taking the buson the Powerful应该怎么翻译?

“A Long Time Going”该如何翻译?(续一)
拉丹诗句“Let my grave be an eagle\'s belly, its resting place in the sky\'s atmosphere amongst perched eagles”,毫无疑问是“第二届《参考消息》读者译文大赛”竞赛原文的第二个翻译难点。
郑重声明 包括网站博客在内的任何媒体,若有意采用拙文拙译, 请通过的邮箱征询译者的意见 “A Long Time Going”该如何翻译?(续一)
乱弹“第二届《参考消息》读者译文大赛”翻译难点(续一) 作者&
& 延伸阅读: 1、 2、 3 4、 & &&&&&&& 请点击阅读前一节 & &&&&& 二、拉丹诗句是竞赛原文第二个翻译难点 &&&&& “第二届《参考消息》读者译文大赛”原文第一自然段如下: &&&&& Osama bin Laden long fancied himself something of a poet. His compositions tended to the morbid, and a poem written two years after 9/11 in which he contemplated the circumstances of his death was no exception. Bin Laden wrote, "Let my grave be an eagle's belly, its resting place in the sky's atmosphere amongst perched eagles." &&&&& 这是来源于如下网址“http://article.yeeyan.org/view/779”、自称“毕业于河北大学英国语言文学系,英语教授,一直从事一所大学的英语语言文学和英语国家社会和文化的教学工作,擅长翻译文学作品和科普文章”并署名“吴士异”的网友译文(以下简称“吴译”): &&&&& 奥萨马o本o拉登一直在幻想自己就是一首诗,但他的诗句是病态的。发生在两年前的9.11事件之后他写的一首诗中,也毫不例外地想到了自己的死会使一种什么情景。本o拉登在这首诗写道:“让雄鹰的肚肠成为我的坟墓/它和其他的鹰一起/栖息在天空的气层。” &&&&& 评注: &&&&& 第一,吴译误解、误译了本段第一句“Osama bin Laden long fancied himself something of a poet”。用英语来解释,本句意为“Osama bin Laden thought that he was somewhat of a poet long ago”,或者意为“Osama bin Laden thought that he had the quality of a poet long ago”,或者意为“Osama bin Laden thought that he was a poet long ago”。因此,“一直在幻想自己就是一首诗”系误译。 &&&&& 第二,“发生在两年前的9.11事件之后”之译,错得有点莫名其妙:抛开原文不说,本文写于今年,即2011年。“9o11”事件怎么可能是“发生在两年前”即2009年呢?作为长期关注本o拉丹的作者,不可能错得如此离谱。错得如此离谱的只能是译者! &&&&& 第三,“也毫不例外地想到了自己的死会使一种什么情景”,也系误译。The“poem … in which he contemplated the circumstances of his death was no exception”,系指“The poem … in which he contemplated the circumstances of his death tended to the morbid, too”之意。 &&&&& 第四,虽然我不懂诗,更无法参透拉丹“Let my grave be an eagle's belly, its resting place in the sky's atmosphere amongst perched eagles”之诗的深意,但是,“让雄鹰的肚肠成为我的坟墓/它和其他的鹰一起/栖息在天空的气层”之译,给我的第一感觉,恕我直言,就是不像诗。 &&&&& 翻译是难事,译诗更是难上加难,甚至一直有一种很流行的观点认为:诗,无法译。或许可能就是因为“译诗难”甚至“诗无法译”,所以,“《参考消息》读者译文大赛”的主办方似乎特别偏爱让参赛读者翻译含有诗歌的文章。例如,“首届《参考消息》读者译文大赛”竞赛原文也有诗句,系诺贝尔文学奖获得者艾略特所创作的如下诗句: &&&&&&&&&&& We shall not cease from exploration &&&&&&&&&&& And the end of all our exploring &&&&&&&&&&& Will be to arrive where we started &&&&&&&&&&& And know the place for the first time. &&&&& 那届普通组一等奖第一名的该诗译文(以下简称“胡译”)如下: &&&&&&&&&&& 我们将不停止探索 &&&&&&&&&&& 而我们一切探索的终点 &&&&&&&&&&& 将是到达我们出发的地方 &&&&&&&&&&& 并且是生平第一遭知道这地方。 &&&&& 在“首届《参考消息》读者译文大赛”开赛前很久,网上早就有已出版的汤永宽的该诗译作(以下简称“汤译”): &&&&&&&&&&& 我们将不停止探索 &&&&&&&&&&& 而我们一切探索的终点 &&&&&&&&&&& 将是到达我们出发的地方 &&&&&&&&&&& 并且是生平第一遭知道这地方 &&&&& 经对比,胡译与汤译完全相同!哦,不,唯一不同的是,胡译多了一个不能有、不该有的句号。所以,从“首届《参考消息》读者译文大赛”获奖结果来看,不禁妄自猜测,首届以及第二届“《参考消息》读者译文大赛”的黄友义、程朝翔、钟建国等专家评委极其喜好与既有译诗完全雷同的参赛译作。有了这个经验,为了迎合专家评委胃口,就不遗余力地日夜上网到处搜索拉丹诗句的中译。可惜啊,一直没有找到竞赛原文公布以前发布的有关汉译,只找到该诗原作的如下前后文: &&&&&&&&&&& And most surely this year will I lead my steed and hurl it& &&&&&&&&&&& And my soul, at one of the targets.& &&&&&&&&&&& So O my Lord if my demise has come, then let it not be &&&&&&&&&&& Upon a bier draped with green mantles.& &&&&&&&&&&& But let my grave be an eagle's belly, its resting place in& &&&&&&&&&&& The sky's atmosphere amongst perched eagles.& &&&&&&&&&&& And I become a martyr, dwelling amongst a band,& &&&&&&&&&&& Attacked in a level mountain pass of the Earth.& &&&&&&&&&&& Knights of Q devoutness to Allah Has joined them& &&&&&&&&&&& Together, they descend when the armies meet. &&&&&&&&&&& When they depart from their Worldly life, they depart from the harm& &&&&&&&&&&& And reach the appointment found in the scriptures.
