。如果我写的...=========================================== Some people think studengts need not do any housework.They think the only thing students need do is to study well. I don't think so. It is good for students to do some housework...=========================================== Something better Than Money It is physically imposswible for a well-educated,inthellectual, or brave make money the chief ob as physically impossible as it is...=========================================== Cabbage 1.Cabbage heart the root pares into a sharp form with the small Yin, on breaking two halfs cut into 7 Li rices long, the cabbage, ham of 0.6 Li rices breadth, the bamb...===========================================
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