work done 是什么意思? 下面为视频的单词是什么 service 英语解释。

compensation package
boardroom raw
compensation payment
compensation payment 补偿金
boardroom raw不知道是什么东东
薪酬包(compensation package)
—— 钥匙4461
compensation package:补偿条例,有时特指补偿金
boardroom raw这个请问你是不是打错了啊,是不是boardroom row啊?那是&董事会会议上的争吵&,如果你没打错我就不知道啦
compensation payment:补偿金
—— seven0825
CopyRight & 沪江网 2015&attendant和waiter都是服务生的意思,有什么区别,分别用在什么场合啊?
attendant [?'tend?nt]
adj. 伴随的
Flight Attendant:空中服务员|机组乘务员|空服员
staff attendant:员工出勤情况
waiter ['weit?]
n. 侍者,服务员
dumb waiter:送菜升降机|餐用升降机|小型送货升降机
bead waiter:侍役领班
—— 清丽舞韵
CopyRight & 沪江网 2015&帮我查查这八个英语单词是什么意思?翻译一下_百度知道
出门在外也不愁当前位置: &
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[hænd]n.手, 协助, 手艺 v.给, 传 Handn.汉德(英文姓)
Please hand on the magazine to your friends.
I am resigning as chairman and handing over to my deputy.
He asked for her hand.
Buckets of water were passed from hand to hand to put the fire out.
I only heard the news at second hand.
It was written by hand.
This clock has three hands.
Please hand me that book.
英英解释:名词 hand:
the (prehensile) extremity of the superior limb
a hired laborer on a farm or ranch
something written by hand
a position given by its location to the side of an object
the cards held in a card game by a given player at any given time
one of two sides of an issue
a rotating pointer on the face of a timepiece
a unit of length equal to 4 used in measuring horses
a member of the crew of a ship
a card player in a game of bridge
a round of applause to signify approval
terminal part of the forelimb in certain vertebrates (e.g. apes or kangaroos)- Springfield (Mass.) Union
physical assistance
动词 hand:
place into the hands or custody of
guide or conduct or usher somewhere
handhandD.J.:[h&#230nd]K.K.:[h&#230nd]n.1.■手2.■(钟表等的)指针The hour hand is smaller than the minute hand.时针比分针短。3.■人手, 员工We are short of hands.我们缺少人手。4.■有手艺[技能]的人5.■帮助, 援助He helps poor people with a free hand.他慷慨地帮助穷人。vt.1.■递, 交付, 传给A doctor and a nurse are handing my father from the ambulance.一个医生和护士把我父亲从救护车上扶下来。She handed me the timetable.她把时刻表递给了我。Hand me that book, please.请把那本书递给我。She handed him the list of names.她把那张名单交给他。Hand me the tools, please.请把工具递给我。With the words he handed Professor Wang a tube.说着他交给王教授一个试管。As soon as I came out he handed me a bottle of salted water.我一出来, 他就拿给我一瓶盐水。Hand me two eggs.给我拿两个鸡蛋。He handed each of them a shilling.他给了每人一个先令。It handed them a laugh.这弄得他们大笑。We were handed tickets at the entrance.在入口处有人把票给了我们。Please hand my book to me.请把我的书递给我。He handed the papers to the headmaster.他把文件交给校长了。He handed a letter to me when I went into the room.我进屋时他递给我一封信。He penciled the number on a card and handed it to me.他用铅笔把号码写在一张卡片上交给了我。It was handed to me yesterday.这东西是昨天交给我的。He hands the old granny upstairs and downstairs every day.他每天扶那位老大娘上下楼。He handed the business over to me.他把业务(的处理权)转交给我。
hand 在牛津词典中的解释
handnounthe end part of a person's arm beyond the wrist, including the palm, fingers, and thumb手she placed the money on the palm of her hand.她将钱放在她的手掌上。he was leading her by the hand.他牵着她的手给她带路。■a similar prehensile organ forming the end part of a limb of various mammals, such as that on all four limbs of a monkey(哺乳动物可以抓东西的)脚,爪■(W. Indian)a person's arm, including the hand(西印度)手臂(包括手)■[as modifier]operated by or held in the hand手操纵的,手控的;手执的,手提的hand luggage.手提行李。■[as modifier or in combination]done or made manually rather than by machine手工(做)的hand signals.手势信号。a hand-stitched quilt.手工缝制的被子。■[in sing.](informal)a round of applause(非正式)(一阵)鼓掌his fans gave him a big hand.他的崇拜者给他报以热烈的掌声。■(dated)a pledge of marriage by a woman(旧)(女性)允婚he wrote to request the hand of her daughter in marriage.他写信向她的女儿求婚。something resembling a hand in form or position, in particular(形状或位置)如手之物,尤指■a pointer on a clock or watch indicating the passing of units of time(钟表的)指针the second hand.秒针。■a bunch of bananas(香蕉的)一串■(Brit.)a forehock of pork(英)(猪肉)前腿肉(hands)used in reference to the power to direct something支配,掌管the day-to-day running of the house was in her hands.这所房子日常的事务由她掌管。taking the law into their own hands.将法律控制在他们自己手中。■(一般作 a hand)an active role in influencing something插手,参与,起作用he had a big hand in organizing the event.他在组织这次活动时发挥了很大作用。■(一般作 a hand)help in doing something帮助do you need a hand?.要帮忙吗?。