&&&&& 后来,发现至少有三位参赛读者在雅虎网站上用英语发帖寻求帮助,如下系一些热心网友的回贴: &&&&& 回帖1: &&&&& Unlike a common, staid coffin covered with a green cloth, Osama wanted his grave to be high above in the sky, among the eagles which perch high in the rocky cliffs. &&&&& The eagle symbolizes a fearsome bird which flies majestically high above the sky, but which can swoop down swiftly to snatch its kill! Moreover, the eagle's belly is a difficult spot to hit, because the eagles's sharp claws and beak will tear its opponent to pieces before one can hit the belly! &&&&& 回帖2: &&&&& But let my grave be an eagle's belly &&&&& Does this not mean that his resting place will be in the sky whilst he looks down on the world. If you think of a flying Eagle it's belly is underneath it facing down at the world. Maybe he means this?? &&&&& 回帖3: &&&&& All I know is an eagle is a bird of prey. It is large and strong, with very good eyesight, which can spot prey from a long distance. I don't know what the rest of it is about. He must have likened himself to an eagle. &&&&& 回帖4: &&&&& It is beautiful poetry, symbols of strong eagle, like Allah. &&&&& 回帖5: &&&&& Read it literally-- he wants to die and be eaten by an eagle, which will then perch with other eagles on a mountain-top, in the sky. This seems like a noble ending to him. &&&&& 回帖6: &&&&& eagles belly - hungry/aggression america symbolic animal spirit probably wrote it because likes eagles spirit &&&&& And most surely this year will I lead my steed and hurl it: confused &&&&& perched on top of the sky - ti see all evil? &&&&& demise has come, for the resting place of his body rests with the eagle with (america)? &&&&& 回帖7: &&&&& Maybe it means, that it wants its grave to be a high place, where eagles dwell? &&&&& &I dunno... Im too literal for poetry. &&&&& 回帖8: &&&&& Eagle? Could it symbolize America? &&&&& 倘若译友不满意上述回帖,请把您关于该诗的理解与翻译意见发于本文的评论区,谢谢!或者让我们一起再看看拉丹生前的照片,看看能否从一代恐怖大亨的如下眼神里找到答案。
图片来源:互联网 & &&&&& 附: &&&&& 经网上搜寻,兹辑录几位译友的译文如下: &&&&& 1、来源于如下网址“/column/yanlinhai//137027.html”自称“四川师范大学外国语学院教授,文学硕士。翻译理论与翻译实践硕士生导师、英语教育硕士研究生导师。长期从事翻译教学及翻译实践。研究方向为翻译理论与实践”并署名“颜林海教授”的网友译文: &&&&& 乌萨马.本.拉登一直以来都有点自恋,总是以诗人自居。他的作品大多呈现出一种病态,9.11事件两年之后,他写的一首诗也不例外,诗中冥思自己死时的情景。本.拉登这样写道:“让我的坟墓成为鹰腹吧,因为它最终归宿是苍天,群鹰都会在此栖息。” &&&&& 2、来源于如下网址“.cn/s/blog_dvk9.html”并署名“李正平”的网友译文: &&&&& 奥萨马-本-拉登早就以诗人自诩。他写作有病态倾向,即使在9/11事发两年后写的一首想象自己死亡境遇的诗也不例外。本-拉登在诗中写道,“让我葬身于鹰腹,让鹰栖长空的氛围,作我墓葬的安身之处”。 &&&&& 3、来源于如下网址“/f?kz=”、网友“人在归途中啊”自称系其“11岁女儿的译作”的网友译文: &&&&& 奥萨马o本o拉登一直以来总爱以诗人自居。他的诗作大多呈现病态,从他写于911事件两年后的一首诗中即可见一斑。本o拉登在那首诗中曾经预言过他的最后归宿:“把我的坟墓筑于苍鹰腹中吧,它的窠穴高居天空,栖息的群鹰左右围拱。” &&&&& 4、来源于如下网址“http://mirror7./readjsnew-whmt-.html”并署名“han456bb老顽童”的网友译作: &&&&& 奥萨马o本o拉登长期以来总爱以诗人自居。可他的诗作大多呈现为病态。从他在911事件两年后所写的一首诗中可略见一斑。本o拉登在那首诗中曾经预言过他的最后归宿:“让我的坟墓成为鹰肚,其苍穹长眠处仍有鹰击长空之气息.” &&&&& 5、来源于如下网址“/thread--1.html”并署名“你好好”的网友译文: &&&&& 奥萨马o本o拉登长期幻想他自己具备诗人的一些才能。他的作品往往病态,其中有一首诗写于“9o11”发生的两年之后,他就在诗中预测过,他也会毫无例外地死于非命。本o拉登写道:“让我葬于鹰腹之内,我将随之在天空中安息。” 阅读下一节,请点击:
延伸阅读: 1、 2、 3 4、 郑重声明 包括网站博客在内的任何媒体,若有意采用拙文拙译, 请通过的邮箱征询译者的意见
诗歌的特点和本质之一就是语义的不确定性和理解的多样性。its resting place in the sky's atmosphere amongst perched eagles.中in和amongst是并列结构还是偏正结构很难把握,各人理解也有不同,原意如何只有大洋深处的拉登明了。姑且一试:就让我葬身鹰腹吧/安息在长天的苍穹里,长眠于傲立的群鹰间
怀揣锦囊妙译, 抛网砖来引玉。 不谈译文也罢, 还望词译分析, 以读真灼见地。
本的诗句还真难懂,belly后面半句看来那些native E-speakers 也不理解,jusitice自己的译文是咋样的?晒一晒
Osama bin Laden, shown in Afghanistan in undated photo, used his skills as a poet to woo young fighters says a California academic. (Associated Press)
One of the world's most wanted men is about to be a published poet.
The poems of Osama bin Laden are to be published next week in the Language and Communications Journal, an academic publication.
Professor Flagg Miller of the University of California has been studying bin Laden's poetry for four years, working with audio recordings originally found in the al-Qaeda leader's Afghanistan compound.
Miller said the man who masterminded the Sept. 11 attacks is quite the wordsmith.
He used to recite poetry at weddings and he frequently used it in public forums where he was trying to recruit young men.
&There was a variety of occasions he delivered this poetry … so they were sometimes given to large audiences when he was recruiting for jihad in Afghanistan and afterwards, and other times they are delivered at weddings, and far more personal contexts,& Miller said.
Some of those recitals survived on audio tapes that were passed around in Kabul and Pakistan. CNN originally found a clutch of audio cassettes in bin Laden's Afghanistan compound and the FBI has translated and studied them for coded messages.
Miller, an expert in Arabic poetry, says bin Laden is tapping into an aspect of tribal culture, which has a strong oral tradition because many people are illiterate.
One poem begins: &A youth who plunges into the smoke of war smiling stains the blades of lances red. May God not let my eye stray from the most eminent humans, lest they fall.&
The poem portrays the head of al-Qaeda as a &warrior poet& who will lead followers to an idyllic refuge in the Hindu Kush mountains.
Miller, who is writing a book about bin Laden's use of poetry in jihad, said he crafts words to excite dissatisfied youth and lure them into a warrior lifestyle they believe will be exciting.
&They reveal Osama Bin Laden as the performer, the entertainer with an agenda,& Miller said in an interview with the Times of London.
The poetry is full of religious imagery, taken directly from the Qur'an and uses metaphors such as the mountains to symbolize resistance to secular influences.
&He told gory tales of dead mujahedeen from the villages where he was speaking, which was often the first time their families had learned of their fates. He mixed this news up with radical theology and his own verse based on the traditions of hamasa — a warlike poetic tradition from Oman calculated to capture the interest of young men,& Miller said.
