can we have better in timeCPS to fix them?

Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard compatibility table
NEW! SnowChecker
The SnowChecker application scans your hard drive for applications and allows you to only display relevant compatibility data. Other features include sorting and search. Click
to download.
Below is a list of applications and their compatibility status with Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard, the most recent operating system from Apple. Please collaborate by sharing your experiences using each application and by adding applications not already listed. Note: due to abuses, registration is now required to edit the list. Thanks for your cooperation.
Snow Leopard is now available!
Update: There are now four categories: UNKNOWN
is for apps that are untested, OK
for apps that work fine, NO
for apps that do not work, and WARNING
for those with some problems.
NEW! Please visit the
to share compatibility information and Snow Leopard tips and tricks.
Please do NOT force removal of a lock whilst someone else is editing. It's EXTREMELY RUDE and INCONSIDERATE!
Please note: This is a text based editing system. To add information, be prepared ahead of time by having your data ready to paste in (open TextEdit, copy everything from the first || , to the last || , then replace the placeholders with the information needed.), using the following format :
|| Application Name || Version || Website URL || [[image {OK/NO/UNKNOWN/WARNING}.png]] || Notes (Comments) ||
When you have replaced the placeholders with your info, and choose OK, NO, UNKNOWN, or WARNING to set the correct graphic icon. Paste the edited text into its corresponding alphabetical place in the text list. Do not add it into the code above, it doesn't work that way : )
Please also note that editing anything besides application compatibility data (i.e. ads) will get you banned. * Thanks. -admin
For information about potential printing issues on Snow Leopard, see
Additional information:
Java Note: After Snow Leopard installation, only Java SE 6 remains and is used for all Java appl previous Java versions (which were present in Leopard and Tiger) are gone. This may cause issues with Java apps/applets that don't work correctly with Java SE 6: these will
to work with Snow Leopard.
Application Name
(No comment / )
Works very good for me, without problems!
Needs 32-bit Safari. Details in .
3D Weather Globe & Atlas
Free update
Works smooth, without problems.
Needs Rosetta, simple tests seem to do ok, might depend on plugins used
Needs Rosetta, Crashing and occasional data corruption
4th Dimension
Crashing Issues +Needs Rosetta
4th Dimension
Works Great
A Better Finder Rename
A Better Finder Attributes
Abbey (the)
as discussed
it doesn′t work
Ableton Live
Works for some, not for others. Crashes when audio samples are used (which is easily half of the intended use of the program)
Abyssoft teleport
Access Grid Toolkit (AGTk)
Acapela Multimedia for Mac OS X
Text To Speech SDK, Apple Speech Synthesis Manager Compliant Libraries compiled in 32 bits (Universal binary ppc/i386). Will not work if your software is compiled in 64 bits mode.
Acapela Multimedia for Mac OS X
Text To Speech SDK, Apple Speech Synthesis Manager Compliant - Libraries compiled in 32 AND 64 bits (Universal binary ppc/i386/x86_64). Currently in beta version. Used by
Accordance Bible Software
"AccountEdge 2009 is compatible with Mac OS X 10.6 with two (2) known issues."
Non-beta due to be released after October with Snow Leopard compatibility
Across Lite
not working: Print, Preview, Save as PDF
Activity Monitor
(OS X Utility / Do not move the application / FR loc / )
Activity Manager
web based app
Cannot u usb armband device identified as a modem
Address Book
1.4 beta 9
adJUST monitor calibration
Validation not working, will be fixed in 4.1.15
Adobe Acrobat Professional
Same as 9.1.x, app works but PDF printer from apps does not work. The 'Create PDF' action works only for items not requiring an app based file (e.g. PNG, JPG, etc)
Adobe Acrobat Professional
Application works, but PDF Printer is not. available. See: . Also Adobe PDFViewer Safari Plugin no longer works.
Adobe After Effects
Catastrophic Failure (no future updates planned)
Adobe After Effects CS4
CS4 (
Small Issues more info:
Adobe After Effects Render Engine
Adobe After Effects - Mocha For After Effects CS4
CS4 (1.2.2)
Adobe Bridge CS4
CS4 (
Adobe ColdFusion
SL nukes your apache settings. Blogs are out there to help JRun instances get back, but not for standalones. Cannot do a fresh install in SL, the installer app will not run.
Adobe Creative Suite
Works fine under Rosetta
Adobe Creative Suite
PPC Only Binary. Launches under Rosetta. Applications appear to work, but there may be some glitches.
Adobe Creative Suite
Minor bugs in Photoshop and Dreamweaver. PS gets slower and slower the longer you work in it.
Adobe Creative Suite
Officially supported by Adobe -
Adobe Digital Editions
Works Fine
Adobe Device Central
CS4 (2.0.0)
Adobe DNG Converter
(No comment)
Adobe Dreamweaver
FTP File transfers no longer works.