■a person's workmanship, especially in artistic work(尤指艺术品创作的)艺术水平,工艺,技艺this should be a clue in attributing other work to his hand.这应是认为其他作品属于他的一条线索。■a person's handwriting字迹,手迹he inscribed the statement in a bold hand.他用醒目的字刻下了这个宣言。■[with adj.]a person who does something to a specified standard其工作能达到所指明的水平的人,有某一方面知识(或技能)的人I'm a great hand at inventing.我是发明高手。a person who engages in manual labour, especially in a factory, on a farm, or on board a ship体力劳动者(尤指工厂工人、农场工人、水手或船员)a factory hand.工厂工人。the ship was lost with all hands.船和全体船员都失踪了。the set of cards dealt to a player in a card game一手牌■a round or short spell of play in a card game(牌戏的)一盘,一局they played a hand of whist.他们打了一局惠斯特。■(Bridge)the cards held by declarer as opposed to those in the dummy(桥牌)(相对于明手牌的)定约人的一手牌a unit of measurement of a horse's height, equal to 4 inches (10.16 cm)一手之宽(等于4英寸,即10.16厘米,用来测量马的高度)verb[with two objs]pick (something) up and give to (someone)交,递,给he handed each man a glass.他递给每人一杯。I handed the trowel back to him.我将泥刀交还给他。■(informal)make (abusive, untrue, or otherwise objectionable remarks) to (someone)(非正式)谩骂;对…胡说八道;对…说令人讨厌的话all the yarns she'd been handing me.她对我胡诌的所有故事。■(informal)make (something) very easily obtainable for (someone)(非正式)使轻松得到,把…送入(某人)手中it was a win handed to him on a plate.这是奉送给他的胜利。[with obj. and adverbial of direction]hold the hand of (someone) in order to help them move in the specified direction搀扶he handed him into a carriage.他扶她上了一节车厢。[with obj.](Sailing)take in or furl (a sail)(航海)收(帆);卷(帆)hand in the main!.收主帆!。常用词组all hands on decka cry or signal used on board ship, typically in an emergency, to indicate that all crew members are to go on deck全体(船员)上甲板(遇紧急情况时命令全体船员上甲板待命的呼叫或信号)■used to indicate that the involvement of all members of a team is required[用于表示必须全体参加]全体出动it was all hands on deck getting breakfast ready.人人动手准备早饭。at handclose by近在手边,在近旁a mortar burst close at hand.一枚迫击炮弹就在眼前爆炸。■readily accessible when needed可随时使用,可方便地得到■ about to happen即将到来;即将发生a breakthrough in combating the disease may be at hand.抗击此疾病的斗争可能很快就会有突破。at (或 by) the hands (或 hand) ofthrough the agency of从…那里;由于…的作用tests he would undergo at the hands of a senior neurologist.将由一位高级神经病学家对他进行的检查。bind (或 tie) someone hand and foottie someone's hands and feet together把某人手脚捆在一起,把某人牢牢捆住by handby a person and not a machine由人工,用人力the crop has to be harvested by hand.庄稼必须人工收割。get (或 keep) one's hand inbecome (or remain) practised in something使自己变得(或保持)熟练give (或 lend) a handassist in an action or enterprise给予帮助hand in glovein close collusion or association密切合作;勾结they were working hand in glove with our enemies.他们与我们的敌人勾结在一起。hand in hand(of two people) with hands joined, especially as a mark of affection手牵手,携着手■(figurative)closely associated(喻)密切关联的she had the confidence that usually goes hand in hand with experience.她具有经验丰富者常有的那种自信。from hand to mouthsatisfying only one's immediate needs because of lack of money for future plans and investments现挣现吃,仅能糊口they were flat broke and living hand to mouth.他们完全破产了,过着仅能糊口的日子。[as modifier]a hand-to-mouth existence.勉强维持的生活。hands downeasily and decisively轻而易举并决定性地Swindon won hands down… 4–1.斯温顿轻松获胜…4比1。hands offused as a warning not to touch or interfere with something不许碰;不许干涉hands off that cake tin!.不许碰那蛋糕筒!。■[as adj. hands-off]not involving or requiring direct control or intervention不直接控制(或干预)的a hands-off management style.不事事插手的管理方式。hands-oninvolving or offering active participation rather than theory积极参与的,亲身实践的hands-on in-service training.边做边学的在岗培训。■(Computing)involving or requiring personal operation at a keyboard(计算机)(需)键盘操作的a hand's turn[usu. with negative](informal)a stroke of work(非正式)一件工作,一件事they sit there without doing a hand's turn.他们坐在那儿,什么事也不干。hands up!used as an instruction to raise one's hands in surrender or to signify assent or participation[用于命令某人投降]举起手来!请举手(用于请别人表示同意或表示愿意参加等)hands up who saw the programme!.看过节目的请举手。have one's hands fullhave as much work as one can do忙得不可开交,手头的事应接不暇have one's hands tied(informal)be unable to act freely(非正式)无法自由行动have to hand it to someone(informal)used to acknowledge the merit or achievement of someone(非正式)[用于表示认可某人的优点或成就]你(或某人)真行I've got to hand it to you—you've got the magic touch.你真行——简直是神通广大。