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1000 Ways to Start a Business with $1,000 or LessUpdated on September 24, 2015
How to Start a Business with Little or No Money!I started this article and this idea because I believe everyone deserves a chance to start their own business, to serve others, and in doing so to create a better life for themselves. You probably know by now that there aren't just 1,000 ways to start a business with $1,000 or less - there's an infinite number of ways to start a business with little or no start-up capital.The mission of this blog is to educate, inspire, and instruct others in how they can start with little or nothing but an idea, a dream, and commitment.If you have any ideas to add to the list, please contribute! We'd love to hear from you and know that it will help countless others who want to start a business.
Business Ideas You Can Start with $1,000 or LessSo many people today have the misconception that starting a business takes a lot of money. The old saying, "It takes money to make money" has been ingrained in far too many people's memories. The truth is, it does NOT take money to make money. It takes value to earn money. You must provide others (your customers) with massive value. In return, they will gladly send you money.So here it is1000 ways to start a business with less than $1,0001. Write a Book. Turn your passion into a mission to educate others - write a book and self-publish it.That's exactly what Helen Georgaklis, Founder of the 99 Book Series did!"This book series, which became the first ever to publish all 13 books digitally was started with 2 things- an idea and determination. I had no money as I had just been left by my ex with a 2 day old. Picked up the phone,starting calling, started networking online, started working the 'barter" system again and 4 years later, 13 books, another 15 authors writing for us as we work towards international expansion in 2011! Didn't have a dime to spend- but had heart, desire and ambition. Our first 2 years, we spent zero and we built a site and designed the first original covers! www. - For under $1000.00 we created a new trend!"2. Start a blog with Google AdSense, Chitika ads, an Amazon store, an eBay store, text link ads, or sell your own products or services3. Become a distributor or representative for a network marketing company or party plan company4. Start a business selling items on eBay"I am an eBay Top-Rated Seller and eBay instructor who loves to teach people how to start businesses on eBay. I started out by selling items around the house and now sell approximately 150 items and $3,000+ per month. eBay is not a joke. eBay offers people the opportunity to start their own businesses for very little money - even if they live in rural areas.When I'm not selling on eBay, I am a teacher at a local adult school where I help people earn high school diplomas. I work 30 hours per week at the school and am still able to run my eBay business. You can start a business, and you can start one today. The key is to get educated. If you are interested in becoming an eBay seller, find an eBay Education Specialist in your area or contact me for more information.For ideas on what to sell, check out my blog, The eBay Life, and my store, Blue Frog Shoes." - Thanks to Miriam Otto5. Start a business selling books or other items on Amazon6. Buy items in bulk from sites like
and sell them individually7. Start a website to sell products or services8. Create an eBook or report you can sell online - Information is free to create and people will pay for it if it's valuable!9. Turn your hobby into a business - how can you monetize what you do already? If you collect stamps, find out how you can make money buying and selling collectible stamps. Become an expert at what you're already doing.10. Start a paper route11. Distribute products door-to-door12. Become a consultant and help companies in your area of expertise13. Become a coach or advisor and help people in your area of expertise14. Build your personal brand and use it to sell products or services you believe in15. Create your own product or service to help others16. Create a YouTube video that goes viral17. Create an iPhone or Android application18. Create a newsletter that educates others19. Create a Social Media following on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, YouTube, Tumblr, Digg, Reddit, or elsewhere20. Buy and sell coins, jewelry, antiques or other rare items21. Create coloring books22. Create audio books23. Start a Tumblr Blog24. Become a representative for a direct sales company like Vector (which would not be network marketing)25. Buy real estate with no money down - this is called Wholesaling where you get a contract or option to buy a property and sell that contract to another real estate investor for a premium26. Raise money from private investors and invest in your area of expertise27. Start a hedge fund (Glen Bradford did - see )28. Help people do things they're too busy, stupid, lazy, or uninformed to do (organize offices, clean homes, mow lawns, babysit kids)29. Manufacture a product at home and sell it (Please consult an attorney