Adobe Extension Manager CS4
CS4 (
Adobe Fireworks
Requires Rosetta, then crashes on launch
Adobe Fireworks
Adobe Flash Player
Snow Leopard installs an older, less secure version
Adobe Flex Builder (Flash Builder 4/Gumbo beta)
may require setting -d32 flag for your JVM to load carbon UI may require installing Java 1.5 since SL actually only ships with Java 1.6 (google installing-java-1-5-on-snow-leopard)
Adobe Flex Builder
may require setting -d32 flag for your JVM to load carbon UI libraries, i report no problems as of yet (I had it installed before 10.6 and I also am running the latest sdk and all eclipse updates applied. May require installing Java 1.5 since SL actually only ships with Java 1.6 (google installing-java-1-5-on-snow-leopard)
Adobe Lightroom
1.1.4 Installs, Opens & imports images.
Adobe Lightroom
No issues.
Adobe Media Encoder CS4
CS4 (4.0.0)
Adobe Media Player
Adobe Photoshop
Crashes during startup
Adobe Photoshop
Requires Rosetta. Seems to work OK.
Adobe Photoshop
Works fine. Program error message pops up once after you open.
Adobe Photoshop
Adobe Photoshop CS4
CS4 (11.0)
Adobe Photoshop Elements
After normal Update from 10.5 it works fine! After restoring from Time Machine app gives a licence error. Clean install works perfectly !
Adobe Photoshop Elements
Worked fine after normal Upgrade from 10.5
Adobe Photoshop Elements
Clean install claims that the installation was fine, but running the application fails with the error "Could not complete your request because of missing or invalid personalization information." However, an installation which worked under 10.5 continued to work after a 10.5 to 10.6 upgrade.
Adobe Soundbooth
On startup, displays message: The audio driver has either failed to load or device is no longer connected. App promptly crashes.
Adobe Reader
Upgrades work fine, but for fresh install see:
32-bit kernel required creates problem
Adobe Reader
Power Macintosh not supported corrects the install problem
Serial support updated for Snow Leopard.
AdWords Editor
Uninstall PlugSuit. Install SIMBL 0.9.6c from . Get Afloat.dmg and open image. Show context menu and choose "Show package contents". In the Contents/Plugins submenu, copy a file called Afloat.bundle and go to Library/Application Support/ in your home directory and place the Afloat.bundle in the SIMBL/Plugins directory (create it if it does not exist).
Age of Empires 2
Works well, requires Rosetta
Age of Empires 3
Works well in single and multiplayer
AIM for Mac
Works well with 10.6
AIM for Mac
Works well with 10.6
Instant Hijack now works in 3.3.3 (for apps running in 32-bit mode).
No problems thus far
AirPort Utility
OS X Utility
AirPort Admin Utility for Graphite and Snow
Air Traffic Control
Notes (Comments)
Alarm Clock
Works fine with 10.6
3.14 b2 (315)
Website intermittent
Alien Skin EyeCandy 5 Impact
Alien Skin Image Doctor
3.1.4 (6479)
Works for some, not for others
AllTel Quicklink Mobile
4.0.7 (build 2189b)
(No comment)
(Replaces aLunch / FR loc / )
Amadeus Pro
Amazing Slow Downer
Seems to work fine
Amazing Slow Downer
Seems to work fine
Amazon MP3 Downloader
Purchased song downloaded & added to iTunes without issues
Amnesty Hypercube
(No comment)
The official version doesn't work, but you can download the 0.98 beta for mac from:
Works very well
Analogy (Screensaver)
"Awaiting ScreenTime update for (10.6)."
Anapolis Center
Works very well
Ankh Special Edition
Updated version already under Leopard using
AOL Desktop for Mac
Tested with 10.6
AOL Desktop for Mac
Tested with 10.6
Works fine (tested with 32-bit kernel)
APC PowerChute
(No comment)
APC PowerChute PE
Managing from System Preference/Energy Saver/UPS select Shutdown Options.
(No comment / FR loc / )
(No comment / FR loc / )
AP Grapher
Does not recognize that there is networks available. Gives only an inaccurate signal reading.
Apimac Secret Foldder
Apimac Timer
Apogee Duet
September '09 Update
(CleanApp works better / FR loc / )
(Find updates older than the installed software / )
Appigo Sync
Apple Aperture
Apple iDVD
Seems to work, but may have some glitches.
Apple iDVD
A little laggy on startup, but works fine after that. May crash when encoding assets set on High Quality or Professional Quality
Apple iMovie HD
Seems to work, but may have some glitches.