in handreceiving or requiring immediate attention立刻得到关注的;手头的;须即时办理的he threw himself into the work in hand.他全心投入到手头的工作中去。■in progress在进行中negotiations are now well in hand.谈判现在进展顺利。ready in reserve可随时供使用的,备用的he had ?1,000 of borrowed cash in hand.他有借来的1,000英镑现款备用。under one's control在掌握中,在控制下the police had the situation well in hand.警察完全控制着局势。■(of land) farmed directly by its owner and not let to tenants(土地)自耕的(由所有者而不是佃户耕种的)in safe handsprotected by someone trustworthy from harm or damage由可靠的人保护的,安全的the future of the cathedral is in safe hands.大教堂的未来有了可靠保障。make (或 lose 或 spend) money hand over fist(informal)make (or lose or spend) money very rapidly(非正式)快速赚钱;快速亏钱;快速花钱many hands make light work(proverb)a task is soon accomplished if several people help(谚)人多好办事off someone's handsnot having to be dealt with or looked after by the person specified不必由某人处理(或照料)的they just want the problem off their hands.他们只想摆脱这一问题。on every handall around到处,四面八方new technologies were springing up on every hand.新技术如雨后春笋般到处涌现。on handpresent, especially for a specified purpose(尤指出于特定目的而)在场,到场,出席her trainer was on hand to give advice.她的培训师在现场指导。■readily available现有,在手头■needing to be dealt with待处理,需要办理they had many urgent and pressing matters on hand.他们有很多紧迫的事情需要办理。on someone's handsused to indicate that someone is responsible for dealing with someone or something由(某人)负责,由(某人)处理he has a difficult job on his hands.他有一件棘手的事要处理。■used to indicate that someone is to blame for something表示某人应该受到指责(或为某事情负责)he has my son's blood on his hands.他手上沾着我儿子的血。■at someone's disposal可由某人自由支配since I retired I've had more time on my hands.我退休以来有更多可自由支配的时间。on the one (或 the other) handused to present factors which are opposed or which support opposing opinions[用于提出两种互相对立的想法或观点]一方面(或另一方面)…a conflict between their rationally held views on the one hand and their emotions and desires on the other.他们的理性认识与感情、欲望之间的冲突。out of handnot under control无法控制,不可收拾without taking time to think不假思索地,当即they rejected negotiations out of hand.他们当即拒绝谈判。the right hand doesn't know what the left hand's doingused to convey that there is a state of confusion within a group or organization(指团体或组织内部的)混乱状态,行动不协调a safe pair of hands(in a sporting context) used to refer to someone who is reliable when catching a ball(体育用语)优秀接球手(指运动员)■used to denote someone who is capable, reliable, or trustworthy in the management of a situation(处理困难局面的)能手,好手;靠得住的人set (或 put) one's hand tostart work on着手做stay someone's handrestrain someone from acting阻止某人行动;使某人住手take a handbecome influential in d intervene起一份作用,参加;介入fate was about to take a hand in the outcome of the championship.运气将对锦标赛的结果起作用。to handwithin easy reach近在手边have a pen and paper to hand.身边带着笔和纸。turn one's hand toundertake (an activity different from one's usual occupation)转而从事(不同于平时的工作的事情)wait on someone hand and footattend to all someone's needs or requests, especially when this is regarded as unreasonable殷勤地伺候某人with one hand tied behind one's backwith serious limitations or restrictions在严格的限制下,在严重的束缚下at the moment, the police are tackling record crime rates with one hand tied behind their back.当前警察在严重的束缚下与创纪录的犯罪率作斗争。■used to indicate that one could do something without any difficulty轻而易举地I could do her job with one hand tied behind my back.她的工作我轻而易举就能完成。派生handlessadjective语源Old English hand, hond, of G related to Dutch hand and German Hand继承用法hand something downpass something on to a younger person or a successor把…下传(给较年轻者或继承人)songs are handed down from mother to daughter.歌曲由母亲传到女儿。announce something, especially a judgement or sentence, formally or publicly正式宣布(尤指审判结果);颁布hand something ingive something to a person in authority for their attention交上,提交,把…呈送给上级hand someone off(Rugby)push away a tackling opponent with one's hand(英橄)用手推开(对方阻截队员)hand something onpass something to the next person in a series or succession传递;把…传给下一个人he had handed on the family farm to his son.他把家族农场传给了儿子。■pass responsibility for somet delegate将(职责)转交(或委托)给某人hand something outgive a share of something or one of a set of things to each o distribute分发,散发they handed out free drinks to everyone.他们把免费饮料分发给每个人。impose or inflict a penalty or misfortune on someone使遭受惩罚(或不幸)hand overpass responsibility to someone else(将职责)移交(给某人)he will soon hand over to a new director.他将很快与新主管进行交接。hand someone/thing overgive someone or something, or the responsibility for someone or something, to someone else将(某人,某事)移交(或交托)给他人hand something round (或 北美 around)offer something to each of a number of people in turn依次向每个人提供a big box of chocolates was handed round.一大盒巧克力被向在场的人分发。
