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IELTS Sample essays (IELTS Writing Task 2)
The Writing Task 2 of the
IELTS test requires you to write at least 250 words. You will be presented
with a topic and will be tested on your ability to respond by giving and justifying
an opinion, discussing the topic, summarizing details, outlining problems, identifying
possible solutions and supporting what you write with reasons, arguments and relevant
examples from your own knowledge or experience.
The assessment of Task 2 carries more weight in marking than Task 1. Writing scripts
are marked by trained and certificated IELTS examiners, who all hold relevant teaching
qualifications and are recruited as examiners by the test centres and approved by
British Council or IDP: IELTS Australia.
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Exam Preparation
Practical skills
The Internet
Children and toys
Relationship with neighbours
Hits: 114330
Climate change
Media Coverage of Celebrities
Women and high-level positions in companies
Private cars and the level of pollution
Athletes, Role Models
Freedom of speech
Women and the army
Machine translation
Private lives of famous people
Undervalued jobs
Children and parents
Multinational companies
Movement of People
Hits: 432482
Hits: 381007
Leisure time
Influence of the media
Hits: 250686
IELTS Preparation
IELTS Sample Charts (IELTS Writing Task 1)
The Writing Task 1 of the IELTS Academic test requires you to write a summary of at least 150 words in response to a particular graph (bar, line or pie graph), table, chart, or process (how something works, how something is done). This task tests your ability to select and report the main features, to describe and compare data, identify significance and trends in factual information, or describe a process.
IELTS Sample Letters (IELTS Writing Task 1)
The purpose of this section is to help you with the Writing Task 1
of the IELTS General test. In Task 1, candidates are asked to respond
to a given problem with a letter requesting information or explaining a situation.
It is suggested that about 20 minutes is spent on Task 1, which requires candidates
to write at least 150 words. Depending on the task suggested, candidates are assessed
on their ability to:
engage in personal correspondence
elicit and provide general factual information
express needs, wants, likes and dislikes
express opinions (views, complaints etc.)
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你可能喜欢Sample Task 2 IELTS Writing Questions
On this page you will find examples of IELTS writing questions given in the IELTS exam for Task 2.
essay questions have been divided into common IELTS writing topics.
you can easily see and understand the kind of areas of knowledge you
will need to know about in order to help you do well in the test.
Some of the IELTS writing questions could of course be in more than one topic area.
A growing number of people feel that animals should not be exploited by people and that they should have the same rights as humans, while others argue that humans must employ animals to satisfy their various needs, including uses for food and research.
Discuss both views and give your opinion.
sports have become a hot topic for debate in recent years. As society
develops it is increasingly seen as an uncivilized activity and cruel to
the helpless animals that are killed.
All blood sports should be
Discuss the main arguments for this statement and give your own opinion.
Examine the arguments in favour of and against animal experiments, and come to a conclusion on this issue.
Government investment in the arts, such as music and theatre, is a waste of money. Governments must invest this money in public services instead.
To what extent do you agree with this statement?
is inevitable that as technology advances, traditional cultures will be
It seems that we cannot have these two things together.
To what extent do you agree or disagree?
are many types of music in the world today.
Why do we need music?
the traditional music of a country more important and should it be
preserved or is international music that is heard everywhere nowadays
more useful to a society?
Many old buildings protected by law are part of a nation’s history. Some people think they should be knocked down and replaced by news ones.
How important is it to maintain old buildings?
Should history stand in the way of progress?
Some people believe the aim of university education is to help graduates get better jobs. Others believe there are much wider benefits of university education for both individuals and society.
Discuss both views and give your opinion.
Education is not a luxury, but a basic human right and as such should be free for everyone irrespective of personal wealth.
Do you agree or disagree?
Some people think that children's free time must include educational activities otherwise they will waste their time.
What is your opinion?
examinations are the only effective way to assess a student's
Continual assessment such as course work and projects is
a satisfactory way to do this.
To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?
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countries have created many environmental problems in the World,
particularly in their contribution to global warming.
What can be done to reduce the dangers of global warming?
order to solve traffic problems, governments should tax private car
owners heavily and use the money to improve public transportation.
What are the advantages and disadvantages of such a solution?
Global warming is one of the most serious issues that the world is facing today.
What are the causes of global warming and what measures can governments and individuals take to tackle the issue?
Logging of the rain forests is a serious problem and it may lead to the extinction of animal life and human life.
Currently there is a trend towards the use of alternative forms of medicine. However, at best these methods are ineffective, and at worst they may be dangerous.
To what extent do you agree with this statement?
The percentage of overweight children in western society has increased by almost 20% in the last ten years.
Discuss the causes and effects of this disturbing trend.
Eating a balanced diet is the most important factor for a healthy life.
To what extent do you agree?
Do the dangers derived from the use of chemicals in food production and preservation outweigh the advantages?
of the medical problems that people are experiencing in today's world
are due to the fact that we have a very sedentary lifestyle.
To what extent to you agree?
Stress is now a major problem in many countries around the world.
What are some of the factors in modern society that cause this stress, and how can we reduce it?
Some of the methods used in advertising are unethical and unacceptable in today’s society.
To what extent do you agree with this view?
famous people treated unfairly by the media? Should they be given more
privacy, or is the price of their fame an invasion into their private
days, we are seeing an increasing amount of violence on television, and
this is having a negative impact on children's behaviour.
Do you agree or disagree?
Nowadays, families are not as close as in the past and a lot of people have become used to this.
Explain the reasons for this and discuss any possible effects it may have on society.
Smokers have rights too, so they should be allowed to smoke in public places.
To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?
Smoking not only harms the smoker, but also those who are nearby.
Therefore, smoking should be banned in public places.
To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Some people think that the best way to reduce crime is to give longer prison sentences. Others, however, believe there are better alternative ways of reducing crime.
Discuss both views and give your opinion.
Levels of youth crime are increasing rapidly in most cities around the world.
What are the reasons for this, and suggest some solutions.
There is an increasing trend around the world to have a small family rather than a large family.
What are some of the advantages and disadvantages of having a small family rather than a large family?
Overpopulation of urban areas has led to numerous problems.
Identify one or two serious ones and suggest ways that governments and individuals can tackle these problems.
In the last 20 years there have been significant developments in the field of information technology (IT), for example the World Wide Web and communication by email. However, future developments in IT are likely to have more negative effects than positive.
To what extent do you agree with this view?
use computers when they work or go banking, but some argue that it will
make people isolated and decrease their social skills.
To what extent do you agree with this viewpoint?
people think that computers are more of a hindrance than a help in
today's society.
Others believe that they are such indispensable tools
that they would not be able to live or work without them.
Discuss both opinions and give your opinion.
Nowadays many people have access to computers on a wide basis and a large number of children play computer games.
What are the negative and positive impacts of playing computer games and what can be done to minimize the bad effects?
you think that modern technology, such as the internet and computers
will ever replace the book or the written word as the main source of
engineering is an important issue in modern society.
Some people think
that it will improve people's lives in many ways.
Others feel that it
may be a threat to life on earth.
Discuss both opinions and give your opinion?
As people live longer and longer, the idea of cloning human beings in order to provide spare parts is becoming a reality. The idea horrifies most people, yet it is no longer mere science fiction.
To what extent do you agree with such a procedure?
Have you any reservations?
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