and your city's zoning laws before doing so.) This is how I started my first business at age 13! My dad and I started manufacturing SAD Lamps for Seasonal Affective Disorder in our garage at home. If I can do it, you can do it!30. Start a Squidoo Page about whatever you want and earn money from the ads and product sales - or just donate it to charity!31. Create an Online forum or social network using a site like Ning where people can connect and talk about their favorite hobby - which just might be your favorite hobby!32. Create instructional CD's, DVD's, videos, or programs to educate people33. Create instructional retreats, seminars, or conferences to educate people and sell tickets34. License a patent or technology that you or someone else invented to a company that can commercialize it. Universities all across the United States and the world have millions of uncommercialized patents and processes that you can create a business with - with little or no cost. Just call up a university and ask for the Technology Transfer Office - then ask for all the patents and processes they have for sale in the area of your interest.35. Write and/or record a song36. Write a play, movie script, or theatrical performance37. Create a business with options or other financial contracts38. Become a professional photographer and charge people money to take good pictures of them39. Join an Affiliate Program and market other people's services and products - all at no cost to you, and you get paid whenever someone buys through your affiliate. It's like a join venture with a massively successful company such as Amazon or Squidoo or thousands of others.40. Become a tester or reviewer! People get paid to test video games, review movies, test consumer products, cars, new products, websites, and just about anything else you can dream of. If you love something or have a hobby you're passionate about, consider being a tester or reviewer in that area.41. Import products. There are so many high quality, low priced products in other countries. Find a way to import them and sell them! When I traveled to India back in 2006, I saw so many incredible crafts and products that were incredibly cheap. Anyone could import them and sell them at a 100% markup easily in the United States. Why aren't you doing that?42. Become a book reviewer. You can review books
and build your personal brand. Some book reviewers on Amazon have such a following and have built up so much respect for themselves that they get free books all the time sent to them and their opinion and reviews can make or break the sales of a book on Amazon.43. Sell Commodities. No I don't mean futures contracts. I mean sell commodities! Ever heard of gratitude rocks? People actually just pick pretty stones and sell them as gratitude rocks for $5, $10 or even more. Not only are they earning money, they're helping educate others about the importance of gratitude in their lives. What are you grateful for?44. Write Software. Write software that people want, that people can use that will help them and sell it online.45. Turn your job into a business. If you have a job now, see how you can turn your job skills into a business. If you keep the accounts accurate for your employer, you could start hiring your accounting and financial consulting services to other businesses in the area.John Schulte wrote a book on the subject of starting a small/home business. "The Direct Marketing Toolkit for Small and Home Business" John says, "My input is that for a person to start a biz on a shoestring ($1,000) they must first outline their skills/abilities and what they have on hand already to start. With a $1,000 you can "start" almost any business, but it's not enough to sustain most things and get yourself some cash flow going unless you have some kind of base to work from.Service businesses are the best bet to start on a shoestring.For example, a laid-off carpenter would most likely already have tools and building skills, so it would be wise for him to come up with a business in that area and use the $1,000 for working capital for supplies and promotion.The key would be having a narrow focus.For example:- General Handyman- Building Picnic Tables or Outdoor Furniture- Building Dog Houses- Building Bunk Beds- Building Garden Trellises, Raised Planting Beds, Planting BenchesThe other type of business for a carpenter would be to buy and sell tools to other carpenters. He already has the knowledge of what tools are good and needed in the eyes of other carpenters, and also the pricing area of tools. This could be both used and new. Of course, the carpenter would have to have some social people skills needed for selling."46. Make crafts and sell them. Kids do it all the time with things like bead bracelets and bead animals. You can learn how to it online at various websites like Bead Animal47. Community Education48. Jewelry Making49. Bread Baking50. Selling Eggs. Just buy chickens, build a coop, feed them mainly on your lawn and scraps and sell their eggs for $3 a dozen. - Thanks to Christine Shuck of Creative Solutions for her entrepreneurial spirit and contribution for business ideas #47 - 50.