hand 在给力大辞典中的解释
handn.[C]1. 手She went to prepare him a meal with her own hands.她去亲手为他做一顿饭。2. (钟表等的)指针A watch has three hands -- the second hand, minute hand and hour hand.手表有三根指针――秒针、分针和时针。3. 笔迹, 书法[S]She writes a beautiful hand.她写一手漂亮的字。4. (纸牌游戏中)手中的牌; 牌戏的一盘I had a good hand.我拿得一手好牌。5. 一手之宽(合四寸, 用来量马的高度等)6. 人手, 雇员(指工人、船员等)They were mostly factory hands.他们大多是工厂的工人。7. 技能, 手艺The picture showed the hand of a master.这幅画显示了高超的技艺。8. 有本事的人, 能手[(+at)]He was an old hand at the job.他做这工作是老手了。9. 【口】鼓掌[S]Let's give the singer a big hand.让我们给歌唱家热烈鼓掌。10. 帮助[S]Could you give me a hand with the baggage?你能帮我拿一拿行李吗?11. 插手[S][(+in)]I had no hand in the matter.我没有插手此事。12. 支配, 掌管; 照管[P1]The child is in good hands.这孩子有人妥善照管。13. 方面14. 允婚Several young men asked for her hand.好几个年轻人向她求婚。vt.1. 面交, 给, 传递[O][O1]He handed me a glass of beer.他递给我一杯啤酒。2. 搀扶[O]He handed the old lady out of the cab.他将这位上了年纪的女士从车上扶下来。
短语词组:free hand1. 自行决定权He got a free hand here.他在这儿有放手处理问题的权力。at hand1. 在手边I haven't my book at hand.我的书不在手边。2. 即将到来He believes that the great day is at hand.他相信这个伟大的日子就要到来。at first hand1. 第一手得来的; 直接的I learnt it at first hand from my neighbor.我是从邻居那儿直接得知的。at second hand1. 间接得来地I have heard a lot about the war at second hand from my father.我从父亲那儿间接地听说了许多有关这次战争的事。bite the hand that feeds one1. 恩将仇报He had bitten the hand that fed him.他恩将仇报。change hands1. 易手That house has changed hands several times in the last few months.那所房子最近几个月内已转手好几次。eat/feed out of sb.'s hand1. 完全顺从某人I'll soon have him eating out of my hand.很快我就会叫他顺从我。get/keep one's hand in1. 熟习It won't take you long to get your hand in at cards.学会打牌用不了多长时间。get the upper hand1. 占上风I've got the upper hand.我已占了上风。give a hand1. 提供帮助He would always give a hand to anyone in difficulty.他总是给任何有困难的人提供帮助。hand and foot1. 完全地I am bound hand and foot by the rules of our organization.我完全被我们组织的规定束缚住了。hand down1. 把……传下去This custom has been handed down since the 18th century.这风俗从十八世纪开始流传下来。hand in glove1. 合作The police were acting hand in glove with the army to keep order in the country.警察与军队合作, 共同维持国家秩序。hand in hand1. 手拉手地The little boy walked hand in hand with his mother.小男孩和他母亲手拉手地走。2. 连在一起地Bigotry goes hand in hand with intolerance.愚顽与偏执相伴而来。hand on1. 转交; 传递Please hand on the magazine to Tom.请把杂志转交给汤姆。hand out1. 分给Hand out the pencils.把铅笔发下去。hand over1. 交出I've handed over my place on the committee.我已让出了在委员会的职位。2. 送交The thief was handed over to the police.小偷被送交给警方。hands down1. 容易地My brother always beats me at basketball, hands down.打篮球, 我哥哥总是轻而易举就打败我。They won the game hands down.他们轻而易举地赢得了比赛。have one's hands full1. 手头工作很忙I have my hands full.我忙得不可开交。in hand1. 在手头的I have enough data in hand.我手上有足够的资料。2. 在进行中The printing of the book is now in hand.这本书正在付印中。3. 被控制住The situation is now in hand.局势已经控制住了。lay (one's) hands on1. 伤害If you lay hands on me like that again, I'll kill you.你要是再那么伤害我, 我就杀了你。lift/raise one's hand against1. 威胁Don't you ever raise your hand against your father again!不许你再来威胁你父亲!off hand1. 当即We cannot give you a reply off hand.我们不能马上给你回音。on hand1. 在手头, 在近处There weren't enough snacks on hand for the party.为宴会准备的现有点心不够用。We have nobody on hand to repair your car.我们现在没有人能修你的车。I always like to keep a certain amount of money on hand.我总喜欢在手头备好一笔钱。2. 出席, 在场on one's hands1. 需要照管She has a large family on her hands.她有许多子女需要照顾。on (the) one hand ..., (and) on the other (hand)1. 一方面……, 另一方面……On the one hand they say they wish to reduce the cost of living, and on the other they increase the duties on a number of articles.一方面他们说希望降低生活开支, 另一方面他们又抬高了不少物品的税收。out of hand1. 无法控制His wrath got out of hand.他怒不可遏。2. 立即I refused it out of hand.我马上拒绝了。shake hands1. 握手They shook hands after their argument and parted as friends.他们争论之后像朋友一样握手而别。show/reveal one's hand1. 摊牌Don't show your hand too early.不要过早摊牌。take in hand1. 控制We take the matter in hand.我们控制了事态。throw in one's hand1. 承认失败They throw in their hand.他们认输。throw up one's hands1. 绝望My mother threw up her hands in horror.我母亲惊恐绝望。to hand1. 在手边I don't seem to have my book to hand.我的书好像不在手边。try one's hand1. 尝试I tried my hand at swimming, though it was the first time I'd been in the water.那是我第一次下水, 但我总算是尝试过游泳了。turn/set one's hand to1. 着手做He has been a star in everything he has ever set his hand to.他不管做什么事都很出色。wash one's hands of1. 洗手不干; 不再管I washed my hands of the whole matter.这一切我都不管了。with a heavy hand1. 严厉地He rules this country with a heavy hand.他对这个国家统治严厉。