The tapes are now at Yale University, where they are being cleaned and digitized and will be released to scholars in 2010.
Some scholars have objected to the publication of bin Laden's poetry, saying it gives a forum to a reviled figure.
Osama Bin Laden: Exposing The New Crusader War
Mar 13, 2003
Source: CDLR
Here is the full text of the tape broadcasted in part by Al-Jazeera Satellite Channel on Eed-ul-Adha day Tuesday February 11th, 2003 that is said to be recorded by Osama bin Laden. Although the audio tape sounds similar to bin Laden, it is impossible to guarrantee its authenticity. Here is the translation from The Committee for the Defence of Legitimate Rights, uncut and uncensored. We remind our viewers that the statements, opinions and points of view expressed in this article are those of the author and shall not be deemed to mean that they are necessarily those of Jihad Unspun, the publisher, editor, writers, contributors or staff.
Praise be to Allah, then again Praise be to Him, who revealed the Verse of the Sword to His servant and His Messenger (SAWS) in order to establish the Truth and to eradicate Falsehood. So Praise be to Allah who says:
Then when the Sacred Months have passed, then kill the polytheists wherever you find them, and capture them and besiege them, and prepare for them each and every ambush. But if they repent and perform Salah and give Zakah, then leave their way free. Verily, Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.& (Qur’ 9:5).
And Praise be to Allah who says:
Fight them and Allah will punish them by your hands and disgrace them and give you Victory over them and heal the hearts of a believing people}, (Qur’ 9:14)
And peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad (SAWS) who said:
I was sent with the Sword in the waning of the Hour until Allah Alone is worshipped without any partners, and He placed my sustenance beneath the shadow of my spear and He placed disgrace and belittlement on he who opposes my orders and he who imitates a people, then he is one of them. (Ahmad, Saheeh) And he (SAWS) also said: Expel the polytheists from the Arabian Peninsula, Muslim
As to what follows:
This is a time when the blood of the Muslims continues to flow in Palestine and Chechnya, in the Philippines, Kashmir and Sudan and when our children are dying because of the American sanctions on Iraq. At a time when our wounds have not yet healed following the Crusader Wars on the Islamic World in the last century, and because of the result of the Sykes-Picot Agreement in 1916 between France and Britain, which led to the division of the Islamic World into bits and pieces - with the agents of the Crusaders continuing to rule under this agreement to this very day - we are again witnessing another Sykes-Picot Agreement, but this time one which is between Bush and Blair, but of the same nature and for the same purpose: to destruction and eradication of the Ummah (nation) of our Beloved Prophet (SAWS).
Indeed the Bush-Blair Agreement proclaims to eradicate terrorism, but it is now clear to everyone that the real purpose of this Agreement is to try and finish Islam and destroy it. With that, the rulers of the region are assuring the public in their speeches and statements, of their support to Bush in his War on Terror, which is in fact a War on Islam and the Muslims, in an act of clear betrayal and treachery against the Muslim Ummah, reinforced by the government scholars and corrupt ministers. It is no secret that the recent deployment of forces for an attack on Iraq is only a link in the chain of continuing attacks on the countries of this region including Egypt, Syria, Iran and Sudan. However, their real intention is to conquer and divide the Land of the Two Holy Sanctuaries as they have, long realized the strategic value of this target ever since this objective was passed on from Britain to the United States 60 years ago.
Moreover, America actually tried 30 years ago to fulfill this objective during the War of the 10th of Ramadan when their President at the time, Nixon, threatened to invade the Land of the Two Holy Sanctuaries, but he was unable to do so. Since the beginning of the Second Gulf War, America has established her principal and powerful military bases in the Land of the Two Holy Sanctuaries, especially close to its capital (Riyadh). The only thing that was remaining for them to do was to divide the Land of the Two Holy Sanctuaries and it now appears that this time has arrived. In conclusion, the main American plan and target in this region with this current build-up is not a moving summer cloud that will bring peace to the World, but rather a strategic target of immense significance that will never be neglected by the cunning and dirty American policy at any cost. Allah is Sufficient for us and what an Excellent Guardian is He!
So what have the governments in the region prepared in order to counter this strategic enemy objective? The answer is that they have prepared nothing except for an increase in support to the Crusaders and the unification of the Arab Interior Ministers to fight against the Mujahideen and make life difficult for the righteous scholars and propagators who are striving hard to warn the Muslim Nation to take necessary measures to protect itself. One of the most important objectives of this latest Crusade is to establish a huge Jewish super-state (Greater Israel) that will include the whole of Palestine, parts of Iraq, Egypt, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, and a huge area from the Land of the Two Holy Sanctuaries. And what do you know about Greater Israel and the harm and suffering that it will bring to this region? What is happening in Palestine is a small sample of what will take place in the region: the killing of men, imprisonment, terrorism and the d the pillaging of the land and and putting the people into a perpetual state of fear where they can expect death at any time due to a rocket or shell destroying their houses and killing their womenfolk.
So what are we going to answer to our Lord tomorrow? As for what is happening in Palestine, even a strong man finds it difficult to handle, so what about the oppressed mothers who watch their children die between their very hands? To Allah we belong and to Him we must return! Allah is Sufficient for us and what an excellent Guardian is He! 0 Allah I distance myself before You from what these Jews, Christians, treacherous rulers and whoever supports them in their ruling, are doing! I apologize to you from these sitters who are not supporting and working for the victory of the Deen (religion).
Therefore, the creation of Greater Israel will mean the total domination of Jews on these lands, and what do you know about the Jews? The same Jews, who lied and tried to trick the Creator, so what about their dealings with the creation? They killed the Prophets and broke their promises, as Allah said:
Is it not (the case) that every time they make a covenant, some party among them throw it aside? Nay! the truth is most of them believe not}, (Qur’ 2:100).
These are the Jews, the lords of usury and leaders of treachery. They will not leave anything for you, neither religion nor worldly affairs. Allah said about them:
Or have they a share in the Dominion? Then in that case they would not give mankind even a naqira (speck on the back of a date-stone),(Qur’ 4:53).
These are the Jews who consider it part of their religion that humans are slaves to them, and whoever refuses to serve them deserves to be killed. Allah said about them:
That is because they say: 'There is no blame on us to betray and take the properties of the illiterates (Arabs).' But they tell a lie against Allah while they know it}, (Qur’ 3:75).
These are some of the characteristics of the Jews, so be aware of them and these are some of the intentions behind the Crusader plan so understand them well.
So what is the solution to protect ourselves from their evil of the disbelievers and to save our lands? To answer this, I say with ability from Allah, what the righteous servant, Prophet Shu’aib (SAWS) said:
I only desire reform so far as I am able, to the best of my power. And my guidance cannot come except from Allah, in Him I trust and unto Him I repent}, (Qur’ 11:88).