Business Ideas #50 - #6651. Publishing Consulting Business. This is pretty cool - I'm quoting here from Shel Horowitz (@ShelHorowitz) of "29 years ago, I started the home-based marketing and publishingconsulting business I still run. Total startup was $200, of which $12went to marketing, $12 for office supplies, and $176 for a very usedIBM Selectric typewriter I bought at a school auction.I'm still home-based, but now have clients on three continents. And Istill run on a shoestring.Today, assuming I already had a computer and a broadband connection,I'd be able to do it for $9 (the cost of a domain), using methods Italk about in my books, including Guerrilla Marketing Goes Green:Winning Strategies to Improve Your Profits and Your Planet. Usingsocial media takes only time, not money. Setting up a website can bedone for nothing with WordPress (and many Internet service providersinclude room for a small website). Payments can be accepted with noupfront cost using Paypal and Intuit Payment Network. Yes, it ispossible to skip the domain, but I wouldn' just lastmonth, I was all set to explore doing some business with someone and then I noticed his website had a Tripod address-FAIL!Pretty much any consulting business that doesn't require specializedequipment can be started at basically no cost. Information marketingcan also be started on this budget. Neighborhood-oriented services(e.g., pet sitting, in-home cooling, personal shopping) might even beable to get away without the domain, at least for a little while."52. A Property Management Company. Quoting here firm Matt Landau, Owner of Los Cuatro Tulipane,"Regarding [starting a business with $1,000 or less], with around $500, I started what's now the most successful property management company in the historic district of Panama City in the Republic of Panama. The start-up costs involved contracts with owners, building a website, and some grassroots PR while perhaps most importantly identifying the right niche (considering at that time, there were no accommodations in our neighborhood - a UNESCO World Heritage Site called Casco Viejo). Running the operation like a hotel (focusing on nightly vacation rentals), we kept overhead and only hired staff (maintenance, cleaning, guest services) when demand required it.53. Decorate homes for the holidays. Everyone wants to have a pretty home for the holidays - lend a hand and earn some extra money doing it.54. Decorate yards for special occasions such as birthdays and anniversaries.55. Start a dog walker, pet sitter, pooper scooper business (Only if you love dogs!)56. Start a Renovation Company. Are you an auto mechanic or computer geek? Then you probably have all the skills necessary to buy and sell used and renovated cars or computers.57. Start a tutoring business! Teach another language, musical instrument, computer, cooking, chemistry, whatever you have to offer."I started my SAT prep business, Study Smart Tutors Inc, from my college dorm at USC in 2007 for WAY less than $1,000.At the beginning, I spent about $50 on some SAT books on Amazon, found some cheap business cards online, and made a really terrible website myself. All in all, I spent about $175 total.With such a low start-up cost, my business was profitable literally on day one and we have yet to look back. Now having been in business for three years, I still take this same bootstrapping approach to spending, and therefore maintain huge margins on all our services.I highly recommend a tutoring or other personal service business for those looking to start a low-investment yet high-margin business!" - Thanks toJack Friedman of 58. Start a massage business59. Start an aromatherapy business60. Start an intuitive counseling business - Thanks to CeliaSue Hecht for contributing ideas #53-60. Learn more from her and download her E-Guide to getting cold hard cash in your wallet at 61. Start a Lawn Mowing or Landscaping Business. Thanks to Roman Price of , quote,"I started my lawn cutting business for under 1,000. Bout a small trailer 400 bucks, lawn mower, 250, blower and strimmer 250 and had 100 dollars left over for business cards.I charged 20 dollars a cut, front and back and a turn-up of the soil in the gardens. I was able to do 2 houses as long as they were on the same street and averaged $40 per hour. Not bad for a 17 year old kid."62. Start a Marketing Communications Business"Back in 2006, I launched my business of providing