词义辨析:同义:vt.给, 传递givedelivertransferpassn.人手, 雇员workerpersonlaborern.支配, 掌管; 拥有possessioncommandgraspclutchescentral powern.笔迹, 书法handwritingpenmanshipcalligraphy同义参见:servantsailorhelpersubscription反义:n.手foot
hand 在现代词典中的解释
handhand[h&#230nd]n.1.■手; (兽的)前脚2.■(钟表等的)指针; (工具等的)把, 柄, 臂, 摇杆3.■手状物; (烟叶的)一束; (枪托的)手腕部4.■人手, 雇员(指工人, 船员等)5.■手艺人, 技工6.■[pl. ] 握有; 管理; 控制; 有权力7.■支援, 帮助; 参加; 插手, 干预8.■手段, 技巧, 方法9.■书法, 字迹, 签名10.■面, 边11.■答允; 婚约, 求婚12.■手中的牌; 打牌人; 牌戏的一盘13.■一掌之宽14.■(织物, 皮革等的)手感15.■[口]鼓掌喝采16.■[与序数词连用, 表示事物的来源, 指经过...个人的手]第...手, 传递17.■方面, 侧方a light hand熟练的手艺a master hand高超的技术the upper
hand优势extra hands临时工, 短工odd hand做短工的人a legible hand清楚的字迹, 工整的书法at the left hand左边material at first hand第一手资料He is desirous of her hand in marriage.他渴望娶她为妻。词性变化handvt.1.■交给; 传 递2.■扶持, 搀扶3.■【航海】收卷(风帆)The boy handed his mother out of the bus.男孩扶着母亲下了公共汽车。handadj.1.■手的; 手用的; 手制的, 手推的, 手控的; 人工的继承用法handarmn.1.■手枪handbag[&#712h&#230ndb&#230&#609]n.1.■(女用)手提包2.■旅行包handball[&#712h&#230ndb&#596:l]n.1.■手球, 手球游戏; 手触球犯规hand-barrown.1.■两边有手柄的抬物架2.■手推车handbell[&#712h&#230ndbel]n.1.■【音】手摇铃handbill[&#712h&#230ndb&#618l]n.1.■传单handblown[&#712h&#230nd&#712bl&#601&#650n]adj.1.■(指玻璃器皿)吹制的hand-breadthn.1.■掌幅, 一手之宽(2至4英寸)hand-builtn.1.■手制handcrankn.1.■手摇曲柄hand-feedvt.1.■用手喂handgunn.1.■手枪handholdvt.1.■把握; 紧握词性变化handn.1.■手柄; 旋钮; 栏杆hand-jackn.1.■手摇起重器hand-killvt.1.■手工屠宰hand-knittedadj.1.■手编的hand-lettern.1.■手(工压)印字母handleveln.1.■【测】手持水平仪handlinen.1.■手钓丝handloadvt.1.■用手装填弹药hand-loadedadj.1.■手工上料的, 人工加载的handloom[&#712h&#230ndlu:m]n.1.■手织机handmade[h&#230nd&#712me&#618d]adj.1.■手工的hand-me-downn.1.■[口]现成的衣服, 旧衣物adj.1.■现成的, 用旧的hand-off[&#712h&#230nd&#596f]n.1.■【体】后卫传球组织进攻, 手递手传球handpick[&#712h&#230ndp&#618k]n.1.■手镐vt.1.■用手选出, 精选handpicked[&#712h&#230nd&#712p&#618kt]adj.1.■精选的handpostn.1.■路标hand-pressn.1.■手压机, 手摇印刷机handprint[&#712h&#230ndpr&#618nt]n.1.■手纹, 手印hand-pollinatevt.1.■人工授粉hand-rearedadj.1.■一手养大的hand-receivern.1.■手持受话器hand-rollern.1.■人力压辊hand-running[&#712h&#230nd&#712r&#652n&#618&#331]adv.1.■[方, 口]持续不断地handsawn.1.■小手锯hand-screenn.1.■(团扇的)扇面hands-down[&#712h&#230ndz&#712da&#650n]adj.1.■垂手可得的, 轻而易举的; 无疑的handsewnadj.1.■手工缝制的hand-shakern.1.■善于打交道的人hand-sortvt.1.■手拣, 用手分类hand-tightadj.1.■【航海】用手尽量使劲拉紧的hand-to-handadj.1.■逼近的2.■一个一个传过去的hand-workn.1.■精细工艺handwoven[&#712h&#230nd&#716w&#601&#650v&#601n]adj.1.■手织的hand-wroughtadj.1.■手工制成的handless[&#712h&#230ndlis]adj.1.■无手的2.■手笨拙的习惯用语a bad hand at1.■不善于...; 对(某事)不熟练, 不内行not much of a hand at1.■不善于...; 对(某事)不熟练, 不内行a big hand1.■[口]热烈鼓掌(通常与动词get, give连用)a good hand1.■[口]热烈鼓掌(通常与动词get, give连用)A clean
hand wants no washing.1.■[谚]清白的人无需为自己洗刷。A cold hand and a warm heart.1.■[谚]手冷心肠热。a cool hand1.■大胆而厚脸皮的人a crack
hand at1.■行家a good
hand at1.■行家a great
hand at1.■行家a dab hand at1.■[口]某项体育的健将; 做某事的能手a dab at1.■[口]某项体育的健将; 做某事的能手a dead hand1.■【律】没有让渡权的所有主a free hand1.■放手处理的权力a fresh
hand1.■生手a green
hand1.■生手a good hand at1.■巧[拙]于a poor hand at1.■巧[拙]于a hand1.■掌声, 鼓掌2.■一臂之力, 帮忙3.■(插)一手, 参与a nap hand1.■一手好牌, 有利的地位a numb hand1.■笨人all hands1.■全体船员2.■[口]大伙儿all hands to the pumps1.■【航海】全体船员参加抽水; 人人出力人人参加(斗争等)An empty handis no lure for a hawk.1.■[谚]舍不得家财换不来外财。A bird in the
hand is worth two in the bush.1.■得到手的才靠得住。an old hand (at)1.■老手, 内行an old Parliamentary hand1.■精通议会事务的人as flat as one's hand1.■很平很平的ask for a lady's hand1.■向某女子求婚at hand1.■在手边, 在附近;即将到来, 即将发生at any hand (=of all hands)1.■在任何情况下, 无论如何in any hand (=of all hands)1.■在任何情况下, 无论如何at first
hand1.■第一手地, 直接地at no hand1.■无论如何也不, 决不at second hand1.■第二手的; 间接的2.■旧的, 用过的at sb.'s hands1.■从某人手里2.■在某人手下bathe one's hands in blood1.■双手染着鲜血, 成为杀人犯dip one's hands in blood1.■双手染着鲜血, 成为杀人犯be even hands with sb.1.■向某人报复, 同某人算账bear a hand in1.■帮忙, 参加give a hand in1.■帮忙, 参加lend a hand in1.■帮忙, 参加bind hand and foot1.■紧缚手脚; 使完全没有活动余地bite the hand that feeds one1.■忘恩负义, 以怨报德Black Hand1.■黑手党; 从事诈骗恐吓等活动的秘密团体bring (a baby) up by hand1.■用人工(如牛奶)喂养, 养大by hand1.■用手的, 手工的, 用手递交的by the hands of1.■经...的手, 借助于, 依靠by the left hand1.■门第不相称的夫妇所生的2.■私生的by a strong hand1.■强制地by the strong hand1.■强制地with a strong hand1.■强制地with the strong hand1.■强制地by the same hand1.■(笔迹, 绘画等)出于同一手笔call