Therefore, the way to protect ourselves from the evil of the disbelievers is Jihad in the Path of Allah, as Allah said:
Then fight (0 Muhammad SAW) in the Cause of Allah, you are not held responsible except for yourself, and incite the believers (to fight along with you), it may be that Allah will restrain the evil might of the disbelievers. And Allah is Stronger in Might and Stronger in punishing}, (Qur’ 4:84).
Firstly, let me inform you of the good news, with Allah's Bounty, that the Muslim Ummah today possesses huge capabilities and powers to rescue Palestine and the other lands of the Muslims, but they have been restricted. Thus, we must work hard in order to release these capabilities.
In the same way, I inform you of the good news that our Ummah has been promised victory by Allah, but if this victory has become delayed, then it is due to our sins and our sitting back from helping the Deen (religion) of Allah (SWT) as Allah (SWT) said:
If you help (in the cause of) Allah, He will help you, and make your foothold firm}, (Qur’ 47:7).
Furthermore, our Ummah has also been promised victory over the Jews as the Prophet (SAWS) informed us:
The Day of Judgment mil not come until the Muslims fight against the Jews and the Muslims will kill them until the Jews will hide behind trees and rocks, and the trees and rocks will speak, saying, '0 Muslim! 0 servant of Allah! There is a Jew behind me so come and kill him, except for the Gharqad (Boxthom) Tree, for it is the tree of the Jews), (Saheeh Al-Bukhari).
Thus, this Hadeeth indicates to us that the confrontation will be with face-to-face battle, not by disabling the resources of the Ummah for decades, using other methods like the deception of Democracy and other similar tricks. With this good news, let me inform you of some matters that will assist us with our Jihad in the Path of Allah, by relating to you some stories and accounts in which the Muslims were victorious during the past two decades, which will, if Allah wills, serve to raise the morale and trust of the sons of this Ummah on themselves. And it is very important to provide our Ummah with the inspiration that it requires in order to protect itself in this latest Crusade.
The truth is that the Muslim Ummah is the greatest human power on the face of the Earth only if it establishes Islam properly, and then it will be able to face those so-called Superpower nations. Before that, let me tell you about an incident that took place in a confrontation of the Muslims against a Superpower. The scholars of history said that Al-Muthannah Ash-Shaibani (RA) came to Madinah to seek help in fighting the Persians. Therefore, the Caliph Umar bin Al-Khattab (RA) announced a call to mobilization of the Muslims for three days, but not a single person volunteered. Therefore, Umar realized the extent of the fear in the Muslims and their magnification of the power of the Persians and so he asked Al-Muthannah to narrate to them about his victories against the Persians so that this fear would be removed. So Al-Muthanna began to inform the people of his victories against the Persians, saying:
&0 people, let not this force frighten you as we have humiliated the Persians and defeated them. We have been cleverer than them, we have shown more courage than them, we have strangled them and we have the upper hand over them and to whoever comes after them insha-Allah&
Thus, the people became excited and Abu Ubaidah Ath-Thaqafi stood up and Umar (RA) gave him the banner of the Muslims, and he marched to battle, with the people following him, may Allah be pleased with them.
And I say imitating these great, noble people: &0 people, let not this force frighten you. Let not the power of America and its army frighten you, for by Allah we have struck them multiple times and routed them again and again. They are most cowardly of people when the armies meet.&
It has been made clear during our defending and fighting against the American enemy that this enemy's combat strategy is heavily dependent on the psychological aspect of war due to its large and efficient media apparatus and of course its indiscriminate aerial bombing which hides the cowardice and lack of fighting spirit of the American soldier. Due to a limit of time, I cannot relate to you some unbelievable incidents that happened in our encounters with them in Tora Bora and Shahi-Kot.
Anyway, I start by reminding you of the defeat of the Worlds' largest Superpower at the hands of the Mujahideen: the Soviet Union, which took place after ten years of fierce fighting carried out by the sons of the Afghans and whoever helped them from the sons of the Muslims, with Allah's Grace.
Likewise, the defeat of the Russians in Chechnya when the Chechen Mujahideen accompanied by their Arab and Foreign brothers displayed examples of sacrifice and self-redemption and smashed the arrogance of the Russians, inflicting upon them defeat upon defeat. Thus, the Russians withdrew from Chechnya after the First War, only to return a second time with American backup and support, but yet they continue to suffer heavy defeats at the hands of a small believing group, and we ask Allah to make them firm and give victory to them.
Likewise, let me remind you of the defeat of the American forces in Beirut in 1982, soon after the Israeli invasion of Lebanon, when the Lebanese resistance was personified by the truck laden with explosives that struck the main military base of the US Marines in Beirut, killing 242 soldiers - towards Hell was their destination and what an evil destination that is.
Then after the Second Gulf War, America deployed her forces to Somalia and killed over thirteen thousand sons of the Muslims therein, before the lions of Islam from amongst the 'Arab Afghans' and their brothers from that region pounced upon her and rubbed her arrogance into the dust, killing scores of them, destroying their tanks and downing their aircraft.
Thus, America and her allies fled in the darkness of the night without disturbing the attention of anyone so Praise and Glory be to Allah for this. During that same period, the young Mujahideen prepared for them explosives in Aden and after their detonation, the cowardly Americans ran away and fled the country in less than 24 hours.
Then in 1995, the explosion in Riyadh took place, killing four Americans, in a clear message from the people of that region displaying their rejection and opposition to the American policy of bankrolling the Jews and occupying the Land of the Two Holy Sanctuaries. The following year, another explosion in Al-Khobar killed 19 Americans and wounded more than 400 of them, prompting them to move their bases from the cities to the desert.
Then in 1998, the Mujahideen warned America to cease their support to the Jews and to leave the Land of the Two Holy Sanctuaries, but the enemy refused to heed this warning, so the Mujahideen, with the ability from Allah, smashed them with two mighty smashes in East Africa. Then again America was warned, but she refused to pay attention to the warnings, so the Mujahideen destroyed the American Destroyer, the USS Cole, in Aden, in a martyrdom operation, striking a solid blow to the face of the American military and at the same time, exposing the Yemeni Government as American agents, similar to all the countries in the region.
Following that, the Mujahideen saw the black gang of thugs in the White House hiding the Truth, and their stupid and foolish leader, who is elected and supported by his people, denying reality and proclaiming that we (the Mujahideen) were striking them because we were jealous of them (the Americans), whereas the reality is that we are striking them because of their evil and injustice in the whole of the Islamic World, especially in Iraq and Palestine and their occupation of the Land of the Two Holy Sanctuaries. Upon seeing this, the Mujahideen decided teach them a lesson and to take the war to their heartland.