Apple iPhoto
Works fine *
Apple iPhoto
Works fine *
Apple iPhoto
Sometimes can not display image when "edit" is pressed. Had to log out & back in to resolve
Apple iWeb
Apple Keynote
Printing Handouts: no divider or rule lines
Apple Motion
(No comment)
Apple Motion
My copy opens up very very slowly compared to OS 10.5.8. Quite sluggish in operation too since "upgrade"
Apple Numbers
Apple Pages
Apple Remote Desktop (ARD)
Requires 3.2 Client installed on same machine as Admin software. Use apple support file to remove 3.3 client ()
Apple Remote Desktop
AppleScript Editor
Apple Server Admin Tools
or greater to administer Mac OS X Server 10.5 and 10.6
Apple Works
needs Rosetta
Apple Works 2
Apple Xsan
2.1.1 or less
Requires forthcoming 2.2 update
Application Enhancer
; last issue: Aug 2009 for 10.5
64 bit enabled
(No comment / )
Works, but after putting program(s) to zap, the window becomes white - restart app and it goes away
Aptana Studio
Upgrade to version 1.5
Yes, it works! Not all plugins tested.
Aqua Data Studio
Aquamacs Emacs
Araxis Merge
Company is aware of some issues but should be broadly usable ()
Updgrade to v1.0.2x05. More info:
Art Directors Toolkit
Art Directors Toolkit
Still being tested by vendor but preliminary ok.
2.2.1 for Snow Leopard
Appears to install, but doesn't work
Dock sub menu feature currently not supported under 10.6 (possibly never). May require new license purchase.
(No comment / FR loc / )
(No comment / )
(No comment)
Audio Hijack Pro
Instant Hijack now works in 2.9.3 (for apps running in 32-bit mode).
Audio Hijack
Rogue Amoeba no longer supports this program but it still works
Audio MIDI Setup
OS X Utility
Audio Recorder
Audio Switcher
Shows in menu but is non-functional.
Audiobook Builder
Cover Art reflection is not drawn correctly in each Project’s Cover section. Cover Art is drawn properly in the final Project output .
Audiobook Maker
(No comment)
Requires Rosetta
Autodesk Maya
Autodesk MudBox
Automatic RSS
now runs on 64 bit
Application Name
3.1.2 (374)
Backup Bouncer
ctool lib is broken. But should be easy to fix.
Haven't tested all banner types, but those I have all worked OK
Barcode Generator
Barcode Producer
basICColor catch
basICColor certify
basICColor CMYKick
basICColor control
basICColor demon
basICColor display
basICColor dragLINK photo
basICColor dragLINK proof
basICColor dragLINK print
basICColor dragLINK save
basICColor dropRGB
basICColor gHOST
basICColor input
basICColor LINKflow
basICColor print
basICColor SMARtt
basICCoolTool Profile′s Secret
basICCoolTool The Missing Link
basICCoolTool ShadowMatch
Requires Rosetta
basICCoolTool spoTTuner
Requires Rosetta
basICCoolTool WhitePoint Editor
Requires Rosetta
(No comment / FR loc / )
basICCoolTool MatchPatch
Battery Health Monitor
Battle for Wesnoth
(No comment)
(No comment / )
BBEdit Lite
Requires Rosetta
use free update to 2.0.5
a bit flaky when restoring from backup
tar files not working correctly - 1.8.2 supposedly fixes this (but seemingly not for everyone)
BigPond Wireless Broadband
Cannot detect the 3G USB modem when modem is first plugged in. Need to quit and restart the program (with the 3G USB modem plugged in) for it to detect the device.
Works fine.
BitWise IM
Blackmagic Decklink Drivers
Recently updated for Snow Leopard
Fully compatible
64-bit support
Bluetooth File Exchange
OS X Utility
(No comment)
(No comment / )
(No comment / )
Almost OK. Had to reinstall. Works ex screensaver will be fixed in version 6.10.x (now in beta test)
(No comment / FR loc / )
Bonjour Browser
No longer supported. Move library to another Books cataloging app.
Boot Camp Assistant
OS X Utility
(No comment)
1.0 beta 2
Some skins won't work. Bowlet disappears after waking up your Mac.
Box Shot 3D
Playing video_ts folders (DVD rips) crashes app. Apple Remote controls Plex and Front Row / iTunes / Volume simultaneously.
BR-600/900CD Rhythm Editor
Brightness Control
(No comment)
Bug Labs USB CDC
USB networking and is not supported
(No comment / FR loc / )
BurnAgain FS
(No comment)
Business Card Composer
Some custom icons not displayed
Works OK but appears to hang on exit and does not return to desktop. Mouse & keyboard appears to operate on desktop even though BZFlag screen is still displayed. Eventually quits back to desktop. May be an update, have not checked.
Application Name
Fully compatible
Needs Rosetta to run
Cache Cleaner
A shareware licensed. Clear caches, access hidden OS X settings, much more.
(No comment)
Part of OS x
Calgoo Connect
This is a Java app requiring Java 1.5+. Some anecdotal evidence that it doesn't work.
