
求大神翻译,不要机器翻译哦,谢谢~~ Carla was riding the bus wit-求大神翻译,不要机器翻译哦,我不求速度只求质量,谢谢~... _汇潮装饰网
求大神翻译,不要机器翻译哦,谢谢~~ Carla was riding the bus wit
求大神翻译,不要机器翻译哦,谢谢~~ Carla was riding the bus wit
Brian told Carla he wanted to show her something.
A few weeks later.
Carla and Brain could hardly believe it. Then Brian sent it to the mayor (市长). They even asked everyone in the neighbourhood to sign the letter. They decided that they had to get their neighbourhood cleaned up. They described how they felt about people littering in their town. They wrote that they wanted to see the streets and sidewalks cleaned up.When they got home, Carla and Brian wrote a letter.
They suggested that the city put public
trash cans in every comer. Who would put trash(垃圾) in the middle of the street? Brian noticed all the other trash in the street and on sidewalks. He explained to Carla how much he hated
litter and how lazy it was to be a 'Jitterbug' (垃圾虫). He took his sister for a walk up the street. What do you think they saw? There were new trash cans on every corner and hardly any litter on the sidewalks!
The mayor had listened to them, the passenger door opened a bit and an empty juice bottle rolled out. They got their refreshments(活力恢复) and took a walk down the street.
As they waited at the crosswalk, they saw a wonderful new car come up. As they admired(羡慕) the car. It was pretty hot outside, so they decided to get off the bus and buy some cold drinks求大神翻译,不要机器翻译哦,谢谢~~
Carla was riding the bus with her elder brother, Brian. Carla and Brian were happy and proud. Then the light turned green and the car sped off
Carla was riding the bus with her elder brother, Brian. It was pretty hot outside, so they decided to get off the bus and buy some cold drinks. They got their refreshments(活力恢复) and took a walk down the street.
As they waited at the crosswalk, they saw a wonderful new car come up. As they admired(羡慕) the car, the passenger door opened a bit and an empty juice bottle rolled out. Then the light turned green and the car sped off.
Carla and Brain could hardly believe it. Who would put trash(垃圾) in the middle of the street? Brian noticed all the other trash in the street and on sidewalks. He explained to Carla how much he hated
litter and how lazy it was to be a 'Jitterbug' (垃圾虫). They decided that they had to get their neighbourhood cleaned up.When they got home, Carla and Brian wrote a letter.
They suggested that the city put public
trash cans in every comer. They described how they felt about people littering in their town. They wrote that they wanted to see the streets and sidewalks cleaned up. They even asked everyone in the neighbourhood to sign the letter. Then Brian sent it to the mayor (市长).
A few weeks later, Brian told Carla he wanted to show her something. He took his sister for a walk up the street. What do you think they saw? There were new trash cans on every corner and hardly any litter on the sidewalks!
The mayor had listened to them. Carla and Brian were happy and proud. They decided they would always help keep their town......还有没 太少了
秒拍 空耳的世界我们怎么会懂呢?
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