On the blessed Tuesday 11 September 2001, while the Zionist-American Alliance was targeting our children and our people in the blessed land of Al-Aqsa, with American tanks and planes in the hands of the Jews, and our people in Iraq were suffering from the America's sanctions upon them, and the Islamic world was very far away from establishing Islam properly. While all of this was taking place and the Muslims were in a very miserable and disheartened state - except those upon whom Allah had Mercy – and from the injustice, darkness and aggression being carried out by the Zionist-American Alliance. While the nation of Uncle Sam was carrying out all this without any care or consideration, then came the youths with disheveled hair and dusty feet, those who were wanted and pursued all over the World. These youth who believed in their Lord so Allah provided them with Guidance and put constancy in their tongues and Imaan in their hearts so they stopped fearing for the Sake of Allah, the blame of any blamer.
These youths, who were seeking what was with Allah, denying themselves of sleep, who poured out the water of life but did not pour out the water of dignity. So they launched their attacks with their planes in an unparalleled and magnificent feat of valor, unmatched by any in humankind before them.
They destroyed the idols of America, they struck at the very heart of the Department of Defense and they hit the black heart of the US Economy, rubbing America's nose into the dust and rolling her arrogance and pride into mud. Yet with the destruction of the Twin Towers in New York, there occurred an even bigger destruction: that of the great American Dream and legend of Democracy. It has now been made clear to all that American dignity and values are at the lowest level they have ever reached. The legend of being the land of freedom, the legend of being the safest and most secure place on Earth, and the legend of the CIA, all these have been destroyed with the Help of Allah, so to Allah be Praise and Glory.
One of the many positive results from the retaliatory attacks on New York and Washington is that it has exposed the true characteristics of the Crusaders and revealed the extent of their hate towards the Muslims. These attacks took off the skin (sheep skin) of the American wolf and they have been left standing in their filthy, naked reality. Thus the whole World awoke from its sleep and the Muslims realized the importance of the belief of loving and hating for the sake of A the ties of brotherhood between the Muslims have become stronger, which is a very good sign and a great step towards the unity of Muslims and establishing the Righteous Islamic Khilafah insha-Allah.
It has become clear to the American public that America, this great and oppressive power, can also be struck and disgraced. The American public is also now aware of what is happening in Palestine and that what happened to them in Manhattan was because of the policies of the leaders that they elected.
In conclusion, America is definitely a great power, with an unbelievable military strength and a vibrant economy, but all of these have been built on a very weak and hollow foundation. Therefore, it is very easy to target that flimsy base and concentrate on their weak points and even if we are able to target one tenth of these weak points, we will be able crush and destroy them and remove them from ruling and conquering the World. Thus, this small group of Muslims, by facing up to and standing in front of the international coalition against them and Islam, proved that it is possible to militarily fight against this Superpower and that they were able to protect their Deen (religion) and benefit the causes of their Ummah much more than what the governments and people of these fifty odd Islamic countries have done, because this small group chose the Path of Jihad as the way for the victory of the Deen (religion), as Abu Hilalah said:
There are reasons for victory and for defeat as well, and every method that generates eternity is successful. The ways towards dignity are many but the shortest one is the one, that puts forward one's blood around its difficult path.
By the Grace of Allah, there are many examples of these champions in the Muslim Ummah, but most of them have been restrained, so we have to cooperate together to release these difficulties and restrictions so that they march towards Jihad in the Path of Allah because Jihad is the way to honor this Ummah and provide it security.
As for the restrictions and obstacles preventing the youths of our Nation from marching to Jihad, then they are many in number so we will only discuss the important ones. I begin with mentioning to you an authentic Hadeeth, whoever takes guidance from it benefits and whoever deviates from it is destroyed. The Prophet (SAWS) said:
&Nations before you were destroyed because when a noble person amongst them stole, they would leave him alone, and when a poor, weak person amongst them stole, they would establish the penal punishment against him.” (Saheeh Al-Bukhari)
So learn from this, 0 you people of insight, and let me tell you about the story of the Islam of Khalid bin Al-Waleed (RA), a story that released the blindness of the minds. It was said to Khalid after he accepted Islam quite later on: &Where was your mind 0 Khalid, in that you did not see the light of Prophethood in front of your very eyes, for 20 years?”, Khalid replied, &We had in front of us men, whose aspirations and dreams we would consider as great as mountains.” Imam Ahmad (RA) said: &From the lack a/understanding of a man is that he blindly follows his Deen (religion) from other men.”
So the first of these restrictions and obstacles in our present time is the rulers and the witnesses of futility from amongst the evil government scholars, corrupt ministers, salaried writers and those similar to them. As for the leaders, the people already know about their weaknesses and their treachery. But as for those who press the people to pledge their hands into the hands of these leaders despite all of this, then we just want to ask them, &When did the masses actually pledge their allegiance to these leaders in the first place such that they are now being advised to renew their loyalty to them?” The truth is they never even pledged allegiance to them in the first place and the result, as you can see, is the oppression of the disbelievers upon us. It has been said: Those who betray in their affairs when the situation is difficult, then they will never be able to rectify their affairs when the situation is easy.
So our difference with the leaders is not a minor disagreement that ca rather we are talking about the root of Islam which is La ilaha illallah (There is no god but Allah) and the difference actually lies there. These leaders destroyed this statement and ignored it by allying themselves with the disbelievers, ruling by their own man-made laws and supporting and agreeing with the Atheist United Nations. Therefore, it is prohibited by Shari’ah to pledge allegiance to them and to follow them, but we will not delve into this subject further here as we have already reminded the people of knowledge about this in the 17th Declaration of the Advice and Reformation Committee.
After all this, we ask that is it possible for a Muslim to say to the Muslims to pledge their hands into the hands of Hamid Karzai and cooperate with him to establish Islam, lift oppression and cease the plans of America in their tracks? This is impossible because Karzai is an American agent and supporting him against the Muslims takes a person outside the fold of Islam.
Here we have to ask ourselves: what is the difference between Karzai the non-Arab and Karzai the Arab? Who are the ones who implanted and established the rulers of the Arabian Gulf? They are none other than the Crusaders, who appointed the Karzai of Kabul, established the Karzai of Pakistan, implanted the Karzai of Kuwait and the Karzai of Bahrain and the Karzai of Qatar and others. And who are the ones who appointed the Karzai of Riyadh and brought him after he used to be a bandit in Kuwait a long time ago in order to fight with them against the Ottoman Khilafah and its leader, Ibn Rasheed? They were none other than the Crusaders and they are continuing to enslave us up this very day!! Allah said:
Are your disbelievers (0 Quraish!) better than these (previous nations who were destroyed)? Or have you an immunity (against Our Torment) in the Divine Scriptures?, (Qur’ 54:43)
These traitors who want to solve our Islamic causes, including one of the most important causes of Palestine, under the rules and regulations of the United Nations or the orders of America, similar to the initiative launched by Crown Prince Abdullah in Beirut, in which he sold the blood of our martyrs and the Palestinian cause in order to satisfy the and assist the Jews and Americans against the Muslims. These leaders have betrayed Allah and His Messenger (SAWS), left the fold of Islam and betrayed the Muslim Nation.