one's own hand1.■摊牌, 摆计划, 表态declare
one's own hand1.■摊牌, 摆计划, 表态play
one's own hand1.■摊牌, 摆计划, 表态show
one's own hand1.■摊牌, 摆计划, 表态call sb.'s hand1.■要求某人摊牌; 要求某人表态; 挫 败某人的阴谋carry it with a high hand (=take the high hand)1.■采取高压手段; 专横, 盛气凌人carry things with a high hand (=take the high hand)1.■采取高压手段; 专横, 盛气凌人change hands1.■(财产等)转换所有者, 易手chuck one's hand in1.■拒绝[停止]做某事clean hands1.■(通常作come out with clean hands, have clean hands)洁身自好; 清白无辜close at hand1.■在手边; 在附近; 即将到来, 迫近come to hands1.■到手, 收到(指书信)come to one's hands1.■到手, 收到(指书信)come the heavy hand (with)1.■强加于, 强迫...做某事cold hand1.■精明鬼; 百无禁忌的家伙; 厚脸皮的人cross sb.'s hand1.■预先付相金给看手相的人2.■贿赂die by one's own
one's hands1.■干不体面的事, 败坏名誉foul
one's hands1.■干不体面的事, 败坏名誉soil
one's hands1.■干不体面的事, 败坏名誉do a hand's turn1.■帮一点忙do not lift a
hand1.■不努力, 不动手试一下; 懒eat out of sb.'s hand1.■完全顺从某人, 唯某人之命是从feed out of sb.'s hand1.■完全顺从某人, 唯某人之命是从fall into sb.'s hands1.■落到某人手里get into sb.'s hands1.■落到某人手里fight hand to hand1.■交手战, 肉搏fight for one's own hand1.■争夺私利fold one's hands1.■叉着手, 袖手旁观for one's own hand1.■为了个人的利益force sb.'s hand1.■(在作好准备前)强迫某人行动[表态]from hand to hand1.■转手, 传递from hand to mouth1.■现挣现吃, 刚够糊口gain the upper hand of1.■占优势, 占上风get the upper hand of1.■占优势, 占上风have the upper hand of1.■占优势, 占上风get a big
hand1.■[口]受到热烈鼓掌get a good hand1.■[口]受到热烈鼓掌get a good hand1.■拿到一手好牌; 占上风; 取得优势; 有成功的可能have a good hand1.■拿到一手好牌; 占上风; 取得优势; 有成功的可能get hand1.■得手, 得势get into the right hands1.■落到适当[不妥当]人手里get into the wrong hands1.■落到适当[不妥当]人手里get one's hands in1.■开始熟练(某项工作); 做熟2.■插手get one's hands on1.■弄到..., 获得...2.■抓到...3.■揍..., 打...get oneself in hand1.■控制[掌握]自己get sb. under hand1.■制服某人get sth. off one's hands1.■摆脱某事; 卸除某事的责任get the hands1.■[美口]博得热烈的掌声get the whip hand1.■占上风; 处于支配地位have the whip hand1.■占上风; 处于支配地位give a helping hand1.■伸出援助之手, 助一臂之力lend a helping hand1.■伸出援助之手, 助一臂之力stretch out a helping hand1.■伸出援助之手, 助一臂之力give one's hand on1.■对某事提出保证give one's hand upon1.■对某事提出保证give one's last hand to1.■对...做最后的润色give the last hand to1.■对...做最后的润色put one's last hand to1.■对...做最后的润色put the
last hand to1.■对...做最后的润色give sb. a free hand1.■让某人自由行动[全权处理]give (sb.) a
hand1.■[口]给予(某人)帮助lend (sb.) a
hand1.■[口]给予(某人)帮助give sb. one's hand1.■伸手与某人握手2.■(=give one's hand to sb.)(女子)答应和某人结婚give sb. a glad
hand1.■[俚]友善地握手; 热烈欢迎give sb. the glad
hand1.■[俚]友善地握手; 热烈欢迎given under my hand and seal1.■经我本人签名盖章go hand in hand with1.■与...共同行动; 与...相配合; 与...一致; 与...结合在一起go through sb.'s hands1.■由某人经手grease sb.'s
hand1.■向某人行贿, 买通; 给某人小费grease sb.'s fist1.■向某人行贿, 买通; 给某人小费hang heavily on one's hands1.■(时间)过得缓慢而沉闷无聊have a free hand1.■不受约束, 可以自由行动[全权处理]have a good hand1.■有一手好牌; 占上风; 有成功的可能have
a hand in1.■干予, 参与, 插手take a hand in1.■干予, 参与, 插手have a hand like a foot1.■笨手笨脚have long hands1.■很有势力have on one's hand1.■手头拥有; 肩负着have (sb.) in hand1.■掌握, 支配(某人)hold (sb.) in hand1.■掌握, 支配(某人)keep (sb.) in hand1.■掌握, 支配(某人)have one's hands free1.■空着手, 无事干2.■可以自由行动have one's hands full1.■很忙; 碰到许多困难have one's hands tied1.■被束缚, 被牵制have sth. well in hand1.■完全控制了某事[某人]have sb. well in hand1.■完全控制了某事[某人]have the betterhand1.■占优势, 占上风have the whip hand of sb.1.■控制某人, 支配某人get the whip hand of sb.1.■控制某人, 支配某人hold the whip hand of sb.1.■控制某人, 支配某人have the whip hand over sb.1.■控制某人, 支配某人get the whip hand over sb.1.■控制某人, 支配某人hold the whip hand over sb.1.■控制某人, 支配某人heavy on hand1.■(马等)难驾驭; (人)难应付; 沉闷; 头脑迟钝的, 行动迟缓的; 枯燥无味的heavy in hand1.■(马等)难驾驭; (人)难应付; 沉闷; 头脑迟钝的, 行动迟缓的; 枯燥无味的hold in hand1.■掌握, 控制hold hands1.■手搀手hold one's hand1.■住手; 手下留情hold sb.'s hand1.■握住某人的手; 帮某人克服困难; 给某人以指导[支持]hold up one's hands1.■举手(投降), 认输, 屈服; 举手表示赞成[能回答问题]in hand1.■在手头, 现有, 在进行中; 在考虑中; 在掌 握中; 在控制中; 承担下来的, 负责办理的in bad hands1.■在不中用[可靠]的人手里in good hands1.■在不中用[可靠]的人手里in safe hands1.■在不中用[可靠]的人手里in the hands of1.■在...掌握中; 交托给; 由...处理[负责]; 被...控制in the turn of a hand1.■即刻, 转眼之间in the turning of a hand1.■即刻, 转眼之间iron hand in the velvet glove1.■外宽内严; 外柔内刚iron fist in the velvet glove1.■外宽内严; 外柔内刚join hands (with)1.■同...携手, 联合2.■同...合伙开店3.■同...结婚keep one's hands off1.■不要管, 不要碰keep a slack
