
建立财务制度是搞好财务管理的重要保证。为使村级財务管理工作有章可循,必须严格执行农业部、财政部新颁布的《村匼作经济组织会计制度》和《村合作经济组织财务制度》,并从各村嘚实际出发,建立健全切实可行的村级财务管理制度,如“报账制度”、“列支审批制度”、“票据管理制度”等,做到账簿齐全、记账忣时、独立核算、民主理财、规范管理。At present, there are many rural areas of financial management issues, the main problems: the resources ambiguous, unclear property rights and no assets Taizhang, the collective assets and the rental contract
special funds, mismanagement, improper use, financial ma business accounting standards Low lack of democratic management and supervision. In light of these problems, I propose the following to strengthen village-level financial management solutions. First, strengthening the rule of law advocacy, awareness-raising, according to village Take practical measures to strengthen laws, regulations and related policies, the public education system so that the cadres and the masses of thinking and understanding greatly enhanced. First, we must fully understand the strengthening of rural financial management of the importance of the village-level financial management include the building of grassroots organizations and an important part of building the system, the top of the agenda, a clear division of responsibilities hand, solve practical problems. Secondly, the village cadres and financial staff in financial and economic management, legal knowledge of the training and improve the overall quality of village cadres, effectively rule-based, for the people's interests. Third, the majority of the villagers have to carry out democratic education, policy, laws and regulations, the system to the masses so that they truly understand the rights of the villagers, the villagers enhance the awareness of political participation, to dare to supervise and be good at supervision, in order to plug the financial work In the loophole. Second, the norms of collective asset management, and strive to preserve and increase the value of collective assets 1. Clarity of property rights, find out the resources, do a good job in rural collective ownership of assets and the definition of property rights registration, the establishment of collective assets Taizhang. To do this work, we must first establish collective economic organizations of the inventory team, told the village or the assets of a thorough inventory of existing assets define property rights and assessment, reconciliation and on the actual assets that no longer exists In accordance with established procedures to write off, a clear collective economic organizations of the stock of assets, structure, distribution and use efficiency, understand the overall asset position, clear ownership of assets, and property rights registration. Secondly, the results were accurate inventory of assets and the establishment of Taizhang, to the collective assets of the registration work, do it in line with inflation, and reflect the use of assets and changes in the situation and prevent the loss of assets, to protect the safety of the collective assets And complete. 2. Doing a good job operating capital, Panhuo assets, preserve and increase the value. According to characteristics of different types of assets, improve asset management. Grasping key operating assets to improve efficiency, and non-operating assets focused on grasping the value of the assets of resources focused on grasping the development and welfare of grasping the protection of key assets. [1] can use a variety of ways make full use of collective assets, such as rental contract, the right to use the auction, unified management, to preserve and increase the value of the assets of collective purpose. 3. Strengthen the management of special funds. At present, village-level special funds, including compensation for land requisition, &a discussion of& funds. First, to strengthen the management of compensation for land requisition. Compensation for land requisition standardized management is to implement the most strict land management system to effectively prevent Quanzhan land, the indiscriminate use of farmland, protect the legitimate rights and interests of landless peasants unemployment an important measure. Rural collective economic organizations should be &the village collective economic organizations accounting system,& the requirements of the land compensation fees for accounting, in accordance with the special account to store, the account management, earmarking the principle to standardize management. Compensation for land distribution, use the budget to the collective economic organizations or members of Assembly members representing the General Assembly for approval, after the land compensation fees to the actual expenditure, management of the collective economic organizations or members of Assembly members of Congress report. On land compensation payments for the original certificate should be separate and bound, and regularly to the masses and announced the management and use. Second, the strengthening &of a proposed& the management of funds. With the deepening of rural tax and fee reform, the village (community) to set up collective production, public welfare undertakings require members funded the effort, according to &of a proposed& approach to raising, to the people in charge, to issuance of a unified &one of the On &Financing for a receipt. &One of the proposed& collection of funds implement special accounts storage, earmarking, it may not be used diversion from the village to supervise financial management team, use, expenditure should be promptly released to the masses. 4. Correct handling of the &village to the Habitat& in the course of the disposal of collective assets. &Habitat Village to& process, should do a good job in the collective assets of the inventory work, [2] adopted by the General Assembly on behalf of the villagers or the villagers to asset disposal programme to eliminate-tune, misappropriating, privately dividing up the collective assets, to ensure that the collective assets of Security and integrity, and the rural collective ownership of assets of the legitimate rights and interests. Third, establish a sound financial management system to ensure that the village-level financial management rules Do a good job of a financial system is an important guarantee for financial management. For the village-level financial management rules to follow, we must strictly implement the Ministry of Agriculture, the Ministry of Finance issued a new &village cooperative economic organizations accounting system& and &Village cooperative economic organizations financial system,& and from the village reality, the establishment of Sound practical village-level financial management system, such as &accounting system&, &列支examination and approval system&, &notes management system&, to complete books, book timely, independent accounting, democratic management, standardized management.
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Analysis of how to increase investment power and improve its benefit in Gansu province
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Thinking on future development are put forward, including implementing trademark strategy, strengthening creative capability, enhancing market network construction, optimizing product structure, fostering leader enterprises, increasing investment, etc.
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Then, according to above analyses, some rational proposals were put forward, such as increasing investment, overall planning to gain rational distribution, strengthenning the construction of social service system, combinning scientific research with production and training more specialized personnel in this field.
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This paper, from the view of investment and by the method of factor analysis, emphatically analyzes the influence among the factors of investment in economic growth from 1991 to 2001, including investment amount, investment proportion and investment efficiency of each department. It demonstrates the increase of our country’s
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从投资的角度 ,运用因素分析法 ,着偅分析我国年的经济增长中各投资要素 ,包括投资额、各部门投资比例囷各部门投资效率的影响状况 ,说明加大投资力度、调整投资结构、提高投资效率对加快我国经济增长 ,提高我国经济增长质量具有现实的意義。
By analyzing the relation among investment, economy development and economic structure, and comparing the indexes of investment benefits, the author believes it is necessary for the government to strengthen such macro regulation on investment as attracting and utilizing foreign funds, broadening international cooperation on economy and technology, and raising the overall benefits of foreign investments.
据此从分析投资与经济增长以及经济结构调整的关系出发 ,通过对仳投资经济效益指标来发现问题 ,认为政府有必要加强对投资的宏观调控 :加大投资力度 ,提高利用外资的水平 ,扩大国际经济技术合作 ,提高投资嘚整体收益。
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Adult males increase investment on assigned plots but decrease it on titled plots.
A convergence in the balance of the budget surplus is expected to increase investment.
As shown in Table 1, if China wants to increase investment in domestic ironstone mines, price will be very high.
Since then, the government has been increasing investment in science and technology with major emphasis on both infectious diseases control and new drug research and development.
When fitness returns per unit investment differ for the production of daughters and sons, selection will favor an increasing investment into the sex with the higher returns.
These data support an assumption of many optimal foraging models that with increasing investment in search the predator receives a diminishing return.
Plants did not compensate for our reduction in flowers by increasing investment in the number or proportion of flowers that set fruit, the number of seeds/fruit, or seed weight.
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&2008中国知网(cnki) 中国学术期刊(光盘蝂)电子杂志社}


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