marketingcommunications?with no money. I had a computer already and Internetaccess, which is about all that's needed to be a writer. Even if theperson had nothing, buying a phone, inexpensive computer, and Internetaccess would definitely be less than $1,000. That means low overheadmoving forward, so better profits!"All the best,Amanda CollinsChief of Staff, The Grammar Doctors ()63. Become a Registered Investment Advisor."I was able to start my business as a Registered Investment Advisor for less than $1,000. Let me know what questions I can answer for you.Start up costs included:Series 65 Exam Fee -$135.00Domain Registration and Web Hosting Fees -$141.17LLC Filing with State of Georgia -$100.00Georgia Investment Advisor firm Registration -$250.00U4 Filing for individual as an Investment Advisor Representative -$50.00Fingerprint card from local police department -$10.00FBI Federal Criminal History Report -$18.00Total Cost: $704.17."Thanks to Alex R. Foster, Registered Investment Advisor, of AF Capital Management, LLC64. Start a Public Relations Business65. Start an Event Planning Business"I started my PR/Marketing and event planning firm in 2008 for next to no money. I designed my own website with a free template and pid $9.99 for my domain name then $4.99 a month for hosting. I used vista print to buy marketing supplies such as shirts, key-chains, fliers, postcards, and hats with all under $300. I created company introduction letters that I mailed to prospects.I placed my website link on various sites for free with a reciprocal link on my site. I also volunteered my expertise on Micro Mentors which also helped build a base and show my company as a matter expert."Thanks to Cynthia "Cyn" M. for ideas #64 and 65PublicistPresident/CEO1CCU PR-Media & Marketing66. Start a Stand-up Comedy Business. Don't you enjoy making others laugh?"I invested $250 in a class on standup comedy, and this has turned into a phenomenal business. I now fly around the world doing comedy not only in the States, but Canada, UK, India, Netherlands, Japan, United Arab Emirates, Hong Kong, etc.! I performed at the Democratic national convention as well as three Obama inaugural events. Last Christmas I performed for Donald Trump. Also, I appeared in an Apple commercial last year.A little background - I was a senior engineer with Intel Corporation. My job was to travel the world with Chairman Andy Grove, doing technical demonstrations on stage at events, and I was incredibly nervous about speaking on stage. I took a comedy class to get over the fear, and the comedy kind of took off."Dan NainanComedian/Actor/Voiceover Artist/Computer Genius
Business Ideas #67 - #8267. Become a freelance Commercial Writer.“My name is Peter Bowerman and I’m a self-published author of four award-winning books in the “Well-Fed” series (including 3 in “The Well-Fed Writer” family about freelance commercial writing - writing for businesses (projects like marketing brochures, ad copy, newsletters, web content, case studies, etc. - in short, any written material a company would have to create in the course of communicating with prospects, customers, and employees. I have coined the term “freelance commercial writing” for this field. It’s also known as copywriting, but the term “copywriting” is often used to denote ad copywriting, which is actually only one tiny sliver of the whole commercial writing world.For those who know they’re good writers, it’s a bona fide low-investment, home-based business opportunity, and a little-known but lucrative writing direction, where practitioners can routinely earn hourly rates of $50-125+. And assuming someone has a computer, this opportunity has far less than a $1000 startup cost - perhaps half that or less. But it will require a lot of “sweat equity.”I invite you to visit