hand1.■放松缰绳; 漫不经心地管理keep a tight hand on sb.1.■紧紧掌握; 控制; 管理; 保留(以备将来之用)keep one's hand in1.■不断练习, 使技能不荒废; 继续保持对...的控制have one's hand in1.■不断练习, 使技能不荒废; 继续保持对...的控制keep one's hand1.■牢牢地控制着keep a firm hand1.■牢牢地控制着keep one's hands in one's pockets1.■游手好闲; 偷懒kiss hands1.■吻君王的手(一种礼仪)kiss the hand1.■吻君王的手(一种礼仪)kiss one's hand to1.■向...飞吻lay hands on1.■得到, 找到2.■抓住(以便惩罚)3.■对...使用暴力; 伤害lay hands on the ark1.■亵渎圣物; 冒渎神圣lay hands touch the ark1.■亵渎圣物; 冒渎神圣lay violent hands on1.■对...使用暴力, 对...行凶2.■下毒手, 杀害lay (violent) hand on oneself1.■自杀lay hands on sb.1.■袭击某人; 对...行按手礼lay hands upon sb.1.■袭击某人; 对...行按手礼lie on sb.'s hand1.■(商品)在某人手中未脱手; (物件)在某人手中未用掉2.■(时间)使人感到无聊lie on sb.'s hands1.■(商品)在某人手中未脱手; (物件)在某人手中未用掉2.■(时间)使人感到无聊lift a hand1.■[用于否定句]费举手之劳(去做某事)lift one's hand against1.■动手打(人)raise one's hand against1.■动手打(人)lift one's hand1.■举手宣誓light in hand1.■容易驾驭的(指马); 容易对付的; 易处的(指人)live by one's hands1.■靠体力劳动过活live from hand to mouth1.■挣一天吃一天; 仅能糊口lock one's hands1.■搭扣; 搭钩lone hand1.■单枪匹马干事业的人; 独立采取行动 的 人lose the upper hand1.■失去优势make hand at1.■参加; 参与take hand at1.■参加; 参与Make no hand of sth.1.■不能说明[解释]Many hands make light work.1.■[谚]人多好办事。marry with the left hand1.■贵族男子和非贵族女子结婚; 和身分低的女人结婚near at hand1.■在手边, 在附近2.■即将到来, 迫近not much of a
hand at1.■对某事不熟练, 无经验; 不内行not let one's left hand know one's right
hand does1.■不要宣扬自己的善行Nothing is stolen without hands.1.■[谚]无贼不失窃。off hand1.■马上, 立即, 事先无准备地; 即席的; 现凑的; 随随便 便的off sb.'s hands1.■脱手, 卸脱责任offer one's
hand1.■伸出手来(准备握手)2.■向女子求婚offer sb. the right
hand of fellowship1.■同某人结交2.■同意某人入伙give sb. the right
hand of fellowship1.■同某人结交2.■同意某人入伙oil sb.'s hand1.■向某人行贿oil sb.'s fist1.■向某人行贿old China hand1.■(资本主义国家的所谓)中国通on all hands (at every hand)1.■到处; 四面八方; 从各方面; 一致地, 普遍地on all hands (on every hand)1.■到处; 四面八方; 从各方面; 一致地, 普遍地on either hand1.■在两边on
hand1.■在手头, 在手边; 现有2.■即将到来, 即将发生; [美]在场, 到场on one's
hands1.■由...照管; 由...负责on sb.'s
hands1.■由...照管; 由...负责on the advancing1.■在进步中on the growing1.■在进步中on the thriving1.■在进步中on the bow hand1.■离目标太远, 离题太远on the mending
hand1.■在好转中on one hand ... on the other1.■(hand)一方面..., 另一方面the one hand ... on the other1.■(hand)一方面..., 另一方面on the other hand1.■另一方面; 但是One hand washes another1.■[谚]有来有往; 互相利用。One hand washes the other1.■[谚]有来有往; 互相利用。
hand 在21世纪词典中的解释
hand[h&#230nd]n.1.■手2.■(脊椎动物的)前脚3.■(鹰等鸟类的)爪4.■(虾、蟹等的)螯5.■手状物;具手功能的东西6.■(钟表、仪器的)指针7.■(工具等的)把,柄8.■(香蕉等的)一扇,一把,一串;(烟草等的)一束9.■指示(符号)10.■猪肩肉,臀尖肉11.■人手,劳力;[用复数]雇员,职员;船员,乘员12.■有技术者,专业人员;行家13.■手艺,技巧,技能;手法;(手工)细活14.■[用复数]缰绳15.■(做某项工作的)人才16.■海员,水手17.■[常用复数]权力;支配,管理18.■(尤指谈判中的)地位19.■援助之手,帮助20.■参与,插手21.■拍手喝彩,鼓掌22.■(契约、信义等的)应允;誓约;婚约23.■(量马高度的)一手之宽24.■笔迹,手迹;书法25.■签字,签名26.■面,方面27.■工具;媒介,手段28.■立场;影响力;实力,作用29.■(织物、皮革等的)手感30.■【牌戏】31.■手中的牌,一手牌32.■参赛人,打牌人33.■牌戏的一盘34.■[用复数]驯马术;骑马术35.■【机械学】(轴向)偏差36.■[古语]提供情报(或给养)者adj.1.■用手(表示)的;手操纵的vt.1.■交,递;给,送,递送;呈送,递上(常与 up 连用):He handed me a necklace last night.昨晚他送给我一条项链。Would you please hand this letter to my wife?麻烦你把这封信交给我夫人。2.■帮助;搀扶:I handed him into his car.我把他搀上了他的车。3.■【航海学】4.■把(帆、旗等)卷起5.■使改变航向6.■[美国英语]【法律】上报(与up连用)7.■[废语]用手操纵;对付a bad hand at对…不内行,不善于…a cool hand厚面皮的人;精明人沉着勇敢的人a dab hand at[口语]做…(尤指体育项目)的能手(或健将)a free hand自由(权),自由决定(权)大方,慷慨a good (或crack, great) hand at (doing) something巧于…,对…在行a green hand生手,新手[亦作fresh hand]园艺技能[亦作green thumb]a hand[口语]掌声,鼓掌一臂之力,帮忙插手,参与a hand's turn[口语][常用于否定句]举手之劳a legible hand清楚的字迹,工整的书法a light hand精湛的技巧,熟练的手艺清楚的字迹all hands[口语]全部人手;全体人员,大家伙【航海学】全体海员,全体船员All hands to the pumps (或pump)!【航海学】全体船员都去抽水!大家都来帮忙!a nap hand【牌戏】肯冒险就能赢的牌冒险一下就获全胜的地位an iron hand in a velvet glove外柔内刚口蜜腹剑,笑里藏刀an old hand (at)内行,里手,行家an open hand慷慨,大方a numb hand笨蛋;无经验者a poor (或bad) hand at对…不熟练(或不内行),不善于(as) flat as one's hand很平的,极平的ask for a lady's hand向某女子求婚at first hand直接地,第一手地at hand在手边,在附近即将发生,即将到来,迫近在考虑中at second hand间接地,二手地旧的,用过的at someone's hands (或 hand) (或 at the hands (或hand) of someone)在某人手里出自某人之手,从某人那里bathe (或dip) one's hand in blood双手沾着鲜血,杀了人bear a hand出一把力,帮忙参与,插手[水手用语]干起来bear in hand管理,控制允诺坚持认为;指控be even hands with (someone)[苏格兰英语]同(某人)算账,向(某人)报复bind (或tie)hand and foot捆住手脚使受束缚,约束bite the hand that feeds one以怨报德,恩将仇报bridle hand左手(指持缰绳之手)by hand用手的,手工的由专人送的(婴儿喂养)人工方法的,非母乳喂养的手写的by the hands (或hand) of经由…之手,通过,用,由by the left hand私生的,非婚生的;贵族男子与下层女子所生的by (或with) the (或a) strong hand用强硬的手段;断然地,强制地,用暴力call one's own hand公开自己的主张(或意图)【牌戏】摊牌call someone's hand要求某人摊牌挫败某人的阴谋cap in hand毕恭毕敬地,卑躬屈膝地carry it (或things) with a high hand盛气凌人;专横跋扈change