Works as of 6.1.14
(No comment / FR loc / )
(No comment / FR loc / )
(No comment / FR loc / )
(No comment / FR loc / )
(No comment / FR loc / )
Cambridge Preparation for the TOEFL Test
Requires Rosetta
(No comment)
Camfrog Video Chat
issue with Java Works perfectly
Java disabled
issue with Java
Java still has problems
(No comment / FR loc / )
Opens but cannot use movie inputs and most special effects broken
(No comment)
Canon CAPT laser printer drivers
CAPT v1.70
For iSensys LBP-5000 (at least) this 10.5 Leopard driver works fine on 10.6 Snow Leopard
Canon EOS Utility
Crashes when downloading all images or attempting to select images on the Mac to download. Selecting images on the camera works, but is very tedious since each image needs to be individually downloaded.
Canon iPF printer drivers
10.6 Compatible drivers coming by October 9th.
CanoScan Toolbox
(No comment)
Works great for me!
works well
Capture One
Workarounds on Phase One's site
Capture One LE
Leica bundled version
Carbon Copy Cloner
It's necessary to DL and use ver. 3.3 which is SL compatible. Earlier versions cause apparent I/O errors and may not boot properly from the clone
Carbon Copy Cloner
(No comment / FR loc / )
Carbon Copy Cloner
(No comment / )
Carbonite for Mac
1.1.1 Build 344
SL 32 and 64-bit now supported.
Runs, but has a menu font problem. See link for work around. []
Runs, but has a menu font problem. See link for work around. []
(No comment / FR loc / )
(No comment / FR loc / )
Works well
Centrify DirectControl
Works very well
2.0b99 beta build 340
Working 32-bit
Chandler Desktop
Chandler Hub
Instance of Chandler Server (a.k.a. Cosmo): bugs
affecting interop with iCal
Charles Web Debugging Proxy
works fine
Charles Web Debugging Proxy
works fine
Speakable are not working properly.
Checkpoint SecureClient
Will not load a previous installation or allow new installation out of the box, but works fine with minimal changes to either existing installation files or installation package using this tutorial:
… FOR ADVANCED VPN GATEWAY ADMINISTRATORS ONLY: IPSecuritas (alternate product) works and will connect to Checkpoint VPN-1 but requires a lot of technical knowledge to make it work.
Part of OS x by
Chicken of the VNC
Despite de filename (Chmox-0.4beta-i386_ppc.dmg), it works. My machine is a MBP/Snow Leopard 10.6.4
Chuzzle Deluxe
(No comment)
Cinema 4d - Maxon
(No comment)
Cisco AnyConnect VPN Client
32bit Mode ONLY
Cisco AnyConnect VPN Client (BETA)
previous do not work
Cisco Clean Access Agent
Does not recognize 10.6 as a valid version. However, a workaround is available to access networks protected with the Clean Access Agent. Using Firefox and the User-Agent Switcher (), switch your user-agent to "Mozilla/5.0 (M U; Intel Mac OS X; en-US; rev:" and the Clean Access Agent will allow you to log on.
Cisco Clean Access Agent
New Version with Snow Leopard Support
Cisco Unified Personal Communicator UPC
Audio input and output don't work
Cisco VPN Client
Reinstall needed? 4.9&0100 works here, after re-install under SL. NOTE: SL includes native support for Cisco VPN under Network Preferences
Cisco VPN Client
4.9&0100 does not work, neither does DNS when the "Split-DNS" feature is enabled on the Server on any version, Only works in 32-bit mode. Reinstall following snow leopard install. NOTE: SL includes native support for Cisco VPN under Network Preferences
City of Heroes
19.t (current version)
may even run faster!
But only if run under rosetta
Citrix ICA Client
Citrix Dazzle
Citrix "aware". Back-grade to 10 seems OK
Civilization III
1.22 Rev. A
yep, still works
Civilization IV
Yes, it works
quits on launching - use 2.0.1 Public Beta
2.0.1 with ClamAV 0.95.2 backend
Public B may be buggy. Became unresponsive
Classroom Maestro
Works Great
language switched to english
(No comment / FR loc / )
(Works better than AppCleaner / FR loc / )
(Works better than AppCleaner / FR loc / )
(No comment / FR loc) /
(No comment / FR loc) /
commands containing sudo will not run - fixed in ver.
New command batch specifically for Snow Leopard 10.6.
(No comment / )
Cmap Tools
4.5 adds full Snow Leopard and 64-bit compatibility.
A complete rewrite to work with Snow Leopard is required
crash on startup
not available (see Sequel Pro)
(No comment)
Crash on quit
Works, also 1.6.5 released 28/08/09 to fix a few bugs
Worked fine for my project and loved it.