for more information.It is not a get-rich-quick proposition, but unlike most “freelance writing” opportunities which offer, at best, dubious financial prospects (i.e., writing for online-based content mills for maybe $5-10 per article), this is a professional writing direction whose practitioners are valued for the expertise they bring to the table and are compensated commensurate for that expertise, per the rates noted above. Hence, the name of my book - “The Well-Fed Writer” - to draw a clear distinction between this field and other “starving writing” opportunities.Ideal candidates to excel in commercial freelancing are those who they have solid writing skills (though not necessarily brilliant talent) with broad-based experience and background in a particular industry who focus on pursuing writing opportunities within that field. That’s the beauty of the field - virtually any past career/industry/educational experience can be leveraged to build a business, making it a legitimate direction for those long-term unemployed looking for a way to capitalize on their deep knowledge of a field.I’ve just released the updated edition of my first book, The Well-Fed Writer (originally an award-winning Book-of-the-Month club selection) - a heavily updated combination of that first book and its 2004 companion, TWFW: Back For Seconds.The book has won four awards and is considered a how-to “standard” in the field.”Thanks to Peter Bowerman of 68. Start a Painting Business. Thanks to Ilene Davis, CFP, MBA of Cocoa FL69. Sewing and Alterations70. Computer Repair71. Drain Cleaning72. Direct Mail Preparation for Bulk Mailings73. Order Taking and Fulfillment for Small Direct Marketers - Thanks to John Schulte for business ideas #69-73 (see #45 for more from John)74. Start an Insurance Business.“It’s not glamorous or exciting or even terribly creative (how many businesses really are?) but you can start a one-person health, life, annuity, long-term care and disability insurance agency for less than $1000. Of course “starting” and “succeeding” are two different concepts!!!” - Thanks to Alan N. Canton from Fair Oaks, CA 75. Home staging business76. Maintenance and landscaping company for foreclosures or bank owned properties77. Toy Cleaning and Repairing Services78. Reminder Services79. Motor Vehicle Transportation Services80. Roommate Referral Services. - Thanks to Christian Brenneman of for business ideas #75-8081. Start a Workout Class.“So many folks think they need tons of money and capital to start a business.
I don't.I started Broadway Bodies in nov 2008 - the fun way to workout - with $700.
Broadway Bodies is a dance workout class choreographed to show tunes, movie musicals, and pop videos.
To start, we needed a flyer, a facebook page, a website, and sweat equity.My first thought was in order to get people to come to class - we needed a website - websites are 1,000s of dollars or you can make one on your own or you can find a student to do it for you.
Our first site was $350 to get up and running - we have since added bells and whistles.
We need a graphic designer - you can find those on fiverr or i hired a guy for $50 to design our logo.
found in a networking directory.
next - we needed flyers and cards - vistaprint - cheap easy and fast.
etc?.As a professional and certified life and business coach - my enterprise is aptly named Fun to Fortune - I work with people on how they can discover their passion with very little capital and create a business.
I have broadway bodies to prove its really possible - revenues grew 60% in 2010 and it's a great business model - i love to share that story and help others find a fun business that they can start with little risk, lots of passion and desire, and under $1,000.” - Jeff VilenskyThanks to Jeff Vilensky of 82. Start a Virtual Assistant Business.“You can start a virtual assistant business for less than $1,000 if you already have a computer.
In general, here’s what you’ll need to get started (Prices are estimated):* Up-to-date computer (Hopefully, you already have this and wont have to spend any money buying a new one.)* High speed internet access (about $50 per month)* Phone with low cost, preferably unlimited, long distance (about $30 per month)* Website and domain name (About $500 to set up and $10 per month for hosting)If you'd like to learn more, go to .” - Thanks to Kathy Goughenour
Got a business idea that can be started with $1,000 or less? Share it here!If you've already started a business with $1,000 or less, share your story here! We'd love to hear it.Your business ideas and stories may even get shared on the 1,000 ways to start a business with $1,000 or less blog with links to your website.
Great Business Books on AmazonCheck out these great business books and audio programs from Amazon.
Business Idea LinksHere are all the links from contributors to the business ideas. Browse them, read, learn, and prosper! Find the business idea that inspires you and go for it. You've got mentors here who have contributed who will probably help you if you ask.