hands(财产等)易主,更换所有权(钱被)花掉chuck one's hand in[俚语]拒绝做某事clean hands两手青白,洁身自好come into someone's hands到手,收到come out with clean hands清白无辜,被宣告无罪come the heavy hand强迫(某人)做某事,强加于人come to (one's) hand到手;收到发现,偶然找到,偶然(被)抓到come to (one's) hands短兵相接cross someone's hand with silver (或coin等)见crossdie by one's own hand自杀dip one's hand in (或 into) the pocket (或purse)见dip?dirty one's hands弄脏双手,玷污自己(的好名誉)eat (或feed) out of someone's hand对某人俯首帖耳,完全受某人支配,惟某人之命是从fall into good hands落在好人手里fall into someone's hands落在某人手中;为某人所掌握(或占有、照料等)force someone's hand【牌戏】逼迫某人出牌迫使某人暴露自己的计划,迫使某人表态(或采取行动)for four hands【音乐】(钢琴曲)以四手联奏for one's own hand为了自己(个人)的利益from hand to hand传递;转手from hand to mouth刚够糊口,现挣现吃gain (或get, have) the upper hand (of)控制,掌握;居支配地位get oneself in hand克制(或控制)自己get one's hand in使自己懂行起来,开始熟悉(或掌握技巧)get one's hands on弄到,搞到抓到(某人并加以危害)狠揍,猛打get out of hand摆脱控制变得难以管教完工get someone under hand制服某人get something off one's hands摆脱某事物,免除对某事的责任get the hands[美国口语]博得热烈掌声get (或have) the whip hand占上风,处于支配地位give a helping hand助一臂之力,(向某人)伸出援助之手give one's hand on (或upon)对…作出保证,以名誉担保履行诺言give one's hand on a bargain握手成交give someone a big hand对某人报以热烈的掌声(欢迎)give someone a hand (with)帮助…(做某事),给…以帮助,帮某人一把give someone a free hand给予某人办某事的充分自主权give someone one's hand伸手与某人握手(女子)答应与某人订婚(或结婚)given under my hand and seal经我本人签字盖章go hand in hand with与…携手同行和一致,与…结合在一起;与…相配合go through someone's hands由某人处理;归某人负责grease someone's hand贿赂某人,向某人行贿付小费;给酒钱[亦作grease the hand of someone]hand and foot连手带脚一起,完全地(始终)辛勤地;周到地,殷勤地,无微不至地hand in (或and) glove (with)(跟…)亲密无间;(跟…)互相勾结hand in hand手拉手地连在一起,联合地;形影不离地联合的;形影不离的hand it (或the punishment) out[口语]严惩;痛打hand it to[美国俚语]给予…应有的信赖hand it to someone[俚语]赞扬某人,承认某人的长处(或优势、成就、优良品质);服某人;向某人致敬hand of God天灾;不可避免的灾祸hand of writ(或write)[苏格兰英语]笔迹,手迹;书法书法家hand over fist迅速地,平稳快捷地(爬绳、游泳等时)双手交替运用地[口语]容易地,不费气力地[口语](尤指钱)大量地hand over head[古语]冒冒失失地,轻率地,鲁莽地飞快地hands down容易地,轻易地,毫不费力地无疑地Hands off![参观警示语]请勿动手!不许碰! 别动!Hands up![美国英语]举起手来!不许动!hand to fist[口语]亲密地hand to hand(战争等)逼近地,短兵相接地,肉搏地hand heavily(或heavy) on one's hands(时间)过得缓慢而沉闷无聊have a free hand不受约束,得以自由行动,可全权处理,能够不受干扰地自行决策,能放手去做have(或hold) a good hand【牌戏】拿到一手好牌有可能成功,占上风,取得决定性的优势have(或take) a hand in(或at)参与到…中间,参加;与…有关have a hand like a foot笨手笨脚,笨拙have…in hand开始做,着手,开始控制,掌握;制服have long hands极有势力(或权力)have one's hands free没事做,空闲可以自由行动have one's hands full手里有许多工作要做,很忙,忙得不可开交have one's hands tied被牵制,被束缚,不能自由行动have someone's fate(或life) in one's hands掌握着某人的生死(或命运)have something (或someone) well in hand完全控制了某事(或某人)have the better hand占上风,占优势have the cards in one's hands见 cardheart and hand见 heartheavy (或iron) hand高压手段,严酷的手腕heavy in (或on) hand(马)难以驾驶的(人)难对付的;行动迟缓的,头脑迟钝的枯燥无味的Here's my hand upon it.我赞成。hold hands(表示信赖、爱情等的)手拉手hold (或keep) in hand控制,掌握[废语]a) 玩弄b) 将信将疑;抱着期望hold one's hand (或hands)罢手,住手,手下留情hold someone's hand握住某人的手给某人以指导,在精神上支持某人;帮助某人克服困难hold up one's hands举手投降举手同意(或赞同)in a dead hand【法律】(不动产)为无让与权的法团所有in good hands在可靠(或内行)的人手里;受到十分好的照料in hand在掌握中,在控制下在手头,手头现有的,可使用的在支配下的;在保护下的办理中的,进行中的;考虑中的;当前的负责办理的;承担下来的in safe hands在可靠的人手中in the hands of someone (或in someone's hands)掌握在…手中,在…支配之下,被…控制由…照料由…负责(或处理)in the turn (或turning) of a hand立刻,马上,顷刻之间iron hand in the velvet glove外柔内刚,外宽内严join hands (with)(与…)握手;(同…)携手联合(同…)合伙(与…)结婚,(和…)结为夫妻keep a firm (或tight) hand on对…实行严密控制(或有力的控制),紧紧抓住(或控制住)[亦作keep one's hand on]keep a slack hand放松缰绳放任自流;漫不经心地管理(事物),懈怠keep a tight hand on someone紧紧掌握(或控制)住某人keep in hand掌握,控制,管理保留,留存keep one's hand in不间断地练习以保持技术熟练,使技术不致荒废继续保持对…的控制权,继续过问keep one's hands in one's pockets懒散;游手好闲keep (one's) hands off不拿取不接触不干涉keep one's hand on抓住控制,掌握kiss hands (或kiss the hand, kiss the Queen's hand)吻(女)君王的手kiss one's hand to向…飞吻,给…飞吻last hand最后的润色;最后的几笔lay a hand on[口语][仅用于否定句或疑问句]动手打人lay hands on (或upon)抓到,拿到;得手碰至,触及;(主教)施坚信礼袭击;动手打人,施暴(对女性)动手动脚lay hands on oneself自杀lay hands on the ark亵渎圣物,冒渎神圣laying on of hands【宗教】按手礼lay violent hands on向…施暴(或行凶)杀害,下毒手lend a hand[口语]帮忙,拉一把let someone's left hand know what his right hand is doing合作者之间互通情报lie on someone's hands(商品)未脱手,没卖出,滞留在某人手中(钱、物)尚未使用(时间)令某人感到无聊,(时日)过得缓慢[亦作 lie on hand]lift a hand只费举手之劳,不费吹灰之力lift one's hand against (或to)动手打,伤害;攻击,袭击lift (up) one's hands (或hand)举手宣誓light hand巧手;熟练的手艺节制;温和light in hand(马)容易驾驭的(人)易处的,容易对付的live by one's hand靠体力劳动生活live from hand to mouth仅能


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