(No comment)
(No comment)
ColorMunki Create
ColorMunki Design
issues are being addressed, and a new version will be released soon
ColorMunki Photo
issues are being addressed, and a new version will be released soon
Color Schemer Studio
ColorSync Utility
OS X Utility
Combine PDFs
Comic Life
(No comment)
Commander - Europe at War
Both solo & multiplayer Hotseat/PBEM
Command and Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars
1.09 works fine, tested with 32bit kernel
ConceptDraw Medical
Has anyone tried this? Yes, I know it's obsolete but I use it
ConceptDraw Office
Works well
ConceptDraw PRO
ConceptDraw MINDMAP
ConceptDraw PROJECT
Has to run in 32-bit System Preferences, but everything else works fine
Connected Precision Accounting Software
Running client software fine under Snow Leopard 10.6. Server is still running Leopard 10.5.8.
OS X Utility
Current Contactizer 3.8 public beta is fully compatible
ContentBarrier X5
Contour Shuttle
(No comment)
Fails to find controller, Fails when re-installing
Does not work when booted into 64 bit kernal mode
not available yet
CopyPaste Pro
New version 2.294 is now working fine under Snow Leopard
Corel Painter
If someone can test this out, that'll be great. It works fine for me
Corel Painter
Works according to:
Coriolis CDMaker
(No comment / FR loc / )
Notes Works with Rosetta enabled for this specific app. ()
Use a copy of Safari in 32-bit mode
RC1.2 (1.997)
launches and works, but crashes on return from fullscreen-view
Cover Stream
CrashPlan PRO
No obvious upgrade for the June 2009 PRO version but the client seems to run without error.
CrashPlan is ready for Snow Leopard. 64 bit, new I/O layer. If you're upgrading, run our uninstall script 1st (say y to all)
Crepuscular Life.saver
(No comment / )
Cro Mag Rally
(No comment)
(No comment)
(No comment)
CrossOver Chromium
Crashes on launch
CrossOver Games
Requires some Terminal work for it to run.
CrossOver Games
If you're running CXG 7.x, upgrade to 8.0.0 for full SL compatibility without workarounds.
Loads and immediately quits
Requires X11.
Choose check for update from file menu, and hold control key when clicking check for update button to get early access version that works with daemon mode. 4.9.9 coming very soon too.
CSci d'accord
Runs 1.3 times faster on Snow Leopard
(No comment)
Curse Client
Fails. Per head developer v4.0 is in beta.
CRASH ! - Workaround posted on website
Latest build works - see site
Version 3.3 beta 2 of Cyberduck works on Snow Leopard! Release notes and previous releases are available here:
Application Name
(No comment / )
(Currently DaemonFS for Mac is affected by a bug, which causes a crash when big directories are added to the monitoring list / )
Works fine, but don't forget to upgrade to the latest version
Fully compatible.
Fully Compatible
Part of OS x
Currently not working Update coming:
Data Rescue II
Dates to iCal
New version is fully compatible
Daylite Server
New version is fully compatible
DAZ Studio
DB2 Express-C
Database Tool, Java-based
Deep Freeze Mac
(No comment / FR loc / )
(No comment / FR loc / )
Default Folder X
(No comment)
Delicious Library
2.3 just released, fixes Snow Leopard issues
Delicious Safari
Workaround use 32-bit and new release coming soon
(No comment)
Works well, faster.
Desktop Tiles.saver
(No comment / )
Device Central
CS4 (2.0.0)
Devon Think Personal
Devon Think Personal
Devon Think Pro Office
Mail conduit broken
Diabetes Logbook X
Diablo 2: LOD
Mail conduit broken
32 bit preference pane - will ask for preferences restart to work
Works fine, fully supported.
DigitalColor Meter
OS X Utility
Digital Performer
Will crash if you attempt to load an unsupported AU/VST (remove from system) also, may have issues with files saved before OS upgrade.
Digital Performer
Digital Sentry
Director MX 2004
Disc Cover
Disc Cover RE
Doesn't work at all under SL
DiscoXT Std
(No comment)
DiscoBrick iTunes Plugin
Runs normally.
Disctop Pro
(No comment / FR loc / )
Disk Inventory X
1.0 Doesn't work but 1.0 Universal Beta does
Can't add any new discs to the database. Crashes in Rosetta
New beta release apparently addresses issues adding new discs to database in Snow Leopard - being tested
DiskTools Pro
Disk Utility
OS X Utility
Free updater available to update to 4.2
Disney Pixar: Ratatouille by THQ
Software does not start. I am using the German edition, translated error message: You can not use this version of the software "Rat" with this version of Mac OS X, You use Rat unknown. This incompatibility is also documented here
Disney Pixar: The Incredibles - Rise of the Underminer by THQ
According to documentation , seems defunct
German edition, Software starts loading and then quits unexpectedly after showing the copyright notice and the load indicator
with Rosetta
District 9 Screensaver
Application not moved on install, not removed from screensavers list, error message if you try to run it
Worked playing video however might need an additional audio decoder to play the soundtrack of this file
(No comment / FR loc / )
(No comment / FR loc / )
Works to change dock once, did not test more than one change, change stays. Developer no longer in business since 16.9.09
Works as well as in plain old Leopard
(Do not run properly / )
It seems to be working
Hides/shows apps from dock, but some buttons (Relaunch / Quit) on main window don't work.