Leading source for wholesale and closeout inventory. Thousands of auctions daily from 7 of the top 10 largest US retailers. Branded clothing, electronics, computers, and more.Because it does not make sense not toSign up for squidoo and earn money by sharing information about the things you enjoy and love!Buy Guerrilla Marketing Goes Green - Green Marketing Strategies for Business - inspirations.Recommend 1000 Ways to Start a Business with $1,000 or Less and help us get listed with Tumblr!The Tom Corson-Knowles Blog, about nutrition, health and living the life you deserve
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Top Challenges Faced by Entrepreneurs TodayWe asked entrepreneurs what are some of the top challenges they've faced and how did they overcome them. The wisdom packed within these stories is priceless!1. Raising Capital (for a Debt Buying Company)“I started American Asset Solutions LLC to transform the debt collection industry. We buy delinquent credit card loans from major US Banks and collect them by treating customers with absolute dignity and respect. We want to transform an industry that has been far too corrupt for far too long.The company began operations in September, 2010 and we were cash flow positive by January and the business is already self-sustaining. Operations are going very well and we have access to over $1 million in credit card loans from four major US Banks so we have a ton of room to grow.Our biggest challenge has been raising capital to grow the business. Banks are hesitant to take the loans we purchase as collateral so we’re focused on raising money from private investors. We raised $80,000 from a few private investors at 20% interest, but we haven’t found that key partner yet to really help us attract
the capital we need to grow and scale up the business model. Right now we’re looking to raise another $200,000 to purchase more assets and take advantage of this huge market opportunity.For more information about how we’re transforming the debt collection industry, you can visit our website American Asset Solutions.”- Tom Corson-Knowles, founder of American Asset Solutions LLC2. Dealing with the Recession (Men’s Designer Clothing Store)We started our men’s designer clothing store Evolve Male in 2008, opening the store front doors in the summer of 2008. This was a self invested, under-funded, niche that we knew would be difficult. What we didn’t expect was an immediate change in sales starting in September, during
just months after starting. We immediately started making numerous changes such as developing our own website, cutting bills, etc. hoping to balance the cash flow. As with many others, we watched the recession, wondering how it will affect our business in the long run and when it will “end”. The store has been generally flat since the fall of 2008, and I have returned to work so my wife and I both have jobs and personal income.As we enter 2011, we are committed to making more changes to our business. This includes continuing with men’s clothing and an online store, then adding women’s clothing to the store front this Spring. We feel this will be a big boost for sales, and will allow our men’s side to grow as well. In addition, we will be starting our own men’s clothing line which was always part of the plan, but put on hold due to the cost of having the store front.Overall, we feel that we still haven’t seen the true potential of our business, and look forward to the changes we will be making in the near future.For more information, please visit us online at .Geoffrey Lester, owner of Evolve Male3. Getting a Fantastic Marketing Plan into Action“I founded Dark Matter Consulting in order to help clients to get the most out of their time. This includes both time management and productivity, as well as discovering and living according to values and life purpose.While my company has been profitable and cash-flow positive for most of its existence, I am making much less than I could if I were to go back to being an employee.My biggest challenge has been “cracking the marketing code.” I have seen the amazing results that clients get from our work together. They literally “make” more time, relax into a calm and confident state of leadership, and find life and work more rewarding (financially and personally), but I have not yet found the right way to get in front of and connect with enough potential clients to keep my practice full. Coaching can be hard to understand, it’s not like “accounting” or “dry-cleaning.” We all know what that is. I struggle to articulate the value of coaching in a way that resonates.For more information, visit ”- Thanks to David Kaiser4. How to Invent a Unique Product and Sell It“I decided to turn my passion for being a mermaid into a company selling mermaid tails, so that anyone can become a mermaid or a merman. This is a new trend and it’s growing around the world among women, men and children.My best friend became my business partner and we decided to bootstrap our startup with less than $2,000. We started working on the business in January 2010 and got our online store open by March. In April we started getting regular orders, peaking in June and July for the swim season. Sales have dropped for the rest of the year but remain steady enough to pay our monthly costs, which we’ve kept very low. Most of our tails go all over the U.S., but we have also shipped tails to Canada, Australia, Spain, Austria, Singapore, Hong Kong, Indonesia, the UK, and Cyprus!Our store has been open a year now, and my business partner and I are itching to get paid an income. That is our primary goal this year. Our startup is still on its infant legs, we are working to shore up its weaknesses by applying for a bank loan, looking into reducing production costs, developing processes to organize the business, trying out new marketing strategies. One of our biggest challenges is that, mer-swimming being such a new, fringe sport, we are having to educate the public before we can sell. But the world’s first mermaid convention is happening this August in Vegas, so the word is spreading.You can see videos, photos, our mermania blog and store at ”- Thanks to Mermaid Jerilyn5. How to Manage Cash FlowLaid off to entrepreneurship“I started a designer scrub business last year after 6 months of unsuccessful job searching.