So as for those who want to solve these cases by these incapable traitors, then they are only tricking themselves and moreover they are fooling their Ummah. They are the ones who incline towards the oppressors and have gone astray a clear deviation. At the very best, those Muslims who raise such slogans are weak evildoers so it is incumbent upon the Muslims to advise them, and if they do not accept the advice, then to warn and be warned against them. Likewise, it is necessary upon the Muslims to declare themselves free from these tyrannical leaders and it is not a secret that distancing oneself from a tyrant is not just an optional action, but rather it is one of the two pillars of Tawheed, and Imaan cannot be established in the absence of either of them. Allah (SWT) said:
Whoever disbelieves in false deities and believes in Allah, then he has grasped the trustworthiest handhold that will never break. And Allah is All-Hearer, All-Knower}, (Qur’ 2:256).
Regarding the evil government scholars, corrupt ministers, salaried writers and the likes, as it has been said that in every era there will be states with followers, so all these, they are from the followers of the state, who distort the Truth and testify to evil even inside the Sacred House and in the Sacred Months. They implore the people that the treacherous rulers are our righteous guardians and that it is necessary to support them in order to keep our nation intact and firm. These people have deviated from the Path so it is obligatory to shun them and warn against them.
Furthermore, the state emphasizes and displays these scholars on religious television programs where they give Fatawa in support of the system and try to show that the system is according to the rulings of Islam, just like the day when the King of the Land of the Two Holy Sanctuaries allowed the Americans to enter this land. He ordered the scholars to give their Fatawa, against the Deen (religion), and these scholars played with the minds of the public, and because of the actions of this King, the traitor, the Ummah today is suffering from the problems and the fear as a result of when he opened the Land of the Two Holy Sanctuaries to the disbelieving forces.
Whoever studies the biographies of the true and righteous scholars during difficult times in the past, such as the life of Imam Ahmad bin Hanbal (RA), will find vast differences between the scholars who act and the sch such as the stories that we can find in Siyar A'laam An-Nubalaa' by Imam Adh-Dhahabi.
We raise our worldly life by tearing and ripping our Deen (religion), eventually neither our Deen (religion) will remain nor what we were raising.
As for the second obstacle, then it is those scholars and propagators who love the Truth and hate Falsehood, but they sit back from Jihad. These scholars saw Falsehood spreading and increasing so they attempted to revive the Truth by enjoining the good and forbidding the evil. As a result, Allah guided multitudes of people on their hands and they have done well, as naturally Falsehood will always feel discomfort in the presence of Truth and its people. Therefore, the oppressors restrained and frightened these scho banned them from delivering
sacked them from their jobs and then imprisoned some of them if they continued to enjoin the good and forbid evil.
Therefore, all of these measures forced them to deviate except whom Allah had Mercy on. Naturally, this is human nature as a person cannot make the correct decisions under extreme pressure, especially when his security is threatened, just like the Prophet (SAWS) said: (A judge cannot pass judgment between two people when he is angry) This refers to when he is angry, so what about when he is frightened? Thus, this state policy of fear and repression on the people has destroyed every aspect of life, including Deen (religion). The Deen (religion) is sincere advice but there is no advice without security.
This fear has divided the people into various groups and we will discuss some of them. One group took the side of the leaders and gave their loyalty to the state. Another group thought that they would not be able to continue with their propagation and teaching, and that the future of their learning institutions and organizations, their own selves, homes and f if they did not praise the tyrants, so they made an evil and false choice to compromise with the leaders, thus going astray and leading many others astray. As for third group, Allah protected them from the threats of the treacherous leaders and compromising with them, so they remained steadfast under the banner of enjoining the good and forbidding the evil and they have carried out very thankful efforts in calling to Allah. However, due to the extreme measures mentioned earlier for which they had not prepared themselves, especially the pains of Hijrah (migration) and Jihad, they suffered. Moreover, there was an excellent opportunity for these twenty years ago but they failed to benefit from it and so it resulted in their lack of ability to make the correct decision under these difficult situations. That is why we are still witnessing some of them, until now, holding back from Jihad and resistance to the enemy. The victory of this Deen (religion) and its establishment requires many difficulties to be overcome and these characteristics are clear in the Book of Allah and in the Life of His Messenger (SAWS) and his Noble Companions, may Allah be pleased with them. Whoever fails to follow in these footsteps of theirs will not be able to establish the real victory of Islam, as this path demands the biting of swords and the carrying of heads in the hands in the Path of Allah. These are the descriptions mentioned by Allah in the Qur’aan:
0 you who believe! Whoever from among you turns back from his Deen (religion), Allah will bring a people whom He will love and they will love H humble towards the believers, stern towards the disbelievers, fighting in the Way of Allah, and never afraid of the blame of the blamers. That is the Grace of Allah, which He bestows on whom He wills. And Allah is All Sufficient for His creatures' needs, All-Knower}, (Qur’ 5:54).
And in the incident that took place when the Prophet (SAWS) met Waraqah bin Nawfal, who said to him: &Woe be to me, would that I be alive when the times comes when your people will turn against and expel you!& So the Prophet (SAWS) replied to him, &Will they really turn against and expel me?” Waraqah replied, &Yes, as there has never before come a man with the likes of what you have brought, except that he faced hostility. If I live to witness that day, then I will surely stand by you and support you)
Therefore, the state of the one who wants to carry the Deen (religion) with its right, is enmity from the people of F and the state of the one who desires to establish the Deen (religion) is exerting himself to the utmost with his own life and the lives of others, as Waraqah said: (If I live to witness that day. then I will surely stand by you and support you)
Such was the state of the believers on the Day of the historic Pledge of Aqabah. Thus, the victory of the Deen (religion) cannot occur merely by the giving of lectures without sacrificing our time and our wealth as the commodity of Allah (Paradise) is expensive. When Jihad becomes compulsory, there is a massive difference between sitting and giving lectures, and sacrificing lives and heads for the victory of the Deen (religion). That is why Al-Abbas bin Abdul-Muttalib, despite being on the Deen (religion) of his forefathers, wanted to satisfy himself of the security of his nephew, the Prophet (SAWS) before he migrated to Madinah. He addressed the Ansar saying: “you are really a people of strength, power and knowledge of war, But do you realize the hostility of the Arabs and that they will shoot at you from a single bow (unite to fight you) if you accept this man into your fold?”