Mail Addon
Only seems to work reliably with one instance set at "Normal" level. Dev claims new version is on the way.
Vendor claims latest release works
(No comment / FR loc / )
Doomsday Engine
4.3.0 Build 3
Update broke QuickT not sure if these guys are even still in business, as they haven't returned e-mails. Bummer: $80 wasted….
Double Command
In 32-bit only
Drive Genius 2
Full Snow Leopard support!
DSS Player
Player for Olympus recorders
DSW (Do Something When)
"On application launch", "on application quit" and "on mount" all tested by developer on 10.6 and no problems seen.
Duke Nukem 3D
if rosetta is installed, runs just fine
(No comment / )
(No comment / )
DVD Remaster
DVD Imager
hangs at start of imaging
DVDManager Pro
DVD Player
Part of OS x
DxO Optics Pro
Any version
PACE Interlok framework broken. Won't work. DxO support says they have no plan to support 10.6.
DxO Optics Pro
The "Select" tab will not work on 10.6. DxO Labs is working on a version of DxO Optics Pro compatible with Snow Leopard. The date of availability is not known yet. For details and workarounds, see:
Dymo Label Software
Supports: LabelWriter 450 Series, 400 Series, 4XL, LabelWriter 310 (models 9 & 93034 ONLY), LabelWriter 315 (model 90975 ONLY), LabelWriter 320 (models 9 & 93036 ONLY), LabelWriter 330 (model 90891 & 93037 USB ONLY), LabelWriter 330 Turbo (models 9 & 93038, USB ONLY), LabelManager PCII, LabelManager 450, LabelManager 450D, LabelPoint 350. LW300 series labelwriters that are NOT listed have an old unsupported USB chipset, so will not work on new OS.
DYMO Label
Fully compatible. Avoiding entering registration information on Dymo's site by downloading from softpedia.
Dymo Label
"Unfortunately, LabelWriter 330 that you have (model 90792) is not supported with snow leopard. "
DynDNS Updater
Daemon won't launch automatically
DynDNS Updater
Daemon launch issue fixed
Application Name
Does not work. Have to upgrade to version 5.
(No comment)
beta 32-bit only 64 bit removed
I haven't extensively tested it, but it runs without crashing, maybe a little slowly. May require installing Java 1.5 since SL actually only ships with Java 1.6 (google installing-java-1-5-on-snow-leopard)
May require installing Java 1.5 since SL actually only ships with Java 1.6 (google installing-java-1-5-on-snow-leopard)
Works fine for me.
eFax Messenger
not working: Preview, Save as PDF; ok: Print
(No comment)
Electric Sheep.saver
(No comment / )
Works perfectly under Snow Leopard
Elgato Video Capture
(No comment)
Elmedia Player
Email Backup Pro
Emoji for iChat
emWave Mac Stress Relief System
Works great!
Emulator Enhancer
Encyclopaedia Britannica
Installing from the 2009 DVD works on 32-bit kernel mode
(No comment)
Engineering Aid
(Revised : October 18, 2002)
Epson Printing software
Easy Photo Print doesn't work properly
Epson Scan
EPSON Scan (2.7w)
EPSON Scan (2.7w) - 20 February 2006 Epson Scan doesn't work. Check and see if device is reco if so use Preview to scan.
Epson Scan
EPSON Scan (3.02E)
29-Sep-2009: version 3.02E works fine
Compatible since version 2.1.
v1.07 and later work fine on Snow Leopard. Earlier versions have various issues and may not launch.
Requires Rosetta
EVE Online
Apocrypha 1.5
(No comment)
Spotlight integration not working properly, synching issues as well
Issues with Safari Clipper in 64 bit mode, iSight Note broken, Quick Look broken, Firefox Clipper sends to web instead of app.