The 6 months of frustration gave me the courage to finally start my own business, something I’ve always wanted to do.I design and manufacture the scrub line in the New York garment center. I wanted to produce a higher quality scrub for medical professionals seeking a more professional image. I spent 15 years in boxy unisex scrubs as a medical device sales representative and knew they could be tailored to look nicer and last longer.It’s been a great experience thus far, however, I would do a few things differently.
I started off producing too much inventory which is just costing me money.
I wish I would have put those production resources towards advertising or web development, anything to generate sales.
Also, I was got too caught up in the packaging, not necessarily a bad thing but spent too much capital buying beautiful bags.My biggest challenge like many other start ups is cash flow.
I have limited capital which restricts me from doing things, I have to be very selective and careful how I spend the resources.
The good news is, it forces you to be creative and find ways to get free publicity.
Fortunately, social media has leveled the playing field for small business and it’s so much more economical to market a business.For more information, visit us at .” - Thanks to Annette Akers6. Pursuing a Licensing Agreement or Retail Partnership (for a one of a kind Necktie)“I started The iTie, LLC and Anchor Neckwear after inventing a necktie that stays in perfect position while you wear it. Anchor Ties are hand crafted from high quality 100% pure silk, come in amazing designs and colors, and are the world’s most functional line of ties. Simply put, Anchor Ties will never get in your way, fly over your shoulder or shift out of position.The iTie was started in August of 2008 after losing my full time position at a Fortune 500 company. I was able to file the patent, start the website, identify and establish a manufacturing relationship, and obtain my initial inventory. Over the past 2 years, I have been able to sell over 1 thousand iTies and Anchor Ties (rebranded in 2010 to Anchor Neckwear) with very little capital and marketing resources. The product was endorsed by the late Billy Mays and Pitchman Anthony “Sully” Sullivan.My biggest challenge has been establishing a licensing agreement with a large clothing manufacturer or distributor who has the resources to market this line of ties internationally. I have proven that the ties are a success on a local level, but establishing retail partnerships and a licensing agreement has been a challenge, especially now that I have re-entered the corporate world. I am currently looking to license my idea to a Men’s Wearhouse, Vinyard Vines, PVH, or private neckwear manufacturer who can really take The iTie and Anchor Neckwear to the next level.For more information, please visit - ” - Joe Sale, Founder of The iTie and Anchor Neckwear7. Building a Business on a Shoestring Budget“I started Career Performance Institute in 1983 when I couldn’t find gainful employment since it was 9 years before ADA became law. I used my background in Psychology, Mental Health, and Rehabilitation Counseling to start a business around my passion.
My goal was to help clients overcome personal obstacles to achieve their personal goals.When my company began operations, I had limited funds to work with so it was difficult to write, print, and mass market brochures for my seminars while still taking care of personal finances.
I found that when I looked into SBA grants, since my product was an intangible and with no credit, I was unable to secure funding from banks.
Creating Audios for sale meant hiring someone to videotape my presentations. To rent space for presentation was another obstacle to overcome.During this time I went back and attended both Toastmasters and NSA-GA Chapter to perfect my skills and watch as the job market changed.
During this time I wrote a speech titled Success Is My Only Option!Technology and the use of the Internet has changed how my business is marketed.
About Tom Corson-Knowles Tom Corson-Knowles is the international bestselling author of more than 20 books including , founder of , an independent publishing company specializing in digital marketing, and host of . He is also the creator of , a free training program that shows authors how to publish and market their books professionally.Tom believes that every day is a gift, and you might as well make the most of it (even if your grandma did give you another ugly sweater for Christmas). When you realize how precious life really is, you must ultimately realize that the only sensible course of action is to find something worth creating and working your ass off to make it happen. If you want to learn how to make it happen, check out Tom's breakthrough video training course
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