So I say that these characteristics were necessary for the people of Imaan to possess in order to protect the Messenger of Allah (SAWS) and they are necessary today to protect the Deen (religion) of the Messenger of Allah (SAWS). Anyway, when Al-Abbas finished his address, Al-Baraa bin Maroor said: &We have understood your words and if there was any doubt in our hearts, by Allah we would have said it, but we have chosen to be loyal and true and to protect the Messenger (SAWS) despite the consequences.&
So I say that this is the true Deen (religion), which can only be established by loyalty and truth despite any consequences that may come from adopting this way. And then when the people of Madinah stood up to pledge their allegiance, As'ad bin Zararah said: &Wait, 0 people of Madinah! Before we pledge to him (SAWS) our livers of obedience, we should now that he is the Messenger of Allah (SAWS) and taking him into our fold today will mean incurring on us the enmity of all of the Arabs, the killing of the best of your men and your biting the swords. Therefore, if you are prepared to bear this then take him and your reward will be with Allah, and if you are afraid of not being able to bear this responsibility, then say so and leave him now and that will be more excusable for you before Allah!” Then they all replied in one voice: &0 As'ad, lower your hand from us for by Allah we will never break this pledge and nor will we forsake it!&
This is exactly what the Mujahideen are saying to the scholars and the propagators who love the Truth and do not compromise with Falsehood: You have raised the banner of the Deen (religion) of Islam and you know that the Deen (religion) of the Messenger of Allah (SAWS) is true, so your carrying of the Deen (religion) with its rights means opposition to the governments of the Arabs and the non-Arabs in the entire W the killing of the best of you and that you will bite the swords. So if you are able to bear that patiently, then protect this banner and your reward will be with Allah. And if you fear even an iota of weakness in yourselves, then leave the banner of defending and fighting and do not come in the way of the youths of the Ummah and Jihad in the Path of Allah, as that will be more excusable for you before Allah.
So what is obligatory upon the Muslims in the face of this new Zionist-Crusader war against the Ummah of Islam? Allah said:
Then fight (0 Muhammad SAWS) in the Cause of Allah, you are not held responsible except for yourself, and incite the believers (to fight along with you), it may be that Allah will restrain the evil might of the disbelievers. And Allah is Stronger in Might and Stronger in punishing}, (Qur’ 4:84).
The first compulsory obligation after Imaan today is defending and fighting against the enemy aggressor. Sheikh-ul-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah (RA) said: &As for defending against the enemy aggressor who spoils the Deen (religion) and the worldly affairs, then there is nothing more obligatory after Imaan then repelling him and there are no conditions (or restrictions) for this ruling.&
So Jihad today is compulsory on the entire Ummah and she will remain in sin until she produces her sons, her wealth and her power to the extent of being able to wage Jihad and defend against the evil of the disbelievers upon all the Muslims in Palestine and elsewhere. It is obligatory upon the believers to wage Jihad in order to establish the Truth and eradicate Falsehood, to the utmost of their abilities. The Messenger of Allah (SAWS) said in Saheeh Muslim:
So, whoever strives against them with his hand is a believer, and whoever strives against them by his heart is a believer, and whoever strives against them by his tongue is a believer, and beyond that there is not a mustard-seed's amount of faith, (Muslim)
This great Hadeeth categorizes all of the believers and since we are believers, we are Mujahideen in the Way of Allah for the victory of this Deen (religion). So as for the believer who stays back from Jihad with his hand and his tongue, then it is obligatory upon him to make Jihad with his heart and this entails hating the enemies of Allah and suppl supporting the believers and the Mujahideen, supplicating for them and letting them feel the brotherhood of Imaan that connects us Muslims from the East to the W and wishing sincerely in his heart to wage Jihad in the Path of Allah by his hand and his tongue, but this is the weakest of Imaan. It is also necessary for him to boycott the products of America and her allies and he must especially be cautious from assisting Falsehood in any way as supporting the disbelievers against the Muslims, even with a single word, is clear Kufr (disbelief) as the scholars have established. He or she must also be careful not to be amongst those about whom Allah said:
Those who are miserly and enjoin miserliness on other men..., (Qur’ 4:37) or from amongst those about whom Allah said: Allah already knows those among you who keep back (men) from fighting in Allah's Cause, and those who say to their brethren 'Come here towards us,' while they (themselves) come not to the battle except a little, (Qur’ 33:18).
Therefore, he must not combine the major sin of sitting back from Jihad, with the major sin of betrayal. Although Jihad in person is obligatory upon the entire Ummah, then it is even more obligatory upon the youths in the prime of their lives than upon the old. Likewise, Jihad with wealth is more obligatory today upon the wealthy Muslims than on those who are not as wealthy as them. Part of Allah's Grace upon the Ummah today is that he has opened many breasts others to Jihad in His Way and the protection of His Deen (religion) and His servants, so it is obligatory upon the Ummah to assist them, encourage them and facilitate their affairs to that they can repel from the Ummah any oppression, betrayal or sin. Likewise, it is obligatory upon the Ummah to protect the Jihad that exists today and to lend support to it with every means of power that it possesses, as this Jihad is a very valuable asset to us, as is the case in Palestine, Chechnya, Afghanistan, Kashmir, Indonesia, the Philippines and other Muslim lands.
Despite the vicious attacks of the enemies, the banner of Jihad in these lands is not continuing to remain aloft except by the Grace of Allah, and the extreme efforts and sacrifices of the Mujahideen with their blood and skulls, we ask Allah to accept them amongst the martyrs.
Furthermore, I convey to you glad tidings that the Jihad in Afghanistan is currently in a very good position and the conditions there are very favorable for the Mujahideen, with the Grace of Allah. We are now in the second year of our fighting against the Americans and until now, America has not been able to fulfill her war objectives. On the contrary, she is now trapped inside the Afghan swamp. As for the victories that America experienced in the first few months of the war, after they captured the cities following the Mujahideen withdrawal from them, then it is no secret to general military experts and those specializing in Afghanistan in particular, that this was a tactical withdrawal in line with the nature of the Taliban Administration and the nature of the Afghans in their long history of guerrilla warfare. At that times, there was no organized army of the Taliban that could have defended the cities, but now, with Allah's Grace, the Afghans have re-organized themselves to the utmost of their ability and they have dug themselves in for a long guerrilla war from the deep, rugged and harsh mountains of Afghanistan, using similar tactics that they employed against the Soviet Union, with Allah's Grace. They are using those same tactics against the Americans and with the rate of operations having reached two every day, the Americans are in real problems now. They are not able to protect their forces and nor are they able to bring stability to the country, let alone protecting the leader and protecting the public.
By Allah's Grace, during this last year, all of the Mujahideen have united their forces and all are extremely enthusiastic for Jihad, realizing that Jihad against the Americans is obligatory upon them. If it was not for a lack of resources, then they would have increased their rate of operations to ten every day, just like in the previous Jihad against the Russians, and the Americans would never be able to bear this, but presently it is not possible. Therefore, it is a compulsive obligation upon the Ummah today to lend assistance to the Jihad in Afghanistan because it is one of the most important arenas of Jihad. Furthermore, we must concentrate on removing the Americans from Afghanistan, for defeating them in Afghanistan will be the beginning of the end of America insha-Allah. With the Permission of Allah, you will not be attacked from our direction and the direction of our brothers from the Afghan Mujahideen, so we hope that we are not attacked from your direction. The Ummah today is in an era from amongst the eras of Allah, in which it must not weaken nor tire nor transgress. Rather, it must unite the ranks of the Muslims against the ranks of the disbelievers and it must seek repentance from its minor and major sins, just as important it is for the Ummah in this difficult time, which is no small matter, to shun a life of play, amusement, extravagance and fun, and prepare itself for the real life of killing, fighting, striking and damaging.