version 1.4.9
According to the developers, all issues have apparently been fixed. Look for update link on the blog (see link here on left)
Exif Untrasher
(No comment)
(No comment)
(No comment)
OS X Utility
Extensis Asset Management Portfolio Server 9
More info:
Extensis Font Doctor
More info:
Extensis Font Reserve Client
Replaced by Universal Type Server 2. More info:
Extensis Font Reserve Server
Replaced by Universal Type Server 2. More info:
Extensis Portfolio Server
Replaced by Portfolio Server 9. More info:
Extensis Portfolio NetPublish
Replaced by Portfolio Server 9 NetPublish. More info:
Extensis Portfolio Server 9 Desktop Client
More info:
Extensis Portfolio Server 9 NetPublish
More info:
Extensis Portfolio Server
Replaced by Portfolio Server 9. More info:
Extensis Portfolio Stand-Alone
More info:
Extensis Suitcase Client X1
Replaced by Universal Type Server 2. More info:
Extensis Suitcase Fusion 2
Compatibility with Mac OS X 10.6 (Snow Leopard). Support for TrueType Collection (.ttc) fonts, including updated Snow Leopard system fonts. Import and export of font sets. Additional improvements and fixed issues. More info:
Extensis Suitcase Fusion
Replaced by Suitcase Fusion 2. More info:
Extensis Suitcase Server X1
Replaced by Universal Type Server 2. More info:
Extensis Universal Type Client 2
More info:
Extensis Universal Type Client
Replaced by Universal Type Client 2. More info:
Extensis Universal Type Server 2 Lite
More info:
Extensis Universal Type Server 2 Pro
More info:
Extensis Universal Type Server
Replaced by Universal Type Server 2. More info:
ExtremeZ-IP File and Print Server
Updated for Snow Leopard. More info:
Eye-Fi Manager
(No comment)
Eye-One Match
ProfileReminder fails to detect valid profiles. At least one user reported that the colorimeter may not be recognized in some cases.
Eye-One Match
EyeTV Lite
1.3.2 (5247)
(No comment)
2.5.3 (3313)
Remote control problems. Using the play/pause and menu buttons when using EyeTV trigger Front Row and iTunes at the same time.
3.1.2 (5237)
Some users are experiencing di refer to
to get a beta preview of version 3.1.3
Application Name
(No comment / )
Fairy Tower
Version 1.1.7
Fallout II
Video broken on WWDC build
FAM Driver Tool
Fan Control
Seems to be working fine (first-gen, first-rev MBP) / Need 32-bit
Faronics Deep Freeze Mac
Works fine
Faronics Power Save Mac
Works fine, but System Preferences must run in 32-bit mode
FastTrack Schedule 9
FastTrack Schedule 10
10.0.0 beta
Requires Rosetta (showing prefs in List-View causes Finder-crash)
Works like a charm.
Works fine, Requires Rosetta
(Works fine / FR loc / )
(No comment / )
File Juicer
File Sheriff
(No comment)
(No comment)
Web Companion. Says : not enough memory or TCP/IP error
Works fine for me, though it seems the user above got an error
Pro 10.0v3 Advanced
Will not import Excel .xls files without R AppleScripts can break due to change from “open file” to “open”.
Pro 8.0 Advanced
Pro 8.5 Advanced
Presumably has same limitations as FM9, but my preinstalled copy works just fine.
Pro 9 Advanced
Requires optional Rosetta installation at time of Snow L do not install Rosetta from the FileMaker installer dialog.
Pro 10.0v3
Will not import Excel .xls files without R AppleScripts can break due to change from “open file” to “open”.
Printing doesn't work, though save to PDF does. See
Otherwise all functions work normally
install Rosetta from the FileMaker installer dialog. ||
Server Advanced 10.0v2
Requires optional Rosetta installation at time of Snow Leopard installation
Server Advanced 8
Server Advanced 9
Server 10.0v2
Requires optional Rosetta installation at time of Snow Leopard installation
No word yet from Limit Point
Causes sudden and abrupt logout
(No comment)
(No comment / FR loc / )
Final Cut Express
(No comment)
Final Cut Pro
occasionally freezes, occasionally crashes, sometimes require restart to run
Final Cut Pro
Works just fine.
Final Draft
Will require Rosetta
Final Draft
(No comment)
Fonts do not display correctly in some cases
Finale NotePad
Seems to work normally
Finale NotePad
Find Any File
Find Any File
(No comment / )
Beta 2.2.1 available - still not compatible
(No comment / FR loc / )
FineReader for ScanSnap
Error: PDF not created with ScanSnap
(No comment / )
works. I was able to recreate the index database by running fink index -f
I had to run 'fink index -f' to recreate the database. Then it ran.
Won't start
32-Bit, Crashes when clicked on "Help" menu, profile manager does not work.
"Help" menu crash seems to be fixed.
(No comment / FR loc / )
Application Name
FirstClass Client
Minor issues with attachment drag and drop, fix coming
Apple Mail must be 32-bit
Flash Decompiler Trillix
Flash Optimizer
Works fine
Works but is 32-bit at this time.
(No comment / )
(No comment)
(No comment)
Flickr Uploader
Erratic behavior including crashes
Flickr Uploader
32-bit. 64-bit beta update can be found
Remove QT7
(WMV Player / )
Appears to be working following update.
Song/artist info doesn't display correctly - everything else works
(. Just disable them for now / )
(Appears to be working following update / )
Flying ApplesX.saver
(No comment / )
New version 3.1 fully Snow Leopard compatible, including 64-bit support.
new version coming
requires update to this version
(Wants to close the session after modification of the folder / Do not seem to work / )
works fine
FONIC Mobile Partner
Application crash (EXC_BAD_ACCESS) on startup - workaround available (in German):
FontAgent Pro
Part of OS X.
(No comment / FR loc / )
A Snow Leopard update is in the works - about a week.
(No comment / )
(No comment / )
(No comment / )
Launches but findes no receiver
Works but expires Dec. 1st 2009
(No comment / )
Requires Rosetta
fotoKeyword Harvester
According to the developers, "FotoMagico 2.6.2 and FotoMagico 3.0.5 have been tested with Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard. The applications work, but ScreenSavers created with FotoMagico will not run on Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard. We are investigating ways to restore this functionality"
fotoQuote Pro
Frameline 47
Not compatible due to SQLite issue, fix coming soon
France Info
(No comment / FR loc / )
Free Ruler
Requires Rosetta
Free Ruler
probably needs Rosetta
(No comment)
app seems to work. screensaver does not - update to version 2.1 which fixes the screensaver for Snow Leopard
(No comment)
Freeway Express
Freeway Pro
Fritz.mac Suite
No fax goes out
part of OS X
Can be installed with
method. Music and photos work fine. However when you go to videos your get stuck in an "A problem has occurred" loop.
must be forced into 32 bit mode
works in 64 bit mode
Fruit Menu
- Expect an extremely long delay with no news
(No comment / )
Crashes Due start
Running fine
(No comment / FR loc / )
(No comment)
Full Tilt Poker Client
Fun Card Maker
Fundsupermart Widget
Works fine
Funtastic Photos
(No comment)
Application Name
Gallery Grabber QED
part of ILife '08
(No comment / )
Commercial designing tools for Mac OS 10.4.11 or later
Garmin ANT Agent
Garmin BaseCamp
Garmin Communicator Plugin
Communication with Garmin GPS just got easier Mac OS 10.4 or later with Firefox 2.0+ or Safari 2.0+
Garmin MapInstall
Garmin maps require Mac OS 10.4 or later 512&MB RAM
Garmin MapManager
Garmin POI Loader
Garmin RoadTrip
Transfer waypoints, tracks, and routes between your Mac and Garmin navigation device. Recommended Intel-based Mac OS 10.4.11 or later
Garmin Training Center beta
Garmin WebUpdater
Garritan Personal Orchestra (GPO)
according to David Viens, Plogue Art et Technologie, Inc. from a
in the northersounds forum.
2.1.2 works but in 32-bit mode. Have not tried the 3.0 RC5, yet. Some of your shell commands may be different. Shell command for CPU usage was changed but can be redone.
(No comment)
File save bug fixed.
GeoGebra WebStart
(No comment / FR loc / )
Works in both 32- and 64-bit mode.
GeoTagger 2
(No comment)
Get Backup
Get Backup 2
(No comment / FR loc / )
Get Backup 2
(No comment / FR loc / )
(No comment)
(Does not work / )
previous versions are not compatible
Plz somebody try it Works great!
(No comment / FR loc / )
(No comment / FR loc / )
Gizmo Project
(No comment)
(No comment)
(No comment)
Beta test - see note
1.0b21 is being tested and works in Snow Leopard -
(No comment / )
Globe Trotter Connect
EDIT from 13th September 2009 Driver Update is available now!!! GlobeTrotter Connect Software is OK, but you have to install the new Driver for your Datacard the version no. is 2.15.0
GO-GLOBAL Mac Client
No issues so far.
Version 4.5 first universal binary. Older versions run under Rosetta.
Google AppEngineLauncher
(No comment)
Google Chrome
(No comment)
Google Chrome
(No comment / FR loc / )
Google Chrome
(No comment / FR loc / )
Google Desktop
Not Supported
Google Earth
Google Earth (beta)
(No comment / FR loc / )
Google Gears
Google Gears for Firefox is OK. Google Gears for Safari/WebKit doesn't work. Workaround:
Google Notifier
(No comment)
Google Picasa
Google SketchUp
Google SketchUp
Dev hasn't yet officially confirmed it's ok, but seems to work fine.
Express Expert 185
Expert and Customer work under SL, tested 03/09/09
Corporate 9.0 build 570
When trying to start a session from Safari, you get an error page can not refresh and the download does not finish therefore the session doesn't start
Works great for pretty much everything EXCEPT Keynote:
1.2.0 (v56)
Developer does not currently plan to update for Snow Leopard
GPS Assistant
Works fine with Snow Leopard
OS X Utility
(No comment / )
OS X Utility
(No comment)
(No comment)
Gridiron Flow
Release "imminent".
Versions prior to 1.2 final had various issues
(No comment / )
Guitar Pro
Banckle Online Meeting
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