Think about what Sheik-ul-Islam (RA) said in a similar type of situation to which we are in now: (Know, may Allah reform you, that it has been confirmed from many sources that the Prophet (SAWS) said: &There will never seize to exist a group from my Ummah, fighting for the decree of Allah over-powering their enemy, they will not be harmed by those who oppose them, until the Hour approaches them and they are upon it (i.e. fighting for the truth).' (Muslim) So this difficult situation divides the people into three types. The first type is the Victorious Party and they are the Mujahideen against the evil people. The second type is the Opposing Party, who makes clear their opposition to Islam. The third type is the Treacherous Party, and they are the ones who sit back from Jihad, even if their Islam is correct. So let every man chose whether he will be with the Victorious Party or the Opposing Party or the Treacherous Party, and there is no fourth type.& He continued, saying: &By Allah, even if the Foremost Vanguard of the Muslims from amongst the Emigrants and the Helpers, like Abu Bakr, Umar, Uthman, Ali and others, were present with us in this time, the best of their actions would be to wage Jihad against this nation of criminals and no-one misses an opportunity like this except that his trade incurs losses, his self is humiliated and he deprives himself of a good portion of both his worldly life and his Hereafter.&
Therefore, I advise the youths to exercise their minds in the Jihad, as they are the first ones upon whom Jihad is obligatory, just like Ash-Shatibi (RA) pointed out. So know that targeting the Americans and the Jews by killing them in any comer of the Earth, is the greatest of obligations and the most excellent of ways to gain nearness to Allah. Furthermore, I advise the youths to use their intelligence in killing them secretly. I also congratulate you all, and our brothers in Palestine in particular, that your Mujahideen brothers are continuing firm upon the path of Jihad in targeting the Jews and the Americans and that we will never abandon or forsake you, so continue with the blessings of Allah for we are with you. Before I end, I incite myself and my believing brothers to Jihad by the words:
And most surely this year will I lead my steed and hurl it
And my soul, at one of the targets.
So O my Lord if my demise has come, then let it not be
Upon a bier draped with green mantles.
But let my grave be an eagle's belly, its resting place in
The sky's atmosphere amongst perched eagles.
And I become a martyr, dwelling amongst a band,
Attacked in a level mountain pass of the Earth.
Knights of Q devoutness to Allah Has joined them
Together, they descend when the armies meet.
When they depart from their Worldly life, they depart from the harm
And reach the appointment found in the scriptures.
Finally, I advise myself and my Muslim brothers with the fear of Allah in secret and in open, to increase in supplications and humble themselves before Allah. Perhaps Allah may accept our repentance, relieve our calamity and release our imprisoned brothers from the hands of the Americans and their agents, especially the two Sheikhs, Umar Abdur-Rahman and Sa'eed bin Zu'air, and our brothers in Guantanamo Bay. May Allah make firm the Mujahideen in Palestine and in all the other Muslim lands. May He help us against our enemy. I also advise myself and you with increasing in Allah's remembrance and reciting the Qur’aan with pondering and reflection, for in it is a reminder, cure, guidance and mercy. Allah says:
0 mankind! There has come to you a good advice from your Lord (the Qur’aan) and a healing for that (disease of ignorance etc.) in your breasts, - a guidance and a mercy for the believers}, (Qur’ 10:57).
Our Lord, give us the good in this life, the good in the Hereafter, and save us from the Fire of Hell.
And Allah will overcome with all His Affairs, but most of men know not}, (Qur’ 12:21).
And the last of our prayers are Praise be to Allah, Lord of the Worlds.
Osama bin Laden
February 2003
New bin Laden recording predicts al-Qa'eda leader's own death
By Sean O'Neill
12:00AM GMT 13 Feb 2003
Osama bin Laden appears to predict his own death in a recorded message purported to be from the terrorist leader and expected to be broadcast within the next few days.
The 53-minute recording, which has been passed to a British-based Islamic news agency, has bin Laden speaking in a weakened voice about his demise and his wish to be a martyr.
According to an English translation of the message obtained by The Telegraph, bin Laden says: &Before I end, I incite myself and my believing brothers to jihad by the words:
&And most surely this year I will lead my steed and hurl it and my soul at one of the targets. So, O my Lord, if my demise has come, then let it not be upon a bier draped with green mantles.
&But let my grave be an eagle's belly, its resting place in the sky's atmosphere perched among eagles. And I become a martyr, dwelling amongst a band, attacked in a level mountain pass of the earth.&
Those who have heard the tape claim that the voice is bin Laden's but it seems weakened by illness. They suggest his verse indicates a readiness to die in combat against American forces - hence the reference to &an eagle's belly&.
The cassette is in the possession of Al-Ansaar, a small news agency and bookshop based in Birmingham, which last year obtained video footage of bin Laden. A number of television networks are believed to be negotiating for the right to broadcast the tape, the second statement this week said to have come from bin Laden.
Imran Khan, of Al-Ansaar, said he had subjected the tape to a five-day verification process before making the details of it public. &We get a lot of hoax material so we have acted carefully on this,& said Mr Khan.
He said the recording was given to Al-Ansaar by a contact in the Gulf region following a lengthy email correspondence.
It is not possible to state unequivocally that the voice on the tape is that of bin Laden, but the message is delivered in the florid Arabic used by the al-Qa'eda leader in previous statements.
The central theme is also the same as other bin Laden proclamations - the claim that America and its &crusader& allies are bent on destroying Islam and taking over the Arab world.
Bin Laden says: &The Bush-Blair agreement proclaims to eradicate terrorism, but it is now clear to everyone that the real purpose of this agreement is to try to finish Islam and destroy it…The recent deployment of forces for an attack on Iraq is only a link in the chain of continuing attacks on the countries of this region.&
Bin Laden ends by telling Muslim youth around the world that jihad is a religious obligation.
(Let my grave be an eagle's belly, its resting place in the sky's atmosphere amongst perched eagles.)
Osama bin Laden long fancied himself something of a poet. His compositions tended to the morbid, and a poem written two years after 9/11 in which he contemplated the circumstances of his death was no exception. Bin Laden wrote, &Let my grave be an eagle's belly, its resting place in the sky's atmosphere amongst perched eagles.&
Osama bin Laden long fancied himself something of a poet. His compositions tended to the morbid, and a poem written two years after 9/11 in which he contemplated the circumstances of his death was no ...
(Let my grave be an eagle's belly, its resting place in the sky's atmosphere amongst perched eagles.)
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